Feuds you would like to see happen in the WWE?

Well one feud I would really like to see happen is one which could have been going on now, but was ruined.

Shawn Michaels should have been involved in the Bret Hart storyline. I believe he should have made up with Bret Hart as he did at the beginning of Raw, but at the end, instead of Mr McMahon kicking Bret in the gut, have Shawn Michaels come out from under the ring behind Bret and superkick him. This would lead to a whole big storyline where Bret brings in the Hart Dynasty and they become part of the feud to fight with him. DX and McMahon become allied, but threes a crowd, Shawns ego gets too big and he betrays HHH during a match where they are defending the tag team titles because he believes HHH is the weak link of the team. McMahon uses his power to help Shawn win the WWE title, and since they betrayed HHH, Stephanie in turn uses her power to give HHH a shot at Shawn's WWE title at Wrestlemania. Vince says he is majority holder so she can't do that but she says she can because a third share holder is voting with her, that person would be who Shane McMahon sold his shares to when he resigned - BRET HART. Therefore they would have majority voting power together and would not only give HHH the title shot at WM but have Bret Hart as the special guest referee. At WM the match pans out and Bret gets to apply the Sharpshooter to Shawn and Vince etc. Then leading up to Backlash Shawn will begin to turn face until he turns on Vince at the PPV and makes up with Bret.

This in my opinion would be a great storyline because it involves all of the key players in the Montreal Screwjob except Earl Hebner. I think fans would also like it a lot more because they would get to see the resolution happen in front of them over time rather than in one night.

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