Should Donald Trump still be in the WWE HoF?

If behavoir past the hall of fame was a legitimate reason to kick someone out, sunny would be long gone.

The only reason hogan isn't in the hof right now is because of the sex tape and the racist laungage he used on it, and more than that the fact he is hulk hogan, whose name is synonomus with wrestling.

This is just Vince distancing from him just like he did during the steroid scandal.
They never removed Hogan from the Hall of Fame. They just removed the link to his bio page off of the website and avoid blatantly referencing him if they don't have to.

Donald Trump should not be removed from the Hall of Fame because not enough people care enough that he's there, and also, WrestleMania V was held in the former Trump Plaza.
Celebrities themselves in the HOF isn't a problem, just like they're not a problem in the WWE. Like Drew Carey or not, he got int he ring...even briefly... that being said, imagine the good publicity if someone like Hugh Jackman, who was very public about his love of WWE when he wrestled those couple of times went in?

The problem has been historically that the "best" celebs either don't want to get involved or don't then get put into the HOF because their people advise against WWE any more than is necessary. Ali is not in the WWE HOF and that is as big a "travesty" as Donald being in there... until you realise that Trump has had a crucial hand in at least THREE Wrestlemania's, 4,5 and 23... Those 2 Mania's at Trump's place helped solidify WWE as a company after the massive high of Pontiac and Mania 3... and the "Battle Of The Billionaires" did draw... so on balance, whatever he's done outside... he has "earned" his spot more than Snoop Dogg or Drew Carey...

Reality is Ali was in no fit state to go in for the last years of his life and his family didn't want him tarnished for the time he passed... now he is gone it's likely he will go in... but it's also easy for WWE to call Arnold or Snoop and get an easy celeb with a vested interest let's not forget... our last 2 Celebrity Inductees had vested interests in accepting the honor... Arnie for his Terminator promotion and Snoop to help out his cousin Sasha...

Next year could well see Jackman say yes, as Logan is gonna be out and he'll be either looking for his next chapter in life or being part of Mania would help sell the movie. Not saying Jackman would join WWE on any long term basis, but a short run and a match or two could be fun for him... and with no Rock there, it could be a good solution.

Best question on the HOF though is Mickey Rourke...

Does he deserve a place in the HOF? I personally think yes, but not for his Mania appearance...but for The Wrestler... that movie arguably did more for the business in terms of public perception and recruitment than a match against Jericho ever could. He's the guy who got what they do into the public consciousness and helped elevate it to an Oscar nominated movie... most of the young talents who are tearing up the business now were inspired or energised by that movie... many future talents may find their way to wrestling through that film... just as people did with Hogan as Thunderlips in Rocky all those years ago...

if guys who were never active in WWE can go in as promoters etc... then why shouldn't Mickey? but how many would say "he doesn't deserve it?"
Remove a guy who could soon be the most powerful person in the world, with a history of being vindictive from the HOF? That'd be just plain stupid on WWE's part.

Plus it's just allegations at present
Pro Wrestlers aren't exactly well known for their Mother Teresa like behaviour, If they were to remove everyone from the hall of fame for every little bit of controversy then I imagine that we would have a very low membership in the hall of fame, I agree with several here who states Donald Trump shouldn't even be in a wrestling hall of fame anyway, I believe if someone was deemed good enough to be inducted then they should stay inducted it should be about your wrestling career not your real life persona.
Why shouldn't he? He did Vinny Mac a BIG favour in 88 and 89, hosting 2 Mania's on a sweetheart deal and then showed up at another in a main event storyline...

Trump has actually done quite a lot for WWE when it comes down to it... by having the back to back Mania's, right when Hogan was going off to shoot No Holds Barred meant that Vince could put more into the movie and building and signing new talents as they pretty much changed out 80% of the roster between WM3 and 4...

They could have gone for another big stadium, but Vince needed the money elsewhere and Donald obliged with a sweetheart deal.

Then he brought casual fans to 23 from The Apprentice and his other exploits...

Compare that to Drew Carey or Pete Rose and you can't really question whether Trump deserves his place...

They've removed him, note the name of the collection.

Two picks of hogan neither referencing him, one for Andres induction, the other for trump.

I'd say that he's out officially.

Also why in hell if snuka and hogn are out is that creep abdullah still in the hof?

Tyson I can understand, even sunny

But the butcher knowingly gave other people a blood disease he should be gone long before trump
While I absolutely hate Trump, wouldn't it be kind of weird to remove someone from a pretty much fake HOF while they are still eligible and running for the Presidency? That would be a little weird. Plus, I don't think anyone who is not a wrestling fan, and probably even new wrestling fans don't even know that he's there. You kind of have to seek out that information to know it, if you didn't see it in the first place. Kicking him out would draw more attention than not.
Say what you want about Donald Trump, he did come through in a big way when WWE was still in the throes of Nationalization. And, he did NOT have to. Hogan actually tried to burn McMahon on several occasions. It would be a slap in the face if Trump was removed.
No one outside of hardcore wrestling fans know, care, or even remember that Donald Trump is in the HoF. Taking him out of it would just cause a Streisand Effect.

Also, they didn't remove Hogan from the HoF, they just took his bio page off of the website.
As said above, there's no way for Trump to get out of WWE Hall Of Fame.

Sooner we all accept it, the better it is.

Even if he didn't become the President, he wouldn't have been removed for it anyway since he has done Vince enough favours. Plus he is his friend.
Oh memories, they can be so damn intrusive at times:


At this point, I'm convinced that Vince Russo could be a President elect at some point.

Yeah, keep Trump in the HOF and recognize on TV that he is the most prominent HOF member of all time. Move over Bruno.
You just know Jesse Ventura is pissed off at all this... First he was the only HOF'er to be a Governor... Then Arnie came in... now Donald ahem Trumped them both...
Why the hell would he be removed from the HOF? For wanting to give American jobs to American people, reduce immigration and deport illegal immigrants? WHAT A MONSTER.

Seriously, I'm not even going to get into this here. No basis for this topic, the thing should be locked and binned.
No matter how you feel about the election, it would be completely ridiculous to take him out of the WWE Hall of Fame. In fact, now is the time for WWE to capitalize on the fact President-Elect Trump is one of them. Feature him more in their Hall of Fame packages right before they induct another guy. Give us more of Vince's haircut. This is going to do wonders for the Celebrity Wing, which was absolutely meaningless until now.

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