RAW LD 10/5/2015 - Advocate, Beast, RATINGS

Bull Shit. Lesnar burying a hot young talent like Show.

Stephanie is such an amazing leader and character. Love how she just dominates the male talent. I especially love how Rollins just know his role and falls in line when she barks. Hopefully she get about forty-five minutes of air time tonight.
I do find the "keep Reigns strong" jokes funny these days. He's been getting his ass beat for a month straight pretty much. But I'm sure it'll all be meaningless if he beats Wyatt.
Thank the wrestling gods that the Wyatt Family is out early. It gives me time to calm down before bed. When they come out later in the show I have trouble falling asleep b/c they are so spooky.

I'm so happy they spent five minutes of air time for entrances and then cut to break when the in-ring action was picking up. To much wrestling gets in the way.
How does it feel to live in Bizzaro land?

He's not 100% wrong. Brock is beginning to be booked too strongly for my taste and interests as well. It would be one thing if he had close, back and forth matches and still won them all, rather than have 5 minute blowouts against every opponent that isn't Taker.

This is a major reason why I enjoy Cena despite him winning almost every time. You know you're going to get a good back and forth contest when he's on.
He's not 100% wrong. Brock is beginning to be booked too strongly for my taste and interests as well. It would be one thing if he had close, back and forth matches and still won them all, rather than have 5 minute blowouts against every opponent that isn't Taker.

This is a major reason why I enjoy Cena despite him winning almost every time. You know you're going to get a good back and forth contest when he's on.

When booked properly, monsters are over with damn near everyone. See: Brock Lesnar.

And not every match should be the same back and forth every time.

It goes along the lines of the idiots who complain guys like Ryback, Henry, Reigns, etc don't wrestle technical masterpieces. It's not in their character. And if everyone did the same thing it would be boring as hell.
I like Brock and Cena, thing with Brock though many of his matches are one sided which is it always good, he's matches with Cena were pretty damn good. Then with Cena he always back and forth matches no matter who it's with.
He's not 100% wrong. Brock is beginning to be booked too strongly for my taste and interests as well. It would be one thing if he had close, back and forth matches and still won them all, rather than have 5 minute blowouts against every opponent that isn't Taker.

This is a major reason why I enjoy Cena despite him winning almost every time. You know you're going to get a good back and forth contest when he's on.

I'd say there needs to be a balance of both. There are times when the back and forth type of match is called for, and there is times when the Brock Squash also has its role.

Indeed, Brock needed to be taken down a peg by someone, however, WWE obviously hasn't picked that guy as yet, or more to the point, the guy they obviously picked just wasn't ready for the honour.
That said; I'd love to see Brock Lesnar vs the Wyatt family in a programme sometime soon. That might be a good way to show him playing a more underdog type role.
When booked properly, monsters are over with damn near everyone. See: Brock Lesnar.

And not every match should be the same back and forth every time.

I'll chalk that up as your opinion, as I enjoy good back and forth contests. It's a major reason why I've remained a pro wrestling fan for so many years.
Love the fact that Reigns is hell bent on destroying Bray and nothing else... good build-up for the upcoming match in the Cell.

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