Raw LD: Crossroads...

Made some errors, but he got his message across well enough.

One Big Guy beating another Big Guy's A**! I like it, but I still hope Ryback comes close, but ends up in failure... :shrug:
That could have been FAR worse. I'd much rather give someone some very rare mic time to give us a way to connect to them than a comedy match or ten minutes of armbars and chinlocks. Well done.
I don't really see where they were going with that tbh. Unless they plan to make Ryback beat Rusev and so attaching meaning to the win instead of having it random?
Oh they are making Rusev feud compelling. Does this mean it's going to Wrestlemania?

I'd hope so. They somehow eliminate each other at the rumble, end in a DQ at Fast Lane or whatever the fuck it's called this year, then have a no-DQ match at Wrestlemania.
I am sure he did that promo for the sympathy of the crowd more than anything... given that until now, he was just a guy coming in, smashing and leaving...
It gives his character some sort of background...now if they'd do something like that for Reigns, so people could get more invested in him...
They could of really improved the segment with a nice hype package. You know use the company's greatest strength to get the match over.
I am sure he did that promo for the sympathy of the crowd more than anything... given that until now, he was just a guy coming in, smashing and leaving...
It gives his character some sort of background...now if they'd do something like that for Reigns, so people could get more invested in him...

Reigns is incapable of speaking that long in a non-taped environment.
Not sure how I feel about this Tyson/Nattie/Bella angle. I mean you have Tyson, who is an uninteresting person and Nattie, who is an uninteresting person. Put them together and you have something halfway interesting, somehow.

Kinda like using Naomi to fuel the Mizdow/Uso rivalry. Subtle but not over the top.

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