Donald Trump appeared on the Imus in the Morning program on WFAN in New York and MSNBC. He promoted his WrestleMania match with Vince McMahon, calling Vince "a great guy." He said WM is totally sold out and that 100,000 people will be in attendance. When the host asked him who his wrestler was, he told him it was a guy named "Lindsey" in reference to Lashley. Also, it took a few moments to think of him before "Lindsay" came out. The host tried to get Trump to admit that wrestling was fixed, but Donald chose his words carefully and put over the wrestlers as great athletes. He referred to "Lindsey" as a black gentleman who is the strongest guy he's ever seen. Trump also said that a percentage of the earnings from the match are going to charity.
It's pathetic that he cant even remember Lashley's name. Also as a billionaire why should'nt he give all his money to charity? It's not like he'll even be shaving his head. Everyone know's it will be Vince.