**Merged** Summerslam 2011 General Discussion

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Considering we have plenty of months to build up to Summerslam, what card do you think would make this a great ppv? In my opinion, it's been way too long that WWE has put on a very memorable Summerslam.

John Cena vs. Undertaker

Considering Taker is most likely retiring after next years Mania, we have to see this match happen before he leaves. Rock's involvement for next year cancels out this being a Mania match, so why not have it at the second biggest ppv of the year? It only makes sense. When was the last time a Summerslam main event had this kind of draw power? It's been too damn long. It's about time some prestige is brought back to this ppv.

Sheamus vs. Triple H (Street Fight)

I know, I know...HHH and Taker should NOT both be involved in the title matches. Trust me, I'm one of the biggest supporters for this "youth movement" but I also feel you simply can't put these two in meaningless matches. I'm a big Sheamus fan and I'm hoping he goes to Smackdown in the draft and has a real lengthy reign as champion. I can see Triple H taking some time off and returning some time before Summerslam. This feud never had any real closure and I think they can really create a memorable match, especially if given a stipulation such as a Street Fight.

John Morrison vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Dolph Ziggler

I drool over this match. Perhaps the three biggest up-and-comers in the company. I'd have Cody win this match to have him start his first singles reign and make it official that this kid is meant for the big leagues. If WWE wasn't using the ladder match gimmick at this upcoming Extreme rules ppv, I would say this is the perfect match to use it.

Daniel Bryan vs. Evan Bourne

I'm not big on either one of these guys, but I can't deny the fact that they are solid midcarders and would pull off a killer opener.

Randy Orton vs. Edge

I hate to not put Randy in a main event but I think he really needs to do something to his character to elevate him once again. Edge is super stale as a face so I'm hoping he turns heel again in the next few months.

Alberto del Rio vs. Sin Cara

The two big Mexican stars. This match has foreign draw power written all over it. I would have them do a lengthy summer feud topping it off at Summerslam.

The Miz vs. Christian

Feels weird not to put Miz in a title match, but even Rock and Austin didn't main event some big 5 ppv's in their prime. Christian can attribute to Miz losing his title sometime in the summer and the feud begins...

CM Punk vs. David Otunga

Punk starts losing control of the Nexus in the summertime and Otunga starts rebelling against their leader. Though not big on Otunga, I feel WWE will give him a push eventually.

Wade Barrett vs. Rey Mysterio

From a storyline standpoint, I think the Corre, being the young group that they are, should start try taking out all the older superstars who are holding them back. Kane, Big Show, Rey, etc. Maybe eventually it can even lead to a Wade vs. Triple H feud sometime after Summerslam.
I guess the card really depends on the Draft if their is one.

WWE Championship
John Morrison vs. John Cena
- Cena wins the title eventually. Morrison wins MITB and cashes it at Summer Slam. Long competitive match, Cena retains but Morrison looks like a star.

World Heavyweight Championship
Alberto Del Rio vs. Rey Mysterio
- They rekindle their rivalry. Setting up a match between the two. Del Rio Retains.

Wrestlemania 27 Re-Match
Triple H vs. The Undertaker
- Rematch from WM. Assuming Undertaker returns. Triple H wins. Setting up a rematch down the line.

"Brothers" Betrayal
Edge vs. Christian
- Christian turns on Edge eventually leading to a few programs, setting up a match. Edge wins via DQ, setting up a more brutual match down the line. I see HIAC!!!

Vengeance from the Walls of Jericho
Chris Jericho vs. Randy Orton
- Jericho returns for revenge. Jericho wins.

WWE Tag Team Championship
The Miz w/ Alex Riley and CM Punk vs. The Big Show and Kane (c)
- Big Show and Kane win the tag titles from the Corre. Stay dominant for a few months then Miz and CM Punk altercate with Big Show and Kane setting up a tag title match. Miz and Punk win of course, hell yeah!!!

Fatal Four Way Match: United States Championship
Kofi Kingston vs. Sin Cara vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Dolph Ziggler
- Kingston and McIntyre is sent to RAW, leading to a US Title Match. Dolph Ziggler wins the US TITLE!!!

Triple Threat Match: Intercontinental Championship
Wade Barrett vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus
- Bryan and SHeamus are drafted to Smackdown! Leading a future altercation between the former NXT folks and Sheamus. Barrett retains.
From the way HHH was talking about the Undertaker on Raw, it doesn't look like Taker will be involved with SummerSlam. Obviously I could be wrong but thats they way I took it.

Someone pointed out that its been awhile since SS was great and I agree but its off to a not so positive start with most of the attention after WM27 already focused on WM28. I don't have any predictions for what may happen but I definitely like the idea of Old Era(Rey) vs. New Era Rey(Sin Cara)...Would be pretty dope.

If I had to make a prediction, I would say a Edge heel turn and we get Edge vs. Christian at SummerSlam and drop Delrio down a bit. I don't feel any excitement with him. I also really can't see the belt on him just yet. He has that "The Model" Rick Martell arrogance about him but I think it is too soon.
WWE Championship - Miz vs. Randy Orton - I think they are setting Randy up to become Champ again an this could be the time for it!

World Heavyweight Championship - Alberto Del Rio vs. Christian vs. Edge - Triple Threat TLC, could be a nice blowoff for the feud between Edge/Del Rio and allow Christian his first title win!

John Cena vs. Chris Jericho - Y2J returns and sets on a mission to take out everybody on Raw starting with the biggest dog in Raw's yard.

Intercontinental and Tag Team Championships on the line - Kane, Big Show and Kofi Kingston vs. The Corre (Barrett, Slater and Gabriel) - Could imagine this also being a blow of feud with Corre coming out on top.

Last Man Standing - Triple H vs. Undertaker - By Triple H's promo from monday night this isint the end and could see this happening as a result.

Rey Mysterio & Sin Cara vs. Jack Swagger & Cody Rhodes - A dream team vs. 2 good all american boys, could be a good match an have the masked guys victorious.

United States Championship 4 Way - Ted Dibiase vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus vs. CM Punk - Could be a nice little match with some good wrestling and DiBiase claims the gold.

Raws MITB Brieface on the line - John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler - A match between these two for the MITB Briefcase could be on the cards with Ziggler getting the win.
WWE Championship
The Miz (c) vs. John Morrison
- Morrison wins the Raw MITB ladder match, and decides to cash it in "honestly" the next night on Raw and use his title opportunity at SummerSlam. The build up would be excellent, and this would start Morrison's first world title reign...unless you still count his time as ECW Champion. Hey, he was a badass champion, I'd say!

World Heavyweight Championship
Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. Kane vs. The Big Show
- It's not the best match, by a long shot, but by then, the program with Edge and Christian will have veered away from Del Rio, and these two titans could put this guy over even if he has to sneak in a win after one knocks the other one out. I can't imagine either guy submitting to the cross armbreaker so a dirty win by Del Rio here.

John Cena and Randy Orton vs. CM Punk and The Nexus (Mason Ryan, David Otunga, and Michael McGillicutty)
- Basically, I don't want two seperate Orton and Cena matches to take up time on the card, so why not put the two together? You have Morrison/Miz in a hell of a main event to draw more than enough. And you'd also have...

Rey Mysterio vs. Sin Cara
- This would be one hell of a contest. I imagine they'd spend more time in the air than in the ring, but that's the beauty of it! It'd be so fast paced, so dangerous, and at the end, only one man will stand tal-er, victorious.

Street Fight
Sheamus vs. Drew McIntyre
- This won't happen. I wish it would. I know in the future, these two will be the main event of WrestleMania. Sheamus will be the heel, Drew has something about him that seems more likeable. This would be a brutal contest, and I wouldn't care who wins. Either guy can go over here, and the match will still solidify them as legitimate stars in the WWE. I'm crossing my fingers here.

Scramble Match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship
Wade Barrett (c) vs. Ezekiel Jackson vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Chris Masters vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Ted DiBiase
- Assuming the Corre is stll together, and Barrett is still the champion, of course. Ezekiel's role would be to break up pinfalls and help Barrett throughout the match. Gabriel and Slater would run down eventually and get beat up. I see Rhodes taking the gold here.

Edge vs. Christian
- It would seem unlikely to drag it out far enough for SummerSlam but let's take a look at how it would play out. Edge vs Del Rio at Extreme Rules, Triple Threat at Over the Limit, Christian vs Del Rio at Capital Punishment, and both brothers involved in the smackdown money in the bank ladder match. The last event is where the two finally turn on one another. No clear face or heel, either. They're both bitter because they feel they deserve the world title. I think it's fresh. Does it always have to be face vs. heel? Not when two top notch performers like this are involved. Christian wins here.

WWE United States Championship
Daniel Bryan (c) vs. Evan Bourne vs Dolph Ziggler
- This would be an awesome technical opener. The title could go either direction here and still not let anyone down. Bryan's beaten Ziggler before, though, so maybe Ziggler gets a bit of redemption here and takes the title from Bryan.

Hmmm SummerSlam, the pay per view that should always be bigger than it is. With the draft having concluded, it's probably best to reassess what could happen. Here's my likely card:

WWE Championship
Alberto Del Rio vs. ( c ) John Cena
Two biggest stars on RAW, SummerSlam would be the best place to do this I would think, especially with Cena already occupied come WrestleMania.

World Heavyweight Championship
Ted DiBiase (face) vs. ( c ) Randy Orton (heel)
They have to do something with poor Ted. They just do. This could be their final attempt at getting him over, and they might as well play with the angle they had always intended to do in the first place. Orton could very well turn heel before SummerSlam, and the most logical opponent, in my mind, is DiBiase.

Mask vs. Mask Match
Sin Cara vs. Cody Rhodes
This is probably too easy to think of on my part because of the current Rey Mysterio-Cody Rhodes feud, but it's not outside the realm of possibility. There's no doubt Vince McMahon and co. want both of these men to be stars, so why not pair them up? It could be the logical ending of the "monster" Cody Rhodes gimmick and propel him straight into the main event with an even bigger chip on his shoulder.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Rey Mysterio
I know they've done this before, even at SummerSlam, but I know Rey needs something to do and so does Dolph. This seems as likely as anything else.

WWE Divas Championship
Kharma ( c ) vs. Beth Phoenix
Admittedly, this probably won't happen as it would be too awesome. But this is my fantasy card, damnit, and I'll do as I please!

Stone Cold vs. CM Punk
Why not? They had that small twitter feud earlier this year, and with Stone Cold recently saying he could wrestle again, the E might as well get this one over with before Punk bolts. I know conventional wisdom says a Stone Cold comeback would happen at WrestleMania, but for the right price I'm pretty sure he would agree to do it here. Most likely wishful thinking.

WWE Tag Team Championship
John Morrison & Kofi Kingston ( c ) vs. Drew McIntyre & R-Truth
These guys need something to do. This is it?

Wade Barrett, Sheamus, Kane and Big Show have a dance contest or something backstage.
My dream card would be:


Morrison (c) vs R-Truth
I'm tired of seeing Cena and the Miz going at it, and this feud looks interesting

Christian (c) vs Randy Orton as a heel
Unless Miz heads over to SD! i dont think the titles will be on the same show so right now Christian is the favourite, but since WWE likes to trick us hes not 100% in there.

Kharma(c) vs Beth
that match just seems so awesome and i would love to see it

Tag-Team Championship:
Ryder and Hawkins Vs the Usos, i think its time the new guys got SOMETHING to do

Dibiase vs Rhodes in some sort of Face vs Heel ex-legacy arc

The Rock vs The Miz
wasn't the miz involved in that feud to wrestlemania? he pisses the rock of some more and he gets a match
Ok now that the 2011 WWE Draft is complete Now can start the tide into what matches will occur at the 2011 WWE Summerslam. I hope that it can bring back some prestige to bringing Summerslam status to one of the Big Four.

Opening Match

1. Kofi Kingston vs The All American American Jack Swagger for United States Championship.

At Extreme Rules I have Kofi Kingston winning the United States Championship back to RAW over Sheamus. Kofi will hold onto Championship and have a feud begin between Jack Swagger over the next few months and at Summerslam I have Jack Swagger winning and becoming the new United States Champion on RAW it would be fititing for The All American American.

2. Kane vs Sheamus Stretcher Match

With Sheamus getting traded over to Smackdown it's Time for him to make an impact after losing his United States Title. For his first feud on Smackdown I have him engaged with Kane in a long line of contested battles back and forth that results in the culmination at Summerslam in a Stretcher Match. I feel two big men can throw at all hostility and brutality in this match and have Kane getting the win in a helleshish brawl.

3. Cody Rhodes vs Ted Dibiase

I feel these two will work well with one another with Cody's Current Role and A Transition to Face for Dibiase. You have whole Legacy background and feel that these two upincoming superstars can put on one hell of a classic match at Summerslam. For value i would def give the win to Cody and start up another great feud along the way for these two superstars to push on with.

4. Kharma vs Beth Phoenix vs Layla Triple Threat Match for WWE Divs Championship .

After Extreme Rules Layla loses to Michele McCool and leaves Smackdown and transitions over to RAW. Beth Phoenix has been Traded over To RAW and willd ef be heavy favorite to be pinned against Kharma. Kharma will retain her WWE Divas Championship and continue her reign in WWE,

5. Drew Mcintyre vs Rey Mysterio vs Dolph Ziggler vs John Morrison vs R-Truth Fatal Five Way Elimination Best of Seven Series Match

The Winner of the match will recieve Number One Contender's Spot for WWE Championship at WWE Hell in the Cell.. To start things off i have at Summerslam John Morrison getting the win and have the series going to John Morrison .

6. Daniel Bryan vs Wade Barrett vs Justin Gabriel vs Heath Slater vs Sin Cara vs Alex Riley in a Ladder Match for WWE Intercontinental Championship

I think this new talent can def put on a great ladder match and start off the WWE career with a great Summerslam moment. With a shocker I have Alex Riley starting off his Smackdown reign with winning the WWE Intercontinental Championship and putting prestige back into that tiltle that once was meaning to company.

7. Randy Orton vs Christian for The World Heavyweight Championship. Due to Orton's appeal i'm going to keep Orton as the face and now change Christian into a heel. Chrisitian complains how he is The World Heavyweight Champion but all you fans only look forward to seeing Randy Orton. I think both superstars can put on a clinic in match I have Randy Orton winning The World Heavyweight Championship and leads into a long feud with Christian ahead.

8. CM Punk vs Chris Jericho vs The Miz vs John Cena vs The Big Show vs Alberto Del Rio WWE Championship Six Pack Match

Ok starting off Summerslam with his new WWE Championship I have Alberto del Rio winning the title after the buildup of his character it will surpass Miz and become Top Heel and Champion within WWE. The Era of Destiny will happen
Excuse me for being realistic during this. Seems like most people are doing pipe dream line-ups.


US title

Kofi Kingston c vs R-Truth.

Although i like Truth's new persona they will lose faith in him soon and he will stick to the midcard scene and the titles that are there.

IC title

A face Sheamus vs Barrett c

I think it's a very short time before Sheamus turns face. I think he would be over well as a face, and there are some others that need a change of disposition on SD. I think Bryan will take a well needed heel turn, which will open up a spiit for a new face in sheamus.

Christian vs Bryan (heel).

I think this could be an interesting fued. Christian could carry the bulk of the hype and talking, leaving bryan to just be the lethal heel he has been before. Would be good ring work, and i think Bryan needs this program alot.

WWE Championship

The Miz c vs Mysterio

Does anyone want this? No. Will it happen? I think so. I really feel miz will keep his title that long. And with the later match in the evening, it only really leaves Rey to face thhe miz, How many times in the past few years have we seen shitty World and WWE title challengers? Alot more than one would think at first glance. SS is all about Grudge matches anymore.

WWE Tag Title Match

Kane Show c vs Henry and Dibiase

I can see ted buying the services of henry after his push ends. terrible match, but a likely filler.

John Cena vs Alberto Del Ro

These two don't need a title to have a good program. It's been stated multiple time that WWE wnats a proram with these two this year.


Randy Orton c vs Cody Rhodes

Yes, I think Cody will firmly be the top heel on SD by this point. He and Randy can have a very good multi month program with alll of the history they have. This is one fued I am dying to see on SD.

HHH vs Taker

We all know this is coming so that HHH can win and they can have the rubber match next year at mania. So more than likely it will happen on this ppv.

I did not include Jericho at this point simply because he is not here yet.
There's been plenty of SS threads that have many suggestions on what card the should look like. But out of all the rumored and suggested main events, which one do you guys think should be the main event for Summerslam 2011 and why?

Imo, it should be Miz vs The Rock. Reason, SS for years has had some very memorable and big time main events like Shawn/Hogan, Undertaker/Stone Cold, Luger/Yoko, Bret/Bulldog, Edge/Taker HitC, Nexus/Team Cena, and Punk/Hardy. This year, you need something that will draw that same big attention and Rock/Miz is summer blockbuster material. Two recognizable stars and celebrities that can both draw media attention. Plus they already have some bad blood right now storyline wise and I'm pretty sure Miz wants some pay back for Rock humiliating him on WM. The Rock will probably just wants to shut his mouth. The other bright side is The Rock will get some work in before his bout with Cena and be a huge draw at big time WWE event. Plus we can get some more mic work between these two guys and I'm sure that will be entertaining as hell.

So my pick for SS2011 main event: The Miz Mike Mizanin vs The Rock Dwayne Johnson
Summerslam is the 2nd biggest event on WWE's Calendar. My card, and I have tried to be realistic is -

WWE Title - John Cena (c) vs Albert Del Rio with The Rock Special Guest Ref
Think this is rumoured anyway. Cena will still have the belt, Del Rio is Raws newest heel. Makes sense for them to start building shortly and go at it at SS. Through in The Rock to up PPV buys and add to his story with Cena.

WHW Title - Christian (c) vs Randy Orton
Orton has moved to Smackdown to be their face. I think he will stay out of the Title hunt for a few more weeks yet and then his 'love in' with Christian will surely turn sour. No need to turn the other heel, Orton as a tweener can fued with anybody.

The Undertaker vs Triple H
I really dont want to see this at WM28. I want the rematch here and I want Triple H to go over this time. This will tie them in the recent series and hopefully it can be put to bed. A fresh opponent for Taker at WM28 please.

Tag Team Titles - Big Show & Kane (c) vs Rey Mysterio & Sin Cara
Ok, Sin Cara and Rey are on different shows but so are Kane and Show. Theres no reason why Sin Cara and Rey cant tag up here and then appear on both shows. I would like to see this as the start of a beautiful friendship between the 2 Mexicans which eventually turns sour resulting in a match at Wrestlemania 28.

Chris Jericho vs Daniel Bryan
I would like to see Jericho return as a heel and return on Smackdown. They need him! Eventually I want to see Jericho vs Miz, probably save that for WM28 but I think Jericho and Bryan would have 5-star written all over it.

CM Punk vs Mason Ryan
Looks like Ryan is branching out from Nexus. This usually ends up in a match. If Punks contract is coming to an end and he wants some time off...have Ryan destroy him in this match and build momentum for his own character.

Divas Title - Kharma (c) vs Beth Pheonix
Kharma will be Divas Champ before long, thats obvious. Have Pheonix challenge her at Summerslam, while the iron is hot. Maybe play out an injury angle on Pheonix or have her trade to Smackdown after. Have Kong hold the gold all the way to WM28, destroying all comers before Beth gets her rematch and goes over.

Intercontinental Title - Wade Barrett (c) vs Sheamus
Apparently these 2 had some great battles over here in the UK wrestling scene. I would keep them both heels, I love heel on heels battle and these are 2 of the best heels in WWE imo. I think this could be interesting.
I will change my top matches now that I know the draft results.

John Cena vs. Alberto Del Rio - WWE Championship
It's already being rumored, it's a fresh feud, and hopefully this will be the stage Del Rio finally becomes champion.

Randy Orton vs. Cody Rhodes - World Heavyweight Championship
These two already have history and I can see them creating one very memorable feud and one great match. It may be too early to put the strap on Cody but at least he will get the exposure and experience of main eventing a big name ppv.

Triple H vs. CM Punk - Gimmick Match
I truly believe that with Jericho gone, CM Punk is the overall best "at what he does" in the WWE. He needs to be in high profile feuds. He has the mic skills, charisma, and more importantly, he can deliver in the ring. Hopefully Trips comes back in the summer. I think with some kind of hardcore stipulation, this can be one of the best Summerslam matches ever.

The Miz vs. Rey Mysterio
Fresh, fresh feud. We got a little preview on Monday and its only bound to happen now that they are on the same show. Miz needs to have a breakthrough match on a big name PPV that solidifies him as a true main eventer. Since hes won the title, I can't remember him having a truly memorable match besides against John Morrison on RAW. What better person than Rey to carry him through a match and make him shine.
alright so wwe creative has penciled in a wwe title match with cena vs del rio as one of its main events for summerslam, with card subject to change in mind.
But, it got me thinking. whose going to challenge orton? we can safely predict he'll have the title for a while, atleast until summerslam, where with proper build up, with the use of ted dibiase, and a legacy angle, we can see the next generation of heels shine, in cody rhodes. minus the fact that wwe is short on faces, but thats a different story for a different day.

I want to know your thoughts on a rhodes vs orton feud, how youd buil him up, why he wouldn't work, would you have him go over, would you involve ted dibiase in the main event?
I'd like to see rhodes have a lengthy title run or a few title runs over the next 10 years,

i also hope john cena retires,

so at wrestelmania 38 we have Cody rhodes vs john cena for the wwe title, cena will be 43 and rhodes will be 35, cena passes the torch to cody.

Wrestlemania 38? Passing the torch to a guy who's almost 40 himself? I mean, I know Rhodes wouldn't last as the face of the company for 5 years, but he's always going to be seen as old by everyone else. Cena became the face of the company at 27, all things considered. I would say, if someone in Cody's age bracket is going to be a future face of the company, they should do so by 2016, Wrestlemania 32. But, I think The Miz will have become the true Cena 2.0 long before then.


As far as Rhodes being a challenger for Orton goes, it's a good idea. With Sheamus and Mark Henry as the only heels on top of the card, they're going to need to push someone like Rhodes up soon. Christian can't last as the opponent forever, especially as a face. Sheamus will undoubtedly get a shot, maybe two and Henry will come after that. I see both losing and Orton having run through the entire heel roster of SD! by August. So could I see an opening for Rhodes by SummerSlam.

I am a huge fan of Rhodes and his recent work with Mysterio. I could definitely see him as a top heel or top face (either way, I think he'd be a great fit at the top of the card). I don't see him beating Randy for it so soon, but I could definitely see him being the guy to do it eventually. First though, he has to stop teaming with Ted Jr. The rehashing of Legacy as a whole is a bad idea, especially when Ted is a proven dud recently.
So here is my Summerslam card:

6 way match for divas title: Brie Bella vs Nikki Bella vs Eve Torres vs Beth Phoenix vs Kelly Kelly vs Kharma - All 5 team up on Kharma until she anihilates them all...New Divas Champ Kharma

Tag Team Title match - Kane/Big Show vs Jack Swagger/Drew Mcintyre - I've plugged this tag team in several posts so it make sense to have a tag match - winner... Kane/Big Show

Sin Cara vs Sheamus - So Sheamus isn't a contender even on smackdown right now, lets pull off what could be the best match of the night
......until this one

Rey Mysterio vs Dolph Ziggler - Stole the show in 2 straight summerslams why not make it 3 in a row

IC Title Match - Big Zeke vs Wade Barrett vs Christian.... Need to put Christian on the card somehow

US Title Match - Kofi Kingston vs The Miz - Miz needs to be on the card and this is how

John Morrison vs Rtruth - nuff said

Title match - Randy Orton vs Cody Rhodes

Title Match - John Cena vs Albelrto Del Rio vs CM Punk
Does anyone get the feeling that this Summerslam card is going to be filled with a bunch repeat matches from the past? Ever since Rock/Cena got announced for WM28, I got the feeling that Vince gave up on 2011's pay per views and doesn't care about them in terms of quality. So going by how things are going I'm sensing that sadly SS 2011 is going to be a card full of recycled matches including Sheamus/Orton, Kofi/Ziggler(which is the only recycled match and feud I don't mind since it was feud of 2010 imo), Miz/Cena, Mysterio/Punk. No mega matches or anything to attract buy rates. Just a flashback. In fact, I think they should do that as the theme if this is their plan.

Title: SUMMERSLAM-Flashback
John Cena(C) vs CM Punk vs Alberto Del Rio vs Miz:

-Not that I really want John Cena the Champ, I just don't see the WWE Taking the belt off of Cena Before then....:banghead: Punk is more than deserving, probably the best guy on RAW besides Miz... I would give the title to Punk, or back to Miz....NO ONE wants to see Cena hold the title for a year!!!!!! Miz should not have lost the title to begin with.

Cody Rhodes vs Randy Orton(C):

-It's time to start pushing young talent, Sheamus is alright, but we have seen him and Orton, We've seen Christian.... Smackdown has a ton of room to build young talent... like Cody, DiBiase, and possibly send McIntyre back over... Which would be sweet to see Cody go over, but probably wouldn't happen

Justin Gaberial vs Heath Slater vs Wade Barrett(C):

-It's time to end the Coore.... It wasn't that good to begin with.... They say Barrett can be main event caliber. I personally don't really see it... I dodn't see it as the leader of Nexus and I def don't see it now... Slap the title on Gaberial and start a feud with either Slater, or Bryan, or Sin Cara

Drew McIntyre vs Dolph Ziggler vs Jack Swagger vs Evan Borne vs Alex Reiley vs Kofi Kingston(C):

- This would be a special match, possibly a canidate for Match of the year... It's also away to get those deserving of a match a match at Summer Slam... Who would win??? # options, time to have a heel... either Drew, Dolph or Swagger....

McGillicutty and Otunga(C) vs Usos vs Hawkins and Ryder vs Santino and Kozlov

-Now I know this is far from happening, but Hawkins and Ryder are probably 2 of the most under used talent in the WWE.... It's time to bring tag team wrestling back. Stop mixing and matching people for the titles.... put the Hart Dynasty back together... cause the singles route isn't working... and they could be heel..... But anyway I would want Hawkins and Ryder to walk out the new Champs...

Beth Phoenix vs Gail Kim (or Melina)

-It's time to start using the diva's that can wrestle, and I do love Kelly and Mayrse.... I would not be upset to see either one of them either, but it's time for Gail Kim to get a legit push to be Diva's Champion!!!! I wouldn't care who won.....

7. R-Truth vs John Morrison

-It makes sense... Truth took out Morrison, of course he would be back after him... Tough I'd rather see Morrison take on someone else and not waste him on Truth... like Miz or Del Rio... Winner would have to be Morrison

8. Christian vs Sheamus

- Got to have to other 2 Championship contenders on the card.... can be a feud that stats now, Sheamus costing Christian his shot, Christian making sure Sheamus doesn't win the World Heavyweight Championship.... and it's a catch 22 with the winner, you don't want either of them to lose and lose cleanly, would kill both characters, so I say Christian wins with a dirty win, tights.. low blow... chair shot.... whatever

9. Sin Cara vs Daniel Bryan, or the new luchador that just signed with the WWE

-Either way would be a fast paced exciting match... Sin Cara and Daniel Bryan should both be on the card they have a great ability in the squared circle

Thats my Summer Slam.... if you agree sweet! ifnot and you hve better ideas, I wouldn't mind hearing some
I have a question for you all? Would you guys rather see a Cena/Mysterio WWE Title match at Summerslam than a Cena/Del Rio WWE Title match? I'm going to be honest, I don't think Del Rio is ready to main event a Summerslam. His character for one isn't screaming main event heel like Miz and Punk do. He doesn't have the star power to draw in buys. A Cena/Mysterio match at Summerslam would not also generate some serious buzz but would be the mega match Summerslam needs to give it big time buys and ticket sales.

Think of the marketing they could do for it. Superhero vs Superhero. It would truly be a summer blockbuster and I for one would rather see that than Cena/Del Rio which would imo be more fitting on a minor pay per view like Money in the Bank or Uprising.
WWE championship
John Cena vs Rey Mysterio
I don't think Undertaker will be involved with SummerSlam in any kind of way. So, this is the only big enough WWE title match to happen at SS. Rey will win some kind of No.1 contender's match. Maybe, The Rock will have an influence in the match. He may try to interfere while Cena is winning and in the end, due to some kind of confusion cause Rey to lose the match.

World Heavyweight championship
Randy Orton vs Christian
The biggest match on SmackDown! that has the caliber to live up to the SS main-event hype. Christian keeps struggling to catch-up with Randy Orton from Over The Limit all the way to the PPV before SS. Finally, he wins a shot to face Orton at SS and capitalizes. Christian wins his second World title at SS.

Extreme Rules match
The Miz vs Alex Riley w/ Michael Cole as the special guest referee
Honestly, I can see this coming after the strong build-up and air-time given to the trio. Cole favors Miz all through the match, then in the end, turns on Miz to side with Riley and Riley gets the victory! Cole turns face in the process and Riley gets the win of his life.

Intercontinental championship
Cody Rhodes vs Daniel Bryan vs Sin Cara vs Ted DiBiase
These 4 are involved in a fued right now and there can be no better way to end it than to have the winner gain Intercontinental gold. Cody wins it and the win elevates him to the main-event scene.

United States championship
Kofi Kingston vs Jack Swagger vs Drew McIntyre
These 3 could have a great match with Swagger winning in the end.

WWE Tag Team championship
CM Punk and Mason Ryan vs Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel
Personally, I don't care how this match happens, what's the build up, I just know it's going to happen. Two factions going at it would be good to see. I can't predict the winner just yet.

Divas championship
Kelly Kelly vs Maryse
These two are the most credible divas in the WWE right now with Michelle McCool gone and Layla injured. I don't care who wins this match though I think Kelly would.

Triple H vs Sheamus
Well, Triple H returns to take revenge on the Irish guy. I can see Triple H winning.

R-Truth vs John Morrison
It's a good way to end the fued. Truth took out Morrison. Morrison gets his revenge. Morrison wins. End fued.

So here you go, that's my entire card.
World Heavyweight Championship Ironman match : Randy Orton(c) .vs. Christain
These two have had two great matches already ,Give them 30 minutes or 60 minutes and you could have a showstealer, Chrsitain becomes #1 contender around Money in the bank , after the match Cody Rhodes cashes in his Money in the bank contract and wins the world title.

Loser leaves wwe match ; Wwe Championship: John Cena .vs. CM punk(c):
CM punk is rumored to be taking time off and this match is rumored to happen , i'd say give cm punk the title at MITB and let this be the rematch.

John Morrison .vs. R-Truth : A perfect way to end their feud , Jomo returns in his hometown of L.A and wins.

Thats the only top matches i can think of right now.
My Predictions and I would like to see.

WWE Championshp: John Cena(c) vs. Alberto Del Rio

World Heavyweight Championship: Randy Orton(c) vs. Cody Rhodes (w/Ted DiBiase)

WRESTLEMANIA REMATCH: Triple H vs. The Undertaker

The Miz vs. Rey Mysterio

Christian vs. Daniel Bryan or Sin Cara

Sheamus vs. Kane

LOSER LEAVES WWE: CM Punk vs. Mason Ryan
SummerSlam 2011 prediction

WWE Championship
John Cena vs CM Punk - This match COULD steal the show, saying the others don't Phappen. CM Punk deserves a title.

World Heavyweight Championship
Randy Orton vs Sheamus vs Wade Barrett - This match would be good, keep Christian out the way (hopeful MITB winner). Barrett could win this.

3 Stages of Hell
Triple H vs Undertaker - Both get to choose a match + a normal match. Normal match, last man standing, Casket match. Chris Jericho attacks Undertaker, so Triple H gets the win, then The Miz attacks Triple H. Miz vs HHH, and Y2J vs 'Taker at WrestleMania.

Ladder Match
The Miz vs Alex Riley - this match could be amazing! So long as the match at Capitol Punishment works well. The Miz will win, without a doubt.

Intercontinental Championship
Big Zeke vs Daniel Bryan (with Sin Cara) - Have Bryan win, then turn heel against Sin Cara, then have them two feud.

Alberti Del Rio vs Big Show - This is coming. I think that Alberto Del Rio will take this, and take the run for the WWE championship.

10 Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal - Winner recieves a Midcard Title match whenever they want.
Drew McIntyre, Ted DiBiase, Dolph Ziggler, Evan Bourne, Jinder Mahal, Jack Swagger, Mason Ryan, Zack Ryder, Kane and Chavo Guerrero - Either Guerrero or McIntyre should win. Bring them back.
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