RAW 6/26: The Treasonous Golden Gauntlet Of Ambulance-Inducing Pain And Entouraging!

The only two people that have actually seriously threatened Nia Jax have been Bayley and Sasha Banks.

The power of the Four Horsewomen live on!
Land of the giants. Braun and Roman in the men's division. Nia for the women's. Rest of the roster, creative's got nothing for ya!
I really don't think as it stands Nia has a place in the Women's Division. It's just not believable for her to lose especially after tonight.
It certainly has been a star making performance for her tonight.

When you hit one maneuver to end Emma, a shoulder to end Dana, it just loooks like she should dominate everyone. Plus Sasha gets a "tired" Nia. I miss Beth Phoenix in a situation like that. She could be a good match for Nia.
So let's recap,

Bayley: Troubled her early on.
Mickie: Did her usual shtick.
Dana: Cartwheel killed her.
Emma: One hit K-O.
Sasha: The warrior that ends her.
Nia: Kharma 2.0 is a go.

Well everyone, it's been a pleasure having you aboard. If there's one thing we can take away from all this; it's that Sasha is better than all of us all.

G'night everybody.
One of the best matches all year. Nia vs. Sasha portion was excellent. Now let's see what the SD Live women have up their sleeve tomorrow.

Only thing that just bothers me...poor Bayley. :icon_sad:
She did get more offense than the others except Sasha but in the end, she is just an afterthought. After tonight, she is 4th in the pecking order after Alexa, Sasha and Nia Jax. And this woman was the champion coming out of Wrestlemania just 2 months ago.
She did get more offense than the others except Sasha but in the end, she is just an afterthought. After tonight, she is 4th in the pecking order after Alexa, Sasha and Nia Jax. And this woman was the champion coming out of Wrestlemania just 2 months ago.
Yeah, it sucks. But that's WWE in a nutshell; 50% of the time they get it wrong, that just makes the 50% of the time they get it right that much sweeter.
She did get more offense than the others except Sasha but in the end, she is just an afterthought. After tonight, she is 4th in the pecking order after Alexa, Sasha and Nia Jax. And this woman was the champion coming out of Wrestlemania just 2 months ago.

Evaluate it on their talents....is it wrong that Bayley is 4th? Sasha is phenomenal....the total package. Alexa, while so so in the ring, is a fantastic talker and heel and has been performing lights out for over a year. Nia is enormous and can hit all the power moves.

Honestly, Emma is phenomenal too. They need to start booking it where being 4th is not an insult.
Seth would be a great IC champ. Shame that the lack of any real stars means he's in the top level.

With Reigns, Strowman, Joe, Brock and Free Agent John around. I think Rollins could really use some time fighting for the IC title at this point.
I enjoyed the Enzo/Cass segment. Great promo by Enzo after what happened last week. Then they pulled me in real good with the making up and apologies only for Cass to become an ******** again. Well done.

Samoa Joe is getting booked wonderfully. As much as I want Brock vs Roman at SummerSlam, it would be a huge pity if Joe just ends up getting slaughtered by Lesnar at GBoF in a one-off as it would undo all the good work since Extreme Rules.

In Reigns, Strowman, Joe and Brock, I am thoroughly enjoying the ME scene on RAW and the possible addition of a Free Agent John Cena will only make it even better.
The likes of Rollins and Balor have some work to do whilst Ambrose and Bray have fallen off.

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