Feuds you'd like to see in 2009


It's Showtime!
Interesting idea I just came up with, who do you want to see feud in 2009 or who do you think will be feuding in 2009? Which wrestlers are going to be the Micheals/Jericho of 2009? Give reasons.

Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy: We saw flashes of this happen at the end of 01/beginning 02 but nothing more really transpired. The WWE hasn't had a real good brother verse brother feud in a while, not since Owen and Bret, and both Matt and Jeff could make for some exciting matches. These two have both finally climbed the WWE ladder, Matt through hard work and loyalty, and Jeff for just being ridiculously over with the crowd. This alone could be again the reason for the feud with Matt, who has busted his balls a million times harder than Jeff but has less to show for it. The window is still open for Matt to have been the culprit in the Jeff beating at Survivor Series and maybe they could play up how Matt was jealous of all the chances Jeff was getting and all the times he fucked up, only to be given a clean slate again. An intense bitter feud could start up between these two for the WWE title, but I think it could only work well if Jeff in the mean time legitimizes himself as a good and strong champion. I'd be down for any feuds in 09 that involved these two and E&C, but I chose these two cause theres is a feud that hasn't happened yet.

Punk vs Orton: These two have had matches already this year, but nothing developed into a real full on PPV feud yet. The WWE kinda held back the horses on The Legacy idea and that in turn prevented this feud from getting full on personal, which it should considering Punk never lost his title and hence was screwed out of it by Orton and Co. That should've made Punk's blood boil and I hope they pick this feud up again in 09, maybe when Orton is the champion and Punk is ready to be taken seriously as a main event contender. These two are two of my favourite wrestlers on RAW and I would love to see Punk take on The Legacy and Orton. It would be a good feud and would benefit all who would be apart of it, both for The Legacy members and for Punk and whoever he brings to the table.

Edge vs Kennedy: Rather than shipping Kennedy to RAW back in 07, what they should've done is left him on Smackdown to feud with Edge who stole the MITB case from Kennedy, that feud could've been gold. Of course, we all Edge would go on to get injured, so the feud still wouldn't have happened back then. Now Kennedy is kind of on alert status red and really needs a big time feud to get himself back in the picture. Edge, has been all over the title scene for the last few years when he hasn't been frequently injured (like Kennedy, ironically enough) and he could use a serious feud with someone more hungary and desperate for a title than the character he himself has been portraying for the last 4 years. Kennedy is exceptional on the mic and Edge is a gem in the ring, so perhaps they will be able to play off each others strengths. Get the ball rolling by bringing up the former MITB history, maybe even include both of them in the match if Edge isn't already in a title match, and let them roll with it. With so many titles in the WWE, the WWE needs more feuds like Micheals/Jericho that aren't about any titles, just personal grudges. Kennedy and Edge could do that.

So who does everyone else think will be feuding in the new year. Start looking in your crystal balls............. now!
Michaels and Jericho is like an every 10 year occurence. I heard MVP and Edge from someone else and this would work VERY good esp if MVP is turned face. If I had to say a feud I'd like to see and not saying it'll be good vocally cuz both barley talk, and 1 actually just screams I'd say Umaga and Undertaker. I guess if Umaga starts talking it could be good, and the matches esp gimmick matches between these two should be great. I'd like to see TBK maybe in a feud with a higher up like HHH maybe and have TBK go over somehow that be awesome.
For starters I would enjoy a Steph-HHH v. Edge-Vickie. This could just be the start of everyone going power crazy and multiple factions forming.

As for others that I would want to see is definitely the discussed Christian v. Jeff feud. Things that I don't know will happen but definitely want to see include Michaels v. Morrison, Orton v. Edge, TBK v. Shelton, Swagger v. Punk
I think an Edge vs. Orton feud would be incredible. Edge should move to RAW and can be a controversial tweener -face and he would figth agaisnt the controversial tweener-heel randy orton. This feud has a alot of potential and i could even see a faction war evolving form it with orton's legacy taking on a faction created by Edge in a battle for dominance on RAW. I also want to see John Morrison launched to the next level in a feud against Shawn Michales.
A feud with John Cena vs. Undertaker would be solid and it be one of the few big drawing rivalries WWE has left. Cena could get destroyed by taker then return back to his edgy wigger/thug roots to fight against the phenom. I can series a series of hardcore gimmick matches coming from this rivalry and it could last a long time. This could also set up the wrestlemania main event with the champion John Cena trying to end the streak of the Undertaker, that would be a huge draw. Imagine if John Cena won...the crowd would shit their pants, then the next week he come sout on RAW and brags about it and says that he buried the career of the undertaker. TOP HEEL or possibly top face if the fans like his new attitude.
Rey Mysterio V.S. Randy Orton
Well if you can say this feud wouldn't be great your crazy. I think if they threw the WHC in this it would be great. I think Rey needs 1 or 2 more reigns before he goes. Which according to his WWE magazine interview 5-8 years. He is just a great High flying wrestler that has never got himself in trouble and is a fan favorite. Now with Orton I think he would do great against him. All we need for this to work is Cena and Batista to get hurt agian.
Raw V.S. ECW
The whole gimmick would be that a Raw heel would get on the mic and start talking smack on ECW and saying how they should just get rid of it. Rememer how good it was last time with the whole Big show trading sides. Great.
Tomko and Christian V.S. Manu and Umaga
It really hope now that Manu is gone from priceless he will go tag with Umaga and then have Tomko and Christian get in a the first good tag team feud in a long time. I know WWE normally dosen't do stuff like that but it would be a good try.
Survivor Series 2009 - Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, Ted DiBiase Jr., and Sim Snuka, (w/ Cowboy Bob Orton as manager) vs Dusty Rhodes, Ted DiBiase Sr., Superfly Jimmy Snuka, and Dustin Rhodes.

I get it - this will NEVER HAPPEN. But it'd be a hell of an event at Survivor Series - the fathers demanding respect from their kids, and the kid defiantly refusing, saying they don't want to pay respect to a product that was a shell of what they've accomplished. Cool stuff.

Christian vs Jeff Hardy

Rumors already abound about Christian's return, the his involvement in the Jeff Hardy hotel attack. I love it. It's a ready made angle, and it'll accomplish two things - a main event caliber Hardy / Christian feud, and a potential return of the classic Hardy Boyz vs Edge and Christian (since Edge benefitted from the Hardy attack) feud. A lot of ground to work with here.
Orton vs Cena vs Jericho - three way scrap involving the current best three superstars (HHH presence on Smackdown is ruining Hardy and Edge at the moment), babyface, heel and tweener (Orton to go into a "beat anyone who crosses me, regardless of being a face or heel".

Edge vsJeff Hardy Given the main event spotlight, not overshadowed by Taker, HHH or Show, these two will tear every house down.

Morrison vs HBK Everyone wants this, and I want a clean Morrison win in the feud, elevates him to main event.

Ted Dibiase Cody Rhodes vs Manu and Snuka If Legacy fails and Orton leaves them all, a split can occur down the middle, leading to a tag feud.

Dibiase and Rhodes vs Miz and Morrison Proper feud for the tag team division.

Benjamin vs Anyone He needs a big feud, he is such a talented superstar. They messed up R-Truth feud, by giving up on Truth, when he is actually over the crowd (if not with many people on here) Their feud could have been brilliant.

Bourne vs Mysterio I know neither will turn heel, but their one match was so good I want to see another.

Regal vs Anyone See Benjamin. Hopefully feud with Punk isn't stopped this week (which it will with a clean Punk win unfortunately)

MVP & Orton vs HHH, Taker, Batista, Big Show Simple, one night only feud. MVP obliterates all four single handedly, Orton steps in, four punts later, four careers finished, WWE can move into the future (finally)
Survivor Series 2009 - Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, Ted DiBiase Jr., and Sim Snuka, (w/ Cowboy Bob Orton as manager) vs Dusty Rhodes, Ted DiBiase Sr., Superfly Jimmy Snuka, and Dustin Rhodes.

THIS would be fucking EPIC! This was the first thing that came to mind when the group got together... The new blood disrespecting the traditions of old... sparking a "Generation War"... AWESOME!

Personally, I would LOVE to see a Jeff Hardy vs Matt Hardy feud start. It's been years in the making, would run for a long time, and would have us all gripped into it.
Santino Marella vs Kofi Kingston. They had matches already, but they never had a proper feud. In fact, currently both wrestlers are quite stale at the moment. A great way to get them both going is to put them in a legitimate feud. I'm not quite sure of how to get the Intercontinental title involved, but I am sure there is a way. Having Kofi as the over face, getting pops from the fans. Having Santino degrade Kofi, and all the fans for supporting Kingston, who may or may not use illegal substance. I can see Kofi looking really hot in the matches, but Santino throwing out really moves that shock the fans as he repeatedly takes out Kofi at the end of matches. Leading up to a match at Summerslam where Kofi is finally able to overcome Santino. At least it will give them both a reat feud from Backlast until August.
i would love matt vs jeff. why? because they have both been improving in the ring. Matt Hardy is a great heel and they ahev great chemistry together so this could put on several gimmick matches . for example you could have jeff vs matt is a ladder/cage/tlc/2 out of 3 falls/hardcore/extreme rules etc etc. and they both would put there best into these matches. Jeff will know this has to happen some time so he may as well try his hardest this time and not be a loser and say he doesn't want to do it ( loyal bitch). anyways it could all pan out from matt being jealous of jeff because the fans like jeff more even no hardy puts more work into his career. Hardy turns heel and it all starts. they could even feud over the tag team titles if jeff has them.
Batista - Hardy, and finally give Batista the WWE title instead of always the World Heavyweight. I know some of you are probably not big on Batista but I like him and it would not only raise his stock as he would have now held both titles, but it raises the stock of the belt as well as now you have another big name as one of the holders.

Morrison - Miz, I know, everyone is saying HBK but I don't think it's quite time for that yet. Before he can do any of that he has to go solo for it to work legitimately and for him to get clean wins without question. Being in a tag team and always having Miz as a factor takes away from his victories in singles competition because he has the advantage of a partner to back him up whether he uses him or not. Have these two get into an ego battle, each one thinking that they are carrying the other or something and have them clash in some matches to split the tag team. After that then have Morrison take on C.M. Punk as the next step towards the top. After winning a successful feud with Punk move his to another higher opponent, either Edge, Jericho, or even JBL just because he is a heavyweight. I have said it since he was Johnny Nitro in M-N-M that this guy could be the next Shawn Michaels and I think this is a good way to work him up the ladder. A feud with Kennedy or MVP would work too or Jeff/Matt Hardy, or the returning Christian. The fact that you could throw him against all these guys though, shows how valuable he really is. He could have a good feud with just about anybody. Throw in Kofi Kingston or Kane too, why not Shelton Benjamin, have him take the U.S. Title. You could do a million good things with this guy, I think he is too good to waste in a tag team.

Hurricane Helms - Shelton Benjamin, I don't know about anyone else but I really like Helms and I could see him taking the U.S. away easily and that would be good to push him a bit. With both guys in ring skills this could make for a good feud.

Santino Marella - Jamie Noble, I know I know, it sounds ******ed probably but really think about it, that feud could be funny as hell with those two.

Mr. Kennedy - C.M. Punk, I think this would be an alright feud as well. You could have both guys actually come out of it with more popularity as faces. I don't know exactly how it would come about but I think those two would work together well for a feud.

Matt Hardy - Jack Swagger or Dolph Ziggler, I think either of those two in a feud with Hardy would be good for ECW and that those guys could put on some killer matches together.

Triple H - Undertaker, They are the only two big guys on Smackdown that haven't even crossed paths at all. This would be one of the better feuds you could have but having either of them loose to the other might have the potential to devalue on or the other. At any rate it would be a good feud.

That's all I got. Tell me what you think.
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Edge & Christian v. The Hardys: With the rumors of a Christian return to the W.W.E., not to mention that he'd be coming back to the same brand as 2 of the 3 needed to rejoin in this old-time classic.. I think it's a B-Show Pay Per View (No Way Out?) match waiting to happen.

While I have to admit the Edge/Matt Hardy saga has run dry, and to be perfectly honest a Christian/Jeff Hardy feud doesn't "excite" me.. the thought of this four individuals reforming their collective Tag Teams.. does excite me.

Shawn Michaels v. John Morrison: This is a wishful thinking type of situation, but they've shown small snipit's of teasing at it. Morrison did get a couple pinfall victories over H.B.K. through tag matches, but he's still going to need that all important single's victory to finally jump back into being a possible contender for anything in the single's ranks.

I think Morrison mirrors H.B.K. in so many ways, to the point that these two would be just as classic as Chris Jericho/Chris Benoit, or even Jericho/H.B.K.

Mr. Kennedy v. M.V.P.: It's coming from the looks of how Smackdown has been shaping up. The only question is, will M.V.P. be a jobber when it happens or not. I certainly hope not, and in some theory I'm in the belief that Kennedy will actually be the first guy M.V.P. defeats to turn everything around.

I think this is a feud everyone has begged for, not because it's that incredible, but just because these were/are the two guys that the majority of the I.W.C. have believed will lead us into the next Generation of Superstars. I wanna see them compete, but I'll admit to being leary on if they can mesh well.

C.M. Punk v. Kofi Kingston: As much as I WANT them to stay a Tag Team, because they're a good team, I believe openly and honestly that both of these guys could put on a Match of the Year type of match.

I think C.M. Punk needs to turn heel though. He's getting very average pop as a face, but the fans are beginning to crave the possible heel turn that could spark something great for him. I'm even wanting it, and I'm like Public Enemy #1 for Punk and his bastard fans. I respect the guy's abilities and I enjoy him being where he is.. but it won't last forever, and he NEEDS something other than another meaningless title reign.
just an idea, you could have the hardys v.s edge and christian feud, with a twist, keep the belts on both matt and jeff, with edge and christian both challenging for the respective titles, which could lead to a tag team match with hardy boys v edge and christian, in a winner takes all sort of scenari, have edge get the winning fall, seemingly winning them both a belt each, but then have vickie come out and screw christian over by saying edge got the pin, edge gets both belts, then have a face christian chasing edge for the wwe title, and just hav edge drop the ecw belt to some new/back to matt after christian interference, wishful thinking i no
Fueds I'd like to see:

Edge vs Randy Orton: This match hasn't been properly utilised by the WWE yet as they havent had a main event fued. The only real match up they had was a few years back but they have both developed since then and have become two of the best heels in a while. I truly believe this can be a great heel v heel match up or at least one being a tweener. This could help cement Randy Orton as one of the best in today's day and thats why I think he should win. The R rated superstar v The legend killer and the leader of legacy could be one of the last feuds really left to implement considering their status with the company.

HBK v Morrision. Passing of the torch. People have mentioned it and they have been hints and it needs to happen. Morrision really has the talent but he sucks at being a heel with his in ring stuff not being moves of a heel. To build him up who better to beat than HBK. After this, Morrision could possibly turn face after HBK's blessing and move away from the Miz.

MVP v Kennedy. These two really need something to do and fast. MVP is like a sailing ship that is sinking lower and lower every week, while Kennedy isnt doing much but has the fans support. These two can be the future and this feud could help ignite them both. I would have MVP beeing sick of Kennedy and challenging him to a match to shut him up. In the weeks leading up to it, MVP would fail at everything Kennedy sets him as he would continue to be a miserable person that can do nothing right. Kennedy then says 'We know who the future of this business is then dont we?' This angers MVP and they have their match with MVP finally winning and Kennedy in shock. Afterwards, Kennedy bashes the living day lights out of MVP turning heel because he is a true heel with his persona and MVP turning face getting the fans behind him. This would lead to more matches with each of them gaining victories and with the winner finally getting a title shot.

Swagger v Ziggler. These two guys seem to have similarites to me and I would give them a fued over the IC title. They are both cocky and arrogrant so I see why not.

Swagger v Bourne. This fued could be for the ECW title. Swagger could win it off Hardy and then Bourne can come back from injury. You would have Swagger be the big submission guy and Bourne with his high flying stuff. Pretty interesting to me.

Bourne v Mysterio. Could be a fun match between these two, be a total spot fest though. And the crowd would love it.

Cena v Undertaker. Ive seen what these guys could do before a few years back, but I believe it would be better this time around. Have Cena play the tweener role and Taker doing his usual stuff. This could be refreashing fued for the title.
Quite clearly HBK vs Morrison is the feud that needs to happen in 2009. Then we can finally see if Morrison has got IT, and if he has IT, then HBK should put him over good and proper.

Otherwise, Punk vs Jericho could be really excellent, and I'm amazed no one has picked this one already. These guys haven't feuded yet properly but on the couple of occasions when they've faced off they've had excellent matches, particularly in their most recent encounter, which was fucking amazing. Punk clearly has great chemistry with Y2J and given a proper feud they could have awesome matches...although from a character point of view this would work better with Punk as an "I'm better than you" heel, and Jericho as the dissolute "Sexy Beast" babyface. Will's point about a heel Punk is a good one.

Edge and Christian versus the Hardyz is clearly coming, but MVP and Kennedy? Nah. MVP's good but I don't believe he's good enough to carry Kennedy to a decent match. Maybe a face MVP taking on the Miz. Miz is a way better wrestler than Kennedy and just as good on the mic. It would be easy enough to set up while Morrison feuds with HBK.

And Jack Swagger vs Evan Bourne. The futures of ECW going head-to-head. With their contrasting and complementary styles, and overness with the fans, this could be a classic.
What I'd like to see.

Selfishly: Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania 25. I've been on these forums for two years, and for almost two years I've been hoping for this match. I think I began the rant as far back as the day after Wrestlemania 23. Simply put, this match has to happen, or selfishly I will be too disapointed that it doesn't. These two have only cris crossed 3 times in their careers, outside of teh Rumble match. If this match doesn't happen, I'll feel like I wasted two years.

The Hardys/Edge/Christian square of possibilities.
Jeff hardy, Matt Hardy, Edge and Christian. This decade started with these four men breaking out and becoming the group of guys that we all knew would eventually make it to the top of the company, and know that time has come. The potential that these four men could put on feuding with each other would be phenomenal. Their tag matches are legendary, but so much more could happen. The fans being split in a potential Matt vs. Jeff Feud. A Jeff vs. Edge feud that culminates in a TLC Match. A revisitin of Matt Hardy vs. Edge, and the return of Christian vs. any of these three men. The possibilities are endless.

Umaga vs. The Undertaker. It's perfect. This fits into the Undertaker facing the unstoppable monster that dominated the 90's in the WWF. After the Michaels feud, I would love for this to happen, with Umaga going over in the end at say Summerslam.

Randy Orton vs. CM Punk: This feud had groundwork laid out for it last year, and the pay off needs to happen. CM Punk is criminally under rated. He had a great year last year. The man was a work horse and a half, and I can't recall a bad match from the man. CM Punk is about as much of an antithesis to Orton as there possibly could be.
This may be marking out a bit, ok, a lot, but I'd love to an Undertaker vs. Triple H feud happen this year. A lot of people say HBK vs. Taker, but I say why not pick his more over, more successful tag partner to feud with Taker instead? They're both on the same brand so it'd be easier to put them in a feud to start with, neither of them needs to turn heel, just an intense rivalry between two guys who have dominated the WWE over the last decade at least. Ideally, I'd have the first match in the series at WrestleMania, this match would be huge, and Triple H would present a believable, realistic threat to Undertaker's streak. After this, the potential is limitless, it could go to any sort of gimmick match and you know it would be an intense, brutal, classic between the two, ending in a Hell in a Cell match at Judgment Day or One Night Stand, which is the Hell in a Cell we've all been waiting for.
A few I'd like to see in 2009 are...

Michaels vs. Morrison - No need to elaborate on why, is there?

Ron Simmons vs. JBL - I don't know about the rest of you, but ever since JBL went solo and Simmons was cast aside I've really wanted to see these two have their showdown! I could see a backstage segment where these two bump into each other and JBL disrespects Simmons and that could spark the rivalry. I realize that Simmons isn't the wrestler he once was, but I still think this would be a great feud and could really spark some interest. Therefore, We'll probably never see this one played out. JBL will still have botch-fests and call himself a Wrestling GAWD, and Simmons will continue to pop up out of nowhere and say DAMN in surreal situations.

CM Punk vs. Jeff Hardy - Imagine Punk being drafted to Smackdown and slowly turning heel with his Straight Edge gimmick, Hardy is the perfect face for him to feud with due to his "Demons". This would be a clash of two people with very different outlooks on a particular issue and it could get very personal between them!

Mike Knox vs. Kane - There is only room for one Psychopath on RAW, so these two need to take it to the ring and duke it out and determine whose mental instability is supreme! Besides Knox attacking Rey Rey after every match is just ridiculous and Kane stalking Kelly Kelly is equally as pathetic, these two are heavy hitters and we deserve to see them throw down with each other!

Some other things I'd like to see in 2009...

1. I wish more Monday Night Raw's would end with something on fire.

2. Beth and Santino should become a Tag Team!

3. Vickie becomes Big Show's baby momma.

4. Kendrick gets drafted to ECW, and goes Crazy. Honestly I think he would make a great ECW champion and he would probably add some prestige to that belt.

5. FIX THE ANNOUNCE TEAMS! Ya'll know what I'm talkin about!
Firstly lets assume (and im pretty sure we'll see him very soon) Christian returns to WWE.

I'd love to see Christian be the one behind Jeff Hardy's attacks. It could then lead to him helping Edge get the title. Christian could then screw Edge out of the title by defeating him and then feud with Jeff and Edge for the championship. I'd love the 3 of them to battle it out for a while.

Matt Hardy and Jack Swagger are shaping up to be an ok feud for ECW but man, does ECW need a kick, it's getting boring. It needs an awesome feud and soon!

Raw is obviously going for a Vince/Orton feud but i think this would be boring, Stone Cold is the only one good enough to convincingly piss Vince off and Orton isnt going to get another title shot while he's feuding with Vince.

A Triple H/Steph and Edge/Vicki feud would be kinda cool but i dont really see that happening. I really want to see Y2J turn face again and really 'save' Raw. Jericho is awesome at what he does and has made himself one of the best heels the WWE has ever seen and making him a face would be another challenge for him. Jericho seems to do best when challenged and making the crowd turn in favour of him after the last 6 months would be pretty hard.

It would also be good to see a Morrison and Miz feud. I agree with most when they say Morrison carries Miz and needs a push. Miz is ok but he is not at Morrisons level. I'd love to see Morrison stab Miz in the back and bail to Raw where he could contend with Punk for the IC then go on to battle it out for the WHC....

For starters I would enjoy a Steph-HHH v. Edge-Vickie. This could just be the start of everyone going power crazy and multiple factions forming.

This is the feud they would use to end the brand split. HHH would go back to Raw and win that belt, and then, well it's easy to see from there. Bickering over who the real champ is. Bickering between the women about which show is better, leads to the men fighting, which leads to a Raw invasion of Smackdown, a Survivor Series match, and a unification match at the same PPV, one for each of the belts. SD!'s top guys, angry over not having a belt, invade Raw, and then there is no clear line between the shows, and boom, we have one roster, a save your job battle royal to trim the roster and then several feuds within the factions that will lead to the new rivalries to start the one branded show.

I would love to see a Jeff/Christian feud, which I think is coming.

I would love to see the Hardys vs. E/C, which I think is coming.

I want to see Primo Colon vs. Evan Bourne. I think this feud would be exciting. If the psychology wasn't perfect, it would still be great fun to watch them flip around the ring, especially if Vince let them go WCW Cruiserweight style.

I would like to see Randy Orton vs. Edge. God this would make me wet myself. Edge could be established as a Rock/Stone Cold combo face. He is already cheered by some of the crowd. If Randy played that evil heel he is so good at, Edge could get over as a face, and this would be awesome, especially if Edge got a finisher that wasn't everyone else's set up or transition move.
WrestleMania 25: Fatal Fourway: Edge vs Christian vs Jeff Hardy vs Matt Hardy...ladder match for the WWE Championship....that would be sick

yeah. i hope christian will get the strap in 2009. i'd like to see any feuds involving christian and the title. if all four of them ended up on smackdown, then i will finally put smackdown as part of my friday night plans.

a vicki/steph feud also needs to happen. maybe this is the angle they're going with for a edge/hhh wm25 match. i really liked brand feuding and i hope this will start again this year.
HHH/Stephanie (heel) v.s Jericho(face). these two mesh well with one another. I remember all the cheers Jericho used to get when he would call Stephanie every name known in the book. Just classic stuff when you think about it.

Morrison(heel) v.s HBK (face). I could see this feud starting over HBK trying to give Morrison advice backstage. One of those random segments at a PPV. These two men have so much in common, but are worlds apart in characters. Has anyone else noticed Morrison's use of the Superkick, or Sweet Chin music in some of his matces? I have.
Knox vs. his Beard
I know it sounds strange, bu thear me out. Knox has been acting remorseless and like a bully. Vince makes him go to a psychiatrist to work out his problems. After 2-4 weeks of Knox at the shrink's promos. The Shrink concludes Mike Knox acts this way because his beard has grown so out of control it is controlling his mind. Bad but hey Hbk is poor and Rey's been to Hell anything could happen.
Dolph Ziggler vs. Mr. Kennedy....Kennedy
The promos would be great "Hi I'm Dolph Ziggler" "Oh yeah well i'm Mr.Kennedy....Kennedy" They are both solid in-ring performers. Kennedy could teach Ziggler how to make a decent promo. The feud coudl then end with them gaining each other's respect and tag together slogans and all.
I would really like to see a Rey Mysterio-Chris Jericho fued some time this year. It doesn't have to be huge, just a couple months leading up to a pay-per-view confrontation. They are both amazing wrestlers and they could both bring alot of intensity to the table. Rey needs a fresh fued with someone not huge, and Jericho could be just the guy. If not this, there are other people Rey could fued with like John Morrison, CM Punk or some other fast paced wrestler. Rey needs a fued so I would like to see a fresh one some time this year. I'm really getting worried he will fued with Knox till Wrestlemania.
I'd love to see a John Morrison vs. Kofi Kingston feud. I'm not really sure how they could start this feud, but both of these guys are young and athletic which could make a really entertaining mid-card feud.

Jack Swagger vs. Evan Bourne. Once Bourne comes back he'll be a top contender for the ECW title, so considering Swagga is champ when he returns, there is no storyline needed to start this feud. Swagga is big and athletic and Bourne is small, quick, and high flying, a match between these two would be great.

Hurricane (Gregory) Helms vs. THE Brian Kendrick. It's been a while since we've had a good CW feud, and there really the only good CWs we have left on SD, and they could probably put on a good feud together.

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