Petition to remove Donald Trump from HOF

Okay and seriously what's wrong with that? So you are for immigrants from wherever to enter a country illegally just because they can't get in the proper way.

I said it wasn't an excuse, but you know what, I'm not going to demonize the Mexicans that do come here illegally. We have the privilege of living in a pretty equal, free, and safe democratic country. Many of them don't. Many of them have to fear for their lives and the lives of their families on a daily basis. Many of them are unable to find work because of the extreme corruption and unequal income, leaving their kids to starve. And many of them are trapped in this environment. So while I don't endorse illegal immigration, I'm not ignorant enough to make the statement, "well we're happy here, why can't they be happy there?" Until you experience that sort of life, it's real easy to tell them to just endure it because that's what the rule of law tells them to do. I highly doubt we Canadians would be happy in the same situation.

Honorary degrees from a university is usually a serious thing. So is a lot of the other things that has been taken away from him. I doubt anyone would even raise an eyebrow if he leaves or stays in the WWE HOF. Only wrestling fans know it exists anyway. Other's don't give a shit. Plus with some of the celebrities that are in there, he fits in rather well. Get rid of him, gotta get rid of more.

Wrestling fans number in the multiple millions around the world. I'm pretty sure it would be more newsworthy than the stripping of his honorary degree. And what's with this argument, you have to get rid of others along with him? That's just not true. We've seen it with Hogan. After his firing WWE said, "WWE is committed to embracing and celebrating individuals from all backgrounds as demonstrated by the diversity of our employees, performers and fans worldwide." I just don't understand how you can get rid of one guy, a guy who is synonymous with pro-wrestling, based on this, and not another.
I don't remember jews using constant terrorist attacks for years all over the world.

Religional idiots in general is a whole other topic.

Hitler painted them in such a light at the time that they were a threat to the every-day life of Germans. That propaganda spurned on the Nazi regime and brought them to power.

i strongly suggest you learn your history about the holocaust before commenting any further because your comments here suggest you're either ridiculously stupid with history or, as I stated before, a Nazi.
I said it wasn't an excuse, but you know what, I'm not going to demonize the Mexicans that do come here illegally. We have the privilege of living in a pretty equal, free, and safe democratic country. Many of them don't. Many of them have to fear for their lives and the lives of their families on a daily basis. Many of them are unable to find work because of the extreme corruption and unequal income, leaving their kids to starve. And many of them are trapped in this environment. So while I don't endorse illegal immigration, I'm not ignorant enough to make the statement, "well we're happy here, why can't they be happy there?" Until you experience that sort of life, it's real easy to tell them to just endure it because that's what the rule of law tells them to do. I highly doubt we Canadians would be happy in the same situation.

No I wouldn't be happy, but then like you say I haven't lived in that kind of environment so I wouldn't know any better. Listen I feel sorry for people who have to live like the way you suggested, but breaking the law by entering a country illegally isn't the way to go.

Have you ever thought that if there wasn't over 6 million illegals living in the US, there might be room for more to get in through proper channels. Every country that I know of puts a limit on the amount of people they allow in. For every illegal immigrant living there, and they know who they are, that takes the place of someone else that is trying and failing to get in legally.

Wrestling fans number in the multiple millions around the world. I'm pretty sure it would be more newsworthy than the stripping of his honorary degree. And what's with this argument, you have to get rid of others along with him? That's just not true. We've seen it with Hogan. After his firing WWE said, "WWE is committed to embracing and celebrating individuals from all backgrounds as demonstrated by the diversity of our employees, performers and fans worldwide." I just don't understand how you can get rid of one guy, a guy who is synonymous with pro-wrestling, based on this, and not another.

And true there is a lot of wrestling fans, but it is a drop in the bucket compared to the amount of people on the face of the earth. Not all wrestling fans even know there is a Hall of Fame. I would be willing to bet that some casual fans don't even know that. Shit, at the last house show I was at, they didn't even know who Sasha Banks was. If they don't know who an active wrestler is, then I have no clue as to what they know.

And I'm talking about someone like Pete Rose, who can't get into the Baseball Hall of Fame, but the WWE let him into their's. Didn't they?
There's been a total of 0 terrorist attacks committed by Muslims in the US in the past 5 years. The Boston Marathon bombings were committed by two Russian-Americans and other than that, what has taken place on a large scale? There's been a lot more attacks on Sikh temples, African churches, and schools by white people. 95% of "terrorist" attacks in the US are committed by white people.

Goddamn, this is why I lose hope in humanity sometimes.

And uh, oh yeah Trump still doesn't belong in the HOF and all that...

The killings in California last week were committed by a Muslim couple. Russian-American is a nationality, not a religion. The Boston bombers said they were motivated by extremist Islam. You are correct though, most of the killings in this country are done by white people. You know why? White people make up about 70% of the population. The majority of those, by far, are Christian. That's no different than saying the majority of crime in Detroit is committed by people from Detroit. Aren't statistics fun?

To the question at hand regarding Trump. He is saying what a lot of Americans are thinking right now. That is why he is ahead in the poles. Is he over-the-top with his rhetoric at times? Of course, but that is a political tool all politicians use. I thought our country was based on freedom of speech? Seems that today that only applies if someone doesn't agree with you. He hasn't used racial slurs to refer to anyone as far as I know. Just seems like censoring the opinions of our citizens isn't what our country was founded on, regardless of what those opinions are.
Well, I guess the mod who warned us (in the original post) to not let this become a political discussion was right on the mark, so I'm saying only this:

I don't know who Grace Lin is or what she really wants to accomplish, but if she doesn't like the idea of Donald Trump becoming President of the U.S., I can think of more effective ways to use her voice than trying to get him booted out of the WWE Hall of Fame.
Grace Lin has been defending her petition in the comments section of the article posted on the WZ main page. I told her I thought it was ridiculous to single him out and not look at the others that are there with criminal pasts. At this moment with over 7200 signatures I'm wondering if and when anyone from WWE will respond to the petition. I personally think the issue changes nothing but provide Trump more cheap publicity. Hopefully going forward the WWE will be more selective about who they put into the HOF to avoid any sort of backlash.

I personally stopped paying attention to the HOF when Ole Anderson was snubbed from the HOF induction with the Four Horsemen. Which I assume has to do with their mutual hate for each other.
To the question at hand regarding Trump. He is saying what a lot of Americans are thinking right now. That is why he is ahead in the poles. Is he over-the-top with his rhetoric at times? Of course, but that is a political tool all politicians use. I thought our country was based on freedom of speech? Seems that today that only applies if someone doesn't agree with you. He hasn't used racial slurs to refer to anyone as far as I know. Just seems like censoring the opinions of our citizens isn't what our country was founded on, regardless of what those opinions are.
Hi! Nice to meet you. I'm here to educate you on the leading misconception about the idea of "freedom of speech" that you'll find on internet message boards.

People seem to mistake the idea of "freedom of speech" with the idea of "freedom from all negative consequences of speech". You are free to say whatever you'd like (barring the classic "fire" in a crowded movie theater example), and the government of the United States will have no law preventing you from saying it.

That doesn't mean other people can't think you're a shithead for saying the things that you're saying.

That doesn't mean people are forced to do business with you if they don't like the things you are saying.

No one has been "censoring" discussions in America; people have been saying that other people come off like shitheads when they say certain things like "let's keep all the Muslims out". I don't think Donald Trump's headed anywhere from the Hall of Fame because Vince leans pretty hard right himself, but it would be an act of his free speech if he chose to remove Mr. Trump.

Freedom of speech is more alive than ever in this great country of ours; what's changed is that people are afraid to get criticized for the speech that they are making.
The killings in California last week were committed by a Muslim couple.


Russian-American is a nationality, not a religion. The Boston bombers said they were motivated by extremist Islam.


You are correct though, most of the killings in this country are done by white people. You know why? White people make up about 70% of the population. The majority of those, by far, are Christian. That's no different than saying the majority of crime in Detroit is committed by people from Detroit.

You've still only given me two examples. And I didn't say white Christians do the most "killing" in America, I said they commit most of the terrorist attacks, and I worded it that way for a specific reason. One that seems to have flown straight over your head. I may have been off with the facts, but the point still stands. I can literally give you a hundred + examples of white CHRISTIANS (since I have to explain every little thing) committing terrorist attacks in the US in the past 5 years. You've given me 2 of Muslim. So why should all Muslims be forced into a registered database? You can use all the little metaphors you want, it doesn't change the facts.

Aren't statistics fun?

When used in the right context, sure.
Is this some kind of sick joke? The HOF isn't a hall of fame by any rational concept of the idea.

Sure Donald Trump can be in the WWE HOF. We should consider adding Kermit the Frog, Snooki, Grumpy Cat, Alex Trebek, Alice Cooper, Gary Spivey, Jenna Jameson and Dr. Ken.

It's less of a club for premier performers in the artform of prowrestling and more a cheap excuse to flashback to the more brain damaging moments from prowrestling history.

I'd say that being a ridiculous cartoon character of a human being only makes Donald Trump more of a viable candidate for the most asinine club in history.
Donald Trump has not done anything to warrant removal from the WWE HOF. Stop trying to discredit or disqualify people simply because of their political beliefs.
I don't agree with Trump, but its a sad idea that people want to silence people so much, because that's what this truly is, they want to punish Trump so people like him don't say what they want.

As for Hogan, let's not forget that Hogan is primarily known for being in WWE and was involved with WWE at the time news broke out, nobody instantly thinks WWE when they see Trump, so WWE has no reason to give into these people trying to silence others. If you think WWE did what they did to Hogan based on morals you're too hilarious to me, they did it to avoid bad press, because PC culture have got everyone scared.
I like the idea of removing the celebrity HoF, but who here think Donald Trump would care a single bit if he was removed from the WWE HoF?

I wonder if he'd even be made aware of it, surely he has bigger things on his mind than a phony award for his 15 minutes of work in the WWE.
If you want to sign it, go ahead. I won't. People need to understand that there is a freedom of speech and that Trump can say more or less whatever he wants, no matter how crazy it is. You can disagree but that doesn't mean you can demand he be pulled from things like the HOF. I am continually amazed when stuff like this happens and people demand punishment - don't like what he said, then don't watch his show or read his book or stay at his hotel or whatever. They have as much right to thier opinion as you do to yours.
The fact is, after Trump said this, his popularity ratings went up.

So that means that a lot of people agree with him, maybe more than you thought.

Like it or not, if enough people decide to vote for Trump as President, he will be President. It will be the will of the people in the end, which decides who wins.
Why do we listen to people outside of wrestling on what WWE should do?

It's like that female politician that time who wanted the Al Snow action figure banned because he came carrying a "severed women's head" meaning that this shows violence and murder of women.

But if the pollie actually watched the product, then she would have found out that the "severed head" in question was a mannequin's head.

This is what happens when ill-informed people push a politically correct agenda.
The fact is, after Trump said this, his popularity ratings went up.

So that means that a lot of people agree with him, maybe more than you thought.

Like it or not, if enough people decide to vote for Trump as President, he will be President. It will be the will of the people in the end, which decides who wins.

His ratings went up among republican voters, which by the last 2 elections is less than half the country. Those numbers are not indicative of the entire country.

By all indications, he stands very little chance of winning the presidency and the majority of voters won't vote for him. Heck, I pray he wins the GOP nomination or runs as an independent, would guarantee a democrat wins the White House.
Why do we listen to people outside of wrestling on what WWE should do?

It's like that female politician that time who wanted the Al Snow action figure banned because he came carrying a "severed women's head" meaning that this shows violence and murder of women.

But if the pollie actually watched the product, then she would have found out that the "severed head" in question was a mannequin's head.

This is what happens when ill-informed people push a politically correct agenda.

Yeah, cause an Al Snow action figure is the same as a guy discriminating against different races and religions of people.

Extremely weak comparison to whatever ridiculous argument it is you're trying to make.
His ratings went up among republican voters, which by the last 2 elections is less than half the country. Those numbers are not indicative of the entire country.

By all indications, he stands very little chance of winning the presidency and the majority of voters won't vote for him. Heck, I pray he wins the GOP nomination or runs as an independent, would guarantee a democrat wins the White House.

I saw a poll today that said if the election was held today Trump would win with 46%, Hillary Clinton had 41%. His numbers have gone up. Saying that though I'm almost sure he will make another mistake or several more to bring those numbers down. Trump is the kind of guy that just can't help himself. He takes one foot out of his mouth just to insert the other one.
If you want to sign it, go ahead. I won't. People need to understand that there is a freedom of speech and that Trump can say more or less whatever he wants, no matter how crazy it is. You can disagree but that doesn't mean you can demand he be pulled from things like the HOF. I am continually amazed when stuff like this happens and people demand punishment - don't like what he said, then don't watch his show or read his book or stay at his hotel or whatever. They have as much right to thier opinion as you do to yours.

Pro-Trump reporters beat this freedom of speech amendment into the ground. It's fair game - he has a right to his opinion fair enough. But that doesn't mean that he's immuned to any backlash from it. His comments towards Bowe Bergdahl who was a POW for 5 years were slanderous. In the legal world his defamation comments towards Muslims and Hispanics are a civil matter.

If I go out and publically tarnish your image and passed judgement that you were a rapist with little facts to back it up then it's fair game, right? Freedom of speech, correct? I'm fairly certain you're going to defend yourself much like the Hispanic people did when they were ridiculously misjudged just like the Muslims were recently.

While in line with the topic instead of me signing a petition I'll opt not to vote for him which if those 8,000 people that signed it would do then it'll have a much larger impact than removing him for the HOF.

I apologize in advance for pulling this topic away from the OP original post.
I saw a poll today that said if the election was held today Trump would win with 46%, Hillary Clinton had 41%. His numbers have gone up. Saying that though I'm almost sure he will make another mistake or several more to bring those numbers down. Trump is the kind of guy that just can't help himself. He takes one foot out of his mouth just to insert the other one.

That is due to 3 big things:

1) The people who support the party not currently in office participate far more than the party of the current president. At least right now. We're still 11 months away from the election.

2) Trump is, as I stated, clearly winning the republican race right now. Meanwhile the democrats don't have a clear front runner. Which brings me to point...

3) While people assume it will be Hillary, Bernie Sanders is still alive and well and polling well in many places... even better than Hillary is. So, if the poll was Trump or Hillary and the person being polled is democrat and for Bernie they are likely either saying Trump cause of their disdain for Hillary or party of the 13% who didn't give an answer.
Yeah, cause an Al Snow action figure is the same as a guy discriminating against different races and religions of people.

Extremely weak comparison to whatever ridiculous argument it is you're trying to make.

Oh, boo hoo, someone made fun of someone's color or religion. Send them some tissues. Sticks and stones.

The fact is, every single terrorist attack I have listed- 9/11, London bombers, Bali bombing, and the recent attacks of France, were committed by people espousing Islam. That can't be disputed. So if Trump wants checks and balances before the USA let Muslims into the country (which is what he actually said), it is understandable.

Did you feel the same when people felt the same way about the Japanese after Pearl Harbor, or is it different now because you are afraid to criticise someone who can blow you up?
Oh, boo hoo, someone made fun of someone's color or religion. Send them some tissues. Sticks and stones.

The fact is, every single terrorist attack I have listed- 9/11, London bombers, Bali bombing, and the recent attacks of France, were committed by people espousing Islam. That can't be disputed. So if Trump wants checks and balances before the USA let Muslims into the country (which is what he actually said), it is understandable.

Did you feel the same when people felt the same way about the Japanese after Pearl Harbor, or is it different now because you are afraid to criticise someone who can blow you up?

So because you cherry picked ones to fit your rhetoric that makes it ok?

I can list Sandy Hook (a terrorist attack), the Oklahoma City Bombings, the Aurora movie theatre shooting and really any mass shooting in America as a reason to have fear of white christian/catholic males. what's your point?

your "boo hoo" comment just shows you're a racist bigot hiding behind a computer screen because you'd never say anything to someone's face. fact is a man running for president of a country based on liberty and freedom for all should not (and cannot) have those views or the entire country and what it was built on comes crumbling down.

I wasn't alive for Pearl Harbor, so can't say how I felt.

Just curious though, since you're a disgusting human based on your comments here.... any group of people you don't hate? You clearly have no issue expressing your hate for blacks, mexicans, muslims and now Japanese. Care to list any more minority groups you despise?
Did you feel the same when people felt the same way about the Japanese after Pearl Harbor, or is it different now because you are afraid to criticise someone who can blow you up?

Japanese is a race and, more importantly during WW2, a nationality. Islam is a religion. Even if internment was an acceptable measure today, there's a difference. The internment of American citizens based on their race was a mistake and the government has apologized to and financially settled with those people. And Trump isn't talking internment, as you clearly know...

The fact is, every single terrorist attack I have listed- 9/11, London bombers, Bali bombing, and the recent attacks of France, were committed by people espousing Islam. That can't be disputed. So if Trump wants checks and balances before the USA let Muslims into the country (which is what he actually said), it is understandable.

The only effect Donald Trump can have on Muslim immigration into the U.S. is making decent Muslim people stay away. He's the best ISIS recruiting tool since the U.S. occupation of Iraq ended. We already have checks and balances to make sure terrorists don't enter or proliferate within the United States, and they're working. It's sad that a San Bernardino happens, but it is literally impossible to stop all terrorism in this country. Especially when it's so easy to get weapons.

That Trump says this nonsense isn't what's even so bad. It's that there are literally tens of millions of Americans who agree with it. The only individuals on this entire goddamn continent who should be screaming "Make America Great Again" are the First Nations peoples. Like Tatanka. Who is a wrestler. Because this is a wrestling topic.
So because you cherry picked ones to fit your rhetoric that makes it ok?

I can list Sandy Hook (a terrorist attack), the Oklahoma City Bombings, the Aurora movie theatre shooting and really any mass shooting in America as a reason to have fear of white christian/catholic males. what's your point?

your "boo hoo" comment just shows you're a racist bigot hiding behind a computer screen because you'd never say anything to someone's face. fact is a man running for president of a country based on liberty and freedom for all should not (and cannot) have those views or the entire country and what it was built on comes crumbling down.

I wasn't alive for Pearl Harbor, so can't say how I felt.

Just curious though, since you're a disgusting human based on your comments here.... any group of people you don't hate? You clearly have no issue expressing your hate for blacks, mexicans, muslims and now Japanese. Care to list any more minority groups you despise?

Firstly, Sandy Hook and others have never been classified as "terrorist attacks". They are considered "massacres". Completely different things.

So, are you saying that NO terrorist attacks had anything to do with Islam?

How do you know who I hate? I don't hate that groups.

In fact, I believe in race- the human race. That was the race Martin Luther King talked about. That all men be treated "equal"- not that blacks and other groups are immune from criticisms, yet Christians, whites, males and any non-"politicially correct" groups can be blamed for all the ills of the world.

I wonder what your true agenda is? Are you black or a Muslim, who wants to play a card to deflect any criticism, and not to ever be held accountable for your actions? Or are you white, and pretending to support blacks, so that you look "tolerant"? I don't, for a minute, believe that you actually give a damn about any of these groups you defend, since you don't come across as loving and caring, but instead as a judgmental stupid piece of shit. I imagine you would be more of a user of people than anything.

I don't care what you think of me. But at least I am not a fraud like you, pretending to care about minority groups. I call it as I see it, like Trump does, and don't get angry at me because you lack guts to say what you really feel.
Japanese is a race and, more importantly during WW2, a nationality. Islam is a religion. Even if internment was an acceptable measure today, there's a difference. The internment of American citizens based on their race was a mistake and the government has apologized to and financially settled with those people. And Trump isn't talking internment, as you clearly know...

The only effect Donald Trump can have on Muslim immigration into the U.S. is making decent Muslim people stay away. He's the best ISIS recruiting tool since the U.S. occupation of Iraq ended. We already have checks and balances to make sure terrorists don't enter or proliferate within the United States, and they're working. It's sad that a San Bernardino happens, but it is literally impossible to stop all terrorism in this country. Especially when it's so easy to get weapons.

That Trump says this nonsense isn't what's even so bad. It's that there are literally tens of millions of Americans who agree with it. The only individuals on this entire goddamn continent who should be screaming "Make America Great Again" are the First Nations peoples. Like Tatanka. Who is a wrestler. Because this is a wrestling topic.

So you don't want religion to be discriminated against.

Okay, then, next time, when you go Christmas shopping, and you see "Season's Greetings", go inside and tell the retailer that they are discriminating because they won't put "Merry Christmas".

It seems funny to me how society seems to only care about some people being offended, and don't care about offending others. If someone said the same thing about Christianity, the media would not condemn Trump, since the media are anti-Christianity.

The difference between coverage of Islam and Christianity isn't tolerance. It is that if you criticise Muslims, they may blow you up or put a fatwa on you, whereas all a Christian will do is turn the other cheek and forgive you. Add the "race" element, and we get a world too afraid to say anything about these terrorists, or even standing up to them, because of what they might do.

Trump has guts. He should be commended, but instead cowards condemn him. Don't blame him for others being gutless wonders.

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