Raw LD: Crossroads...

I wonder if Big Show has nightmares about this

Cesaro and Ryback did, and I am pretty sure I heard Swagger's voice tonight, so why the hell not? I like this. I don't care if they are shitty talkers, but let them show some personality. This show's been good so far. No Bunny, no Fandango, no Adam Rose, no Torito... This is something I could get used too. The comedy has been good with Edge/Christian.

Because they can talk, Reigns is shit on the mic. Great to look at horrible to listen too.
If you were going to make a list of ways to improve the announce team sure as hell adding Big Show would not make it.
In a perfect world, the Big Show would have a massive heart attack at the table and he'd collapse across JBL, Cole and Lawler and suffocate them too.

With our luck he'd fall the other way and take out the front row of fans. Mind you this crowd sucks, so not a loss either way.
With our luck he'd fall the other way and take out the front row of fans. Mind you this crowd sucks, so not a loss either way.

In an even more perfect world, if that happened, then an assassin would come out and put JBL, Cole, and King out of their (and our) misery, execution style.
Or when Big Bossman turned up at his bastard fathers funeral or something.
Because they can talk, Reigns is shit on the mic. Great to look at horrible to listen too.

Both Ryback and Cesaro suck on the mic also. But when there is a chance, you give them the exposure, it is the only way they can improve...
What? Cesaro can talk? Since when? They are both awful. Reigns is just as awful as them.

Cesaro can at least pronounce his words and remember his lines. Reigns is not a talker face it. Will he improve I hope so, I like the guy, but he's just abysmal right now.

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