What Feuds Would You Like To See?

Bill Lesnar wants to see Christian vs the miz. These two could put on great matches as both are solid in the ring. Bill lesnar is favourable to both mens mic skills and if Christian is on 2004 level, their segments could be very entertaining for Bill Lesnar
CM Punk vs Edge...Goes withoutsaying.
Jericho vs Christian...Awesome!
Miz vs Swagger...Cool.
MVP vs CM Punk...Would love to see!
Ted DiBiase vs Edge...Could be entertaining.
Big Show vs Evan Bourne...Could it work?
Undertaker vs Orton...Legend Killer.
HHH vs Wade Barrett...Could be a start to a great career.
Sheamus vs Kane...Don't know if this could last, but it could work.
John Cena vs John Morrison...Why not?
Rey vs Kofi...Did they do this yet?

The purpose of these feuds is that they could be fresh product. I am so sick of Cena vs Orton/Sheamus. These get annoying quick. Why not try to bring up some talent? Fact of the matter is, most of these guys won't be here 3-5 years down the road. Cena's got two years left...at most. His gimmick has gotten stale and boring. WWE could be great, but they settle for the current.
kaval vs. bryan danielson
[because of the matches]

Jericho[heel] vs. cena[face]
This would be awesome if it would play off what jericho said before summerslam. Jericho trying to save wwe from cena.

Rey mysterio vs. the amazon
I just want to see a big girl vs. a short guy

rhoads and mcintrye vs. christian and matt hardy
it kinda started but needs to pick up and become a war

Christain vs. matt hardy
Something that I would be a fan of.

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