What is the one feud that you really want to see?

I would like to see a Morrison vs Christian feud. This guys can put on a clinic and it gives christian what. I would like to call his 1st real feud since his return. This can also boost both superstars into the WHC picture.
I'd like to see Undertaker return as a Heel under the Big Evil gimmick and fued with either Jeff Hardy or CM Punk, or maybe even Kane. As Big Evil he was so great, because he pulled off the jelous Legend character who was tired of being overshadowed by the new comers, i mean his fued with RVD was awesome, and his promos reminded me of a combination his old character and Stone Cold. Besides, i think the deadman gimmick is getting tiresome, and doesn't afford him much mic time.
I want to see Edge turn face and feud with Randy Orton, that could definitely be a wrestlemania caliber match. I could see Edge as a hell-raiser who does whatever the fuck he wants because he is the rated r superstar, perhaps he could "invade" raw with a NWO style faction and fight against Legacy.

As far as midcard feuds go i want to see Evan Bourne vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. John Morrison in a triple threat feud over a midcard title. Involving those three we could get a normal triple threat, a triple threat ladder match and the first ever triple threat ironman match in the history of the wwe, Plus various singles matches involving the three. That would make for some great weeks of wrestling.

As it relates to the wwe's biggest draw John Cena i would like to see Cena feud with Jack Swagger because i think this could really elevate Swagger to the main eventer i definitely think he should be. Swaggger callls himself the all american american and John Cena is an american hero babyface. Swagger could say that he embodies Americana more than Cena could ever hope to. He can say that he embodies Americana even more than the U.S soldiers and that he is better than all of the U.S armed forces. Perhaps Swagger could be the current U.S champion and Cena the WWE champion and they could have a title for title match (which would be best if it occurred at the Great American Bash).

Lastly, i want to see a wrestlemania feud with the Undertaker and Chris Jericho, with Jericho trying to end the streak. Jericho would work because he is a veteran and a loss to undertaker at wrestlemania wouldn't really hurt him as it would an up and coming star (i don't see the undertaker ever actually losing at wrestlemania). Also, i don't think these two have ever feuded and currently they are on the same "brand" (even though that doesn't really matter). Jericho could say that he is disgusted with the fans for cheering a demonic and satanic figure such as the undertaker while booing an honest and good man like Chris Jericho. He could say that he is going to destroy the legacy of their so-called "hero" by ending his wrestlemania streak. The promos and build-up could be really good with each competitor playing mind games with the other by diving into the past. Both Jericho and the Undertaker have very interesting past gimmicks which could be involved in the storyline somehow (biker taker, lord of darkness, Y2J gimmick).

(i realize that this is more than one feud, i am mildly sorry)
Shawn/Morrison has been discussed for months on these forums and I'd still really like to see it. Morrison has been dubbed 'The next Shawn Michaels' and while you can have your own opinions on how true that is, even having the name in passing is a tremondous honour and a great achievement from Morrison. I think he has potential and if anyone can make him look great Shawn can.
I'd like to see Edge and Orton, I don't think that they've ever seriously fueded, the only question is who'd be the face? I think Edge would but I'd like to see Orton be the face characterwise because Edge's character is a dick. I'd rather deal with Orton's vengeance and spite than a guy that's just being a dick.
OK, I think an excellent feud going into Armageddon would be WWE Champion vs WHC vs ECW Champion. And the winner of that match scores their brand the 30th spot in the Rumble.

Just think of all the possibilities: Cena vs Jeff Hardy vs Christian! Orton vs CM Punk vs Jack Swagger! These are just two of the limitless possibilities that can be used, and this could become a sort of stipulation where the champion who gets pinned has to vacate the title or something.

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