Battle Of The Billionare's

yeah i dont think trump would agree to lose just to get a little extra pub for his show. I would be allright with lashly but they do need to find a better opponent for him then Khali, Maby somone like kennedy they could play the fact that kennedy has beaten champs on every roster except ECW.

BTW did anyone see the commercial with the WWE sign guy in it?
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Maby somone like kennedy they could play the fact that kennedy has beaten champs on every roster except ECW.

Indeed that would be nice, not only that but if you caught ECW Teddy Long did invite Lashley to Smackdown so maybe they can playoff that. Though i think Lashley should stick to defending the ECW Title against someone on ECW.
I hope...

Lashley looses ECW title BEFORE Wrestlemania and then the match just for hair vs hair because Trump will clearly win he's not going to have his hair shaved. Though Austin is a nice twist, would be even better if he played a heel character though that ain gonna happen.
I'd rather not see Kennedy take the ECW title, because at this point that title means all of sh*t and he doesn't really fit in with the ECW roster. More of a Smackdown! guy. I'd rather see him get involved in a big feud with a major star who can teach him how to work main events, then a little bit down the road have him capture one of the big two titles, hopefully the World Heavyweight.

As for the Battle of the Billionaires, I'm not looking forward to it. I haven't been as soon as I heard Lashley was involved. The guy is so stiff, his character is emotionless, he has no discernable finisher, and the crowd is absolutely apathetic when he comes out. Nobody really cares about the guy, and why should we? Vince hasn't done much to make us care for him, except show some old home videos of how he had it so hard growing up. Oh no, his family didn't see him win his 2nd NCAA title, what a terrible life. ATLEAST YOU FREAKING WON 2 NCAA TITLES! Not many people can say that.
Well Sence Umaga IS
Vinnes Pick And Lashley Will Most Likely Be Trumps Pick I Think Umaga Will Win And TruMp Will Get His Head Shaved
I think it's pretty obvious that Lashley will be winning. I reccon the only reason Austin is referee is because Lashley has no charisma and Umaga is meant to be a savage. Personally I think Finlay or Kennedy would have been a better pick for McMahon. And the ECW champ should have a title match i.m.o.
Lashley will have a match but it won't be against Umaga at Wrestlemania. Wrestlemania is meant for wrestlers in their certain brands to wrestle each other with the exception of the MITB match. Personally I'd love to see Umaga and Steve Austin but we probably won't see that happen. Or maybe HHH haha, but thats pushing it...a lot.

The most realistic pick I can probably think of is...Mick Foley. He was a victim of the whole, "You're fired!!" thing, and that could possibly symbolize a Foley return. Remember, he and Edge stole the show last year with that fantastic Hardcore match, perhaps Vince may want to raise the hype for Wrestlemania thinking that another great match like that is going to happen again.
Lashley will have a match but it won't be against Umaga at Wrestlemania. Wrestlemania is meant for wrestlers in their certain brands to wrestle each other with the exception of the MITB match. Personally I'd love to see Umaga and Steve Austin but we probably won't see that happen. Or maybe HHH haha, but thats pushing it...a lot.

The most realistic pick I can probably think of is...Mick Foley. He was a victim of the whole, "You're fired!!" thing, and that could possibly symbolize a Foley return. Remember, he and Edge stole the show last year with that fantastic Hardcore match, perhaps Vince may want to raise the hype for Wrestlemania thinking that another great match like that is going to happen again.

Than how do you explain the pictures of Stone Cold in a ref shirt backstage at No Way Out doing promo shots inbetween Umaga and Lashley? They did a whole bunch of promotional picture shots, so it's pretty much as confirmed as its gonna get at this point.
Than how do you explain the pictures of Stone Cold in a ref shirt backstage at No Way Out doing promo shots inbetween Umaga and Lashley? They did a whole bunch of promotional picture shots, so it's pretty much as confirmed as its gonna get at this point.

Do you really think the WWE would make it look that obvious?
Do you really think the WWE would make it look that obvious?

They didn't release the photos themselves, they were leaked. And yes, the same WWE that would put Cena and Batista over would definately do something that obvious. It's pretty much settled man, who else would it be? It's not gonna be Mick Foley, that really would make no sense for Trump to pick Mick. Trump's gonna want to one up Vince in the storyline, so of course he's gonna go with the guy who hasn't lost a match in like three months, Lashley. That's the whole reason why Lashley has been put over on every ECW show in the last two months.
I see your reasoning, and it does seem pretty convincing. However, the only thing thats keeping me from believing that match is the fact that Umaga won the Intercontinental Championship last Monday. Now I don't think that an IC champion vs the ECW world champion is a Wrestlemania calibre match, even if the outcome is dealing with the billionaires. I guess all we can do is just wait and see.
well perhaps we could c both of these men costing each other their titles therefore making this battle more i understand lashely has that whole unstoppable gimmick setup up for him but if he were to b hit with some crazy ass nonsense umaga were to present then it wuld still keep his unstoppable gimmick intact..the same goes for umaga...because yes for both of these men to hold titles and for these titles not to b on the line at wrestlemania would b the same...atleast the intercontinental title...
well perhaps we could c both of these men costing each other their titles therefore making this battle more i understand lashely has that whole unstoppable gimmick setup up for him but if he were to b hit with some crazy ass nonsense umaga were to present then it wuld still keep his unstoppable gimmick intact..the same goes for umaga...because yes for both of these men to hold titles and for these titles not to b on the line at wrestlemania would b the same...atleast the intercontinental title...
i think they will put both title's up for grabs in the same match
i think they will put both title's up for grabs in the same match

thats a possibility...and may happen..because of the hype goin into this match already to make it more interesting they culd do that...i think it wuld spice it up a bit more..perhaps they will do that
Nah I don't think they'd put both the IC and ECW titles on the line considering their for different shows. I mean, the ECW title is the only title that ECW has, so if a Raw guy had it, that would pretty much be the end of ECW. I like what somebody said earlier about them costing eachother the titles, that would be nice and I think that may very well happen over the next few weeks. I just can't see Vince booking neither an IC title match or an ECW title match.
Nah I don't think they'd put both the IC and ECW titles on the line considering their for different shows. I mean, the ECW title is the only title that ECW has, so if a Raw guy had it, that would pretty much be the end of ECW. I like what somebody said earlier about them costing eachother the titles, that would be nice and I think that may very well happen over the next few weeks. I just can't see Vince booking neither an IC title match or an ECW title match.
well Vince did say he was pissed at ECW maby this is his way of getting revenge
Donald Trump appeared on the Imus in the Morning program on WFAN in New York and MSNBC. He promoted his WrestleMania match with Vince McMahon, calling Vince "a great guy." He said WM is totally sold out and that 100,000 people will be in attendance. When the host asked him who his wrestler was, he told him it was a guy named "Lindsey" in reference to Lashley. Also, it took a few moments to think of him before "Lindsay" came out. The host tried to get Trump to admit that wrestling was fixed, but Donald chose his words carefully and put over the wrestlers as great athletes. He referred to "Lindsey" as a black gentleman who is the strongest guy he's ever seen. Trump also said that a percentage of the earnings from the match are going to charity.

It's pathetic that he cant even remember Lashley's name. Also as a billionaire why should'nt he give all his money to charity? It's not like he'll even be shaving his head. Everyone know's it will be Vince.
I have a question in regards to this match, what happens if there is a DQ?, if "Lindsey" (seriously WTF?) were to get DQed then would that mean Trump has to get his head shaved?
Donald Trump appeared on the Imus in the Morning program on WFAN in New York and MSNBC. He promoted his WrestleMania match with Vince McMahon, calling Vince "a great guy." He said WM is totally sold out and that 100,000 people will be in attendance. When the host asked him who his wrestler was, he told him it was a guy named "Lindsey" in reference to Lashley. Also, it took a few moments to think of him before "Lindsay" came out. The host tried to get Trump to admit that wrestling was fixed, but Donald chose his words carefully and put over the wrestlers as great athletes. He referred to "Lindsey" as a black gentleman who is the strongest guy he's ever seen. Trump also said that a percentage of the earnings from the match are going to charity.

It's pathetic that he cant even remember Lashley's name. Also as a billionaire why should'nt he give all his money to charity? It's not like he'll even be shaving his head. Everyone know's it will be Vince.

I am sure he knows his name, but didn't want to come out and ruin it before RAW. He called him Lindsay as a sly hint and Lashley. Also he said a percent of the earnings, that could mean the wrestlers earnings too.
I have a question in regards to this match, what happens if there is a DQ?, if "Lindsey" (seriously WTF?) were to get DQed then would that mean Trump has to get his head shaved?

I dont think they will have a D.Q. finish at W.M. It was frequent with the old W.M.'s but time's have changed and I dont think WWE fan's would stand for it.
I dont think they will have a D.Q. finish at W.M. It was frequent with the old W.M.'s but time's have changed and I dont think WWE fan's would stand for it.

I don't think Vince cares, the fans have not stood for countless things only to have VKM ignore them and do it anyway. The necro angle with HHH and Kane went over like a lead ballon, but they kept pushing it after the fans said no. So a DQ finish could happen, but I doubt it.
Another funny this is that many in the media feel that with Wrestlemania being on April 1st that this will play out as a big practial joke on the world as it wont happen. yet i feel it will as Vince will want the media picking up with one of them being bald
Rule's Of Wrestling 251

Whenever somebody looses a Hair vs. Hair match. The looser run's off only to be eventually caught, and have there head shaved later in the show.

I imagine Vince will bring up the fact that it's April Fool's day. But he's still going to loose his hair.
If Khali loses and vince doesnt have a bald head im going to start a riot all over detroit. Same thing if its a crappy show.

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