Petition to remove Donald Trump from HOF

Another sweet, convenient non answer.

ISIL says they will attack western civilizations on their own soil

ISIL does so

ISIL does so X2

Numerous ISIL associates arrested in both places

But I guess they probably aren't serious and its nothing to be concerned about,.
Another sweet, convenient non answer.

ISIL says they will attack western civilizations on their own soil

ISIL does so

ISIL does so X2

Numerous ISIL associates arrested in both places

But I guess they probably aren't serious and its nothing to be concerned about,.


False flags. The dead people are crisis actors and the government is just trying to make war to satisfy its business partners and shadowy puppet masters.
If the questions you're asking rely on people accepting a faulty conclusion to answer, the response is to ignore the poorly constructed question and explain the faulty conclusion.

Now, then, where's this ISIL terrorist attack on American soil? Not "we think these guys we saw on Facebook are cool", but actual, material support, like supplying funding, personnel, or any actual physical thing? Or are we back to " not yet, but someday you'll all see how right I am"?
San Bernadino was in contact with ISIS both associated in the middle east and over the phone / internet, openly communicated about jihad and ISIS claimed them soldiers of the caliphate.

There has been plenty of contradicting stories coming out about what was posted and when and to whom, but it's clear enough ISIS at the very minimum was an inspiration for it.

I mean hey, if you want to go micro transaction by micro transaction, I guess that's cool. We will ignore the 30 arrests of ISIS supporting immigrants and ISIS supporting recruiters arrested in the last 14 months.

It's clear you would deny them being taken seriously up until your own beheading, And still have entirely ignored points and questions in this thread.

I guess if you want to play circular word games we can do that til the end of the world or whatever.
Or are we back to " not yet, but someday you'll all see how right I am"?

They DID IT in france. And have been caught trying to in the US. and at the very least inspired a massacre in the US.

You still haven't answered when "someday" many innocent people need to die for you to acknowledge these people are serious?
And on that day, (the "someday you'll see how right I am"), I will be here to mock you for taking my mocking answer literally.
If your country implements a "temporary" ban on immigration from the Middle East, it'll end up lasting longer than the Cuban embargo.
This whole discussion, for what it's worth, is entirely sidestepping the question of whether an immigration ban would actually DO anything to prevent a terrorist attack. We're a country with an effectively unsealable southern border and long established smuggling routes originating in Central America, and an unguarded northern border. Why not just get a Canadian student visa and walk across the border?

It sounds good to a certain group of people to say "we have to do something!" Certain other groups go a step further and wonder if that "something" actually does anything.
This whole discussion, for what it's worth, is entirely sidestepping the question of whether an immigration ban would actually DO anything to prevent a terrorist attack. We're a country with an effectively unsealable southern border and long established smuggling routes originating in Central America, and an unguarded northern border. Why not just get a Canadian student visa and walk across the border?

It sounds good to a certain group of people to say "we have to do something!" Certain other groups go a step further and wonder if that "something" actually does anything.

It's actually been addressed more than once.

Just as with gun may not resolve anything entirely, but it's worth looking into or trying to improve if it can be improved.
Which completely avoids the issue of if your proscribed solution would improve anything, which rests upon your faulty conclusion that "any something" is better than our current system.
I said what we have now is ineffective, so it's worth trying to improve/reform.

If something isn't effective to the standard you would like for it to be, you should try to make it better.

Not sure what your looking for here.
I have a rock. Since I've owned it, I have never been attacked by a terrorist.

Explain how your proposal to close immigration to all Muslims is more effective at preventing terrorism than my rock.
Already am! Thank you. I'm willing to take the chance on it being less nice though, and sell you my terrorism preventing rock. No checks.
Wow Rayne. All this becauae you think closing borders to improve security is somehow morally wrong

You must get insanely pissed off if your favorite supermarket gets closed due to contaminated food.
Wow Rayne. All this becauae you think closing borders to improve security is somehow morally wrong

You must get insanely pissed off if your favorite supermarket gets closed due to contaminated food.
I think closing borders on the basis of religion is morally wrong for a country which has always depended on immigration for its success and espouses religious freedom as one of its founding ideals, yes.

Since I view immigration as an important part of what keeps this country healthy, I'm suspect of people who wish to close that pipeline down. If they can't explain how their idea would accomplish anything more than a rock on a shelf would, it's probably a pretty shitty idea.

So far, the "details" of this plan are 'we don't have any details, but maybe we'd bring them into a church and have them eat pork'.


For what it's worth, when you close down a supermarket, you have a specific goal (decontamination) with a specific procedure (sanitization protocol and upstream compliance verification) to resolve the problem. Here, we have a non-specific goal (stop bad people), with an unknown procedure (maybe someone can't deny they're a Muslim in a mosque!!!), until terrorism stops forever. Thank you for playing.
Yeah, but you'd probably pretty pissed if your favorite supermarket closed because of contaminated food in France.
There was a factory that produced a poor-tasting wheel of Beaufort cheese, and so to protect our safety no one is allowed to produce Beaufort cheese anymore. We aren't quite sure of the details of how this would work, but it would probably involve examining cow udders in pasture.

This is only a temporary measure, until there's no more bad cheese.

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