RAW Live Discussion, Dec. 8, 2008

if you are going to bring the slammys back can you have the wrestlers care that they have it. you have jeff hardy who leaves it on the podium before going to his match (he could have took it with him), you have khali saying "awards" mean nothing or whatever he said, and then you have jericho who is proud of it and then throws it on the ground. I mean you have the Miz and Morrison proud of theirs, Beth proud of hers, and Punk proud of his. Shawn was going to be proud of his, lol. I wanna see somebody go everywhere with it like Owen did when he won it. He carried it for like forever, lol.
if you are going to bring the slammys back can you have the wrestlers care that they have it. you have jeff hardy who leaves it on the podium before going to his match (he could have took it with him), you have khali saying "awards" mean nothing or whatever he said, and then you have jericho who is proud of it and then throws it on the ground. I mean you have the Miz and Morrison proud of theirs, Beth proud of hers, and Punk proud of his. Shawn was going to be proud of his, lol. I wanna see somebody go everywhere with it like Owen did when he won it. He carried it for like forever, lol.

Didn't her get a necklace to carry around an extra one? But seriously, Owen Hart had the charisma of a fucking pomegranate. No wait, I just insulted pomegranates. Perhaps and can of store brand tuna. You know, the kind in oil that nobody buys because it's so greasy and has dust on the outside of the can. Yeah, that would be Owen.
Didn't her get a necklace to carry around an extra one? But seriously, Owen Hart had the charisma of a fucking pomegranate. No wait, I just insulted pomegranates. Perhaps and can of store brand tuna. You know, the kind in oil that nobody buys because it's so greasy and has dust on the outside of the can. Yeah, that would be Owen.

how about his blackhart gimick, right after bret hart was screwed. For a while he was very liked by the fans until he started wearing that caution sign as his tights. I would stil like to see somebody carry their slammy around, most likely a heel.
how about his blackhart gimick, right after bret hart was screwed. For a while he was very liked by the fans until he started wearing that caution sign as his tights. I would stil like to see somebody carry their slammy around, most likely a heel.

Yeah, that lasted for HOW many months until he was jobbed out to Triple H? I mean he wasn't even chasing the world title. It was a waste of time. He was liked because DX was so hated. And then he sank into obscurity. But yeah, I hear ya on the slammy thing. A heel could have that be a foreign object like Finlay's shillelagh. Of course, I think I see Miz and Morrison doing it soon.
Won't get a chance to see RAW but it seems like it was a good one. Might check it out on YouTube.

My faveourite got superstar of the year. Excellent.
Yeah, that lasted for HOW many months until he was jobbed out to Triple H? I mean he wasn't even chasing the world title. It was a waste of time. He was liked because DX was so hated. And then he sank into obscurity. But yeah, I hear ya on the slammy thing. A heel could have that be a foreign object like Finlay's shillelagh. Of course, I think I see Miz and Morrison doing it soon.

I take it you are not an Owen Hart Fan or weren't one. Yeah, I think that "Be Jelous" seems to be the perfect team to do something like that. Haven't they been on all 3 shows for the last couple months?
I take it you are not an Owen Hart Fan or weren't one. Yeah, I think that "Be Jelous" seems to be the perfect team to do something like that. Haven't they been on all 3 shows for the last couple months?

Yeah, I don't think they know WHAT to do with them. I mean with The Hardys, Cena, Edge, Jericho, and Trips all boguarding the main event picture on all three shows and all. They know they are talented but refuse to elevate them further.
Quick hits from the mighty one, since im fucking exhausted, and my vocal chords ar ein absolute tatters

Best fucking wrestling show I have ever been to, bar none. this was SO much fucking fun

Heat of the night

1.Vickie Guerrero

Face Pop of the night

1.John Cena
2.Triple H
3.one Thomas Dreamer (yes you read that right)

HEECE pops of the night (heels who get face pop


Edge had more pop than boos during his entrance, and it was by a LOT. He didnt start getting booed until he started mocking the crowd during the first 5 minutes or so of the match


1.Priceless Vs Tista and Trips
2. Cena Vs Edge
3.Jeffy Vs Y2J

it wasnt close though. Priceless Vs Tista and Trips fucking OWNED so much live. fuck that match was awesome. Probably my favorite live match ever.

Mysterio Vs Kofi was really good too. Morrison wrestles like he is a fucking ballerina.

Dark match was Shelton Benjamin Vs TOMMY MA'FUCKIN DREAMER. It sounded like a fucking bomb went off in that arena when his music hit

Triple H hung out a good 20 minutes after the show, going around high fiving, and hugging fans, threw both elbow pads and hisa shirt into the crowd

Quick hits from the mighty one, since im fucking exhausted, and my vocal chords ar ein absolute tatters

Best fucking wrestling show I have ever been to, bar none. this was SO much fucking fun

Dark match was Shelton Benjamin Vs TOMMY MA'FUCKIN DREAMER. It sounded like a fucking bomb went off in that arena when his music hit

That would have been prety cool to see on tv, that philly reaction of Tommy.
it was incredible.

what was even more nuts, is when a HUGE "E-C-DUBB" chant started. and a kid near me mother asked "what are they chanting" and the kid answered "its a show on WWE, like this is RAW, and there is Smackdown and ECW..."

I was like..."damn...daaaaamn damn damn...."

shows the power of vince
it was incredible.

what was even more nuts, is when a HUGE "E-C-DUBB" chant started. and a kid near me mother asked "what are they chanting" and the kid answered "its a show on WWE, like this is RAW, and there is Smackdown and ECW..."

I was like..."damn...daaaaamn damn damn...."

shows the power of vince

you should have corrected the kid and told him what ECW really was. Your in Philly, ECW should be as popular as their cheese steak sandwich. It is shame what the new fans who are being introduced to ECW think ECW is. I recently got a 6 year old into wrestling; well he was 5 when I got him into it. His parents are like friends of the family so I've had time to show him my wrestlers collection and titles and stuff. He watches every RAW, SMackdown, and ECW show now. Granted his mom is not so crazy about it, but his dad is ok with it. Anyway one time we were watching a match on a DVD and there was a real "extreme" move and the crowd began with their chants. He obvously asked why they chant ECW and not RAW or Smackdown. I forgot how long it has been since the original ECW fell. I made the kid watch the rise and fall of ECW and some old ECW shows I had on video. He is now an avid "old school" ECW fan, and he wasn't even alive then, lol. He knows who RVD, Sandman, The Dudleys, Raven and other ECW originals are. He thought Tommy was just a jobber, not anymore. Thanks to me he chants ECW when he sees Tommy and actually his dad told me today that he started to chant "E-C-DUBB" when Joey said OMG last night.
you should have corrected the kid and told him what ECW really was. Your in Philly, ECW should be as popular as their cheese steak sandwich. It is shame what the new fans who are being introduced to ECW think ECW is. I recently got a 6 year old into wrestling; well he was 5 when I got him into it. His parents are like friends of the family so I've had time to show him my wrestlers collection and titles and stuff. He watches every RAW, SMackdown, and ECW show now. Granted his mom is not so crazy about it, but his dad is ok with it. Anyway one time we were watching a match on a DVD and there was a real "extreme" move and the crowd began with their chants. He obvously asked why they chant ECW and not RAW or Smackdown. I forgot how long it has been since the original ECW fell. I made the kid watch the rise and fall of ECW and some old ECW shows I had on video. He is now an avid "old school" ECW fan, and he wasn't even alive then, lol. He knows who RVD, Sandman, The Dudleys, Raven and other ECW originals are. He thought Tommy was just a jobber, not anymore. Thanks to me he chants ECW when he sees Tommy and actually his dad told me today that he started to chant "E-C-DUBB" when Joey said OMG last night.

thats pretty badass. Although Im not much one for breaking down the entire history of a fed during a live event. I was much too busy going crazy myself :lmao:

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