RAW LD 10/5/2015 - Advocate, Beast, RATINGS

Interested to see how Cena's written off TV if that's really the case. Too bad Strowman's busy, it'd been a nice push to have him "injure" Cena.
I'd say there needs to be a balance of both. There are times when the back and forth type of match is called for, and there is times when the Brock Squash also has its role.

Indeed, Brock needed to be taken down a peg by someone, however, WWE obviously hasn't picked that guy as yet, or more to the point, the guy they obviously picked just wasn't ready for the honour.
That said; I'd love to see Brock Lesnar vs the Wyatt family in a programme sometime soon. That might be a good way to show him playing a more underdog type role.

I would very much like to see a Lesnar/Wyatt family feud. Great way for WWE to bring Lesnar down a peg, while keeping him looking impressive at the same time. Taking on 3 opponents in a war.
Roman Reigns is what a WWE Super Star should be. I can't wait until WM in Dallas when everything comes full circle and he takes his spot at the center of the WWE Universe. The only downside is that it means Cena giving up his spot. Breaks my heart thinking about all those years Cena put in making this the best era in wrestling and seeing it eventually be give to someone else.
I would very much like to see a Lesnar/Wyatt family feud. Great way for WWE to bring Lesnar down a peg, while keeping him looking impressive at the same time. Taking on 3 opponents in a war.

And you're just asking for people to cry the word "burial" unless Lesnar always loses.
I would very much like to see a Lesnar/Wyatt family feud. Great way for WWE to bring Lesnar down a peg, while keeping him looking impressive at the same time. Taking on 3 opponents in a war.

lMO, had there not been the whole 'breaking the attendance record' stuff for Mania 32, I'd love to see some of the "Streak Heat" being transferred to Bray and his family through a Mania 32: the Beast vs the Wyatt family programme.
Roman Reigns is what a WWE Super Star should be. I can't wait until WM in Dallas when everything comes full circle and he takes his spot at the center of the WWE Universe. The only downside is that it means Cena giving up his spot. Breaks my heart thinking about all those years Cena put in making this the best era in wrestling and seeing it eventually be give to someone else.

Too soon, imo. And all things come to an end.

Ladies and gentlemen, all hail not nearly as over as his last gimmick Barrett. What the hell were we thinking?
Awesome. Kane is on his way to the ring. The action is about to pick up. So glad WWE pays respect to such a true legend. Top 10 all time performer who still wows the crowds.
Deflated balls jokes? Seriously? Such low brow humor should have no place in our society. I've really come to expect great things from this era's creative team but that let me down.

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