Raw LD 8/1/2016: Once Again Starring Brock Lesnar

They don't even have to break Enzo and Cass up. They just say they're not focusing on tag action at the moment and do their thing separately, but they still have each other's back. Then, other times they're a tag team when that division needs contenders.

Wouldn't mind that at all. Also, with New Day still in existence, Enzo and Cass will need something to do, what better way that using them to their strengths in the brand split era doing both singles and tag stuff at different points.
If it had been Cesaro or some other midcarder, nobody cares. At all.

On another matter. I always heard how Sasha Banks was supposed to be "Lady Rock" on the mic(from NXT)... why did Charlotte sound so much better just now in that segment?
On another matter. I always heard how Sasha Banks was supposed to be "Lady Rock" on the mic(from NXT)... why did Charlotte sound so much better just now in that segment?

Sasha has never been particularly good on the mic. I never understood the hype about her.
Seeing champions get pinned unceremoniously has almost become too comical to be angry about at this point.
Wonder if we are headed for a KOY2J Tag Team vs Enzo & Cass for SummerSlam.

Hope not, as I would rather Roman Reigns vs Kevin Owens with the latter going over to help elevate him to the next level and continue the former's downward spiral to more humane levels of booking(Redemption Angle/Heel turn, etc.)

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