RAW LD 5/2/2016 - Long Live The Alliance...... For Now

All you Sami fans, explain this to me:

Why is Zayn in the title hunt after someone pinned him clean last night?

Could be to keep the feud going between him and Owens. Although they really don't need it. That one writes itself. Other than that no idea.

Oh fuck R Truth and his selfie branch. LMAO
Maybe he's part of a posse that dresses that way, like Anonymous.

The Red Hats are coming, the Red Hats are coming...

Nah, he wears that outfit every time he's at a show and has been doing it for years. And apparently tries to give out autographs to other fans and shit.

Makes you wonder what he does for a living, like if he actually provides financially for this ridiculously expensive hobby of his. I think it's more likely that he has rich parents and this is his only way of coping with existence.
Nice to see Reigns' cousins don't hold it against him that he took them out last night along with Bullet Club.
And all of a sudden Tyler went from being really good in NXT to nothing but a jobber and a wasted talent in such a short time and this solidifies that

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