Culd Cena vs Wyatt really happen at Wrestlemania 30?

Seems odd they would throw them together with absolutely no back story.

Yes it does, but it's almost February and whatever Cena is to be doing at WM30 has to be built from scratch since there doesn't seem to be any "special" event for him (like the Rock) on the horizon. Whatever they're going to do, they have to get crackin' already.

Of course, Cena taking on Bray Wyatt.....or even the entire Wyatt family ....doesn't seem worthy of a John Cena match at the biggest event of the year. The swamp rats are going to have to perform some truly dastardly deeds on Cena to get us worked up about this match. For Wrestlemania, it isn't just a question of Cena working a good match, which he always seems to do. It must also be an event that prompts people to buy the PPV (or the WWE network package) in the first place.

I'll buy WM30 to see Cena against anybody......but I suspect many folks won't. If his opponent is to be a Wyatt, I hope they get to building it properly.....and if not, his feud against them had better come to a swift conclusion so they can point at what Cena will be doing at WM30.
This is an interesting challenge for Wyatt, it's easy to be a heel and get the reactions you want against Bryan as his popularity is not split, with Cena it can be difficult. They need some great angles to make sure the crowd loathe Bray as opposed to seeing him as a "cool" alternative to Cena.
I have a tough time buying into Bray as an opponent for Cena at Wrestlemania. Bray is phenomenal on the mic. He's a great talker, and he had a legit MOTY candidate with Bryan at the Rumble, but Cena as an opponent?

Cena's defeated one Hall Of Famer (Shawn), a future Hall Of Famer (Triple H), Batista (when his stock was still high), Big Show and Edge in the same match, AND The Rock at Wrestlemania. Why should I believe in Bray having a chance to beat Cena? No one is going to buy Bray as a legit threat to beat Cena, and a loss could cripple The Wyatt Family and Bray.

Bray's Rumble win put The Wyatts on the right track again. Losing to Cena at Wrestlemania of all places could put a big dent any future plans for The Wyatts. Bray VS Cena at Wrestlemania is a double negative, because a win over Bray won't do anything for Cena. Bray losing to Cena hurts The Wyatt Family, and you're taking the risk of killing their momentum.

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