Royal Rumble: Randy Orton vs. Jeff Hardy

To be honest I don't think Jeff Hardy is that bad on the mic. His promo the other night had the crowd going nuts. He is really over with the fans his high flying act is eaten up by everyone and I love it too extremely exciting. I think wwe should have him win so because orton winning is soo obvious. I don't care if it's just for the night and have orton win it back at raw the next night. Just surprise me for once wwe thats all i'm saying.
I think this will be a great match, the problem is Jeff has risen so quickly and there has not been a lot of time to promote him as a star. But think about it, Jeff diving off of everything is what people love to see, and him with the title means he will more likely than not wrestle the main event every week, and what does that do for ratings? People want to see Jeff's matches more than Orton's, the problem is Orton is good on the mic, and Jeff...not so much. I expect Orton to win....but Jeff will bring much better ratings if he wins.
Up until about last week I was thinking jeff had no chance whatsoever of winning, but now I'm not so sure. WWE typically tries to make the viewers believe taht a title is in jeopardy but very rarely does it work. Jeff has been getting such huge pops lately that it would almost make sense to give him the belt, just for a short reign. I'm afriad that if Jeff loses, the last few months that theyve built him up for will be wasted. Hardy may not be entirely ready for the main event but I think he's ready enough.
I think that jeff will most likely win the title at the royal rumble because of the push he is getting. I also think that he will then lose it to orton at No Way Out. WWE seems to want orton vs hhh as the main event at wm24. Also with the elimination chamber supposedly happening at No Way Out hardy doesn't have to pull in ppv buys so wwe might try him as champ for a short reign.
Man this is a hard match to pick a winner, when looking at it face value you think pft why you even asking Orton obviously is going to win, but Hardy is so over at the moment and he is on top of the world, but is that what WWE want you to think, do they want you to really not know whos going to win? Of course they do brings in money, so I would say Orton will wound up the winner of this one not sure if be clean win but you know! Could quite easily end in a no contest actually. I think Jeff Hardy deserves more than anything to win this match even if he just holds the title for a week, but sadly Orton will win.
As much as I've not liked Jeff Hardy these past few years, I am honestly starting to mark out for him. I don't know why...I really can't explain it....but I sort of like Jeff Hardy, now......

Anyway, for the match, more than likely Orton will get the win so that Hardy can be saved up to showcase his crazy doings during the MITB match at Wrestlemania, but then again, Hardy is over like noone else right now. If he were to go on and win at the Rumble, I would be both surprised and pleased.
Right now, it is CLEAR as day that Vince and the creative staff right now are setting up Hardy for a future title run. Doing actual mic work, high spots two weeks in a row ( the UNBELIEVABLE Whisper in the Wind off the top of cage vs Umaga, then the Swanton off the set onto Orton.) Right now Jeff is the centerpiece of RAW, and he seems to taking the and running. I would love for Hardy to win the WWE Title, been a fan of his for years. I think he would a fresh, unique face as the champion. Jeff's daredevil style and look could be marketable as Champion ( First and foremost, this is a business), but at this time, it just makes better sense to keep the title on Orton's waist leading into WrestleMania. As much as I don't wanna see it, I think it'll be Orton/Batista/Triple H for the WWE Title. But, the creative team needs to be careful with this ( Hardy/Orton) match. Make sure to set up Orton leading into 'Mania and not kill Jeff's push, cause I think Jeff's run is coming soon.
i think that hhh will win the 30 man royal rumble and he will face orton for the title at wm. Thats because he was suppsoe to get it against john cena at wm 23 but go injured. Or hardy will win and orton get the title back at no way out. then john cena comes back and wins at the rumble next year to get the title at wm25!
because of the push hardy is getting i would say that he would win. but then i think about him having the intercontinental championship and i dont think they would let him hold the wwe and intercontinental at the same time. it will probably end in a dq so they can extened the fued to no way out
What if the stuff about Orton feeling untouchable backstage and standing up to HHH and HBK is true? Do you think HHH would not push to get the title on Hardy to show Orton whos the boss(es son in law). I could see this happening if that is indeed true. But who knows what to believe anymore
Although I think it would be a good idea to put the title on Hardy at RR I think they should extend their fued. I say let Orton get a shady win at RR with Hardy putting on a good showing in the match. I would also let HHH win the RR match setting up HHH vs. Orton as the main event at WM24, or so we would think. The swerve would be to have Hardy win the MITB at the start of the show, then after Orton wins the match (of course with interference from someone HHH could start a post WM feud with i.e. Big Show) Hardy's music hits as Orton celebrates and he cashes in and wins the title. Tell me that wouldn't make a great WM moment.
Alright- Heres What i see. Hardy IS over....WAY over. The excitement he brings is unparrallel. excitement=ratings we all know that. Problem is Jeff went way too long as a Tag Team competitor before trying to make a serious individual push. Anyone who isnt a jeff hardy fan, the reason is they cant picture him being solo. When I see Jeff i see Matt...I see a TAG TEAM. Now im not saying that Jeff couldnt be a good Champion. Infact I think he would make a great champ, But he hasnt had enough time to make a push and be in any serious contention for the title. Look at Michaels and Jannetty. HBK didnt try and make a career out of being "one half of the Rockers". HBK wouldnt be successful if he pursued an individual career dressed as a Rocker. He did a COMPLETE makeover and when you look at him you do NOT think of Marty Jannetty....Am I right? I think so. So Jeff has it harder. I find it hard to not like him...Intercontinental ABSOLUTELY......WWE Champ....(with those mic skills, or really lack there of...)....i just dont see the WWE going in that direction RIGHT NOW........
Whatdya think??? ya feel me on that or what???
I see hardy basically dominating orton and as hardy goes for the swanton bomb someone comes and hits him causing hardy to win by DQ keeping the belt on orton and not actually making hardy lose... then i see hardy facing the person that attacked him at wrestlemania. In my oppinon it is too early to have Jeff win the belt, give it another year and i think he will be ready.
Wouldn't this be the perfect time for Jeff to win the belt. My reasoning for this is because WWE has got to the point that everything it does is just complete shit and too predictable, too many dq wins etc. It all just sucks! There aren't any other top faces on raw that can challenge orton for the belt at N.W.O (now that Lashley is gone). So surprise me for once WWE, just like when Edge first cashed in his M.I.T.B. at N.Y.R. 06. Give Jeff the belt for a short reign until N.W.O. where he could lose it back to Orton in a ladder match, do something, anything interesting for once! The WWE's product right now is just shit, just like TNA's.
I think Randy Orton will win this. I don't think Jeff Hardy is ready to be the champion, and especially by beating Randy Orton, one of the biggest stars at the moment, on a stage such as the Royal Rumble.

I think the only reason Jeff would win, is if it was to lead up to being a huge feud which would ultimately end at Wrestlemania with Orton winning, or Cena returning and an angle with that being involved. I think Orton and Hardy could have a good feud. I aren't the biggest fan of either of them but they have talent.

I think with Cena, an angle could work with either Orton or Hardy. If Hardy wins it would be a new feud and one I think we could get a lot out of. There would be a lot on angles to go with and we would be entertained. With Orton Cena could say he doesn't deserve the championship because he didn't beat Cena. These two could also have a lot of good matches but I hope Orton would retain the championship.
I agree i think this match should be used to test Jeff Hardy's main even status, he has been around as much as Edge and he has paid his dues. Not now but i would want Vince put the title on Jeff very soon by the end of the year
If the WWE lets Randy Orton walk out of the Rumble with the belt they missed out on a huge oppurtunity. I realize that Jeff isn't you ideal champ but the fans love him and he gives it his all nearly every match. I think there are a lot of ways you can get around this dilemma.

#1 is what used to be a common occurence but I haven't seen in a while... Jeff wins and pulls the upset at the Rumble. Only to have Orton win it back on RAW. It would give us a little taste with Jeff as champ which would be good to see how he responds to being the main guy for a night.

#2 is we can see Jeff get screwed by Matt who pushes him off the top and right into an RKO for it to only be revealed that Matt let jealousy get to him sending these two into an Intercontinental title feud at Mania.

Both scenarios would be good TV and if Orton walks out with the belt its a shame.
I think Jeff will win tonight!
Reasons I Think He Might Win Are:
1. He's a high-flyer unlike Orton, who IS NOT.
2. This IS Jeff Hardy's year to be the new WWE Champ! His time IS NOW!!
3. Orton is a CHEATER. A cheater SHOULD NEVER win!! Hardy deserves the championship and his Intercontential Title belt! He would be the 3rd man in
WWE to hold both those belts at the SAME TIME!!!
4. Jeff has been wrestling LONGER than Randy has!!
:) anyways, those are my predictions about tonight, I wish Jeff the VERY BEST OF LUCK!! U rock,Jeff! U Can Win This!! I Know U Can!! :) <3
If the WWE lets Randy Orton walk out of the Rumble with the belt they missed out on a huge oppurtunity. I realize that Jeff isn't you ideal champ but the fans love him and he gives it his all nearly every match. I think there are a lot of ways you can get around this dilemma.

#1 is what used to be a common occurence but I haven't seen in a while... Jeff wins and pulls the upset at the Rumble. Only to have Orton win it back on RAW. It would give us a little taste with Jeff as champ which would be good to see how he responds to being the main guy for a night.

#2 is we can see Jeff get screwed by Matt who pushes him off the top and right into an RKO for it to only be revealed that Matt let jealousy get to him sending these two into an Intercontinental title feud at Mania.

Both scenarios would be good TV and if Orton walks out with the belt its a shame.

I think WWE needs to make Jeff champ tonight, and possibly have him lose it at No Way Out to Orton in a rematch due to Matt interfering. Matt could wrap up a US Title/MVP feud that night, and lose the title, show frustration, and as Jeff is about to win, sabotage his brother out of jealousy to set up a brother/brother match at Wrestlemania.

This does a number of things.

1) Still allows the Evolution Fatal 4 Way that I really think is going to happen and would really do good for the company.

2) Give the fans a tease of Jeff as Champ which they have been BEGGING for. Lets WWE see if this would be worth doing a good 3-4 month with in the future.

3) Finishes off the MVP/Matt feud that people want to see finished. (BTW, Matt returns to the Rumble tonight and him and MVP get into it there)

4) Solidifies Jeff in the Main Event, which is just good for business

5) Helps push Matt to the Main Event, which people also want to see.

6) Gives that nostalgia feeling of brother vs brother. Will make people remember Owen vs Bret which will be good. Especially if they induct Owen into the Hall of Fame this Wrestlemania which a lot of people feel like they should

However, I am not a WWE writer. FUBAR.

Now, as for Jeff deserving to be Champion. That is a different question. He has busted his butt off since his return, and before that he was one of the more dedicated wrestlers WWE had until his little downfall. Since his return, he has done nothing but skyrocket in terms of popularity and get better on the mic and in ring.

I don't know if he is ready to be Champ, but the WWE needs to capitalize on this opportunity. If Jeff were to become Champ, I think it would do a TON for ratings and sales.

Business is about taking risks and take advantage of opportunities when it presents itself. WWE has missed a lot of opportunities lately, and I don't think they can risk missing this one.

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