General Summerslam 2009 Discussion

SS '09

Jeff Hardy(c) vs CM Punk TLC let these two tell a story with some sick spots..throw johnny nitro in it becomes a spotfest.. the gymnast will be in the mainevent soon.dont rush it.
Jeff retains due to matt hardy
yea i know a SHOCKER but matt did it so he can beat jeff for the belt at the submission ppv ( or whatever nxt) prob punk in there two

DX vs Legacy.. instead of hunter&hbk squahing the duo. let a monster "enforcer" debut as Legacy new member.. then maybe hbk and hunter will have to look for two guys or a tag to join the new DX this feud will run to SS.. and hopefully hunter will scre hbk or shawn will superkick hunter cause u know they both will want randys belt

John Cena vs Randy Orton i wish for soemthing fresh like a clean win for Cena..then a new corrupt GM or paid off ref switches decision for whatever the reason. keeps cena looking strong.. and allows randy to keep belt in his DX feud.. there needs to be a strong heel associated with the gm or dirty ref so cena can feud with him leavin him out of title pic for li l while

ps. i am all about stables crews.etc when wwfE was hot they had stables and crews ( Hennan Family) attitude era had 30 stables down to Los Boricuas!

Christian (c) vs Regal christian wins, but loses to regal in rematch on ecw tv via submission.. christian regains at submission only ppv

y2j&show vs criminals (its so sad they call them cryme tyme) y2j and show over strong CT will never be super over and written to the top till they become more chracter do sit down interview with JR

Rey vs Dolph rey wins then attacked by hart dynasty in locker room cause tyson wants his belt

kofi loses ic belt to swagger. now a good raw heel can help MVP take that next step

backstage john morrison is seen talkin close with maria..callin her BF Dolph a loser and askin her if she is as flexible as he is !!

Morrison loses a 4 way #1 contender to IC match when ziggler runs out and attackes him (sets up their feud) Tyson Kidd won the match which is motn ! oover R.Truth,morrison, Miz. Miz also helped ziggler f*ck up morrison so they can feud too but maria should make the trio crazy.

in my opinion for the E to get hot, or atleast hotter.. guys to get some crews together! it is just more real that way.. more of these DiVAS need to be in REALISTIC sotrylines causing trouble for the guys.. remember edge/matt or macho/hulk. hell the only two reasons men are men are $$ and PoonPie!

doin a corrupt management angle for cena is perfect.. mcmahons cant do it since they hate rko. i would like to hear u guys opinions maybe randy paid off a ref and one or two guys..HELL a mvp heel turn just might save him and be realistic??

i love what sum1 said hartdynasty vs DX but WAIT..thats the E's main problem.. i odnt care that randy and hunter has been feudin since jan GOOD let it evolve like it is..cause its hot. a 4th legacy member would be perfect and NO ONE expects it. shawn and hunter can take cryme tyme and do what i said earlier, throw away the racist name and let em go crazy

i can go on and on! but ss used to be my fav. 88-92 were perfect. those classic
Summerslam 09

World Heavyweight Championship
Jeff Hardy(c) vs CM Punk (TLC)

Really looking forward to this match. I love TLC matches, especially the ones that Jeff has competed in. CM Punk will win back the title here, as Jeff is leaving. Hopefully p unk will feud with Morrison after.

WWE Championship
Randy Orton(c) vs John Cena

Any match involving Randy Orton vs Triple H or John Cena is boring. They have fought way to many times in singles matches. If there was an added stipulation then it would be more entertaining. I see Randy Orton retaining, and them having a rematch at Breaking Point. Raw is in desperate need of new ME talent.

DX vs The Legacy

This is a great opportunity to give Legacy more credibility as a team. Im hoping they win cleanly, but that wont happen. Will be a good match, with DX picking up the win.

Intercontinental Championship
Rey Mysterio(c) vs Dolph Ziggler

Another good match. Ziggler will get the win, and go on to hold the IC title for a long time. Ziggler should then go on to feud with the Undertaker.

ECW Championship
Christian(c) vs William Regal

Should be a good match. I see Christian retaining, and then facing Regal again at Breaking Point where he'll lose the title.

Unified Tag Team Championships
Chris Jericho and Big Show(c) vs Cryme Tyme

Typical tag match with Jericho and Show retaining their titles. They should then start a feud with the Hart Dynasty.

The Great Khali vs Kane

This is my least favourite match on the card. I hate two large superstars going at it because they are usually slow, and boring. Kane should be able to speed it up a bit. Expect Khali to win by DQ and the feud to continue to Breaking Point.

Jack Swagger vs MVP

Should be an awesome match. They are both amazing athletes, with great mic skills and bright futures. I see Swagger getting the win, and them having a rematch at Breaking Point. Expect the winner of that match to then get a ME push.

Overall Summerslam looks like a good ppv, and i am really looking forward to most of the matches.
First let me say that I've been a wrestling fan since 1984. I've seen the ups and downs...the good and the ugly. One thing the WWE has been missing lately is the surprise element which really made it a must watch show back in the 90's. People can say what they want about Russo...but with him in control it kept you on the edge of your seat. Today it seems like the same old thing, week in week out. If it's not a comedy's a catchphrase show with bad acting.

I could go on and on...but let me just say this regarding Summerslam. I don't know what the deal is with Jeff Hardy and CM Punk...but to me they should be matched up for the IC title, to bring more prestige back to it. The world title should be left to Randy Orton vs. John Cena so the WWE has 1 not 2 world champions.

Now on to DX vs Legacy. If the WWE had any balls they would have HHH turn on Shawn and join Legacy. Nobody would see it coming. Shawn would be injured and kept out until Survivor Series where they could start their feud which would lead to an HBK-HHH Wrestlemania showdown to end Michaels career. HHH said he alway preferred to be heel...and I agree, he has made one of the best heels in history.

Later in the night HHH can help Orton retain his title against Cena and the new Legacy will be formed. The WWE needs a powerful heel stable. That brings viewers and ratings.

If the WWE wants to milk the DX return to sell merchandise...then they can wait for the turn to happen at Survivor Series (where HBK will be screwed ironically) and have Shawn come back at the Rumble to eliminate HHH in a surprise return setting up the WM match.

As far as the rest of the matches on the Summerslam card...I won't get into it. I find myself being less interested in the WWE year after year. I think the brand split was initially a good idea...but now has grown stale. They need to bring the two brands back together for a 3 hour Raw every week...while they have a secondary show to bring up the young talent. It'll make the product more exciting, and create some stacked cards that fans will enjoy.
Pretty decent card this year, though some of the build ups aren't good enough. It's meant to be the culmination of all the summer feuds, not thrown together stuff.

The WWE title, rightly, is the most mouth watering match. Orton is the top heel, Cena the top face, they haven't had a proper one on one match (without a DQ finish) in two years. Fully expect Cena to get the win to allow Orton/HHH to finish at Hell in the Cell without the strap at stake.

WHC match should be entertaining and we should get some indication to what will happen to Jeff afterwards. If he's staying he keeps the belt after a spotfest.

The main endercard match is DX/Legacy. The build has been really good, Legacy have looked strong and can take a defeat without looking a week. DX can have a nice little run together until HHH goes back to Orton.

The tag titles match is just going to be a win to make Jericho and Show look credible. Cryme Tyme being on a big PPV shows how far they have come since the draft. Losing doesn't bury them.

Reyrey against Dolph will be good, Rey's matches usually are. This will probably be where Dolph is handed the strap as a part of his continued push. Rey can take the defeat and move up to feud with Punk if Hardy leaves.

Swagger/MVP has to be good, if not they will both miss their chance at getting the push. Swagger has the potential to be a credible threat to Cena if they make that feud down the line. MVP has been poor as a face so far, getting the crowd on his side in this match is a must or they may as well turn him heel again, a role he actually got the fans into.

Kane/Khali hasn't been done with Khali in the face role, not that that will make much difference. It will be a large brawl, Kane might just about get the win.

ECW title match, er, Regal's English. There's an attraction for me. He won't win though.

Should be a pretty good PPV, WWE are trying to make it the second biggest PPV after all, though there's much more build up for the Royal Rumble.
First let me say that I've been a wrestling fan since 1984. I've seen the ups and downs...the good and the ugly. One thing the WWE has been missing lately is the surprise element which really made it a must watch show back in the 90's. People can say what they want about Russo...but with him in control it kept you on the edge of your seat. Today it seems like the same old thing, week in week out. If it's not a comedy's a catchphrase show with bad acting.

I could go on and on...but let me just say this regarding Summerslam. I don't know what the deal is with Jeff Hardy and CM Punk...but to me they should be matched up for the IC title, to bring more prestige back to it. The world title should be left to Randy Orton vs. John Cena so the WWE has 1 not 2 world champions.

I'm sorry but that makes no sense whatsoever. So you want to leave the two wrestlers who are involved in the best storyline currently in the WWE fighting for the IC Title. Jericho and Mysterio brought prestige back to that title the last few months and Ziggler will get his opportunity to shine.

And also what you're suggesting is either the WHC and WWE being unified or the WHC being done with altogether and that's not simply going to happen.

I predict the match of the night will be the Punk vs. Hardy TLC match. I would have said Orton vs. Cena but I don't know if their match will be better than the one they had two years ago. Punk should win this match and I expect Matt Hardy interference to play a part of it. Hopefully the ladders will be better than the ones they had for Hardy/Edge.
I wish they had more time to build for SummerFest. Everything on the card feels just SO rushed. It feels like the showdown of "Vocies" Randy Vs "yes, it IS cool to cheer me" Cena shouldve received more time, more angle, more arc. Punk and Hardy feels good, but thats because its been going for ages already. DX and Legacy couldve used a TON more build, as they were segment? It really makes me hope that this will be a series of matches, y'know.

Either way, im extremely excited for Sundays show, I just cant help but feel they missed the boat in just how huge they couldve made this thing feel.
I agree with you NorCal but I am very pumped for what we have already.

I think the matches should be wuite good in terms of quality and more so than that, there should be some really great moments in the event. I am looking forward to seeing Swagger vs MVP and I am sure that that will deliver a good quality match to us. I am also looking forward to seeing how they finish Jeff Hardy off for the time being. I think it will be great to see which way they are going to go with this and I also think that it will tell us a lot about how he sees his future.

The match that I am not looking too forward to is Cryme Tyme vs Jeri-Show. I have a feeling that this match was just too rushed, like all the other ones really but this one more so. I don't think it will be a classic match by any stretch of the imagination and I can only see Jeri-Show coming out of the match with the titles. I look at this match and I can't help but think that the two best active tag teams in the WWE are not even competing for the tag titles, doesn't make any sense really.

Nevertheless, I am really looking forward to the even t though.
SummerSlam 2009

World Heavyweight Championship: TLC Match
Jeff Hardy (C) vs CM Punk

This match will most likely steal the show. TLC matches are always amazing especially when you have two semi to full fledged high flyers in the match. I mean Jeff Hardy is a master of the TLC match and CM Punk may have never been in a TLC match (correct me if I am wrong) but, we have seen him win two MITB matches in pretty impressive fashion.

Winner: CM Punk (only because of the Jeff Hardy leaving rumors)

WWE Championship
Randy Orton (C) vs John Cena

This match should be decent/good, at least a little newer. We haven't seen John Cena in a singles match for the WWE Title in a little while so, this should be pretty good. Also, going from Orton/Cena past matches, they have pretty good ring chemistry together.

Winner: Randy Orton (just to keep the title on him during this DX/Legacy feud)

ECW Championship
Christian (C) vs William Regal

This match should be pretty good. We haven't seen these two guys go at it very many times if ever, especially over a singles title. They are both in-ring veterans and can put on some good matches so, I see this match being good.

Winner: Christian (I think Regal will lose at SS and then take the title from Christian at the submission PPV)

DX Return Match
D-Generation X (HHH and HBK) vs Legacy (Rhodes and DiBiase)

I am hoping this match doesn't turn into a squash match because that would not look good at all for Legacy. I think this should be a stepping stone for Legacy. Even if they don't win and just put on a good showing in this match, that alone would elevate their statis as legitimate opponents for DX.

Winners: D-Generation X

Intercontinental Championship
Rey Mysterio (C) vs Dolph Ziggler

We have seen these two go at a few times now and I think their matches have been fairly good. I mean Ziggler is still a bit green but, he is coming along quite nicely. This should be a fun match to watch overall.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler (give him his first singles title and see how he runs with it)

Unified Tag Team Championships
Bigger and Badder (Big Show and Chris Jericho) vs Cryme Tyme (Shad and JTG)

Obviously, Bigger and Badder is going to win but, I think Cryme Tyme could put on a pretty good match with these guys. I mean a few weeks ago on RAW, when Shaq was GM, these two teams went at it in a non-title match and I honestly though Cryme Tyme was going to pick up the upset victory after they hit their tag team finisher on Jericho.

Winners: Bigger and Badder

Grudge Match
Kane vs The Great Khali

Easily the most disappointing match on the card. If this match is anything like their WM match a few years back then, we are in for quite the crappy match. I think Kane should be put into a better feud with someone that can actually move around the ring.

Winner: Kane (referee gets knocked down and Kane hits Khali with steel chair for the win)

Grudge Match
Jack Swagger vs MVP

This match will probably be the opener for SummerSlam 2009. This should actually be a good/great match. These guys are both future ME, IMO, and should have a place on the card. I thought their match on RAW a few weeks back was quite entertaining and I see this match being the same if not even better.

Winner: Jack Swagger (picks up a cheap win to keep the feud going a bit longer)

Note(s): I was just wondering why there is no United States Title match and absolutely no Diva's match on the card. (maybe WWE is going to scrap the diva's or they are just taking a break to further the diva's rivalries)
World Heavyweight title
Jeff hardy (c) vs CM Punk
this will be a great match with loads of high flying action and hardcore stuff. hardy could make punk look soo great being a veteran at this type of match. hopefully hardy wins but i highly doubt that he will coz of leaving rumours

Winner: CM punk

ECW Title
Christian (c) vs William Regal
Good match that will prob go back and forth alot. maybe zeke and kozlov will come and distract christian but he will still win coz he only won it last month

Winner: Christian

WWE title
Randy Orton (c) vs John Cena
this should be good because its new and cena hasnt really been involved with the title for a while now.

Winner:Randy Orton

Tag Team match
DX vs Legacy
is this legacy being pushed, starting to be used well. is this their 3 PPV in a row (correct if im wrong) of course it is.
anyway im stoked for the DX return. i heard they were getting rid of the pg13 rating this monday (not sure if it is true) so DX can do their better skits.
back to the thread. DX will win legacy will start strong but then DX will dominate
looking forward to it :p

Winner: DX

Intercontinental title
Rey (c) vs Ziggler
it will be much like NoC with Dolph dominating most and then mysterio wins because he is annoyed that he has short title reigns and Ziggler can have a fued w Morrison

Winner: rey mysterio

Unified tag team Titles
JeriShow (c)Cryme Tyme
This will be another great match. cryme tyme is finally being pushed for the title!!
I think it'll be like a normal Cryme tyme match. JTG will start in and start really well and then start getting smashed, tag Shad in, he'll go crazy but JeriShow will win

Winner Jerishow

Grudge Match
The Great Kahli vs Kane
Dont care

Grudge match
Swagger vs MVP
This has been a great fued and this match looks really great.
i think Masters wil come in and distract MVP swagger will hit the Gutwrench powerbomb and then Masters will start beating him up with Swagger after and then evan bourne (or someone else) will come in with a weapon of some sort and start hitting swagger and masters. then setting up a tag team fued with MVP and Bourne against Swagger and Masters
So i've read the rumors about DX v Legacy closing out summerslam and part of the reason being to let fans leave happy? IF this is true i have some major issues with it. For one thing, its not even a good match, DX is boring to me, especially with just these two, and cody rhodes is not entertaining at all. Second, shouldn't a title match be the last match?? Triple H himself wanted him and jericho to close out mania rather than rock hogan because he felt it would preserve the esteem of the belt. I guess that's only the case if he's in the championship picture, such a joke to have a crappy tag match over one of the 2 championship matches. And finally...if the reason is to have ppl leave early, that means this will be just another ole run of DX...I thought for this one to at least be a little diff HBK shoulda turned heel, even though a HHH-HBK feud would be old too, it'll be a little diff with HBK as the heel. I really hope this match doesn't close out Summerslam...what do you think?
WrestleZone said:
As has been reported by other websites, WWE Hall Of Famer "Rowdy" Roddy Piper is currently in Los Angeles doing promotional work for the new WWE video game. can also report that Piper was spotted at the official SummerSlam party at Club Hollywood in L.A. (photos below).

Additionally, has learned that the WWE legend is scheduled for some sort of appearance at the actual SummerSlam pay-per view event this Sunday as well. The specific details on his actual role on the show are unclear, but we have heard that the "Hot Rod" will indeed be on camera during the summer's biggest event

Well, it looks like the Hot Rod himself will be making an appearance at this sunday's Summerslam! I'm glad to see Piper is feeling better considering all of his health issues and his recent DUI arrest. It'll be nice to see him again, even if he is old and broken down, he's one of the greatest of all time, and it'll be a treat to see him again, as it always is for me and my inner mark.

Gotta love Piper. Maybe a segment with Santino?
I’m glad that he is feeling better after everything he had been going through lately and it’s great that he is going to be making a comeback for Summerslam. I don’t care how old he is or how broken down his body is, I still love it when he returns because of the nostalgia that he brings. He is usually great when he makes appearances and I’m not expecting anything less than that.

So I’m really looking forward to what they are going to do with him. I hope that they don’t waste his appearance on some silly backstage skit and instead have him host the Piper’s Pit. As far as to who could be the guest, I’m not really sure. I guess it could be Santino but they already did that. Maybe it could be done to setup someone’s return? I don’t know what they could do if they have him host the Piper’s Pit but I do know that I am happy that he is going to be at the show.
SummerSlam 2009

World Heavyweight Championship: TLC Match
Jeff Hardy (C) vs CM Punk
Should be a good match and a good showing of both guys talent in the ring, hopefully its not one spot after another and theres some actual wrestling involved.

Winner: CM Punk, if Jeffs walking away from the company, Punk should walk out with the title.

WWE Championship
Randy Orton (C) vs John Cena

At least its not Orton vs. Triple H. This hould be decently enjoyable, but its been done before.

Winner: Randy Orton, keep the title on him for as long a humanly possible, lets say until WM 26 or 27.

ECW Championship
Christian (C) vs William Regal

It wont be great, it wont be good, and it wont be entertaining.

Winner: Christian, this is why it wont be great, good or entertaining.

DX Return Match
D-X vs Legacy

Uuuuugh. I like the concept of Legacy, but I don't like how they've been booked. I love HBK, and cannot stand Triple H, and as D-X I cannot stand either of them or the group as a whole. Hopefully Legacy gets to show that they have balls and are worthy of their spot. I also hope this isnt the Main Event

Winners: D-X via DQ, because Legacy will break out some chairs and put a beating on Triple H and HBK

Intercontinental Championship
Rey Mysterio (C) vs Dolph Ziggler

Although this is a rematch of NOC in which Ziggler should of won the IC Title during their first bout, this match will only be worth watching because of Ziggler. Rey is out of his prime, and is extremely boring now. The quicker the title is off of him the better

Winner: Dolph Ziggler, I really dont understand why he didnt win it at NOC. He's one of the hottest up and coming stars they have.

Unified Tag Team Championships
Jeri-Show vs Cryme Tyme

I love PPV Filler matches, but hopefully Jericho and Show can make Cryme Tyme look good, or I fear these two hoodstars will be without jobs again. They may be over with the fans, but this is there second run, and they havent held gold once during either of their runs.

Winners: Jeri-Show, because it would be absolutely ******ed to take the titles off of them when there are so many feuds opening up for them (DX, Legacy, Jackson and Kozlov)

Grudge Match
Kane vs The Great Khali

More PPV filler. Why is this match on the PPV and a US Title match isnt? Im confused as to why this couldnt of taken place on Smackdown this past Friday. Actually I dont care either way, because its going to be horrible.

Winner: Khali, because Kane will somehow get DQ to continue this feud for another two months to keep both of these guys busy

Grudge Match
Jack Swagger vs MVP

Can we say Jumpin the Gun much? Again I see something that could of been special being blow away too soon. These two needed to have a very slow built up feud over the next few months. It just seems to early for this to be happening. Hopefully it doesnt ruin either of these two guys.

Winner: MVP needs this win, because he has the best chance of stepping into the Main Event due to being a face and the possiblility of him going into a program with Orton.

Where's the US, Diva's and Womens Title matches on this card? Why arent Bourne, Morrison, or Matt Hardy anywhere in the picture?

Morrison has been busting his ass on Smackdown for the past two months, and he's looked over on one of the biggest PPV's of the year, someone is fucking up majorly here. Maybe well get lucky and he'll make a run in during the Punk vs Hardy match. Also maybe Matt will apear during that match adding more layers to the storyline.

Divas and Womens Title matches......I dont really mind that either is not on the card, because without Maryse on Raw I don't really care about womens wrestling.

Kofi Kingston and the US Title. Ughmm he by default the number one contender to the WWE Title, not to mention he's the fucking US Champ. Kahli vs Kane makes the card, but they couldnt figure out a suitable storyline for Kingston? I call bullshit. If Bourne wasnt Swaggers stepping stone on Monday he could of filled this spot nicely.

This PPV will be at best a 6/10 due to so many poorly booked matches and poorly writen storylines.
What the hell?

How can you rate the pay per view if you haven’t even seen the actual…you know…pay per view! And how do you know the matches are going to be poorly booked? Have you seen the pay per view? No, no you haven’t because it hasn’t aired yet. You can't make claims like that unless you have actually seen it, which I know you haven't. Also, have you seen the script that the creative writers/bookers wrote for the match? You haven’t done that either. And finally, where you there when the agents were going over the matches with the wrestlers? No, no you weren’t because they haven't even done that yet.

You’re giving a pay per view a rating even though you haven’t even see it. How stupid is that? I find it to be very stupid. Watch the actual show first and then judge the pay per view as a whole and how the matches went. You aren’t even making predictions, you’re simply stating things that you haven’t seen or know about.

I don’t know how you came up with the last line either. Really, I don't know. Like I said, watch the show before you give it an actual rating and then make claims like the matches being poorly booked e.t.c.
What the hell?

How can you rate the pay per view if you haven’t even seen the actual…you know…pay per view! And how do you know the matches are going to be poorly booked? Have you seen the pay per view? No, no you haven’t because it hasn’t aired yet. You can't make claims like that unless you have actually seen it, which I know you haven't. Also, have you seen the script that the creative writers/bookers wrote for the match? You haven’t done that either. And finally, where you there when the agents were going over the matches with the wrestlers? No, no you weren’t because they haven't even done that yet.

You’re giving a pay per view a rating even though you haven’t even see it. How stupid is that? I find it to be very stupid. Watch the actual show first and then judge the pay per view as a whole and how the matches went. You aren’t even making predictions, you’re simply stating things that you haven’t seen or know about.

I don’t know how you came up with the last line either. Really, I don't know. Like I said, watch the show before you give it an actual rating and then make claims like the matches being poorly booked e.t.c.

Do you honestly thing that Kahli vs Kane is going to be a match people talk about for the next 3-5 years as one of the best matches they've seen? I for one cant wait to see Kahli barely make it down to the ring, and wrestle Kane..... I'm sure this will be the best mat wrestling match seen in the past 20 years actually.

Do you think that rushing the Swagger/MVP feud is a great idea? These two could of used another few weeks of going back and forth before they had a match at Summerslam. Maybe MVP vs Kingston for the US title could of been on the card, and Swagger could of come out and attacked MVP costing him the match. Rushing the match isnt helping either of them

Two weeks of build up to bring back HBK to join Triple H to face Legacy? This would of been better booked if HBK was reluctant to come back, and wasnt expected to make the PPV, but then did a run in at the last minute to help Triple H out. The slight mention that this match may be int he Main Event is also a slap in the face to Orton, Cena, Punk, and Hardy.

3 weeks to build up Orton vs Cena? Wait wasnt this the Main Event for Summerslam two years ago? This match doesnt bother me as much, but I still think it could of been built up to be something bigger and better

I remember the build up for Austin vs Undertaker from Summerslam back in like 1999 or 2000, I also remember the big build up for Undertaker vs Edge at Summerslam last year. They took the whole summer to build up the matches for the PPV. Over half of these matches were booked in the past two weeks, some with no meaningful build up.

How can I rate the PPV without seeing it? Due to the poor quality of the product over the past I dont know 5 months, its pretty easy to call how this PPV will go. Most of the matches we've seen before, sure the TLC match will be the high light of the night, but the rest of it will be pretty bland and predictable. We all know Orton and CM Punk are walking out with the Gold and everything else is just filler.
World Title (TLC Match) - Jeff Hardy v CM Punk: This is the real main event, whether it goes on last or not, I have no doubt this will be a great match and it's nice that it seems they're ending a feud when it's at it's peak for a change rather than dragging it on to the point that people are sick of it, I wouldn't rule out outside involvment in this match, maybe a swerve heel turn by Matt Hardy again or a Taker appearance after Punk wins to set the stage for the next title programme.

WWE Title - Randy Orton v John Cena: Not much of a story here, but should be a really good match if there match 2 years ago is anything to go by, I expect Orton to win.

DX v Legacy: Legacy got real heat for the first time ever last week when they beat down DX, even though DX will probably win here, simply being in a competitive match with them on a major PPV will further put Legacy over, I think this will be a good tag team match, I just hope if DX win people don't go overboard saying they buried DiBiase & Rhodes, a DX win is the logical outcome here IMO, especially since it looks like the heels will come out on top in the other big matches.

IC Title - Rey Mysterio v Dolph Ziggler: I liked there match last month, hopefully the LA crowd is more in to the match than the crowd last month, Ziggler wins after a Maria heel turn.

Tag Titles - Jericho & Big Show v Cryme Tyme: On the rare occasions Cryme Tyme are in actual feuds they normally put on good matches, I think they deserve a Tag title reign, but I don't think they'll get it here with the way they've been building the Jericho-Big Show team up for the last month, wouldn't make sense for them to lose in there first title defence.

ECW Title - Christian v William Regal: Should be good, I hope Christian gets a long title reign this time, I think he'll win this by DQ after interferince from Regal's new stable and the feud will continue.

MVP v Jack Swagger: Surprised (but glad) this match made it onto the PPV, if they get more than 7-8 minutes it could be a really good match.

Kane v The Great Khali: Don't care for this at all, Kane should win, he at least has some mileage left in him.

Overall, I gotta say, even though it doesn't feel like a huge PPV like Summerslam used to (it hasn't since 05 to me), from a wrestling standpoint, all the matches (except Kane-Khali) should be damn good, I'm looking forward to it.
I cant believe it.

I said this PPV was going to be less than steller, and that CM Punk vs Hardy would be the only match really worth seeing, and after reading the results I was right. Good to see the Undertaker is back.

its a shame that DX beat Legacy, this match should of ended via DQ, to keep the story line going. Now well have to put up with DX garbage for another few months. I really hope the end result is HBK turning on HHH.

its also a shame that Rey is still the IC Champ, Ziggler should of got this win, he's the future.

Did anyone ever figure out why Morrison didnt make this PPV? Or the US Champ for that matter?

Orton vs Cena is stopped and restarted 3 times? WOW thats fantastic. Great booking job
Can anyone explain how the orton cena match actually ended? Was the ref getting attacked by 2 guys from the crowd part of the show? (The king and Cole were muttering over the mic but couldn't catch it). Very poorly booked ending.

The Punk Hardy TLC was amazing and if the swanton off the ladder is the last thing Jeff does for WWE then what a way to go out.

Oh and is Vince a Face on Raw (getting the match restarted 3 times in favor of the face tonight) and a heel on Smackdown (making jeff fight injured on last weeks smackdown and bullying teddy long)?

Loved the Undertaker return. Great stuff.

The rest of the PPV was garbage. Ray still going over on the new guys making them look inferior. DX getting the win (at least they didn't dominate leaving the fued open for breaking point). Kane + Kali (big who cares). No Kofi, No morrison, No Miz (ok he was banned but should have found a way to at least get some on camera time). Oh at least the PPV showed just how serious creative take ECW. A 5 second title match. I hope Striker and Matthews dont get paid by the minute (but judging by the shirt matthews had on tonight I guess they do)
Did Piper make an appearance? I missed small bits of the ppv so I have no idea if I missed him or what. I'm inclined to believe he wasn't used..
I cant believe it.

I said this PPV was going to be less than steller, and that CM Punk vs Hardy would be the only match really worth seeing, and after reading the results I was right.

You've got to be shitting me. How can you judge a PPV YOU DIDN'T EVEN WATCH? How would you know it was less than stellar if you simply read the results? That's absolutely asinine.

This PPV, well it had some bad lows, and some fantastic highs. The Christian-Regal match ending in 5 seconds was an insult to ECW.

The main event however, was fantastic. Punk and Hardy put on one hell of a TLC match, and easily stole the show. That was one of the better matches I've seen from the WWE in a long time, and I'm not ashamed to admit that I was marking out at the end when Punk won. As soon as he did though I said to myself "Well, here comes the Undertaker I'm sure", and boom, there he comes. But the way they had him replace Jeff Hardy's body in the ring? That was simply ingenious. That's something I don't say very often about the WWE, but that was simply flat out creative and well executed, the entire audience was shocked to see that Taker had replaced Hardy in the ring, and damnit, I was too. I haven't given a shit about the Undertaker in years, and yet I was marking out for him returning like that.

The PPV was worth the watch though. Despite some of the lower points (Kane-Khali), the last three matches were all above average with the main event being spectacular (if only it had lasted about 5 minutes longer though).

Solid ending to Summerslam. Overall I'd give the show a B+, mainly for the last few matches.
Well so much for Jim Ross saying there will be surprises with superstars such as Kofi and Morrison being apart of SummerSlam. I thought Roddy Piper was going to have an impact too, I guess not.

Rey Mysterio vs. Dolph Ziggler: This was the match of the night IMO. There were lots of reversals and close finishes. Too bad Ziggler didn't win because he was really over tonight.

Jack Swagger vs. MVP: This match was pretty slow. I just can't get into MVP at all. The fans really didn't get into MVP that much either. I think you could hear grass grow through out the match. I was hoping that Swagger could of pulled it off but I guess not. They are at least pushing MVP, even though I think its too little too late.

Cryme Tyme vs. JeriShow: This tag team should of stayed fired. They get little reaction and can't wrestle to save their lives. This is match everyone pretty much knew was going to be a squash match. Please WWE put together tag teams that are younger then 40, that are talented.

Kane vs. Great Khali: This match was an abortion from start to finish. Two big men wrestling is never good. Especially when one of them is Khali. Even Ricky Steamboat couldn't put on a good match with Khali. The match was dull and boring. Botchamania.

DX vs. Legacy: Well good to see DX and their heavy artillery. Did anyone else notice those TNA chants at the beginning of the DX segment or was it just me? Anyways, it was nice to see Legacy actually get in some offense. Of course the crowd knew that DX was walking away with it. It would of been nice to see Legacy get a cheap win for once. Any win is good. Hopefully, Randy Orton fires Rhodes and Dibiase and they can do their own thing.

William Regal vs. Christian: Well, I didn't think this was going to be a squash match but well done. Keep flushing that ECW title down the toilet.

John Cena vs. Randy Orton: Well it was interesting with all these false start and stop finishes. Too bad that Vince didn't bother to let Lillian Garcia or anyone else know what the hell was going on. She might as well of said, Here is your winner and NEW WWE Champion-Brock Lesnar! That would of made more sense then Orton being new WWE champion when he is champ and just got disqualified. Horrible. Don't check out yet Lillian, you still have more shows to do. I haven't seen a fan that passionate since Nitro. He was doing what all of us were thinking, and that was please don't let Cena win again. Are you Cena fans still convinced that he doesn't get booed? I say that its about 50/50. I'm sorry but if your top heel is getting more cheers then your face that's bad. Turn Cena heel for the love of god. Fuck the kids and housewives from New Jersey.

Jeff Hardy vs. CM Punk: This was the second best match of the night. It wasn't the Steel Asylum at Hard Justice but whatever. The Swanton Bomb of the 20 foot ladder was vicious, even though we have seen it a thousand times. Hardy may appear one last time on Smackdown but I think he is definitely done here. At least he went out with a bang for his last match. It's great to see The Undertaker back. But really, is CM Punk really even a threat to the dead man? I don't think the kiddies will take him serious.

Overall, I give Summer Fest 7/10. Did you know there really is a SummerFest show? Anyways, it's pretty much what I expected but still nice to see the unexpected fan. Thats when you know you got your moneys worth. Still a bit too much though. At least I won 500 V cash with Orton retaining. Which I still haven't received. Dammit.
I cant believe it.

I said this PPV was going to be less than steller, and that CM Punk vs Hardy would be the only match really worth seeing, and after reading the results I was right. Good to see the Undertaker is back.

its a shame that DX beat Legacy, this match should of ended via DQ, to keep the story line going. Now well have to put up with DX garbage for another few months. I really hope the end result is HBK turning on HHH.

its also a shame that Rey is still the IC Champ, Ziggler should of got this win, he's the future.

Did anyone ever figure out why Morrison didnt make this PPV? Or the US Champ for that matter?

Orton vs Cena is stopped and restarted 3 times? WOW thats fantastic. Great booking job

Is there a reason you have to be such a negative buzzkill? Summerslam was FANTASTIC! I agree both Morrison and Kofi should of been on PPV "The ECW Title Match and Swagger/MVP were mega let downs. Yeah the booking of Orton/Cena was funky but ORTON RETAINED...Be happy. And Rey/Dolph was a top grade opener so why not be happy? Anyway...I know this is still just fresh and im still marking out for Heel Punk vs Taker, but TLC was not only MOTN but MY WWE MOTY. I think Punk might be legit hurt from that superplex to the ladder "ouch". The flow and pace was perfect but maybe a bit dangerous. I have it a half notch above Edge/Hardy TLC. And the ending with Taker was just icing on the cake man. DX/Legacy was about 3x better then I expected. So im rather pleased right now
That bit with Punk standing over Hardy/Punk was classic, had my mouth drop open for a split sec. Easily one of the highlights of the night and year. The 2 opening bouts were pretty solid, although I expected a little bit longer match with MVP and Swagger, they made the Kane and Khali match longer then it should have been.

I missed most of the Unified title match so I won't comment anymore then that. DX made Legacy look really good, and it was obvious that they were going to pick up the win mostly how they became a major selling point for SS, and the fact they got their asses kicked on Raw. The fans went home happy there.

Well, I wouldn't say there was THAT much build up for the ECW title, and considering past treatments of it on PPV's, it came as a disappointment and not a shock. The WWE title match was overbooked, but pretty good, and the fan interference was great to confuse us even more :rolleyes:

The TLC match was what it needed to be, Punk won and Hardy got to pull off his last spots for some time, plus with a bonus of the Undertaker making a great return.
Summerslam was fantastic! I don't understand the criticism. The TLC match lived up to the hype, based on Jeff's swanton bomb through the announce table from a 20 foot ladder. Wasn't a classic TLC match in general, but a sick spot, and an entertaining match.

Orton and Cena had to be one of the strangest matches I've ever seen. It was restarted three times and then a legit fan SCREWED Cena out of the title! This was absolutely classic! I swear, Cena was supposed to win this match. And the look on Cena's face afterwords was priceless. He tried laughing it off and Orton just seemed confused as hell, and nonetheless they both improvised that ending that was actually really quick thinking by the two of them! Definitely entertaining.

You can say what you will about HHH and HBK at times, but they made Legacy look like GOLD tonight, whether they lost or not. Legacy dominated and nearly won on many occasions. HHH and HBK should be given medals for making them look like that much of a force!

Another guy who deserves a medal is Kane. He did his damnedest to carry Khali's immobile ass. This was actually much better than their Wrestlemania match a few years ago, and considering it was only maybe five minutes, it was passable and not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Still the worst match of the night, but not the abomination I thought it would be.

Rey and Ziggler was great, probably the best pure wrestling match of the night. The biggest let down here is that Rey wins! Ziggler was primed tonight for the biggest win of his career and again Rey wins. Considering he's lost to Mysterio twice, I wonder if he gets another shot. I'd like to see Ziggler win the gold.

Cryme Tyme against Jericho and Big Show is exactly what I expected. Decent tag team match.

The ECW title was first put over by Matt Striker as one of the 3 WORLD title bouts to go for the night. And then it was over in 10 seconds? You take a look at this match, last years Summerslam with Matt Hardy and Mark Henry, last years Wrestlemania with Chavo and Kane, Chavo as ECW Champion in the Royal Rumble, and Wrestlemania early this year where Swagger wasn't even featured on the card and I've noticed that the ECW title is shit on on nearly every Big 4 PPV.

And MVP against Swagger was ok, but honestly, not much more entertaining than Kane/Khali. They are capable of better, it was so slow and sluggish. MVP works better as a heel because his style isn't great for a face and Swagger seemed to not have his A Game when wrestling somebody who is about as heavy as he is he couldn't toss around like a rag doll.
Smackdown yay Raw nay. The only good thing about the show was the last match everything else was mediocre except perhaps the DX/Legacy and Ziggler/Rey. Orton/Cena turned into a disaster which they won't be able to fix. How do people still think the fan running in was planned? Anyway, Smackdown saves the day again. Hurrah.

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