Rey Mysterio Suspended

Rey is still one of the most talented wrestlers on the roster and arguably the greatest cruiserweight of all time. He was a tremendous innovator in bringing the high-flying lucha-libre to mainstream American/European audiences and is certainly the best I've seen at it. WWE won't drop him because he would be a mssive loss even with the presence of somebody similar in Sin-Cara. He is one of the most over superstars in the company, capable of putting on a great match with anybody, can move across the card with ease and sells a ridiculous amount of merchandise. The guy contributes massively to the WWE and has done for the last decade, I would be more inclined to believe its pain-meds, or a mix up than steroids or other drugs.
Can we go one topic without this turning into a HHH/Cena bashing thing, geez.

As for Rey, well, you know, he is supposed to be senior member of the roster, and he pulls this? Plus, the guy is caught up in messy contract negotiations, and he pulls this? The hold up with the WWE wanting to resign him, has been all the 'down time' he has had during his contract...and this happens? A surely coming....

I don't know if they'll release him but I definitely think it won't help him in his contract negotiations. Sure he moves merchandise but I don't think they'll want to put big money in a wrestler who spends too much time on the shelf.
Basically, his first offense was that he had some legally-prescribed painkillers that when the WWE ordered a round of random drug testing, he was in Europe on vacation with his family. Because he could not get back to San Diego in time to grab his prescription, they basically just suspended him right on the spot, & they were later pissed off at him for revealing that in an online interview. I'm sure this time is probably a similar story. He is, after all, currently inactive & injured. He is probably the first WWE wrestler to get suspended while he is injured, & with his seventh knee surgery on the same knee. I'm no doctor, but it seem as if someone would be taking some kind of medicine if they have had seven knee surgeries on the same knee. I have faith that he is not like Jeff Hardy, Mr. Kennedy, or Evan Bourne. It's not in his character. He will be back soon enough and pick up right where he last left off.
was he even gonna appear on tv in the next 60 days anyway? :lmao: im surprised they actullay suspended 1 of their top dogs i seem to think guys like triple h and randy orton have violated the wellness policy but get away with it for obvious reasons but i didnt see this coming i honestly didnt know rey had violated the wellness policy at all nevermind for the 2nd time good to know hope him and bourne can stay clean
Since Rey is a respectable veteran who has a family to feed and whos last offense was was due to medication taken during an injury I'm assuming this was also the case this time around. Unlike most people here I'm not severely disappointed in a man whos been treated like shit by the WWE for a while now.

How has he be treated like shit? The company has made him a very rich man? And, lets be honest, he has missed alot of time on the company dime.
That sucks, I know a lot of people don't like Rey but he consistently puts on great matches.I wonder when he comes back if he's going to go after Del Rio since he's the one that took him out or if they are going to forget about all that.

I even made a video about this suspension today

Good lord that video sucked. Push your dodgy wears elsewhere.

I will just say one more thing on ray though. It is a bit sad, what's happened. But, like I said before, he should know better, and it is sad that one of the best 'little' men in history might not get the finish he deserves. And whoever said, he can go to TNA...says all you need to know about TNA right now.....'Drug problem? what drug problem! you can road with Kurt!"
was he even gonna appear on tv in the next 60 days anyway? :lmao: im surprised they actullay suspended 1 of their top dogs i seem to think guys like triple h and randy orton have violated the wellness policy but get away with it for obvious reasons but i didnt see this coming i honestly didnt know rey had violated the wellness policy at all nevermind for the 2nd time good to know hope him and bourne can stay clean

Apart from the horrible grammar, you are aware Orton has been suspended for violating the wellness programme? So, I don't see what argument you are making that is actually true.

As for Rey's first suspension, it was more down to having the correct paper work in place prior to the test. The same thing happened to Sin Cara.

Furthermore I still don't get why people still think violating wellness programme = steriods. The majority of the violations haven't been steriod related but various other drugs which are illegal. Steriods themselves are not banned, they can be used in a medical form by a qualified doctor and are used to treat injuries. Yes any other use would be a violation but here's the question do you really think guys like Cena, HHH and to extent the modern day Orton are stupid enough?

Sometimes if the right paper work is in place, no violation occurs. It may have happened again to Rey but really it is his own fault for not declaring early.
Since Rey is a respectable veteran who has a family to feed and whos last offense was was due to medication taken during an injury I'm assuming this was also the case this time around. Unlike most people here I'm not severely disappointed in a man whos been treated like shit by the WWE for a while now.

How's he treated like shit by WWE? He's the first guy under 200 pounds that I can recall WWE elevating to main event status. He's had a couple of World Championship runs, has main evented some of the biggest shows in the company's history and is one of the highest paid wrestlers on the WWE roster.

If WWE doesn't feel they've gotten their money's worth when it comes to Rey, it's not as though they don't have reason to feel so. I know that Rey has been injured a lot and had to take a lot of time off the past several years, could happen to anybody. However, allegedly, Rey still feels he should be making these huge sums, along with whatever perks he asks for, in spite of not being able to put in the time. At the same time, I don't blame Rey for trying to get as much as he can while he can.

However, Mysterio failing a drug test is 100% on him. As far as the failed drug test in the past, as it turns out, there's been several big scandals the past several years regarding doctors who prescribe performance enhancing drugs to athletes. Many doctors are opposed to using them at all, even in rehab. And, if I'm not mistaken, he failed to produce a prescription for the additional medication that he was on. And the doctor that prescribed them to Rey was later arrested on multiple charges of practically selling steriods.

Stop trying to paint Mysterio as a poor, persecuted little lamb. Nobody's buying it.
Shouldn't this be reys third offense? I thought he and Orton had two offenses awhile ago and around similar times. I was always waiting for when I'd hear the third and final offense would happen and see if they would go ahead and follow their own guidelines and fire someone who makes them money. And now I see this. They're acting like its his second time again. lol that's funny. I guess orton has nothing to worry about.
Shouldn't this be reys third offense? I thought he and Orton had two offenses awhile ago and around similar times. I was always waiting for when I'd hear the third and final offense would happen and see if they would go ahead and follow their own guidelines and fire someone who makes them money. And now I see this. They're acting like its his second time again. lol that's funny. I guess orton has nothing to worry about.

It's only his second time, ******. The first time his name was linked to steroids happened before the Wellness Policy was put into place. These things are very easy to keep track of. You know, if you're not dense.

Personally, I think it sucks. I've been eagerly anticipating his return and I was hoping it was going to happen soon. Now I cant expect him back until late June. \\Weak.
How is it disappointing? He hasn't even been on TV for the longest time. I really don't even think he should be suspended. People may think i'm crazy but i honestly believe you should be able to do whatever if you're inactive like he is at the moment. Let him smoke some weed or whatever. Not gonna effect anyone since he's not on screen.
How is it disappointing? He hasn't even been on TV for the longest time. I really don't even think he should be suspended. People may think i'm crazy but i honestly believe you should be able to do whatever if you're inactive like he is at the moment. Let him smoke some weed or whatever. Not gonna effect anyone since he's not on screen.

Wow. First of all, it wasn't weed. I don't know what it was, but having a little bit of knowledge of the Wellness Policy (it never hurts to actually know what you're talking about) tells me that testing positive for Marijuana is not punishable by suspension. You get a fine.

He most likely dropped dirty for pills or maybe roids. Purely speculation, but it seems more likely. If you're still going to suggest that he should be allowed to do it since hes's off of TV, I guess we should all be thankful that you're not in charge of anything important.

The Wellness policy was implemented shortly after the death of Eddie Guerrero and went into high gear after Benoit's death. You see, as a successful business owner, Vince McMahon and company decided that it would be in his best interest to monitor his employees and make sure that they're not using any sort of mind altering substances. Having performers die and killing their families is bad for business. I really don't think it matters if they're currently on TV or not, they're under contract. It's going to make them look bad.
It's only his second time, ******. The first time his name was linked to steroids happened before the Wellness Policy was put into place. These things are very easy to keep track of. You know, if you're not dense.

Personally, I think it sucks. I've been eagerly anticipating his return and I was hoping it was going to happen soon. Now I cant expect him back until late June. \\Weak.

So it's actually his third time getting in trouble but since the wellness policy wasn't in affect the first time and it slipped my mind because it was maybe 6-7 years ago, I'm a ******? Grow up man. Rey is one of the only guys that made me watch WCW at all back in the day. And I was so hoping for a killer program with him and sin cara. Hunico too! So it is disappointing news.
To be honest, I had completely forgot about Rey. When was he able to return from injury? I could look it up, but that would require opening up another tab and typing more and It's something I can't see myself doing.

It does suck though, as I reckon the reason would most likely of been to help him get better faster so he could return. it just goes to show that shortcuts get you nowhere.

I just hope he ends up actually coming back. As It would be good to see him in one more fued before he ends up injured again.
It seems that Rey's time is about finished. There was a time where I would have felt bad for him, but at this point he is a veteran, and really should be setting an example. This latest suspension on top of the contract difficulties make me think his heart isn't into it anymore, and maybe it is time to go home and enjoy his wife and kids.
There could be a myriad of potential reasons for this 2nd failure and none of them related to illegal drugs. He could have simply kept using pain meds after his prescription ran out and it would be a violation...

BUT... Something tells me that he was under pressure to return for Mania, as was Christian and Del Rio particularly once Barrett was injured and he probably took some roids to improve his look in time. Vince wanted to do that dumb mask record so I can easily see Rey being pressured. If his contract negotiations were not going WWE's way, then this is a perfect chance for them to turn them around, as he is now "in last chance saloon" so for Vince it would have been Win/Win.

Realistically, I think Rey will walk once his contract lapses and return once the Cruiserweight show is in full swing. After all, his strikes would have reset by then.
You mean the 5 foot 2 inch dude who's in his mid to late 30s, with a completely broken down body, yet looks like a mini-hulk with a physique a 20 year old would be jealous of, is suspended for a wellness policy violation??? I am both shocked and or stunned!

Be interesting to see if Rey can beat the WWE at their own spin game this time round. Top talent but I'd say it's time for him to take the money, run back to Mexico, and earn a bucket load down there where he's still a national treasure!
What an idiot. Release him, not like anyone cares about him anyway. He can be a top face if they use him correctly but what's even the point if he's just gonna blow it like this anyway. Last time I even remember Mysterio being around was when he was facing John Cena for the WWE championship after Punk "left" with it the night before or something. This is lame. With him gone they can push guys like Ziggler and Ryder so why even bother.
How has he be treated like shit? The company has made him a very rich man? And, lets be honest, he has missed alot of time on the company dime.
How has he been treated like crap? This isnt his first suspension over medications. Reports claim that he was bashed backstage during contract negotiations simply for wanting to get paid what hes worth. Its called negotiation and after reports that WWE also tried to low ball Edge in his new contract deal one would have to question WWE's ability to properly negotiate with valuable talent without upsetting them. Rey knows he can draw anywhere else in the world and is being generous enough to stay with the WWE if they can only work out a deal. But by berating him backstage and getting upset because the guy has missed some time (even though hes old and has an injury thats sidelined the likes of Triple H for quite some time) they gain nothing. Everyone in the WWE is rich, that doesnt mean they're all treated equally. For a respectable guy like Rey I can understand why this would be a problem seeing as how many years he's spent lining Vince's pockets.
How has he been treated like crap? This isnt his first suspension over medications. Reports claim that he was bashed backstage during contract negotiations simply for wanting to get paid what hes worth. Its called negotiation and after reports that WWE also tried to low ball Edge in his new contract deal one would have to question WWE's ability to properly negotiate with valuable talent without upsetting them. Rey knows he can draw anywhere else in the world and is being generous enough to stay with the WWE if they can only work out a deal. But by berating him backstage and getting upset because the guy has missed some time (even though hes old and has an injury thats sidelined the likes of Triple H for quite some time) they gain nothing. Everyone in the WWE is rich, that doesnt mean they're all treated equally. For a respectable guy like Rey I can understand why this would be a problem seeing as how many years he's spent lining Vince's pockets.

There is a pattern to these stories of WWE "low balling" people, it seems to either be the older guys or the ones who have limitations due to injury. This is to be expected and not a disgusting move at all.

Rey's upside is significantly lower than when he signed his last deal, he is slower, proven to be more injury ravaged than ever and has 2 strikes, including being named in that roid scandal a few years back. There is also the factor of what else can be done with him. Could he be a Spanish Announcer down the line? The "pop" of him being a champ is gone and it didn't set the world on fire, what DOES Rey bring to the table now other than the Latino demograpic (which in time Del Rio will usurp) and mask sales (which will explode once this cruiser show starts and has other luchas)?

Going back to Mexico for a while would be good for Rey, he can get the last paydays of his career and potentially return to WWE for a swansong, with a clean slate. Kicking off about suspensions and lowballing will only mean he leaves WWE under a cloud, and that will also lower his value elsewhere, cos if Vince ain't gonna pay you top dollar cos you burned your bridges, then why should they?
How's he treated like shit by WWE? He's the first guy under 200 pounds that I can recall WWE elevating to main event status. He's had a couple of World Championship runs, has main evented some of the biggest shows in the company's history and is one of the highest paid wrestlers on the WWE roster.

If WWE doesn't feel they've gotten their money's worth when it comes to Rey, it's not as though they don't have reason to feel so. I know that Rey has been injured a lot and had to take a lot of time off the past several years, could happen to anybody. However, allegedly, Rey still feels he should be making these huge sums, along with whatever perks he asks for, in spite of not being able to put in the time. At the same time, I don't blame Rey for trying to get as much as he can while he can.

However, Mysterio failing a drug test is 100% on him. As far as the failed drug test in the past, as it turns out, there's been several big scandals the past several years regarding doctors who prescribe performance enhancing drugs to athletes. Many doctors are opposed to using them at all, even in rehab. And, if I'm not mistaken, he failed to produce a prescription for the additional medication that he was on. And the doctor that prescribed them to Rey was later arrested on multiple charges of practically selling steriods.

Stop trying to paint Mysterio as a poor, persecuted little lamb. Nobody's buying it.
When I mentioned being treated like shit I was referring to how they berated him backstage during his contract negotiations. And yes, hes been one of the WWE's biggest success stories, which makes it even worse that after all hes done for the company they're going to bash the guy who could draw anywhere else in the world but chooses to stay with a company thats going downhill (something can be said about a company that has to bring back three veterans to make their product relevant again). I'm not trying to paint Rey as an innocent little lamb, I'm saying that theres been a number of guys who have gotten suspended for a misunderstanding relating to medication. Its time wasted in my opinion. But then again I believe they're trying to trash Rey's brand because they dont plan to keep paying him what they do, want him gone, but dont want him to go anywhere and be successful. Its that same petty ignorant rage Vince implemented on the WCW guys who made it to WWE. If no ones buying it then whatever I'll let them be, I'm just saying its been a while since theres been a legit steriod suspension, and WWE has its ******ed yet frequently used logic that supports the theory of them wanting to fuck with Mysterio.
There is a pattern to these stories of WWE "low balling" people, it seems to either be the older guys or the ones who have limitations due to injury. This is to be expected and not a disgusting move at all.
In Edge's case he was lowballed compared to the likes of HBK and Mick Foley. HBK shows up literally once or twice per year, usually for a promo or a storyline that isnt completely centered around him. Foley's time is limited too and I guess this is just my personal opinion but Edge is way more valuable to the WWE and to the fans than Foley. I dont know about any old low balling stories, but the recent ones dont really shine a good light on WWE's negotiating ability.

Rey's upside is significantly lower than when he signed his last deal, he is slower, proven to be more injury ravaged than ever and has 2 strikes, including being named in that roid scandal a few years back. There is also the factor of what else can be done with him. Could he be a Spanish Announcer down the line? The "pop" of him being a champ is gone and it didn't set the world on fire, what DOES Rey bring to the table now other than the Latino demograpic (which in time Del Rio will usurp) and mask sales (which will explode once this cruiser show starts and has other luchas)?
WWE was quite hot while Rey was champion and while much of that can be attributed to Punk, the fact that WWE was planning a big title run with Rey shows that they had enough confidence in him to carry the company. And a number of guys like Orton and Batista had significant success after the steroid "scandal" proving that it really had no impact on the WWE other than some bad press during the year 2007 which can be expected if one of your superstars goes apeshit and kills his wife and son the same year as this report goes out.

cos if Vince ain't gonna pay you top dollar cos you burned your bridges, then why should they?
Not everyone considers Vince an honorable man or someone whos business model should be mimicked. I'm sure a smaller company like TNA, and older, more stable companies like the ones in Mexico and Asia that revolve primarily on respect and prestige would pay a guy like Rey plenty to be part of their franchise. In the WWE Rey is just the old masked guy with a knee problem, but anywhere else hes a very valuable international superstar with a significant enough fan base to make an impact wherever he goes.
When I mentioned being treated like shit I was referring to how they berated him backstage during his contract negotiations. And yes, hes been one of the WWE's biggest success stories, which makes it even worse that after all hes done for the company they're going to bash the guy who could draw anywhere else in the world but chooses to stay with a company thats going downhill (something can be said about a company that has to bring back three veterans to make their product relevant again). I'm not trying to paint Rey as an innocent little lamb, I'm saying that theres been a number of guys who have gotten suspended for a misunderstanding relating to medication. Its time wasted in my opinion. But then again I believe they're trying to trash Rey's brand because they dont plan to keep paying him what they do, want him gone, but dont want him to go anywhere and be successful. Its that same petty ignorant rage Vince implemented on the WCW guys who made it to WWE. If no ones buying it then whatever I'll let them be, I'm just saying its been a while since theres been a legit steriod suspension, and WWE has its ******ed yet frequently used logic that supports the theory of them wanting to fuck with Mysterio.

Rey, including this, has nearly had 2 years (maybe more) of time of the shelf, during his stint with WWE. Time he has been paid. Yes, I know he was injured, but the fact remains is, the WWE, as a business feel that Rey has gotten a lot of 'free money' for no work. The hold up with his contract is said to be based around that. He wants more money, and WWE are, saying 'hold up man, you kinda owe us 2 years'. As a business, I can kinda see where they're come from.
That sucks. Rey is one of my favorite wrestlers to watch so I was hoping he would be back soon. He has a cool look and does some amazing things during matches. I hope he doesn't quit or get fired.
He had to do something blatantly obvious to earn a 60 day suspension. Rey Mysterio draws money... with his merchandise sales and the little kids digging his style. Not saying he's a pill head or anything, but he either did the same thing a second time or the second offense was obvious enough that it would possibly get out that he did said thing and wasn't punished for it.

And if the WWE will punish Randy Orton, they'll punish anyone. Orton was as over as over could be when he was given a wellness policy suspension. The WWE can't play around with that kind of stuff. And nobody would be immune to it, except MAYBE for HHH. And that's only because he's actually on the brain trust for Vince McMahon.

Mysterio's been wearing pretty thin on me for ages now, and this doesn't do him any favors. My guess is that we'll never see him in the WWE again and he'll be released. His merch sales aren't worth the headache of someone who's broke down and doesn't seem to want to help the WWE and instead was thoughtless in his medicinal practices.

I wish the best for Rey Rey and hope to God we don't see him on Impact anytime soon.

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