Because neither of them have anything to do with Triple H and Batista. Theres no proof they haven't been tested "15 times" either. Theres nothing relevant about 2 of the biggest RAW stars and a SmackDown midcarder.
Which was a pointless question. He was taking a shot at Triple H and Batista, when he know NOTHING about them.
Prove it? I've never heard this once. Go ahead, and prove it. Please.
It would be rather nice if you read my name. Its Milkyway!, Milk whatever. Is it that hard for you to read my name,
Its not relevant because of the manner in which he asked the question. He was obviously taking shots at their reputations.
Putting words in peoples mouth's is stupid. I'm a fairly big Mysterio fan. Even if I'm not, thats irrelevant as well.
Compared to what Mysterio was a few months ago. Mysterio has put on about 20 pounds. Obviously, hes on something.
Batista has two strikes on him. For sure. His first title reign came to an end, because of a suspension. As well as he was suspended earlier on his career.
Sigh. I don't recall Triple H being suspended, but Batista has gotten suspended, one of the two being on the top of his game.
What you're saying, is bullshit. They don't just randomly suspended certain stars. Randy Orton has been suspended twice. John Cena isn't on anything, and I'd be highly suprised if Triple H is. Batista isn't even an active superstar right now, so it doesn't matter if hes on drugs or not. Rey Mysterio didn't show the prescriptions in the 72 hours time period he was given. He got suspended.
Thats what makes Mysterio the WWE superstar, and you not.

Mysterio has been pushed to the moon and back. He was the World Champion for christs sake. Mysterio can't be a huge superstar, because hes only about 160 pounds, and 5'6". Theres only so much the underdog storyline can do. They've squeezed every penny they possibly could out of it, too.
This proves nothing. Without Mysterio the WWE does take a chunk of Merchanding sells out of their pockets. But its nothing that isn't replaceable by any means necassary.