General Summerslam 2009 Discussion

Ok, here's my take

WWE Championship

John Cena [c] vs. Ted DiBiase
Ted def. Cena via Pinfall

Much like Orton's rise in 2004, Teddy goes out and wrestles a good match with Cena and beats Cena will a quick rollup. After the match, Cena shakes Teddy's hand and motivates Teddy to stand up to Orton setting up Orton vs. Ted at Breaking Point

HHH vs. Randy Orton [Street Fight]
HHH pins Orton.

HHH beats Orton after HBK returns. Carlito and Jack Swagger run down to help Orton and Cody who are getting owned by DX. This sets up DX vs. New Legacy [Carlito/Cody] and Swagger for Breaking Point.

Jack Swagger vs. MVP
Swagger wins via pin.

Swagger wins with a low-blow behind the ref's back into the Gutwrench Powerbomb.

US Title

Kofi vs. Evan Bourne vs. Big Show
Big Show pins Kofi AND Bourne.

Show squashes both and wins to be champion.

CM Punk [c] vs. John Morrisson
Punk wins via pinfall.

Good match, keeps Punk a tweener, he fights clean and wins with a GTS after a rolling out of the way of Starship Pain.

ECW Title: Extreme Rules
Vladimir Kozlov vs. Tommy Dreamer [c]
Dreamer def. Kozlov via Pinfall

Very little true weapon usage [gotta be PG], but Dreamer uses a DDT on the entrance ramp and pins Kozlov up there to retain.

Divas Title: Fatal Four Way
Maryse [c] vs. Mickie James vs. Beth Phoenix vs. Gail Kim
Mickie James and Gail Kim both pin Maryse at the same time.

Now we set up an interesting situation around the Diva's title, 2 pins in a match where the first fall wins the match. This leads to a one on one match the next night on Raw between Mickie and Gail to determine the true women's champion and Gail Kim wins, this sets up Beth vs. Gail at Breaking Point.
wwe title:
cena vs. the miz
winner cena, but in a very good match much like the one they had two weeks ago on raw. i wuld use a build up where miz wins a title shot by winning the "beat the clock challange" over primo. and then every week miz can then one up cena by either attacking him etc. i would also like to see this feud go into breaking point.

world heavyweight championship:
c.m. punk vs. rey mysterio
this is based on the idea that jeff hardy has not resigned. with edge being on the shelf long term now, it looks like they need another top level heel on smackdown. in my opinon, punk is the perfect choice for main event level heel instead of doing a drastic swerve or pushing someone who is not ready to be main event heel.

winner: c.m. punk
this match could solidify punk as a heel. in the build up to s.s. he can cost mysterio the ic belt say to ziggler. punk can do his promo about being a stand up guy and not taking short cuts and apply that to why mysterio wears a mask and blah blah blah. also, this match would give punk a chance to look stronger than his oppenent. winner: c.m. punk with his feet on the ropes.

ecw title:
christian (c) vs. shelton benjamin
winner: christian
typical match from these guys, but this will set up a rematch for breaking point where benjamin wins it.

ic belt:
dolph ziggler (c) vs. john morrison
winner ziggler via outside interference from finlay.
we all know morrison's talent is there, but i just dont think alot of people are buying him as a face yet. thats why he shuld be put into a program with ziggler who i think could be a great mid card heel, not sayng main event heel, but a great mid card heel in this current persona and gimmick. i would have morrison within inches of winning the gold, and then have finlay nail morrison with the shaleighly as he goes for the starship pain, and ziggler pins. finlay's reason for interferring is simple, morrison insults him on smackdown by doing a goofy joke skit like this past week with teddy long and finlay extracts revenge. the finaly v morrison feud could go into breaking point. this will help morrison become a legit face, cause lets face it, if he dosent get cheered over finaly, then hell, morrison is a heel for life.

u.s. belt:
fatal 4way
kofi vs. big show vs. evan bourne vs. mark henry
winner mark henry
i'm sorry, with the way they have booked henry over the past two weeks on raw, i just dont see them leaving off s.s i say put these 4 in a match where we all know bourne and kofi will steal the show, but henry and show just over power them and henry gets the win when he catches bourne into the world's strongest slam for the pin while show is too busy choke slaming kofi thru the ecw announce table. thus, this will set up show vs. henry for breaking point, the camel cluch vs. the bear hug.

tag titles:
legacy (c) vs. hart dynasty vs. regal and kozlov
typical 3 way tag match where legacy is the winner

orton vs. hhh
hell in a cell
since its a ppv, both guys get busted open, hey fight all over the cell, and hhh wins cuz he married the boss' daughter.

jericho vs. taker
jericho wins to set up a very long feud with the deadman

mvp vs. swagger
mvp wins by forfeit because swagger will not fight criminals.
Here's My Card:

Randy Orton (c) vs Shawn Michaels
Wwe Championship

Have HBK come back on Raw and confront Orton and have nice feud between the 2. Have Orton win as HBK WILL actually lose CLEANLY to a heel unlike others (HHH).

CM Punk (c) vs Chris Jericho
World Heavyweight Championship

Okay... Punk stays tweener but since Hardy looks like he's going, this is all I can think of. Jericho could stay on the heel side but Punk would be tweenering a lil more on the face side here. Punk retains. Taker is shown at the end of the match.

John Cena vs Triple H

At NOC, The Game blames Cena for making him lose which leads the others to talk shit about each other for a couple of weeks. Both of them costing each other matches and now one sticks with the crowd. Perfect chance to turn HHH heel. Have Cena win extend his hand and have the game give him a pedigree.

Dreamer(c) vs Christian vs Kozlov vs Shelton Benjamin
Fatal 4 Way Eli. Match for ECW Title

This is all I'd could come up with. Have everyone team up on Kozlov at first, then have Kozlov revive and elimnate Shelton, only to get rolled up by Christian who gets the win by beating Dreamer and becoming champ again.

Primo vs Carlito

Obviously it probably won't make this card but meh... I see Carlito picking up the win.

Rey Mysterio (c) vs John Morrison
IC Title

I've been dying to see this but it looks like it;s not gonna happen quite yet since Rey's starting a feud with Ziggler. But anyways Morrison picks up the win.

MVP vs Jack Swagger

This too had me hooked yesterday on that promo... hopefully it will continue to be good.

Gail Kim vs Mickie James (c)
Divas Championship

Hopefully Maryse loses to Mickie and we could see a good womens match! Last time I saw a good one was last year at ONS: Melina vs Beth in an I Quit Match.
Intercontinental - Rey Mysterio (C) Vs. John Morrison - Morrison gets his first of many big singles titles

Morrison already has three or four total singles title reigns. He stepped in when Chris Benoit killed himself and won the ECW title, which is a major title and they make it mean something on ECW. He also as Johnny Nitro is a two-time Intercontinental Champion.
Here's what I see for Summerslam:

WWE Title:
Randy Orton (c) vs. HHH (Final Match - Hell in a Cell)

It's the send-off match in their one-on-one feud. I think Orton wins with the help of Carlito and Swagger, which sets up the Ted Dibiase Jr. face turn as he joins the returning HBK with MVP in fending off the New Legacy to end the PPV. I can see the promos now with MVP and DX together, priceless.

World Heavyweight Title:
CM Punk (c) vs. Chris Jericho

Jericho's going to drop the Tag Belts to Legacy at NoC due to Edge's injury. He may drop them sooner to the Hart Dynasty, but he'll be in the World Title Picture. The returning Undertaker appears after the match to confront Punk, who will win. Kane may also appear during the match or after to confront Punk as well. I really like what they're doing with Punk right now.

ECW Title Match:
Tommy Dreamer (c) vs. Vladimir Koslov

How sad is it that Koslov was undefeated and even pinned The Undertaker before WM25 and is now set to ECW and not winning many matches. Somehow Dreamer wins here and holds on to the belt for another month. I see him losing it to Sheamus or Shelton Benjamin near the end of the year.

MVP vs. Jack Swagger

This match may just steal the entire show. Call it a hunch of mine, but they will meet at Summerslam, and Swagger wins after a miscue from MVP. This feud continues after the PPV as I mentioned earlier.

Intercontinental Title Match:
Ray Mysterio (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. John Morrison

This is my Wild Card match because I'm not sure how this match will be set up, if it even will. I do see Ziggler winning due to both Mysterio and Morrison needing to be pushed to the main event, and Dolph can have his time as champ with Mysterio pursuing it back while fighting some main events too.

Diva's Title: Fatal Four Way Elimination Match (Prob not elimination, but I'm hoping)
Mickie James (c) vs. Maryse vs. Gail Kim vs. Beth Phoenix

I see Mickie winning the belt at NoC, and being forced to defend it against three people, but somehow holding on. Maryse has had this belt since December, which is a long time, somehow holding on to it. Mickie will somehow beat Beth Phoenix after Beth takes out both Maryse and Gail Kim to retain.

Unified Tag Team Title Match:
Legacy (c) vs. Cryme Time

This won't be much of a match, may even be the pre-show match, but I see Legacy holding on, but dissension in the ranks between Cody & Ted. They win because Cody pulls a cheap trick, which Ted does not like, which sets up a real interesting scenario. They have to defend the titles even though they are on opposite sides of the spectrum. This will be different from Matt Hardy & MVP because both are second generation stars and both are healthy.

John Cena vs. The Miz

Somehow this match gets on the card because they need a spot for both of them. This time The Miz somehow gets a huge upset win even if it's via count out.
WWE Championship
John Cena vs The Miz

Cena wins, but to set up a real fued

World Heavyweight Championship
C.M. Punk vs John Morrison

as much as im for Morrison in the title picture, Jeff not going to resign in my opinion, and Edge injured

Hell in the Cell
Triple H vs Randy Orton

this will end the fued (for now)

Chris Jericho vs Undertaker
Jericho gets DQ or a cheap win to set up a long fued, to a Hell in the Cell at Survivor Series or Armageddon

ECW Championship
Christian vs Shelton Benjiman

Christian will probley win but it will set up a 2 month good fued

MVP vs Jack Swagger
Swagger wins, this will start Swaggers journey too the WWE title picture (I think Swagger will be = to Kurt Angle)

United States Championship
Kofi Kingston vs Carlito vs Ted DiBiase

Ted will win then start his Face push away from Legacy on the greatness= Randy Ortons push

Womens Championship and Divas Championship unification Scramble Match
Gail Kim vs Maryse vs Melina vs Michelle McCool vs Mickie James

maybe not a scramble match, just cant see them leaving out Melina, Kim, or James out
I think Summerslam wil be headlined by 2 returns being Undertaker & HBK. I see HBK going stright into Raws title picture to freshen it up & although most have been upset with Ortons reign i see no gain in popularity on putting the belt on cena or trips so it'll b HBK vs Orton. With Jericho now with nothing he's a good pick for takers opponent and it could also start a fantastic feud for the autumn probably feud of 2009 aswell)

[B]WWE Title[/B]
(c)Randy Orton V HBK
Hopefully we'll see HBK win so we can see Triple H turn on him for a heel turn and shake things up on raw.(I kno trips has turned on hbk before but to turn him heel now its gotta someone with huge popularity)

WH Title TLC Match
(c)CM Punk V Jeff Hardy
CM Punk wins/retains through a Jeff Hardy risk. CM Punk moves to feud his title with Rey Mysterio while Jeff Hardy moves onto a fresh feud with Kane.

Chris Jericho V Undertaker
Taker returns everyone goes wild and he wins with a Jericho attack to take out Taker on the following smackdown our feud really begins.

Triple H V John Cena
On the card because both had nothing on but are too big not to be on it. Probably go with a Cena win as it wouldnt hurt HHH to lose if he were to then turn heel.

ECW Title
(c)Vladimir Kozlov V Christian
Kozlov retains and the feud continues.

No Dq Match
Kane V Great Khali
No dq rule added to shake the match up as Khalis crap. Kane wins to build momentum for a top tier feud.

I.C Title
(c)Rey Mysterio V Dolph Ziggler
Ziggler gets a huge boost by winning the I.C Title however in divious circumstances. Rey Mysterio saves face by winning a match of some sort in the next few smackdowns to challenge for WHC.

U.S Title Scramble Match
(c)Kofi Kingston V Big Show V Ted Dibiase V MVP V Jack Swagger
Soley to get some of the furture of WWE on the card. A ted Dibiase win could help him turn face and break away from Legacy especially with Orton losing his title later on tonight.
I see SummerSlam being a very good PPV for the most part. SumerSlam should showcase some new talent and newer feuds.

WWE Championship
Randy Orton (C) vs Triple H vs John Cena

I don't know why but, I just have a feeling that their match at NOC will end in some sort of "unfair" fashion. Meaning they have another Triple Threat match for the WWE Title. This would be where Randy Orton drops the title to John Cena. This would allow Randy and HHH to continue their feud without a title. Remember when Randy Orton was feuding with Undertaker, it wasn't over a title and it was a GREAT feud. Arguably, Orton's best feud yet.

World Heavyweight Championship
CM Punk (C) vs Chris Jericho

I think Jericho will take the place of Edge since Edge is injured. This match will only happen if Jeff Hardy is on his way out. If not, I see the title changing from CM Punk to Jeff Hardy is some kind of stipulation match. Ladder Match? Anyways, I see CM Punk retaining and Undertaker making his presence felt in some sort of fashion after the match.

ECW Championship
Tommy Dreamer (C) vs Christian vs Vladimir Kozlov vs William Regal

I see Kozlov and Regal running in during the Dreamer/Christian match at NOC. This would set up for a Fatal 4-Way match between Dreamer, Christian, Kozlov, and Regal. Sadly, if this match happens, I see Kozlov walking out as the ECW Champion.

United States Championship
Big Show (C) vs Kofi Kingston

I think that at NOC Big Show will have a match with Kofi and take the strap from him. This match would be Kofi's rematch clause. Big Show would win this match with Kofi making a good showing during the match. After the match, I think Mark Henry would come in and attack Big Show, setting up a feud between the two over the US Title.

Intercontinental Championship
Rey Mysterio (C) vs Dolph Ziggler vs John Morrison

I believe that Mysterio will defend his title against Dolph Ziggler at NOC and retain but, Ziggler would have looked as if he was going to win. Ziggler would come out the next Friday and say that he wants a rematch. Morrison would then come out and say he doesn't deserve a rematch and thatr he wants a IC Title match. Mysterio would then come in and say that they can both try and take the IC Title from him. I think that Morrison would walk out as the champion setting up a Ziggler/Morrison feud. This would aslo allow for Mysterio to move up to the Main Event for a little while.

Grudge Match
Montel Vontavious Porter vs Jack Swagger

This should be a very interesting feud. I think Swagger will win their first encounter though. This feud should be very good, making them both look like Main Event caliber wrestlers by the end of the feud.

I don't know what is going to happen with the tag team titles since Edge is injured but, it will be interesting to see where the WWE goes from here with the titles. Also, I didn't put any diva's matches because I personally don't care for the women's division.

SummerSlam looks like it will feature some pretty good matches. Overall, I am going to guess this show as a 3.5 to 4 out of 5.
WWE Title Randy Orton vs. Shawn Michaels - HBK returns to step up to continue the Legacy vs HHH's allys feud Orton retains

World Heavyweight Championship CM Punk vs. John Morrison They have shown good chemistry in the past and Punk could solidify Morrison as a maineventer with a good showing Punk retains

ECW Championship Christian vs. Shelton Benjamin Fast paced match between two of WWE's future maineventers Christian Retains

Tag Titles Legacy Vs. HHH & John Cena With HBK returning Cena and HHH will team up to get rid of Orton's back up dancers. HHH & Cena win the titles HHH eventually turns heel stabbing Cena in the back setting up a feud

US Championship Kofi Kingston vs Carlito vs Miz vs The Big Show Carlito wins the title continuing his feud with Kofi, Miz feuds with the Big Show

IC Title Mysterio vs. Dolph Ziggler Dolph Ziggler picks up his first title and continues this feud for awhile

Undertaker vs Chris Jericho Undertaker returns at Summerslam setting up a feud with Jericho until Survivor Series

MVP vs Jack Swagger Don't care who wins a good back and forth match that good elevate both men and show they have it to be in the mainevent
WWE title Randy Orton(c) v HHH v John Cena I think Batista will return before Summerslam to set up this match

WHC C.M Punk(c) v John Morrison These two have good chemistry and have had great matches in the past

HBK v The Undertaker Their return matches and wrestlemania rematch HBK wins and they have the decider at say survivor series

Jeff Hardy v Matt Hardy TLC loser leaves the wwe match Matt screws jeff out of the title at NOC Obviously jeff loses so he can go on his little break (:rasta:)

The Miz v John Cena They pick up where they left off

Undisputed tag team championship turmoil match Chris jericho and christian v The hart Dynasty v Cody rhodes and ted dibiase v cryme tyme Christian is revealed as jerichos partner at NOC they pick up the win here

Rey Mysterio v Dolph Ziggler(c) Intercontinental championship match Rey uses his rematch clause after Ziggler cheats to win the title at NOC
Well, let's see here. With SS fast approaching, lets take a look at how things currently stand in the WWE. We'll start with the top.

John Cena, HHH and Randy Orton are all locked in another triple threat match (how did we get so lucky?) at NOC. Now, if Cena or HHH win, that would leave me to believe that Orton's rematch clause goes into effect at SS. This could mean perhaps another possible triple threat match at SS? I doubt it, but maybe. I'm thinking here's how this plays out.

NOC- John Cena vs. HHH vs. Randy Orton.
Some how, for some reason I haven't thought of yet, Ted DiBiase costs Orton the match, leaving a Cena or HHH to win, setting up a feud for SS. It gets Orton away from his rematch setting up an Orton vs DiBiase feud.

Now if it doesn't play that way, I still see a Cena Vs. HHH feud for SS, just in another path. Cena costs HHH the win or the other way around, leaving Orton the victor at NOC, now, not having to defend against either Cena nor HHH at SS.
If it happens that way, who does that leave for the WWE title at SS? We'd have an Orton(c) vs. who??? That's not how I'll write it, here goes...

SS - Randy Orton vs Ted DiBiase
HHH vs John Cena (c)

Moving on....

Jeff Hardy looks to have resigned, which tells me he's been guaranteed a title run or the main event for some time.

NOC - Hardy Vs Punk (c)
Look for Hardy to win it this time, to set up another match at SS without the feud getting too tired, look for a gimmick match at SS. Perhaps Ladder? Also add Morrison to the mix, since he has bragging rights over Punk.
SS - Punk vs Morrison vs Hardy (c) - Ladder Match

NOC - Dreamer vs Christian.
Christian has been a let down IMO since his return, but I expect him to join with Jericho so I have Dreamer winning with some interference from Koslov setting up :

SS - ECW Championship -Koslov vs Dreamer (c) - Extreme Rules

As for the remainder of the card, and a full breakdown :

WWE Championship
- HHH vs John Cena (c)

WHC Championship - C.M Punk vs John Morrison vs Jeff Hardy(c) - Ladder Match

ECW Championship - Koslov vs Dreamer (c) - Extreme Rules

Randy Orton and Cody Rhodes vs Ted DiBiase

Kane Vs The Great Khali

Intercontinental Championship - Rey vs Ziggler (c) - Rematch

US Championship - Kofi vs Big Show (c)

Jack Swagger vs MVP

Tag Team Championship -Chris Jericho and Christian (c) vs Hart Dynasty vs Cryme Tyme - Turmoil

That's really all I got right now, I'm tired. Those are logical matches. I left out Michaels and Taker because I don't know where to put them. Maybe together....

HBK vs Undertaker part two
This would be what I'd like to see come SS (I know it's wishful thinking)

On the Raw side

HHH vs. Batista(isn't he suppose to be back before SS???) Number one contender match..(this would be interrupted by the return of HBK, HHH would win and go on to win the title HBK would say he owes him and there story starts from there)

Big Show vs. Mark Henry Falls count anywhere (don't know why I just wanna see that match lol)

Evan Bourne vs. Kofi Kingston vs. MVP US championship Ladder match

*Brand vs Brand* (in this case Raw vs. SD!)
Jericho vs. Cena (submission match)

From ECW
ECW Championship
Shelton Benjamin(he was moved to ECW right??) vs Christian (c)

Ezekiel (sp) Jackson vs. Koslov (number one contenders match)

From SD!

IC Championship
Ziggler vs. Charlie Hass

WH Championship
Morrison vs. Hardy (c)

UTT Championship
Hart Dynasty vs. Legacy

That's just kind of a rough draft not to intricate as far as aftermath story lines and what not but what do you guys think?? What would you like to see come SS since it is one of the biggest ppvs they have. If you want to go into detail as far as storys go feel free alot of you who post little story lines for their matches do better than creative does anyways lol hope everyone enjoyed their weekend :cool:
Here is what i'd book:

This is how I think the NOC main event should end. Triple H is hurt on the outside after going through a table. Cena accidentally clotheslines the ref. Backbreaker on Cena from Orton. Orton motions for the RKO, but then changes his mind and goes for a punt. Cena counters with a drop toe hold. STFU. Orton is tapping but the ref is still down. Cena goes over to the ref. Wakes him up, but turns into a pedigree. 1..2..Hunter's pulled out of the ring by legacy. Cena gets up dazed and walks into an RKO. Randy retains.
Cena then goes on about how Orton tapped out the next night on Raw, challenges him they have a non-title match which Cena wins by tap-out again. Cena then is the no 1 contender.
During this match have Orton once again tap out to Cena's STFU but the ref is down (the constant Tap Outs would be an effective way of building a submission rematch at breaking point), while the ref is down Ted Dibase could come out. They could build suspense of who he's gonna side with because i'd have Orton accidentally cost Legacy the tag straps earlier in the show, when he hits Rhodes in the jaw with a sledgehammer and sends him to the hospital. Dibase can then blow up in a backstage angle at Orton and tell him the deals off he's going to have to go it alone tonight. Orton then tells Ted your either with me or against me. Then Ted says "well I guess i'm against you then" when he comes out however he has a change of heart and helps Orton retain.

I assume Jeff Hardy will be gone by then, so have Punk beat him clean at NoC, also have Ziggler beat Rey via screw job so Rey can move straight onto a feud with Punk after this match. Punk can come out bragging about how he beat Hardy, Long can then say because he's still on probation, he's gonna make a huge match for Summerslam. The other 5 then win qualifying matches.
In the match have Kane and Rey start out, Morrison's in 3rd, followed by Ziggler, then Khali who's gets eliminated before the 5 mins is up when they all deliver their finishers to him and Kane pins him after a chokeslam. When Punk's time to join in have him just stand in his cage, notifying the crowd how smart he is. Rey then eliminates Dolph to avenge his NoC loss. Morrison and Rey then team up on Kane to eliminate him after a period of domination by The Big Red Machine. Kane doesn't leave quietly however and delivers giant chokeslams to John and Rey. Then Punk cockly walks in delivers the GTS to Morrison and pins him easily, goes to do the same to Rey put Rey counters. The 2 go back and forth for a bit, but Rey's fatigue gets the better of him and Punk retains. This sets up Rey vs. Punk feud and Kane vs. Morrison

Have Christian regain at NoC. They could do Kozlov 1 on 1 but I don't think he's good enough to be in a one on one match on PPV as big as SS, so Dreamer has his rematch clause in the match to. Christian to retain in the match and keep the title this time all the way to WM. Have him pin Dreamer so they could do a Kozlov v. Christian match at Breaking Point.

Jericho can announce The Phenom as his mystery partner for NoC. Jericho then gets on the mic and starts calling the fans hypocrites for cheering for him when he announced a man who personifies evil is his partner. Taker then wastes Jericho. And he is easily pinned by Legacy. On the Smackdowns that follow Y2J can do his usual whining, but is continuously haunted by The Undertakers gongs, including 1 that cost him his EC qualifying match.
In the match I think Jericho should win. This feud has the potential for 3 PPV matches if they exchange victories in the 1st 2. With the 2nd one at Breaking Point rumored to be a submission match though, it would be better if Taker was to win that because The Deadman's character doesn't do tap outs. Give Jericho a clean but hard fought win here. Maybe the Undertaker finally loses after the 3rd codebreaker followed by a lionsault.

After Priceless cost HHH the title in the main event of NoC, HHH attacks Cody and Ted in their matches on the following Raw and Smackdown! Setting up a handicap match on the following weeks Raw. Orton tells Legacy to impress him and take HHH out once and for all. The Game fights valiantly but the 2 on 1 is too much. It looks like they are gonna take Tripper out but HBK returns to make the save. Setting up DX vs. Legacy.
In the match have it competitive and back and forth looking like Legacy are gonna win before Orton interference backfires.

Swagger wins at NoC, continues his feud with MVP and successfully defends his title here.

Theres no need for 2 womens belts, Maryse to win, with help from The Miz
Triple H vs. John Cena (champion)

Randy Orton vs. Ted Dibiase

C.M. Punk vs. Rey Mysterio

Kofi Kingston vs. Big Show vs. Evan Bourn

Christian vs. Vladimir Kozlov

Jack Swagger vs. MVP

Maybe they'll throw in Undertaker and/or HBK but that's the card I THINK they'll go with.

Now here's the card I'd like them to go with:

Triple H vs. John Cena part

C.M. Punk vs. John Morrison

Randy Orton vs. Ted Dibiase

Big Show vs. Mark Henry

Tommy Dreamer vs. Christian vs. Vladimir Kozlov

Undertaker vs. Chris Jericho

HBK vs. The Miz

Kofi Kingston vs. Evan Bourn
This is What I'd Like to see not whats going to happen

World HeavyWeight ChampionShip
CM Punk (c) Vs John Morrison

WWE Championship
Randy Orton (c) Vs Shawn Michaels

ECW Championship
Tommy Dreamer (c) Vs William Regal

United States Championship
Ladder Match
Kofi Kingston (c) vs MVP vs Evan Bourne vs Miz

Intercontinental Championship
Rey Mysterio (c) vs Dolph Ziggler

Tag Championships
Elimination Match
Legacy (c) vs Hard Dynasty vs Cryme Tyme vs TBK and Chavo Guerrero

John Cena Vs Undertaker

Triple H vs Jack Swagger

Carlito Vs Christian

Womens/Divas Unification Lingerie Battle Royal
All The Divas

World Heavyweight Championship: CM Punk
Clean Victory shows morrison can be up in the main event picture and that Punk is a Good Champion.

WWE Championship: Shawn Michaels
Finnaly he wins the big one again after about 7 years in a match contest full of near falls he hits the Sweet Chin Music out of nowhere and gets the pin fall

ECW Championship: William Regal
Regal hits Tommy with the Brass Knucks but dreamer kicks out then Regal Locks in the Regal Stretch which Dreamer Eventually Taps out

Untied States Championship: Evan Bourne
Match Full of amazing spots, including Each Competer hitting their finisher of top rope. Ending Comes when Bourne hits the shooting star presss on Miz, Kofi and MVP knock eachother off and Bourne Runs up and collects the title, Massive win.

Intercontinental Championship: Dolph Ziggler
Rey Hits The 619 then goes for Splash, Ziggler moves then hits his finisher one two three, new intercontinental champ

Tag Championships: Hart Dynasty
A Fast paced Match with TBK and Chavo being eliminated first by Cryme Tyme, after about five mins Cryme Tyme Get Eliminated By Rhodes with leverage from the rope, Cryme Tyme clear house before leaving, after about five mins it looks like legacy will retain but rhodes accidentaly hits dibiase so he leaves cody on his own where he is easy picking for Hart Dynasty.

John Cena Vs Undertaker: Undertaker
Raw vs smackdown for this one, an intense battle both fighting for their respected brands cena hits all moves, yes all 5 of em, after The AA taker sits up, cena gets angry starts punching and kicking he goes for the leg drop of the top rope but taker counters into an Last ride, then hits a tombstone, Taker Wins.

Triple H vs Jack Swagger: Jack Swagger
good match with back and fourth action with triple h looking like hes gonna win, he was about to hit the pedigree when Swagger counters and somehow is able to hit the gut wrench power bomb or the clean win.

Christian vs Carlito: Carltio
Fast Paced Up with Carlito picking up the win from counterin the Killswitch

Womens/divas Championship unification: Gail Kim
nobody cares who wins as they all loook hot in their lingerie gail kim lastly eliminated maryse and mickie to become the undisputed champion.

Btw i dont think this will happen these r just what i wish would happen. dont bitch about it.:lmao:
I have already posted a crad but, now that NOC is over, I think I can give a little better insight on what might happen at SummerSlam. Here is my new SummerSlam card.

WWE Championship
Randy Orton (C) vs John Cena

After watching RAW tonight, I like that the WWE has made a good choice in splitting up Orton/HHH for a bit eventhough, Orton/Cena isn't much better. It is a little fresher. This may be where Randy Orton loses the WWE Championship. I think Randy Orton will lose the title then, go on to feud with Triple H having the title out of the feud. This would actually make the feud a little more interesting in my opinion because they could make the rivalry more personal.

Winner: John Cena

World Heavyweight Championship: Ladder Match
Jeff Hardy (C) vs CM Punk

I think that on SD! CM Punk will envoke his rematch clause for SummerSlam. That night, Jeff Hardy would end the show by Swanton Bombing CM Punk off of a ladder, setting up for the ladder match at SummerSlam. I think this would be a very fitting way to end their feud. This match would actually be very good and entertaining. Of course, Jeff Hardy would retain to make himself look like a legitimate champion.

Winner: Jeff Hardy

ECW Championship: If Dreamer loses he must retire
Christian (C) vs Tommy Dreamer

I would have Dreamer come out and say he wants a rematch against Christian for the ECW Championship. Christian would then make his way to the ring and say that if Dreamer wants a match against him, he has to put his career on the line, Dreamer accepts and SummerSlam ends up being Dreamers last match.

Winner: Christian

Tag Team Grydge Match
DX (Triple H and Shawn Michaels) vs Legacy (Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase)

I think that next week on RAW during Triple H's 2-on-1 handicapped match that Shawn Michaels will return. Triple H will start being beaten down by Legacy and the ref calls for the bell. Legacy continue the beat down after the bell setting up for the Shawn Michaels return. Michaels runs down to the ring and Sweet Chins both DiBiase and Rhodes. DX would end up making Legacy look very dominant but, DX would still pull out the victory.

Winners: DX (Triple H and Shawn Michaels)

Intercontinental Championship
Rey Mysterio vs Dolph Ziggler vs John Morrison

I think that on SD!, Dolph Ziggler will tell Mysterio he wants a rematch at SummerSlam. This would prompt John Morrison to come down to the ring and say that Ziggler doesn't deserve the IC Title and that he (John Morrison) does. Ziggler and Morrison would have a number one contenders match the next week on SD! This match would end in a double count out due to both men fighting on the outside to the count of ten. This would set up a Triple Threat at SummerSlam. I would have Ziggler win the match to give him a good rub and his first WWE title. This would also allow Mysterio to move up to main event status and leave Morrison to feud with Ziggler over the IC Title for a bit.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

Grudge Match
MVP vs Jack Swagger

I hope they continue with this feud and if they do, I hope it makes the SummerSlam card. This feud seems to me like ti could be very interesting. They are both rising young stars that could really help eachother in the ring and on the mic. I think that the win would go to Swagger eventhough MVP deserves the win.

Winner: Jack Swagger

United States Championship
Kofi Kingston (C) vs Evan Bourne vs The Miz

I think Kofi and Bourne will continue their mini-feud. I just added The Miz to the mix because Kofi and Bourne are both faces. I would like to see The Miz win his first singles title at SummerSlam. It would be very good for his career and character. It would also freshen things up a bit in the US Title scene.

Winner: The Miz

Unified Tag Team Championships
Bigger and Badder (Chris Jericho and Big Show) vs Cryme Tyme (Shad and JTG)

I think that after tonights RAW Bigger and Badder will continue to feud with Cryme Tyme. Their match tonight was actually pretty entertaining. It almost seemed as if Cryme Tyme was going to get the "upset" victory. This feud would also make Cryme Tyme look more legitimate as a tag team. It would also be pretty entertaining to see WWE actually doing something other than bury their few tag teams. Bigger and Badder would end winning the match in a cheap fashion, keeping the feud alive.

Winners: Bigger and Badder (Chris Jericho and Big Show)

Women/Diva's Championship Unification Match: 10-Diva Battle Royal
Beth Pheonix vs Mickie James vs Michelle McCool vs Alicia Fox vs Melina vs Kelly Kelly vs Gail Kim vs Eve vs Maria vs Natalya

I don't think that the WWE should have two titles for the divas to chase. Just have the champion defend against any diva on any brand. I think that Mickie James should/would win this match because she has the WWE beauty and talent.

Winner: Mickie James

This card looks pretty good to me. I personally would buy this PPV.

Thoughts? Bash? Props?
Thoughts? Bash? Props?

No props. One bash though. You can't have a 10 Diva Battle Royal to Unify the titles. You can have a singles match, maybe with a stipulation and that's it. If it's a unification match, it can only have Champions involved.

Otherwise i think that you're card is fairly accurate, with perhaps 2 other slight changes.

I think John Morrison is likely to be put in a triple threat match for the WHC title, as opposed to being included in this Mysterio/Ziggler angle. Not only did he beat Punk more than once before NOC, he's also scheduled to be in the ME against Hardy on this week's SD! So i can see JoMo going over in that match, then next week demanding a title shot, and Punk envoking his rematch, and Long announcing yet another triple threat match. Morrison won't win, he'll just be included for that one match to help Punk/Hardy stay fresh.

And it won't be Bourne and Miz challenging for the US title, it'll most likely just be Miz, who i think is likely to win it. Otherwise, he's going the Kennedy route where they build him up as something special, but as soon as he gets to Raw, he jobs out the ass every week.

Oh, and i wouldn't hold your breath on that DX/Legacy thing either. I don't think anyone would want to see that. The 40+ veterans acting like they're still in their 20's, versus the rookies in their 20's whose wrestling style mirrors veterans in their 60's? Thanks, but no thanks.

On a little side note, Raw's booking didn't make a great deal of sense last night. Why didn't Orton just attack Miz during his match with Cena last night? Cena gets DQ'd, and Orton fights the World's Dumbest Man, who he could beat with his eyes shut if he wanted to.

Now obviously no one wants to see Orton/Henry in a SSlam ME, and Cena/Orton (despite being overdone) is going to be the $$$ match of the night most likely, but the build ups gotta make sense surely. Orton hates fighting Cena, has never proven he can ACTUALLY beat the guy, and the last 2 times Cena's wrestled the Miz, Miz has had his ass handed to him, so why the hell did Orton just sit there and let it all go down?

Thoughts? Bash? Props?

I love the card you that you propose for summerslam but there are a couple of thing i would change. First, If there is a unification match for the woman's and Diva's championship it would be Michelle Mccool Vs Mickie James and not a battle royal. They already started to plant the seed for this match on Smackdown and WWE.COM so if it has to happen i wouldn'T be surprise that this would be the match. SSecondly, i don'T see Tommy dreamer facing Christian at Summerslam and especially with a retirement stipulation since they already did that just a month ago. Christian will probably go up against Vladimr Koslov or Shelton Benjamin. Next, Unless something change with the Jeff Hardy contract situation, i don't see him retaining at summerslam. My guess is that it will probably be Jeff HArdy Last match for awhile and the only reason he won the belt at Night of champions was to make C.M. Punk a even bigger heel that he is right now so from what i read John Morrisson is supposed to wrestle Jeff Hardy for the WWE championship. So my thinking is to have John Morrisson beat Jeff HArdy for the title next friday with the help of C.M. Punk then Punk envoke his rematch close against Morrison the week after and gets his title back. After that you get a career vs title match between Hardy and Punk.
WWE Championship
John Cena vs Randy Orton (C) - Cena will win by DQ after either Legacy interferes or Orton breaks the rules. Cena will then go on to win the title at Breaking Point after Legacy and Triple H interfere and Cena will hit the AA on Orton to win. That will set up Orton/HHH to finish their feud inside Hell in a Cell.

2-on-1 Handicap Match
Legacy vs Triple H - Legacy will win here but DX will probably win at Breaking Point.

That's all I know now but you can bank on those predictions.
*******SPOILER ALERT***********

So, after reading the Smackdown taping results for this upcoming week, the SS card is starting to come into place. Let's take a look at the projected card.

John Cena vs Randy Orton (c)

C.M. Punk vs. Jeff Hardy (c) - TLC Match

Christian vs. (???) - ECW title.

Cryme Tyme vs Jericho/Show (c) - Unified Tag Title

DX vs Legacy

Dolph Ziggler vs Rey Mysterio (c) - Intercontinental Championship

(???) vs Kofi Kingston - US Title (Possible 4-way W/ Evan Bourne/Swagger/MVP)

Kane vs Khali

Most of this card is locked, some is speculation. Certain superstars that are left out:
Miz, Carlito, Masters, Mark Henry, Hart Dynasty, Every member from ECW but whom fights Christian. What do you think?
This card is a combination of what I'd like to see and what I think we will see.

WWE Championship
Randy Orton (c) vs John Cena

World Heavyweight Championship-Ladder Match
Jeff Hardy (c) vs CM Punk

ECW Championship-Fatal Four Way
Christian (c) vs Tommy Dreamer vs Shelton Benjamin vs Zakk Ryder

D-Generation X vs Legacy

Unified Tag Team Championship
Jericho & Big Show (c) vs Cryme Tyme

Divas Championship
Mickie James (c) vs Beth Phoenix vs Gail Kim

Intercontinental Championship
Rey Mysterio (c) vs John Morrison
WWE Championship
John Cena vs Randy Orton (C) - Cena will win by DQ after either Legacy interferes or Orton breaks the rules. Cena will then go on to win the title at Breaking Point after Legacy and Triple H interfere and Cena will hit the AA on Orton to win. That will set up Orton/HHH to finish their feud inside Hell in a Cell

By the way how is he gonna win a submission match by pinfall?
With SummerSlam just around the corner I thought it would be interesting to see how the card could be booked differently. Using the same guys on the rosters now, and keeping within the realms of realitly, how would you book SummerSlam 09? Here's mine :

World Heavyweight Championship: Triple Threat TLC - Punk vs Hardy vs Morrison
Adding Morrison could only make this match better.

WWE Title: Fatal Fourway - John Cena vs Cody Rhodes vs Ted DiBiase vs Randy Orton
We've seen Cena v Orton alot. Making it a Fatal Fourway with Orton's Legacy buddies would have the build up to be a situation that is almost impossible for Cena to win, but during the match we could have Rhodes & Dibiase both have a go at making a pin and stealing Orton's title. It would also be a good way of having Orton play the super-heel role by snapping one of his Legacy team-mates with an RKO for the pin, having him keep the title by not beating Cena. The possibilites are endless....

DX vs Hart Dynasty: I'm sure that eventually this match will happen, probaly at Survivor Series, but this is the kind of big storyline/match that SummerSlam needs. DX vs Legacy feels more like a match for TV, not PPV. The Hart Dynasty vs DX sells itself, not too mention giving great momentum to the Dynasty.

ECW Championship: William Regal vs Christian - This match could very well make the card, and so it should. These two put on a great match on Superstars and are both solid workers, this match could be a show stealer.

Unified Tag Team Championships: Big Show & Jericho vs Cryme Time
I wouldn't change this match, as tag teams are so few and far between, I like the idea of a team like Cryme Time getting to work with two of wrestlings biggest stars. However, this could definately be make or break for JTG & Shad, who have been "wished well in future endevours" before.

No Holds Barred: Kane vs The Great Khali - Another match that will probaly make the card. Won't be the most technical or exciting match compared with some of the others, so why not make it no holds barred and let them go a little hardcore. Could be a good, heavyweight match.

Intercontinental Championship: Ziggler vs Mysterio - They had a surprisingly good NOC match, so I'd leave this one as it is.

US Championship:MVP as Special Referee - Kofi Kingston vs Jack Swagger.
A good way of spicing up the Swagger-MVP program. Masters could also be involved in some capacity (although a limited capacity, because he sucks).

Grudge match: Carlito vs Primo - Ok, so the brothers thing has been done before, but to spilt these two up and have them only have a TV match doesn't feel right. I'm sure that The Colon Brothers could put on a really interesting and innovative match together, and SummerSlam would make a great setting.

So that is my attempt at booking SummerSlam 09. Think you can do better?
Honestly, this looks like it would be an excellent card. Green rep is coming your way for this one.

The only thing I have an issue with is the Cena-Orton-Legacy Fatal Fourway. You mentioned making Orton a mega-heel by RKOing a member of Legacy (likely DiBiase, so he could be face to promote his new movie). This would effectively end Legacy, as well as kill any chance of Cody Rhodes getting anything reminiscent to a push or a rub, all the while stunting Legacy before it had time to fully mature and grow.

Other than that, I see no other problems, except for maybe the match between the Colons, as neither is really that over. And definitely an A+ call with having The Hart Dynasty against DX, as that has epic written all over it.
WWE Title Match
CM Punk vs. Jeff Hardy vs. John Morrison w/ Special Referee Matt Hardy
If Jeff leaves, Hardy can feud with whoever gets pinned or whoever wins, and take Jeff's place.

World Heavyweight Championship Match
John Cena vs. Randy Orton
I like this match the way it is.

ECW Title
Christian vs. William Regal
ECW has to be on the card somewhere.

Unified Tag Team Titles
Jericho and Big Show vs. Cryme Tyme vs. Hart Dynasty
Add a little more depth to the match, since its obvious Cryme Tyme won't win.

DX vs. Legacy
This was planned fine.

Intercontinental Title Match
Rey Mysterio vs. Dolph Ziggler
Also booked fine.

#1 Contender's Match
MVP vs. Jack Swagger
This would show who is best, put one of them in the main event, and add someone new to the title picture.

Kane vs. The Great Khali
Monsters battle.

US Title Gauntlet Match
Kofi Kingston vs. Evan Bourne vs. Carlito vs. Primo vs. The Miz vs. Chris Masters vs. Mark Henry vs. Santino vs. Hornswoggle vs. Chavo
This could show off all of the Raw superstars that get lost in the midcard.

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