Petition to remove Donald Trump from HOF

First, I've never heard Donald Trump say the N word before. Have you?

No, but if he says all the stupid shit that he does in public, I shudder to think what he says behind closed doors. He may not have said N, but that's not the only form of prejudice in the world you know. He's generalized Mexicans as rapists and criminals, saying they need to build a wall to keep all Mexicans out of the country. "They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. and SOME, I assume, are good people." He's said "we're going to take out country back" and "guaranteed" that the Mexicans would pay for a wall that is clearly meant to be a testament to anti-Mexican hostility. He's said he wants to halt ALL Muslim immigration into the states, which would devastate the innocent refugees that live in these countries. He is CLEARLY targeting the section of white America that is prejudiced against minority races or religions. While Democrats and Repubicans may split the nation politically, that's much safer than splitting the country on ethnic lines. That is a dangerous, dangerous game to play with in politics.

Donald Trump is clearly a racist because the liberal media tells you that he is, and you believe everything that you see and hear on TV?

Donald Trump is a racist because he's a racist. He's the one who says this stuff, not the media.

Donald Trump never said he didn't want Mexicans or even Muslims in America.

Wrong. He literally JUST proposed halting Muslim immigration into the U.S.

What he did say is we need a stronger border since there are a lot of illegals that come here. Many are good people, but are given government handouts which raises our taxes.

Again wrong. He's never ever said that "many Mexicans are good people". He said "some I assume, are good people". But that's been overshadowed by his narrow views on the Latino community as a whole. He doesn't talk about government handouts. He talks about how they're "taking over the country." Listen to his rhetoric guy.

All Trump wants is a stricter border so anyone who wants to come to our great country does it by the law.

How his supporters still believe this is beyond me.

Trump not only has been at a few Wrestle Manias but his place hosted WM 5 at the Trump plaza, was in a major story line with Vince McMahon at WM 23, and had a week run as "the owner" of Raw. At least I think we can both agree that Drew Carey's a good guy.

He was around for a cup of coffee and didn't do anything to warrant being in the Hall. There should legitimately only be a couple celebrity HOF'ers in my opinion. Tyson, Ali, Rose, and Mr. T, although I may be missing a few. These guys made memorable moments and impacted the product in one way or another.

EDIT: And Lauper.
No, but if he says all the stupid shit that he does in public, I shudder to think what he says behind closed doors. He may not have said N, but that's not the only form of prejudice in the world you know. He's generalized Mexicans as rapists and criminals, saying they need to build a wall to keep all Mexicans out of the country. "They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. and SOME, I assume, are good people." He's said "we're going to take out country back" and "guaranteed" that the Mexicans would pay for a wall that is clearly meant to be a testament to anti-Mexican hostility.

There has been border patrol along the US/Mexican border for a long time now and it doesn't work. To date according to the US Homeland Security Statistics there are 11.4 million undocumented people living in the US at the present time. Out of that number approximately 6.5 are Mexican's that have crossed the border illegally.

Now I'm all for moving to another country, as we did coming to Canada from Scotland years ago, but what is the problem with doing it through the proper channels. 6.5 million people is a lot of people, that's twice the population of the city of Toronto where I live. From what I read Trump is calling for stricter border patrol, they already have a wall in places. Yes he didn't say it in the best way possible, but in all seriousness he isn't really a politician, he's a businessman.

You don't see this kind of patrolling the Trans Canada Highway between the US and Canada, because we are quite happy here and don't want to move to the US. At one of the border stops between Canada and the US, the border patrol consists of a phone booth. You pick up the phone it rings at a nearby customs office, you put your passport up to the video camera, and they say okay. There isn't even a person for miles to stop you from just walking in.

Anyway even though I like Trump, he's an ass and should never set foot in the White House as president.
Not just his call for stricter boarder control but the ignorance of saying that he'll convince the Mexican government to fund it.
This subject has nothing to do with wrestling. And if I were an admin I would move it immediately. How can anybody talk about Trump right now without bringing up his politics?

I thought about that but the fact is that Donald Trump, undeserving or not, is going to be connected to pro wrestling, albeit in a minor fashion, as he's in the WWE Hall of Fame, he's been part of a few memorable WWE angles, was involved in a WrestleMania match where he helped shave Vince's head and his hotel/casino, Trump Plaza, hosted WrestleMania in back to back years. If he was just a friend of Vince who happened to have appeared on WWE TV a time or two, I'd agree. But his connection to WWE, no matter how relatively trivial or undeserving many find it to be, and the fact that there's a fan petition to have WWE remove him from their HOF does warrant a discussion on him in the WWE section.
I thought about that but the fact is that Donald Trump, undeserving or not, is going to be connected to pro wrestling, albeit in a minor fashion, as he's in the WWE Hall of Fame, he's been part of a few memorable WWE angles, was involved in a WrestleMania match where he helped shave Vince's head and his hotel/casino, Trump Plaza, hosted WrestleMania in back to back years. If he was just a friend of Vince who happened to have appeared on WWE TV a time or two, I'd agree. But his connection to WWE, no matter how relatively trivial or undeserving many find it to be, and the fact that there's a fan petition to have WWE remove him from their HOF does warrant a discussion on him in the WWE section.

I gave myself a few minutes before posting this thread. I knew it was a hot button issue. My intent was to have everyone debate Trumps position in the Hall and the petition to get him removed. However, I wasnt ignorant enough to believe we could keep it all wrestling

Luckily the person that believes this thread should be removed isn't a Mod. This is 100% a WWE related topic. Thanks to the mods who keep it up, and thanks to everyone who kept this as non-political as possible
There has been border patrol along the US/Mexican border for a long time now and it doesn't work. To date according to the US Homeland Security Statistics there are 11.4 million undocumented people living in the US at the present time. Out of that number approximately 6.5 are Mexican's that have crossed the border illegally.

I have no issue with stricter immigration policies or stricter border enforcement in the US. It's the way that Trump goes about achieving that goal. The use of fear tactics to pit one nationality, religion, culture, etc. against each other directly goes against the idea of democracy. It's a common tactic used in authoritarian countries beset with civil war. Saying straight out that the majority of Mexicans who cross the border are drug dealers, criminals, or rapists is silly. Promoting the halting of all Muslim immigration to the states is ignorant and silly. Disagree?

Now I'm all for moving to another country, as we did coming to Canada from Scotland years ago, but what is the problem with doing it through the proper channels.

The problem is, the proper channels only allow a very select amount of immigrants into the country based off of employment potential or family relations. Many of the illegals have no chance of gaining a working Visa or citizenship in the States. That's not an excuse, but it's the reason for so many illegal Mexican immigrants.

He isn't really a politician, he's a businessman.

Which is why he should stick to business.

You don't see this kind of patrolling the Trans Canada Highway between the US and Canada, because we are quite happy here and don't want to move to the US. At one of the border stops between Canada and the US, the border patrol consists of a phone booth. You pick up the phone it rings at a nearby customs office, you put your passport up to the video camera, and they say okay. There isn't even a person for miles to stop you from just walking in.

I'm pretty sure he's advocated putting a wall on this side as well. And of course we're happy here. Half of our population isn't in extreme poverty dealing with a civil war between drug cartels and a corrupt government.

To tie all of this into the topic at hand, the stuff he has been saying has obviously been controversial enough for many others to take a stand. He's been stripped of his honorary degree at Robert Gordon University. He's also been stripped of his status as Scottish business ambassador. And Dubai has stripped his name and image from many of their services. I think if WWE wants us to take their stances on this stuff seriously, they should remove Trump from the Hall.
First of all, not every muslim is a terrorist, but most terrorists are in fact muslims, like 90% of them, so i can't disagree with Trump labeling them all, this is not that far from a truth. I actually fully support this opinion, being IDed will result in less terrorism in your country, i don't understand why you against it, i wish my country did the same, these guys deserve this kind of threatment, they "worked" for it for many years.

Second, i don't see guys like Hulk Hogan being erased as the right thing. Hogan was the face of wrestling for nearly 20 years, while everyone have their opinion on the man behind the gimmick Terry Bolea, the character Hulk Hogan deserve to stay in, Jimmy Snuka is a different case. Trump's inclusion in WWE's HoF is questionable in the first place, so i don't care if he will be removed.

Third, i thought USA had freedom of speach rights in it's constitution, and this works two sides, it really doesn't matter if the general opinion is different from the single's guy, this guy still have freedom of speach, you can agree or disagree with him, but you can't shut him up, after all you need different opinions for a discussion to understand what is the best solution for a problem, and Trump gives it to you, but apparently current citizens of USA are afraid of discussions and only can hide behind erasements and similar things.
First of all, not every muslim is a terrorist, but most terrorists are in fact muslims, like 90% of them, so i can't disagree with Trump labeling them all, this is not that far from a truth. I actually fully support this opinion, being IDed will result in less terrorism in your country, i don't understand why you against it, i wish my country did the same, these guys deserve this kind of threatment, they "worked" for it for many years.

There's been a total of 0 terrorist attacks committed by Muslims in the US in the past 5 years. The Boston Marathon bombings were committed by two Russian-Americans and other than that, what has taken place on a large scale? There's been a lot more attacks on Sikh temples, African churches, and schools by white people. 95% of "terrorist" attacks in the US are committed by white people.

Goddamn, this is why I lose hope in humanity sometimes.

And uh, oh yeah Trump still doesn't belong in the HOF and all that...
There's been a total of 0 terrorist attacks committed by Muslims in the US in the past 5 years. The Boston Marathon bombings were committed by two Russian-Americans and other than that, what has taken place on a large scale? There's been a lot more attacks on Sikh temples, African churches, and schools by white people. 95% of "terrorist" attacks in the US are committed by white people.

Goddamn, this is why I lose hope in humanity sometimes.

And uh, oh yeah Trump still doesn't belong in the HOF and all that...
You simply lucky that you live on your own continent and there are no muslim countries there, because if there was, you will think different...but i know, you will still live in your own bubble and will never understand the rest of the world, until another september 11 like attack. ISIS is still exist and will one day target your country, maybe then you will uderstand who muslims really are. Till then, Allahu Akbar.
lol remove him from the HOF? He just might be our next president. I'm sure Vince can't wait to start putting that over..."WWE Hall of famer and president of the United States Donald Trump!".
Trump wants to fuck his own daughter. Vince almost ran an incest angle between Steph and Shane. Doubt Vince cares about how people feel about Trump if he doesn't seem to care how the fans feel about WWE right now either.

That and he isn't banned from being a candidate, so why should he be banned from a Hall of Fame that recently inducted a guy whose sole claim to fame was rubbing his ass on other's faces?
I gave myself a few minutes before posting this thread. I knew it was a hot button issue. My intent was to have everyone debate Trumps position in the Hall and the petition to get him removed. However, I wasnt ignorant enough to believe we could keep it all wrestling

Luckily the person that believes this thread should be removed isn't a Mod. This is 100% a WWE related topic. Thanks to the mods who keep it up, and thanks to everyone who kept this as non-political as possible

He portrayed no character on live WWE TV. The same Donald Trump that appeared on Raw and WM is same one making ridiculous comments on TV. Honestly it's hard to keep it wrestling related. He has no memorable legacy within WWE. Outside of his role in WM 23 or his appearance buying Raw several years ago. As I said originally, if you're going to remove him then others have to be examined.
Leave well enough alone. All getting Donald Trump kicked out of the WWE Hall of Fame would accomplish is giving him a %5 boost in the polls in Iowa. Besides, if all the crazy shit that comes out of The Iron Sheik's mouth doesn't get him kicked out of the HOF, Trump gets to stay.

Personally, now that Macho Man in enshrined, I don't give two flips about who is in or out of the Hall of Fame. I hope it was the ghost of Randy Savage that got Hogan kicked out. One last elbow drop on the way out, brother. Oooh yeah! Dig it!?
There has been border patrol along the US/Mexican border for a long time now and it doesn't work. To date according to the US Homeland Security Statistics there are 11.4 million undocumented people living in the US at the present time. Out of that number approximately 6.5 are Mexican's that have crossed the border illegally.

Now I'm all for moving to another country, as we did coming to Canada from Scotland years ago, but what is the problem with doing it through the proper channels. 6.5 million people is a lot of people, that's twice the population of the city of Toronto where I live. From what I read Trump is calling for stricter border patrol, they already have a wall in places. Yes he didn't say it in the best way possible, but in all seriousness he isn't really a politician, he's a businessman.

You don't see this kind of patrolling the Trans Canada Highway between the US and Canada, because we are quite happy here and don't want to move to the US. At one of the border stops between Canada and the US, the border patrol consists of a phone booth. You pick up the phone it rings at a nearby customs office, you put your passport up to the video camera, and they say okay. There isn't even a person for miles to stop you from just walking in.

Anyway even though I like Trump, he's an ass and should never set foot in the White House as president.

While there are a lot of undocumented people in America, immigration is actually below net zero over the last 7 years. It is tougher than it has ever been to come into this country and America is sending back more immigrants than are coming in at the current point in time. (Granted, some of it is less and less people trying to come to America because it's not as great of a country as it once was).
First of all, not every muslim is a terrorist, but most terrorists are in fact muslims, like 90% of them, so i can't disagree with Trump labeling them all, this is not that far from a truth. I actually fully support this opinion, being IDed will result in less terrorism in your country, i don't understand why you against it, i wish my country did the same, these guys deserve this kind of threatment, they "worked" for it for many years.

Second, i don't see guys like Hulk Hogan being erased as the right thing. Hogan was the face of wrestling for nearly 20 years, while everyone have their opinion on the man behind the gimmick Terry Bolea, the character Hulk Hogan deserve to stay in, Jimmy Snuka is a different case. Trump's inclusion in WWE's HoF is questionable in the first place, so i don't care if he will be removed.

Third, i thought USA had freedom of speach rights in it's constitution, and this works two sides, it really doesn't matter if the general opinion is different from the single's guy, this guy still have freedom of speach, you can agree or disagree with him, but you can't shut him up, after all you need different opinions for a discussion to understand what is the best solution for a problem, and Trump gives it to you, but apparently current citizens of USA are afraid of discussions and only can hide behind erasements and similar things.

Most terrorist acts committed in America (i.e. mass shootings) are done by white male christians/catholics. The largest act of terror on American soil by an American was done by a Catholic. Timothy McVeigh in Oklahoma City. Why don't we label all Catholics as terrorists?

And no, it's not 90% of them. It's the radicalized ones which is way less than 90%. It's actually, by most worldwide estimates, somewhere between 10-18%.

Good to know you support people carrying ID's for their religion in a country that was built on freedom of religion. So, I take it you're also a Nazi sympathizer and were totally ok with the holocaust then, right?

The constitution and right to freedom of speech has nothing to do with being part of a companies Hall of Fame. No one is threatening to arrest Trump for his comments because they aren't against the law. But a company can choose, under the law, to do something about it as they wish. WWE can kick him out of the HOF. Any company can cut ties with him. Macy's can choose to stop selling all Trump ties if they want, it's their right.
Maybe it is time to remove the HoF altogether.

I have never been impressed with criteria for any HoF. I mean, it should be based SOLELY on their contribution to the chosen field, NOT their behaviour off it.

If you want a "good guys" HoF, then don't put Trump and others in. But when it comes to a WWE HoF, it should be based on what Trump has done for WWE. That is, he hosted two Wrestlemanias and participated in an angle for the third.

Look, Trump won't win the Presidency. If Trump is the best that the Republicans can put up, then Hilary should start calling the moving vans to move her and Bill's stuff to the White House now. So I don't think anyone needs to worry about a "racist" being in the White House (even if we instead get someone who is married to an adulterer).

So, Benoit is kept out of the HoF for the murders (fair enough) but now, that stand is watered down when the EXACT same treatment is given to Hogan, Snuka and now Trump.

I say remove everyone and close the HoF down. I have supported it, and wanted to see wrestlers who put their bodies on the line, night after night be honored. But since most here have always jeered at the HoF anyway, and in today's society, where achievements are run down rather than honored, just better to scrap it, because molls like the bitch wanting Trump removed will find other things against others in the HoF. How long before someone is removed from the HoF for an unpaid parking ticket or for jaywalking?

Anyway, Trump won't be removed. He is one of the few rich friends Vince has, he has always supported Vince, and if Trump became President (shudder), then imagine what he might do for Vince and WWE. He might even get Linda that Senate seat after all.
I am starting a HoF that everyone wants.

The criteria is that:-

1) You must have helped a little old lady across the street,
2)pulled at least two children from a burning building,
3)you need to laid your coat over a puddle for a lady to walk across.
4)you need to say "please" and "thank you" at every opportunity.
5)your shit isn't allowed to stink.

But you will be removed if:-

-You do anything wrong, anything wrong whatsoever,morally, legally,biblically or in any other jurisidiction no matter how big or small, past, present or future. If you are not 100% perfect, 100% of the time, you will not be inducted, or removed, whichever comes first.

So far the inductees are:-

NO-ONE! Because no-one can live up to those standards.
I don't agree with Donald Trump being in a WRESTLING hall of fame anyway I believe its a kick in the teeth to all the hard working wrestlers who spent their lives wrestling who aren't in the hall of fame.
But seeing as he is in I don't agree with him being taken out just because of his political views, I think it was an unworkable and foolish statement to make but I don't see his comments as racist. Is WWE now going to start kicking people out of their hall of fame every time they say something controversial? as I have heard a lot worse from most of the wrestlers in it the Iron Sheik for example and at this rate a couple of years from now there will be nobody left in it. Were not talking about the Nobel peace prize its a hall of fame for wrestling which is well known for its controversial outspoken characters.
Mike Tyson was a convicted rapist when he was inducted into the hall.

I really don't think the WWE gives a shit about the non-wrestling heritage of its celebrity inductees and no amount of petitions is going to change that. If you're bothered about Donald Trump, go and vote for one of the other candidates in the primaries, or in the general election if he wins.
People are pointing out about the other questionable members of the HOF and saying that we should just ignore Trump because of that.

I say, screw them too. Now, I suppose it's hard to draw a line. We're looking at Trump right now, because he's in the spotlight. But Trumps not just another Republican candidate that's saying stupid stuff. He's saying really creepy, really evil shit. I don't even need to quote him. And Trumps comments make Hulk Hogan's look tame. Using the N-word is mean sounding and all, but Hogan wasn't saying we should put all black people in a registry. He just used the N-word a few times and called himself a racist.

Trump's not going to get booted until he's convicted of a crime, or actually decides to use a racist slur (I dare say that it's inevitable). So it's really just wishful thinking and a waste of energy on the part of whoever made the petition. It's tempting to sign it though.
The thing is the celebrity wing of the HOF is a joke. It's a bunch of high priced people who got there based on their name only. In my opinion they shouldn't even be there in the first place, but Vince McMahon panders to them.

Someone above said Vince would gush saying he once had the new President of the United States on his show, and I daresay that the poster was right in saying that Linda McMahon would find a nice government job. You know the old "I scratch your back, you scratch mine".
I have no issue with stricter immigration policies or stricter border enforcement in the US. It's the way that Trump goes about achieving that goal. The use of fear tactics to pit one nationality, religion, culture, etc. against each other directly goes against the idea of democracy. It's a common tactic used in authoritarian countries beset with civil war. Saying straight out that the majority of Mexicans who cross the border are drug dealers, criminals, or rapists is silly. Promoting the halting of all Muslim immigration to the states is ignorant and silly. Disagree?

Yes what he says is silly, but it is keeping him in the news, and keeping his poll numbers up. Listen I don't give a damm about Trump, but let's face it he is one politician who will say what's on his mind, whatever that is. And like I said before, he has the balls to do what most others won't. The only person he is really hurting here is himself, so let him go ahead.

The problem is, the proper channels only allow a very select amount of immigrants into the country based off of employment potential or family relations. Many of the illegals have no chance of gaining a working Visa or citizenship in the States. That's not an excuse, but it's the reason for so many illegal Mexican immigrants.

Okay and seriously what's wrong with that? So you are for immigrants from wherever to enter a country illegally just because they can't get in the proper way.

Which is why he should stick to business.

And I believe I said he should never set foot in the White House as President.

I'm pretty sure he's advocated putting a wall on this side as well. And of course we're happy here. Half of our population isn't in extreme poverty dealing with a civil war between drug cartels and a corrupt government.

Let him put the wall up, he doesn't need one, but hey I'm all for it. I like Canada and don't want to live in the US.

To tie all of this into the topic at hand, the stuff he has been saying has obviously been controversial enough for many others to take a stand. He's been stripped of his honorary degree at Robert Gordon University. He's also been stripped of his status as Scottish business ambassador. And Dubai has stripped his name and image from many of their services. I think if WWE wants us to take their stances on this stuff seriously, they should remove Trump from the Hall.

Honorary degrees from a university is usually a serious thing. So is a lot of the other things that has been taken away from him. I doubt anyone would even raise an eyebrow if he leaves or stays in the WWE HOF. Only wrestling fans know it exists anyway. Other's don't give a shit. Plus with some of the celebrities that are in there, he fits in rather well. Get rid of him, gotta get rid of more.
You can sit there and argue about a wrestler/celebrity's actions outside the ring and how it effects their character, fine. I can live with that. But I view the HOF as what the celebrity/wrestler has accomplished in the wrestling business alone. It's not called The Hall of Character. Destroy the celebrity wing of the HOF and move the one or two that sort of belong there like MR.T into the regular section.

I say this because of my hatred of Drew Carey being in the HOF in WWE. It just makes me close my eyes and grumble when I see his mug there. I like Drew Carey too, he's doing an excellent job hosting Price is Right. But his 3 minutes of sauntering around the ring at The Royal Rumble only to jump over the top ropes when Kane came down doesn't deserve a HOF induction. Efff that. I'm not going to dip into what I think of Donald Trump because it involves a load of politics and this isn't a politics website. But his accomplishments in WWE , nevermind anything else, ALSO doesn't deserve an induction to the HOF. It's an insult to guys like Stone Cold Steve Austin, who made wrestling their life, suffered horrible injuries, bled in the ring to entertain the fans... have to share the same HOF as Drew Carey.
Good to know you support people carrying ID's for their religion in a country that was built on freedom of religion. So, I take it you're also a Nazi sympathizer and were totally ok with the holocaust then, right?
I don't remember jews using constant terrorist attacks for years all over the world.

Religional idiots in general is a whole other topic.
Well they removed Hogan who love him or hate him IS the greatest wrestler of all time so if they don't remove Trump it makes me think WWE don't really know what the word priority means.

Hogan said a couple of personally fueled, racially charged statements without the knowledge that he was being recorded.

Trump on the other hand publicly declared his view that muslims should be banned from the united states in full knowledge the whole world was listening.

I mean who deserves to be kicked out of the hall of fame more? How many titles did Trump win? How many inches in height did he lose by putting his body through the grinder for the business? exactly.

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