John Cena vs. Rey Mysterio: A feud that needs to happen?

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You know, it's got to be hard to wrestle Rey Mysterio. You don't get to do any technical wrestling; instead, you just have to keep placing yourself in position to receive his "spots," those kid-pleasing flying maneuvers that would never, ever work in a shoot match.....and his matches just don't look real because of it.

Some wrestlers do quite well in facing Rey, but I don't know that John Cena would be one of them. He's strong and sells well, but I'm not convinced he has the timing and ring repertoire to look good against Rey.

Plus, seeing the "Popeye" body of Cena's pinned by the "Smurf" body of Mysterio's might be almost physically painful to watch......and don't think it could never happen. After all, we watched Rey pin Batista, which is something I figured couldn't happen in a million years, if for no other reason than Batista would refuse to job to him.

So, I don't know how interesting a match Rey and Cena could put on. While I enjoy the occasional face/face match, I don't know about this one.
I don't think that either of them gain anything from having a match so my answer to the first question would be no. They are both fan favorites and the only way I see them going against each other would be for competition sake. Meaning for the title. Maybe Mysterio wants to give it one last go around before he retires and Cena just happens to be the champ at the time. Other than that, I see no reason. Like someone mentioned earlier, they have the same fanbase, the same enemies and the same beliefs.

Rey Mysterio's legacy as the ultimate underdog is cemented and he doesn't need a run against Cena in that sense. Fans would want to see it, but im just not one of them. Im a fan of both of them and I would more want to see them tag and chase the titles then go one on one against each other.
I am trying to visualize if these two would mesh well. Both of them lay out matches that make them look like they are going through hell and back to get the win. I am not seeing the interest in the match tbh. I know a lot of people just make up dream matches just because the two haven't faced each other (to their knowledge anyway). It takes more than that to sell a match.
I've never understood this stupid argument about "they both have nothing to gain" it's just as stupid as the "They don't need the world title there already massively over" there both complete rubbish arguments and it's the reason why wrestling companies would go bankrupt if people from the IWC ran them

if we went by that logic then Hogan VS Warrior, Hogan VS Savage, Hart VS Michaels, Austin VS Rock, Rock VS Hogan, Cena VS Triple H, Triple H VS Undertaker and so many more would never of happend because of that logic

Matches between these 2 will more than likely, increase PPV buys and generate an excellent atmospehere in whatever arena it takes place, with half cheering on Cena and the other half cheering on Mysterio it will be a fantastic spectical
Now I don't think that this is something that needs to happen in my opinion. Rey probably only have a couple good years left, you're right. But I just can't see it happening unless one turns heel. I would enjoy the match but it would probably just be a random match set up. No storyline or anything like that.
A long, drawn out feud? I'll pass. However, a short, concise rivalry for the title might work.

These two headlining Summerslam would work, obviously. I'm not saying I'm totally interested, nor do I think it's actually going to happen, but I wouldn't hate it. A short program, face vs. face... not too bad.

The match would be good for the company, and would give John Cena another big name to crush on his way to The Rock. I say that because there's no chance in hell Mysterio goes over. Outside of Hulk Hogan of 1987 and Steve Austin of 1999 jumping into a Time Machine, no one is going over Cena (clean) leading into WrestleMania 28.

I think a feud lasting more than a month would bore the hell out of me. Neither guy is my particular cup of tea, and I don't see anything compelling coming from any of their interactions. They're both heroes, and if you turn Mysterio heel, you lose that magic. Mysterio isn't turning heel anyway, so that really doesn't matter.

A short rivalry could work, but I highly doubt it's going to happen.
- Would a Rey Mysterio/John Cena feud be something you would take interest in? - It would be a breath of fresh air, however I am not interested in this particular feud.

- Do we need to see it before Rey Mysterio's career comes to a close? - Rey as a heel is something I would like to see before he retires but it probably won't happen.
God damn. Now would be the absolute perfect time to give this thread a bit of a bump. Tonight's RAW was accompanied by a match that was absolutely amazing starring two of the top babyfaces currently in the WWE, Rey Mysterio and John Cena. They kissed each other's ass and treated each other with respect throughout the match. There is no reason these two couldn't hold up some type of feud within the next couple of weeks on RAW if it wasn't for CM Punk. First, I was really pissed at the thought of Cena regaining the WWE Championship. I then realized its part of the bigger picture and I'm cool wth that. Suprisingly Rey Mysterio and John Cena can keep up with each other's style and I'd kill for this match to be on a Pay-Per-Veiw given 20-25 minutes to showcase a bit more of their abilities. But... I got a phenomenal match between these two tonight and I'm cool with that. But wanting a bit more isn't too bad is it?
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