Raw LD Thread (7-22-13): WEEEELLLLLLL...

Sheamus and Del Rio didn't have bad matches in 2012 but a regular match on raw with no story or anything to get invested in, no thanks.
Sheamus is so pale he's going to get skin cancer from the ring lighting. The Undertaker's ring lighting.

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I have to say this is a pretty good match. I'm not surprised because like I just said they had good ppv matches in 2012
Very good match to open the show and give us the pace of this Raw. I enjoyed the storytelling from both men, hope it will end here as I don't think a renewal of the feud would be good for either man. Del Rio needs more mic time and new content, like, soon as possible.

MizTV w/ The Divas from E!? Not really excited for that, Miz is being demoted as hell. He's in the same spot when he started sadly.

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