WWE SummerSlam 2000 vs WWE SummerSlam 2009

Which was better?

  • 2000

  • 2009

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F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!
The second thread in my new series..

If you don't know already, I will be comapring 2 ppv's and obviously you will be the judge and give your thoughts on each one and which you think was better and why?

Today, I will look at:


Let's take a look at the cards..

  1. Right to Censor (Steven Richards, Bull Buchanan and The Goodfather) defeated Too Cool (Scotty 2 Hotty, Grand Master Sexay and Rikishi) (with Victoria and Mandy) in a Six-man tag team match
  2. X-Pac defeated The Road Dogg in a Singles match
  3. Chyna and Eddie Guerrero defeated Val Venis (c) and Trish Stratus in a Mixed tag team match for the WWF Intercontinental Championship
  4. Jerry Lawler defeated Tazz in a Singles match
  5. Steve Blackman defeated Shane McMahon (c) in a Hardcore match for the WWF Hardcore Championship
  6. Chris Benoit defeated Chris Jericho in a Two out of three falls match
  7. Edge and Christian (c) defeated The Hardy Boyz (Matt and Jeff) (with Lita) and The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von) in a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match for the WWF Tag Team Championship
  8. The Kat (with Al Snow) defeated Terri (with Perry Saturn) in a Stinkface match
  9. The Undertaker fought Kane to a no contest in a Singles match
  10. The Rock (c) defeated Kurt Angle and Triple H in a Triple threat match for the WWF Championship

  1. Rey Mysterio (c) defeated Dolph Ziggler in a Singles match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship
  2. Montel Vontavious Porter defeated Jack Swagger in a Singles match
  3. Chris Jericho and The Big Show (c) defeated Cryme Tyme (Shad Gaspard and JTG) in a Tag team match for the Unified WWE Tag Team Championship
  4. Kane defeated The Great Khali (with Ranjin Singh) in a Singles match
  5. D-Generation X (Triple H and Shawn Michaels) defeated The Legacy (Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase) in a Tag team match
  6. Christian (c) defeated William Regal (with Vladimir Kozlov and Ezekiel Jackson) in a Singles match for the ECW Championship 00:08
  7. Randy Orton (c) defeated John Cena in Singles match for the WWE Championship
  8. CM Punk defeated Jeff Hardy (c) in a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match for the World Heavyweight Championship
I would have to say, well I enjoyed both ppv's, but based on stoyline and matches, I'm going to pick 2000...I think the fact that I was really into wrestling then is playing a big part on my decision, but I did really enjoy the ppv.
2009 is the first SummerSlam ppv I enjoyed since 2005, I think 06, 07 and 08 were crap..and I liked most matches on the card, but I think it doesn't beat the card and stars of 2000..

In 2000 we had a new heel stable that was wreaking havoc, the relationship between Eddie and Chyna which was fun, a 'brutal' hardcore match where we saw Shane fall 20ft i think it was, 2 former WCW guys battling it out in a 2 out of 3 falls match, the first ever TLC match between 3 of the top tag teams at the time, the brothers feuding for the first time since Taker went bad ass and the main event, that was just really an on-going rivalry between Angle and HHH but the match was really good and entertaining the whole time..
Honourable Mentions for 2009
  • Intercontinental Championship match
  • DX vs Legacy
  • CM Punk vs Jeff Hardy
What would you say??
I loved the 2000 Summerslam and still have a copy of it. X-Pac vs. Road Dogg was cool to see because they were teammates and their match was pretty cool. Shane vs. Steve Blackman was cool because of the bump. I remember Shane was really high on Steve Blackman and he never turned out. Obviously TLC 2 and Jericho vs. Benoit were highlights. Kane vs. Undertaker was alright especially with Kane's face kinda being shown for the first time but not really. The whole "match" between those two only lasted like 5 minutes with entrances.

I remember the main event was kind of messed up. Kurt Angle suffered a concussion early on when the table collapsed mid-pedigree. I remember it was virtually Rock vs. Triple H without Kurt Angle for like 85% of the match. A lot of improvising was done. Overall, it was a very good match though. I felt like the whole pay per view was pretty cool.

I give it the edge over SS09.
It is very close for me, but I have to go with SS 09. I think it was possibly the best PPV the WWE put on in 2009. While I love the 2000 triple threat main event with HHH/Rock/Angle, and of course the first ever TLC match, that was pretty much it for me, the rest of the card was average. There may not be 2 wrestlers I would rather watch than Benoit and Jericho, and maybe my expectations were too high, but I was really disappointed in that match.

The opener of SS 09 between Mysterio and Ziggler was excellent. So much so that it wound up on the "Greatest PPV matches of 09-10" dvd. The Legacy/DX match was awesome, and my favorite contest of the series they had together in 09.

I know a lot of people weren't crazy about the Orton/Cena match, and they certainly went on to have better contests later in the year, but I have to say I was on the edge of my seat during that bout, and had no idea what was going to happen next. And I was pretty shocked that Orton came out the winner.

Jeff Hardy vs. CM Punk to me was maybe the best one on one TLC match in history. That was an incredible contest that really elevated Punk into another stratosphere. Hardys dive off of the biggest ladder I have ever seen was really cool too.

I give the slight edge to 2009...
I gotta say. I think your memorable moments of 2009's Summer Slam are what made Summer Slam 2009 interesting. But I agree in saying Summer Slam 2000 was much better.
The thing for me is that 2009 was way too easy to predict. Dolph wasn't at the top of his game yet,DX was returning against 3rd generation jobbers, and everyone knew Hardy was leaving after that PPV. 2000 was great. Benoit and Jericho tore the house down. Maybe it's just because I loved the product a lot more 10 years ago but I have to give the edge to 2000
there are highs and lows to both events, the 2009 SS was on my bday and had a huge ass party for it so i would have to pick 2009. 2000 was good though, the TLC match and the beniot jericho match really stole the show, the rest was jus ok, and really the maine vent never really happened due to angles concussion, so yea 2009 has to take it.
2000 hands down. Sure there were duds (the presence of X-pac....and a stinkface match?!) but at least there was enough wrestling around to make up for it. Plus the 3 hottest tag teams going at it beats ANY of the SS09 matches.
2000 is clearly better for me. Jericho v. Benoit. the Rock v. Angle v. HHH. and a freaking TLC match between the Hardy, Dudleyz, and E & C. That right there smashes any of those crappy matches from '09.
well i say niether summerslam 2005 was the best summerslam i have seen it had the first ever meeting between hbk and hogan and orton vs taker cena vs jericho jbl vs batista no holds barred and rey vs eddie for the custody of dominick one of the best shows ive seen :lol:
That's such a hard one actually... When first reading the title of thread, I thought 2000 hands down... But really looking at the 2 cards and remembering watching them both...

It was much closer than I expected... While 2000 definetly had all time greats all over the thing... 2009 isn't lacking as far as star power goes either...

The thing that makes it so close for me, is that my 2 favorite wrestlers of all time BOTH were champions by the end of their respected SS... The Rock and Randy Orton!!

I will however, give the edge to 2000, but just barely... The Shane bump really sticks out in my head... But the results are much closer then I thought!
2000 was definitely the better Summerslam.

Both events had their bad matches (Kane/Kahli, The Stinkface match) but I think in this case the good outweighs the bad and 2000 had much more good matches than 2009. TLC 1, HHH/Rock/Angle, Jericho/Benoit even Mcmahon/Blackman were all very good matches the only good matches from 2009 were Hardy/Punk and Rey Ziggler the rest were either overbooked (Cena/Orton) or had obvious endings (DX/Legacy).
I'm going with SS 2009. While I often find triple threat matches amusing. The main event at 00 was not very good imo. It was completely hurt by the Kurt Angle mishap which in the end really made me lose interest b/c of the fact that it was supposed to be a triple threat ending up being The Rock vs Triple H with a Kurt Angle run-in. The only matches I found enjoyable in 00 were TLC obviously and Jericho/Benoit. I thought Shane had much better matches than the one against Blackman.

Meanwhile, SS 09 gave us the spectacular TLC match b/w Hardy and Punk. It also gave a pretty good match with Cena/Orton even with the tainted finish. I thought DX/Legacy was pretty good and what can be said of Rey/Ziggler which hasn't been said before. I also thought MVP/Swagger was very underrated. The only matches that were horrible were Kane/Khali and the Christian/Regal joke of a match.

I also thought that SS 09 had the better stories going into the PPV. In 00 the only worthwhile fueds were E&C vs the Dudleys vs the Hardys and Triple H vs Kurt Angle. The Rock was really just thrown into Trips and Kurt fued. Benoit/Jericho would have a much better fued later that year and into early 2001. Meanwhile SS 09 had the continuation of the bitter rivalry b/w Cena and Orton, the reformation of DX to take on the Legacy which was a good fued which help build Rhodes and DiBiase, Rey and Ziggler had a good fued for the IC title, and of course Punk and Hardy which was the fued of 2009. So I believe Summerslam 2009 was the better one b/c it had the better fueds and matches.
I like SummerSlam 2009 over 2000. In fact, I think `09 was the greatest SummerSlam ever. And 2000 was kind of an up-and-down ppv for me.

2000 had many great highlights: TLC match, triple threat title match, Shane falling off the titantron. But I have to take points off for the following:
1. Jerry Lawler wrestling a match
2. IC Title changes hands in an intergender tag match after Trish Stratus gets pinned
3. Right to Censor
4. X-Pac vs. Road Dogg

And SummerSlam 2009 was just awesome! The DX enterance was amazing and the match was good too. The IC title match b/t Rey and Dolph was great, fast paced crowd was really into it, much better than thier match at the previous pvv(Night of Champs) MVP and Jack Swagger wrestled as good a match as I have ever seen from either of them. The TLC match with Punk/Hardy was one of my favorite TLC matches ever. And then the return of The Undertaker just sealed the deal for me on the greatest SS of all time.

Oh yeah!, and one more thing about 09: NO DIVA'S MATCH!
Definitely going with 2000 here. I’m not usually crazy about triple threat matches, but I think the main event storyline for 2000 was very well done. The match may have been hurt a little by Kurt’s accident, but I think it’s very impressive that he was able to come back and finish the match while injured; especially considering he was basically a rookie at the time.

Jericho vs. Benoit probably would have been better as a one fall match, but it was still solid. TLC was very good. The mixed tag match for the IC title was an interesting idea and worked pretty well I thought. I liked the Lawler vs. Tazz feud as it was nice to see Lawler stick up for JR. RTC vs. Rikishi & Too Cool was a good opener. The hardcore match was ok and seeing Shane take the big fall was pretty cool. Taker vs. Kane was pretty ugly, but you’ll never see a perfect card.

2009 was decent but not all that great. Orton vs. Cena was a clusterfuck. JeriShow vs. Cryme Tyme was ok, but this was the only time Cryme Tyme was ever involved in a big storyline and I wasn’t really buying them as SummerSlam challengers. Once again the ECW title match was a joke. That’s a shame because Christian vs. Regal could have been a good match. I thought the main event was ok, but I didn’t think it was as great as a lot of others seem to. The IC match and DX vs. Legacy were both pretty solid.

Overall I thought the storylines were much more intriguing in 2000 and it was a much more anticipated event.

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