RAW LD 3/7/2016 - Asshole Chicago Crowd

I feel sorry for the people that bought Y2AJ T-shirts.. Even a particular coloured John Cena T-shirt stays in fashion/active use longer than that did.
Kalisto's masks are even cooler than Rey Mysterio's masks, IMO.

When they release Tyler Breeze, they could do an angle where Tyler tries to take a selfie and falls from a cliff or something. Selfie accidents are pretty common irl these days.
I normally hate seeing champions pinned to set up title matches, but I'd make an exception here. Breeze deserves so much better than he's gotten so far.
So no Reigns tonight. Again.

Well, we are building towards Ambrose vs HHH for WWE Roadblock. Brock also doesn't seem to be in the building either(seeing he also has his own match at the same event).

It's all pretty confusing, really.
He's better off not coming out at all in such a case. I think we've seen enough Reigns vs Wyatts for a long while.

I know Mania is what 3 weeks away and he's not anywhere to be seen. Even if he can't wrestle because of the surgery, at least show up and cut a few promo's.

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