5 Feuds you would like to see in WWE soon

CM Punk vs Stone Cold - it would be great match but the promo work in the build up to it would be awesome

Christian vs Daniel Bryan - they would have a great match and have some hilarious verbal exchanges

CM Punk Vs The Rock - looks like it will happen my guess would be wrestlemania for the title and im looking forward to it

Daniel Bryan vs Chris Jericho - i think it would be a classic rivarly, they could have great submission match, iron man match, ladder amtch if there was a title involved, think if you could name any match these 2 would produce a classic

The Rock vs Triple H - it was such a great rivarly with great matches and i would love to see them give fans it again before they both retire, possibly they could both have there retirement match against each other it would be fitting for them going out against arguably there greatest rival

Undertaker vs The Rock - they have always had great matches but i would love to see them have a match at wrestlemania, rock has never had a shot at the streak and that fact alone would sell the match for mania cause The Rock would be seen as a great threat to the streak

i know i went over the limit of 5 but i just got carried away
1. Chris Jericho vs. The Miz
3. The Rock vs. Randy Orton
Both are 3rd generation superstars, both are the youngest World Champs in WWE history along with Lesnar, both are the second top guys in their generation and Orton has been one of Rock's criticizers this past year, this is just a feud screaming to happen.

I totally agree on this one. They have fought before but both guys were much younger and Orton was nowhere near the star he is now.

This honestly could be a great feud although I'm not sure if Orton could go back and forth with good promos with The Rock.
The Miz vs Christian

I know they've been fighting over the IC Title, but not in an actual feud. Just think of the back and forth on the mic these two could have. I feel like these two could really play off each other and make for some entertaining TV. The Miz is still a top heel IMO and Christian can still throw out some good insults even as a face. Their matches have been solid, and a feud like this could easily go for about 2-3 months if written right. This feud could be GOLD.

Damien Sandow vs Ryback

These two have been the hottest new superstars since debuting and WWE seems to be very high on pushing these two. I have this one scenario in mind where Sandow happens to be the United States Champion for a while and he comes out and says how nobody has what it takes to beat him and he issues an open challenge to anybody in the back. Cue Ryback. He comes and Sandow flees saying he doesn't feel well, or some other cowardly excuse. For the next month or so, Ryback would come out during or after Sandow's matches just teasing to attack, but instead he points to his US Title. Sandow gets fed up and really, I mean really attacks Ryback. So bad that he puts him on the shelf for a while. He returns at The Rumble for revenge on Sandow and the feud is reignited. Ryback wins a #1 contender match at EC and the battle between Sandow and Ryback is on for WrestleMania 29 for the United States Championship.

Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan

I remember back when Bryan was still World Heavyweight Champion and had a match with Orton on SmackDown which was pretty damn good. I enjoyed seeing it. Randy Orton was the one man I was looking forward to see challenge Bryan for the World Title. A feud between these two would've been great. Orton is probably the only face on the roster that's not a complete wuss coming and out and smiling all the time. Bryan's heel tactics wouldn't have worked on Orton. I would've loved seeing the psychological mind games that this feud could've conjured up.

CM Punk vs The Undertaker

Back when CM Punk was the Straight Edge Messiah, this feud would've been GREAT. Austin was the epitome of everything CM Punk and the SES stood against. Austin was the beer drinking, foul mouth SOB. I felt like when Punk dropped that gimmick, the thought of an Austin/Punk feud was dead. So, I say let Punk take on The Undertaker. I don't see Punk competing for the WWE Title at WrestleMania so a match against Taker would be very interesting. Punk can milk this "respect" shtick for a while. I have a scenario where he comes out one night and says the only way he's going to get respect from the people is to do something "shocking." He then announces that he will do the impossible and end The Undertaker's unbeaten streak at WrestleMania and when he does, maybe he will get the respect that he deserves. Punk/Taker would be something special if done right that is.

Dolph Ziggler vs Cody Rhodes

The two youngest rising stars the WWE has and I still can't believe they haven't had a feud with each other. I don't care if they are both heel. WWE have had feuds in the past with two heels facing each other. This is the one instance where Ziggler would defend his Money in the Bank briefcase. These two are young, can go in the ring, and have gotten better on the mic. Rhodes had one of the better reigns as Intercontinental Champion and Ziggler improves week after week. This feud has to happen.

I totally agree on this one. They have fought before but both guys were much younger and Orton was nowhere near the star he is now.

This honestly could be a great feud although I'm not sure if Orton could go back and forth with good promos with The Rock.

"Viper" Orton, no. But "Legend Killer" Randy Orton circa 2005 could've definitely held his own against The Rock.
Undertaker vs John Cena at Wrestlemania- This would be a big time $$$ match. Cena is the only believable opponent who hasn't faced the Undertaker at WM left. IWC would be going crazy at thought of Cena possibly ending the streak. :lmao:

Randy Orton vs Brock Lesnar- They have history together. They came up through OVW at the same time. Orton beat Lesnar record and became the youngest heavyweight champ. I would love to see this match.

Daniel Bryan vs Rey Mysterio - They could put on a series of entertaining matches. This would have an old school Smackdown feel to it. Daniel Bryan is someone that definitely could of been in the Smackdown 6.

CM Punk vs The Rock- No doubt Punk will go into shoot mode against the Rock. The problem is most of the things Punk will likely say have already been said by Cena. I still wouldn't mind seeing this though.

Ryback vs Dolph Ziggler- I'm a big Ryback fan. With the way Ziggler sells and Ryback power moves this could be a fun little feud.
Undertaker vs Cena (WM) (I quit match) - Cena hasn't lost an I quit match, and 'Taker has the streak. Who can predict this outcome? It really can go either way.

Wade Barrett vs Undertaker (or) Sheamus (for the WHC) (or Triple threat) - I would have no problem with Barrett ending the streak. Its the Barrage vs the Streak. I'd say they would put on a great match. Besides they have some unfinished business (remember the nexus?)
Or he could just go up against the unstoppable Sheamus. Irishman vs Englishman, that's enough already XD Sheamus really is lacking a credible challenge. And there isn't really a top heel around so Wade can fill that void. Plus it would be refreshing to have two heel world champions.
Triple Threat would be awesome though. It wouldn't be for the title, but what a challenge it would be for the Undertaker. Having to defend the streak against two people. We've seen the Undertaker struggle more and more every year. Can he do it this time?

CM Punk vs Austin - Everyone wants to see it happen, and so do I. The buildup alone would be worth watching. Imagine the promo's, the clash of persona's. The differences in lifestyle. Complete polar opposites.

Cody Rhodes vs Dolph Ziggler (WM Iron Man match) - Not now of course, maybe in two years or something. But wow, who wouldn't want to see an iron man match like this? We haven't had one in a while, so its something refreshing. Besides, the pair of them are rising stars so its bound to catapult them furthur into the spotlight.

The Rock vs Brock Lesnar vs Cena vs Punk (WM for the WWE title) (add Orton and Jericho if needed to make it an Elimination Chamber) - I'm kind of cheating here, but the WWE doesn't know what to do with these 4. These kind of matches only happen on WWE games but imagine how much this would SELL. Besides nobody would be happy with just a Rock/Cena rematch seeing as we would all know Cena would win. This way we have no clue who would win. Though I would be happy with a Rock/Brock and Cena/Punk sort of thing. But this is just INSANE. Adding Orton and Jericho would be serious overkill but who cares? I would pay to see it over and over again. And it would do wonders for the winner and the WWE title. Its a great way to restore prestige to the title itself.

Ok I'll wake up now...
1. Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. CM Punk: This is just a great feud waiting to happen. CM Punk has said himself, it writes itself, and it would be almost impossible to mess it up.

2. Daniel Bryan vs. Shawn Michaels: This one will probably be the most unlikely on my list. Michaels doesn't appear to have any interest in coming back to the WWE even on a part time basis any time soon, but if he ever does, I'd love to see him in a match with D-Bry

3. CM Punk vs. Miz: I agree with you here, I would love to see this feud. Both great on the mic, and it would be an interesting one to follow.

4. John Cena vs. Cody Rhodes: Cody Rhodes has established himself as a premier guy in the WWE, and John Cena is at the top as well. I would be interesting to see a young Rhodes try taking out Cena in a feud.

5. Wade Barrett vs. William Regal: I would love to see this as a way to put Wade Barrett over, maybe even in his return. Barrett goes on about how he's the best british wrestler in history, and William Regal gets involved. They get in a short feud that ends in Barrett winning at a PPV and maybe even ending Regal's career.
i think these two would work well together in the ring. this would also be a great way to bring barrett back. plus it would really put barrett over if you had them face off at wrestlemania.

while ryback is getting a goldberg type push at the moment. it can't go on forever and the perfect person to end the streak would be big show. and just like with barrett this would help him get over with the fans.

this would be my dream match. and after last week on raw. the one that i can see happening. if you think about it what possible reason would wwe have for having hbk in triple h corner at summerslam. my theory is that hhh will loss to lesner at summerslam triple h will end up injured during the match. after this hayman and lesner will run there mouths about how lesner took out hhh and ended his carreer. in the end shawn will come out to defend hhh with one thing leading to another and shawn facing lesner at surviver series.

this would be the dream match after shawn vs lesner and again one i can see happening. with cena feuding with show and punk and jericho departing again soon there is not many other big names left to face him. also orton is still by far the best wrestler in wwe in my opinion and would lead to one of the matches of the year.

i want this one for two reason. 1. would get zigler over more then he is already and 2. this would be a great way to turn zigler face. something i have wanted to see for a while.
1. daniel bryan vs randy orton i believe they could get at least 6 month feud out of these two. there wouldn't have to be a title up for grabs for say the first 3 or 4 matches but have there feud become more and more heated and bitter. i think it would kinda like the irresistible force(orton) vs the immovable object(the technically sound bryan). i think it would greatly help orton make a comeback and as heel while bryan would come out on top in this with the world heavy championship(say around the royal rumble) maybe have as well aj somehow still in the mix at the beginning of the feud since her pairing with bryan in any storyline is quite engaging. i just really want to see this but only if orton is the heel.

2. daniel bryan vs rey mysterio ladder match no.1 contenders match for the world heavyweight championship(this would tie in with tie in with my first pick, orton would be denied a chance by booker t to be involved in this match due to orton interfering in a previous bryan match) as for bryan and mysterio i think they would have great chemistry in a ladder and bryan needs more wwe ladder match experience as well

3. dolph ziggler vs undertaker with vickie guerrero special ref money in the bank brief case casket match at surivor series this could kill the ziggler/guerrero partnership if vickie nearly costs ziggler the match and ziggler branches out on his own.... finally!!!!!! and it could leave the door open for another big pay per view match with taker

4. damien sandow vs christian no great reasonas to why i think they could have a very interesting feud if written well enough lol

5. john cena vs ryback i think ryback should be and would be more effective as a heel say by the royal rumble or shortly thereafter and him scoring a couple upsets on super cena would launch him into superstardom
HHH vs Punk- it never really went anywhere. It had a lot of potential though. I thought it the match itself would of been great

Cena vs Taker- I wouldn’t mind seeing Cena go for the streak. It’s someone new at least. It would also be interesting if he would really be considered that he was the guy to end it.

Orton vs Daniel Bryan – Not only would the match be great but I think the storyline could be very good as well. With Bryans annoying personality so to say on the mic and Orton no nonsense.

Punk vs Barrett –That too never really had an outcome.

Ziggler vs Bryan- it would just be a great match

Swagger vs Ziggler- I think they could steal the show. I would like to see swagger used more
Sheamus vs The Undertaker: Before the Royal Rumble last year, I was always hoping Sheamus was going to be the victor and then instead of challenging for the title, he would challenge for the streak. All this match really needs in order to be great is to be an all out, smash-mouth brawl. Two brawlers just duking it out and hitting nothing but pure power.

Daniel Bryan vs. John Cena: Yes, these two men have had face each other in the ring before: once in a singles match on Raw, as well as at least one tag-team match. What these two superstars haven't had is a chance to run a program together, building up throughout Raws and Smackdowns, and culminating at a big PPV. Their match on Raw was good, but with the right story and stage, a match on PPV between the two would be great.

Rey Mysterio vs Daniel Bryan: Both men always appear to bring their A game every time it's needed and always work best when paired with an opponent with similar style. Byran and Mysterio each bring something fresh to the ring, and can work to accompany each other's advantages, while minimizing disadvantages (if there is any, which I honestly can't see)

CM Punk vs Randy Orton: I'm not quite sure what it is about Randy Orton, but I've never been clinging to his dick like a lot of people do. I certainly don't hate the man, but I wouldn't place him near my time five. One thing that is undeniable, is that bell-to-bell, Randy Orton probably produces the best matches consistently. Punk is another very talented performer and mixing him with Orton for twenty minutes seems like a match with unlimited performance.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Christian: Christian is one of the best in ring performers in the WWE to date, Ziggler is good, but he tends to get carried away once he's inside the ring. Ziggler needs a man like Christian to keep him in check and control the pacing of the match.

Honorable Mention: Mark Henry vs. Sheamus.
1. Cody Rhodes vs. Kane This would be great for both. For Rhodes it could be his step towards main event status. I realize Kane is not currently an upper main eventer. However, Kane is a very respectable opponent who is on the fence with main event status. Rhodes could make fun of Kane for being ugly, past his prime, etcetra. I'm not necessarily saying bring back the "dashing" title, but that wouldn't be a bad idea also. Rhodes and Kane are both good in the ring and can put a good show on the mic. For Kane this gives him a stable storyline. He has had brief feuds recently, but they do not last. The feud with Ryder did not last. The feud with Cena did not last. The feud with Orton did not last. The Punk, Bryan, AJ fiasco was fun, but thats now over and Kane needs another good feud. I understand Kane vs. Bryan is happening at SumerSlam, but there is not a storyline with it. Rhodes is too great a heel for any type of heel/face change. Kane's a great anti-hero face anyway. This would be a good push for Rhodes if he came out on top. If Kane gets the better of this feud, he could get a run at the WWE Championship. Being that neither has a title to battle for increases the feud's credibility. Kane has always been chasing for the WWE Championship and could give him the bump he would need to get into the title picture. I could see this feud go on for months. As far as how it begins, maybe have Rhodes eliminate Kane in the Royal Rumble after Kane demolishes a crowd of superstars in the ring. Have it go all the way to Wrestlemania or possibly beyond that if it goes well. I think this has potential to be a great feud for both wrestlers.

2. Jack Swagger vs. Dolph Ziggler Swagger has been on the downslide as of late and would benefit with any fued really. I think Swagger is great. He is good in the ring and his lisp makes it even easier to dislike him as a heel. This feud would bring upon the chance for Ziggler to turn face if WWE wanted to go that route. If Ziggler doesn't cash in his breifcase after his fued with Y2J he will need a storyline to keep his name in the WHC mix. Being that it seems Chris Jericho will be going on tour with Fozzy after SumerSlam it would be ideal for Ziggler to have someone to feud with. As far as the Vickie Guerrero part of this it could go in a few directions. She could remain with Ziggler and continue to be incredibly annoying regardless of the outcome. Vickie could turn her back on Ziggler and join up with Swagger giving Ziggler another valid way to become face. Vickie could dispute with Ziggler about not cashing in the briefcase and slap him across the face. She would then apologize immediatly and Dolph just has no part of it saying he's done with her unsuccessfulness as his manager. Whatever happens with Vickie she needs to move on from Ziggler because her status as a manager is not that great anyway. Ultimately, this feud could delay some time for Ziggler to cash in the briefcase. If Ziggler has already cashed in Swagger could A. Make fun of Ziggler for not winning the WHC and either could take a heel/face roll from there or B. Be jealous that Ziggler has the belt and once again the heel/face status of both could go either way. Personally I'd like to see Ziggler as a face, but would not object to him remaining heel and Swagger becoming face.

3. Kelly Kelly vs. AJ I'm gussing you're surprised to see a divas fued. I enjoy seeing the divas compete even if their in ring ability is not where it should be. If WWE wants to have divas as wreslters they have to WRESTLE. Why not take the once most popular diva with the current most relevant diva? AJ is the GM of Raw. She is better as a wrestler because then she can be used as she was with the Punk, Bryan, and Kane feud. Having her as GM is great for now, but as long term not so much. She needs to return to the ring to give the divas division a more honorable status. I think its safe to say that AJ has surpassed K2 in popularity. This could also bring upon a heel change for K2. I'm one of the many who love AJ. It would be neat to see K2 turn heel because there are not many heel divas. This would bring a new side to Kelly Kelly that would be interesting. It wouldn't make much sense for AJ to turn heel at the moment because her character currently is already entertaining. Obviously the winner of this fued would become the #1 contender for Layla's belt. WWE can bank on AJ's continual cuteness and have her go on to face Layla. AJ should eventually get the diva's champioinship. The most popular diva should have the belt right now in order to give the divas the upgrade in status that it needs.

4. Prime Time Players vs. New Age Outlaws, Headbangers, or APA Whether or not this could actually happen I would like to see it happen. Like the diva's division, the tag team division is in a rut also. PTP are the best team in WWE currently so I believe it would be best for the most popular team to fued with one of the mentioned teams. This could bring some intrest back into tag team wrestling as it is not much of anything right now. Kofi and Truth are the champs, but when is the last time they had a match together? Without a doubt the Headbangers are the least likely opponent out of the three teams, but Thrasher and Mosh were a fun team back in the day. Seeing the Headbangers back in WWE would be TREMENDOUS. APA was another great team back in the day. They could do the protection angle that they had going on for a little bit just to get some camera time to build up the return. They would be able to shut PTP down. prove to them they are not that great. The New Age Outlaws would also be fun to see. Billy Gunn and Road Dogg were a great team. Billy Gunn was always one of my favorites and it would be great to see him back. Basically the return of any of the teams would simply be to strike a match in the tag division. PTP could either be contending for the belts or already have them by the time the feud would start. If they don't have the belts it would just be a way to show that it is not as easy as PTP thinks it is to get to the top. If they do have the belts it would be a good way to give PTP a run for their money. Seeing PTP fued with the Usos, Kofi and Truth, Primo and Epico, or Hawkins and Reks would be great in the future. For right now I think the future of the tag division needs a blast from the past to jumpstart the future.

5. Cody Rhodes vs. Goldust Again, not sure how realistic this would be. Goldust is not currently employed by WWE and I am unaware of what his in ring ability is like nowadays. Assuming Goldust is in wrestling shape this has $ writen all over it. Vince has to know that this is a match that people want to see. Two directions this fued could go. The fued is storyline based only and the end of it is one match. It would be one hell of a match, but I'd prefer this. They could fued over the Intercontinental title. Cody would have the belt again before Goldust has his return. He would be gloating over that fact that no one in WWE is as good as he is and can claim to be the best INT champion of all time. SHATTERED DREAMS HITS! Goldust is one of the best gimmicks I think ever and was a great INT champ. Since Goldust never was prestiged higher than the INT championship it would make sense for him to battle for it once more. Again huge potential for Cody to go over here. You'd think Cody would no doubt win the match if Cody has the belt, but he doesn't have to. If Goldust once again held the INT title it would for sure rationalize the INT title as being a credible title. Bringing the White belt design back was great. Why not have someone who actually wore the white belt in the 90's wear it again fifteen years later? I know people oppose to bringing back old wrestlers because it doesn't give the younger guys time to shine. In certain situations (like this one and the tag team one) it works. If Goldust was again INT champion I think it would be great for the time being. The fued could end with a match with a high stipulation on top of being for the INT championship. Goldust would lose the belt back to Cody. Even if there wasn't a stipulation to the match, it would be a great way for Goldust to end his career.

I realize I said a lot, but I could get way more into detail (believe it or not). I favor the midcard guys in this spiel, but thats what made the attitude era great. I hope you had as much fun reading this as I did writing this.
Other fueds I'd like to see: Zack Ryder vs. Eve not a match, just give Ryder redemption. Maybe a mixed tag match. Michael McGillicutty vs. Santino Marella. Damien Sandow vs. Jack Swagger. The Miz vs. Daniel Bryan. Wade Barret vs. CM Punk
2- HHH vs Rey Mysterio: Should have been done a long time ago. They have never wrestled each other on television or PPV. I would have Mysterio play the underdog here who gets bullied by heel HHH and is pushed into a feud. Even a face HHH vs face Mysterio feud won't be bad.
Well first off, They definatley have wrestled each other, and on PPV if I am not mistaken, and at Summerslam too if am I am not mistaken again.
Also I really wanted this feud too before I saw the match, just not as great as it could have been.

1.) Triple H vs. CM Punk: I agree this needs to be revisited. And why not for the WWE title now?!?! The match at NoC wasn't bad but it wasn't the best these guys can give! This can be EPIC!

2.) Dolph Ziggler vs. Triple H: If there is anyone besides Punk that Trip's should feud with after Lesnar, it is Ziggles!!!!! Ziggler needs a strong feud to hold him off but push him ahead while waiting for the WHC, well why not a bonafied Hall of Famer and 13 time World Champion? Only problem is that is sounds SO EASY that Vince probably will not do it.

3.) Daniel Bryan vs. John Cena/Randy Orton: Bryan has just been amazing lately. Such a change from the original, whinny, boring, Smackdown, WHC that chanted YES! Before he makes that final step to the WWE Title & greatness, give him some solid matches with the only top babyfaces he hasn't had feuds with!

4.) Damien Sandow vs. Zack Ryder/Brodus Clay/Christian/etc.: Sandow is gold! Just for all you VERY SLOW people out there, let me say(type) it again, SANDOW IS PURE GOLD!!!!! He could feud with anyone from Yoshi Tatsu to the Undertaker and it would be GREAT! My only problem, STICK WITH ONE FEUD! I LOVED the Ryder feud and enjoyed everything he did with Kidd, Tatsu, etc. on Smackdown. The Match with Christian was awesome! The Brodus thing is REALLY good too, just let him sustain a feud!!!!

5.) CM Punk vs. Dolph Ziggler: This was great in late 2011/early 2012. Only problem was(besides not a long enough feud/build) that Punk was JUST becoming a true MAIN EVENT TOP STAR and Ziggler was just starting to not be considered a mid carder anymore. Now Punk is easily the #2 guy, if not #1 IMO. And Ziggles is now the #3 heel behind Bryan & Del Rio. (I don't count Big Slow because his whole "heel turn" was a waste & has been 100% boring & pointless to me.) So it is time to let these two SHINE!

If Jericho Stays Around:
-Jericho vs. Sandow
-Jericho vs. Bryan
-Jericho vs. Sheamus
-Jericho vs. Rhodes
I would also be intertested in another match w/Orton or Kane, besides 4-Way/MitB/etc.

Notable Mention:
-Anybody with the "new & improved" Barrett, mostly CM Punk & any Legends like Triple H or Undertaker.
-I think anyone Cesaro can start a steady program with would be good.
-Anyone new to feud with Sheamus that we have not seen in the last 1 & 1/2 or 2 years, AKA - NOT Del Rio/Bryan/Henry. Orton is questionable to me.
*Also I think Cody Rhodes/Goldust & Johnny Ace/CM Punk feuds could have been GREAT but most likely missed their time/spot.
Stone Cold vs CM Punk - Whilst I'm not big on the whole idea of "one more match" for any competitor. This looks simply amazing to me. You have Straight Edge vs Beer Bashes. I don't think I would want Stone Cold to wrestle him though. His knees are beat up, his neck is wrecked, and much like I said in the Shawn Michaels thread I am grateful for everything Stone Cold ever accomplished inside the squared circle.

Undertaker vs Wade Barrett I've said this once, and I'm sure I'll say it again I simply adore Wade Barrett. That being said The Undertaker brings out the best in every opponent he wrestles. This would truly be an amazing feud, with the potential to raise Wade Barrett to an entirely new level.

Daniel Bryan vs John Cena They would have the capability to put on a 5 star match with ease. We recently saw them wrestle on RAW, and it was spectacular. A match between these two will always bring a plethora of excitement and tremendously large amount of joy from a fan like myself.

Triple H vs Dolph Ziggler w/ Vickie I'm a huge fan of both stars, and I would like to see Triple H put him over. Ziggler sells well, and Triple H beats the shit out of people well. I believe they would have great chemistry on the mic with one another, and I would simply enjoy watching them wrestle. Trips could pull his antics with Vickie, and then seriously wrestle Dolph. It looks appealing to me.

Rey Mysterio vs Sin Cara Lastly, this is a match I've looked forward to since Sin Cara joined. I would first like to see these two be in a tag team for about 8 months to a year, ending in a feud much like the way Eddie vs Rey Rey ended. Cara can play a decent heel, especially since he doesn't talk much. I like the silent heel type. Mysterio is by far one of the best wrestlers the WWE has had. Sin Cara has potential, and is always fun to watch for me. Rey Rey could work with him on his english, and maybe even help him cut down on some of his botches.

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