Royal Rumble: Randy Orton vs. Jeff Hardy

As i have stated earlier, i very much doubt Jeff will win the title at the rumble. This is just a test for him to see if he can handle the big matches and the main event scene. And if he does well i can see him winning the money in the bank at Wrestlemania and winning the title somewhere in 2008. Jeff i dont think is ready for the title as yet, but i say give him a year or year and half from now, and he should be wwe championship material. He just needs to improve his mic skills and his wrestling ability a little bit and he should have the titles in his hands in the near future. But as far as the rumble goes, Orton Retains.
I think C.A. explained it best.. but more or less, Edge v. Undertaker will single-handedly sell Wrestlemania 24. Both are "undefeated" at Wrestlemania, or at least I'm sure they'll be billed that way. Edge is a Champion.. Taker is a challenger.. they're headed head-on & what better stage than Wrestlemania to have them collide?.
edge vs taker at mania will single-handley sell mania, ar maybe it will but i doubt it will if you haven't noticed smackdown haven't had a "real" main event at mania because every one likes raw better ( so techinally raw will sell more if they have the real main event)

Let me guess, you'd rather see Batista v. Undertaker 4907807 at Wrestlemania? Or perhaps, Jeff Hardy v. Undertaker? Let me explain what would happen to Jeff Hardy if he went toe-to-toe with Undertaker at Wrestlemania.. he'd be flattened within the first 10 minutes, & Taker's streak would continue going on. At least with Edge, it gives the general impression that it could be in serious danger of ending. (And I dare you to tell me its not, then if it happens, show your face around here afterward).

no i wouldn't like a batista vs undertaker again or another jeff hardy vs taker again. i would like to see kane in the main event against a worthy opponent, maybe cm punk, kennedy heck even orton would do it for me. i just would like to see a normal match between taker and edge because at mania they are going to be promating STREAK VS STREAK title MATCH not a streak vs title match.why not let kane headline mania..[/QUOTE]

I'm NOT saying Edge "will" defeat Undertaker.. but I am saying I definately believe he, more than anyone else has the greatest chance to do so..
. no the greatest person to beat taker at mania is m.v.p

What makes Jeff Hardy deserving? What has he done? Edge has carried both the Raw & Smackdown brands on his back as their Champion.. Jeff Hardy barely holds on to the Intercontinental Championship & thats only because noone else on the mid-card level is truly deserving to take it from him.. yet..

jeff hardy actually managed to train himself, he never has had any help from any one except matt. his father said no to them going up and doing wrestling as a professenial sport. jeff hardy has put on one of the most exciting matchs in wwe history, taker vs hardy ladder match 2002, hardys vs dudleys vs e & c 2000 in a tlc. dudleys vs hardys tables match royal rumble 2000. hardys vs e & c ladder match 1999. jeff hardy vs johnny nitro steel cage 2007 ( best of the night). dudleys plus jeff hardy vs 3 minute warning tables match 2002. hardys vs dudleys vs e & c wrestlemania 2000 ladder match. and he holds the intercontental title because vince wants him to not because there is no one to vs him.
:blink: Edge doesn't deserve the title more then Jeff Hardy, I just spit coffee everywhere. Let's not look past that everytime they have been in the ring together, Edge has made both of the Hardy's look like his bitch in the ring. Whether it be a spot monkey fest at Wrestlemania, or Edge making Matt Hardy look incredibly weak in their feud during 2005. Edge is where he is at because he is the most over heel in the company, if not the most over star in the company..

edge has done what. when what twice in the tlc matches. what did the hardys to the edge in there career. lets see beaten them twice for the tag titles. killed them in a steel cage match twice ( matt hardy at unforgiven 2005 and hardyz vs edge and christain at unforgiven 2000). beat them in god no's how many ladder matchs. jeff hardy made edge look week at wrestle mania 23 from that leg drop. heck even at jeff hardys return he made edge shit.

:Now onto topic. I for one am glad to see Jeff Hardy get this push, just so I don't have to listen to his fans bitch and moan about Jeff Hardy not getting a push. This is simply a filler feud. The Royal Rumble Title matches are always dull and simply use filler guys to see if they are worth a damn. These matches usually have low expectations because everyone is paying to see the rumble, not bad title matches..

oh so are you saying that the last man standing last year was dull, the last man standing in 2004, the street fight in 2000, jericho vs the rock at royal rumble 2002, benoit vs angle at rumble 2003,the triple threat match at rumble 2005. even the orton vs hhh match at 05 was good. and i'm sure that this match will live to inspire us aswell.

:Last year we had Umaga, which has turned into a gem of sorts, and Kennedy, which proved he wasn't ready for the main event spotlight. Two years ago you had Edge, which that worked, and Mark Henry, not so well. Guys like Test, Bob Holly, and Mark Henry shouldn't be anywhere near a title match on pay per view, that is why they have these matches at the Royal Rumble, they are disposable and no one wants to see them in the Rumble..

the kurt angle vs maark henry match at rumble 2006 was better than cena vs edge because it was a better feud and you wouldn't no who would of one, but you new edge was gonna loose to cena. i think bob holly has got great skills and same to test. they have been ( or were) in the company for ages and they deserved the match they got

:This is why Hardy is in this spot. He isn't a proven main eventer, he's barely a proven mid carder. He spends most of the match flopping around like a fish out of water. His matches are distracting and have zero psychology about them. It's just a bunch of random moves thrown together to get a cheap pop from the crowd. I have a feeling Hardy, much like his brother Matt, is going to melt wants the main event spotlight shines on him.

maybe he doesn't distract and use psychology becaause he isn't heel ( your a tool). he has denfently proven that he is a great mid carder and deserves to be in the main event
Before I give my predictions on this match, I'm just saying that Edge is better then both Hardy's combined and that's that. How many WWE or WHC title reigns have either of the Hardy's had?

Anyway... I'm looking to see Orton go over in this match. I do like Jeff Hardy, and I think he does a great job in the ring, but I think that right now WWE is focusing in on Randy Orton being the champ at Mania. So I'm looking to see a realitivly good match, but I expect to see Hardy carry Orton, cause I honestly don't think Orton is going to be able to keep up with Hardy's speed. I see an RKO out of nowhere when Jeff goes for a top rope move to end the match. I wouldn't be too surprised to see a triple threat between Hardy, Orton, and HHH for No Way Out as a result of Hardy loosing at the Royal Rumble.
you guys are right, edge has had more world title reigns than the hardy's. but in my opinion, the way he won them made him look weak.
1st- cashed in AFTER cena won elimination chamber.
2nd- cracked cena in the head with the title after cena fu'd rvd
3rd- cashed in AFTER taker was in a cage match with batista and destroyed by mark henry
4th- used the lame ass major bros. to pretend to be him, while he hid. and how did that happen? he was dating the gm.

but back on topic, i don't see jeff winning this since they listed him as a participant for the no way out elimination chamber. however i do see him winning him the title at summerslam or before. i don't think there will be a clean win for orton, so it doesnt look like jeff was made to job to him and will keep him as a credible main eventer. count or dq win for hardy most likely, but not a title win.
edge vs taker at mania will single-handley sell mania, ar maybe it will but i doubt it will if you haven't noticed smackdown haven't had a "real" main event at mania because every one likes raw better ( so techinally raw will sell more if they have the real main event)

Uhm.. If Raw's Main Event turns out to be Randy Orton v. Triple H.. Smackdown's Main Event of Edge v. Undertaker will headline. You know what, no, even mark my words on it.. Edge v. Undertaker will likely be THE Main Event, regardless of anything Raw puts on.. because its a highly anticipated match.

no i wouldn't like a batista vs undertaker again or another jeff hardy vs taker again. i would like to see kane in the main event against a worthy opponent, maybe cm punk, kennedy heck even orton would do it for me. i just would like to see a normal match between taker and edge because at mania they are going to be promating STREAK VS STREAK title MATCH not a streak vs title match.why not let kane headline mania..

Probably because they wanna sell it, not destroy it. :lmao: Seriously, I used to enjoy Kane matches.. but he somewhere in time, suddenly just quit trying. He loses to everyone, & when he wins, it isn't dominately anymore. Kane v. Undertaker has been done into the ground.. & Kane simply will not headline a Wrestlemania, because he can't sell the way Edge, Undertaker, or even Batista can.

Mr. Kennedy is still up-and-coming. Also, C.M. Punk will NEVER headline Mania, unless creative loses it. Mr. Kennedy may one day find his Main Event match at Mania.. but it won't be this year.

. no the greatest person to beat taker at mania is m.v.p

This is the most absurd thing I've ever heard. On what basis do you believe M.V.P. would even rank in the same caliber of wrestler, as the Undertaker.. much less on the biggest stage of them all?

jeff hardy actually managed to train himself, he never has had any help from any one except matt. his father said no to them going up and doing wrestling as a professenial sport.

Maybe thats why he sucks. :lmao:

jeff hardy has put on one of the most exciting matchs in wwe history, taker vs hardy ladder match 2002, hardys vs dudleys vs e & c 2000 in a tlc. dudleys vs hardys tables match royal rumble 2000. hardys vs e & c ladder match 1999. jeff hardy vs johnny nitro steel cage 2007 ( best of the night). dudleys plus jeff hardy vs 3 minute warning tables match 2002. hardys vs dudleys vs e & c wrestlemania 2000 ladder match. and he holds the intercontental title because vince wants him to not because there is no one to vs him.

Okay.. lets run this down..

Jeff Hardy v. Taker/Ladder Match - It was good, cause Jeff took bumps.

T.L.C. Matches - They were good, cause Jeff took bumps & was carried by real wrestlers, like Edge, Christian, & even Matt.

Hardyz v. Dudleyz/Table Match - It was good, because Jeff leaped off a stage, taking a bump.

Look, I'm not listing the others.. but do you see a pattern forming? Jeff Hardy = good, because he takes risks & kills his body, through major bumps.

Jeff Hardy has a MAJOR chance to prove he's more than "bumps & risks" in this match with Randy Orton.. I will greatly like to see him prove he can be something more. But I won't be shocked if he fails.
edge has done what. when what twice in the tlc matches. what did the hardys to the edge in there career. lets see beaten them twice for the tag titles. killed them in a steel cage match twice ( matt hardy at unforgiven 2005 and hardyz vs edge and christain at unforgiven 2000). beat them in god no's how many ladder matchs. jeff hardy made edge look week at wrestle mania 23 from that leg drop. heck even at jeff hardys return he made edge shit.

Hahaha, how about, try watching those matches without the apparent Hardy Boy Shades which I'm guessing you view the wrestling world through. Has it ever occurred to you why Edge and Christian received the push that the Dudleys and Hardys didn't. Because Edge and Christian are better, no way. Both understand ring psychology, have tremendous athletic ability, and are damn good on the mic. The Hardys always have been and will be one thing, one dimensional. Matt is the brother with more talent, yet he gets buried on Smackdown while Triple H is playing with his little puppet Jeff on Raw.

So the Edge Matt Hardy feud was dominated by Edge as far as ring work. Matt Hardy had everyone in the world behind him after Edge broke a cardinal backstage rule. Everyone wanted to see Edge be dominated, but guess what, by the end of that feud Edge had everyone eating out of the palm of his hand. Matt Hardy did what, nothing and has done nothing for the better part of two years. And please about the other matches. That cage match was dominated by Edge and Christian carrying the flopping fish. The good thing was, one of the Hardy's was out of that match early, so I didn't have to watch both. And as far as Wrestlemania 23, they needed a big excuse to get Edge out of that match without ruining his credibility. So this is where Jeff Hardy comes in, to do the one thing he's good at, hit a big Spot, like the Spot Monkey he is.

oh so are you saying that the last man standing last year was dull, the last man standing in 2004, the street fight in 2000, jericho vs the rock at royal rumble 2002, benoit vs angle at rumble 2003,the triple threat match at rumble 2005. even the orton vs hhh match at 05 was good. and i'm sure that this match will live to inspire us aswell.

Maybe I should have prefixed that statement post Brand Extension. There were some damn fine title matches pre 2003, but since the Brand Extension, the Royal Rumble has been used as an experiment. The Last Man Standing match in 2004 was shit compared to the match on Raw two weeks earlier, or their series of matches in 2002. Hell, the LMS match was probably the worst match Triple H and Michaels had. And Benoit, Benoit was still a year away from getting his big push, proving my statement right. Benoit wouldn't have gotten his push without the reception he received that night in Boston. The Triple Threat Match was shit, want a good triple threat match featuring Big Show and Kurt Angle, try the one at Vengeance with Brock Lesnar. And the Orton HHH match was pure garbage as well. In fact, the 2005 royal rumble was probably the worst over all rumble of this decade.

the kurt angle vs maark henry match at rumble 2006 was better than cena vs edge because it was a better feud and you wouldn't no who would of one, but you new edge was gonna loose to cena. i think bob holly has got great skills and same to test. they have been ( or were) in the company for ages and they deserved the match they got

This maybe the funniest damn quote I've ever read. Kurt Angle vs. Mark Henry was better then John Cena vs. Edge. What universe have you been watching wrestling in, or what do you smoke before hand, because I want some. I blindly mark for Kurt Angle as much as the next guy, but even he couldn't get a good feud out of the Decade of Dung known as Mark Henry. Mark Henry only looks good when he is in the ring with Khali. The Cena/Edge feud had tons of heat in it because of the title change at NYR, and most thought that Edge had a legit chance of holding that title. And please, Test and Holly are garbage. There's a reason Holly hasn't held a major title in a decade, he sucks, plain and simple.

maybe he doesn't distract and use psychology becaause he isn't heel ( your a tool). he has denfently proven that he is a great mid carder and deserves to be in the main event

See, lucky for you, this tool is Flame ******ant, or else I'd hand ya a nice shiny infraction. But I take being a tool in this context as a compliment. See, tools are needed to fix things, especially people that think that the Hardy Boys are legit world title material. Ring psychology is one of the main things that this business thrives on, and Hardy has ZERO ring psychology. Is he a proven mid carder, yes, because that's where spot monkeys belong. Spot Monkeys don't belong on the main event level.
Uhm.. If Raw's Main Event turns out to be Randy Orton v. Triple H.. Smackdown's Main Event of Edge v. Undertaker will headline. You know what, no, even mark my words on it.. Edge v. Undertaker will likely be THE Main Event, regardless of anything Raw puts on.. because its a highly anticipated match..

no i disagree even randy orton vs triple h would headline mania because raw is the ratings. smackdown just is like wwf when wcw was killing them in the ratings. yea i agree taker vs edge would sell but thats why they shouldn't put the title in this match. the title will make no difference.

Probably because they wanna sell it, not destroy it. :lmao: Seriously, I used to enjoy Kane matches.. but he somewhere in time, suddenly just quit trying. He loses to everyone, & when he wins, it isn't dominately anymore. Kane v. Undertaker has been done into the ground.. & Kane simply will not headline a Wrestlemania, because he can't sell the way Edge, Undertaker, or even Batista can..

batista cant sell stuff. he i agree he is a jobber now but thats because edge returned and they wouldn't make kane win the us title because they are waiting for m.v.p or either the tag titles. mark my words kane will get a world title because they dont wont him to go to tna.

Mr. Kennedy is still up-and-coming. Also, C.M. Punk will NEVER headline Mania, unless creative loses it. Mr. Kennedy may one day find his Main Event match at Mania.. but it won't be this year..

cm punk is a great wrestler. doesn't he remind you of edge in the 1999's. lets match it up hey. um tall yes, lanky yes, can actually perform good moves. but edge hardly does any of that stuff any more because he has lost his touch. his prime was in 2003-05. yes i no edge has won 4 world titles since then but he isn't has athletic or good wrestler as he was before imo.

This is the most absurd thing I've ever heard. On what basis do you believe M.V.P. would even rank in the same caliber of wrestler, as the Undertaker.. much less on the biggest stage of them all?.

hey i bet m.v.p will be the one to beat taker in the biggest stage because to me he is like a heel rock cross with a stone cold. because he is great on the mic and really cocky and he doesn't go to the top rope like austin did he is more techinal just like austin.

Maybe thats why he sucks. :lmao:.

he does suck ( was being dumb just then)

Okay.. lets run this down..

Jeff Hardy v. Taker/Ladder Match - It was good, cause Jeff took bumps..

no maybe because he was the only one to take it to taker in 2002.

T.L.C. Matches - They were good, cause Jeff took bumps & was carried by real wrestlers, like Edge, Christian, & even Matt..

christain is good NOW not before, edge was to dumb to see if he was good until the brand extension and matt hardy yes was better than jeff then but what did he actually do ( a leg drop of the ladder, wow that is so good)

Hardyz v. Dudleyz/Table Match - It was good, because Jeff leaped off a stage, taking a bump.
no because you didn't no the out come. did you see the double team matt and jeff did

Jeff Hardy = good, QUOTE]

funny i just thought you said he sucks.

Jeff Hardy has a MAJOR chance to prove he's more than "bumps & risks" in this match with Randy Orton.. I will greatly like to see him prove he can be something more. But I won't be shocked if he fails.

what is he actually gonna do be techinal like randy orton because orton not fit enough. the only reason he performs big risky moves are because his oppanents suck ( apart from hhh, orton, m.v.p and kennedy)
Hahaha, how about, try watching those matches without the apparent Hardy Boy Shades which I'm guessing you view the wrestling world through. Has it ever occurred to you why Edge and Christian received the push that the Dudleys and Hardys didn't. Because Edge and Christian are better, no way. Both understand ring psychology, have tremendous athletic ability, and are damn good on the mic. The Hardys always have been and will be one thing, one dimensional. Matt is the brother with more talent, yet he gets buried on Smackdown while Triple H is playing with his little puppet Jeff on Raw..

matt gets buried on smackdown. what how many times did he actually win since his feud with m.v.p. i think he only lost like 3 or 4. and jeff hardy is a puppet. thats why he has had one of the longest reigns since orton. vince obviously likes hardy to make him beat vinces bitch snisky.

So the Edge Matt Hardy feud was dominated by Edge as far as ring work. Matt Hardy had everyone in the world behind him after Edge broke a cardinal backstage rule. Everyone wanted to see Edge be dominated, but guess what, by the end of that feud Edge had everyone eating out of the palm of his hand. Matt Hardy did what, nothing and has done nothing for the better part of two years. And please about the other matches. That cage match was dominated by Edge and Christian carrying the flopping fish. The good thing was, one of the Hardy's was out of that match early, so I didn't have to watch both. And as far as Wrestlemania 23, they needed a big excuse to get Edge out of that match without ruining his credibility. So this is where Jeff Hardy comes in, to do the one thing he's good at, hit a big Spot, like the Spot Monkey he is..

it was dominated by edge right until the raw after summerslam. no they made edge get carryed of on a strecther because it would look good for the hardys.

Maybe I should have prefixed that statement post Brand Extension. There were some damn fine title matches pre 2003, but since the Brand Extension, the Royal Rumble has been used as an experiment. The Last Man Standing match in 2004 was shit compared to the match on Raw two weeks earlier, or their series of matches in 2002. Hell, the LMS match was probably the worst match Triple H and Michaels had. And Benoit, Benoit was still a year away from getting his big push, proving my statement right. Benoit wouldn't have gotten his push without the reception he received that night in Boston. The Triple Threat Match was shit, want a good triple threat match featuring Big Show and Kurt Angle, try the one at Vengeance with Brock Lesnar. And the Orton HHH match was pure garbage as well. In fact, the 2005 royal rumble was probably the worst over all rumble of this decade. .

what did you even see that match. it was defently 2nd best right next to the 3 stages of hell. there match at summerslam sucked. there hell in the cell sucked. actually i have got botrh royal rumble 2005 and vengence 2003. and the triple threat kills vengence alone. i bet you the hardy vs orton match is gonna be like angle vs hhh 2001 at the rumble. i disagree the worst rumble was easley the 2003 one. and tell me this if bob holly sucks how come he is tag champ with a looser like rhodes who cant even wrestle.

This maybe the funniest damn quote I've ever read. Kurt Angle vs. Mark Henry was better then John Cena vs. Edge. What universe have you been watching wrestling in, or what do you smoke before hand, because I want some. I blindly mark for Kurt Angle as much as the next guy, but even he couldn't get a good feud out of the Decade of Dung known as Mark Henry. Mark Henry only looks good when he is in the ring with Khali. The Cena/Edge feud had tons of heat in it because of the title change at NYR, and most thought that Edge had a legit chance of holding that title. And please, Test and Holly are garbage. There's a reason Holly hasn't held a major title in a decade, he sucks, plain and simple..

the only thing that made cena and edge look good was that live sex celebration. the mark henry and angle feud killed the whole ppv. that rumble was gay. when there was like ten guys left. test is hell garbage hey. yea thats why he one 1/2 of the matchs he competed in

See, lucky for you, this tool is Flame ******ant, or else I'd hand ya a nice shiny infraction. But I take being a tool in this context as a compliment. See, tools are needed to fix things, especially people that think that the Hardy Boys are legit world title material. Ring psychology is one of the main things that this business thrives on, and Hardy has ZERO ring psychology. Is he a proven mid carder, yes, because that's where spot monkeys belong. Spot Monkeys don't belong on the main event level.

no the business looks for crowds ( money) because thats what they need. honestly i think hardy is at the top of the populertity with hhh and hbk on raw. and matt is behind taker and tista. um yea i bet you don't even no what a spot monkey is
no i disagree even randy orton vs triple h would headline mania because raw is the ratings. smackdown just is like wwf when wcw was killing them in the ratings. yea i agree taker vs edge would sell but thats why they shouldn't put the title in this match. the title will make no difference.

First, Randy Orton v. Triple H. would ONLY headline Wrestlemania 24, because Triple H. has stroke. Incase you failed to recall, they already fought.. several times, infact, & none of their matches were on any legit big name p.p.v.'s. Orton v. H.H.H. - Unforgiven 04, Orton v. H.H.H. - No Mercy 07

To add the World Championship into the mix with Edge v. Undertaker, will make Wrestlemania have a solid feud, that revolves around a Championship. Making that Championship even more powerful through the eyes of everyone watching.

Smackdown as a "whole" wouldn't likely find success versus Raw, but with singular matches.. Edge/Taker would rival that of anything Raw has, outside of possibly Triple H. v. Shawn Michaels.. which has been done into the ground.

batista cant sell stuff. he i agree he is a jobber now but thats because edge returned and they wouldn't make kane win the us title because they are waiting for m.v.p or either the tag titles. mark my words kane will get a world title because they dont wont him to go to tna.

Do you want this marked in permanent marker? Kane going to T.N.A. would likely be the best thing for him, & the worst thing for them. He'd be a cancer to them.

Besides, A.) Kane wouldn't be capable of using the gimmick "Kane." And even if he could, what'd be the point? T.N.A. already has their own in Abyss. (who in my opinion, is a lot better than Kane ever was)

Kane may one day return to "dominate/monster" form.. but it will likely NEVER be with a World Championship. He lost that dream when he lost his mask.

cm punk is a great wrestler. doesn't he remind you of edge in the 1999's. lets match it up hey. um tall yes, lanky yes, can actually perform good moves. but edge hardly does any of that stuff any more because he has lost his touch. his prime was in 2003-05. yes i no edge has won 4 world titles since then but he isn't has athletic or good wrestler as he was before imo.

How do you figure this? Edge put on muscle mass & made his spear look more powerful & legit than it ever was before his neck injury in 2003. Just because he quit doing a lot of high risk, & added more technical moves.. you claim that makes him.. "less" athletic? I think you are confusing athletic ability with courage to take major bumps.

Regarding Punk.. He doesn't have the charisma Edge has had, or currently has.. Punk may have the fan support, but is lacking a major character development issue. He's plain, he's "bland." Edge has true heat. Granted, a lot of it came from a real life situation.. but the fact is, Punk bores the crap out of me when I watch him.. because outside of wrestling skill.. hes just boring. Edge entertains me through his ability to wrestle AND tell a story.

hey i bet m.v.p will be the one to beat taker in the biggest stage because to me he is like a heel rock cross with a stone cold. because he is great on the mic and really cocky and he doesn't go to the top rope like austin did he is more techinal just like austin.

Now you're on something majorly illegal here. M.V.P., in your mind is the combination of both The Rock AND Steve Austin. First, M.V.P. (to me) actually has more wrestling knowledge & talent then either Rock, or Austin. Second, M.V.P. will NEVER be as talented on the mic, or capable of grabbing the fans like Austin or Rock did.

Now, with how outlandish this statement even is.. M.V.P. will never face Undertaker at Wrestlemania, because the two don't seem to match up well, not sure why.. but they haven't (yet) & if they ever did, it likely will NEVER be at Mania. Therefore, M.V.P. will never defeat Taker at Mania.

no maybe because he was the only one to take it to taker in 2002.

I'm sorry, this statement just makes you look incredibly bad.. you basically just said Jeff Hardy did something noone else could do, in 2002 & thats "take it" to the Undertaker.

So with that statement, you're single-handedly saying.. Hulk Hogan, Triple H., Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar & The Big Show.. NONE of them had what Jeff Hardy did?! :lmao: PA-LEASE!

christain is good NOW not before, edge was to dumb to see if he was good until the brand extension and matt hardy yes was better than jeff then but what did he actually do ( a leg drop of the ladder, wow that is so good)

I fail to see where this is leading?

no because you didn't no the out come. did you see the double team matt and jeff did

I'll admit I was shocked that the Hardyz defeated the Dudleyz at the Royal Rumble in 2000, but it was hardly amazing. And as a result, no even close to making Jeff Hardy look like anything more than "lucky."

funny i just thought you said he sucks.

In my personal opinion, Jeff Hardy is better than some, but not Main Event caliber. Hardy has the ability to go out & steal the show by killing his body. But talent like Edge, or Taker, or even Rey Mysterio have the ability to go out & steal the show by their story telling ability, technical ability & overall wrestling skills. Hardy is a car wreck in the ring. Horrible to see, but fun to watch.

what is he actually gonna do be techinal like randy orton because orton not fit enough. the only reason he performs big risky moves are because his oppanents suck ( apart from hhh, orton, m.v.p and kennedy)

Uhm.. so you've basically listed half the Raw roster, minus M.V.P., so what opponents has he faced that he's better than? More importantly, who has he faced, lately, that he has shown more talent than?!
matt gets buried on smackdown. what how many times did he actually win since his feud with m.v.p. i think he only lost like 3 or 4. and jeff hardy is a puppet. thats why he has had one of the longest reigns since orton. vince obviously likes hardy to make him beat vinces bitch snisky.
How was Matt getting buried? he won tag team gold. I believe he won several competitions, and he never lost creditability because MVP was defeating him by cheating (If i can recall). Now on your Snitsky comment, he is a nobody who gets a Charlie Haas reaction

it was dominated by edge right until the raw after summerslam. no they made edge get carryed of on a strecther because it would look good for the hardys.
Erm they did it so Jeff could have a big spot, and so it wouldn't lose any creditability too Edge. They allowed Jeff to do what he does best. Hit or attempt a dare devil move

and tell me this if bob holly sucks how come he is tag champ with a looser like rhodes who cant even wrestle.
Bob Holly isn't very good, but Cody Rhodes has a brilliant future, if he gets a little bigger, if they let him talk more, he reminds me of a young randy orton.
Young Cody is very young, he has that evil look like he can be one heck of a heel. He is solid in the ring, by no means is he great but solid nonetheless and his promo skills are pretty solid, which they should be, when your daddy is the American Dream.

the only thing that made cena and edge look good was that live sex celebration.
Wait that was garbage. If this is talking about the Match that ended up in the TLC match, this feud was pure gold, having Edge come out whenever Cena just got through in a match... he is a heel, Edge took advantage, and the TLC match was Solid.
the mark henry and angle feud killed the whole ppv. that rumble was gay. when there was like ten guys left. test is hell garbage hey. yea thats why he one 1/2 of the matchs he competed in
Erm, Mark Henry vs Angle was pretty bad, it was a terrible feud and it was a terrible match, it was a borefest all the way.

no the business looks for crowds ( money) because thats what they need. honestly i think hardy is at the top of the populertity with hhh and hbk on raw. and matt is behind taker and tista. um yea i bet you don't even no what a spot monkey is
Erm i believe Cena gets a better reaction, and Cena sells more.

Now onto the topic, Orton should win this match clean, he has lost so much and they are making him look weaker. Week in and week out, he is losing in a so called clean fashion which is making him lose creditability as a champion, and if they want a good feud between HHH and Orton they should let Orton win clean because Jeff isn't ready to main event on the grand daddy stage of em all Wrestlemania. They had Orton lose to Hardy to make us believe Hardy has a little shot at winning, but I can not picture Orton losing, especially to Jeff Hardy months before Wrestlemania.
Randy Orton vs. Jeff Hardy at the 2008 Royal Rumble should be an entertaining match. Granted, Randy Orton will almost certainly retain the Title, but it will still be fun to watch never-the-less. I can only pray that we don't see Orton vs. HHH at 'Mania (not that I don't like HHH; but the match has been done before, many times).

As for the debate as to whether or not Jeff Hardy is a good wrestler/deserves this push he's getting...well, in my opinion, Jeff Hardy isn't horrible, but he's definitelty not that good either. I like that they're giving him this push though, because its something new and its pretty interesting at the moment. I don't think he will win the title at the Royal Rumble, but maybe sometime in the future. Near the end of '08 at the earliest.

Jeff Hardy is a bit of a spot monkey, I will admit. And he's not good on the mic AT ALL. And sometimes he looks like he's just going to work, with no I don't know. I don't hate Jeff Hardy, not at all; but he's not so fantastic either.

Anyway. I've said enough.
First, Randy Orton v. Triple H. would ONLY headline Wrestlemania 24, because Triple H. has stroke. Incase you failed to recall, they already fought.. several times, infact, & none of their matches were on any legit big name p.p.v.'s. Orton v. H.H.H. - Unforgiven 04, Orton v. H.H.H. - No Mercy 07?!

yes they did remember the royal rumble 2005 with triple h winning. they actually fought at survivor series but not on a one on one so that doesn't count but still.

Do you want this marked in permanent marker? Kane going to T.N.A. would likely be the best thing for him, & the worst thing for them. He'd be a cancer to them.?!

kane be a cancer to tna?, yes i no they got abyss but remember wwe had khali/show/taker/kane all at the same time. and kane and takers first feud was alright and i reckon a abyss vs kane feud would be pretty decent

How do you figure this? Edge put on muscle mass & made his spear look more powerful & legit than it ever was before his neck injury in 2003. Just because he quit doing a lot of high risk, & added more technical moves.. you claim that makes him.. "less" athletic? I think you are confusing athletic ability with courage to take major bumps.?!

ok obviously you think edge is still athletic. lets see what he does. gets bashed at the start of a match. comes back punchs suplex and ddt edgeacution spear. then he gest the one to three. i don't see anything althletic in that . yes i do think edge would have been the biggest superstar in 2004 if they gave him the title. he would of been the nash of wcw.

Regarding Punk.. He doesn't have the charisma Edge has had, or currently has.. Punk may have the fan support, but is lacking a major character development issue. He's plain, he's "bland." Edge has true heat. Granted, a lot of it came from a real life situation.. but the fact is, Punk bores the crap out of me when I watch him.. because outside of wrestling skill.. hes just boring. Edge entertains me through his ability to wrestle AND tell a story.?!

i cant believe you just said that. cm punk entertains nearly everyone and he is a great wrestler.

Now you're on something majorly illegal here. M.V.P., in your mind is the combination of both The Rock AND Steve Austin. First, M.V.P. (to me) actually has more wrestling knowledge & talent then either Rock, or Austin. Second, M.V.P. will NEVER be as talented on the mic, or capable of grabbing the fans like Austin or Rock did.?!

actually i do think that m.v.p is better on the mic than the rock was. the only thing the rock did good on the mic was at his b day and maybe against stone cold.

Now, with how outlandish this statement even is.. M.V.P. will never face Undertaker at Wrestlemania, because the two don't seem to match up well, not sure why.. but they haven't (yet) & if they ever did, it likely will NEVER be at Mania. Therefore, M.V.P. will never defeat Taker at Mania.?!

if taker is around for two years i bet m.v.p will beat taker at mania. hey your talking to australia's one and only after all

I'm sorry, this statement just makes you look incredibly bad.. you basically just said Jeff Hardy did something noone else could do, in 2002 & thats "take it" to the Undertaker.?!

yes that is what i'm saying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So with that statement, you're single-handedly saying.. Hulk Hogan, Triple H., Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar & The Big Show.. NONE of them had what Jeff Hardy did?! :lmao: PA-LEASE!?!

the only reason hogan beat taker was because it look wwe good. and triple h did nothing against taker in 2002 same with show except for the choke slam of the arena. as for brock lesnar beating taker. i thought that was a joke because lesnar wasn't even in takers league back then. yes i no hardy wasn't either but hardy put on way of a match than lesnar did to taker.

I'll admit I was shocked that the Hardyz defeated the Dudleyz at the Royal Rumble in 2000, but it was hardly amazing. And as a result, no even close to making Jeff Hardy look like anything more than "lucky."?!

lucky... lucky. you call hardys win lucky. so your saying that vince just pulled this match out of a hat. what the hell did the dudleys do in this match oh thats right get swanton bombed through a table. and get wacked in the head with a chair one millon times. thats really godd isn't it!!!

In my personal opinion, Jeff Hardy is better than some, but not Main Event caliber. Hardy has the ability to go out & steal the show by killing his body. But talent like Edge, or Taker, or even Rey Mysterio have the ability to go out & steal the show by their story telling ability, technical ability & overall wrestling skills. Hardy is a car wreck in the ring. Horrible to see, but fun to watch.?!

the only reason rey gets a pop is because he is smaller. he is excactly like hardy except smaller. whats the difference

Uhm.. so you've basically listed half the Raw roster, minus M.V.P., so what opponents has he faced that he's better than? More importantly, who has he faced, lately, that he has shown more talent than?!

3 people is half the raw roster. carlito 2 weeks ago. snisky 3 weeks ago even at survivor series he showed every one up apart from hhh.
How was Matt getting buried? he won tag team gold. I believe he won several competitions, and he never lost creditability because MVP was defeating him by cheating (If i can recall). Now on your Snitsky comment, he is a nobody who gets a Charlie Haas reaction..

i was being dumb. if you actually reed it said he actaully only lose 3 matchs.

Erm they did it so Jeff could have a big spot, and so it wouldn't lose any creditability too Edge. They allowed Jeff to do what he does best. Hit or attempt a dare devil move. .

i said nothing about jeff hardy either

Wait that was garbage. If this is talking about the Match that ended up in the TLC match, this feud was pure gold, having Edge come out whenever Cena just got through in a match... he is a heel, Edge took advantage, and the TLC match was Solid..

we were actually talking about the royal rumble not unforgiven or backlash. or summerslam

Erm, Mark Henry vs Angle was pretty bad, it was a terrible feud and it was a terrible match, it was a borefest all the way. .

it was better than cenas and edges

Erm i believe Cena gets a better reaction, and Cena sells more. .

yea dont sell more than jeff hardy or hbk.

Now onto the topic, Orton should win this match clean, he has lost so much and they are making him look weaker. Week in and week out, he is losing in a so called clean fashion which is making him lose creditability as a champion, and if they want a good feud between HHH and Orton they should let Orton win clean because Jeff isn't ready to main event on the grand daddy stage of em all Wrestlemania. They had Orton lose to Hardy to make us believe Hardy has a little shot at winning, but I can not picture Orton losing, especially to Jeff Hardy months before Wrestlemania.
i was being dumb. if you actually reed it said he actaully only lose 3 matchs.
Hmmm, you said Matt was losing, and getting buried? See I have proof.

You said:
matt gets buried on smackdown. what how many times did he actually win since his feud with m.v.p. i think he only lost like 3 or 4.
Yes you did say only 3-4, but Matt sure the heck didn't get buried.

i said nothing about jeff hardy either
You said:
it was dominated by edge right until the raw after summerslam. no they made edge get carryed of on a strecther because it would look good for the hardys.

Erm you said about Edge getting carried off in a stretcher? You were referring to MITB... Who hit the dive off the ladder? Jeff, therefore your comment had a reference towards Jeff. The only reason why Jeff was asked to do that is because he puts his body on the line, and they needed Edge to go out in style so he wouldn't lose any creditability.

we were actually talking about the royal rumble not unforgiven or backlash. or summerslam
it was better than cenas and edges
Edge's feud with Cena was a lot better than Angle vs Henry, the crowd reaction could tell you that one.. Henry, Angle was a borefest :zzzz:

yea dont sell more than jeff hardy or hbk.
I thought Cena was the one who sold the most merchandise in the Raw locker room? I thought Cena was the largest draw in the Raw locker room?

actually i do think that m.v.p is better on the mic than the rock was. the only thing the rock did good on the mic was at his b day and maybe against stone cold.
I am sorry, but MVP couldn't lick the crap off of the Rocks boots. The Rock was one of the most charismatic wrestlers i have ever watched.

the only reason hogan beat taker was because it look wwe good. and triple h did nothing against taker in 2002 same with show except for the choke slam of the arena. as for brock lesnar beating taker. i thought that was a joke because lesnar wasn't even in takers league back then. yes i no hardy wasn't either but hardy put on way of a match than lesnar did to taker.
Erm then why did Brock Lesnar have a tremendous rookie season? Jeff hardy wishes he had half the talent that Brock Lesnar had. Brock Lesnar was a freaking animal.

the only reason rey gets a pop is because he is smaller. he is excactly like hardy except smaller. whats the difference
Rey gets a pop because he is athletic, he has good psychology, he can work a crowd, and he could actually sell a move. Again Jeff wishes he was half as good as Rey Mysterio when it comes to in ring work
Hmmm, you said Matt was losing, and getting buried? See I have proof.

have you ever heard of sarcasim. someone before me actually said matt hardy just gets buried on smackdown while jeff hardy the puppet is getting the spot light.

Erm you said about Edge getting carried off in a stretcher? You were referring to MITB... Who hit the dive off the ladder? Jeff, therefore your comment had a reference towards Jeff. The only reason why Jeff was asked to do that is because he puts his body on the line, and they needed Edge to go out in style so he wouldn't lose any creditability.

so are you saying to the whole of wrestle zone getting carried off on a strecther is going in style. all it says to me and i'm pretty much saying for the whole world that getting carried off on a strecther means your weak because you cant compete anymore.

Edge's feud with Cena was a lot better than Angle vs Henry, the crowd reaction could tell you that one.. Henry, Angle was a borefest :zzzz:

teh only reason teh crowd got behind edge and cena was because cena is in the match when is the last time you have actually heard edge get cheered into the ring. honestly

I thought Cena was the one who sold the most merchandise in the Raw locker room? I thought Cena was the largest draw in the Raw locker room?

obviously you thought wrong. he sold all the merchandise in 2005 when triple h was heel and hbk was being pushed down town. he also did sell some in 2006 until about summerslam. now every one hates him so yea. but i dont hate him

I am sorry, but MVP couldn't lick the crap off of the Rocks boots. The Rock was one of the most charismatic wrestlers i have ever watched.

you wait in a couple of years. you will be saying gee's that karazmatic was smart. lol

Erm then why did Brock Lesnar have a tremendous rookie season? Jeff hardy wishes he had half the talent that Brock Lesnar had. Brock Lesnar was a freaking animal.

yes he did have a great season but again jeff showed more promise to taker than lesnar did the whole of 2002.

Rey gets a pop because he is athletic, he has good psychology, he can work a crowd, and he could actually sell a move. Again Jeff wishes he was half as good as Rey Mysterio when it comes to in ring work

jeff is the excactly the same as rey. and how is rey psychology. he runs jumps dies. come back alive and wins the match! something that jeff does alot.
have you ever heard of sarcasim. someone before me actually said matt hardy just gets buried on smackdown while jeff hardy the puppet is getting the spot light.
NO define Sarcasm them?

so are you saying to the whole of wrestle zone getting carried off on a strecther is going in style. all it says to me and i'm pretty much saying for the whole world that getting carried off on a strecther means your weak because you cant compete anymore.
I don't know why i am bothering with you seeing as you are a Hardy mark, but here you go, He got carted off on the stretcher, it wasn't going to ruin his creditability, he is a former champion, they had plans for him, they needed to get him out of the match so it wouldn't make him look weak. Didn't this eliminate Jeff from the match? So therefore from your logic he was made to look weak. They took Edge out of the match because they wanted Kennedy to win, and still have Edge be 5-0 at WM.

teh only reason teh crowd got behind edge and cena was because cena is in the match when is the last time you have actually heard edge get cheered into the ring. honestly
Edge doesn't get cheered because he is a heel. Heels get booed.

obviously you thought wrong. he sold all the merchandise in 2005 when triple h was heel and hbk was being pushed down town. he also did sell some in 2006 until about summerslam. now every one hates him so yea. but i dont hate him
Then why would Cena go onto hold the title for over a year? I know why, he is the biggest draw. A company is out to make money, therefore Cena is better at it than any other raw superstar.

you wait in a couple of years. you will be saying gee's that karazmatic was smart. lol
Probably not, Jeff had his shot in the limelight before, he was to burnt. Take that statement how you want to.

yes he did have a great season but again jeff showed more promise to taker than lesnar did the whole of 2002.
Brock was the PWI wrestler of the year in 2002, and he was the most improved wrestler in 02. Lesnar was WWE champion in 02. What was jeff hardy

jeff is the excactly the same as rey. and how is rey psychology. he runs jumps dies. come back alive and wins the match! something that jeff does alot.
Erm No, Rey is athletic, he can do more than flips, Rey is the underdog, Rey can work a crowd, and he has psychology and he can sell a move, unlike Jeff Hardy. hardy gets a crowd reaction because he does flips and has multi colored hair. Next you are going to say Kennedy is the next great thing?
NO define Sarcasm them??

see you where then. if you weren't it means this. you say the wrong thing on purpose to be funny. don't you watch family

I don't know why i am bothering with you seeing as you are a Hardy mark, but here you go, He got carted off on the stretcher, it wasn't going to ruin his creditability, he is a former champion, they had plans for him, they needed to get him out of the match so it wouldn't make him look weak. Didn't this eliminate Jeff from the match? So therefore from your logic he was made to look weak. They took Edge out of the match because they wanted Kennedy to win, and still have Edge be 5-0 at WM.?

what credibility did he actually have back then. why not carry of orton then???

Edge doesn't get cheered because he is a heel. Heels get booed.?

yea but you said edge and cena got more cheers than henry and angle. i disagree henry and angle had way more cheers.

Then why would Cena go onto hold the title for over a year? I know why, he is the biggest draw. A company is out to make money, therefore Cena is better at it than any other raw superstar. ?

no they let him have the title for a year because he is a good wrestler. if they wanted money, the whc would be with taker. the tag titles would be with londrick and hardys. us title with rey. see my point

Probably not, Jeff had his shot in the limelight before, he was to burnt. Take that statement how you want to.?

i was talking about m.v.p then. not the legend jeff hardy

Brock was the PWI wrestler of the year in 2002, and he was the most improved wrestler in 02. Lesnar was WWE champion in 02. What was jeff hardy?

jeff hardy was a legend back then and still is today. brock lesnar was a waste. it even shows now!!

Erm No, Rey is athletic, he can do more than flips, Rey is the underdog, Rey can work a crowd, and he has psychology and he can sell a move, unlike Jeff Hardy. hardy gets a crowd reaction because he does flips and has multi colored hair. Next you are going to say Kennedy is the next great thing?

ok what else can rey do that hardy cant????
I'll stop this now. It's going off topic and Karazmatic is talking shit. You can only debate till the end of time like Slyfox, if you have the intelligence of Slyfox.

Karazmatic don't reply unless you are talking about Hardy vs. Orton (not Hardy as a whole), and nobody reply to his posts.
i was until every one else said hardy is not main event material.

back to the topic. i did say orton will win. but i have been hearing some rumours taht wwe is really happy with his work so far since armageddon. infact i think we all are happy with hardy. now i have been with orton with this match with 100% even if it was hhh. but no i'm having second thoughts i reckon it could be a triple threat with hhh at mania.

but i'm pretty sure this is what is going to happen hardy gets a huge pop. then start pounching orton and and do some otrher moves. orton gets the flow until jeff hits the twist of fate and goes for the swanton and gest reversed for the rko. 1.2.3
How many times have we seen this match before on RAW?
I really don't think Hardy is main event yet, I do really like him and I love everything about him but I think Orton is more of a main eventer than Hardy. I really couldn't see Hardy with the Title and I don't think he will win. I really don't think Randy will lose either, not any time soon.
Ok I'm not gonna say that WWE needs to have Jeff as Champ, because come on people, if they can have Cena as Champ and still make cash then anybody can be champ.

I will say though that WWE needs someone who we haven't seen with World Champ gold around yet, to get it. That's why Jeff is perfect for the job.

Also to the people who aren't really fans of Jeff's mic skills, think of it this way. If Jeff becomes WWE Champ that means he gets more mic time, more mic time =s better mic skills.

That being all said now, I'd like to end by saying that I hope Orton gets his arse kicked at the Rumble, and Jeff gets the WWE Championship.
Eh, the Royal Rumble is notorious for having title matches that don't mean much in the grand scheme of things. People buy the show for the Rumble itself, so the title match is just an added bonus. I don't think it changes too many people on if they think the show is worth a buy or not. Remember, Hardcore Holly got a title shot at the Rumble not too long ago.

I definitely don't think Jeff Hardy is going to win but it's nice to see them give him the shot. His undisputed title shot ladder match against the Undertaker a few years back is still one of my favorite free TV matches. Plus, Hardy has seemingly got a lot of his problems with drugs and whatnot together, and after all he's put his body through for the WWE, with the ladder bumps and whatnot, it's nice to see him being used.

Mic skills definitely matter but it won't stop WWE from giving someone a "you earned this" title reign, like they did with Mysterio and Benoit. Neither of which can (could) talk.
Well to throw a dog a bone I'm gonna say that match on RAW this past week (Teamed with HBK v. Kennedy and Orton) really made him look a little better in my eyes. I've always been a fan of the Hardy's for that "extreme" style but as I got older it just got me thinking is it all? I mean Matt Hardy is on Smackdown and he's held his own in his fued with MVP. But the one thing that I credit Matt with that puts me in a more of Matt will be champion before Jeff, is he talks on Smackdown. A lot more than Jeff had ever spoken on RAW.

If Jeff even wants to be taken seriously he needs to cut a lot more promos and get on the mic more. Like other people have stated before story-telling makes the big match the big match.

And to close. I'm a fan of wrestling, not ladders being swung on the neck. So if Jeff ever wants to accomplish that dream of his I suggest he learn some more moves to throw into his arsenal because lord knows that we don't like a champ that can't wrestle but tell a story(John Cena).
I'm not a fan of Orton but Jeff Hardy will NOT win the title at the Royal Rumble and he never will.I like Jeff's style and suicidal dives of the ropes but he doesn't have mic skills,his style isn't main event-ish but if he were to win the title,he wouldn't hold the title for more than 2 months.

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