Petition to remove Donald Trump from HOF

So because you cherry picked ones to fit your rhetoric that makes it ok?

I can list Sandy Hook (a terrorist attack), the Oklahoma City Bombings, the Aurora movie theatre shooting and really any mass shooting in America as a reason to have fear of white christian/catholic males. what's your point?

your "boo hoo" comment just shows you're a racist bigot hiding behind a computer screen because you'd never say anything to someone's face. fact is a man running for president of a country based on liberty and freedom for all should not (and cannot) have those views or the entire country and what it was built on comes crumbling down.

I wasn't alive for Pearl Harbor, so can't say how I felt.

Just curious though, since you're a disgusting human based on your comments here.... any group of people you don't hate? You clearly have no issue expressing your hate for blacks, mexicans, muslims and now Japanese. Care to list any more minority groups you despise?

I forgot to add that you are a massive hypocrite.

You preach tolerance. Well, that means that you have to be tolerant of opposing viewpoints, including mine.

You must accept my right to an opinion, and you must tolerate it, or else you are just a hypocrite as well as being stupid.

Some of the comments under the story on the main page, make me sad that people are so ignorant of the facts. I sincerely hope some of them aren't posters on this site.

Oh and I just lost it with one woman on there. Stupid bitch. No wonder the world is a fucked up as it is and we have presidential nominees like the ones the US has.

...And ladies and gentlemen, this is someone who lectures me on good manners and tolerance.

Proving once again how DarkLady has no clue.
Of course we can. Hulk Hogan ring a bell to you? Hulk Hogan said the N word 8 years ago in a private conversation and WWE erases him. ERASES HIM.

Donald Trump is basing his campaign off of splitting the nation. Fuck I'm not going into this, but he should be removed. The guy is clearly a racist. I see no difference in Trump attacking and generalizing Mexicans and Muslims, and Donald Sterling saying he doesn't want blacks at his basketball games. Except Trump is running for President.

Plus, he doesn't deserve to be in their in the first place. At least Drew Carey's a good guy...

Trump has done for WWE than Drew Carey has in ten lifetimes.

Carey appeared once on WWE TV, and not even at Wrestlemania. Besides, Carey is one of the most maligned celebrity choices in the WWE HoF, because people think that he has done less for WWE than people like Trump, who has hosted two WMs and had a major angle in a third.

Who cares if Drew Carey is a nice guy? Have you met him? How do you know that he isn't a prick when the cameras are off? Besides, nice guys finish last in this world.

I'd rather have Trump than a woman who is obviously so lousy in bed that her husband got his cock sucked by an intern instead.

So you would rather have Frigid Hilary than Honest Trump.
I forgot to add that you are a massive hypocrite.

You preach tolerance. Well, that means that you have to be tolerant of opposing viewpoints, including mine.

You must accept my right to an opinion, and you must tolerate it, or else you are just a hypocrite as well as being stupid.

Well, if "tolerance" was the same as "acceptance", you might have a point. He can "tolerate" your views, which means that he'll put up with them. It doesn't mean that anyone has to like them or accept them as valid.

We all accept your right to an opinion; we hope you accept our right to have an opinion that your opinion is usually ******ed.
Firstly, Sandy Hook and others have never been classified as "terrorist attacks". They are considered "massacres". Completely different things.

So, are you saying that NO terrorist attacks had anything to do with Islam?

How do you know who I hate? I don't hate that groups.

In fact, I believe in race- the human race. That was the race Martin Luther King talked about. That all men be treated "equal"- not that blacks and other groups are immune from criticisms, yet Christians, whites, males and any non-"politicially correct" groups can be blamed for all the ills of the world.

I wonder what your true agenda is? Are you black or a Muslim, who wants to play a card to deflect any criticism, and not to ever be held accountable for your actions? Or are you white, and pretending to support blacks, so that you look "tolerant"? I don't, for a minute, believe that you actually give a damn about any of these groups you defend, since you don't come across as loving and caring, but instead as a judgmental stupid piece of shit. I imagine you would be more of a user of people than anything.

I don't care what you think of me. But at least I am not a fraud like you, pretending to care about minority groups. I call it as I see it, like Trump does, and don't get angry at me because you lack guts to say what you really feel.

1) I don't care what they are "classified" as. They are acts of terror by the definition. Let's quit beating around the bush and call a spade a spade. It's terrorism whether you like it or not.

2) Where did I ever say NO terrorist acts have anything to do with Islam? I'm aware that many do. I'm also aware that many don't. That's why you don't punish an entire religion for the acts of the worst members of it. Just like we don't punish all Christians/Catholics for the acts of their redneck gun lovers who commit mass shooting/acts of terror consistently in America.

3) How do I know who you hate? Go back and read some of your comments.

4) My agenda is liberty and freedom for all. The color of my skin or my religion has NOTHING to do with it (though it's telling you care so much about it as though it makes a difference). I am about everyone regardless of the color of their skin, what they believe or how they choose to live being able to do so without infringement on their rights.

5) Yes I am a "Fraud" because you know me so well other than what I say here.

You're a bigot, you're a racist. You're a Xenophobe. You're a heinous and disgusting person and the epitome of all that is wrong with America. Congrats. Hope you make your way out of this country very soon, you're giving all good Americans a real bad name.
I forgot to add that you are a massive hypocrite.

You preach tolerance. Well, that means that you have to be tolerant of opposing viewpoints, including mine.

You must accept my right to an opinion, and you must tolerate it, or else you are just a hypocrite as well as being stupid.


People with the mindset to discriminate on others belong in jail because it goes against everything this country is about. If that's your opinion and you're ok with it you deserve plenty of ridicule.

You sound like you're in the KKK which judging by your comments here, wouldn't surprise me one bit.

You talk a big game from behind a computer screen. And you probably hide behind a sheet as you commit racist acts in real life.

Pathetic, vile scumbag.

Well, if "tolerance" was the same as "acceptance", you might have a point. He can "tolerate" your views, which means that he'll put up with them. It doesn't mean that anyone has to like them or accept them as valid.

We all accept your right to an opinion; we hope you accept our right to have an opinion that your opinion is usually ******ed.

We all unfortunately tolerate his rights to post an opinion on these boards.

We all feel sick that there are people like him breathing the same air as the rest of us.
...And ladies and gentlemen, this is someone who lectures me on good manners and tolerance.

Proving once again how DarkLady has no clue.

And this proves I have no clue how? Sincerely, you are the biggest douche bag on this site. Every single post shows everyone here just what you're like, you genuinely dislike everyone you meet don't you? Well with the except of Vince McMahon who you clearly worship.

You don't know people here personally, and you know know what happen's in their homes and their lives, so stop throwing out the idea that you do. And stop putting words into people's mouths, just makes you look like an idiot when you do.

Now you'll tell me to crawl under a rock or something equally insulting, and that's fine, but you'd better move over to make room for me.
Well, if "tolerance" was the same as "acceptance", you might have a point. He can "tolerate" your views, which means that he'll put up with them. It doesn't mean that anyone has to like them or accept them as valid.

We all accept your right to an opinion; we hope you accept our right to have an opinion that your opinion is usually ******ed.

So you are using the word "******ed".

You say that people should be banned from insulting blacks, yet you use a derogatory term which is used as an insult towards the mentally challenged.

You obviously have no respect for the handicapped, since you use such a slur which offends the handicapped to describe me, who is not handicapped. Hypocrite.

Give someone enough rope, and they will hang themselves with it. Too bad you don't use an actual rope.
People with the mindset to discriminate on others belong in jail because it goes against everything this country is about. If that's your opinion and you're ok with it you deserve plenty of ridicule.

You sound like you're in the KKK which judging by your comments here, wouldn't surprise me one bit.

You talk a big game from behind a computer screen. And you probably hide behind a sheet as you commit racist acts in real life.

Pathetic, vile scumbag.


Well, then, go and petition to change the Bill Of Rights, then.

Not that it would do you any good. I live in another country anyway, so I am not bound by your laws.

You hide behind a computer screen as well. I bet if you insulted John Cena or Roman Reigns to their faces, what would happen to you would be different than your current status as online chickenshit.

You sound like someone who thinks that blacks are always right and whites are always wrong. I bet you have no problem with whites being called "paleface", "snowflake" or "honky".

You probably rejoice when white factories get blown up by black extremists, you are probably a card-carrying member of the Black Panthers. So why not just put a black glove on one hand, raise it to the air and scream "Black Power". I bet you have a Louis Farrakhan poster on your wall, and would have loved the Nation Of Domination in WWE.

I bet you were happy when white people had their shops destroyed and trashed during the L.A. riots (you know, white people who had nothing to do with Rodney King). I bet you thought it was okay as well when blacks laid into a white truck driver driving past, minding his business, during the riots, and was left to die (fortunately, a black man rescued and saved him, which shows that some of them are decent). You probably thought that Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman had it coming from O.J., since they are just white pieces of meat who must of wronged the black hero, mustn't they have? You probably love seeing a non-racist white cop, who is just doing his job, getting shot and killed by a black criminal, since whitey probably had it coming?

I bet you salute all of these, since you think that black individuals should not be held responsible for their own actions or choices ever, something everyone has to do. No, I bet you think it is always the white man's fault to anything bad that happens to blacks.

Take care of the black racists first, and clean up your own backyard, before lecturing me about race relations, ********.
Well, then, go and petition to change the Bill Of Rights, then.

Not that it would do you any good. I live in another country anyway, so I am not bound by your laws.

You hide behind a computer screen as well. I bet if you insulted John Cena or Roman Reigns to their faces, what would happen to you would be different than your current status as online chickenshit.

You sound like someone who thinks that blacks are always right and whites are always wrong. I bet you have no problem with whites being called "paleface", "snowflake" or "honky".

You probably rejoice when white factories get blown up by black extremists, you are probably a card-carrying member of the Black Panthers. So why not just put a black glove on one hand, raise it to the air and scream "Black Power". I bet you have a Louis Farrakhan poster on your wall, and would have loved the Nation Of Domination in WWE.

I bet you were happy when white people had their shops destroyed and trashed during the L.A. riots (you know, white people who had nothing to do with Rodney King). I bet you thought it was okay as well when blacks laid into a white truck driver driving past, minding his business, during the riots, and was left to die (fortunately, a black man rescued and saved him, which shows that some of them are decent). You probably thought that Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman had it coming from O.J., since they are just white pieces of meat who must of wronged the black hero, mustn't they have? You probably love seeing a non-racist white cop, who is just doing his job, getting shot and killed by a black criminal, since whitey probably had it coming?

I bet you salute all of these, since you think that black individuals should not be held responsible for their own actions or choices ever, something everyone has to do. No, I bet you think it is always the white man's fault to anything bad that happens to blacks.

Take care of the black racists first, and clean up your own backyard, before lecturing me about race relations, ********.

Thank goodness you don't live in America, best news I've heard in a long, long time.

"Black racists" you're really funny if you weren't such a scary person.

I mean, your reading comprehension is at a 2nd-grade level. All my comments about freedom and liberty for all and your take out of it is that I rejoice over terrorist acts that kill people.

You have some serious mental issues, man. You belong chained to a bed in a mental hospital.
Thank goodness you don't live in America, best news I've heard in a long, long time.

"Black racists" you're really funny if you weren't such a scary person.

I mean, your reading comprehension is at a 2nd-grade level. All my comments about freedom and liberty for all and your take out of it is that I rejoice over terrorist acts that kill people.

You have some serious mental issues, man. You belong chained to a bed in a mental hospital.

So, you are saying that there are no black racists?

Again, you make fun of people who are mentally challenged. Your disrespect for the handicapped knows no bounds.

I bet you only care about black handicapped people, right?
You hide behind a computer screen as well. I bet if you insulted John Cena or Roman Reigns to their faces, what would happen to you would be different than your current status as online chickenshit.

Well first they'd be arrested and charged with assualt, secondly I don't think they're as stupid as you seem to be.

You sound like someone who thinks that blacks are always right and whites are always wrong. I bet you have no problem with whites being called "paleface", "snowflake" or "honky".

Calm your tits.

You probably rejoice when white factories get blown up by black extremists, you are probably a card-carrying member of the Black Panthers. So why not just put a black glove on one hand, raise it to the air and scream "Black Power". I bet you have a Louis Farrakhan poster on your wall, and would have loved the Nation Of Domination in WWE.

You're making a lot of assumptions and at this point are showing yourself up as quite the hypocrite.

I bet you were happy when white people had their shops destroyed and trashed during the L.A. riots (you know, white people who had nothing to do with Rodney King). I bet you thought it was okay as well when blacks laid into a white truck driver driving past, minding his business, during the riots, and was left to die (fortunately, a black man rescued and saved him, which shows that some of them are decent). You probably thought that Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman had it coming from O.J., since they are just white pieces of meat who must of wronged the black hero, mustn't they have? You probably love seeing a non-racist white cop, who is just doing his job, getting shot and killed by a black criminal, since whitey probably had it coming?

I bet you salute all of these, since you think that black individuals should not be held responsible for their own actions or choices ever, something everyone has to do. No, I bet you think it is always the white man's fault to anything bad that happens to blacks.

Take care of the black racists first, and clean up your own backyard, before lecturing me about race relations, ********.

Now having read these last few hate-filled paragraphs, I'm undecided as to whether you're an enormous troll (which has been speculated numerous times) or that the phallic shape on your forehead is projecting so hard you could start your own drive-in cinema.
Thread moved to the Bar Room, as it has obviously run its course in the main sections.
You say that people should be banned from insulting blacks, yet you use a derogatory term which is used as an insult towards the mentally challenged.

You obviously have no respect for the handicapped, since you use such a slur which offends the handicapped to describe me, who is not handicapped. Hypocrite.
Nonsense. Calling someone whose mental development is ******ed "******ed" is not a derogatory term nor a slur. It's an accurate assessment of one's cognitive abilities. Saying someone opinion is ******ed is also not a slur, as it expresses one's opinion on the lack of thought put into the opinion.

In other words, "******ed" is not a slur. Saying otherwise is, well, ******ed.
"Black racists" you're really funny if you weren't such a scary person.
Are you really trying to say that black people cannot be racist? Because that's a pretty stupid claim if you are.
Not that it would do you any good. I live in another country anyway, so I am not bound by your laws.
Thank fucking Christ, I thought I shared the same amount of voting power as you.

.....of course, all this probably means is that he's one of those sovereign citizen lunatics who's declared his own country at his home somewhere in North Texas.
Were did this thread go all wrong? Why would Trump be pulled from the HOF? because he wants to slow immigration from an area of the world that has proven to without a shadow of a doubt export terrorists until we can devise a better way of vetting people for the safety of our citizens? The same thing Jimmy Carter did during the Iranian hostage crisis?
Were did this thread go all wrong? Why would Trump be pulled from the HOF? because he wants to slow immigration from an area of the world that has proven to without a shadow of a doubt export terrorists until we can devise a better way of vetting people for the safety of our citizens? The same thing Jimmy Carter did during the Iranian hostage crisis?

He might mean that should he be in a position of power but that is not what his rhetoric says.

Instead, he says he wants to ban Muslims from entering/re-entering the US, targeting an entire religion, regardless of their nationality and where they are coming from (not forgetting his attack on Mexicans too), and in so doing has equated being a Muslim with being a terrorist and has used the internment of Japanese-Americans in the 40s as his justification, like that makes it okay. You know what was the biggest recruiting tool for the IRA was in Northern Ireland in the 70s? Internment, with the underlying current that every Catholic was a potential terrorist.

That is the problem with Trump and his soundbites, and the more general way that political reporting has gone. Nothing has been elaborated upon so it gets left in the incredibly insensitive, fear-inducing Twitterese.

Of course, that is what Trump wants as it is popular with a lot of idiots who have probably never even seen a Muslim let alone been threatened by the actions of one and means he does not have to spell out his policies and how they will work.

That said, I don't yet see a reason to remove him from the HOF, mainly because he is not prominently linked with WWE in any meaningful way.
Барбоса;5359763 said:
That is the problem with Trump and his soundbites, and the more general way that political reporting has gone. Nothing has been elaborated upon so it gets left in the incredibly insensitive, fear-inducing Twitterese.

See that's the thing though, he did indeed elaborate on it in an interview with CNN, and it was not the "round them up into camps" type thing people tried to make it into. It was much closer to what I just said than what people are making it out to be.

The bottom line is....The primary driving force behind ISIL is Islam, is it not? He doesn't want people coming from that region who identify as Muslim to come into the country until the government can devise a better vetting process, as the one which is already in place has clearly failed us.

If a group of crazies established a mountain camp claiming to behead and burn people alive in the name of beezlewub the flying meatball monster, people would say "aint none of them motherfuckers coming down that mountain into my town"

Same thing. But since its a world religion it is beyond any sort of scrutiny or classification (much to the shagrin of IDR, and increasingly, myself)

Its not an comfortable thing, but innocent people are dying. Innocent Americans. The first and foremost duty of the President of The United States is to protect the American people, wether its against Muslims, Jews, Catholics, or fucking whatever it is.
Hey, why is my post count all fuc...


...oh yes...

The bottom line is....The primary driving force behind ISIL is Islam, is it not? He doesn't want people coming from that region who identify as Muslim to come into the country until the government can devise a better vetting process, as the one which is already in place has clearly failed us.
.......which is about as accurate as saying white supremacists are driven by Christianity, so we should treat all people who identify as Christian as white supremacists.

I mean, until we invent a better vetting process.
See that's the thing though, he did indeed elaborate on it in an interview with CNN, and it was not the "round them up into camps" type thing people tried to make it into. It was much closer to what I just said than what people are making it out to be.

The bottom line is....The primary driving force behind ISIL is Islam, is it not? He doesn't want people coming from that region who identify as Muslim to come into the country until the government can devise a better vetting process, as the one which is already in place has clearly failed us.

If a group of crazies established a mountain camp claiming to behead and burn people alive in the name of beezlewub the flying meatball monster, people would say "aint none of them motherfuckers coming down that mountain into my town"

Same thing. But since its a world religion it is beyond any sort of scrutiny or classification (much to the shagrin of IDR, and increasingly, myself)

Its not an comfortable thing, but innocent people are dying. Innocent Americans. The first and foremost duty of the President of The United States is to protect the American people, wether its against Muslims, Jews, Catholics, or fucking whatever it is.

Personally, I cannot see how any suggestion of banning Muslims could get through the Courts, particularly when some of them are US citizens. I know that the internment of Japanese-Americans was allowed and I believe then supported by the SCOTUS but that was 70 years ago and things have changed.

While IS is a threat, it is not much more threatening than Al-Qaeda but the reaction certainly in terms of rhetoric is so much more disproportionate.

It is almost as if Republicans want to focus on a foreign opponent rather than the far bigger and even more deadly ones at home amongst their own non-Muslim citizens because it might not be popular with their idiot base...

Also the idea that banning Muslims from entering the US will stop IS is short-sighted. Are they really going to admit on whatever horrendous ESTA form that they are a Muslim when they now it will get them banned? As the Paris attackers showed with not just their killing of innocents but their drinking and drug-taking, a lot of those who will be employed as foot-soldiers don't conform and are not above hiding their faith.

Much like with Internment in Northern Ireland, Trump's policies would be a recruiting tool, causing far more problems that it solves.

All that said, the shadow of Iraq and Afghanistan is hanging heavy over the western reaction to IS. Instead of being forthright and going after the death cult, too much focus is being put on fear-mongering and scare tactics than into actual talking about how to combat them

Now, as you know much better than I, 'boots on the ground' is far easier said than done, but at the same time, and the media does not do nearly enough highlighting of this, the support of local allied powers is actually working.
.......which is about as accurate as saying white supremacists are driven by Christianity, so we should treat all people who identify as Christian as white supremacists.

This has already been refuted as the excuse of numbskulls in various other threads on the topic (you know, since we have had to do two of them in the last month because of ISIL attacks on innocent civilians) but ill go with the shorthand version of it....

White supremacist Christians do not have a Caliphate were they are beheading and burning alive thousands of people per day, with the intent of bring about Armageddon, nor are they actively committing large scale atrocities while using Christianity as their explicit motivation for dong so.

And if they were, they should be treated the same way that we are looking at this situation. The comparison is utterly thoughtless and impractical. Please, that's entry-level shit in these conversations, and the majority of the forum has gone long past them.

Feel free to consult the other two threads on such things. You know, the one associated with two large scale atrocitices committed in the name of Islam against innocent civilians in the last month.
Барбоса;5359811 said:
Personally, I cannot see how any suggestion of banning Muslims could get through the Courts, particularly when some of them are US citizens. I know that the internment of Japanese-Americans was allowed and I believe then supported by the SCOTUS but that was 70 years ago and things have changed.

Once again, Trump clarified in an interview that no one is going to any camps, and American Muslims would be allowed back into the country.
Барбоса;5359811 said:
Also the idea that banning Muslims from entering the US will stop IS is short-sighted. Are they really going to admit on whatever horrendous ESTA form that they are a Muslim when they now it will get them banned?

Which is why better background vetting and an overall regional ban is being suggested. Much like it was in the Iranian Hostage crisis. The form being shit is precisely WHY a ban needs to occur until better measures are worked out.

Will it 100% stop everything? Of course not, but just as with the gun control debate, doing something, anything, that will mitigate to the best of our abilities, is better than doing nothing.
This has already been refuted as the excuse of numbskulls in various other threads on the topic (you know, since we have had to do two of them in the last month because of ISIL attacks on innocent civilians) but ill go with the shorthand version of it....

White supremacist Christians do not have a Caliphate were they are beheading and burning alive thousands of people per day, with the intent of bring about Armageddon, nor are they actively committing large scale atrocities while using Christianity as their explicit motivation for dong so.

And if they were, they should be treated the same way that we are looking at this situation. The comparison is utterly thoughtless and impractical. Please, that's entry-level shit in these conversations, and the majority of the forum has gone long past them.

Feel free to consult the other two threads on such things. You know, the one associated with two large scale atrocitices committed in the name of Islam against innocent civilians in the last month.
And like most responses to the bit of rhetoric I used, you completely avoided the point. Your argument seems to be that if someone says they're a country, and says that they're doing it in the name of a religion, then it's acceptable to assume anyone who identifies with that religion also identifies with said country declarers. (Because religions sectarianism isn't a thing, I'm guessing.) I'm tempted to take the Zionist terrorism argument, but I love pastrami too much to pick on the Jews.

SO then, our white supremacist declares himself a "sovereign citizen" on a ranch in Nevada. (Some white supremacists identify with Christianity, so we can't be too careful and have to assume ALL white supremacists identify with Christianity.) He has his own country now, even if no one else recognizes it. He's doing it for the sake of Christianity. (Be careful here, there's a real world reference coming round the bend.) And if we're going to talk about large-scale atrocities committed by Christian-oriented white supremacists:


So then, what's the difference? The devil you know being better than the one you don't?

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