Feuds you'd like to see in 2009

Ok I see alot of people want John Morrison v Shawn Michaels, and I do think it would be awesome, but not yet. I think Morrison needs another mid card push as a singles wrestler 1st as he's been out of the singles game for a while. There are so many possibilities, for example WrestleMania. Money In The Back. 6 of the WWEs most atheletic wrestlers today:

John Morrison
Shelton Benjamin
Rey Mysterio
Kofi Kingston
Carlito (seriously needs a push, did u see his springboard at the rumble? amazing!)

After the MITB they could do a feud with the winner, and the guy who thought he should've won, for example Morrison vs Shelton Benjamin - they feud for a while, ultimately Morrison ends the feud leaving with the briefcase, and cashes it in around Survivor Series against the champ, which could then be Shawn Michaels!

Also on a quick note, as much as I would LOVE to see HHH & Steph v Edge & Vickie, I can't see it happening... I hope it does though!
Big Show and Vladimir Koslov
This could easily be a great feud seein how Koslov wants a "better challenge" This could go on for a few months but still be the feud of the year, if these two faced off in a match, it could easily be one of the best, seeing how Big Show can knock out Koslov with a right hand, and Koslov can knock Big Show out with a headbutt
just lettin u no that hman115 is my former self, i made a this account cuz i needed to verify this one

ummmm....:huh: thanks?!?

CM Punk vs Edge

You can't say that Edge is not the slightest bit teed off about Punk using one of Edge's trademark tricks and stealing a world title when the champ is at their weakest with MITB. As unexpected and shocking as Punk winning the title to start the show was, I would've much rather seen them announce this as the main event and have Punk go cleanly over Edge. One, it would've made Punk look better, two, using it like he did is something only heels should do, three, Edge would've had good heat on him for losing, four, WWE could've had a huge rating with the buildup of witnessing an almost likely title change happen, but back to the present. These two are two of my favourite wrestlers, Punk, an exceptionally consistent performer, and Edge who is one of the best performers, he has great matches with everybody. Perhaps he can help Punk elevate his game and pull out a few classics. I could see Edge coming to RAW, stealing the title, then IC champion Punk challenges Edge to a series of matches.
I will like for Morrison and HBK to feud of course. This will take Morrison to the next level and be entertaning.

Priceless take the tag titles and feud with Rey and Kofi.

Cena vs Taker, just to see if superman can dominate the deadman.

Edge vs anyone other than Taker or HHH. Umaga will be a nice opponet before making him a full heel again. Umaga vs Kozlov will also be interesting to me.

Taker vs shelton-Their matches were good and taker has a good way of elevating people. Overall I like to see feuds between established guys who are facing off against people for they haven't fought since forever.
I'd like to see HBK vs Undertaker, Jericho vs Undertaker, Trips vs Undertaker, Cena vs Undertaker, Umaga vs Undertaker, Jeff Hardy vs Undertaker.

I know all these feuds include Undertaker, but honestly, wouldn't the ALL be great?

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