What is your problem? Do you just not understand that life isn't fair? Are you ever happy with anything? This is just something that happens. Do you feel like every company is taking advantage of you all the time as well? Prices go up, that's life. Get over it.
And this is 100% representative of "The WWE Shareholder" mentality I have been discussing for the past couple weeks. I am certainly happy that we could have a real-life demonstration come in and play Show and Tell.
"Life isn't fair. Boo-hoo. Prices went up. Yes, you ARE paying for a PPV that you are no longer receiving in return, plus an additional $20 for good measure. Sucks to be you, the little guy."
Don't forget ... only a few limited seats left for Priority Seating at the WWE Shareholders meeting when inductions will be held for the Mr. McMahon Kiss My Ass Club.
No one here is claiming that they are ok with it because they love Vince.
That will never be said. You simply have to cipher through some of the BS posts to get to the root of the matter. Not saying every thing stated by an opposing viewpoint on here is BS, because it's not. But there certainly is a fair share of it going on from a few people.
People are responding as to why they are ok with it. You, in turn, come back and ignore that fact. They say they don't mind paying because it's not much more and you come back saying like, Well, you said you don't mind paying Vince more money for less, I just wanted to make sure you were squarely brain-washed by Vince and The E into spending money that you really don't want to. I mean really?
Very true. Because I have yet to hear one single explanation for WHY any "fan" feels it is okay to pay for a PPV Plus $20 additional dollars, for a PPV that they aren't even receiving. We are talking an extra $60 a year than what these people should be paying. It's the principle that is not being adequately explained. You are paying MORE money for LESS entertainment.
When are consumers going to take control and say "You know what Vince? You're not going to rip me off. Instead, I'm ordering two less PPVs a year to make up for the money you are cheating me from, or perhaps even ordering less than that for being greedy and trying to cheat consumers."
And that is exactly what Vince is doing. He is cheating his customers. Charging them for a PPV and a Half that they aren't even getting anymore. There is no two ways of looking at this issue.
You shouldn't assume. It just makes you look like a jackass.
And you look like an Ass-Kisser to Vince. What's your point, exactly? I have every right to assume and make my opinions known, just as you do. But if you like defending Vince McMahon ripping off customers and fans, then more power to you.
I get it. You hate Vince. He didn't push one of your favorite superstars correctly
Give me a break. Do you think I actually am that emotionally vested in individual superstars that I become this upset if they aren't pushed correctly? I am way beyond that stage now, and honestly don't think I ever entered that state to begin with.
he didn't lead a storyline down the path you hoped,
That's happened a couple times.
Or he puts out a product that you find lacks substance and individuality, it's stale, re-hashed, and isn't working anymore.
We're starting to get there.
Apparently WWE isn't your cup of tea. I'm so glad though, that you feel the need to come on the forum, post a very good thread, and then bury everyone who opposes your side.
You can feel free to call it "burying". I call it "debate". I am not a Moderator that infracts people for disagreeing with me. You are more than welcomed to step up to the plate, speak your mind, and give it a try if you oppose what I have to say. I'm not going to hold you down. But either hold your ground, or get to steppin'.
Now, you're ticked that I don't agree with all of Vince's philosophies. I get it. You're a "Shareholder". That is to be expected.
But in the very least, I would hope just sometimes that even the most dedicated "Shareholders" could take off that particular hat, and put on a "Consumer" hat once in a while, themselves .... and in the process admit that Vince ripping off customers by charging them for a PPV that they are no longer receiving, PLUS $20 on top of that, is wrong.
What would have been wrong with Vince keeping prices the way they are, especially in this economy, and simply doing 13 PPV's, instead of 14?
That is what you call "Greed".
And I don't think it is very smart, especially with TNA gaining momentum. We don't know how much momentum TNA will gain in the long run ... but all this does is give them ammunition to use to paint Vince as a greedy bastard. And you know what? He is. If the shoe fits .... you know the rest.
There is a time for debating, this isn't it. You aren't changing anyone's mind on this subject. Because it is a minimal change. So minimal, that i'm done posting on it. The direction of this thread is in no means going the way it should be. It is you, turning a perfectly fine thread, into your own stomping grounds for Vince. And thats annoying. I hate TNA, I don't blame Dixie Carter. I just don't fucking watch it.
Why is this not a time for debate? Because it is on a topic that opposes Vince McMahon's wishes? Typical.
I'm assuming I can take you at your word that you are done debating, then? But with "Shareholders", you never know. A lot of times they'll say one thing, and turn around and do something else.