Battle Of The Billionare's

I was there tonight being in Dallas. It was real money that dropped down from the ceiling. There were 1,5,10,20, and 100's from what I saw. I was able only to get $2 but 2 people in front of me were lucky enough to get about $60 between them. It was crazy at first people were like is it real? The ending was great and so unexpected, TAKER!!!!
you have to remember...some of us tune into to a wrestling program to watch wrestling and could care less about the rest of the crap...

keep in mind it's World Wrestling Entertainment, not every segment is going to be wrestling related, some are just plain entertainment, get over it, or just stop watching WWE
Non-Wrestling is just as much a part of the history as Wrestling... How else do you progress Storylines?
i think that Donald Trump will be the face in the beginning and then he will join with Vince McMahon at Wrestlemania and continue to be destructive with Donald Trump at his side. It will be just like when Vince and Ric Flair. Vince had 50% of WWE and Flair had 50% of WWE. So we will see how this turns out.
So if you're WWE, and you have to appeal to people who want to see wrestling, and people who want to see storyline development, what do you do? You do both. And that's what they did.
LOL Trump telling Vince off last night, and basically speaking the truth in saying that Vince doesn't listen to the fans. Again, LMFAO! Also, I wonder whose money that was? I wonder if Vince actually is willing to do that. The money looked real, and I could see a riot if it was actually asked to be returned. I'm from New York. Here's hoping Trump kicks Vince's ass! I can see Trump bringing back Austin to spite Vince. Maybe something like Trump will give Austin a contract and pay with his money or something. LOL!
My guess is that Vince will challenge Trump to choose a wrestler to go against a wrestler of Vince choosing. Vince will pick the Great Khali and Trump will pick Hulk Hogan. When they first said HBK would be Trump's I thought HBK is way above that, but that is exactly something that would work with Hogan.
I couldn't believe that they actually dropped money down on the people. As much as I don't like this angle, that was clever. I HATE Donald Trump, so seeing him on Raw isn't really something I look forward too, but I guess it's good if it brings in ratings.
keep in mind it's World Wrestling Entertainment, not every segment is going to be wrestling related, some are just plain entertainment, get over it, or just stop watching WWE

Oh, trust me, I stopped watching this past summer, my tv was on usa when I turned it on, and that segment happened to be showing. You can have a furthering of storylines without this crap. Watch ROH, and you will see that they can build a fued without having to resort to using up over an hour of their programming for talking and pointless bits. While, yes, it was cool that money dropped from the sky (especially for fans in attendance) it was pointless in a wrestling program.

I'm sorry, I think it is stupid for Vince McMahon to desecrate the sport of professional wrestling by focusing more on the entertainment aspect than the wrestling itself.
Oh, trust me, I stopped watching this past summer, my tv was on usa when I turned it on, and that segment happened to be showing. You can have a furthering of storylines without this crap. Watch ROH, and you will see that they can build a fued without having to resort to using up over an hour of their programming for talking and pointless bits. While, yes, it was cool that money dropped from the sky (especially for fans in attendance) it was pointless in a wrestling program.

I'm sorry, I think it is stupid for Vince McMahon to desecrate the sport of professional wrestling by focusing more on the entertainment aspect than the wrestling itself.
Couldn't have said it better myself. It used to be that the storylines and different skits and whatnot would be used in support of good wrestling (at least in the upper card). Now it's like the wrestling is an afterthought completely, which is bogus.
well hmmm it is called SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT therefore the aspect of enterainment is more than the wrestling...wwe has been like that for awhile now since the attitude era so what the hell?
NO your completely wrong WWF ATTITUDE ERA was more wrestling and little skits but not as much as John Cena HBK Randy Orton and EDGE come out and flap there gums for 20 minutes thats a precissious 20 minutes of wrestling you could of seen.What else that sucks is that they come back from a commercial and you get 5 minutes of blabbing then back to commericals thats so really stupid 4 matches is all you get in a raw sometimes 5 and the womans ones are still not that great.
raw isn't supposed to be a completely pure wrestling show.

thaz why we have the ppv, raw is supposed to build storylines so that u whant to buy the ppv matches.

raw could have cena or hbk in tag matches or with heat peps on raw.

if u whant just wrestling and no promos, just watch the ppv
Theres no promos in PPVs???!!! When did you last watch it? PPVs are full of them, unfortunately. I do agree that there aren't as many in ring ones, but still it isn't exactly pure wrestling.
Well get over it, "oh the money thing was crap, it had nothing to do with it wah wah wah..." i mean honestly. They need to establish Trump as a face, so how else could they do it? Have Vince burn his 16 wives at the stake? Hes gunna wrestle Cena? think before u write. Also pure wrestling, I enjoy pure wrestling, i lap it up, but imagine if there was no talking or promos whatsoever, u'd all whine "I dont get it, why are they fighting? They didnt build this feud enoguh wah wah wah"
well hmmm it is called SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT therefore the aspect of enterainment is more than the wrestling...wwe has been like that for awhile now since the attitude era so what the hell?
Yes, Erk, we know it's followed that mentality and has since the steroid trial. However, during the Attitude Era the wrestling was still solid enough to keep the product afloat. Today, not only is the intelligence and fire gone from the booking/scripting, but the in-ring product is in the cumulative toilet.
So Trump's coming to RAW next week, and I can't wait! It's going to be interesting to see how they put this one together.

The main rumor is that both Trump and Vince are going to manage a wrestler who are going to go Head-2-Head at Wrestlemania.

It looks like Vince is going to have Khali, Shane, or Umaga in his corner, so that's pretty much set, but who's going to be in the Donald's corner?

Hulk Hogan - was probably the original plan, but it looks like Hulk is done with WWE, so maybe not...

Mick Foley - Mick probably wants to do this, but I don't know, personally it wouldn't have the right feel to it.

Steve Austin - Would make sense now that Austin is making movies in Hollywood and Trump's Apprentice show is in LA, but the only way Austin could wrestle is if it would be against Shane or Vince... maybe he could be the guest ref for this one though.

The Rock - See Steve Austin reasoning... although I doubt The Rock would want to come back, even just for Mania.

Chris Jericho - This one would make sense I would think, just a matter of getting Chris to come back.

Anyone else have an idea about who Trump could manage against Vince Mcmahon?
Good question to ask i mean this who storyline is really a what does Vinne mac want to do here...but i can see Vince taking Umaga at least he has some talent but for trump i dunno i mean maybe he goes after the ECW champ lashley i dunno but heres a crazy thought the to Edge/Orton match maybe this be one managed by McMahon and Trump i doubt it but u never know nowadays
im thinking vince picks khali or super crazy and donald picks stone cold or maybe super crazy if vince doesnt pick him cause notice crazys getting this push lately
im thinking vince picks khali or super crazy and donald picks stone cold or maybe super crazy if vince doesnt pick him cause notice crazys getting this push lately

Vince would just a pick the freak of nature, Khali, or he might pick umaga, but i doubt that. as for trump, since hogan is not there anymore, i guess he would pick ecw champ lashley. these guys want to make lashley unstoppable, and there is no better way to do that by just making him beat khali or umaga.

Super crazy! you must be kidding me! ok, the guy is getting some push but wwe cant just put him in the heavyweight division or in main events. Seriously, he is not that big of a superstar.
Donald is obviously going to pick Austin and it doesnt really matter who Mcmahon picks because Austin is going to win in pretty much a squash i imagine. If i had to guess though...i might go umaga
from what I heard the plan right now is to have Vince pick Khali and the Donald pick Lashley, of course things can always change and hopefully they do, I see Trumps pick winning this match and Vince getting his head shaved

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