Matt Hardy is Gone from TNA, but...

You all wanna make cracks about how TNA performs at the same building every week. When your company was in its first 10 years they barely ever had a show outside Madison Square Garden. I know thats a bigger arena, but having no cable ( and barely any TV's ) greatly reflects upon that. Not to mention that both companies were born out of the NWA. And both companies, in their early years got their asses kicked by more popular promotions.

Actually, just to correct you on this point when WWE first started it was Capitol Wrestling Corporation started in the 1920's, then joined the NWA in 1953. They became the World Wide Wrestling Federation in 1963, Then the World Wrestling Federation in 1979. The reason I place these dates in here is to dispel you from this notion that the were only ever in MSG in their first 10 years, as it would have been truly incredible for , as an example, Bruno Sammartino to have made the first defence of the WWWF Championship in MSG, a whole five years before it was even built! Now WWE traces it's company back to the Capitol Wrestling Corporation which began as I said in the 1920's. MSG was built in 1968. So, in their first ten years, the arena they mainly used was Turner's Arena. I actually found, if anyone is interested a 1949 CWC match between Wild Red Barry and Angelo Martinelli at Turner's Arena. The description is quite interesting. Unfortunately, I can write this sort of crap, because I am an incredibly dull man, and a wrestling nerd; Which comes from watching my first match way back in the early 1970's when I was still just a kid.
This is why us wrestling fans dont really associate with the casual WWE mark. Cause WWE also has wrestlers that suck that get decent sized pushes. When WWE pushed their red head Sheamus, it was generally well recieved even though he was still green ( hes a lot better now ). But when TNA pushes its red head Crimson it's omg he sucks.

And I find it funny how WWE marks loveeeee to call Sting a joker rip off when John Cena has been ripping off Marky Mark/Mark Wahlberg for almost 10 years now. And hes gonna do it for another 10 years, where as Sting maybe has a year left?

Not to mention Cryme Tyme ripping off their backstage shopping segments from the Homeboy Shopping Network on In Living Color.

But WWE gets a free pass with this shit.... Why? Cause the WWE has the technology and bigger american fan base? I mean as shallow as that sounds, that is most likely the reason. TNA gets frowned up because of that. You WWE marks tend to forget, or perhaps not even know how your company started.

You all wanna make cracks about how TNA performs at the same building every week. When your company was in its first 10 years they barely ever had a show outside Madison Square Garden. I know thats a bigger arena, but having no cable ( and barely any TV's ) greatly reflects upon that. Not to mention that both companies were born out of the NWA. And both companies, in their early years got their asses kicked by more popular promotions.

So in that regard, why cant TNA get the free passes that WWE always got?

This is that hypocrisy that Dizzy speaks of, that most true wrestling fans know exists.

First... A Cena hating TNA mark who calls himself "Mr Ratings". Is that irony? It's strange. I've never met a single person who called himself a "True wrestling fan" who knew what the hell he was talking about. Congratz, the streak continues. You're actually going to compare where Sheamus was at to where Crimson is? Sheamus from the start at the build, the look (I'll admit a unique one) and the personality to justify somebody to think they can market this guy. Crimson whom you compare him to for the sole reason that he has red hair (Great job true fan) is nowhere near where Sheamus was when he got called up to RAW as far as ringwork, mic work or anything. Crimson looks like a bouncer at a strip club outside of Ft. Bragg. He's got the typical nu-metal butt rocker look complete with bad tribal tattoos and an awkward build that screams "I work out at home". He can't talk, he can't wrestle, he's only there because he has an interesting backstory thanks to his former profession.

And then this hypocrisy thing where you and your friend Dizzy keep comparing bad WWE guys who aren't going to cut it unless they improve vs bad TNA guys who will be main eventing ppvs within the year just so TNA can pretend they create stars. Which they don't. I'm sorry you don't like people you consider to be casual fans. That sounds like a personality disorder on your part and I hope that works out for you.

Comparing the gimmick theft Sting is famous for to John Cena being a white rapper or a comedy segment from Cryme Tyme? Jeez man, you're reaching. Sting's new t-shirt that says "Nervous?" (Lame btw) looks exactly like the Joker t-shirt that says "Why so serious?". It's not a nod or an homage. It's theft.

And Finally Matt Hardy... TNA made a mistake bringing him in in the first place. I bet this comes as no shock to the people inside the WWE as rumor has it he's been a little on the sketchy side for several years. The WWE would have gotten rid of both Hardy's but TNA knows Star power comes at a premium. Jeff Hardy fell into their lap because of his demons not because he always dreamed of working there. If he could do his drugs and work for the WWE I'm 100% certain he'd choose to work there, but that's not an option. TNA as a company is walking a dangerous line and it really is a tough decision. It's easy to fire a glorified jobber like Matt but what do you do when you've got a guy who could seriously help your company if only he could get his act together?
I attend all the tapings at the Impact Zone and have run into both Jeff and Matt at restaurants after the matches. Jeff is anywhere from normal to buzzed, but has things under control and is very nice to the marks. Matt is always so fucked up he can hardly walk. Once I went to the restaurant right after the matches and Matt was passed out on the lawn out front. Another time he was standing outside, or should I say weaving around trying to read his phone, once he gave up on it he could hardly walk. Both times it was about 20 minutes after the matches ended, so I'm guessing he started his drinking or whatever before he left the Impact Zone. I'm sure that didn't impress TNA management. It was a smart move to dump him, he was nothing but trouble. Showing up late to several events is what got him suspended, but I'm sure his other actions like YouTube rants etc added fuel to the fire.

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