[Official] Team Canada Discussion Thread

Who Represents Team Canada?

  • Bret Hart

  • Chris Benoit

  • Chris Jericho

  • Christian

  • Owen Hart

  • Lance Storm

  • Edge

  • Earthquake

  • Killer Kowalski

  • Abdullah the Butcher

  • Robert Roode

  • Petey Williams

  • Val Venis

  • Stu Hart

Results are only viewable after voting.


Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
This is the HQ for discussion on Team Canada.

This is a non-spam thread! If you wish to discuss Team Canada, who should be on the team, etc. please make sure you back up your point. Lists and one-sentence answers that do not contribute to the conversation will be warned.

Sigs will be available once the members of Team Canada are announced in mid-November.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that Bret Hart should be the captain of Team Canada. He is considered one, if not the best wrestler to ever lace up the boots and he has been in team environments in the past with the Hart Foundation (tag and stable) and the NWO.

Edge is another guy I think should get one the team. He has a large following here on WZ and has had big time success in the tournaments held on here. He has one close to 10 world titles plus double digit tag titles and multiple mid card titles. Plus he can work on a team. Plus he'll do whatever it takes to win a match.
This is where the world will look. A nation of thirty-two million people that have characterized wrestling, not just as a form of entertainment, but as a way in which you live your life. Wrestling is not a joke to the people who still hold it in their hearts here. It is why we continue to watch the tapes that are marked "Stampede Wrestling" every time that we need to look back on our heroes.

This is a nation who brought the world Bret Hart. Bret Hart is often named the greatest technical wrestler of all time. He knew the ins and outs of the ring like it was his own bedroom. He could make anyone look incredible in the ring, and that is what a great wrestler does.

Bret Hart is the person who at one point made Owen Hart, his own younger sibling look as one of the greatest wrestlers in the business of the time.

Bret Hart is also the man, despite being on the greatest push of his life would put over his own brother in law, to make Davey Boy Smith seem like a real life hero in his own nation.

This is the man that created Stone Cold Steve Austin as the anti-hero that changed the world. You just have to look to Wrestlemania 13 for that.

No, this man is more than a wrestler. This man is an industry. He made every man he faced look like the greatest wrestler of all time. People question the selling power of today's wrestlers, like John Cena, Triple H, Randy Orton, The Undertaker, and many others, and that is because of the simple reason. They hardly create opponents who are viable through their own actions.

No Bret Hart was not the tallest wrestler. He did not have the biggest biceps. He never told the crowd to give him a "hell yeah" or referred to his sex life in the ring. He inspired people. He is a hero in India, Germany, Great Britain, and to many Americans, not just his fans at home. No matter what the location of the arena, he will have fans cheering for him. He has lived a relatively quiet outside life, he never beat his wife, though they did separate. He never attempted suicide as a quick exit, despite the hard life he has lived after losing many people he loved. He lives his life, looking to stay happy.

The one negative I think people look to the most in Bret Hart's life is the "screw job" angle. If you try to pin that on Bret Hart to fault him, ignoring his work in keeping the greatest wrestling company in the world afloat, and putting over as many people as he could as stars, you are extremely fickle. If you question his drawing powers, instead question how well John Cena would draw if he was the only draw in the WWE, when there was another company that had more talent than his, better angles, and more flexibility.

Bret Hart didn't join wrestling to be rich. He joined because he loved his family and he loved the business. His dad needed help, so Bret, like many other sons in the world took the charge. He started in his dad's company not because he wanted to become a star, no, he did it to help his family, who had 12 children. He even started to represent his dad's business in Puerto Rico and later on the tours of Stampede Wrestling. He was put into the role because the love of his family.

And his love for the fans. I bet Bret Hart has 100s of memories that he can smile at, because he knew how many fans he has made happy. Yes, this is subjective, but as a little boy growing up in northern British Columbia, seeing Bret Hart was the biggest thrill of my life. I dreamed of one day having Bret's Glasses put onto my head, and even tried to make them out of camera film, just to be like him. He is my hero, and he is many people's hero around the world.
This is where the world will look. A nation of thirty-two million people that have characterized wrestling, not just as a form of entertainment, but as a way in which you live your life. Wrestling is not a joke to the people who still hold it in their hearts here. It is why we continue to watch the tapes that are marked "Stampede Wrestling" every time that we need to look back on our heroes.

This is a nation who brought the world Bret Hart. Bret Hart is often named the greatest technical wrestler of all time. He knew the ins and outs of the ring like it was his own bedroom. He could make anyone look incredible in the ring, and that is what a great wrestler does.

Bret Hart is the person who at one point made Owen Hart, his own younger sibling look as one of the greatest wrestlers in the business of the time.

Bret Hart is also the man, despite being on the greatest push of his life would put over his own brother in law, to make Davey Boy Smith seem like a real life hero in his own nation.

This is the man that created Stone Cold Steve Austin as the anti-hero that changed the world. You just have to look to Wrestlemania 13 for that.

No, this man is more than a wrestler. This man is an industry. He made every man he faced look like the greatest wrestler of all time. People question the selling power of today's wrestlers, like John Cena, Triple H, Randy Orton, The Undertaker, and many others, and that is because of the simple reason. They hardly create opponents who are viable through their own actions.

No Bret Hart was not the tallest wrestler. He did not have the biggest biceps. He never told the crowd to give him a "hell yeah" or referred to his sex life in the ring. He inspired people. He is a hero in India, Germany, Great Britain, and to many Americans, not just his fans at home. No matter what the location of the arena, he will have fans cheering for him. He has lived a relatively quiet outside life, he never beat his wife, though they did separate. He never attempted suicide as a quick exit, despite the hard life he has lived after losing many people he loved. He lives his life, looking to stay happy.

The one negative I think people look to the most in Bret Hart's life is the "screw job" angle. If you try to pin that on Bret Hart to fault him, ignoring his work in keeping the greatest wrestling company in the world afloat, and putting over as many people as he could as stars, you are extremely fickle. If you question his drawing powers, instead question how well John Cena would draw if he was the only draw in the WWE, when there was another company that had more talent than his, better angles, and more flexibility.

Bret Hart didn't join wrestling to be rich. He joined because he loved his family and he loved the business. His dad needed help, so Bret, like many other sons in the world took the charge. He started in his dad's company not because he wanted to become a star, no, he did it to help his family, who had 12 children. He even started to represent his dad's business in Puerto Rico and later on the tours of Stampede Wrestling. He was put into the role because the love of his family.

And his love for the fans. I bet Bret Hart has 100s of memories that he can smile at, because he knew how many fans he has made happy. Yes, this is subjective, but as a little boy growing up in northern British Columbia, seeing Bret Hart was the biggest thrill of my life. I dreamed of one day having Bret's Glasses put onto my head, and even tried to make them out of camera film, just to be like him. He is my hero, and he is many people's hero around the world.

Seriously, I just read this and it made me smile. I am 100% in agrement with everything that TM just wrote. No one is beter suited to be the captain of the Canadian team than Bret Hart.

As for the rest of the team, where do we begin?!? SOOOO many greats came out of this country... TONS of former champions. Lance Storm, Chris Jericho, Edge, Christian, Chris Benoit, Owen Hart (shut up, IC), Rick Martel, the Rougeau Brothers, Jim Neidhart... man, my hands are getting tired. But you all get the point. They are the only country who's entire population has embraced pro-wrestling.
They are the only country who's entire population has embraced pro-wrestling.

Whoa, totally untrue. Japan and Mexico have as well. In fact, while Canada respects it wrestlers as athletes (just behind hockey players and curlers), Mexico practically deifies it's wrestlers. Many of the top guys have gotten contracts to also be comic book superheroes because of their cultural impact. And in Japan? When Vader beat Inoki in 3 minutes, the arena seriously rioted!
Canada respects it wrestlers as athletes

Once again, I'm the victim of having a half-working brain and mis-wording my statements. This is what I meant to say.

The population of Canada respects professional wrestlers as athletes. Either way, it's still light years ahead of how the American people view pro-wrestling. The majority of the USA frowns upon almost every aspect of the sport. They completely discard the fact that pro-wrestlers are world-class athletes. However, residents of Canada think just the opposite.

Hopefully, that made more sense.
So after reading the match ups, Team Canada picks itself.

Ironman match? Bret Hart. Yes, he lost the one he appeared in, and it wasn't a spectacular match, but there is no one better suited to the concept than him in the tournament.

Falls count anywhere? Edge. One of the finest gimmick wrestlers in history. He's been in just about every one, and his sick and twisted mind will not hold back. He will do whatever it takes.

Submission? Chris Benoit. One of, if not the, most ferocious looking submission finishers of all time. HHH even tapped out to it at WrestleMania.The man beat Kurt Angle in an ultimate submission match. He fits the bill perfectly.

Ladder? Chris Jericho. He created the MitB match. He has beaten Shawn Michaels in a ladder match.He beat Chris Benoit in a fantastic ladder match in 2001. It's Chris Jericho's playground, the ladder match.

The fifth member? I'm not even going to pretend I have an expansive wrestling knowledge so I'll leave it for people who are in the know. Those four, in those match types, though, makes Canada favourites in my book.
Lance Storm should definitely be a major part of this team if not a co captain of sorts with Bret Hart.

Lance is one of the best to ever come out of Canada. He helped to build ECW and was a major part of their early days as the Impact Players with Justin Credible.

I would even have to go out on a limb here and say he is one of the best ring technicians ever. This man was amazing in the ring. He knew so many different moves and was great with each one.

One of his memorable moments was when he won the Cruiserweight, United States, and Hardcore Championship and renamed each of them. Nothing beats the Saskatchewan Hardcore International Title.

Plus who could forget " ... If I could be serious for a moment? "

He is truly underrated and definitely deserves a spot on this team.
Vamprio would make both a bizarre and talented 5th member if another suitable one could not be found. He had given his all to the world and pretty much paid the price for it over the years. He may not have been the most successful wrestler of all time, but his gimmick and attitude towards the business should make his claim in Team Canada.
I know we're all going to see Bret here, as well as a ton of other guys from that family.

But...What about guys like Brian Pillman and Lance Storm? There's no one they can't compete against, and they're among the greatest wrestlers ever, much less greatest Canadians. They'd add a much different dynamic to the team with their speed and high-flying, and would still keep in the technical base the team has.

I'm sure Will would eventually back Edge, but after this year's debacle with him, I say we keep him out by any means necessary.
I'm assuming this team will be Bret Hart, Chris Jericho, Edge and then two of either Owen Hart, Chris Benoit, Christian, Lance Storm, Steve Corino, Roddy Piper or Trish Stratus.

But it would be nice to see some of the older wrestlers of Canada get some representation. What about Abdullah, Billy Watson, Yvon Robert, Mad Dog Vachon, Earl McCready, Gene Kiniski, John Tolos, Johnny Rougeau, Archie Gouldie, Pat Patterson, Stu Hart (though he was more trainer than wrestler) or even Rick Martel?

My team would be: Bret Hart (speaks for itself), Killer Kowalski (one of the best heels ever), Mad Dog Vachon (one of the most popular wrestlers of his time), Edge and Chris Jericho (for current representation). You have representation from Canada's three biggest wrestling territories, Calgary (Hart), Toronto (Kowalski) and Quebec (Vachon); three different eras; and three different major companies, WWE, AWA and WCW (four if you count Jericho's brief period in ECW).

Of course, the other teams will be mostly newer wrestlers, and unfortunately, in the minds of current fans, greats like Kowalski would stand little chance against John Cena.
where to begin? there are so many names to choose from. bret hart for sure would be captain. and im surprised no one has mentioned pat patterson or test. but like i said, so many to choose from such as bret hart, owen hart, edge, christian, lance storm, chris benoit, chris jericho, pat patterson, jacques rougeau, test, petey williams, killer kowalski, gene kiniski, vampiro, and many more.

since i can only choose five, here ya go:

1. bret hart
2. chris jericho
3. chris benoit
4. owen hart
5. lance storm
If the rule applys to Jericho, what about The Rock. His father Rocky Johnson is canadian, and the canadian law says that anyone with a parent born in canada has canadian citizenship. So could The Rock apply to team canada? Hmmmmm........Also Roddy Piper is canadian, and so is Pat Patterson. I haven't read anyone mention them sofar. All of them are hall a famers or a lock to be in the hall. As for my picks for the team if Rock can count then it goes Bret, Edge, Rock, Jericho, Piper. If no Rock then Bret, Edge, Piper, Patterson, Jericho. Beniot is on the bench. Piper has to be a lock to be on the team, take Lance Storm off.

Iron Man Match i'm sending Jericho, he's the first undisputed champ. and to do so he had to beat Rock and Austin in the same night and did so. Endurance, experience, big match tested.

Submission Match i'm sending Bret. He has the greatest submission of all time. The best of the best. I dont think you can send anyone else in for the submission match.

Falls Count Anywear i'm sending in Piper. Gritty, tough, and crazy the best combo for this type of match.

Ladder Match i'm sending in Edge. Hes been in the most ladder matches out of anyone on the team, and also big match tested.

this is team Canada.
If the rule applys to Jericho, what about The Rock. His father Rocky Johnson is canadian, and the canadian law says that anyone with a parent born in canada has canadian citizenship. So could The Rock apply to team canada? Hmmmmm........Also Roddy Piper is canadian, and so is Pat Patterson. I haven't read anyone mention them sofar. All of them are hall a famers or a lock to be in the hall. As for my picks for the team if Rock can count then it goes Bret, Edge, Rock, Jericho, Piper. If no Rock then Bret, Edge, Piper, Patterson, Jericho. Beniot is on the bench. Piper has to be a lock to be on the team, take Lance Storm off.

This is all about kayfabe, and Piper the character was Scottish. Even if he wasn't...This is a wrestling event. How can you take Lance Storm off, and replace him with someone knoqn for eye pokes and sleeper holds? It just can't be done.

Patterson was mentioned by someone else, and would be a fine choice, if there weren't already about a dozen people ahead of him for Canada...
This is all about kayfabe, and Piper the character was Scottish. Even if he wasn't...This is a wrestling event. How can you take Lance Storm off, and replace him with someone knoqn for eye pokes and sleeper holds? It just can't be done.

Patterson was mentioned by someone else, and would be a fine choice, if there weren't already about a dozen people ahead of him for Canada...

Are you serious about a dozen people ahead of Pat Patterson?? That tells me you haven't seen enough Patterson to understand how great he is. He was truely great. He might have been the best wrestler of his generation. That statement is insane.

And Piper is in the same catagory that Flair is in, and HHH is in. Where it doesn't matter what they do, the fans still love them. Piper threw someone straight through glass and they still cheer when they see that clip.

And you really think Flair wont be on team America??? Seriously come on. He might be the team leader. Piper is no where near as bad is Flair (Dirtest player in the game). Flair is gonna be on there, so theres no way Piper shouldn't be on the team.
Canada has a potentially strong team, a good mix of strength, speed, current and past wrestlers. Bret Hart obviously takes the captaincy, Chris Jericho and Edge speak for themselves and are current enough that people will now them extensively and gaining popularity. I'd also give Benoit the nod, fantastic wrestler in all sorts of matches and is also well known and liked despite the murders.

As for the fith member, I'd go Lance Storm, very patriotic, strong and a fantastic technical wrestler, but that's not to say that theres no other good choices, I'd be happy to put Kolawski, Niedhart, Pillman etc on there. My final picks;

Bret Hart (Captain)
Chris Jericho
Chris Benoit
Lance Storm
Are you serious about a dozen people ahead of Pat Patterson?? That tells me you haven't seen enough Patterson to understand how great he is. He was truely great. He might have been the best wrestler of his generation. That statement is insane.

And this statement tells me you're absolutely insane. Ahead of Patterson you have guys like Edge, Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Lance Storm, Gene Kiniski, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho...The list really goes on and on. Saying he's about 12th was probably being nice. Canada is the favorites to win this whoel damn thing probably...

And Piper is in the same catagory that Flair is in, and HHH is in. Where it doesn't matter what they do, the fans still love them. Piper threw someone straight through glass and they still cheer when they see that clip.

Piper = Flair? Really? Piper was great to watch, but he's not in the same sport as Flair...Flair is among the greatest, if not the greatest. Piper was merely mid-card filler for almost his entire career.

And you really think Flair wont be on team America??? Seriously come on. He might be the team leader. Piper is no where near as bad is Flair (Dirtest player in the game). Flair is gonna be on there, so theres no way Piper shouldn't be on the team.

Where did I say Flair wouldn't be on Team USA? :headscratch:
~~("And this statement tells me you're absolutely insane. Ahead of Patterson you have guys like Edge, Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Lance Storm, Gene Kiniski, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho...The list really goes on and on. Saying he's about 12th was probably being nice. Canada is the favorites to win this whoel damn thing probably...")~~

12th is insulting him. This guy is a legend, that's an insane statement.

Why does everyone keep putting Storm in this? He is a patriot and he is a fantastic wrestler but everything hes good at someone on this team has a specialty for it. Yes he's a fantastic wrestler, fantastic technical wrestler but what match would you put him in??? Ladder Match over Edge nope, Iron Man match over Jericho nope, Submission match with Bret and the greatest submission of all time, nope, Royal Rumble Match with the guy who invented the match Patterson, nope. Maybe the No holds Barred Match but you want someone crazy for the match, and Lance just isn't crazy. I know he was in ECW but he's not crazy. Storm is great, but he's not better then the others at their specialtys.

People who insult Patterson don't understand that Patterson is the person who invented the Royal Rumble. Theres the saying of He created it so he can destroy it. Why wouldn't you put the guy who invented the Royal Rumble, on Team Canada to win the Rumble match. The Rumble match is just begging for Canada to put the guy who invented the match in.

~~("Piper = Flair? Really? Piper was great to watch, but he's not in the same sport as Flair...Flair is among the greatest, if not the greatest. Piper was merely mid-card filler for almost his entire career.")~~

(So was Lance Storm)

And I am the first one to say he was alittle overrated but he has a specialty. I dont think people are understanding this. Put people with the specialtys in the specialty matches. Piper would go balistic in a no holds bard match.

I never said Piper was as good as flair. You stated that he was a heel, he was known for poking people in the eye. And i said so was Flair. Flair was the dirtest player in the game. So the argument about how Piper is a heel doesn't really work.

I would say that Canada is the favorite to win this, but not if we put the wrong people in. Patterson invented the freakin Rumble. He invented it. Why wouldn't we put him on the team when one of the matches is a Rumble match.
I’m new to this whole Wrestlezolympics '10 thing. Plus this is my first post as well here! I’ve read most of the posts in the thread but not sure of how many members can go where or even if you can use someone from another country to be part of a team like all of the Hart Foundation in the mid ninety’s. Also since I didn’t know if people that has passed away was allow on this thing so either way I will do both circumstances until I know for sure.

I will list the starts from top to bottom as the top is the captain and the bottom is the least competitor to compete unless something happens to the other member of the team

Team Canada

Bret Hart* (member of Hart Foundation)
Chris Jericho
Chris Benoit
Lance Storm
Christian Cage
Steve Corino
Val Venis
Teddy Hart
Johnny Swinger
Robert Roode
Petey Williams
Eric Young
Johnny Devine
Harry Smith* (teams with TJ Wilson)
TJ Wilson* (teams with Harry Smith)

Not sure if useable

Owen Hart* (member of Hart Foundation)
British Bulldog* (member of Hart Foundation)
Jim Neidhart* (member of Hart Foundation)
Andrew Martin
Jack Evans* (teams with Teddy Hart)

If you think about you can sort have two Hart Foundations one is older and then the other is the younger version.

Older Hart Foundation

Bret Hart
Owen Hart
British Bulldog
Jim Neidhart

Younger Hart Foundation

Teddy Hart
Harry Smith
TJ Wilson
Jack Evans

Then you can go ahead if you want use TNA Team Canada members.

Robert Roode
Petey Williams
Eric Young
Johnny Devine

That leaves us with the following stars

Andrew Martin
Chris Jericho
Christian Cage
Johnny Swinger
Lance Storm
Steve Corino
Val Venis

If you want then you can automatically put the following wrestlers together because most of them have tag with one another or faced each other many times.

Andrew Martin
Chris Jericho
Christian Cage
Val Venis
Chris Benoit

The rest are still decent wrestlers or better so Canada does have a great talent pool to pick from.

Johnny Swinger
Steve Corino

Now, if I had to pick by using what I know and who works better in the different categories.

For the Iron man match I could at least go with the following choices

Bret Hart or Chris Jericho or Chris Benoit would go well in this match but you have to think if you want to go with the most technician wrestler or the younger of the two.

Next, is the submission match you have just about the same talents to go in this one as the iron man match but with Benoit or Lance or Steve to be able to take this one if need to be.

Bret Hart or Chris Jericho or Chris Benoit or Lance Storm or Steve Corino

Falls Count Anywhere

I’m not sure about this but what I know or have seen on TV and films. I would put there names out there to see which one would be better fit.

Steve Corino or Vampiro or Andrew Martin or Chris Benoit

Ladder Match

I figure this might be the best for either of these two guys Christian Cage or Edge since they have competed so many times in ladder matches. Then again there are a lot more younger talents that can do the job if need to be like Teddy Hart, Petey Williams, and
Jack Evans. Depends on how things are going for your team you may need to put the best one and wisest one for this match.

The match that probably could decide the matter for your team is the 5 vs 5 match. In this one you would want the best chemistry of team work for your team. I may go with any Hart Foundation members plus the member of the TNA version. Which ones are still available to use.

That’s my Team Canada thoughts!
I’m new to this whole Wrestlezolympics '10 thing. Plus this is my first post as well here! I’ve read most of the posts in the thread but not sure of how many members can go where or even if you can use someone from another country to be part of a team like all of the Hart Foundation in the mid ninety’s. Also since I didn’t know if people that has passed away was allow on this thing so either way I will do both circumstances until I know for sure.

I will list the starts from top to bottom as the top is the captain and the bottom is the least competitor to compete unless something happens to the other member of the team

Team Canada

Bret Hart* (member of Hart Foundation)
Chris Jericho
Chris Benoit
Lance Storm
Christian Cage
Steve Corino
Val Venis
Teddy Hart
Johnny Swinger
Robert Roode
Petey Williams
Eric Young
Johnny Devine
Harry Smith* (teams with TJ Wilson)
TJ Wilson* (teams with Harry Smith)

Not sure if useable

Owen Hart* (member of Hart Foundation)
British Bulldog* (member of Hart Foundation)
Jim Neidhart* (member of Hart Foundation)
Andrew Martin
Jack Evans* (teams with Teddy Hart)

If you think about you can sort have two Hart Foundations one is older and then the other is the younger version.

Older Hart Foundation

Bret Hart
Owen Hart
British Bulldog
Jim Neidhart

Younger Hart Foundation

Teddy Hart
Harry Smith
TJ Wilson
Jack Evans

Then you can go ahead if you want use TNA Team Canada members.

Robert Roode
Petey Williams
Eric Young
Johnny Devine

That leaves us with the following stars

Andrew Martin
Chris Jericho
Christian Cage
Johnny Swinger
Lance Storm
Steve Corino
Val Venis

If you want then you can automatically put the following wrestlers together because most of them have tag with one another or faced each other many times.

Andrew Martin
Chris Jericho
Christian Cage
Val Venis
Chris Benoit

The rest are still decent wrestlers or better so Canada does have a great talent pool to pick from.

Johnny Swinger
Steve Corino

Now, if I had to pick by using what I know and who works better in the different categories.

For the Iron man match I could at least go with the following choices

Bret Hart or Chris Jericho or Chris Benoit would go well in this match but you have to think if you want to go with the most technician wrestler or the younger of the two.

Next, is the submission match you have just about the same talents to go in this one as the iron man match but with Benoit or Lance or Steve to be able to take this one if need to be.

Bret Hart or Chris Jericho or Chris Benoit or Lance Storm or Steve Corino

Falls Count Anywhere

I’m not sure about this but what I know or have seen on TV and films. I would put there names out there to see which one would be better fit.

Steve Corino or Vampiro or Andrew Martin or Chris Benoit

Ladder Match

I figure this might be the best for either of these two guys Christian Cage or Edge since they have competed so many times in ladder matches. Then again there are a lot more younger talents that can do the job if need to be like Teddy Hart, Petey Williams, and
Jack Evans. Depends on how things are going for your team you may need to put the best one and wisest one for this match.

The match that probably could decide the matter for your team is the 5 vs 5 match. In this one you would want the best chemistry of team work for your team. I may go with any Hart Foundation members plus the member of the TNA version. Which ones are still available to use.

That’s my Team Canada thoughts!
When you think about it, Canada is probably one of the top four nations when it comes to producing wrestlers (the others being the US, Japan and Mexico).

If deceased/retired wrestlers are allowed, here are some interesting older picks:

Submission match: Stu Hart
Falls Count Anywhere: Killer Kowalski
No DQ/hardcore match (if there is one): Abdullah the Butcher

The likes of Lance Storm, Christian and Steve Corino are all solid wrestlers, but there is no way that they are amongst the top Canadian wrestlers of all time. When picking the final team, don't forget that, and don't just load it with current stars.
So after reading the match ups, Team Canada picks itself.

Ironman match? Bret Hart. Yes, he lost the one he appeared in, and it wasn't a spectacular match, but there is no one better suited to the concept than him in the tournament.

Falls count anywhere? Edge. One of the finest gimmick wrestlers in history. He's been in just about every one, and his sick and twisted mind will not hold back. He will do whatever it takes.
I support both of these picks. Edge has won Last Man Standing matches, hardcore matches, ladder matches, TLC matches, and cage matches against some of the baddest in the game and going long won't be an issue for Hart. My support goes to both picks.

Submission? Chris Benoit. One of, if not the, most ferocious looking submission finishers of all time. HHH even tapped out to it at WrestleMania.The man beat Kurt Angle in an ultimate submission match. He fits the bill perfectly.
Not only that, but he's made motherfucking Kane and Brock Lesnar submit. Benoit is a machine. Fuck, he may choose to drop someone on their head Sabu style before locking on the crossface. This is a great pick.

Ladder? Chris Jericho. He created the MitB match. He has beaten Shawn Michaels in a ladder match.He beat Chris Benoit in a fantastic ladder match in 2001. It's Chris Jericho's playground, the ladder match.
He's also won a TLC match and has beaten Christain in a ladder match. Another stellar pick from The Todd.

As for our myster fifth member, I say we pick Christian. The man is as popular as anyone in the IWC these days, and that could really be a help to us. But I am open to suggestions.
McClure, the description of the falls count anywhere says its ", it's anything goes for anyone" so I hope it means its a hardcore match. I thought it was so I recomended Foley for the US team. For team Canada I would recomend:

Iron Man: Bret Hart because it is hard to think of the Iron Man match and not think of him.

Submission: Killer Kowalkski is a proven winner an used with success the Kowalski Claw.

Falls Count anywhere: Abdullah the Butcher is a hardcore legend.

Ladder Match: Edge has been in TLC 1 and 2 and has won MITB, so what else can this guy do on a ladder.

The 5th member is the hardest because the Royal Rumble style match but Chris Beniot was a winner in 2004. That would give Canada two former Royal Rumble winners.
Look, while everyone's permutations of teams they've assembled is great, I can't help but notice something. True, this team is laden with great technicians, and very athletic men. All that means, however, is that once it comes time for team events, such as the Battle Royal and Survivor Series, these small men will eventually be worn down, and eventually dismantled. Sure, Bret Hart and Chris Benoit have durability out the wazoo. But I don't particularly view either Lance Storm or Chris Jericho, two oft mentioned wrestlers, as particularly durable, nor do I think they're able to take that much of a beating. Edge? Please. The fact of the matter is a large gust of wind can take him out.

No, this team is missing beef... A lot of beef. This team misses a guy who specializes in brutalizing others, and dealing out great amounts of punishment, and a guy who specializes in both surviving and Royal Rumbles. And what better man to represent any of these lots than this guy...


Yes, you may not realize it, but did you know that the guy has a giood habit to stay in Rumbles for very long periods of time? in 1991, the guy stayed in for 28:54 Seconds, only last being elimninated by Hulk Hogan. In that process, he wound up eliminating five guys by his own. The guy also has a habit of taking many men to get off the ground. In his three appearences in Royal Rumbles, the big was eliminated by:

1990: Smash, Jimmy Snuka, Ted DiBiase, Haku, and Jim Neidhart. It took five guys, which at the time was unheard of, just to get the guy out. Not even The Great Andre The Giant received such treatment, only being dumped out by Ax and Smash. No way Team Canada will allow that many men to gang up on one of their own, and even if they do, they'd all better be power lifters if they hope to get The Quake up.

1991: Eliminated by Hulk Hogan. No shame to being beat by The Hulkster.

1993: Eliminated by Yokozuna. Again, no shame in this at all.

Look, say what you will, but in Battle Royal matches, Earthquake has a habit of plainly fucking shit up. He throws out men in droves, and tends to wreak general havoc on the match. I don't know about you, but that's the kind of guy I want, especially considering that all of the other men representing Team Canada are prone to elimination at a moment's notice.

As for Surivior Series matches? Here's The Quake's record:

1989: Sole Survivor on a team including Randy Savage, Dino Bravo, and Greg Valentine. Eliminates Hercules

1990: Second to last member eliminated from The Natural Disasters, A team he captained, on account of a double count out, caused by that lumbering oaf Tugboat. Eliminates the Bossman

1991: Eliminated after escorting his partner, that damn Tugboat again, to the back after he got hit with a metal briefcase. Again, Earthquake is cost a match by that fucking Tugboat.

1992: Never eliminated from the match, and wound up eliminating some guy. (Beverly Brother?)

So what should you gather here? Simply enough, the guy never gets eliminated by himself. He's never actually been eliminated from a Survivor Series Match, and merely suffers the sins of an Oafish partner (Cough.... Fed Ottman). Plus, the guy is statitically always good to at least eliminate one wrestler from the opposing side's team. Usually, this occurs at an earlier part of the match, which would clearly put Team Canada in a great position to win the match.

Look, you can choose to saturate your team with technicians, and that's great. But what happens when you run into legitimate siz in the tournament. Think the Undertaker's going to fall for Lance Storm's Sinlge Leg Crab? Hell to the no! The fact is adding in too many technicians puts your team at a distinct disadvantage. This team is in dire need of reinforcements from the strength department. And who better to represent that strength than a guy who, at his debut, was actually named The Canadian Earthquake. The guy can take a pounding, still stay around for an impressive amount of time, and deal out plenty of punishment to place his Canadian Cohorts in a clear position to win.

The choice is simple, ladies and gentlemen.... The Canadian Earthquake for your fifth member of Team Canada.
I like me some John Tenta just as much as the next guy does Tentzilla, but considering the insanely high quality of wrestlers coming out of Canada, there are simply far better candidates to go with. I mean you've got Bret Hart, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Owen Hart, Roddy Piper, Edge/Christian, and many others.

I don't really care about the last few members of this team, so long as Bret Hart, Benoit, and Jericho are all locks on this team, because all three deserve to be, easily.
I like me some John Tenta just as much as the next guy does Tentzilla, but considering the insanely high quality of wrestlers coming out of Canada, there are simply far better candidates to go with.

Again, at some point, you can only have so many great wrestlers, X. You're going to need a brawler, somebody that's able to give a diverse feel to this team. Otherwise, when you face wrestlers that have impactful manuevers (Hogan, Taker, etc.) something's going to have to give. I love me some technical wrestling as much as the next guy, but at some point, you have to call for the big guns. And Canada's biggest gun seems to be The Quake, especially in both Rumbles and Survivor Series.

I mean you've got Bret Hart

Agreed, he's my captain.

Chris Benoit

Submission match

Chris Jericho


Owen Hart

I won't lie.... I can't see putting Owen in here. for as great a worker as he is, I find him less an asset to the team, compared to the Quake. Besides, Owen and Bret just don't mesh well tagging up, especially in the Survivor Series.

Roddy Piper

See, I'm not sure where Roddy's going to qualify. Yes, he's Canadian, but I'm not sold that he wouldn't be a member of a Scots team.


Why Christian? I mean, Edge I surely get, but do you really find Christian to be a better asset to the the team than Earthquake.

As for Edge... Simply enough, if you have Chris Jericho for your ladder match, why do you need Edge? Maybe for a Hardcore match, a la Falls Count Anywhere, but I don't see why we need two ladder specialists on the team.

and many others.

I've heard people say names like Test and Vampiro. Woo.

I don't really care about the last few members of this team, so long as Bret Hart, Benoit, and Jericho are all locks on this team, because all three deserve to be, easily.

Oh, I don't think you're going to get much debate when it comes to this. I'm just looking for something to round out the complexion of the team.

Another name I'll happily take on the team right now is Abdullah The Butcher. I've heard it mentioned, and if you ever wanted someone for a Falls Count Anywhere, Abby's your guy. Again, I'm not completely looking for the flat out best wrestlers, just guys to give a diverse feel to the team, and to make sure that not all the wrestlers on Team Canada suffer from typcasting.

It's almost like pokemon. Would you throw in an all fire team to face water pokemon? I wouldn't. You'd have to throw out a pretty diverse team. Same logic goes for this, in my opinion.

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