Matt Hardy is Gone from TNA, but...

Since Rayne does nothing but post non-intelligent irrelevant crap, I'll reply to you instead.
If he was anywhere close to the draw that Cena is, he would be making a lot more money
We don't know what amount of money he makes.

and WWE would have hired someone to be with him 24/7 to make sure he doesn't do drugs.
We know this how? I damn sure don't think WWE would hire a probations officer.

Plus TNA would be a lot more over.
You can't be over when your not even on TV for months. Besides his heel turn on Impact (post-BFG) drew about 2 million.
Not only that but if you're "top 3" along with a WWE has been and a WCW legend (I love WCW but those guys aren't as over or prominent as the WWF/E legends) then you're NOT as over as the most over guy in the world.
He's over with every young kid out there. Nobody else besides Cena has a cult following like Jeff Hardy. That's why I would put him up there with Cena because they both have the same level of popularity, they both sell merchandise easily. He got TNA to appear on CBS talk show. That's pretty good pull.
They both have problems and are done in wrestling as far as I'm concerned as I have no respect for either of them and won't be able to watch them in the future because of that.

1. Jeff is still on the level of popularity and draw power of John Cena. He is currently listed in Top 3 of TNA merchandise best sellers along with Sting and Anderson.

2. He had a great run in 2010. He actually did something and made a career out of it. Say what you want about TNA, they actually made Jeff Hardy a legit main eventer and not another Rey Mysterio Token Champ like WWE had him at the time.

3. Jeff didn't disrespect the company by showing up late, telling fans on Twitter to ask for refunds because Matt isn't on the Impact Wrestling World Tour match cards.

Jeff never fucked up by getting suspended then fucking up on top of that.

Sure, Jeff made HUGE mistakes that will piss off anyone but he still did alot of good things for the company, for fans and he put in his time and effort when it came to traveling to see his wife, daughter and doing shows as World Champion.

He should have asked for time off instead of getting high or drinking before a match. But the point still stand, he didn't make a ass out of himself like Matt.

I was told, TNA signed Matt to also keep Jeff on a straight path and to keep his family support system alive considering Jeff has personal relationships with Shannon Moore, Velvet Sky. His wife, Beth is friends with alot of Knockouts there as well.

It was practically the perfect scenario for any pro-wrestler. Family, Friends, Pay, Less Stress, character freedom, etc. Matt Hardy found a way to ruin it for himself.

But, than again, Jeff did the worser thing which was showing up in a main event of a PPV intoxicated. I'm still trying to think as to why TNA still have him on their roster. If he doesn't get clean in a month, I can't see him being in TNA much longer.
Ok, I am sick of people saying that Jeff Hardy is worth the wait of getting cleaned up. Yes that is why he failed 3 drug tests and was fired from the WWE back in 03, came to TNA where he continued the same shit and was fired for being on drugs(again) and no showing ppvs, then goes back to WWE where he doesnt learn from his obvious mistakes and would have been fired again but instead decided to let his contract run out. Then not even a month after leaving he gets arrested for all the drugs found in his home. Hardy is nothing but a piece of crap that doesn't deserve any more chances whatsoever. TNA is so fucking stupid for even keeping him because he is never gonna clean up his act. He didnt do it in 03 or in 05 or in 07 or in 09 or in 2011. he is a fuck up that they shouldn't waste anymore time and money. In real life if a guy keeps commiting crimes and being sent to jail and getting out and being sent back to jail when do the police just say fuck it and leave em in there.
He's over with every young kid out there. Nobody else besides Cena has a cult following like Jeff Hardy. That's why I would put him up there with Cena because they both have the same level of popularity, they both sell merchandise easily. He got TNA to appear on CBS talk show. That's pretty good pull.

I disagree I would say Jeff Hardy has lost a lot of his fan base from wwe. I think a lot of Jeff's fans from wwe have forgotten about him. It's not like we saw a major spike in Tna's ratings ever since Jeff came virtually the same before he arrived. Right now Jeff isn't in the same league in popularity as Cena. Hell guys like Punk and Orton are much more popular than Jeff now.
maybe matt has been talking shit about tna on youtube like he did while in wwe? :shrug: either way him being gone isnt a huge deal jeff is slowly on his way out imo i think there waiting to see if hes gonna go to jail or not as his court case is getting non stop delays last i saw plus the fact jeff hardy is a big enough name to DRAW FANS before victory road jeff hardy had a cult following and im sure theres still a number of people who would love to see him back there
Well, in the grand scheme of things, Jeff Hardy has been something that Matt Hardy has never been and that's talented. Once upon a time, Jeff Hardy was actually pretty damn good at what he did. I'm assuming that the TNA brass is clinging to the hope that Jeff Hardy is going to be able to pull things together at some point in the future.

Matt Hardy, on the other hand, is mediocrity personified. The only times in which Matt Hardy has truly been relevant at any point in his career have all revolved around his brother. I don't know if Matt Hardy has ever had an attitude problem backstage in TNA but his behavior has become increasingly erratic. And, let's be honest, there's no reason for TNA to put up with it. Guys that have reportedly had attitude issues backstage, such as Kurt Angle or Jeff Hardy or Ric Flair, has been a different story because those guys are and/or were huge superstars at one point. Guys that have been and/or currently are big time players are always going to get preferential treatment compared to overrated hanger-ons like Matt Hardy. Might not be fair but,...ahh I'm sure you know the rest.
I wonder now if it could be a work or something. And they could have him and Jeff return as the Hardy's and become a tag team again. Something here don't add up. It seem's like this can or could be an example to TNA for what they did to Matt.

But remember Bischoff is famous or infamous for Controversy creates Cash!?!
I won't be surprised if this a work/scam and that we will see them BOTH back in TNA around or after Bound For Glory.

Not a chance. TNA may not be run by geniuses but can't be that stupid (can they?). There are much easier and effective ways to write someone off and work people without putting your company and your stars in a negative light. Absolutely nothing good would come from that.
The Hardy Boys have had a lot of great times and they have had some great lows. I don't wish ill om anyone so I hope they both assemble their crap and get their lives together and back on track no matter where they turn up, if they remain in the business.
I disagree I would say Jeff Hardy has lost a lot of his fan base from wwe. I think a lot of Jeff's fans from wwe have forgotten about him. It's not like we saw a major spike in Tna's ratings ever since Jeff came virtually the same before he arrived. Right now Jeff isn't in the same league in popularity as Cena. Hell guys like Punk and Orton are much more popular than Jeff now.

It's not that he lost fans. Fact is, WWE fans feel loyal to WWE and they can't watch anything else. When he debuted or returned back to Impact on March 8th and it was announced he was officially signed, I remember reading tweets saying:

"jeff hardy in tna...why jeff why"

"Jeff Hardy is a sellout, he turned his back on WWE!"

"I can't let my kids watch their favorite wrestler now. What a disgrace"

I swear on my Uncle's grave, these are the type of quotes you come up with from WWE fans.

Go on YouTube right now:

"Jeff was awesome in wwe. i cant watch him in tna cuz wwe awesome"

"Come back jeff. I miss watchin u in wwe, i hate tna"

This is the thing, TNA will never overcome. Their not WWE. The WWE fanbase will never accept anything other than that.

There is a good 40% that followed Hardy in TNA and were fans of his heel turn. WWE fans tuned in when it was posted on Twitter trends, Facebook and Dirtsheets that Jeff turned heel which is why Impact popped a 2.3 million amount of viewers for that episode of Impact and for 3 weeks straight drew 1.9 million.

After that, everyone didn't bother. I can't say it has anything to do with the storyline because It was pretty well done. It's just a shameful fact that people will appear to watch when a big moment happens and they will tune out because It's TNA.

Which is why Austin Aries can do a shoot on a PPV calling out "so called fans that watch this via. illegal stream. I hope you choke on whatever unhealthy food you are eating" and using the terms "Spotmonkey, vanilla midget" while CM Punk makes the entire IWC and WWE fans go crazy over him using exact quotes and breaking the foruth wall.

TNA had their wrestlers do shoots on Dixie Carter on how she didn't know how to run a promotion, business and even using the Internet nickname "Ditsy Carter" these are wrestlers in TNA shooting on her and where the company is.

But they got little to no credit from it. People will tell you, WWE rarely does shoot promos which is true but they did a ton of it during the Bret Hart angle. Speaking of that Bret Hart storyline, IWC and WWE fans had no problem with Bret beating Miz for the US title and even main eventing Wrestlemania against Vince McMahon but It's a problem for Hogan/Sting to face off or Flair/Sting. See what I mean?

Nobody really sees anything TNA does. WWE fans will find a hard time following TNA unless WWE dies to be quite honest when they have no choice but to get into it.

Jeff has done his job but it's not a massive amount. You have people loyal to WWE, you have fans that don't like TNA, you have fans that aren't aware, you have fans that won't let their kids watch TNA.

But I do agree, he's lost some steam and support here and there.
Matt Needs to Retire. No Semi Respectable Company is going to risk picking him up. He got fired from TNA and they pick up everybody. Unless he entera into WWE's Rehab facility I don't see him working anywhere else

His name is worth more than he is. He may get picked up by an Indy company wanting to fill a few seats using his WWE Fame.

Matt has an attitude and a drinking problem that he needs to address before moving forward.
Ugh Dizzy, seriously...forget about WWE fans and what they think and enjoy TNA since its your preference. Hate to break it to you but you sound like every hardcore WWE fan when you talk about TNA. Some of these WWE vs TNA arguments sound about as bad as Republicans vs Democrats. 2 sides of the same coin, but both want to be on top. I can watch both companies shows and never think about the other while I do, so why can't seemingly anyone else on here?
It's not that he lost fans. Fact is, WWE fans feel loyal to WWE and they can't watch anything else. When he debuted or returned back to Impact on March 8th and it was announced he was officially signed, I remember reading tweets saying:

"jeff hardy in tna...why jeff why"

"Jeff Hardy is a sellout, he turned his back on WWE!"

"I can't let my kids watch their favorite wrestler now. What a disgrace"

I swear on my Uncle's grave, these are the type of quotes you come up with from WWE fans.

Go on YouTube right now:

"Jeff was awesome in wwe. i cant watch him in tna cuz wwe awesome"

"Come back jeff. I miss watchin u in wwe, i hate tna"

This is the thing, TNA will never overcome. Their not WWE. The WWE fanbase will never accept anything other than that.

There is a good 40% that followed Hardy in TNA and were fans of his heel turn. WWE fans tuned in when it was posted on Twitter trends, Facebook and Dirtsheets that Jeff turned heel which is why Impact popped a 2.3 million amount of viewers for that episode of Impact and for 3 weeks straight drew 1.9 million.

After that, everyone didn't bother. I can't say it has anything to do with the storyline because It was pretty well done. It's just a shameful fact that people will appear to watch when a big moment happens and they will tune out because It's TNA.

Which is why Austin Aries can do a shoot on a PPV calling out "so called fans that watch this via. illegal stream. I hope you choke on whatever unhealthy food you are eating" and using the terms "Spotmonkey, vanilla midget" while CM Punk makes the entire IWC and WWE fans go crazy over him using exact quotes and breaking the foruth wall.

TNA had their wrestlers do shoots on Dixie Carter on how she didn't know how to run a promotion, business and even using the Internet nickname "Ditsy Carter" these are wrestlers in TNA shooting on her and where the company is.

But they got little to no credit from it. People will tell you, WWE rarely does shoot promos which is true but they did a ton of it during the Bret Hart angle. Speaking of that Bret Hart storyline, IWC and WWE fans had no problem with Bret beating Miz for the US title and even main eventing Wrestlemania against Vince McMahon but It's a problem for Hogan/Sting to face off or Flair/Sting. See what I mean?

Nobody really sees anything TNA does. WWE fans will find a hard time following TNA unless WWE dies to be quite honest when they have no choice but to get into it.

Jeff has done his job but it's not a massive amount. You have people loyal to WWE, you have fans that don't like TNA, you have fans that aren't aware, you have fans that won't let their kids watch TNA.

But I do agree, he's lost some steam and support here and there.

Well, look the old "if it was in WWE," bullshit TNA fan's always go back to. If it was in WWE, Jeff Hardy would've been released after Victory Road, or not signed at all in the first place. There would be a top face, and fans would tune in to see him. The raings would be higher becuase superstar's would'nt be turning face or heel ever 3 weeks, and WWE would be relying on the future, not a match that happened 13 years ago, that wasn't that good in 1997.

I though Jeff in TNA could've brought some ratings, or viewers for the company, becuase he was so over. But, they did nothing with him for 5 months, so that didn't happen. Also, with his drug courtcase, it was kind of stupid for TNA to sign such a person.

The reason why fans tune out, is becuase TNA brings nothing to the table that makes you want more. TNA's ratings and viewers say that much, that fans will watch one week, than won't the next. Not really strange considering atleast one superstar turns heel every 3 weeks. It's hard to get invested into a superstar, or storyline, when 5 people are face one day, than heel in a month. It has nothing to do with WWE fans, but more with TNA's product.

Fans tuned in to see Jeff heel, after the watched it for a few weeks, they went back to their usually thing. One interesting thing happened in TNA, but after three weeks that one interesting thing becomes boring.

TNA is'nt even that big of a known company. Alot of times guys like Kevin Nash would be in airport's and fans would walk up to them and say "hey, are you retired, where have you been the last few years?" It's TNA's own fault their not competiting with WWE and their own fault their ratings are low. WWE fans have nothing to do with it, maybe if TNA put out a product that was interesting, it would be bigger.

Plus, one again you mention Bret Hart winning the US Championship. Well, he didn't hold it for two months, did he? No, won it that night, forfieted it that night. It's not like he returned and won the WWE Championship 2 times. His time is up, he knows it. Also, Bret vs. Vince wasn't even close to decent in match wise but it needed to be done. It was done to end the Mr. McMahon character, and to end the 12 year rivalry these two had from Montreal '97. It was a mess of a match, but it had to be done.

You mention a "shoot interview," Austin Aries had, and compare it to CM Punk's. First of all, Punk's was done on a much larger scale, and on free television. It's was'nt a shoot interview, it was a rant. And besides, shoot interview don't happen often it WWE, TNA shoot interviews go around like air.

Well, Kevin Nash will probably be wrestling CM Punk, and I'm not at all happy about that. As a onscreen character, sure he's entertaining, but in the ring he's as broken as Undertaker. One big boot, and his knee's could be broken again.

So, no it's not "it is was in WWE," it's if it makes sense. You also have the TNA apologist who will praise anything TNA does. I'm not alway's a fan of superstar, match-up, or storyline, but I rarely see any TNA fan bash anything TNA does. But, if a WWE fan says one thing wrong about a TNA storyline, or superstar, the TNA fans come out like hawks with the usual "your a WWE fanboy, if you don't like it don't watch it." If somebody wants bash WWE, I'll happily debate and counter their points, but TNA fans will say "your a WWE fanboy," and run away from having a real debate.
I admit i have not read this whole thread but my two cents

Personaly i think Matt hardy got exaclty what he deserve no one no matter who they are or think they are should have the right to endanger another person life like matt did when he got behind the wheel drunk.

As for Jeff, i think unless he cleans his act up he needs to go to.
Jeff Hardy gets star treatment because he draws more then Matt does.

However it's not as if Matt Hardy "just got a dwi" he was already suspended from the company for something so he did a horrible job of earning the employers trust back so now Matt cost himself a job... Maybe he'll wake up and realize he has a problem now
I'm not sure if Jeff is even signed to a extension, he could be sitting out his contract actually. Go look at his Youtube videos, nothing about him says "I want to wrestle again"

Like I said before, TNA should just build the talent they have and I think they are just doing that. Rebuilding Joe, building Crimson, Gunner, Roode and Anderson. Forget about Jeff at this point.

I though Jeff in TNA could've brought some ratings, or viewers for the company, becuase he was so over. But, they did nothing with him for 5 months, so that didn't happen. Also, with his drug courtcase, it was kind of stupid for TNA to sign such a person.
He was signed before he got arrested or he was in a verbal agreement. You can only question them putting on TV.

The reason why fans tune out, is becuase TNA brings nothing to the table that makes you want more.
Umm plenty of people disagree with that.
TNA's ratings and viewers say that much, that fans will watch one week, than won't the next.
You continue to ignore the fact, WWE fans will not watch anything outside the company. That has a huge effect.

All company ratings are inconsistent. Don't pretend like both WWE and TNA don't get inconsistent ratings.
Not really strange considering atleast one superstar turns heel every 3 weeks.
Really? Lol

It's hard to get invested into a superstar, or storyline, when 5 people are face one day, than heel in a month.
Really? Kurt Angle was a face for 2 years. Anderson was a face for 1 year. He turned TWEENER not heel. He never pulled any heelish tactics besides joining Immortal.

How can anyone talk about face/heel turns when CM Punk has been face/heel for the last month. It happens. It's wrestling. Certain guys are natural in-betweeners and Anderson/Angle are those two. Nobody else.

Sting has been a face forever.

It has nothing to do with WWE fans, but more with TNA's product.
In America? No. If that theory was correct, TNA wouldn't be huge overseas and in other markets like Mexico.

Fans tuned in to see Jeff heel, after the watched it for a few weeks, they went back to their usually thing. One interesting thing happened in TNA, but after three weeks that one interesting thing becomes boring.
Says who? People who make it that way. I remember the entire beginning of the angle and none of it was boring. Reaction made the show alot better. If anything, the 2nd show after BFG was boring.
TNA is'nt even that big of a known company.
Spike TV would do that to anyone.
Alot of times guys like Kevin Nash would be in airport's and fans would walk up to them and say "hey, are you retired, where have you been the last few years?"
Casuals. Those are casual fans.
It's TNA's own fault their not competiting with WWE
Aren't you the one to complain they compete with WWE instead of focusing on their own product? Wow

and their own fault their ratings are low.
1.6 million viewers. Largest audience on Spike TV every week is their fault...Okay.

WWE fans have nothing to do with it, maybe if TNA put out a product that was interesting, it would be bigger.
Oh fucking please. The product right now is interesting but people find ways to make it difficult for their own taste. That's the damn problem.

SummerSlam has overbooking but it's awesome. TNA pulls a minor swerve with Angle hitting Sting with a chair and it's criticized. I mean come on now.

People find ways to hate the company or anything they do. The X-Division is reborn, Knockout Division has gotten back to it's roots, pushing new talent. Why the hell is that not considered interesting?

Plus, one again you mention Bret Hart winning the US Championship. Well, he didn't hold it for two months, did he? No, won it that night, forfieted it that night.
It does not matter. He pinned Miz. Period. If this was another scenario, it would be blown out of proportion.
It's not like he returned and won the WWE Championship 2 times.
I know you love WWE and all but do not deny that. He pinned someone, Miz didn't go over on him.

His time is up, he knows it. Also, Bret vs. Vince wasn't even close to decent in match wise but it needed to be done. It was done to end the Mr. McMahon character, and to end the 12 year rivalry these two had from Montreal '97. It was a mess of a match, but it had to be done.
Funny, It had to be done but you complain about Hogan/Sting or Flair/Sting when it has to be done. Or else, all of them being in the company at the sametime would be a waste.

Just saying.
You mention a "shoot interview," Austin Aries had, and compare it to CM Punk's. First of all, Punk's was done on a much larger scale, and on free television. It's was'nt a shoot interview, it was a rant. And besides, shoot interview don't happen often it WWE, TNA shoot interviews go around like air.
Umm. No. TNA started doing shoot promos last year since the Immortal angle. It's not consistently either.

Larger scale or not, It does not matter. It was done by TNA previously back in 2010. Of course, WWE doesn't do it but overreacting by calling it a new era?

Well, Kevin Nash will probably be wrestling CM Punk, and I'm not at all happy about that. As a onscreen character, sure he's entertaining, but in the ring he's as broken as Undertaker. One big boot, and his knee's could be broken again.
So, WWE is a retirement home? Kevin Nash, Undertaker, Big Show, Kane...I'm just kidding.

You may not like Nash wrestling but there is plenty of people who want to see it. Which goes into what I'm saying with the natural double standard.

the TNA apologist who will praise anything TNA does.
Um No. I didn't really like this past week's show despite a few things. I don't really like the Mexican storyline despite where I know what will happen.

I didn't like alot from 2010. I love what they did because they rebranded, made an effort to change their approach in many areas and they are pushing and creating different brands and styles. Signing young guys, getting behind homegrown guys. Which is what everyone wants right?

Crimson, Gunner, Robert Roode. Alex Shelly and Magnus competing for a potential World or X-Division title shot.

New X-Division talent, bring back the old Knockouts. Verity in PPVs, making Sting interesting, making Kurt interesting (Finally).

For the record, I was a huge WWE fan since I found wrestling and got into wrestling. Everything from 2005-2009 was unbelievable to me. TNA, I found out about back in 2007 and I hated it. I gave it a chance and when WWE changed, TNA grewo n me. I'm no blind mark because I dislike the way WWE is and the hypocrites fans are towards them. Plenty of wrestlers feel the same, hell even Batista isn't a fan of WWE anymore.
but I rarely see any TNA fan bash anything TNA does.
I'd show you some proof, this is false.
But, if a WWE fan says one thing wrong about a TNA storyline, or superstar, the TNA fans come out like hawks with the usual "your a WWE fanboy, if you don't like it don't watch it."
Not at all. TNA fans have a problem with the HYPOCRISY. TNA is getting criticized for firing Matt Hardy...When they were criticized for hiring Matt Hardy. Things like that are what piss off fans. Everyone has their own opinion.

If somebody wants bash WWE, I'll happily debate and counter their points, but TNA fans will say "your a WWE fanboy," and run away from having a real debate.
And, WWE fans don't bash people that like TNA who criticize WWE? I can throw names out if you want.

Since, you know so much. I love Mark Henry right now, brings me warm memories of that run he had back in 2005 against Kurt Angle on SmackDown.

CM Punk's promos are great. R-Truth's gimmick is sad but still entertaining. I'm intrigued by Randy Orton...What the fuck is his gimmick anyhow?

But I find it hard to believe or to like WWE when John Cena gets 1,000 title shots. He just lost a FAKE title but he gets a title shot when Punk held the REAL WWE title and he gets Kevin Nash? Booking like that would be called "Russorific" among other jokes. It's a double standard that turns people off from WWE. The product is dead beyond main event storylines.

There is nothing keeping you from caring about Rhodes, Jackson, Ziggler, Riley, etc. Then, fans brag about this "Youth Movement"...Jack Swagger went from Champ to Jobber. Sheamus went from solid main eventer to I have no idea. Barret is the same.

There is no consistency with WWE's pushes and EVERYTHING goes right back to Orton/Cena which is predictable.

Now, you understand the logic and thinking of a wrestling fan towards WWE and TNA.
Damn Dizzy, that was a long read. But to answer the jist of your comments... WWE can make a few booking errors and get away with it because their brand is popular, their stars are more popular and when guys do dumb stuff they get punished for it. Why don't people respect TNA? Because Crimson sucks, Gunner sucks, Angle looks like he just beat Cancer, not Sting. And let's talk about Sting for a minute. If all that he has left to contribute is ripping off another movie for his latest gimmick, I'll pass. And I often do. But I've been watching as of late as I'm always willing to give a product a 2nd chance, but all I see are the wrong guys being pushed and the guys who are pushed no one gives a rats ass about. But your answer to this will be "I don't think you watch the show!", which is what you always say.

Now on to the actual topic of the thread. Matt Hardy got fired because the only reason he was hired in the first place was to make Jeff happy. Matt brings nothing to the table and now has become a bigger problem than he's worth. Honestly I don't think Jeff will be around much longer either, but I'm sure TNA is holding out hope that he will somehow get his act together and come back as a model citizen. Odds of this happening are a billion to none, but we can allow them to dream can't we?
The fact of the matter is that Jeff Hardy moves merchandise for TNA. Matt probably not so much (at least not as much as Jeff does). TNA has Jeff Hardy action figures, t-shirts, hell....they might even sell those old wrist bands he used to wear (the ones that go from the hand all the way to the elbow). As crappy as it was, Jeff Hardy even had a custom World Heavyweight Belt for crying out loud. Could you buy a replica Jeff Hardy belt at I wouldn't be surprised if they sold one. Matt had what? A t-shirt? I don't even think TNA invested any money into making a Matt Hardy action figure. I think they only made one t-shirt for Matt, the one that said "Cold Blooded Matt Hardy" (or whatever). Maybe I'm wrong, but I seriously doubt it.

Other posters have already mentioned that Matt was "under probation" (or whatever) with TNA at the time of his DUI. Wasn't he serving a suspension or something? I don't even remember hearing why Matt was serving that suspension. That's how little Matt really matters (especially when compared to his more popular little brother).

The fact of the matter is that Jeff Hardy moves more merchandise for TNA (even while sitting at home) than Matt does when he is an active member of the TNA roster. TNA is happy just to be able to make money from Jeff's name alone, and that's the main reason Jeff will have a job to come back to (if he chooses to do so, once his court shit is over with). I hope that both of these guys will see the error of their ways, and will understand that they probably won't be able to "make it" in any other career (other than pro wrestling). I hope to see both of them (at least Jeff) back in TNA eventually, but only if they get their shit together. I don't want to see another Victory Road debacle, and neither does anyone else. Get well soon, Hardyz: PLEASE go to rehab, and come back to the ring where you BELONG.
Jeff has a job because hes got an ongoing court case and hasnt been found guilty yet, but no doubt when a guilty verdict comes he will be fired straight out the door.

Matt lost it years ago when he realised he was never gonna be a world champion and his little brother was. Matts style was less high flying and more technical and he never realy stood out.

I kinda hope Jeffro gets his act together, hes an incredible talent and its a shame to waste such a talent. If he got his act together i would love to see him return to WWE and help develop the future, instead of trying to snort the past away.
Damn Dizzy, that was a long read. But to answer the jist of your comments... WWE can make a few booking errors and get away with it because their brand is popular, their stars are more popular and when guys do dumb stuff they get punished for it. Why don't people respect TNA? Because Crimson sucks, Gunner sucks, Angle looks like he just beat Cancer, not Sting. And let's talk about Sting for a minute. If all that he has left to contribute is ripping off another movie for his latest gimmick, I'll pass. And I often do. But I've been watching as of late as I'm always willing to give a product a 2nd chance, but all I see are the wrong guys being pushed and the guys who are pushed no one gives a rats ass about. But your answer to this will be "I don't think you watch the show!", which is what you always say.

Now on to the actual topic of the thread. Matt Hardy got fired because the only reason he was hired in the first place was to make Jeff happy. Matt brings nothing to the table and now has become a bigger problem than he's worth. Honestly I don't think Jeff will be around much longer either, but I'm sure TNA is holding out hope that he will somehow get his act together and come back as a model citizen. Odds of this happening are a billion to none, but we can allow them to dream can't we?

This is why us wrestling fans dont really associate with the casual WWE mark. Cause WWE also has wrestlers that suck that get decent sized pushes. When WWE pushed their red head Sheamus, it was generally well recieved even though he was still green ( hes a lot better now ). But when TNA pushes its red head Crimson it's omg he sucks.

And I find it funny how WWE marks loveeeee to call Sting a joker rip off when John Cena has been ripping off Marky Mark/Mark Wahlberg for almost 10 years now. And hes gonna do it for another 10 years, where as Sting maybe has a year left?

Not to mention Cryme Tyme ripping off their backstage shopping segments from the Homeboy Shopping Network on In Living Color.

But WWE gets a free pass with this shit.... Why? Cause the WWE has the technology and bigger american fan base? I mean as shallow as that sounds, that is most likely the reason. TNA gets frowned up because of that. You WWE marks tend to forget, or perhaps not even know how your company started.

You all wanna make cracks about how TNA performs at the same building every week. When your company was in its first 10 years they barely ever had a show outside Madison Square Garden. I know thats a bigger arena, but having no cable ( and barely any TV's ) greatly reflects upon that. Not to mention that both companies were born out of the NWA. And both companies, in their early years got their asses kicked by more popular promotions.

So in that regard, why cant TNA get the free passes that WWE always got?

This is that hypocrisy that Dizzy speaks of, that most true wrestling fans know exists.
Don't forget TNA brought Jeff Hardy in when he had his court case(s) still pending. They can't just kick him out when they knew he where he was at when they brought him in. They probably thought (and possibly still do) he can get off and turn himself around and help the company out.

When Matt came in he had nothing hanging over his head, but he's pretty much been bitching since day 1, top that off with him turning up late and just being a prat and complaining about the company moreso than praising it, they probably thought he was more trouble than he's worth.
To be honest here, WWE makes more mistakes and has more ripoffs than TNA gimmick wise, the difference? WWE chooses theirs more carefully and when things go south they have been in the business long enough that they know how to cover it up beautifully. Crimson is too green to get a championship, true. Gunner sucks, false, Gunner has a terrible gimmick, but I saw him before he was Gunner and he was beating the likes of Davey Richards and holding the NWA National Heavyweight Championship for 2 years strait.

Vince McMahon, Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, and those were just three embarrassing champions, not to mention pushes given to guys that make you scratch your head. Alberto Del Rio? Every time he comes out in the expensive car I think he owns a huge pizza company and is bringing his opponent a hot pizza. He's a Spaniard who acts Italian...yea. So the WWE is not immune to stupidity.

Now on to Matt Hardy, why did anyone care about him while he was in TNA? Nobody did. Right now Sting and Ric Flair are on their way out and TNA is milking them for all they are worth. Sting came back because he wanted to work with Flair, now that is happening, safe to say Sting is about done. Flair's contract is about up, wait and see.

So it seems TNA is just milking the old guys right now and releasing Hardy just gets rid of a guy that isn't as good as he thinks he is, and that is a problem. Expect TNA to use up Flair's remaining dates and let him go to. The difference between Flair and Hardy? Flair is still damn good, and has a body of work that backs up what he boasts even at 60 years old, he is good and he is useful; Hardy...not so much, he's a druggy who has no uses.
This is why us wrestling fans dont really associate with the casual WWE mark.
I'm going to have a field day with this post. First, I love how you immediately try to elevate yourself by referring to people who agree with your argument, and by extension yourself, as "true wrestling fans". You aren't any better than anyone else on these boards based on what kind of professional wrestling you enjoy, so get off it.
Cause WWE also has wrestlers that suck that get decent sized pushes. When WWE pushed their red head Sheamus, it was generally well recieved even though he was still green ( hes a lot better now ). But when TNA pushes its red head Crimson it's omg he sucks.
Actually, when Sheamus won his first title, the boards were filled with people bitching and crying about Sheamus not being someone who deserved to hold a championship. But you're off on a "WWE fans do this, TNA fans do that" kick, so what actually happened doesn't matter. I haven't heard many people talking about how Crimson sucks. I haven't heard too many people talking about Crimson. He's another young guy getting a push. Maybe he'll work out, maybe he won't, but it's still way too early to tell.
And I find it funny how WWE marks loveeeee to call Sting a joker rip off when John Cena has been ripping off Marky Mark/Mark Wahlberg for almost 10 years now. And hes gonna do it for another 10 years, where as Sting maybe has a year left?
Yes, the "white guy wearing baggy pants" gimmick is so incredibly specific. I'm guessing you missed the 1990's where there were a couple dozen white rappers and DJ's of various fame who wore loose fitting shorts or pants.

You at least avoid defending Sting's blatant usage of a gimmick directly from a very popular movie. I'll give you that.

Before we go any farther, I haven't watched a WWE show in months. Spare me the 'you must be a WWE mark' stuff I'm sure is running through your head, I'm a mark for going after people with poorly thought out posts.
But WWE gets a free pass with this shit.... Why? Cause the WWE has the technology and bigger american fan base? I mean as shallow as that sounds, that is most likely the reason. TNA gets frowned up because of that. You WWE marks tend to forget, or perhaps not even know how your company started.
The only people who think the WWE gets a free pass are the die hard TNA/IW fans who think that there is some kind of real competition between TNA/IW and the WWE. They both suck right now, and saying "well the WWE does this" doesn't go one bit towards making TNA/IW any better.
You all wanna make cracks about how TNA performs at the same building every week. When your company was in its first 10 years they barely ever had a show outside Madison Square Garden. I know thats a bigger arena, but having no cable ( and barely any TV's ) greatly reflects upon that. Not to mention that both companies were born out of the NWA. And both companies, in their early years got their asses kicked by more popular promotions.
Madison Square Garden is the largest arena in the largest city in the media capital of the world, serviced by seemingly half of the subway lines in the city, serving a metro market of millions of people.

The Impact Zone might get serviced by one of those little tram cars that drive around, like little linked golf carts. You get free admission when you pay to get into an amusement park.

"It's a bigger arena" is just a tiny understatement.
So in that regard, why cant TNA get the free passes that WWE always got?
Because you have a revisionist idea of the history of professional wrestling and have reimagined history to fit in your own conceptions of fairness.
This is that hypocrisy that Dizzy speaks of, that most true wrestling fans know exists.
Dizzy ignores any questions he can't answer and pretends that ends the discussion in his favor. You're no more a wrestling fan than anyone else based on what kind of promotion you like, so get off this "true wrestling fan" bullshit.

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