General Summerslam 2009 Discussion

The only negative I can complain about was the ECW title match, because Regal and Christian can put on a great show, which I'm sure we'll see sooner or later. Everything else met my expectations or exceeded them. I thought Swagger/MVP and Rey/Ziggler were great matches, though I would have liked to see Swagger get the win. The TLC was good, but typically all of these sorts of matches with at least one of the participants being known for them, are good. Cena/Orton would have bored the hell out of me, I told the others in the room that this was the bathroom break match and I would have been right if it wasn't for all of the false endings. Those were the saving grace for me. The Tag Title match was as good as it could have been, and was pretty decent overall, especially since Show/Y2J kept the titles.

DX was the reason I bought the PPV and the reason I loved the PPV. With the creative opening, I was hoping DX would have taken over the entire show, but perhaps it was wishful thinking. I don't know how anyone on the face of this earth could say DX didn't do everything in their God given power to make Legacy look good. DX barely clenched the win, and propelled Legacy up the food chain with this match. I would have been happy if DX cleaned house the entire time, but the way the match actually went was the complete opposite of that, and no one should complain. DX deserved to win, and they were way more than fair making Legacy look as good as they did.

Great PPV from start to finish especially since there weren't any Diva's matches. The only other thing besides the ECW title I could complain about would be the lack of the Hot Rod, but oh well.
What did everyone think of the Brett DiBiase run in? I mean, I think we can safely say that he's now going to be in Legacy, but how do you think the way it was done worked out? Good, bad?

As for the PPV, i'd day it was certainly one of the best of they year, and would probably beat our Hard Justice. The main event was excellent, and I can say Dolph really stepped up his game
I shall treat this with my special edition ECS device 5 star rating:

Match One: Ziggler vs. Mysterio [IC Title] - 4.5 Stars

This was great match to kick off SummerSlam. A solid performance by both of these men. It was a long, drawn out match played well in establishing Ziggler as a legit threat in the WWE & a surefire future Main Eventer. The whole match was a slow climb into becoming one of the best of the entire night. The crowd slowly got more involved into the match as it drew to a close. The most amount of chants concerning positive remarks towards the match were made at the end.

Match Two: Swagger vs. MVP - 2 Stars

A decent wrestling match for a midcard feud starter. The promo before the match was great & I had high hopes. Sadly my bubble got bursted. The crowd was not into the match at all, the two did do a couple of mini-botches & was a short match. This could have developed into something more.

Match Three: Jerishow vs. Cryme Tyme [Tag Titles] - 3.5 Stars

A solid tag team wrestling match that we have not seen in a long time. There was nothing that really stood-out from the match apart from the wrestling & the tag team wrestling. A good title defence met by worthy challengers. It was great to see Cryme Tyme being given an actual long match for the titles instead of being panned off. The match ending solidified Cryme Tyme as a respectable team as they lost to illegal interference after being in the deadly walls of Jericho.

Match Four: Kane vs. Khail - 1.5 Stars

The usual big man match. The crowd was gone, the match was not exciting... nothing to the match really. The only thing that impressed me is how Khali has come along way from when he first stated. He isn't great in the ring, but he is doing well.

Match Five: Christian vs. Regal [ECW title] - No rating

It wasn't a match at all. Just the killswitch & a beatdown.

Match Six: DX vs. Legacy - Match Of The Night [5 Stars]

From the start to the finish, it was an outstanding performance. The crowd was in the match, HHH/HBK gave the rub to Legacy & Legacy looked like one of the biggest most badass teams in the division. This is the measuring stick to tag team match wrestling. This was as good as the HBK/Taker match if it were a tag match. Nothing went wrong, played out well & kept everyone interested.

Match Seven: Orton vs. Cena [WWE Title] - [3.5 Stars]

The match was one of those slow build matches that would usually bore the crap out of the audience, but it didnt due to the fact that its two of the biggest superstars in the industry squaring off. The crowd was into the match the whole time & chanting their arses off as per Cena match. The whole way through was great, until the mulitple endings happened. I think this ruined it for me.

Match Eight: Hardy vs. Punk in a TLC match [WHC Title] - [4.5 Stars]

Same reaction as Dexter, OH YEAH! A solid hardcore match performance done by both men. Not spectacular to have you remembering any of the moves, but still very well executed. I MTFO for the Undertaker return at the end & the CM Punk gaining back the championship. The only thing that bothered me was the EMT bit & the fact that Hardy is most likely resigning now.

Overall as a PPV: 4 Stars. Good line-up with good matches, but some of the matches & the WWE title ending ruined it for me to call it anything above a four.
First off, I thought Summerslam was a great may have been my favourite of the year and it largely kept me entertained from start to end.

Let's take a quick look at the matches...

Dolph Ziggler vs. Mysterio

This was a fantastic opener to the show, Ziggler really looked great here and I thought at times he was going to be walking out with the IC title..even the crowd started to get behind him towards the finish. Ultimately, I'm happy enough that Rey won as the match still provided a platform for Ziggler to excel.

Jack Swagger vs. MVP

This was just okay in my view, they had a decent exchange before the match backstage which added some more interest to the bout. However, it was a little short and the crowd weren't that into it. Overall, it was fine but nothing really special was on display...

Jericho and Big Show vs. Cryme Tyme

I thought this match was good but more importanly it made Cryme Tyme look like an actual threat to the tag titles at times. The crowd seemed to regain their vocies which was good and hopefully Cryme Tyme can now go on from this and get involved in another feud...maybe they will even get another crack at Show and Jericho.

Kane vs. Khail

This was ok, I don't think it was as horrible as many expected but it was relatively short and thank the Lord Kane won. Now I just want him to get far away from Khali...

DX vs. Legacy

I thought this match was brilliant because it made Rhodes and Dibiase look like gold, which is something they have been in need of for quite some time. I thought HBK and HHH did a great job of selling an ass kicking and I liked how they allowed Legacy to show some attitude...from Rhodes slapping HBK in the face to him attempting Shawn's elbow drop. It was just a really well executed performace from all four guys and while none of us really expected Legacy to win, I think it's fair to say that they came away looking like stars following this. I'm so glad they got a rub here and that it wasn't a massacre. Maybe somewhere down the line, DX could return the favour and lay down for Legacy...

Christian v Regal

Too short to say anything about, but Regal despite being screwed out of his title opportunity (he will inevitably get another I imagine) garnered some decent heel heat at the end, so that was a positive.

Orton vs. Cena

I liked this match a lot, it was simply chaotic and I always think Orton and Cena work well together and raise their game when facing off. It was certainly one of Orton's more exciting reigns as champion and the multiple finishes may have been overkill for some people, but I thought it added to the excitement in the end.

Hardy vs. Punk in a TLC match

Again, I thought this was a well done match and if it proves to be Hardy's last then I think it's fair to say it was a memorable one. I will ultimately remember it for Jeff's suicidal leap off the ladder...I actually thought he had snapped his neck or something but it was just a great moment (but there's no way that could be good for you). Then 'Taker's return at the end concluded what I felt was a great PPV, even that was well executed as some of the fans in attendence were genuienly suprised to see 'Taker laying under Punk, it seemed to take some of them a while to realize what was happening once the lights came on again. Great stuff.

On a side note, I thought 'Taker looked like he was really struggling to walk...while it's great to see him back you can't help but wonder if this latest return will be his last.
Rob's review of WWE Summerslam 2009​

WWE Intercontinental Championship Match, Rey Mysterio (c) v.s Dolph Ziggler

This was a great opener. Ziggler looked great once again in this match, just like at Night of Champions, but it has to be said that this match was not quite as good as their battle at Night of Champions. Still, extremely entertaining and for quite some time I thought Ziggler had Mysterio done and dusted.

Match Winner: Rey Mysterio
Rob's Match Verdict: 8.5/10 - An awesome opening match.

M.V.P v.s Jack Swagger

This match was alright I guess. I found it to be quite slow and not nearly as exciting as it should of been. A shame really because I am a huge fan of both Montel and Jack. Could of been alot worse.

Match Winner: M.V.P
Rob's Match Verdict: 5/10 - It should of been a lot better.

Unified WWE Tag Team Championship Match, Chris Jericho & The Big Show (c) v.s Cryme Tyme

I was actually quite impressed with Cyme Tyme in this match. Infact I'd go as far as saying it was their best match to date. JTG I thought had an awesome match and at the end where he managed to hang on and make it to the ropes, that was great for him. Plus a special mention has to go out to Jericho/Big Show's new theme song... it's quite good to be honest.

Match Winners: Chris Jericho & The Big Show
Rob's Match Verdict: 6.5/10 - Pretty good, Cryme Tyme's best match ever.

Kane v.s The Great Khali

I knew from the moment Kane made his entrance that this match would be horrible... and it was. But having said that, it was better then their match at WrestleMania 23. Still, god awful, the worst match of the night by far.

Match Winner: Kane
Rob's Match Verdict: 2/10 - Just plain nasty.

D-Generation X v.s Legacy

Lemme just start by saying OH MY GOD HOW AWESOME WAS DX'S ENTRANCE!!! LOVED IT!!! Anyway, to the match itself. And it was simply all about Legacy. What a performance, Michael Cole hit the nail on the head by saying it was their best match ever. They were able to stand up and keep up with two of the greatest wrestlers of all time. They stood toe to toe with them all match long. I was super impressed with both Cody and Ted. Absolutely awesome.

Match Winners: D-Generation X
Rob's Match Verdict: 8.5/10 - Legacy's best match to date, awesome performance.

ECW Championship Match, Christian (c) v.s William Regal

Ok, what the fuck? This could of been a great match... but NOOOO!!!

Match Winner: Christian
Rob's Match Verdict: 0.5/10 - It wasen't even a match! BOO!!!

WWE Championship Match, Randy Orton (c) v.s John Cena

I have read a lot of people's comments, slating the ending to this match. And I have already given my opinion... but I'll give it again, I loved it! I found it to be so exciting and unpredictable. Cracking ending. This was without doubt the best match these two have had together. I loved it.

Match Winner: Randy Orton
Rob's Match Verdict: 9/10 - I don't care what anyone else thinks, I fucking loved it!

World Heavyweight Championship Tables, Ladders and Chairs Match, Jeff Hardy (c) v.s CM Punk

Oh my good god what a match!!! An unbelieveable ending to the PPV and one of the best 1 on 1 TLC matches I have ever seen. Some of the spots were insane! That superplex onto the ladder, Punk dropping Hardy onto that chair and the Swanton Bomb off that 20 foot ladder through the announce table. If that's Jeff Hardy's last match, then what an amazing way to go out on. He litterally put his life on the line. Best match of the night by far, incredible. Plus Undertaker's return was awesome as well. Punk's face when he saw Taker lying underneath him was classic!

Match Winner: CM Punk (New World Heavyweight Champion)
Rob's Match Verdict: 10/10 - One of the best matches of the year! And a stunning way for Jeff to go out. Thank you Jeff.

Rob's Summerslam 2009 Verdict: 9/10 - I'm so glad I brought this PPV, it was an amazing PPV with alot of exciting moments. Superb! :D
for the record, I am happy that this show beat out WM25 (in my opinion)..Im gonna gonna talk about some of the good matches

Mysterio/Ziggler. One word: WOW..Great opener, great wrestling 7.5/10

Cryme Tyme did a good job. I thought they actually stood a legit chance of winning the titles.

DX: WOW Amazing entrance! Really, that was too good! The match with Legacy, another WOW. They actually tried to win. 8.5/10

Cena/Orton: Unlike some, I was not a fan of the finish. I was just way to confused from Garcia's announcing, to that fan running in..I think I realized Orton won once the TLC match started. 6.5/10, a little too confusing and just..weird :/ Im gonna pray anything with Cena, Orton (and triple h) in the same match ends this year!

Hardy/Punk: First off, Thank you Jeff! I dont know what's in store for you in the future but I hope it's better than main eventing a PPV, cause if it aint, then you're really missing out!

Swanton suicide bomb. Seen it so many times but it still amazes me. I kinda felt that this didnt have the "main event feel"..Im gonna assume I was recovering from Orton/Cena but anyways, way to add shock value by giving us the deadman!

It would be nice if WWE just take all the half assed matches off the card. Really, dont waste our money with ECW matches, nor with Khali/ have hours to waste on weekly television, just dont waste PPV time..use that time to make the main events even better!

Overall, 7/10...good show
It's funny how you read all thoses rumors about how Vince is furious that he's not able to make new stars but when he got a chance to pull the trigger and start making new stars he doesn't do it.

Last Night's summerslam was the perfect exemple of what i'm talking about. Sure the matches were great but the fact is, all the veterans won their matches. Let's start off with Rey Mysterio vs Dolph Ziggler. Perfect exemple here, Ziggler is becoming on of the best guy on the smackdown roster. He got one hell of a push since joining Smackdown, all he need is a title win to go from a lower card guy to a mid carder. He one of the most improve guy on the roster but because mysterion wants a long title reign, Ziggler get shut out.

Next we get Crymetym vs Jericho/Big Show: The fact is the tag team division is dead no matter who you decide to put as tag team champions so why not put the championship on crymetyme since they are very over anyway and could carry the division a lot more then jericho and Show will ever do.

next, let's go to the DX vs Legacy match: When will the WWE finally realise that Dibiasie and Rhodes got the talent to become real superstar in the business. Sure they looked a lot better then i expected in that match but still, they lose yet again like they always do every single time they are in the ring with the main eventers. It's time to push these guys and give them a chance to prove themselves on there own and actually have them win once and a while. Has good as this match was last he didn't help Dibiasie and Rhodes at all and just madde them look more like jobber to the stars.

The only bright spot on the show is that finally C.M. Punk is becoming a main eventer and it's about time. The guy as already proven how great of a wrestler he was know since turning heel, he really showing that he's pretty good on the mic as well. His match with Jeff Hardy last night was just plain awesome, it was the best thing on the card by far and now i can wait to see how the Punk/undertaker feud will go because if done properly, this will cemented C.M. Punk standing as a main eventer and right they really need new blood in the main event picture. If only they could find a way to do the same thing on Raw, since the Orton vs Cena match was really boring. Even the ending was rediculous. Why would Mr.McMahon give all these information to Lilian who by the way, didn'T have a ear piece so how was she getting these information in the first place. Another question was why would lilian get all these information from Mr. McMahon while the referee and the anounce team didn't know a thing about this. They tried to be creative with this match and the fail. Raw really need more stars and they got a roster full of young star waiting to become main eventers. Right i rather see Randy Orton vs Mark Henry for the WWE Championship then another orton vs cena or orton vs HHH match.

Summerslam was a pretty good event wrestling wise. Some matches were better then other, the ECW champion was made to look like a joke and the WWE decide to buried the young talents they had to make the veterans happy. All in all i see that nothing has change in the WWE and probably is going to change anytime soon.
SummerSlam, so big a PPV it gets a full review.

Intercontinental Match Put Mysterio in a match and it is usually good, and this was no exception. It wasn't his best match but it was a good warm up for the rest of the show. Ziggler did well, and I expected him to win making the ending pretty sweet.

Rating: 7/10

MVP vs Swagger Sweet promo leading into it...and it stunk the place out. The crowd didn't care and it didn't look very good. Swagger is better than this, and MVP's character as a face just isn't working. Turn him back into the cocky twat we can hate. Awful.

Rating: 3/10

Unified Tag Match Chris Jericho is a genious. First of all he puts prestige back into the IC title, then the Tag titles. Now, he has surpassed both; he has made the Big Show matter. These two are extremely entertaining at the moment, and they made Cryme Tyme look great, the best they've ever done. These two keeping the belts but making other tag teams look good bodes well for the division.

Rating: 7/10

Kane vs Khali Erm, well, na it was crap. The best part was the DDT ending. Khali should be used as someone who comes out to save the faces and for comedy. Though I'm sure having his high profile match on PPV would have boosted buy rates in India so it wasn't a total disaster.

Rating: 2/10

DX vs Legacy This. This was awesome. Legacy looked outstanding. In a month they have gone from lackeys to a well oiled, dangerous tag team and it is thanks to HHH and HBK. This match had everything a tag match should and the ending gave us a DX win but made Legacy look unlucky to lose.

Rating: 9/10

ECW Title Mark out time, Regal on a PPV! Oh shit, what a waste of time. No wait Christian gets his arse kicked and we are getting a Regal stable. Not a match, just a promo really which looks like regal gets a push and a title win when ECW comes to England.

Rating: N/A

WWE Title These two promised and they didn't disappoint. The weird endings you either loved or hated, I loved them. Orton got his come uppence for pissing off the McMahon's. Cena had the match won and a crazed fan interrupts (heard of the identity, and I can't wait for that story to play out). I though it was legit, until Orton winning of course. Orton's title reigns always have matches like this, you think he is definitely losing the title but he keeps it. I'm sure Cena will get the belt eventually. Great match.

Rating: 9/10

WHC Wasn't as good as I was expecting. One last hige Swanton from Jeff made the match. I liked the bit of jeff being stretchered away but I hate the punches on the ladder to end the match. After the spots they pull off a punch from a ladder ends it? Bit weak for me.

Rating: 7/10

Then the ending is exactly how you end a PPV. Give the viewer a reason to watch the weekly programming. Smackdown will get viewers this week for the Undertaker and news on Jeff. Brilliant booking.

Overall Summerslam was a solid show but there wasn't much to distinguish it from the other PPV's without a gimmick. If this is going to be pushed as WrestleMania part II then the other PPV's need to drop the so high profile match ups.

Overall: 44/70

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