Petition to remove Donald Trump from HOF

I think closing borders on the basis of religion is morally wrong for a country which has always depended on immigration for its success and espouses religious freedom as one of its founding ideals, yes.
We're not closing to religion. We're closing to a militant group.

Since I view immigration as an important part of what keeps this country healthy, I'm suspect of people who wish to close that pipeline down. If they can't explain how their idea would accomplish anything more than a rock on a shelf would, it's probably a pretty shitty idea.
Pretty sure we'll still get stuff to sell from other places.
So far, the "details" of this plan are 'we don't have any details, but maybe we'd bring them into a church and have them eat pork'.
You say it as if we're gonna do such an action without a plan first. At this point, I'm convinced you're just dragging the topic on for amusement.

For what it's worth, when you close down a supermarket, you have a specific goal (decontamination)with a specific procedure (sanitization protocol and upstream compliance verification) to resolve the problem.

Here, we have a non-specific goal (stop bad people), with an unknown procedure (maybe someone can't deny they're a Muslim in a mosque!!!), until terrorism stops forever.
Yup. You're trolling. Pretty sure locating members of a group is not non-specific. Pretty sure the idea is to create said procedure. Pretty sure the idea is to end one radicalist group. Not stop a religion.
Thank you for playing.
Sure. I'm not sure if Godwin's law has been played yet, but boy nazis would walk all over your yard and you'd play ignorant.

Also as a protestant Christian who migrated, if I had a terrorist group associated to my religion and needed to prove I was unaffiliated, I'd gladly take it. And prove I'm no danger to those around me.
We're not closing to religion. We're closing to a militant group.
I am fine with not admitting members of Daesh into the country. But that's not what's being discussed.
Pretty sure we'll still get stuff to sell from other places.
You........ missed the point. This isn't an export/import issue, this is an intellectual capital idea.
You say it as if we're gonna do such an action without a plan first. At this point, I'm convinced you're just dragging the topic on for amusement.
I'm going to conquer the world. I'm not sure how I'm going to do it, but it'll probably involve laser beams.

Ideas are great! Any asshole can have an idea. What's important is if that idea can actually be executed, and if the execution of that idea would be an improvement. The "idea" here is "stopping terrorism in America". The "plan" is to close borders to all Muslims from a large geographical area. The "execution" is "¯\_(ツ)_/¯".

At this point, I'm convinced you've walked into a discussion and quickly found yourself over your head, but can't think of any better ways to extricate yourself from this than "omg, you must be trolling." NorCal pretending he was too good for the discussion worked better, although admittedly not by much.
Yup. You're trolling. Pretty sure locating members of a group is not non-specific. Pretty sure the idea is to create said procedure. Pretty sure the idea is to end one radicalist group. Not stop a religion.
Then................. target Daesh, not "all Muslims who live in a large area".

Again. Any asshole can have an idea. It doesn't make it a good one.
Sure. I'm not sure if Godwin's law has been played yet, but boy nazis would walk all over your yard and you'd play ignorant.

Also as a protestant Christian who migrated, if I had a terrorist group associated to my religion and needed to prove I was unaffiliated, I'd gladly take it. And prove I'm no danger to those around me.
You.......... also don't get Godwin's law. It is not something you "play". It's a theorem which states that the mathematical possibility of some asshole introducing Nazism into an argument on the internet approaches 1 over time. You didn't "play" it, but you sure demonstrated its accuracy.

NorCal couldn't explain how his idea would work better than a rock on a shelf. You're doing worse.
If us asking people to have patience with coming to our country while we try to figure out a better system to keep everyone safe

Do you really believe that this is the message that these people are going to get or take from said action whether it is true or not? Do you think it is at all possible that the evildoers are already taking Trump's words to convince others amongst them to consider that maybe the West really is evil and out to get Muslims?

is going to alienate them to radicalization, perhaps they aren't people we want here anyways.

And yet the irony is that they are more likely to come after being radicalized.

Is alienating people worth it to save innocent lives? unequivocally yes. At least you have the sense to not pretend this results in more than upsetting people.

Sorry maybe I'm just a fear junkie but I really do believe when you single out a group of people it is more likely and in this case significantly more likely to make people want to kill you.

I would defer to someone with more historical knowledge, a Middle East expert, with a strong psychology background to tell me I'm wrong but it seems to me that these people use everything they can to radicalize and can use this type of message very effectively.

You know what isn't fucking civilized or a logical way to do things? Killing people over being upset.

I agree. But I am not a Muslim and I live a comfortable life.

New question. Americans overwhelmingly want Muslims and Muslim nations to help us in the fight in terror. Is this condition going to make them more or less helpful?
Do you really believe that this is the message that these people are going to get or take from said action whether it is true or not??

If that's the literal message we send, and they DECIDE TO KILL OVER IT, that sounds like a them problem and not an us problem. Is that were we are? Don't upset people because they might go on large scale murder sprees on innocent people? Well that's just the sort I want to tow the line for.

And yet the irony is that they are more likely to come after being radicalized.

They may be more likely to TRY. Remember, the entire point is to try and reform our immigration process, which is clearly not as effective as we would like for it to be.

Sorry maybe I'm just a fear junkie but I really do believe when you single out a group of people it is more likely and in this case significantly more likely to make people want to kill you.

Which we have covered is just a BIT fucking unreasonable. "oh, you slighted me for a short amount of time, now im going to kill massive amounts of innocent people who had nothing to do with it" is not a fucking acceptable answer, nor one that should be taken into account.

New question. Americans overwhelmingly want Muslims and Muslim nations to help us in the fight in terror. Is this condition going to make them more or less helpful?

We don't have a great window into the phsycology of the area, but in a way this almost forcing their hand, from a logistical sense. Perhaps it would serve as an example for the future as well. If shit pops off in your area, you don't just get to wait around for America to solve your problems, so in three or four more years the military can throw its weapons on the ground and run away again. The lack of response from extremely powerful and rich nations surrounding this situation is fucking appalling.
Have to laugh at Hilary insinuating Trump would be used by ISIS in recruitment videos, turns out they used her husband Slick Willy, oops.
Two ways to look at it:

1) Hilary was wrong.

2) ISIS remembers Billary leveling parts of Iraq, are expecting them back, and want to get ahead of things.
Not The Donald. His memory's so good the Men In Black neuralizer didn't erase his memory of the Muslim victory parade in New Jersey on 9/11.
Trump shouldn't be in the Hall simply because he doesn't deserve it, regardless of his ******ed political beliefs. But he put a lot of money in the WWE's pockets over the years, so it's not hard to see why he's in there. Not that it even matters anymore, that HOF is so diluted with undeserving people it's honestly a joke.

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