WWE WrestleMania X-Seven vs WWE SummerSlam 2002

Which was better?

  • WrestleMania X-Seven

  • SummerSlam 2002

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F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!
It's the 8th in the series.. And I'm bending the rules here and going to compare arguably 2 of the best ppv's of the last decade..


I hear a lot of people saying both events had a stacked card top to bottom... Well lets have a look at the cards..

WrestleMania X-Seven

  1. Chris Jericho (c) defeated William Regal in a Singles match for the WWF Intercontinental Championship
  2. Tazz and The APA (Bradshaw and Faarooq) (with Jacqueline) defeated Right to Censor (The Goodfather, Val Venis and Bull Buchanan) (with Steven Richards) in a 6-man tag team match
  3. Kane defeated Raven (c) and The Big Show in a Triple Threat Hardcore match for the WWF Hardcore Championship
  4. Eddie Guerrero (with Perry Saturn) defeated Test (c). in a Singles match for the WWF European Championship
  5. Kurt Angle defeated Chris Benoit in a Singles match
  6. Chyna defeated Ivory (c) in a Singles match for the WWF Women's Championship
  7. Shane McMahon defeated Vince McMahon (with Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley) in a Street Fight with Mick Foley as special guest referee
  8. Edge and Christian defeated The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von) (c) and The Hardy Boyz (Matt and Jeff) in a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match for the WWF Tag Team Championship
  9. The Iron Sheik won by last eliminating Hillbilly Jim in a Gimmick battle royal
  10. The Undertaker defeated Triple H in a Singles Match
  11. Steve Austin defeated The Rock (c) in a No disqualification match for the WWF Championship

SummerSlam 2002

  1. Kurt Angle defeated Rey Mysterio in a Singles match
  2. Ric Flair defeated Chris Jericho in a Singles match
  3. Edge defeated Eddie Guerrero in a Singles match
  4. The Un-Americans (Lance Storm and Christian) (c) defeated Booker T and Goldust in a Tag team match for the WWE Tag Team Championship
  5. Rob Van Dam defeated Chris Benoit (c) in a Singles match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship
  6. The Undertaker defeated Test in a Singles match
  7. Shawn Michaels defeated Triple H in a Unsanctioned Street Fight
  8. Brock Lesnar (with Paul Heyman) defeated The Rock(c) in a Singles match for the WWE Undisputed Championship
You have no idea how hard this is!!! Both very good ppv's with very good cards, the names you see on these cards is just amazing!! At SummerSlam you have about 3 matches that could have been the main event and at WrestleMania you have at least 4... I loved watching both ppv's that there wasn't a bad thing about it.. SummerSlam didn't ahve a womens match, but at WrestleMania you have 2 women who knew how to wrestle..
I'm going to go with my heart!! and choose... SummerSlam 2002.. It was such a great year for Wrestling IMO..I'm not going to take anything away from WrestleMania because that has to be the biggest Mania of the decade, but it's SummerSlam am going for.. The card was soo simple and stacked with stars and legends.. We might not have had Austin, but we had the returning HBK.. and what a return feud aswell with his best friend HHH.. The matches I enjoyed from SummerSlam were, Angle vs Rey which was Rey's first ppv match in the WWE, Flair vs Jericho, Edge vs Eddie, RVD vs Benoit, HBK vs HHH, Test vs Taker and Rock vs Brock... I think them matches were just amazing!!
What I did enjoy about WrestleMania X-Seven!!
Well, everything!!
  • Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit
  • Shane vs Vince
  • TLC II
  • Taker vs HHH
  • Austin vs The Rock II
Soo, What would you say?? WrestleMania X-Seven or SummerSlam 2002??
I have to go mania here. WM17 was such a huge show. The match for match line up is close so the atmosphere for WM17 will push my vote toward mania. It was the first time mania had been in a big stadium in nine years. The big dome, huge stage, and electric crowd just made mania awesome. I think 2000 was the best year for WWE and although it was in 2001 mania is always known has the climax for the previous year. I do think SummerSlam 2002 was the best SummerSlam ever but it wasn't quite as good as WM17. Also WM17 was the first mania I attended so it will always hold a special place for me.
I'll have to side with The Brain here and go with WM17 as well. From start to finish, it was just a great, explosive card that, with maybe the exception of the Gimmick Battle Royal, never stalled. The triple threat Hardcore Championship match, the opener between Regal and Jericho, Angle/Benoit, TLC II, Rock/Austin II. Even the 6-man Tag Team match between the Right to Censor VS. Tazz, Bradshaw, and Faarooq was a good match. Undertaker VS. Triple H is, in my opinion, one of WrestleMania's all time hidden gems, a great match that told one hell of a story, but is often lost among the crowd of WrestleMania matches.

Not taking anything away from SummerSlam 2002, one of WWE's best pay-per-views of the last decade. However, I just feel like WrestleMania X-Seven is the truly best pay-per-view of the 2000s.
WM17 as well for me, a lot of people consider it the best Wrestlemania, and Wrestlemania is a highly prestigious PPV. Also, I think both PPV's are great, but I compare so much Wrestlemania's to 17 now that I think it's my all time fav. ppv. Plus, Austin turned heel during that PPV, nothing that big happened in Summerslam. WE had Taker's streak up against TRiple H, compared to Summerslam where he faced Test in a very weak feud. I loved the Un-Americans but it was a weak feud for Taker in a major PPV.

I will say this, I have a hard time choosing between Survivor Series 2002 vs. Summer slam 2002.
Mania was the bigger show, nobody can really say otherwise. But people seem to forget that, at best, the first half of the show is forgettable. At worse its absolute garbage. SummerSlam 2002 is probably the best show from top to bottom that WWE has ever produced. Austin vs. The Rock might be the better match on the two cards, but overall SummerSlam is just better.
I will half to say that X-7 was the better of the two, but SummerSlam 2002 had the best PPV theme song in "Fight". I love that song, still listen to it on my Anthology Now CD.

One of Jostens's best.
Gotta go with WM X7. If for no other reason than we got to see Rock/Austin one last time. We also had a huge swerve thrown at us in the form of a heel turn for Austin.
Have to go with WrestleMania X-7 here.

It was a huge show and it had some amazing matches. As stated by someone before, the first half of the show was very forgettable, but it was made up for by the second half. Also, not only did Mania X-7 have some amazing matches and moments, it was the end of an Era. The Attitude Era to be exact. What better way to end it too? You had that era's biggest stars facing off in, probably, their best match with one another. It was an amazing show and Austin's heel turn at the end of the event was just icing on the cake.
I have to go mania here. WM17 was such a huge show. The match for match line up is close so the atmosphere for WM17 will push my vote toward mania. It was the first time mania had been in a big stadium in nine years. The big dome, huge stage, and electric crowd just made mania awesome. I think 2000 was the best year for WWE and although it was in 2001 mania is always known has the climax for the previous year. I do think SummerSlam 2002 was the best SummerSlam ever but it wasn't quite as good as WM17. Also WM17 was the first mania I attended so it will always hold a special place for me.

I completely agree. WM17 was my first mania to attend as well. Everything was amazing, I recently attended WWE TLC and it was good, but no where close to the electricity that was WM17
Interesting that you've paired these two together as I've felt for a long time that they are the 2 best PPV's WWE has ever put on.

I've gotta go with Summerslam 2002, I think the match quality is better and it is arguably the best top to bottom card WWE has ever produced, plus, while I may be in the minority, IO prefer HBK/Triple H to Taker/Triple and Rock/Brock to Austin/Rock.
I have to go with WM X7, in my opinion it is the biggest and best PPV the WWE ever produced.

I loved the American Bad Ass Undertaker vs Triple H, the bump The Game took off that tower was fantastic, it looked as if he had been chokeslammed to hell!

It was great to see my boy Raven at WM, yeah the hardcore match wasnt perfect, but it contained 3 legitimate stars, rather than the jobbers who normally collided for the title, and the legendary golf cart chase backstage. Raven getting thrown through the glass window was awesome too.

Obviously, the swerve turn at the end of Austin v The Rock is what people remember most, and rightly so. The biggest fan favourite of the decade turning on his fans and siding with the evil boss with whom he had been fueding for years, it was truly shocking and brilliantly done.

TLC matches were established as classics after this PPV, with arguably the 3 greatest tag teams of the last 15 years collided in a true classic. So many high spots, and as a Hardy Boyz mark at the time, I LOVED this match. A truly great match.

Shane v Vince was another really good match, it was a solid storyline and I enjoyed seeing Vince get his ass kicked at the end. Is this the one where Shane hit the Van Terminator on Vince??? Great move!

Even the womens title match between Chyna and Ivory was good. I think this was Chyna's last match in the WWE and she went out with a bang. I loved her purple outfit in this too lol.

Every match on the card was good, the crowd were hot, the stars on show were top notch. Overall, WM X7 was almost the perfect show, there isnt much that could be improved.
Wrestlemania 17 without a doubt. It was just a great card from top to bottom. Regal vs Jericho was a great way to kick things off, fast paced fun match in which the face won, the perfect way to kick things off and get the already electric crowd going even further.

There was a really fun hardcore match ion Kane vs Raven vs Show, lots of innovative spots smashing people through windows, golf carts, and Kanes leg drop to win it is awesome.

There is a classic match in Kurt vs Benoit, that first four or so minutes of technical wrestling is absolutely amazing stuff, and from there they put on their usual classic match, only thing holding it back is the ending.

Then there is the far better than expected Shane vs Vince, sure it was pretty overbooked with Linda, Foley, Trish and Steph all making appearances but it made it a really fun match, the pop for Linda standing up is awesome too.

Then you get three classics in a row, TLC, HHH vs Taker and Rock vs Austin. These are three of the best matches of all time all on the one show. You get an amazingly fun spot fest, a classic brawl between two of the biggest stars in the company. Then of course there is the main event, a hot as hell crown witnessing the two biggest stars in the company going at it for the title in the main event of wrestlemania, that is what wrestling is all about.

Summerslam is a great card from top to bottom but when you account the atmosphere and everything else involved then it is Wrestlemania in a landslide.
Summerslam 2002 had a better undercard than Wrestlemania 17. The opening match between Kurt Angle and Mysterio is probably the best curtain jerker to a PPV after Hart vs Hart at Mania 10. At Mania 17, Jericho vs Regal was a decent match but I expected a bit more out of Guerrero vs Test.

Another point worth noting is that there is only one bad match in the Summerslam 2002 card and its the Taker vs Test match. But Summerslam 2002 had fewer matches than Mania 17 probably because WWF wanted to give most of their talent a place on the Mania card. There are a few stinkers on the Mania card like the 6 man tag and the Women's match. The rest were all entertaining matches.

But as far as great matches and starpower go Wrestlemania trumps Summerslam. Rock vs Austin headlined the PPV and the two of them are probably the biggest stars of the business after Hogan. The penultimate match featured another set of legends in Triple H and Undertaker. The TLC match and the Benoit vs Kurt match would have probably stolen the show at any other PPV but could not do it at Wrestlemania due to the awesomeness of the card. The main event of Summerslam was also a bit weak. Triple H vs HBK should have probably main evented this one. In that case it would have been more difficult to judge the two PPV's.

So I would go with Wrestlemania 17.
Best WrestleMania ever vs. Best SummerSlam ever.

IMO, WrestleMania X-Seven is the best show in WWE history, SummerSlam and WrestleMania XIX can share the 2nd place, but nothing can't beat WrestleMania X-Seven. It's just the pinnacle of Attitude Era.
WWE Summerslam 2002 was obviously great but I would never consider it even close to Wrestlemania X-Seven, the TLC Match was good, The Street fight was good... hell, all of the matches were great!
Summerslam was good too but it just didn't have that something extra that Wrestlemania X-Seven had.

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