How angry are WWE PPV customers going to be at this latest turn of events? Big deal, or no Big Deal?
Oh, i'm quite concerned and very upset at this decision. I mean seriously, a whole 5 dollars more?! You have to be kidding me, this is a huge deal...
Yeah, i'm sorry but the whole 5 dollar raise thing is such a non-issue that i'm surprised it is even being discussed. I mean, they are getting rid of a PPV which costs 40 dollars to purchase, you figure the smart business move IS to raise the cost of the other PPV's in order to make up for that lost revenue. We are only talking about 5 measly dollars here, I can't even get a decent meal at a fast food restaurant for that amount of money, I seriously doubt any fan of WWE who orders these PPV's will be effected at all by this decision.
And I couldn't agree more with you. If people get angry over it, they HAVE GOT TO STOP PAYING. It's that simple. But people still do pay, even when they aren't that impressed with the product as a whole. I see the complaints on here, and yet people still talk about ordering the show. It's absolutely mind-boggling.
That is why I seriously question whether people order simply out of habit as opposed to out of desire. It's much like a "zombie-like" mentality, if you really think about it.
Is the product not as good as it once was? Yes. I won't argue at all with that assessment of the WWE right now, but really all I see from you are posts trashing the WWE and in-part the fans by saying we are all mindless Vince McMahon worshipers who don't understand "good tv" or "good wrestling".
My opinion is of that the WWE as a whole is far more enjoyable to watch then TNA, and what other wrestling shows are there for me to watch? So I stick with WWE as it has its moments of enjoyment and excitement, and I rather enjoy some of the matches, no matter how repetetive they may be. You can't expect a product to sustain greatness forever, there will be periodic turns during times when it suffers or isn't up to par, as you see with series of television shows. Sometimes a season sucks, and then the show lifts itself up the next season and impresses once again, I think this is a very fair comparison to the wrestling business right now.. in particular the WWE.
You may see a lot of complaints, but I also see a lot of people sharing there happiness with how the product seems to improve. It won't ever be what it once was, the attitude-era is over and done with, accept that and live with it. Just because some people find the WWE product enjoyable most nights, doesn't make us mindless worshipers of utter-crap. To generalize like that, well, it's just foolish.
But one thing I have still not heard from people in this thread who still purchase the shows, and plan on still doing so even with the price hike ... is a question I asked earlier.
"What exactly is your threshold or do you have one, for how much you are willing to spend on the monthly PPV's, before enough is enough? What is the Magic Number?"
Well the magic number for me would be anything exceeding 60 dollars for a PPV, to me that would be far too much to pay for anything, no matter how enjoyable or entertaining the product was. But, thats not the case. It only raised by 5 dollars, and 50 bucks seems like a fair price to me.
Maybe i'm in the minority, but I enjoy the PPV's I see, my friends and I watch them and are entertained and enthralled with most of the action that we witness. Sure there are nights when the PPV as a whole seems lackluster, and maybe I had wished I would have passed on that specific show, but all-in-all I find that it's still the best product out there.