TNA Wrestling Announces Major Changes To 2013 Pay-Per-View Strategy

I for one cannot wait for this. It's a great idea. Giving the main 4 PPVs a huge stage to prove how good TNA will be.
With the hype (or in some cases, no hype) for every PPV, it'll be refreshing for a fued to be leading up to a huge stage.
No more room for error for TNA. There's a lot of pressure on these PPVs now.

Think about it. With the 12 PPV schedule, you would get plenty of TNA shows where NOTHING WOULD HAPPEN. People would always say "it's fine, they're building to something else". Of course, when you say that about Bound For freakin Glory, you sound dumb, but it's been said. Now, you have to deliver on these shows. You have to make things happen, have big moments, great matches, and generally give the fans a sense of "this was worth it". Keep in mind people will wait MONTHS now to see a show. If it isn't good or if it is boring or uneventful, you're going to get people saying "we waited 3 months for THIS??" That can't happen. Every show has to deliver or buyrates are going to TANK. Lockdown is going to be so important because it's the first show where there's a major gap in between Pay Per Views. They need a huge show with all sorts of eventful storyline stuff, great matches, and the like.

This is a big risk and one TNA can take, but they have to follow it up with EVENTFUL shows. Simply putting on "good wrestling" with nothing happening and bad booking won't cut it. Time to step up to the plate TNA. Gotta swing for those fences.

Exactly. I pray and hope TNA are not ******ed enough to forget about this asapect of it.

With such space between the PPVs, people will slowly become desensitized to seeing one every month, so when one comes around it feels special no matter what, because it's "rare".

However, if the FIRST Pay-Per-View sucks, follows the usual TNA PPV pattern, nothing happens, nothing is advanced and/or ended, nothing spectacular takes place to really MAKE the event special - believe me, lot of people won't even bother buying the second one and just purchase BFG AT BEST.

I hope TNA realizes that they basically force themselves to reinvent what they present as PPVs. If they don't then this is going to be ugly.

If they do however it's going to benefit them greatly. Nowadays very FEW PPVs deliver in both TNA and WWE. At this point no one expects a PPV to be good or eventful. TNA can change that, at least for themselves. They can show that all the PPVs needed was a bit of an update and remodeling. I'll take 4 really good shows over 12 crappy ones. Less is more, people. If a show is good it's more memorable since there were only four of them and overall it's just good.

However, if it's not of good quality I don't care how many you have, people won't give a fuck. They'll care about the company still but when it comes to money no amount of fandom will ever make a person think twice about not purchasing something.

It'll be interesting to see the pricing for the ONO's and the PPVs.
Seems like a throwback to the old WWF Days blended with the In Your House era. Curious to find out how it will turn out. I do like that the One Night Only specials will have specific themes, although perhaps they should be taped a lot closer to the air date, similarly like how Saturday Night's Main Event used to. But this also means that the big 4 PPV's better be on the money with all the extra buildup their gonna get. For me, this idea is on double secret probation.
TNA officially has announced the names of the events. Here is the list of event names and the themes to the PPVs.

* TNA X-Travaganza – featuring the stars of the X-Division

* TNA Joker’s Wild Tag Team Special – featuring enemies teaming and a Battle Royal final

* TNA Hardcore Justice 2 – ECW reunion “hardcore” show

* TNA “10 Reunion” – Stars from the early days of TNA facing off inside the Six-Sided ring

* TNA Knockouts Knockdown – One night Knockout tournament with the first round being all stipulation matches and the final four in a “test of their stamina” to see who the final victor is

* TNA International Incident – One night tournament featuring talent from the United States, India, Mexico, Ireland, Canada, Germany, Japan & the UK with the winner earning a title shot

* TNA X-Division World Cup Tournament – four teams of X-Division wrestlers in a one night tournament featuring singles, tag, six man and eight man tag matches

* TNA World Cup of Wrestling – Four teams, each captained by a TNA wrestler featuring a Heavyweight wrestler, a tag team and an X-Division wrestler battling in singles, tag and stipulation matches. The finale will be a “two ring, triple chance Battle Royal.”

Of course, all of these can change but right now this is the format. Personally, I think the two that I'm the most interest in are II and X-Division World Cup Tournament. II reminds me of the old Global Impact tapings they used to do, only it seems they will be getting people from outside the company to enter into the Impact Zone instead of traveling. Either way, it'll be nice to see if Speed Muscle or even KENTA come to TNA.

X-Division World Cup Tournament is my most anticipated event. I'm hoping that they follow the old World X-Cup style of tournament where it's a points based instead of brackets. I really like to try and see who's going to face who as opposed to it being obvious from the beginning.

Either way, this is probably one of the best ideas TNA's had in a while. It helps them sell PPVs monthly, but they're not PPVs that they have to put a high price tag on. I'd assume that they'll range from 10-20 bucks a pop.

It is different. Makes them stand out. And gives wrestling fans something interesting to talk about when it relates to TNA and its product ... and that is a good thing for the little company that could.

It is a good plan to try and make up for their problems in going head to head with WWE and try to make up for their shortfalls in areas.

In the end ... is it going to make a huge financial difference? Maybe, maybe not. But it is not going to hurt ... so time to start spicing things up and see if you can find something that works.

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