"You want Less WWE PPV's, You got it ... Oh, but you're going to have to pay for it!"

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Gotta love the "How much worse can it get?" effect.

This is how cults get people to give up all of their possessions over time.

Yeah I'm planning on starting my own any time soon, want to join? It's true though. $40 is a lot of money for a lot of people, yet millions pay it every month. If they care that much about it that they'll spend that extra $5, or if they're so stuck in the habit of buying PPV's, again, they'll buy them regardless of the increase. So I don't think McMahon will lose out that much, if it all due to this.
I think someone mentioned TNA has not raised the price of their PPVs. Well they did with their next one coming up,its $34.99. I don't have too much of an issue with this Im already going to the Royal Rumble so I won't have to pay to see it on TV. I may have to cut back here and there on which PPVs I get but its ok. Aren't the UFC PPVs $44.95 as well? I believe they are but im glad WWE cut back to 13. Makes them not have to rush to the next one. So this doesn't bother me seeing as how I have a job and I can afford to pay for them.
LORDSIDIOUS, I think the $20 or $25 figures were derived from the assumption that someone purchases the entire slate of PPV's for the entire year, at least that was the assumption I made in my earlier post. In other words, if I purchased all 14 of the events from last year, I would likely do so again this year, and as such would pay the additional $45 to do so. So by paying $5 extra for the 13 events this year, an extra $65, but by saving $45 by not buying the PPV which has been eliminated but which I would have bought if it still existed, I will spend $20 extra all year.

2009: 14 events X $40 = $560.00

2010: 13 events x $45 = $585.00

So in 2010, I will only spend 585-560=$25 more.

Granted that's for 1 less PPV, but I thought we were pretty much all in agreement that the number of PPV's should go down. I would like to see another 1 or 2 be cut as well, which again would likely jack the price up even higher, but it would be a nominal difference for a better product.

With regards to TNA taking advantage of the situation, I highly doubt it. It is going to take a lot more than a nominal price hike to make TNA competitive with the WWE on a numbers perspective, with or without Hogan, Bischoff, and possibly Flair. I'm not going to debate WWE vs TNA in terms of superiority as this is an endless debate on this site. But from a numbers standpoint alone, TNA isn't a blip on the radar of WWE. Look at attendance figures, PPV sales, TV ratings, etc., and it's not remotely close. Even for those of you who prefer TNA over WWE, you cannot really argue this fact. I highly doubt a $25 price hike extrapolated out over the year is going to entice anyone to choose TNA over WWE. Some people will make this choice simply because they prefer TNA over WWE (not me), but the financial side of it will make no difference whatsoever. Not to mention the fact that I wouldn't be surprised to see TNA increase prices too as I doubt obtaining Hogan came cheap and someone will have to pay for it.

I appreciate the clarification on what he was referring to.

I just wanted to make sure that people were happy with the concept to pay Vince McMahon MORE money than what they were paying, for LESS events.

I would have assumed that people thought, "Oh, Vince McMahon eliminated one of the PPV's, so I simply won't have to pay for that one anymore."

When in reality, "Oh, Vince McMahon eliminated one of the PPV's, so now I am going to have to actually pay for that PPV (even though it doesn't exist anymore) ... and on top of that, I still have to pay him $20 additional dollars. I love Vince McMahon. He treats us fans so well and never takes advantage of us!"

But I do admit, I am amused at the "Shareholders" coming in here and justifying the move of paying more for less. It always gives everyone a good laugh.
If WWE went down to 7 PPV events a year (Rumble, Mania, SummerSlam, Survivor Series and 3 brand-specific PPV's) then charging more can be justified as those events would be more special than they are now.
I appreciate the clarification on what he was referring to.

I just wanted to make sure that people were happy with the concept to pay Vince McMahon MORE money than what they were paying, for LESS events.

I would have assumed that people thought, "Oh, Vince McMahon eliminated one of the PPV's, so I simply won't have to pay for that one anymore."

When in reality, "Oh, Vince McMahon eliminated one of the PPV's, so now I am going to have to actually pay for that PPV (even though it doesn't exist anymore) ... and on top of that, I still have to pay him $20 additional dollars. I love Vince McMahon. He treats us fans so well and never takes advantage of us!"

But I do admit, I am amused at the "Shareholders" coming in here and justifying the move of paying more for less. It always gives everyone a good laugh.

What is your problem? Do you just not understand that life isn't fair? Are you ever happy with anything? This is just something that happens. Do you feel like every company is taking advantage of you all the time as well? Prices go up, that's life. Get over it. No one here is claiming that they are ok with it because they love Vince. People are responding as to why they are ok with it. You, in turn, come back and ignore that fact. They say they don't mind paying because it's not much more and you come back saying like, Well, you said you don't mind paying Vince more money for less, I just wanted to make sure you were squarely brain-washed by Vince and The E into spending money that you really don't want to. I mean really?

You shouldn't assume. It just makes you look like a jackass. The people who are spending money on these ppvs are going to buy them if they want to. You, by all means, don't have to. I get it. You hate Vince. He didn't push one of your favorite superstars correctly, he didn't lead a storyline down the path you hoped, or he puts out a product that you find lacks substance and individuality, it's stale, re-hashed, and isn't working anymore. Apparently WWE isn't your cup of tea. I'm so glad though, that you feel the need to come on the forum, post a very good thread, and then bury everyone who opposses your side. There is a time for debating, this isn't it. You aren't changing anyone's mind on this subject. Because it is a minimal change. So minimal, that i'm done posting on it. The direction of this thread is in no means going the way it should be. It is you, turning a perfectly fine thread, into your own stomping grounds for Vince. And thats annoying. I hate TNA, I don't blame Dixie Carter. I just don't fucking watch it.
What is your problem? Do you just not understand that life isn't fair? Are you ever happy with anything? This is just something that happens. Do you feel like every company is taking advantage of you all the time as well? Prices go up, that's life. Get over it.

And this is 100% representative of "The WWE Shareholder" mentality I have been discussing for the past couple weeks. I am certainly happy that we could have a real-life demonstration come in and play Show and Tell.

"Life isn't fair. Boo-hoo. Prices went up. Yes, you ARE paying for a PPV that you are no longer receiving in return, plus an additional $20 for good measure. Sucks to be you, the little guy."

Don't forget ... only a few limited seats left for Priority Seating at the WWE Shareholders meeting when inductions will be held for the Mr. McMahon Kiss My Ass Club.

No one here is claiming that they are ok with it because they love Vince.

That will never be said. You simply have to cipher through some of the BS posts to get to the root of the matter. Not saying every thing stated by an opposing viewpoint on here is BS, because it's not. But there certainly is a fair share of it going on from a few people.

People are responding as to why they are ok with it. You, in turn, come back and ignore that fact. They say they don't mind paying because it's not much more and you come back saying like, Well, you said you don't mind paying Vince more money for less, I just wanted to make sure you were squarely brain-washed by Vince and The E into spending money that you really don't want to. I mean really?

Very true. Because I have yet to hear one single explanation for WHY any "fan" feels it is okay to pay for a PPV Plus $20 additional dollars, for a PPV that they aren't even receiving. We are talking an extra $60 a year than what these people should be paying. It's the principle that is not being adequately explained. You are paying MORE money for LESS entertainment.

When are consumers going to take control and say "You know what Vince? You're not going to rip me off. Instead, I'm ordering two less PPVs a year to make up for the money you are cheating me from, or perhaps even ordering less than that for being greedy and trying to cheat consumers."

And that is exactly what Vince is doing. He is cheating his customers. Charging them for a PPV and a Half that they aren't even getting anymore. There is no two ways of looking at this issue.

You shouldn't assume. It just makes you look like a jackass.

And you look like an Ass-Kisser to Vince. What's your point, exactly? I have every right to assume and make my opinions known, just as you do. But if you like defending Vince McMahon ripping off customers and fans, then more power to you.

I get it. You hate Vince. He didn't push one of your favorite superstars correctly

Give me a break. Do you think I actually am that emotionally vested in individual superstars that I become this upset if they aren't pushed correctly? I am way beyond that stage now, and honestly don't think I ever entered that state to begin with.

he didn't lead a storyline down the path you hoped,

That's happened a couple times.

Or he puts out a product that you find lacks substance and individuality, it's stale, re-hashed, and isn't working anymore.

We're starting to get there.

Apparently WWE isn't your cup of tea. I'm so glad though, that you feel the need to come on the forum, post a very good thread, and then bury everyone who opposes your side.

You can feel free to call it "burying". I call it "debate". I am not a Moderator that infracts people for disagreeing with me. You are more than welcomed to step up to the plate, speak your mind, and give it a try if you oppose what I have to say. I'm not going to hold you down. But either hold your ground, or get to steppin'.

Now, you're ticked that I don't agree with all of Vince's philosophies. I get it. You're a "Shareholder". That is to be expected.

But in the very least, I would hope just sometimes that even the most dedicated "Shareholders" could take off that particular hat, and put on a "Consumer" hat once in a while, themselves .... and in the process admit that Vince ripping off customers by charging them for a PPV that they are no longer receiving, PLUS $20 on top of that, is wrong.

What would have been wrong with Vince keeping prices the way they are, especially in this economy, and simply doing 13 PPV's, instead of 14?

That is what you call "Greed".

And I don't think it is very smart, especially with TNA gaining momentum. We don't know how much momentum TNA will gain in the long run ... but all this does is give them ammunition to use to paint Vince as a greedy bastard. And you know what? He is. If the shoe fits .... you know the rest.

There is a time for debating, this isn't it. You aren't changing anyone's mind on this subject. Because it is a minimal change. So minimal, that i'm done posting on it. The direction of this thread is in no means going the way it should be. It is you, turning a perfectly fine thread, into your own stomping grounds for Vince. And thats annoying. I hate TNA, I don't blame Dixie Carter. I just don't fucking watch it.

Why is this not a time for debate? Because it is on a topic that opposes Vince McMahon's wishes? Typical.

I'm assuming I can take you at your word that you are done debating, then? But with "Shareholders", you never know. A lot of times they'll say one thing, and turn around and do something else.
First of all, LORDSIDIOUS, I'm not totally certain if I'm a "shareholder" simply because we may disagree on some points with regards to Vince McMahon and the WWE. But that's OK with me because quite frankly I don't really care if I'm considered a "shareholder" or not.

I guess it's all perception. Just because the number of PPV's has decreased by one doesn't make me feel I'm paying more money for less. Hopefully less in quantity but for enhanced quality. I think reducing the number of PPV's is a definite positive step, there's way too many as it is, I wish they'd cut another 2 or 3. I don't feel that I'm being ripped off at all. By your logic, they should increase the number of PPV's so we would be getting even more for the same money. Except we wouldn't be getting more, we'd be getting an even staler product, something none of us want to see.

I don't feel that I'm paying for a PPV that I won't actually see, I feel like I'm eliminating paying for a PPV that I probably wouldn't want to see but knowing me, I would probably purchase anyway.

I'm also not too worried about how Vince McMahon is treating us, he's putting a product out there which we can purchase if we want, but are under no obligation to do so. You're naive if you think Vince owes the fans anything or cares how we perceive him. He's looking to make as much money as possible, as any one of us would do if we were in his shoes.

And Jesus man, it's 20 frigging dollars. I hardly feel like big bad Vince has taken me to the cleaners. 20 bucks, man, get over it.
First of all, LORDSIDIOUS, I'm not totally certain if I'm a "shareholder" simply because we may disagree on some points with regards to Vince McMahon and the WWE. But that's OK with me because quite frankly I don't really care if I'm considered a "shareholder" or not.

I guess it's all perception. Just because the number of PPV's has decreased by one doesn't make me feel I'm paying more money for less. Hopefully less in quantity but for enhanced quality. I think reducing the number of PPV's is a definite positive step, there's way too many as it is, I wish they'd cut another 2 or 3. I don't feel that I'm being ripped off at all. By your logic, they should increase the number of PPV's so we would be getting even more for the same money. Except we wouldn't be getting more, we'd be getting an even staler product, something none of us want to see.

I don't feel that I'm paying for a PPV that I won't actually see, I feel like I'm eliminating paying for a PPV that I probably wouldn't want to see but knowing me, I would probably purchase anyway.

But that is actually the point. Actually, that's two points just made.

First, you claim that you are "eliminating paying for a PPV that you probably wouldn't want to see in the first place."

But that's not true. You ARE still essentially paying for that PPV. You just don't have the option now in actually seeing it, even if you want to.

Second point was that you said "knowing me, I probably wouldn't want to see it anyway, but would still order it anyway."


So you admit to paying for PPV's that sometimes you don't have an interest in seeing ... but simply because you like to give your money to Vince and make him wealthier.

I'm also not too worried about how Vince McMahon is treating us, he's putting a product out there which we can purchase if we want, but are under no obligation to do so. You're naive if you think Vince owes the fans anything or cares how we perceive him. He's looking to make as much money as possible, as any one of us would do if we were in his shoes.

Vince has never been a very fan-friendly promoter, so that much is evident. Vince doesn't feel he owes the fans anything, but apparently feels as though YOU owe him something.

And Jesus man, it's 20 frigging dollars. I hardly feel like big bad Vince has taken me to the cleaners. 20 bucks, man, get over it.

You know, no matter how much you guys want to spin this and pretend like you are only paying $20 more, that is incorrect. You are paying $60 more, assuming you order every PPV.

What amuses me is that you actually don't want to even count that PPV that you are now no longer getting ... pretend that you aren't actually paying for that PPV ... and then pretend like you are ONLY paying $20 more and are getting the same amount of shows for your money.

It isn't $20 more. It isn't $25 more. It is $60 more.

Now as far as people justifying paying the extra money ... in reality what people are saying is:

"Mr. McMahon. You give us the same matches repeated over and over each year like Triple H vs Randy Orton, John Cena vs Randy Orton, John Cena vs Edge, and Undertaker vs Big Show, and John Cena vs Triple H. You repeat those matches every year. Hell, you even give away those matches several times a year on Raw for Free.

But despite all that, I can't honestly live with paying you $40 a month for this because it's way too cheap. How about $45. Is that enough? Let me know if not, because I would be willing to pay whatever you tell me I have to pay ... even if it's $50 a month (mark my words, that is what they will cost in 2011), $60 a month, or $70 a month.

And since your profits are more important than my wallet and my finances, feel free to charge me for an extra PPV ... but you don't have to give it to me. I just want to give you the extra money ... just because."
Yeah that Really is Bad $45 for PPVS , Wrestlemania is $55 especially in This Economy what shame Bad Business Decision , They say this change is for more fans to buy PPVS thats not going to happen maybe a 15-30% Decrease in PPV Buys for WWE . Might as well make those Cable Events have a Huge 4.4 Rating on USA Network and Have a Re-Air of it on MyNetworkTV Huge Rating of 3.2 . Ahh wait Air Wrestlemania 26 on Cable Might loose some 20+ Million Dollars in PPV Buys but who Cares WWE Has money score a UNENVIABLE 7.0 Rating on USA Network , ohhhh wait a 1st 4.8 for MyNetwork TV or Air it on WGN America and have a 1.9 Rating Congrats WWE For Having over 30 Million People Watching all your Programing
5 dollars!!! oh no!!! How will i buy food for family and watch PPVs now???

no but seroiusly, its five dollars more, that amounts to what like 20 bucks a year? if you have an issue paying five more dollars for a PPV, then you probably shouldn't be buying them in the first place.
I Was Just Joking a 7.0 Thats not going to happen i see them breaking a 4.5 but no more then that , Everybody Knows that UFC as of late has had better ratings then WWE
TNA just needs that HUGE star. WWE had it in Hogan, then Bret and Shawn, then Austin and Rock. WCW had it in Hogan, then Sting, then Goldberg. TNA needs that one in a million star that makes you, even for one second, suspend belief and become emerged in their product. AJ and Samoa sadly is not it. As much as I love AJ, he can't be it. People doesn't care about him.

You do realize that TNA doesn't have a large-enough fanbase, right? It's all about how many fans are behind this person.
If AJ Styles were to move over to WWE and they would push him, I can definitely see this working. Then jumping ship back to TNA, he'd have all the credibility and the fanbase to back up his star-status. What I'm saying is: TNA is small. They don't have squat.
Well, it appears that WWE is hearing its customers say that there are entirely too many WWE PPV's on the schedule, so it appears that they are doing something about it.

I wouldn't say it's as much that they've heard our complaints on this wrestling forum, I'd say it's evidenced by the (I'm sure) lower buyrates the months that have 2 ppvs crammed into them are seeing. Or, they are seeing the reduction in buyrates and attributing it to overkill on behalf of the 14 ppvs a year.

How angry are WWE PPV customers going to be at this latest turn of events? Big deal, or no Big Deal?

No big deal. They'll see it as the WWE having to raise prices to stay in business, like all other companies are having to do in this economy. That's how I see it. And besides, they are losing a PPV. While it looks like they're removing Judgement Day, so it's not like they're losing Summerslam or anything like that, they are still losing substantial money. That extra 5 dollars per buy on every PPV, which see around what 150,000 buys on average, is more than enough to make up for one ppv. It's not like they're raising the price of Mania.

However, in the very least, I may have to request some assistance from the "WWE Shareholders" out there. We are probably going to need your PR expertise to put the positive PR "customer-friendly" spin on this situation, here.

It's not as much "customer-friendly" as "trying to stay in business."
When are consumers going to take control and say "You know what Vince? You're not going to rip me off. Instead, I'm ordering two less PPVs a year to make up for the money you are cheating me from, or perhaps even ordering less than that for being greedy and trying to cheat consumers."

This only applies if people were buying every PPV. I'm sure some fraction of the PPV audience is, but another fraction decides. On what basis is a hodgepodge--quality of matchups, whether they got extra hours at their part time job, whether the last show sucked, whether they can get friends to come over and chip in for beer and pizza, I don't know what.

The important information to have would be how many PPV customers are diehard regulars. For those fans, break out the spreadsheet and start doing the math.

But for those who buy sometimes, PPVs three weeks apart maybe is too much. OF course, they're still doing Sept 19-Oct 3-Oct 24 next year, so maybe WWE's hands are tied there.

Me? I only buy if I can get some buddies together to come over. I can't justify spending $30 or $40 to watch something at home, alone. So that means usually just Wrestlemania. And, for what it's worth, buying Wrestlemania would only become price-sensitive if it got close to $100. Whether/how much WWE sucks at the moment is a lot bigger factor in whether I can rope friends into coming over to watch.
This is a lazy move by WWE and a mistake lots of corporations make, which really boggles my mind. What they should do is make the illusion that they are giving the fans a break. How you ask? Drop the PPV prices by $5! This will cause a huge influx of people to think "whoaa PPV's are cheap, lets buy!" Therefore, WWE would make more money since people will be duped into thinking they are getting a deal when they had no intentions of ordering a PPV to begin with!


BTW., I figure I'd post in the old original topic as I find it lazy to just repost an entire topic again and pass it off as new.
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