WWE Summerslam 2010: General Discussion

Well this card kinda sorta sucks. Aside from Team WWE vs Nexus, there's nothing anyone really gives a damn about. WWE Championship match? We've already seen them two square off. WHC match? Kane and Rey could put on a good showing but I couldn't care less about who won. Maybe it might be worth watching to catch an Undertaker appearance. Big Show vs SES, I doubt ANYONE cares. Kind of a lackluster card for such a top tier PPV. but i guess we can't blame the rest of the card for being uninteresting considering this awesome nexus angle has been getting all of the attention lately.
I will purchase this one b/c I am actually excited to see what happens. My only question is..why is there no McCool vs. Layla match. That has had a lot of build up and to see "best friends" going at it would be good. I want to see McCool turn on Layla. I also think this PPV will be the one that launches the new nWo angle. I'm excited.
I admit that the Summerslam card right now leaves a LOT to be desired, and that in part, is due to the injuries to HHH and the Undertaker. That being said, I still think this card could be salvaged pretty easily.

Honestly, as far as Team WWE vs. The Nexus, we do have 14 wrestlers represented in 1 match, so it's going to get significant time, especially with legit main event players like Cena, Edge and Jericho on WWE's side. With Khali maybe unable to go, there could be a replacement and boy would HHH or the Undertaker bolster this main event?!?!? I think a big return is needed here. The replacement options for Khali if there is no big return rests on the likes of the Miz or Mark Henry or Ted Dibiase, none of which are very enthralling.

As far as Kane vs. Rey, to be quite honest, my interest in this match would sky-rocket if they did the logical thing and turned it into a Casket Match. Sure, Casket matches are just glorified NO DQ matches where you shove your opponent into a casket, but it fits, and it would make things much more interesting. And a return of the Undertaker is imminent.

On Smackdown!, they should also add Dolph Ziggler and Kofi for the Intercontinental Title, and due to the way Kofi's lashed out at Dolph ruthlessly, or as close to ruthlessly as is allowed in the PG era the last few weeks, let's do it NO DQ. Kofi has the intensity to do it and it would make it MUCH more enjoyable seeing as we have the character shift in Kofi and the 3 consecutive straight up singles matches between the two. This spices it up.

Also, Christian vs. Drew must be added. Sure, it's got VERY MINIMAL build, but it can be the start of the feud rather than the closing of one. That and, honestly, it would be a very solid match and with Drew bragging about taking Christian out, at least there's reason for it to happen! The latter two matches certainly give quality of wrestling to the show potentially.

Now we have...

Team WWE: John Cena, Chris Jericho, Edge, John Morrison, R-Truth, Bret Hart and HHH vs. The Nexus

Sheamus vs. Randy Orton for the WWE Championship (with Miz involvement somewhere)

Kane vs. Mysterio in a Casket Match for the World Heavyweight Championship (with the return of the Undertaker somewhere)

Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston in NO DQ match for Intercontinental Championship.

Christian vs. Drew McIntyre

Big Show vs. Straight Edge Society

Alicia Fox vs. Melina for Diva's Championship

With those two Smackdown! matches added and with the tweaks to the existing matches, I think the card would be much improved. Thoughts?
yea I mean so far we have Team WWE vs Nexus, Orton vs Sheamus, Fox vs Melina, and Kane vs Rey.......

I wish they wouldve added Swagger to the world title match and then continue the Rey and Kane feud later on...... if no Swagger then they should make it a casket match with Undertaker returning

I'm sure Dolph vs Kofi in a rematch will happen....most preferrably in a NO DQ match as you said...

Big Show vs SES.....who cares really wats the point in this match? they should add the stipulation that if Big Show loses he joins the SES......then have him join!!

I could see them doing something between Christian and McIntyre, but it should short and sweet.....maybe throw in Matt Hardy and Cody Rhodes and make the match a No. 1 contenders match for the World title.......this shouldve been added along time ago.....they were all involved in a tag match.....Christian beat McIntyre....McIntyre has history with Matt.....Cody beat Matt....theres all history now between the 4.....each one could say they deserve a world title shot.....I think Drew should come out on top eventually facing Rey who will win at Summerslam......then Matt and Christian can feud saying they always cost each other a title shot and there can only be one of them on Smackdown or something like that.....Cody then goes back to what hes been doing or maybe feud with Kofi after Kofi is done with Ziggler....

they could also add a Womens title match..... Kelly Kelly and Tiffany vs LayCool....where the victor of the match gets the womens title...basically a up for grabs kinda match....if Layla gets the pin she remains champ,, if Michelle pins she gets the belt, same goes the other way for K2 and Tiffany
yea I mean so far we have Team WWE vs Nexus, Orton vs Sheamus, Fox vs Melina, and Kane vs Rey.......

I wish they wouldve added Swagger to the world title match and then continue the Rey and Kane feud later on...... if no Swagger then they should make it a casket match with Undertaker returning

I'm sure Dolph vs Kofi in a rematch will happen....most preferrably in a NO DQ match as you said...

Big Show vs SES.....who cares really wats the point in this match? they should add the stipulation that if Big Show loses he joins the SES......then have him join!!

I could see them doing something between Christian and McIntyre, but it should short and sweet.....maybe throw in Matt Hardy and Cody Rhodes and make the match a No. 1 contenders match for the World title.......this shouldve been added along time ago.....they were all involved in a tag match.....Christian beat McIntyre....McIntyre has history with Matt.....Cody beat Matt....theres all history now between the 4.....each one could say they deserve a world title shot.....I think Drew should come out on top eventually facing Rey who will win at Summerslam......then Matt and Christian can feud saying they always cost each other a title shot and there can only be one of them on Smackdown or something like that.....Cody then goes back to what hes been doing or maybe feud with Kofi after Kofi is done with Ziggler....

they could also add a Womens title match..... Kelly Kelly and Tiffany vs LayCool....where the victor of the match gets the womens title...basically a up for grabs kinda match....if Layla gets the pin she remains champ,, if Michelle pins she gets the belt, same goes the other way for K2 and Tiffany

so theres 8 matches easily:

World title- Kane vs Rey, with a returning Undertaker, Rey wins the title and goes on to feud with McIntyre

WWE title- Sheamus vs Orton, with a failed Miz cashin, Sheamus retains because of his alliance with Nexus

Team WWE vs Nexus, Miz joins last minute in this main event making it 7 on 7....Cena does the heel turn while Miz becomes an uber face

Divas title- Fox vs Melina, Fox retains

World title contendership match- Christian vs Matt vs Cody vs McIntyre....McIntyre wins, christian and Matt feud later on

Womens......LayCool vs Tiffany and K2....title is up for grabs.......K2 wins the title with LayCool being disfunctional

IC title.......Dolph vs Kofi......Dolph wins

Big Show vs SES......they win forcing him to join and do their dirty work
So Summerslam sure looks like one big fat turd of a card, eh? I just kept waiting week after week for them to make me give a shit about the 2nd biggest show of the year or even one match outside of the main event, but I'm afraid I can't. Something tells me this will likely be one of the worst Summerslams in many years. Kane vs. Mysterio? Sheamus vs. Randy Orton? What the fuck is this shit? Mysterio and Kane simply don't work well together and Sheamus & Orton had an atrocious match earlier this year at the Royal Rumble. And then to waste the Straight Edge Society in a fucking handicap match with the Big Show? Are you shitting me? One year ago Punk was main eventing the show and winning the world title, now he's relegated to an undercard handicap match with the Big Show? Way to utilize your assets WWE, really.

What shit booking this summer has had from the WWE thus far aside from the Nexus angle. Where's a US title match? IC title? Tag titles? They've spent more time developing the damn diva's title match than they have on any of the midcard or tag titles, and that's sad.

Really not looking forward to this show honestly. Along with HardCORE Justice a few days ago this is looking to be an awful month for wrestling PPVs.
If the WWE added one more match wouldnt the ppv look more complete? I am certainly not going to pay for just 6 matches....45 dollars are you kidding me? at least one more that at least makes sense at this point.....that match would be Dashing Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre vs Matt Hardy and Christian......they all have recent history together so why not? Drew lost to Christian but has a history with Matt.....Cody beat both Christian and Matt.....Cody and Drew were seen talking together last night....this match makes sense and they should add it on the card to round out 7 matches.....whataya think
Well Well........it looks like the WWE has screwed up one of their so called Big 4 PPVs yet again. Along with the ass-backwards Survivor Series last year.........this card has the potential to do even worse than that. Face It! there's only one match that we all look forward to and that's Team WWE vs Nexus. We have seen Kane vs Mysterio countless of times before and that match is only intriguing on whether The Pheneom makes an appearence. Sheamus vs Randy Orton...enough said.......a Divas title match and an SES vs Big Show pointless Handicap match.....no McIntyre,Christian,the up-and coming 'Dashing' Cody Rhodes??? WWE needs to blow us away with something bewildering at Summerslam.......Hell! I wouldn't even care if the Nexus match goes on an hour.......this Summerslam needs to be saved and quick
So, i was at Heyman Hustle, and i saw these pictures of Triple H:



So, i got two things from these photos:

- First, HHH is indeed at SummerSlam 2010 in LA.
- Second, you can notice that he doesn't have his beard. And that make me remenber his Heel "days" in 2003.

Is that just one more sign that he is going to become Heel at SS, or am i just overeacting?
I wouldn't go that far as to judge it from his beard. Much less that he's actually gonna be turning heel in the first place.

Triple H could very well just have shaved, for the sake of shaving. Perhaps Stephanie liked it better, hell if I know why he shaved it. But I don't see it as a reason for him to turn heel because of a bit of facial hair.

Besides there's nothing that states that Triple H will be present at Summerslam on-screen. Much less involved in any of the storylines or a heel turn. Triple H has been said to be out for a while to go while healing up from a Biceps injury (Or some other injury, I forgot which). So I don't see it being more than just a shave and an appearance.
This has to be one of the worst Summerslam cards since, well, ever. The Nexus match is really the only one that truly interests me, and the match itself will probably be nothing more than a clusterfuck. Hopefully they have something big surprise at the end, hopefully a Nexus win, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

As for the rest of the card, Sheamus/Orton already had a shit PPV match this year, Kane/Rey are terrible together, Punk is stuck in a handicap match, there's a Diva's match no one cares about, and an IC Title match we've already seen for free.

Even if everyting goes well, there is no way this card is deserving of the second biggest PPV of the year.
This is a weak card because of two things:

1. HHH and Undertaker not being there. The card will be much stronger as Sheamus could have faced HHH for the title and that would leave Orton to be on Team WWE against the Nexus. I'm sort of glad that Undertaker hasn't come back yet so they didn't have to rush the vegetative state storyline but we all know what is coming so take that and do what you want with it.

2. WWE blew their load too early so to speak. If Team WWE wins, where does Nexus go from here? If Nexus wins, I can see a rematch of sorts at Survivor Series. What they should have done is feature other Nexus members in single matches when this angle first started. You could have matches like Bourne vs. Gabriel, Sheffield and Slater vs. Hart Dynasty and other options. Then have the 7 on 7 match at Survivor Series. At the end of the day, either there's going to be disappointment sooner or later and I fear for the former.

I believe the match of the night will be Kofi/Ziggler which will be good but we've seen it way too many times.

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