Battle Of The Billionare's

I'll look forward to you're riot in Detroit.





This W.M. is going to suck.
Yeah and im going to take some orange+black paint and spray paint Bengals Rule over every Lions sign.
I haven't read all the posts in this thread so if I'm repeating something I'm sorry. Does anyone else but me think this is the dumbest match ever? First off there is no way Lashley is going to lose this match. Second there is no way Donald Trump is going to get his head shaved. There is no point to this match they might as well just shave Vince's head tonight on Raw and spare us having to hear this the next 5 weeks. Not to mention Umaga and Lashley have no mic skills or any charisma what so ever.
I haven't read all the posts in this thread so if I'm repeating something I'm sorry. Does anyone else but me think this is the dumbest match ever? First off there is no way Lashley is going to lose this match. Second there is no way Donald Trump is going to get his head shaved. There is no point to this match they might as well just shave Vince's head tonight on Raw and spare us having to hear this the next 5 weeks.

I agree. The sole purpose is to promote a show which is failing in the rating's. W.M. does'nt need Trump. Trump need's W.M. Maybe The Apprentice isnt drawing good rating's because the show's run it's course.

Not to mention Umaga and Lashley have no mic skills or any charisma what so ever.

That's probably why there drafting in Austin. Vince/Austin exchange's are always good. But there mortal enemy's so why would Vince allow him to be ref? Does'nt make sence.
I would hate for it to be a huge april fools joke..

We know Lashley is going to win. Trump isn't going to shave his head over some silly wrestling angle. That probably has already been mentioned.

But I cant imagine VKM smellin a april fools joke..we shall see.
According to Vince there will be a special ref and by the rumor's that are going around the ref that is chosen if it is true will make me happy because the match would be more interesting. I just wish there was a stipulation but Umaga can put up a good match and Lashley can put up a decent match but this match just seem's so plain to me but hopefully the special ref can attract more attention to it.
Well the rumour's are that it's Austin. With Lashley being a terrible talker and Umag not really being required to speak, it's good that Austin's going to be involved. Umaga and Austin are also both good brawler's so I think there exchange's could be good. Lashley is certainly going to be the week link in this whole match though. He was on fire before he went to ECW now he's a nobody.
Lashley vs Umaga is going to be a horrible, horrible match. The only way that they can make into a Wrestlemania match, is to add Austin into mix. Lashley can't sell moves, Umaga has no wrestling talent, all he does run around the ring and do body splashes, so, I don't know if Austin can even save this one, people.
Well I suppose we will have to see. I hope there is going to be some sort of twist like when he was Ref at WM XX, Umaga getting taught how to take a bump, anyone?

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