Are we burnt out of Rey Mysterio?

CM Steel

A REAL American
Rey Mysterio Jr.: Has wrestled all over the world starting at a young age. Mexico, Japan, ECW,WCW, and as of 2002 the WW-E. Rey Mysterio made his debut in the WWE around the same time that John Cena did on the Smackdown brand. And from then to now Rey Mysterio has made history in the WWE. He became a world champion for the first time anywhere in 2006 at Wrestlemania 22. And had a decent little run with the title (no pun intended).

But now Rey Mysterio is on his second wellness policy violation in the WWE and of course strike three your out! Rey-Rey has lately been tag teaming with Sin Cara, who has been considered a flop within the WWE. The WWE has been looking for Rey Mysterio V.2 ever since the days of Ultimo Dragon in the E. Mainly Sin Cara was suppose to be more Rey Mysterio's replacement after his retirement.

So in the WWE in 2013. Are we burnt out of Rey Mysterio?
I'm not burnt out on him at all, he always ends up injured and off TV for a while so it's not like he's shoved down my throat constantly, and when he is around he still puts on some of the better matches in WWE.

If anything I'm quite the opposite, I wish we had a healthy Rey who was around regularly.
It just depends who you are. I don't think people are burnt out on Mysterio necessarily. I think it's just the fact that there is very little attention on him. Besides teaming with Sin Cara there is nothing to get anyone invested. He just kind of randomly pops up. If they used him consistently or put him in a feud i'm sure people would regain some interest. I don't think a star like him should ever be a non factor like he has been. I'm not saying he needs to be in the main storyline but it makes no sense for him to barely be used. He should be trying to become number one contender for the World Heavyweight Championship, Doing interviews, just simple things to keep him relevant.
I'm more than a little burnt out on Rey and have been for years.

It's nothing against him. I used to love watching him going back to the cruiserweight division in WCW. He was a top notch high flyer working with other top notch high flyers and was doing quite innovative work for what was the norm here in the States at the time.

18 years and almost as many knee surgeries later and he's just another 5 moves of doom guy. His finisher is so contrived and not-at-all-believable. His other four moves don't excite me either.

Rey absolutely has a place in wrestling but it shouldn't be anywhere near the top of the card. He's too injury prone to run with a belt and has little new to offer in the ring. Still, the kids love him and he's got name value. I think somewhere in the tag division where he can work with the younger talent is appropriate for him and it also helps keep him healthy because he's only working half the match. Perhaps he could offshoot a singles angle here and there but if it's not to get a younger guy over, it's a waste.

Having said all that, I don't expect Rey to be an active wrestler for more than another year or two. . . .
I think Rey would have been cut by now if he did not bring VKM so much money is merchandise sales. I am not burnt out on him because I do not even notice him missing anymore because he is never there that much and when he is it feels more like a legend returning for a few appearances then a main roster guy.
I'm not burnt out on Rey. If anything, I'm interested to see what he can do working with some newer guys like The Shield. Maybe some matches with Daniel Bryan. Anyways, what I'm saying is that I think Rey Mysterio still has something to offer and I would like to see him work with some newer guys he hasn't really had a chance to work with. Antonio Cesaro is another name that comes to mind.

I'm just not into the Mysterio/Sin Cara team. I'm also not into a potential match between the two at Wrestlemania. Maybe some are burnt out because this team is uninteresting. Mysterio would be better utilized on his own. If there is one thing that their team illustrates, it is that Mysterio still looks pretty good especially compared to Sin Cara who, at times, looks lost. The WWE doesn't need Cara. Sin Cara cannot fill the voids that will be left by Mysterio's eventual absence. Alberto Del Rio can become the new babyface Mexican supserstar. Daniel Bryan can become the preeminent underdog. And now the WWE just signed the only luchador they need in El Generico.
Don't need Cara.

Probably won't see Rey in many main events, but Rey has some good work left on his own. I personally would like to see him with some new talent.
How in the hell can anyone be burnt out on Rey Rey is beyond me. Rey Mysterio is a legend of the sport. He is the true underdog and has put on amazing matches in his iconic career. Two time world heavyweight champion IC champion tag team champion cruiserweight champion. Sin Cara supposedly is his replacement but lets face it Sin Cara is a flop.

There is only one Rey Rey quit trying to find his replacement. And again no im not burnt out on him wish he was healthy
I'm more than a little burnt out on Rey and have been for years.

It's nothing against him. I used to love watching him going back to the cruiserweight division in WCW. He was a top notch high flyer working with other top notch high flyers and was doing quite innovative work for what was the norm here in the States at the time.

18 years and almost as many knee surgeries later and he's just another 5 moves of doom guy. His finisher is so contrived and not-at-all-believable. His other four moves don't excite me either.

Rey absolutely has a place in wrestling but it shouldn't be anywhere near the top of the card. He's too injury prone to run with a belt and has little new to offer in the ring. Still, the kids love him and he's got name value. I think somewhere in the tag division where he can work with the younger talent is appropriate for him and it also helps keep him healthy because he's only working half the match. Perhaps he could offshoot a singles angle here and there but if it's not to get a younger guy over, it's a waste.

Having said all that, I don't expect Rey to be an active wrestler for more than another year or two. . . .

I have a problem with his finisher as well. Contrived is a great way of describing it. Having said that, I remember the match on Raw in November where Rey wrestled Daniel Bryan in a very entertaining match. So I think he can still occasionally appear and wrestle a big name but he should never have a title run again. He's pretty old so putting guys over is a good role for him in my opinion.
:lmao: Burnt out?!, how the fuck can you burnt out when the guy only works like 6 months a year, & when he is working he's putting on some of the best matches in the company? Mysterio is one of the most unique talents the WWE has ever managed to get their hands on, he's one of a kind which is why WWE has never been able to find anybody to "replace" him once he's done for good. At this point I really don't think Rey cares about wellness violation anymore because I think Rey is ready to call it a career, & move on to something else that doesn't require him to get a new knee once a year. Anybody who says they're burnt out on Rey must have really been sick & tired of seeing HBK walk to the ring every week during his last run with the company.
I'm not burnt out on Rey. Less interested maybe. He's past his best due to injuries but he can still put on good matches. Trouble is, he's been off tv so much that we've barely seen him. He hasn't really done too much of note when he has been there either so he just kind of gets lost in the shuffle.
Why the hell would we be burnt out by one of the best guys in WWE? The dude has top notch matches constantly and always puts on a good show. Even with all his injuries, he's still shown he can go with the best.

Anyway, he's been off for fucking ages. He's only there about half a year, so how can anyone be burnt out? He's also been in the tag division, so it's not like he's receiving any huge chunks of screen time. He's helping out a division which needs it and a superstar who may need it more.

In conclusion... No, I'm not burnt out; if anything, I don't get enough of him.
I honestly can't understand how someone could pull the burnt out card with Rey Mysterio. His feuds with Punk and Jericho produced a handful of fantastic five star matches, and his stuff with Del Rio and Cody Rhodes was pretty good.

He's hardly around for a significant amount of time anymore, and he's rarely interested into the world title pictures. He won the WHC at Fatal 4 Way a few years ago, but WWE took the title off him to put on a Kane, and the WHC became an incentive for that horrendous Kane/Taker feud. And Rey's WWE Championship win after Punk's departure in 2011 was a just a way of putting the notch of being a WWE Champion on his track record.

Although, I kind of wish Rey would retire. He's reached the "having nothing else to prove or accomplish" stage in his career, so staying on the miserable path of beating up your body doesn't make too much sense. Although, he could be one of those guys, who just can't let it go, but when he decides to hang it up, I'm sure WWE will give him a Flair or HBK-esque glorified last run.
im not tired of mysterio, i've always been interested in his matches, and he has been in great fueds in the past with guys like Jericho, Eddie, Batista, Orton and Angle, etc. If anything Im tired of his entrance theme.
Incredibly burnt out of Rey. To the point that unless he's facing someone I really love to watch I will change the channel. His moveset is soooo tired by now and repetitive. And I have no problem with him being a threat and winning sometimes but I think to add some realism he should ocassionally get the complete sht beaten out of him by someone like Big Show. I don't get why Rey needs to be seen as an equal all of the time.
I'm not burnt out on Rey, but his time has come and gone. Along with the injuries and drug strikes, he's got no business in the main event. He's a mid carder now and he should teach Sin Cara all he knows until he retires. He has his 5 moves, which can be fun to see at times, but are not believable in beat top talent like Cena, Punk and Orton.

The team of Rey and Cara is fun to watch and hopefully they can stay a team for quite a while and maybe one more run with the Intercontinental or even a United States title run to send him off and that would be it.
Im well and truly over Rey Misterio. He has had the exact smae gimmick pretty much since 1996 in America, save for a brief run in WCW without his mask when nobody was really watching. Near 11 year run in WWE, face the entire time and some poor storylines. Only the Guerrero feud was really any good, yet the storyline involving his real life son was disgraceful. If Mysterio was to be released, only a handful of 8yo kids would care.
I uses to really dig him, but now I'm over it. Heck I was one of the very few that susported the Rey Mysterio Push after Eddie died, and believe he would have eventually been push as strong as he was regaurdless. But after the inconsistance and always taking time off, each time he did it I started caring about him less and less to the point where I don't even care at all anymore.

Sidenote, I actually really enjoyed that "I your Papa" storyline with Eddie, wither against each other or with each other, Eddie and Rey chemistry was awesome.
No I am not burned out on him and I cannot imagine how anybody can be.He hasnt taken the spotlight like others have he always has good matches ( and you gentlemen calling him 5 moves of doom can go and do you know what ).

The guy is a legend and he doesnt even work as much as others due to his constant injuries and personal issues or w/e.So how can you be burned out ?I mean seriously this is like the last superstar that you should be questioning about.

Tbh I hope he comes back for one more run and has some awesome feuds with the likes of Rhodes Scholars, daniel bryan and other guys he can have good matches with.

All you haters are just the guys that are just wrestler-hoppers.All you do is follow the trend and you dont invest in a wreslter.
Well I'm sick of him. Its exciting to see a really little guy do all his acrobatics and stuff but if you see it too often its boring and the surprise factor is gone.
These days I actually worry quite a lot when I see him pull off a high flying stunt. The guy isn't in his 20's anymore. Mysterio is only about 5 feet tall, the 5'6 is wwe exaggeration and to me he looks just like the smallest of men I've ever seen who can go anywhere from 5'0 to 5'4 or 5. Micheal J Fox was supposed to be about 5'6 and mysterio seems shorter to me. Its incredible Mysterio has been so successful as a wrestler. I see his success as being on a pound for pound basis just as good as Hulk Hogans legend.

Just because of his size Mysterio has to work harder than everyone else to be entertaining and the pressure Rey puts his body under is similar to that of a professional athlete like an acrobat/gymnast or a football or a tennis player and you'd be hard pressed to find that many of them as old as Mysterio. He's about 3 or 4 years too old to be a serious contender when you consider his size.
Burnt out on him? I think so and not just us but he is probably near burnt out.
He could be saved though, maybe a gimmick change and try and hide the fact its the same guy or something.
I admit he has been away a long time but I still have seen everything he does and a shit load of it over the years and I don't necessarily get excited about seeing him in any match anymore. I want him to change and reinvent himself. How? I don't know thats for the creative people to decide.
No I am not burned out on him and I cannot imagine how anybody can be.He hasnt taken the spotlight like others have he always has good matches ( and you gentlemen calling him 5 moves of doom can go and do you know what ).

The guy is a legend and he doesnt even work as much as others due to his constant injuries and personal issues or w/e.So how can you be burned out ?I mean seriously this is like the last superstar that you should be questioning about.

Tbh I hope he comes back for one more run and has some awesome feuds with the likes of Rhodes Scholars, daniel bryan and other guys he can have good matches with.

All you haters are just the guys that are just wrestler-hoppers.All you do is follow the trend and you dont invest in a wreslter.

I totally agree with you, whats funny about these people is that they have a view set, but once someone else goes against a few peoples opinions, then everybody else after that person will post the same. >___< all that aside I'm not tired of Mysterio and hope he goes on to defeat his protege at WM one day (even though im sure it'll be the other way around)
One thing I've missed on this thread (maybe because I'm slightly hung over) is that Rey didn't have a meaningful feud in forever. Sure, the Shield "kidnapped" him, but that doesn't count.

The last two feuds that meant something were with ADR and Cody Rhodes and he did a good job of helping them get established on the bigger stage, as a veteran does with the newer guys.

Rey has a beautiful moveset and I never tire of seeing it and never will, neither will the kiddies. I get that pandering to the fucking children (Cena, Clay) get on some people's tits, but Rey isn't a serious contender anymore and if you have to sacrifice one guy to be a superhero to the kiddies, why not Mysterio? He's likeable and already wears the get-up.

I was really high on Sin Cara from his CMLL-work, but it's been too long now. He's bigger than Rey and extremely athletic, but the guy still can't speak properly and that means the audience can't relate, sadly. Even though rehashing the last living breath out of shit seems to be the backbone of pro wrestling, Rey is a unique legend and can't be replaced.
I agree with those who say Rey can't be replaced. Having said that, there isn't much he can do right now apart from strengthening the Tag Division with Sin Cara before they "implode" and have feud that concludes at a Wrestlemania or any other Big 4 PPV.
I think the issue is more "is Rey burned out" rather than fans tiring of him. It is clear they are building Del Rio as his replacement and to be fair, he is working right now in his new role. Sin Cara was a bust from day one but in reality Rey is dealing with far bigger issues than just relevance right now. Everyone has a point where the cons out weigh the pros and in Rey's case there aren't that many pros to him staying with WWE.

From a story perspective there literally is the Sin Cara match, then nothing. A heel run isn't gonna work for him, unmasking won't...

Many are speculating he might have failed his 3rd and that's why he is "off TV" as WWE prepares to deliver the first 3rd strike firing. But in reality, even if they do, Rey will still draw for at least one tour of Mexico... I think that is what will happen, sooner rather than later. He gets released, goes to rehab, tours Mexico and after the mandated year is ready to go again.

Is he the type of character we get bored with? Yes, there is little he can do to change it up and the "wow" factor has long since vanished. Indeed for a few years the only real "excitement" has been what character he'll dress as at Mania...

For Rey's sake I hope he hasn't lapsed, but he's one guy who would get a lot of understanding if he he has, far more so than a Randy Orton would as Rey is not someone with a bad rep but I think his time in WWE has come to an end for now, either way and I expect him to be the highest profile release regardless.

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