Official Raw/Smackdown Aftermath, Ratings and Review Thread

Grade tonight's RAW.

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You're right, Trips... and I can't believe I've been so dense, not to realize this. Sigh, well with Regal's interruption and cancellation of the match, it makes the match itself null and void... therefore, Orton keeps his title rematch clause. So... Judgment Day, does anyone see Triple H losing the strap? Sadly, I don't see it happening... not yet at least.


Yes, it happened... and it was mildly hilarious. :D
Wow, I didn't think it was that bad. You knew Orton wasn't going to win that match. It could've ended with JBL or Cena interference. Would that have been any better. The only title change that happened the next night was Kane and Stone Cold because that Kane character couldn't go any further than winning.

I thought the show was good. The Regal promo was intense, and to watchers of historical television, kings would give speeches like that upon taking a throne. Kennedy was awesome. I never saw him as a face, but he got a good pop tonight.

Katie Burchill is hot.

So is Kelly Kelly.

Ditto McCool.

The last match had nice action, and since it was a foregone conclusion that the match would've ended screwy, kudos for finding a new way to be screwy.

If Regal gets a push, at least there will be another singles heel. Too bad they have to use broadcasters and GM's, but it's an effort.

Now is the time for a Shelton push. Put him with regal and Jericho, and you have a Raw stable with everything, and solid heels at that. I was entertained.
I personally believe the ending of Raw was BRILLIANT.

I can, however, see how many of you would hate it. BUT trust me when I say that the WWE was banking on just as many people hating it as loving it. They WANT you to hate it. Do you really think they're going to say, "Oh, we're going to cut the main event World Title match off before the will LOVE this!"? Of course not. This was all very well played.

Look at what it does for them.

1. William Regal now has LEGIT heel heat. Without question. The most despised man in WWE right now, in fact, I would venture to say. All in just two weeks. That's unheard of.

2. Because of this, Kennedy will now become a SUPER face with his apparent program with Regal coming. So this puts Kennedy more over than he has ever been. So instantly they have top level heel AND a top level face.

3. Those people who believed that H and Orton were having a classic match (I thought it was okay, myself) will be starving to see the finale and will get to do so at Judgment Day as that feud can finally climax. As has been mentioned, this is, indeed, Vince's way of getting the money straight out of people's pockets. And it's going to work.

4. The WWE website, which has been lacking in hits and they are obviously trying to get going on a larger level (see mentions on RAW and Joey Styles taking over several aspects of the site) obviously got hit hard directly after RAW went off the air by fans wanting to know the conclusion of this match.

These four reasons are why I think this was a brilliant way to end the show. Again, I understand why many will disagree; but if you look through it I think you'll see that the same reasons you are upset are those that the WWE is banking on to bring interest into the product; and for most fans (not us internet "smarks"), it should work.
I personally believe the ending of Raw was BRILLIANT.

I can, however, see how many of you would hate it. BUT trust me when I say that the WWE was banking on just as many people hating it as loving it. They WANT you to hate it. Do you really think they're going to say, "Oh, we're going to cut the main event World Title match off before the will LOVE this!"? Of course not. This was all very well played.

Look at what it does for them.

1. William Regal now has LEGIT heel heat. Without question. The most despised man in WWE right now, in fact, I would venture to say. All in just two weeks. That's unheard of.

2. Because of this, Kennedy will now become a SUPER face with his apparent program with Regal coming. So this puts Kennedy more over than he has ever been. So instantly they have top level heel AND a top level face.

3. Those people who believed that H and Orton were having a classic match (I thought it was okay, myself) will be starving to see the finale and will get to do so at Judgment Day as that feud can finally climax. As has been mentioned, this is, indeed, Vince's way of getting the money straight out of people's pockets. And it's going to work.

4. The WWE website, which has been lacking in hits and they are obviously trying to get going on a larger level (see mentions on RAW and Joey Styles taking over several aspects of the site) obviously got hit hard directly after RAW went off the air by fans wanting to know the conclusion of this match.

These four reasons are why I think this was a brilliant way to end the show. Again, I understand why many will disagree; but if you look through it I think you'll see that the same reasons you are upset are those that the WWE is banking on to bring interest into the product; and for most fans (not us internet "smarks"), it should work.

Brilliant post, i agree with you 100%. Its a good move for the business, but im pretty sure many people are upset right now. This episode of Raw had about 2-3 really good promos. I just think they were missing a good midcard singles match of some sort that would have done wonders for the show at the hour half.
TheOneBigWill's 'take' on Monday Night Raw April 28th, 2008:

Opening Segment: Triple H.'s music hits and the *NEW* W.W.E. Champion comes out. Still sporting the Championship thats apparently going to stay forever as the current face of the company, regarding Heavyweight gold. Triple H. cuts the opening portion of his promo surrounding how 8 monthes ago, he returned to that very arena and didn't know how good he'd be, if he'd ever be the same. Now, 8 monthes later he stands there once again, as the New World Champion. Triple H. makes mention to the 'Age of Orton' being dead....

Which ques up Randy Orton to make an entrance. Orton claims Trips doesn't deserve a victory speech and asks if hes proud of what he did. Trips fires back with how one night removed, Orton was making claims of being unstoppable and retaining the Championship, and now hes claiming hes a victim. Orton says hes a victim, of his own success!

He claims its because he was too good to face anyone one-on-one, so he was constantly placed in Multiple Man matches. Triple H. feels its because Orton was scared to face anyone one-on-one, and that Orton liked Triple Threats and Fatal Four-Ways so Orton could sit back and pick the bones while someone else did all the work.

Orton originally said hes requested his rematch to happen at Judgment Day, however one mic. shot to the head and a pissed off attitude later, Orton is demanding his rematch happen TONIGHT!

The Matches:

1. Backlash Return Match: 12 Diva Teag Team Contest: Apparently one cluster wasn't enough and the W.W.E. felt we should witness the car wreck again. This time all the divas who didn't get a decent amount of time in the ring, got to wrestle. So instead of seeing wrestling.. we seen Kelly Kelly, Layla, and Ashley for about 5 minutes. The Face Divas picked up the victory, as Mickie James pins Jillian Hall.

I'm slightly disappointed in this simply because Natalya didn't get tagged in at all. I understand this was their way of letting those who didn't wrestle the night before, get their chance to shine. But just remember this.. If you polish a turd, its still a turd.

2. J.B.L. v. Robbie McAllister (w/ Rory): YAY for squash matches. Anytime someone doesn't get an entrance, you pretty much know they're dropping in a squash like fashion. This time the (I thought they were released) Highlanders get the job. (literally)

J.B.L. makes quick work of Robbie, then issues what I can only assume will be a Judgment Day match. J.B.L. versus John Cena, with the winner receiving the next W.W.E. Championship match. J.B.L. proclaims he wants his damn torch back. (I love that saying)

3. Paul London & Brian Kendrick v. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch: Cade controlled most of this match in his favor, against London. Murdoch asked for the tag later that ultimately lead to yet another roll-up and defeat for the Redneck Wrecking Crew.

I'm unsure if they're continuing with a London/Kendrick break-up, but it definately looks as if Murdoch and Cade are officially over. Not only did Murdoch take a tremendous face turn, from the looks of it.. but Cade is breaking away from the "Cowboy" gimmick, if Murdoch's song lyrics hold true. (He mentioned Cade, refering to him in an Ivory Tower, meaning he felt he was better than Murdoch and all the regular average people) Murdoch, not only is a damn great singer, but had the crowd singing with him. Absolutely astounding.

4. Handicap Match: Paul Burchill & Katie Lea v. Super Crazy: Lea addresses the crowd, informing everyone that thanks to the new Monarch in the W.W.E., in Lord Regal (so she didn't use those exact words) he allowed them to make this match, a handicap match.

Crazy, who I figured was on the cutting block with Balls & Taylor from earlier today, may of seen his last match. A match in which he took one hell of a top rope dropkick from Lea, and then the curb stomp from Burchill, followed by Lea pinning him for the 1-2-3. All I have to say is, where has Lea been in the Women's division? If she can take on guys.. then she should have no problem beating the crap out of the likes of Kelly, Ashley & Maria.

5. Santino Marella (w/ Carlito) v. Cody Rhodes (w/ Hardcore Holly): Raw's apparent answer to Smackdown's Miz/Morrison/Moore/Wang feud. For the billionth time in 2 monthes, we get the pleasure of seeing Cody, Hardcore, Santino & Carlito facing off randomly.. while the Tag Team title shot goes still unaccounted for.

Rhodes picks up the win with a nice DDT, then sticks around just a little bit too long to run his mouth, and he receives a back-stabber for his trouble.

The only issue I have with this, is Carlito & Santino aren't that great of a team. And sadly, Rhodes & Holly have held those Championships WAY longer than they should've.. so this is a feud thats pretty much fighting to stay with its head above the water, as is. And right now, with the never-ending single's matches that happen week in and week out, it looks like this could horribly turn into a Pay Per View match.

The Promos/Segments:

William Regal/Mr. Kennedy: Regal is sitting in the ring, as the lights come up. He says he wants to end all question, and states that he will not relinquish his title of General Manager. He says hes great enough that he has earned and deserves both the role of G.M. and King of the Ring. He says people naturally won't like him, because its not in them to be capable of doing so. However, they will respect him. They will.. fear him.

This prompts everyone to explode, as the familiar "KENNEDY" pops over the speakers and the long awaited return is upon us. Kennedy comes to the ring, clearly with the biggest face turn of this century, let alone year.

Kennedy gets in Regal's face, as he asks Regal why he feels he became King? He says he would like to give Regal praise, but he simply can't because Kennedy knows if he'd of been invited to be in the tournament, Regal would've never won. Kennedy begins to address himself as the reason why, but Regal cuts him off.

Regal demands an apology, as Kennedy begins to give him one.. only to then say those famous words everyone's been dying to hear. MISTER.. KEEENNNNNNNNEEEEDDDDYYYYY!!!!! This is followed by Regal drilling Kennedy directly in the mouth, which was on contact and then a brawl followed.

Chris Jericho/Shawn Michaels: Jericho comes out dressed in a full out tux. He says that hes there to give the award for best actor in wrestling to one of the following three individuals.

First, Mr. Fuji, for Fuji Hospital (or General Fuji, I forget) the clip is of The Rock (not the one you think) in a doctor's outfit, with Fuji randomly cutting a promo. (weirdest shit I've seen ever) The second, is a classic with Micheal Cole and Heidenreich, in which it almost looks like Cole's getting anal raped. The final was of H.B.K. apparently selling his knee injury against Batista, only to pick up the victory.

Jericho says the winner is his guest, Shawn Michaels. H.B.K. (still incredibly selling the injury) limps out and very slowly gets into the ring. Jericho says that he can quit selling now, because he won and tricked everyone. He did everything he said he was going to. He told Batista he'd win by any means he had to, and he did just that. Shawn doesn't look too happy. (Almost as if he lost his smile.. apparently that thing is hard to keep track of lately for him) Jericho leaves the ring, as Shawn just stands speechless.

Santino/Rowdy Roddy Piper: I'm not sure what I dispise more. Stupid storylines, or stupid cameos. What purpose did it serve for Roddy Piper to have his overweight, aging ass show up on camera? Seriously. I marked out crazy when Piper & Flair won the Tag Team Championships from the Spirit Squad. I think thats the last time I gave a shit about Piper.

Santino somehow confuses him for a Woman. (Apparently Santino's tastes in Women aren't very high at all.. says a LOT regarding Maria, huh) Santino begins poking and annoying Piper until Piper fires back with a slap. Then asks whether he has a death wish, or is just special. (hehe, well if he did had a death wish, I'm sure he'd have to wait in line behind you, old timer)

Main Event: W.W.E. Championship: Triple H. (c.) v. Randy Orton: Almost a 20-30 minute match that ends with no ending.. What was W.W.E. thinking?! I was happy to begin with, because I was dreading the assumption this was going to be a Judgment Day match. When Orton pushed his return match up to tonight's Main Event, I went nuts because I knew he'd lose and that'd be that.

Sadly, I had NO idea Lord Regal was about to screw me over in which he did. Apparently because Kennedy disrespects him, he feels the whole world shouldn't get the pleasure of seeing the finale to this match. (Where was he 4 years ago when this shit first started?!) Right when Triple H. had Orton in the crossface (which apparently only Shawn Michaels and Triple H. are allowed to use!?) Regal demands the feed get cut. And the Raw Main Event ends about 5 minutes early, as my television went blank and I suddenly got to witness the eary beginning of Law and Order. Yay!

Overall Thoughts: Maybe its the pneumonia, but I actually liked tonight's edition of Raw. I figured the opening segment was going to happen, and I was pleasantly surprised with the Orton/Triple H. match getting pushed up early. (With how it ended, it'll likely still take us to Judgment Day)

While I'm not a fan of squash matches, I'm a huge fan of Paul Burchill, and Katie Lea looked good for a "diva." The J.B.L. match was horrible, but the overall point that Cena for the first time in 7 years WON'T be involved in a Pay Per View Championship match is absolute music to my ears. Whats even better is I'm almost 90% sure Cena will job to J.B.L. come Judgment Day, as the winner is likely awarded a Championship match at the gimmick Pay Per View "One Night Stand" and I'm almost positive it'll turn out to be Triple H. v. J.B.L. in a bullrope match.

Murdoch singing a country song wasn't very original for his character, but his voice being down right amazing was. I was shocked I tell you! I don't think either guy will get a great push, infact I'm sure neither one will make it for longer than SummerSlam before they're either teaming up again, or released, or jobbing on HeAT.

Kennedy's return was long awaited. His face turn was even MORE long awaited. While I'm not very pleased with how it seems Regal's "King" gimmick will only carry him through a feud with Kennedy in the midcard ranks, I hope Regal's ending stunt on Raw will push him as being a very dominate and hardass as a General Manager. I can definately see Mr. Kennedy v. Big Show for next Monday..

All in all, not a bad Monday Night Raw at all. Could've been better, they could always be better. But this Raw was more action packed with storylines then the Raw after Wrestlemania. So with that being said, I loved it.

Lord Regal comes out after Raw gets cut from television, and says the fans viewing live disrespected him and don't have the right to view the rest of this match, either. Regal orders the match stop. Triple H. delivers a Pedigree to Orton, when hes caught off-guard. Show ends completely for the live audience.
I just think they were missing a good midcard singles match of some sort that would have done wonders for the show at the hour half.

Totally agree. Before, their tag team division was nonexistent. Now it's like they're trying to take the few teams they do have and shove them down our throats. Just bring it along gradually, guys. Don't sacrifice your singles wrestlers for it.

By the way, I'm glad someone agreed with my stance on the ending of Raw. Haha. I was a little nervous about that post - especially since I'd never posted here. I've read a lot, but this was the first time I was passionate enough about something to drop in my opinion.
Okay why did William Regal take Raw off the air for last night? It was a blow to the USA network and the WWE fans watching world wide. Was Regal upset because MR......... Kennedy came back ( which I'm really good for his face turn) and kicked his ass last night and the fans were cheering loudly for it, and if i was that man he took down to the floor I would of beat his ass for doing that to me. Okay Raw was lame until the Title match this week, The Cody Rhodes match was good and i think that he will be a great wrestler in the near future. I give raw a 7 out of 10
Ok this ending to tonights show and all of you know it was Class. , this makes you hate the shit out of William Regal and it showed he his the King. You'r saying you dont get to see titles change hands on weekley basis , well why woould Trips lose the title the next night , whats the point of winning it ?

First of we start with a good promo with Trips and Orton and my god it felt good seing the gold aroudn trips waist again. Amazing pop for Trips.

The Regal promo was A class heel.

Mr Kennedy returns to a huge pop , a face turn I think wich he is dying for , and A A+++ Talk on the Mike it was awsome.
I don't think it was a bad way to end RAW. People have already mentioned the reasons why it was good (heel heat on regal, face on kennedy, huge traffic, etc.). But you also have to consider the following: there was no way that HHH was going to lose that match.

True, the world title is rarely contested on cable television, and almost never changes hands if it is. And the idea that HHH would drop the belt the very next day after winning it is ludicrous. In general, that has almost never happened, and in this case, we know that HHH would never agree to do it.

So what has to happen? We can't have HHH win cleanly, because that would either end the feud altogether or cause orton to lose credibility. We can't have outside interference, because that would throw others into the mix and right now it looks like it's going to be purely orton vs. HHH for now, and cena and JBL will be busy with each other. No way is HHH going to lose via countout. So we're left with orton getting himself intentionally disqualified. But that wouldn't make sense from a story perspective, and while it may work if it has to, it's been done before and no one likes seeing title matches end in DQ.

So another option would be to do something so weird and random that will have the same effect as an intentional orton DQ, but will be something different and unique that hasn't really been done before. So the match getting cancelled, while strange, accomplished what it needed to do in a way that isn't stale. It's not something they can do very often, but I thought it was something different and a good way to accomplish what they needed to do, and for the reasons already mentioned, it also accomplished many other purposes simultaneously.

So in summary, i think it was a good move. It served many purposes, and it was something unique. Of course, they shouldn't and I doubt they would do it again anytime soon, but it was a good move.
Monday Night RAW. The greatest weekly cable television installment the World Wrestling Entertainment produces... gone inferior and offering quality entertainment on an occasional basis. It's glory days are doubtless over. The glory days where The Rock, Austin, Triple H, Mankind, Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, and more, completely molded the show into a worldwide phenomenon with cable ratings rocket blasting up to the 6.0 area, once upon a hell of a time!

Those superstars worked hard labor, runned the mic nine yards and back with some of the most brilliant, clever, and awesome skits and storylines ever devised, and vastly contributed to much of RAW's utmost success. Those days are now behind us as the new generation is in and things are certainly just a former shadow of itself when it comes to RAW. The occurrence was once a month that you'd see flying colors on a RAW show and last night was certainly not a show of flying colors.


Last night, you received RAW's typical explosive pyro opening, a half-ass cheering audience, surprising, considering Triple H won the WWE Championship the night before. Perhaps, that was the indication of a terrible night to come.

It's delightful to see Triple H as WWE Champion again after his shortest reign ever in October. But that championship belt is just awaiting to be thrown off the friggin bridge or something for them to bring back the previous version of the strap that JBL once carried. The segment between Triple H and Randy Orton was expected. I expected to hear everything HHH stated and the same goes for Orton. Least It didn't last very long. I say good timing, decent confrontation.

Diva Match was like watching puke spill from a mouth for the second time. We'd seen it at Backlash, why the hell would you repeat it? I didn't even bother to watch the match but whoever did, get your two minutes back.

JBL vs. Robbie: Squash, mash potato, pancake, (Any spot the WWE vs. TNA sign during JBL's entrance? First time I really seen that) and in the end, JBL stands tall, obviously.

Londrick vs. Cade & Murdoch: So far a decent match of the night. Londrick with the upset, Cade and Murdoch likely over but did anybody hear the reports following RAW that several ear drums of the fans in the arena were blown out by Robbie's pitious attempt of singing?

Paul Burchill & Katie Lea vs. Super Crazy: I'll admit that I like Burchill and Lea, and Lea surely impressed, hope she joins the womens roster. But the shit way the match ended with Burchill stomping in Crazy's back into mat? Ew.

MRRRRRR.... KENNNNEDYYYY, honestly, this was the first time I've heard Mr. Kennedy's music and had gotten really excited. Backtracking my statements, I've said many times that this guy was just fuel wasting away. Nice move by WWE to turn him face though because on SmackDown some years ago, he did an excellent job such as that. And Regal got his ass beat but unfortunately, we didn't here or see the last of him for the night.

Santino Marella vs. Cody Rhodes: Cody is so full of stardom bottled up inside of him. He is going to be big soon, Rhode's son is cool. Marella on the other hand, deserved the loss as comedy is best suited for him. A pretty ok match between Rhodes and Marella though and right when Rhodes was gonna possibly break out on the mic, Carlito ruins it with a backstabber. Damn you Carlito.

Y2J in a tuxedo, he was fly out there but that's about it, truly. Nothing too sensitive came out of the HBK/Y2J segment. What? A sports-entertainment acting trophy? HBK just stands there, says nothing, looking almost like a half-dead somebody. Pftt. Y2J dressed up just for that? Ok whatever and someone needs to tell HBK to stop sporting them raggity clothes.

What in the mother-fucking hell happened to Piper? He looks like a big ass balloon-inflated blawb and his little skit, so unoriginal. How many times we gonna hear him say, "does that boy have a death wish or is he just special". And the slap to Marella, it just wasn't funny whatsoever but just stupid damn pointless shit. Piper, love ya, but you pounds needa go and the stupid creative, I shouldn't be too blaming you.

Triple H vs. Randy Orton (WWE Title): I thought this match was going to be no more than adequate. Turns out, it was just a slow, half-ass boring performance that focused too much on submission holds. The pace was too slow for me. I don't like extremely slow matches and then ladies and gentlemen, the stupidest signal cut the WWE has ever done, Regal heads to the production truck during the Orton/HHH match and demands that it's cut. This was absolutely the most stupidest, lamest, Soprano-like, Law and Order start-up-like finish I've ever seen. Not to mention a WWE Championship Match at hand. None of the viewers were able to watch the finish. RAW scores very poorly this week. It reaches about a 4/10. Bad, forgettable RAW.
TheOneBigWill's 'take' on Friday Night Smackdown May 2nd, 2008:

Opening Segment: Micheal Cole stands in the ring to announce Smackdown's newest announcer.. Mick Foley! Mick comes out, still in classic sweats and a flannel. Its nice to see the cozy job of announcing hasn't went to Mick's head as far as wardrobe is concerned. Still no understanding as to where exactly, or why exactly Coach is no longer on Smackdown though. (no on-air explanation, anyways)

The Matches:

Tag Team Championships: The Miz & John Morrison (c.) v. Jimmy Wang Yang & Shannon Moore: The first of three promoted Championship matches. No surprise, as Moore Wang have tore it up against M&M the passed couple of weeks in single's matches. Only makes sense that they'd get the Championship shot.

Very nice opening match. (only seen it half a dozen times in a month) Nothing more I can truly say, except Foley is already giving purpose to his spot as he NAMES Morrison's finishing move. (finally, someone does) He said Morrison calls it the "Midnight Drive." (I think thats what he said) Miz & Morrison retain, putting roughly no point to the previous three monthes worth of Moore Wang's success. Next.

Contract: Colin Delaney v. Vladimir Kozlov: I'm proud to say this is Kozlov's TOUGHEST CHALLENGE TO DATE! Seriously, sad but true. I'm still not impressed with the walking blank russian.. but when he kicked Delaney off the top rope, into catching him and dropping him. I'll admit to marking out for that. It looked awesome.

Poor Delaney is still 0-everything, as far as his contract is concerned. Apparently on E.C.W.'s 100th episode he'll face Estrada and most likely, finally win a contract. Bringing him one step closer to doing what C.M. Punk couldn't since the beginning of this year. And thats win a Heavyweight Championship.

Victoria & Natalya v. Michelle McCool & Cherry: I understand the W.W.E. is trying to showcase their divas as more prominent but its hard for me to see McCool beyond what I used to see her as. Which was the manager of a flop Tag Team, and a diva contest loser. Cherry is nothing more than a manager to me as well. I'm trying, none the less.

Natalya needs to move to Raw, seriously, badly. The girl has so much talent and a great wrestling background. As much as it hurts to say, Victoria can stay on Smackdown just to push the non-wrestling divas into better wrestling divas. But Natalya deserves her push, and she won't get it wrestling former valets.

Mark Henry v. Nunzio: Apparently the writers of Smackdown felt that the Delaney/Kozlov match wasn't a squash, so they needed one. Congrats to Nunzio for making a final appearance before getting canned in a couple weeks. :thumbsup:

Henry wins, as if there was any question.

United States Championship: Matt Hardy (c.) v. M.V.P.: In the second of three Championship matches, its a Backlash rematch. (hopefully meaning we won't get it for Judgment Day) I have a torn feeling regarding these two.

M.V.P. brings the best out in Matt Hardy, but they obviously can't remain in a feud forever and Hardy has to learn to fly without M.V.P.'s help. This match was yet another solid classic, with Matt Hardy picking up yet another victory, in what is now hurting M.V.P. to constantly lose regular matches to Hardy. (Its 3-1 now)

Hopefully M.V.P. can move on to a possible World Championship shot, while Hardy remains in the upper midcard class, to feud with John Morrison. (I hope)

Jesse & Festus v. Zach Ryder & Curt Hawkins: Now this is classic Tag Team action, at its best. (Or W.W.E.'s best, anyways) Hawkins & Ryder finally get to show their stuff against a team, instead of handicap matches against Taker.

The only sad part about all of this is Jesse & Festus have been on an incredible losing streak as a Tag Team. Infact, I'm questioning when the last time they won was.

Festus as always is nicely dominate, until a shot to the throat takes him out. Jesse brings himself into the match, only to get caught in a wicked looking reverse face plant/neckbreaker. Edgeheads/Hawkins & Ryder pick up the victory.

Finlay w/ Hornswoggle v. Julio Dinero: I zoned out during the second (technically third) squash of the night. Finlay picks up the victory. When I looked at the review and read the name of the "jobber" its making me question if its "Julio Dinero" from the out school E.C.W.??? Anyone know this?

Finlay naturally picks up the victory, as Hornswoggle adds that little extra with a BIG splash from the top rope.


Mark Henry/Nunzio: Nunzio is shown lacing his boots, which makes me think of the song "These boots are made for walkin" because I'm banking on him being released soon. Henry shows up to remind Nunzio that hes not just some random fat guy in the back, eating all the food. Hes Mark Henry, "World's Strongest Man."

Classic that Henry feels the need to remind someone who he is. Shows how much he feels "known."

Big Show: After the Nunzio/Henry match, Big Show more or less addresses his next idiotic feud by explaining to Henry that he feels Henry needs to fight people his own size.

You see.. my issue with this is.. technically Big Show is taller, while Henry is wider. So they aren't exactly the same "size" either way.

Foley/Batista: Foley asks Batista what his thoughts on losing to Shawn Michaels are. Batista explains that he lost, plain and simple. He says he let his guard down and thats it.

Foley, second day on the job and already stirring the pot, asks what Batista thinks of Monday's Highlight Reel & if he thinks H.B.K. could've faked the injury? Batista replies with saying it makes him sick to even think that could be true. Then he threatens H.B.K. by explaining if the injury isn't real, it will be.

Main Event: World Heavyweight Championship: The Undertaker (c.) v. The Great Khali: Never happened. Instead, we get Edge's music erupting over the speakers and Vickie cutting a promo.

Vickie says while this has nothing to do with her personal relationship with Edge. (way to make sure thats clear) She stated that for the well-being of the Superstars on the Smackdown & E.C.W. rosters, she is banning Undertaker's submission chokehold, because chokeholds are illegal. (nice to see the Kurt Angle over Tazz argument is still useful)

Vickie claims if Taker uses the chokehold one more time, he'll have hell to pay. Then takes it one step further and says that since hes shown NO respect, or remorse for the injury hes caused several Superstars on Smackdown.. He's STRIPPED of the World Heavyweight Championship!!!!! (So, how much more 'hell' can you cause someone, than to take their Championship? I'm confused)

Vickie tells Taker that he can either bring the Championship to her, or she'll have someone come and get it. Before Taker can really do anything, The Great Khali's music comes up, and he monsters himself to the ring.

As Khali enters the ring, Taker stretches the Championship out in front of him. Khali tries a couple times to attempt reaching for the title, then pulls up. When he finally grabs it, Taker kicks him and knocks him flat on his back. (Apparently Khali's weakness are punches and kicks?) Taker applies the (now illegal and outlawed) chokehold, submission, as Hawkins & Ryder come into the ring from behind, grab the World Championship and take off toward Edge & Vickie.

The show ends with Khali bleeding similar to Edge, from the mouth, as Taker gives Vickie a cold stare and Edge seems scared shitless, wheeling Vickie and the World Championship to the back as the picture fades.

Overall Thoughts: Eight total matches. The Main Event didn't happen, 3 were squashes, 1 was a diva tag, 1 regular tag, and 2 were for Championships. Overall I'd say that is a great line-up for a television show and the way things should be!

I'm impressed with Hawkins & Ryder, but I laugh because one wears pants while the other wears underwear like tights. I'd assume its so people don't confuse them, yet its hard to confuse two people.. when a lot of people don't know one from the other, to begin with.

I hope Jesse & Festus return to form in the Tag division, and I can't wait for Deuce & Domino to return with Maryse. The division is starting to greatly shape up something nice!

I'm concerned for both M.V.P. and Matt Hardy, on where they'll go from here. I'm unsure who Hardy will truly be challenged by next. Meanwhile, with the current state of the World Title, I doubt M.V.P.'s Main Event push will be any time before Summerslam. (never know though)

Kozlov is still horrible to me, but that kick to Delaney into catching him and slamming him down really made me react with a "What the f*ck?! Holy shit did you see that?"

Finlay is apparently stuck without a feud, until he runs into Kozlov it seems. Until then, we get to hear Cole get all wet in the pants for the Father/Son duo.

Stripping the Undertaker of the World Championship, believe it or not, will BOOST the shit out of their ratings. People will tune in next week like crazy to see how exactly they'll solve who's getting the Championship next. Vickie added tremendous heat for stripping him, while Edge (dispite not yet claiming to be the next in line to take it) added the same amount of heat.. just because everyone will assume hes behind it.

Meanwhile, this is why it sucks to be a face. Because faces chase more Championships than hold them. So much for Taker's "long reign" even though all of this will lead to him winning it back more than likely. All in all, great Smackdown. Filled with good and great matches, and ending with a huge shocker!
Amy’s ‘take’ on Smackdown 05/02/08 edition:

Match #1 Morrison/Miz vs. Yang/Moore (Tag Team Championship): Given the tease of a Miz/Morrison break-up and Yang/Moore getting surprise singles wins recently, I thought we were getting new tag champs. Another great match with lots of back and forth. Miz/Morrison looked absolutely pumped to retain. (So much for a Morrison singles push.:disappointed:) I think we’re all bored and beyond caring about this feud. Yang/Moore have had several chances. It’s clear they are not going to win the tag straps, so it’s time for all involved to move on.

Match #2 Colin Delaney vs. Vladimir Kozlov: ECW GM Armando Estrada announced the participants, playing up Colin’s heart, soul, and ambition while reminding us he’s yet to win a singles match. Cole/Foley said Estrada wanted to soften up Delaney for their match on next week’s ECW.

I predicted a Kozlov/Delaney match-up in last week’s review. Making his Smackdown debut, Delaney made this Kozlov squash actually enjoyable. The kid sure can bump.

Backstage: Mark Henry told Nunzio they have a match and to not forget he’s The World’s Strongest Man. Does Henry think Nunzio or we have forgotten he just squashed the guy 1½ weeks ago on ECW?

Match #3 Michelle McCool/Cherry vs. Victoria/Natalya: Barring a botched move by McCool, this was a solid 5-minute women’s tag match. Cherry’s looking better each week. The bad girls worked well together with frequent tags, getting in shots behind’s the ref’s back, and isolating Cherry. Victoria knocked McCool off the top-rope, allowing Natalya to roll her up with tights in hand for the win. Expect a rematch next week.:rolleyes:

Match #4 Mark Henry vs. Nunzio (w/Big Show): As he was introduced, Nunzio motioned backstage and Show came out. He was in Nunzio’s corner at ringside, encouraging him and exchanging glances with Henry. After the 1-minute squash, Show entered the ring and Henry made his exit. Show told Henry to pick on someone his own size next time.:wtf: Suddenly, he’s the defender of the jobber now? He was squashing jobbers ¼ his size left and right only 2 months ago. Hello kettle, the pot is calling.

Match #5 MVP vs. Matt Hardy (United States Championship)
: Where's the build for their rematch? Surprised that MVP didn't save his rematch clause for the next PPV. Match of the night IMHO that was given good time. Nice back and forth action until commercial break, then MVP gained control, slowed the pace, and wore down Hardy. MVP was able to connect with his corner kick in this one, but Hardy hit the Twist of Fate out of nowhere to retain. These two have had great matches and a strong feud that feels like it should be over, but I think they'll continue until Judgment Day.

Interview: Mick Foley introduced Batista. He recapped his feud with Shawn Michaels and asked for his feelings on his loss at Backlash. Tista said he let his guard down and Shawn beat him. He seemed willing to let it go at that, but Foley brought in Jericho’s comments from RAW that HBK was only acting. Tista said he hopes Shawn really is hurt or he will be when they next meet. Short simple segment that furthers the storyline. I’m just not sure where they’re going with it.:headscratch:

Match #6 Jesse/Festus vs. Hawkins/Ryder: So much for thinking they might do something new with Festus’ character following the time he was choked out in Taker’s submission hold 3 weeks ago. He went nuts at the bell and on the offensive then quickly tagged in Jesse who got worked over by Hawkins/Ryder. After the hot tag, Hawkins hit Festus’ injured throat, necessitating Jesse to tag back in. A missed top-rope splash allowed Hawkins/Ryder to pick up the win. This loss seems to kill Festus/Jesse’s momentum. Good to see Hawkins/Ryder actually teaming together again.

Match #7 Finlay vs. Julio Dinero: The night’s third squash. Good to see Finlay in a match that isn’t a complete laughingstock. Horny briefly appeared from under the ring and hit the tad pole splash after the bell. Maybe WWE realized we’re sick of the midget and will use him sparingly going forward?

Match #8 The Undertaker vs. Khali (World Heavyweight Championship): The main-event match that never happened. After Taker’s entrance, Edge’s music hit and he wheeled Vicki on stage. She gets mad heat. She said that for the past few months Taker has injured several superstars and as GM she cannot let that continue. Reluctantly, Vicki said Taker’s chokehold is now banned and he is stripped of the title.

Oh snap! Just when I thought WWE was too predictable. They really went for the shock factor this week. What happened to Taker’s ‘long reign’? This is an interesting booking decision. I can’t wait to see how this plays out.

Vicki sent Khali to retrieve the belt. Taker laid the belt down like a line, daring it to be crossed. Taker kicked Kahli in the face and applied the illegal chokehold as Hawkins/Ryder stole the belt. Kudos to Taker, Vicki, and Edge for creating a very intense moment to close the show.

Overall Thoughts: Appropriately dubbed Championship Friday, the show focused on all 3 titles in one way or another. Another great show with its share of solid wrestling and squashes. I hope they can keep up this level of excitement heading to Judgment Day a mere 2 weeks away.
Foley is already giving purpose to his spot as he NAMES Morrison's finishing move. (finally, someone does) He said Morrison calls it the "Midnight Drive." (I think thats what he said)

Foley said Morrison calls it the Moonlight Drive. I’m glad it finally has a name as well, but it doesn’t strike me as the name of a strong finishing move. (Did you catch it when Foley said that Morrison’s moves in his first couple years were “cute” but not very effective?) For some reason, the Moonlight Drive makes me think of two teenage lovers or something from out of the 1950s. It doesn’t really fit his current gimmick. Maybe it’ll grow on me. I’m still waiting on someone to name his springboard sitdown corkscrew moonsault too.

The only sad part about all of this is Jesse & Festus have been on an incredible losing streak as a Tag Team. Infact, I'm questioning when the last time they won was.
The better question may be when is the last time they actually teamed together? In the last two months, we’ve seen Festus in singles competition, the duo picking up wins with Kofi and Punk in 6-man matches, and both participated in the WM24 Battle Royal. Their last legit tag match was the 03/21 edition of Smackdown where they lost to Miz/Morrison. You have to go back to February for the last time Jesse & Festus were regularly teaming and they were picking up wins over Miz/Morrison and D&D.

When I looked at the review and read the name of the "jobber" its making me question if its "Julio Dinero" from the out school E.C.W.??? Anyone know this?
Yes, this is Julio Dinero from the old ECW days.

Vickie is banning Undertaker's submission chokehold, because chokeholds are illegal. (nice to see the Kurt Angle over Tazz argument is still useful)
I know it’s slightly off-topic so my apologies but since you brought it up, could you explain the Angle-Tazz argument for me? Please and thanks.
Foley said Morrison calls it the Moonlight Drive. I’m glad it finally has a name as well, but it doesn’t strike me as the name of a strong finishing move. (Did you catch it when Foley said that Morrison’s moves in his first couple years were “cute” but not very effective?) For some reason, the Moonlight Drive makes me think of two teenage lovers or something from out of the 1950s. It doesn’t really fit his current gimmick. Maybe it’ll grow on me. I’m still waiting on someone to name his springboard sitdown corkscrew moonsault too.

Yeah, the "Moonlight Drive" doesn't strike me as a very effective/strong name for a finishing move. And I also agree that it makes me think of something from the fricken 50's and 60's, regarding lovers on a mountain top.

Although I'm satisfied for now that its at least named. 'A name' is better than no name at all. And his corkscrew moonsault needs named too, because 4 long ass words in the manner you just refered to it in, is definately not going to get over well with announcer's calling it that. You'll be lucky if you get them to reply with "Wow, what a move."

The better question may be when is the last time they actually teamed together? In the last two months, we’ve seen Festus in singles competition, the duo picking up wins with Kofi and Punk in 6-man matches, and both participated in the WM24 Battle Royal. Their last legit tag match was the 03/21 edition of Smackdown where they lost to Miz/Morrison. You have to go back to February for the last time Jesse & Festus were regularly teaming and they were picking up wins over Miz/Morrison and D&D.

Jesse & Festus to me are one of the best and more solid face Tag Teams in W.W.E. as a whole, let alone the top team on Smackdown. The heel/face team ratio is unreal.

Hawkins & Ryder, Miz & Morrison, Deuce & Domino.. all heel teams. Moore Wang & Jesse/Festus are it for the faces.

I'm still holding out for a possible great Pay Per View - Tag Team tormoil match with all 5 teams that'll truly go over great at a Pay Per View, like Judgment Day. *hoping*

Yes, this is Julio Dinero from the old ECW days.

Seems fitting. Why use local jobbers when you can just bring in guys from T.N.A. & E.C.W. fame from the passed, only to make them look instantly horrible against midcarders who aren't going anywhere.

I know it’s slightly off-topic so my apologies but since you brought it up, could you explain the Angle-Tazz argument for me? Please and thanks.

Yeah.. in 2000, Tazz was the first guy to defeat Kurt Angle, at the Royal Rumble using the "Taz-mission." Its more or less an illegal chokehold, yet it wasn't considered one. (illegal because the arm is blatantly cutting off oxygen, by being across the throat)

Angle claims he never should've lost, because the chokehold was illegal and thereby he should've won via DQ.

I see this as similar to Vickie/Taker, because Vickie is saying Taker's move is a choke. (although it looks incredibly weak and barely looks like Taker is doing anything more than pulling down on the opponent's head) Anyways, she outlawed the move.. whereas Angle tried getting Taz's finisher "banned."
TheOneBigWill's 'take' on Monday Night Raw May 5th, 2008:

Opening Segment: Raw starts off with Mr. McMahon making a special surprise appearance to let everyone know that hes there to address the current situation regarding William Regal's actions from the week prior. He says that several fans have sent in their dislike for the actions to W.W.E. Headquarter's, via e-mail, and telephone. McMahon says that Regal has done something noone else ever has, and thats blacked out a nation-wide audience from viewing a Championship match. He feels that those type of actions were reprehensible.

However, McMahon also feels that Regal is a visionary, that Regal is cutting edge, innovative & daring. McMahon says that Regal reminded Mr. McMahon of himself and as a result, he is giving a full endorsment to William Regal not only as General Manager, but also as King of the W.W.E. He orders the fans of the World Wrestling Entertainment to give William Regal the same show of respect, that they give him.

Following this, William Regal comes out to address the crowd. He says that they don't have to like him, but they will respect him. He goes on to show his power to the disrespectful Canadian crowd by cutting the lights once again. Upon turning them back on, he explains that while he won't cancel the show.. he is fine with it being broadcast in pitch-black darkness, and he will not tolerate disrespect.

Naturally this is the que for the one person who's shown Mr. Regal the most disrespect since his new found power. Mr. Kennedy comes out, and says that if Regal wants respect all he has to do, is the one thing Kennedy asked of him. A one-on-one match, against Kennedy, tonight. Regal refuses, saying that Kennedy doesn't understand the situation, that Kennedy doesn't understand his place and that Regal is his superior. Kennedy demands that Regal prove it, which is quickly answered with Kennedy in the Main Event, against the entire E.C.W. Roster.

This is quickly cut off by the interruption of Triple H.. who wants to congratulate Regal on his new found position. However he wants Regal to understand that with his new found position in power, if he wants to keep it, he has to make sure he doesn't make mistakes. Mistakes, for example, like turning out the lights last week during Triple H.'s match. Mistakes, for example, like continuing to show-off his authority, by coming out and out-right cancelling the whole match in general. Finally, H.H.H. explains that if Regal wishes to stay in power.. the one mistake he does not want to make, is going to war with Triple H.

Regal quickly shows that hes not threatened by the W.W.E. Champion, as he says he has no thought of going to war with a man so busy. A man who has a Steel Cage Championship match in less than 2 weeks, and a man who's just found himself teaming with Kennedy.. against the E.C.W. Roster tonight.

The Matches:

1. Women's Championship Match: Lumberjill Match: Mickie James (c.) v. Beth Phoenix: Unofficially this would likely be Beth's return Championship match, and as par to W.W.E. lately if any divas are gonna be seen.. then they're ALL gonna be seen. Beth controls most of the match, utilizing her fellow divas to do her dirty work for her. The match doesn't stay inside the ring long, as several heel divas attempt cheap shots, including Jillian who grabs at Mickie.

As a result, Mickie takes to the outside, and it breaks down completely. The ending saw Melina attempting to use her boot to knock-out Mickie James, unfortunately (for Melina) she missed the target and drilled Beth in the face. This allowed Mickie to roll-up Beth, yet again, and pick up the victory, retaining her Championship. As the heel divas remain in the ring, Beth looks at the boot, then gives Melina a stare that she definately doesn't want to get.

2. Handicap Match: Paul Burchill & Katie Lea v. John Cutler: Before the match begins, my thoughts and theories about Mike Adamle come true. (more on that in the promos/segments column) Culter is a Toronto native, so naturally this is a filler match for Katie to show off more skills against the jobbers, while Burchill continues to drown in meaningless matches.

Quick work by the Brother/Sister duo, as most of the crowd seemed more entertained by harassing the William Regal appointed announcer, Mike Adamle.

3. John Morrison & The Miz v. Chris Jericho & Shawn Michaels: MATCH OF THE NIGHT! This has got to be the greatest Monday Night Raw of my life. Not only do I get the pleasure of seeing Regal's power, position, and heel status continue to go up. I also get to see John Morrison showing the world why he will indeed become the next future World Champion. (mark it!)

While Shawn Michaels (unfortunately) did not see action in this match until the ending, the main portion of this contest was John Morrison showcasing his abilities against Chris Jericho. The Miz did quite the job as well, as all three men showed a great ability to work together.

The ending saw Morrison taking a cheap shot at H.B.K., only for H.B.K. to return the favor with some Sweet Chin Music to Morrison's face, allowing Jericho to pick up the victory. Immediately after H.B.K. hit the Superkick, he went down, and directly after the 3 count, he gimped to the back, leaving Jericho unsure on Shawn's injury. Fake.. Not Fake?

4. Randy Orton v. C.M. Punk: We go from Match of the Night, to Why continue to Push shit? The fans didn't really seem into this match, yet Punk tried his hardest to continue trying to prove that he belongs. Orton did all he could to carry Punk as well, but 20,000 chinlocks and headlocks aren't all that impressive.

Right as Punk begins getting the upper hand, William Regal saves the day once again, as he comes out and says this is enough and the match is officially over! THANK YOU! (And the nerve of some people to claim Regal isn't impressive. Apparently those are the same people who think Punk is the future. :rolleyes:) I'm sure Punk's fans, (both of them) were very disappointed that they couldn't continue to watch paint dry.

5. J.B.L. v. D.H. Smith: J.B.L. picks up a nasty, what could only be described as stiff, victory, against the Canadian Hart Family member. That isn't the story to me, however. You see I didn't add J.B.L. to the promo list, however his promo was the one thing that was note-worthy about this entire match/segment.

I've heard a lot of promos in my day. I've seen a lot of heel heat/face pop, but without a doubt J.B.L. takes the cake in my opinion with his promo on the Hart's. Even "I" was outraged and pissed by the comments he made. None more so then his reference to the "Hart Family, being dead." Which is a huge no-no to me, considering who he was facing, and the tragedy regarding Owen.

J.B.L. definately sold being a very over heel with this promo, and might be lucky to make it out of Canada with full protection by several body-guards. Again, I understand it was just a promo, but holy crap was it ever a deep-felt, real to life promo.

The Promos/Segments:

Jericho/Regal: Regal asks Jericho if hes sure H.B.K. is faking the injury. Jericho claims that faking injuries is exactly what Shawn Michaels has always been about. Regal confirms that he hopes Jericho is right, because later tonight they're a team against the Tag Team Champions. And if H.B.K. isn't hurt, then Jericho will have nothing to worry about.

Trevor Murdoch/Trish Stratus/Ron Simmons: Trevor Brooks is backstage serenading the make-up lady (Janice, I believe for those who care) when we get a surprise appearance from Trish Stratus, who is speakless. This of course can lead to only one thing.. the second surprise appearance, and return, of Ron Simmons! DAMN!

Randy Orton: (before Punk match) Orton explains that Triple H. would love to lead everyone into believing that he had the match won, but come Judgment Day the 'Age of Orton' will resume. Meanwhile, he says tonight C.M. Punk is going to get a taste of the cold hard reality that will face him, if he decides to cash in the MITB case on Orton, after he regains his Championship at Judgment Day. (after Punk match) Orton is furious! He states that he respected Regal tonight, and he respected last week's decision to cut the lights, but two weeks in a row is uncalled for, and Orton is going to Regal's office to DEMAND an explanation!

Mike Adamle: Ladies and Gentlemen, the man who went from zero to everyone's new found heel announcer! Adamle confirms the suspicion of having the W.W.E. play off him being so horrible in real life, to actually now allow him to willingly screw-up, because he gets such a great heel reaction from the audience.

During the Handicap match, while Good ol' J.R. sat on his butt and twiddled his thumbs, Adamle was busting out classic phrases such as.. "We don't know anything about Cutler, other than his name rhymes with Butler." and lets not forget the beautiful gem that was "This is NOT a handicap match, because most the time Katie Lea is on the outside of the ring, and now, shes on the inside!?!?"

I swear, this is working beautifully as I'm already sold on this guy being so horrible hes great. I'm gonna love E.C.W. now. Tuning in just to hear the butcher job he'll pull.

Carlito's Cabana: Roddy Piper: Sadly last week wasn't just a one time appearance, as Piper feels that since Ric Flair is retired, the position of "old has-been" is open. Carlito expresses his dislike for what Piper did last week, in slapping Santino. Piper goes on to explain that hes beat Mr. T., Hulk Hogan AND Cancer! He then says he isn't afraid of the Super Mario brother. Carlito says hes lucky he wasn't there, otherwise he would've slapped Piper. Piper snaps back with Carlito's lucky he didn't bring any seagulls with him, to beat him up and make a nest in that thing Carlito calls hair.

This brings out Santino, who explains that it took Piper 8 years to become Intercontinental Champion, when Santino did it on his first night with the company. Piper snaps back with throwing Santino's recent arrest in his face, and that prompts things to get a bit ugly.

And when you think about ugly, of course you have to think about Wet Dreams, Cody Rhodes! Who explains that while Hardcore Holly might not be there with them, Cryme Tyme are. Carlito & Santino take a backdoor exit, while Cryme Tyme and Piper, along with C-Money all bust a move in the ring. (Piper may of broke a hip too, although it wouldn't be the first time)

Regal/E.C.W. Roster: Pep-talk before the big Main Event. Regal says that he will not tolerate disrespect, and E.C.W. has a chance to prove tonight that they aren't just the 3rd brand, but instead that they have the chance to get a legit pinfall victory over the W.W.E. Champion. They have a chance to remind everyone who they are. Regal says anything less than a victory, will be considered to him to be failure and disrespectful.

Main Event: Triple H. & Mr. Kennedy v. The E.C.W. Roster: Not very much time is left after the entrances. Sadly it took Triple H. and Mr. Kennedy longer to get to the ring then the entire E.C.W. Roster, and Kane who felt special with his only entrance.

Triple H. and Kennedy worked well together, although the crowd wasn't nearly as hyped for Kennedy this week as they were last week. (hmm, one week removed and his spark is already going out?) The E.C.W. wrestlers begin having issues between themselves. (Does this surprise anyone when a heel and face are paired together?) However in the end, it wasn't the new found Golden boy picking up the victory.. but instead, picking up the loss.

As Chavo Guerrero..... ..... GUERRERO! Picks up the pinfall victory over Mr. Kennedy Kennedy, with his frog splash. Directly after this, all hell breaks loose and this prompts the lights to once again go out. (Okay, I admit, Regal's light switch gimmick has already gotten old) As the lights come back on, Randy Orton delivers an R.K.O. to the W.W.E. Champion, and the show ends on a heel note.

Overall Thoughts: Best Raw in a long time. First and foremost, William Regal got massively over with "You suck" chants, and he seems to be falling in-line rather nicely as the next heel Main Event guy. Meanwhile, Kennedy's one night wonder that was last week.. came to an end tonight, as the fans didn't know whether to cheer him, boo him, or wait for Triple H. to give their cheers to.

For the Kennedy fans. (all thousand of you, who recently came out of the woodwork last week) I'll allow this to be chalked up as the random unknown that always seems to happen in Canada. (they really don't know who to cheer, boo, or react to in general.. right? :lmao:) Next week will give us a better glimpse at whether or not Kennedy's sudden impactful fame will continue, or if the night that wasn't in Canada wasn't a fluke, just like last week might have been.

I know people will bitch and complain, but screw them. John Morrison STOLE THE SHOW! "Hes never gonna be a Main Eventer." "He sucks, midcarder for life." "He doesn't have any charisma." "He doesn't have any talent." Do me a favor.. go watch your hero get pinned by Chavo Guerrero again, and when you're ready.. the band wagon for the real future, is waiting in JOHN MORRISON!...... MORRISON! :p

Not sure what to think of Trevor Murdoch, other than its apparent they'll push him as a singing act. W.W.E.'s answer to Jeff Jarrett? Trevor Murdoch = Ain't He Great?

Mike Adamle is my new favorite announcer. Seriously, its amazing how the guy doesn't have to change at all and gets instantly put over by replacing J.R., only to suddenly become the biggest heel announcer since Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan. (not nearly as good, mind you)

The Orton/Triple H. storyline is way beyond old, but the Regal/Triple H. seed was planted tonight. So much for that not happening, huh. Shit or not, its coming sooner than you want.

Overall, like I said. Best Raw in quite some time. I loved every aspect of it. Only downside, I wish they'd start giving Paul Burchill a push for the Intercontinental Championship. At least with Regal in charge, hes now appearing on each Monday Night Raw. (looks like that Regal faction might happen afterall)
Oh for the love Christ....

I like HHH, I do. I really do. From way back when. But does he need to be a fucking glory hound?

Twice. Twice he stole Kennedy's show right from underneath him. Kennedy could have cut a great promo in the beginning of Raw when Regal made the main event. We know the man can talk on the mic. He used to have his own mic because he was so good at talking on it. So tonight Ken could have made the best of his situation. The cushy opening segment that the likes of Stone Cold and The Rock used to have to pop the crowd and set the tone for the rest of the night was his.

And what happens? HHH comes out and delivers the same promo he ALWAYS delivers.

But I accept it and move on. Because I say to myself Kennedy is going to get the win for his team. Maybe get to look just a little bit better than the champ, just for tonight. And I wait for it.

I sit through what felt like 3 hours of eye candy. I like Divas because they are nice to look at, but they aren't putting on 5 star matches. Couldn't we have cut this down and gotten a match showing off Kofi Kingston skills on the A show? I would have been down for that.

Then Mike Adamle, of all people, shows us how being a heel is really done. Probably the best segment of the night was him replacing JR, totally being terrible and getting heat like a dog in July. Also we see Katie Lea, who creative looks at and says "What if Lita was British?" If Paul Burchill is playing the part of Essa Rios, who will be Katie's new Hardy's?

Then we're are truly entertained by 2 greats, a rising superstar and a Miz who managed to not piss me off as much as I expected. And we did get a great tag team match. Which sadly did nothing to help the fledgling tag team division. What would have been cool, though not as a good a match, would have been Miz and Morrison vs Cody and Holly. To try and spice up 2 sets of meaningless titles.

I hate CM Punk. I don't like what he looks like, sounds like, wrestles like...I don't like him with a fox, I don't like him in a box...can we give MITB to anybody else? Give it to Adamle for all I care. He sparks a reaction when he comes out at least. But Randy vs Punk doesn't matter because Regal says its over.

Regal and Adamle are the two main event heels in the WWE. Almost as shocking as the day Eric Bischoff hugged Vince.

Now for the biggest waste of the night: JBL vs DH Smith. JBL cuts a boring promo and destroys the Canadian Bulldog. Yawn. Too bad Teddy Hart is gone, maybe if he wasn't DH and Nattie would be doing more than their current nothingness.

But we also got a long awaited and much needed DAMN! A nice reminder of how hot Trish is and how little the Women's Title means now that her and Lita are gone. We got a Carlito's Cabana that actually was really entertaining except for the part where Cody was given a mic. He's no Dusty when it comes to being a talker, but maybe it'll come with time. And Piper is always nice to see. I mark for guys in Kilts I guess.

And now for the moment we've all been waiting for, we get to watch the Main Event. And we get to see Kennedy get pinned by Chavo freaking Guerrero. Eddie isn't coming back. And Chavo is not EVER going to be another Eddie. And it sickens me that I watched, who I thought was the next big face on Raw, lose any and all momentum he had by being pinned by Chavo.

And why did I see this? Because HHH stole Kennedy's spot FOR THE SECOND TIME. After Kennedy loses to a guy nobody cares about, HHH steals the end of the show, hogs his spotlight and is met with an RKO for his troubles. And do you know what will happen next week? The same thing that happens every week, HHH will once again be the star of Raw, and Kennedy will decide if he wants to wipe his ass front to back or back to front as he watches WWE fans around the world stop caring about him for the 27th time.

Raw was better than usual. Trevor Murdoch sang to me. I could swear he looked into my eyes as he was singing. My girlfriend tells me I'm crazy but I could swear he sang to me. But Kennedy loses his steam and I'm left holding my junk in my left hand as my right hand scratches my head. When will they get it right?
i was at the air canada centre last nite for raw, was my 1st show so found it pretty decent, biggest pops of the night were:

1) Y2J
2) HHH
3) Piper
4) Whenever Flair was on screen
5) Believe it or not cryme tyme


1) Regal
2) Cena on screen, crowd was baying for blood
3) JBL
4) Orton
5) Vince

After raw ended and orton was standing over HHH, Y2J's music hit, orton was facing him as he was on the ramp, orton turned around and HHH hit the pedigree! Y2J & HHH shook hands and then Lilian said Jericho will now take on orton in a IC tite match, was a good back and forth match but of course Jericho being in toronto, he won, orton went for the RKO & Jericho pulled out and hit the codebreaker for the pin fall!

Overall pretty decent show, not sure how it came off on tv, but in person it was pretty decent, except for regals antics but obviously by the end they do make sense to set up for the RKO!

Heard alot of fans really angry that cena wasnt there, which makes me laugh coz if he was they would of all just booed him anyways!
NorCal's NightCap

Honestly, I felt this was one of the best RAW's in a long time. Hot crowd, unexpected turns, storyline progression. good times.

Show opens with a badass rpomo involving Regal acting like a fool, only to be interuppted by KENNEDAAAYYY to a huge pop, and a Kennedy chant. Basically states that Regal is an asshat, and wants to fight him. Regal belittles Kennedy, and then Trips comes out, to yet another resounding pop. good times ha dby all, as the Kennedy-Triple H coaltion is looking to lead the revolotion.

Beth and Mickie had a decent girlie match, both looked dizam good :) Mickie picks up the win, in a very weak fashion. I can understand not having her go over in dominant fashion, but making it look THAT flukey, like she didnt do it on her own, is a bit much IMO.

Purchill and Katie squashed a loal guy. goodness, they need to use this guy as an enforcer for Regal. The set up is so damn easy for a stable, its sickening. Regal goes for the WWE title, Burchill wins the IC, Lea takes the womens, DH Smith and Mcintyre take the tag belts. Its so easy, its no wonder WWE hasnt figured it out :rolleyes: . This jobber sucked, totally fucked up the curb stomp and made it look stupid. Moron.

Next we had a pretty decent tag match, between some of the best of the present, and the future, between Morrison-Miz and HBK, Y2J. Couldve been a ton better if it wasnt for this whole HBK is hurt angle, but good showcasing regardless, and Morrison sold the superkick well.

Orton Vs Crowd Mute Punk was...erm...I dont even remember this match. seriously. Have no idea what happened besides a lot of headlocks, and regal turning the lights out. thumbs to Regal for turning the lights out on this match. well done sir.

JBL whips the shit outta DH Smith. The promo he cut before the match was completely out of control LOL. I cant belive the live crowd didnt get more fired up, becuase he said some pretty crazy shit. The canadian Bulldog is actually a pretty slick name. woud be much better served to a technical shoot style wrestler, not to mention one who wasnt a jobber getting his ass deciamted by JBL, or by whomever this week on heat.

The ME was decent, as Kennedy tries his best but succumbs to chaos and finishers. Not a bad finish, furthers Regal as using his power (I guess he DOES have a stable now...its ECW lol) and Orton as sneaking up on Triple H. Regals tyrant charcter gets over a little more, and I guess they sorta (not that I belive it at all but I see the point) cuased doubt as to wether Trips will be able to handle Orton in 2 weeks.

I really enjoyed this show, and they made everything progress. The JD ME, the Regal character, and the Kennedy face movement. good show.
Amy’s ‘take’ on Smackdown 05/09/08 edition: Chase for the Championship Night

Opening Segment: Following a video recap of last week’s show where Vicki stripped the Undertaker of the WHC and he fell the giant with the banned chokehold, Teddy Long wheeled Vicki Guerrero with Edge at her side onto the stage. She read from a prepared statement, first expressing regret over stripping Taker and saying he will have an opportunity to regain the title in a match in 2 weeks at Judgment Day. Vicki announced tonight there would be a series of matches culminating in an over-the-top-rope battle royale to determine Taker’s opponent for the now vacant title. The ‘Chase for the Championship’ was open to any former World Heavyweight Champion, current/former ECW Champion, and current/former US Champion. She said Khali was recovering in India and Edge was not medically cleared to compete.

I was surprised that Edge wasn't going to be involved in tonight’s challenge. I thought maybe the Taker-Edge feud would be put ‘on hold’ for one PPV in order to give someone like MVP the nod at main-eventing or even pitting Taker and Batista against each other once more or possibly making it a Triple Threat with Taker, Batista, and Edge.

Match #1 Matt Hardy vs. CM Punk (1st Qualifying Match): Hardy went on the offensive early and really worked over Punk’s left arm for much of the match. Several covers by Hardy and counters by both men. Neither got off their finishers. Hardy scored the pinfall via a quick roll-up to advance. Although a little sloppier than their first meeting in the KOTR tournament on Raw a couple weeks back (notably a slightly botched back breaker by Punk), these two still produced a solid 5-minute opening match. The crowd was definitely behind Hardy. (Mr. MITB sure is over :lmao:and I continue to scratch my head at how Punk’s been booked since Mania.)

Match #2 MVP vs. Finlay (w/ Hornswoggle) (2nd Qualifying Match)
: Hornswoggle went under the ring. What ‘fun and games’ are we in store for tonight? At the bell, Horny tossed tennis balls into the ring. Hmm, MVP isn’t going to put up with that crap for long or at least I hope not. Early on, both men vied for control. Finlay missed a corner charge, driving his shoulder into the steel post. MVP went to work on Finlay’s arm, placing him in an arm bar and leaving us wondering if the fighting Irishman would submit as we went to commercial break. Once back, Horny’s at ringside and Finlay finally broke the hold. MVP kicked him out of the ring then went after Horny. The distraction swung the momentum in Finlay’s favor and he began working over MVP’s knee including several awkward drops onto the ropes. The two took turns countering arm and leg submission maneuvers. Finlay landed a back suplex on MVP and the ref counted to three. Then the ref spoke with the ring announcer who informed us that both men’s shoulders were down and the match was a draw.

:wtf: We just sat through 15 minutes (sure felt longer because of the bore factor) of that slow, crappy match for a draw? I’d expect such an ending from TNA but not WWE. Are both men out of the battle royale?

Match #3 Kelly Kelly vs. Natalya (w/ Victoria): Basically a 2-minute squash with Natalya dominating Kelly. It’s an absolute joy watching Natalya work. Mark out moment for that surfboard move.:D She rolled to another win making Kelly tap to the Sharpshooter. Throughout the match, we saw Michelle McCool watching the match on a tv backstage. I got a bad feeling Michelle’s going to deliver Natalya’s first loss. They’re really playing up her lineage more each week. I’m not sure that’s a good thing though. I mean comparing her in-ring skills to Bret is one thing but referencing her bearish-looking father?

Another video recap of Vicki stripping Taker last week followed by fan reactions aired.

Backstage: Following the MVP-Finlay finish replay, Vicki said the ending can be viewed two ways – either both men lost or won. She chose be generous and allow both to advance to the battle royale.

Match #4 John Morrison vs. Batista (3rd Qualifying Match)
: During Morrison’s entrance, he handed his sunglasses to The Miz and sent him backstage. Either he wanted to prove he can do it on his own or he just didn’t want Miz there to screw things up. Tista came out pumped and cocky. Right away, you couldn’t help but notice the size and power difference. Morrison went on the offensive – or defensive rather - slipping in/out the ring in heelish fashion, drawing Batista in/out and frustrating him. Morrison hit a nice springboard dropkick and moments later sent him to the floor. After throwing Tista into the ring steps, Morrison established control with a neck breaker, sleeper, missile dropkick, and spinning leg drop and got several near falls. Tista briefly rallied with punches and backed Morrison into the turnbuckle. Morrison countered the Batista Bomb into a hurricanrana then went for a springboard spinning kick, but Tista speared him mid-air then hit the Batista Bomb to advance.

OMFG how awesome was Morrison in this match? I don’t remember Morrison ever doing a hurricanrana before though. Match of the night IMHO that was worthy of more than its brief 6 minutes.

Yet another video recap from last week. (Enough with the recaps already!)

Match #5 Big Show vs. Tommy Dreamer (4th Qualifying Match): Dreamer came out limping, apparently selling his injuries from Tuesday’s night Extreme Rules match with Mike Knox. Seriously, it wasn’t all THAT extreme. Basic 1-minute squash by Show. He pinned Dreamer after a chokeslam. No way he’s winning the battle royale though as he already has a match with Mark Henry at Judgment Day.

Match #6 Chavo Guerrero (w/ Bam Neely) vs. Kane (5th/Last Qualifying Match)
: Kane came out still selling the bad knee. Early on, Kane missed a big boot, hanging his bad leg on the top rope. Chavo went to work on the knee for a few minutes. Kane did the classic come back to life sit-up, hitting several signature moves before countering a sunset flip and pinning Chavo to advance. No involvement from Neely. Decent 6-minute that featured more of the same we’ve seen from these two the last month or so. Sigh, I’m growing tired of this feud already.

Backstage Video Segment
: Deuce and Domino dumped Cherry for Maryse, stating her doing her own thing as the reason. Maryse called Cherry a dog and Cherry slapped her hard across the face. Yay, so finally this angle is getting played out on TV!

Match #7 Kozlov vs. (something) Atlas: Kozlov defeated another local jobber in a 1-minute squash.:zzzz:

Match #8 Battle Royale: Big Show, MVP, Kane, Finlay, Matt Hardy, Batista (Main Event): Right away, the participants paired off (Finaly-MVP, Show-Hardy, Kane-Tista). Why didn’t everyone just gang up on Show? Oh nevermind, that would be the logical thing to do. Show almost eliminated Hardy twice. He started laying everyone out to take us to commercial break. No elimination during the break. MVP hit Hardy from behind and quickly eliminated him. They aren’t done with that feud just yet. I loved MVP in this one. He spent most of the match rolling in/out and avoiding his opponents in heelish fashion; he generated a good amount of heat. Finlay laid all but Kane out with the shillelagh; Kane eliminated him. MVP went for his signature running corner kick on Tista but went over the top rope, eliminating himself. Tista clotheslined Kane over the top rope. Show and Tista faced off. Show went for a backdrop but Tista held onto the ropes, and Show’s momentum carried him to the floor.

Just then Teddy wheeled Vicki out with Edge at her side. She said she had good news – her fiance, Edge, had just been medically cleared and the match would continue with Edge facing Tista. Edge flew to the ring faster than Londrick and speared Tista on the apron for the win and chance to meet Taker at Judgment Day. That must be Edge’s quickest victory ever; he didn’t even have to take off his t-shirt. As he was celebrating on the stage, the plexi-glass case that held the WHC suddenly burst into flames and the Undertaker’s bells tolled to close the show. Be afraid Edge, be very afraid. At least they are breathing new life into the Taker-Edge feud.

Overall Thoughts: I like themed shows and this one was appropriately dubbed Chase for the Championship. Another great show with lots of solid wrestling that more than made up for the few obligatory squashes and lack of tag team action. Maybe it's just me, but Smackdown seems to be getting better each week's a shame the ratings aren't higher.

You are absolutely right when i watched the match i was so impressed by morrison that i realy hoped he would go through but i already figured that the creative team (NOOBS!) would let batista win but that morrison guy was increadabe his moves were perfect he outwrestled batista but unfortunately he is stuck with the miz god i hope vince wil finaly see through his thick glasses that morrison deserves to be a main eventer
NorCal's NightCap

Welp, due to a high intensity confrontation with the female who resides in my place of living I only saw the second hour.

Actually, I showed up just as Jeff Hardy's music came on!!! While im not a huge fan of the guy, I enjoy and appreciate the energy he brings to a show, and a crowd. And he had a fucking ridiculous shirt on to boot. LIke seriously, WTF was he thinking when he picked that one out??? He comes back to, of all things, pretty much squash Umaga :lmao: I really dont get why that needed to happen. It didnt benefit Hardy any, and Make Umaga look totally ridiculous. eh.

Cade turned on Murdoch. bout damn time. Im not sure why agents are so high on Cade. He has a puffy face. So therefore I find it hard to take him seriously for some reason. Cant see either of them really going any place, and way to weaken the tag division further by getting rid of one of the last proper teams. See you both on heat soon guys.

Orton and Cena have a pretty damn good match, and Cena's face pops are getting continually stronger. Orton debuts new music, and I need further evaluation before I can offer an opinion. Show goes off the air in a fairly predictable manner, with Cena and JBeezy brawling to the back, and Trips and Orton fighting in a cage that wasnt connected to the ring for no reason :wtf:.....Okaaaaaaayyyy...:rolleyes:

Overall, a decent hour. Lots of pointless, non progressive shit by WWE lately. Ok build and lead in to JD...for two matches....
Pretty decent Raw, a downfall from last week IMO. The opening segment i thought was great with regal making Lillian sing "God save the Queen". Major heat. And then when Cena's music hit, i of course grunted as he has NOTHING to do with regal, or at least the apparent storyline with Kennedy (which nothing happened tonight as far as that feud), or even Hunter. Cena "saves the day" i guess, but really didnt see the purpose other than to put Cena more over with the crowd. The tag team match was ok, just furthered the storyline tween Santino and Hot Rod. The Kennedy/Snitsky match was ok, Kennedy looked pretty good, but i guess this was Regal's way of getting at Kennedy??? Didnt make sense, but then again i remembered we're dealing with WWE writers. Hardy's return was pretty nice, but hate what they're doing with Umaga which is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! i like Umaga, and think it's a waste what WWE is doing. get with draft already and send him to SD. The HBK/Jericho segment was pretty good. Figured something was up when JR said his right leg was injured and HBK came out playing the left leg as injured. The Orton/Cena match was pretty good up till the interferences. Orton's new song didnt strike me the first time, but have to give it a few more listens to completely base my judgment. Show ended how i expected with the exception of the broken steel cage. Don't know what the deal was with that. All in all, i still probably wont buy the PPV sunday as i've no interest in HHH/Orton or any of the other matches really, but i dunno we'll see. Decent Raw, see ya next week
TheOneBigWill's 'take' on Monday Night Raw: May 12th, 2008

Opening Segment: The show opens once again in darkness, until William Regal brings up the lights and proceeds to have Lillian sing "God Save The Queen." From this point Regal goes on to say he will not have the lights shut out, however he does have the authority to throw disrespectful people out of the building.

This leads to him wondering aimlessly around ringside until he just out of shear accident :rolleyes: happens to find Mickie James' brother and girlfriend. At which point he has them tossed out of the building to be made an example of. This of course brings Mickie James out, pleading with Lord Regal to allow them to stay. Regal tells Mickie that if she does not remove herself from the ring, she will be stripped of the Women's Championship.

This brings up John Cena's music, as the mystery man who hasn't been seen in the previous few weeks returns. Cena says typically hes ready to fight when he comes to the ring, but tonight he wants to talk man-to-man to Lord Regal. Cena says he can relate to Regal, in giving your best only to hear "You Suck" in return. This leads to Cena popping a lame Mr. McMahon/sex joke.

Cena then decides to read random internet fan comments about how horrible Regal's been as a General Manager and KOTR. First fan.. claims its so horrible, its like comparing Raw to W.C.W. Thunder. Second fan.. claims its so bad, hes going to attempt getting a "Fire Regal" chant going in every arena Raw goes to. Final fan.. (from Iowa, no less) claims that Regal as G.M. is like pooping in your mouth, and thinking its Ice Cream.

Instead of Lord Regal viciously firing off on John Cena, he in turn says he wants respect so he'll give it. He says tonight, Cena v. Orton.. and if anyone not apart of the match interferes, they'll be suspended. Furthermore, Regal says (again) that he won't turn the lights off during any match tonight. He hopes hes earned some respect and with that, takes a leave.

Naturally, Cena can't just leave well enough alone and has to be a dick. Cena says that Regal didn't earn respect, he did a couple good deeds. Cena points out that at the beginning of the show, Regal had Lillian sing "God Save The Queen." And because of that, Regal needs to understand its not about where you're from, but instead where you're at. And they're in Detroit. Home of crime, a flopping Football team, and Ford cars. (of course Cena pointed out the positives.) This lead to Lillian singing "R.E.S.P.E.C.T." by Aretha Franklyn, and the segment ending.

The Matches:

1. Tag Team Championships: Cody Rhodes & Hardcore Holly v. Carlito & Santino Marella: The match that took 4 monthes in the making. And still didn't make a Pay Per View spot. Wow.. So apparently, Santino wanted Rodney the Piper to sit at ringside. Apparently so it would give us all a reason to see a rematch between these two teams in another 6 month build.

The match itself was pretty weak, and overall exactly why it wasn't made into a Pay Per View match. The finish came when Santino ended up getting distracted by Roddy Piper, which lead to allowing Cody to connect with a D.D.T. and pick up the victory. (So much for building Carlito & Santino as any type of team)

2. Snitsky v. Mr. Kennedy: You're kidding, right? For 2 straight weeks, since his return, Kennedy and William Regal have had a good thing going with their feud. Apparently 3 weeks straight is a bit much, as Kennedy is now beating a jobber, and cutting a promo just to hope people don't forget who he is.

The reason this is pathetic, is because I'm still getting Kennedy marks telling me how its a HUGE thing for Kennedy to defeat guys like Snitsky, cause its a "slow build" and you can't just give him the Main Event spot instantly. Of course this is also coming from the same group of idiots claiming that Kennedy should've won last week's Main Event match, or at least NOT took the pin. So which is it boys? Kennedy defeating jobbers, or losing to whole rosters? You can't have both.

3. Beth Phoenix & Melina v. Mickie James & Maria: Very short match. Beth gets hit off the apron, accidentally, by Melina.. which results in her leaving Melina in a one on two handicap style situation. Mickie James and Maria pick up the victory, as Melina is left to wonder why her partner just left her in the ring.

4. Jeff Hardy v. Umaga: JEFF HARDY'S BACK! (So much for Mr. What's his name) Hardy attempts cutting a promo explaining that he did some wrong deeds and paid the price, but hes back now and wants to win the Intercon.. (he claims his mic was cut off, but my theory is hes been stuck in midcard hell for so long, he forgot when he was last there.. he was competing for the Heavyweight Title)

Regal cuts his mic. Then sends the returning Umaga to dispatch of Mr. Hardy. This turns into a match, which turns into Jeff Hardy's first win since returning. So Umaga is now officially pointless and worthless on Raw, much like Snitsky.. only without the horrible teeth.

5. Cryme Tyme v. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch: The confusion match of the night. Cade & Murdoch back together, so it seemed. Dispite NO explanation on their patch-up.

Rather one sided match, as Cade & Murdoch seem to be a 'well-oiled machine' as they work great together, picking up the victory with Murdoch getting the win this time. Cade is fired up and says that he'd be honored if Murdoch sang their victory song.

Murdoch begins singing, and upon finishing the song, receives a beatdown from Cade apparently, officially, ending their partnership.. for the second time. (I'm pretty sure this time its done)

The Promos:

Santino Marella: Marella is upset over Piper getting involved in the match and apparently costing Carlito & him the Championships. Marella says he's looking for Piper, and when he finds him.. he'll hurt him worse than a coconut to the head. (Apparently this is leading to a Roddy Piper v. Santino match-up, yay.)

Mickie James/John Cena: Mickie wants to thank Cena for saving her earlier in the night. She claims her brother is a big fan. (she's clearly lying) Then asks if Cena would like to join them? Cena does his best Lance Storm impression, claiming that he has to remain 100% focused on his job and that if he doesn't remain focused he will lose. She asks if hes joking, he says yes. (who knew?) Then he says he'll join them for two reasons. 1. Her Brother's a fan... 2. Her Brother's a fan! (yes, both reasons were Cena in shock over having a fan) Cena warns James that he gets pretty wild, she replies with being able to do wild. :eek3:

Chris Jericho/Shawn Michaels: Jericho states that he'd like to apologize to Shawn Michaels for thinking he was faking an injury. He says that 72% of the fans knew he wasn't, and Jericho thought he was, but now believes after last week that he wasn't. He then goes on to say that if H.B.K. doesn't wanna cancel their match Sunday, then he will.

This brings Shawn to the ring, in which H.B.K. claims for the first time (hahahaha thats funny) in his career, he was faking an injury. Jericho feels H.B.K. is now trying to use mind games on Jericho, for the p.p.v. and claims it'll work on people like Tista, but not him. He then says H.B.K. has to try harder.

That leads to a Shawn Michaels Superkick, which then leads to H.B.K. telling Jericho.. "Trust me, when I tell ya, I'm not hurt." :confused:

Okay, so I completely don't understand whats going on here. Jericho's tweener, then hes face, then hes heel, then tweener, now H.B.K. faked an injury which is a heel tactic, yet Jericho's the guy getting booed anyways. WTF?!

Beth Phoenix/Melina: Beth comes up to Melina & Jillian backstage, when Melina flips out on wanting to know why Beth just left her. Beth claims Melina didn't accidentally cost her the title last week, but instead feels she'd have a better chance of winning the Women's Championship from Mickie James, than from Beth Phoenix. This leads to Melina & Beth getting into a brawl. (what a strange night for confusion on faces, tweeners, and heels)

Main Event: Randy Orton v. John Cena: Not long after the match begins, does Lord Regal interrupt and declare that the official in the match isn't doing a proper job and as such, J.B.L. will replace him as the main official. Cena naturally throws his arms up, knowing all along it was coming.

Before J.B.L. can do a thing, upon entering the ring, Cena just decides to strike an official right off the bat. (well thats not sportsman like) As soon as Cena turns around, he gets hit with an R.K.O. and a fast count, giving Orton the win... then the two on one beat-down of Cena begins. Triple H. comes to Cena's aid, as J.B.L. and Cena brawl away from the ring, meanwhile the cage above the ring lowers as H.H.H. and Orton brawl inside it. The show ends when Orton gets out of the cage, while H.H.H. stands on the top of it.

Overall Thoughts: All good things must come to an end. That should really be the W.W.E. slogan when promoting monthly shows. They started out good, with two solid weeks of programming, and the show before their Pay Per View.. it was filled with shit matches, squash matches, a return, and a bunch of B.S. in between.

The Cena/Regal promo to start the show was half assed, and Regal didn't show ANY authority dispite Cena clearly "punking" him out by saying he better realize where he is, otherwise those people will "eat him alive." PLEASE. Regal is the power on Raw.. any ONE individual threatening to touch him will be tossed in a flat second, Cena included. So I doubt Regal should FEAR anything.. therefore, why make it seem like he feels threatened?

I'm sick of the Tag Team division in the W.W.E. in general. SD is trying, Raw is failing, badly. Carlito & Santino losing.. its understandable, but WAY TOO DRAWN OUT for them to lose in the end. This feud started in March, if not sooner. I know it was before Mania. So whats the point of having the heels lose? If they were meant to lose.. why not just job them instantly? Apparently they felt having this draw out forever would build Santino & Carlito into a worthy team, dispite the loss in the end. haha WRONG.

Then, Cryme Tyme (who honestly aren't great by any means) randomly get jobbed to a team that BREAKS UP afterward. Because THAT made sense. Cade gets the heel push to nowhere, while Murdoch begins announcing with Lillian and they'll likely have a duet's album out later this summer.

I'm not sure if they're leading to a 3-way with Beth v. Mickie v. Melina, but if so.. neither Beth or Melina have what it take to become a face, thereby making it heel v. heel v. face.. yet both heels are apparently disliking the other about as much as a heel would a face. Completely bonkers.

Kennedy fans need to take the blinders off and get with the program. If the guy is getting a push, then I'M HAPPY FOR HIM.. but winning endlessly over jobbers, then jobbing to Main Eventers is Kennedy becoming the NEXT UMAGA! Kennedy marks are worse than Hardy marks lately.

Speaking of which, that brings us to WHY Kennedy was likely picking up a pointless victory. Hardy's suspension was up today, and they wasted NO time bringing him back. Honestly, I was shocked. But now that I think more about it.. it shows truly how much faith the W.W.E. has in guys like Regal, Kennedy and even Orton & J.B.L.. because clearly Hardy will shoot back up the ladder into the Main Event spot he was once at.

I'm honestly confused with where they're going with Shawn Michaels, other than likely another Batista match at One Night Stand as a result of all of this. Furthermore, I wouldn't be a bit surprised to see Shawn get a "real" injury at Judgment Day.. then play off the "crying wolf" storyline. Apparently W.W.E.'s creative staff are now getting their ideas out of children's stories. NICE! (next week Cena will come out in a hat, with a fish)

Overall, I was not impressed with Raw this week. It completely lacked the edge, the feel for a big time show before a Pay Per View. I feel bad for them, because they (to me) were on such a great role.
I somewhat enjoyed Raw this week, but I have a confession to make. I am not a John Cena fan one bit, but when he came out to defend Mickie and confront Regal, I rejoiced. Regal made me loathe him which says he is doing his job. I am not sure if I should be ashamed of being glad Cena came out or not. On the HBK/Y2J, I thought HBK was lying, but after his confession, I wonder if he was lying. His confession seemed too laid-back and calm to be genuine, so now I think he was injured within the confines of the storyline. Jericho not buying it just added more to my doubt that HBK was confessing. The Murdoch/Cade had me confused a little bit with the victory and Cade being happy, but when Cade asked Murdoch to sing, it was made clear that they would split. I liked how they did it with the win and all. Like JR and King said, you see betrayals when you lose, not when you win. I was really surprised that HHH only came out for the last segment. Considering he's Champ, I thought he would've had more screen time. Let's see what happens at Judgment Day.
TheOneBigWill's 'take' on Friday Night Smackdown: May 16th, 2008

Opening Segment: They open the show in full-force as La Familia kick things off. They rave over how last week, the entire world witnessed a 'medical miracle' as Edge overcame the odds of the injury he had, to recover just in time to enter the Chase for the Championship, spearing Batista out of the ring and winning the right to face the Undertaker at Judgment Day for the vacated World Heavyweight Championship.

The celebration over the miracle was short lived, however, as Teddy Long made his way to the ring. While Vickie began grilling him instantly on why he was late, and where he was. Long revealed that he'd just come from the Board of Directors. (I love how whenever someone in the best 'power position there is, can be so easily over thrown by the Board)

Long explained that he told the Board every little detail about Vickie's relationship with Edge, and how its effecting the Smackdown brand. Vickie is outraged that Teddy went behind her back, however Teddy has more news. Its confirmed that unless Vickie Guerrero wrestles for the first time, tonight, she will be stripped of her position as General Manager. Vickie berated Teddy Long before attempting to fire him. Attempting, but not succeeding as Long explains how he can't be fired, because HE QUIT! (Real mature Teddy, real mature)

The Matches:

1. C.M. Punk v. Chuck Palumbo: After dropping yet another mildly high profile match on E.C.W., the creative team apparently decided that giving Punk the victory over a guy thats roughly going nowhere would even things back to neutral. Right. I can't say one way or another how good or bad the match was, as it was over before I fully got sat to watch it.

According to what I read, Punk won with a G.T.S. and it was pretty clear cut. I can't imagine this match being worth watching to begin with, as Palumbo isn't the best worker, and whenever Punk is the better of the two in the match, the match normally ends up being shit.

2. Michelle McCool v. Layla: Mick Foley is too overly excited when it comes to Michelle McCool, and clearly needs his eyes checked. Just your average 'diva' match (not female wrestling match) with McCool picking up the victory with an apparent new submission finisher.

Hmm, I'm curious if the submission finisher is in some type of unofficial connection to her ****iness toward the Undertaker. I know they aren't the same submissions, but the fact that McCool is trying to branch out as one of very few divas/females to have a submission (outside of Natalya) shows that the W.W.E. might be thinking about giving her yet another push. (please no)

3. Big Show & Finlay v. M.V.P. & Mark Henry: This was officially the first match I got into, and I'm still not sure what to think about Mark Henry. Finlay is being used as a pretty decent mid-carder, while M.V.P.'s stock (so to speak) continues to drop since losing the United States Championship. :(

I'm not sure if they're building to an M.V.P./Finlay feud or not, but I know they're pushing Big Show v. Mark Henry and regarding that much, its going to be about 1 step above Khali, with even less fan reaction. This tag match wasn't bad as long as Henry remained out of it, but M.V.P. taking the pinfall loss was a mistake in my opinion, much like Kennedy marks hate seeing him lose in his matches.

4. Vladimir Kozlov v. Funaki: Much like Kozlov against Delaney, when your opponent is Funaki, and thats the (to date) biggest rival you've faced.. you're either really, really green, or really really dull. I'm willing to take both on this occasion. Kozlov is slowly reminding me of Ludwig Borga, only more powerful and less flashy.

The shear fact that I'm wasting this much time talking about Kozlov is horrible. I still don't like the guy, and it has nothing to do with the plain gimmick. It has everything to do with the fact that he just doesn't do anything for me. Until I see him feud against someone higher up on the 'food chain' than Smackdown's #1 announcer.. I'll continue to hold to my opinion.

5. Cherry v. Maryse w/ Deuce & Domino: They played a couple recaps from 2 weeks ago with Deuce n' Domino dumping Cherry. I'm still not convinced that this was played out well. I mean, the storied set-up was she was Domino's sister and Deuce's girlfriend.

While a girlfriend can be replaced, its arguably hard to explain why Domino would simply turn on his "sister." Especially since their characters are from an era in which Brothers never turned on their sisters, but instead were way too over-protective of them.

Anyways, the match itself was about similar to watching a demolition derby in slow motion. Maryse is sluggish at best, and Cherry (even as Foley said) just doesn't seem like she has what it takes to be in a wrestling role on even Smackdown, yet. Cherry picked up the victory, and with all of that said I still can't look beyond the fact that Cherry is growing pant-sizes per shows.

6. Matt Hardy v. Shelton Benjamin: I'm gonna go ahead and say this would be the Match of the Night. Definately not the greatest compliment, but Matt Hardy is still very solid in an average way. Shelton Benjamin seems to kinda be losing his edge in a ways. I don't know how to term it, or how to describe it, it just seems like hes going from show to show with no passion.

Benjamin v. Carlito, before Mania.. passion, tons of it. GREAT MATCH! Benjamin v. Kofi, their first match.. passion, a great deal. Since, he keeps fizzling out. Overall this match had a nice finish with the twist of fate out of nowhere.


Big Show/M.V.P./Finlay/Vickie Guerrero: As to be expected, most of the Superstars in the Chase for the Championship felt used and discarded in an effort to do nothing more than return Edge to yet another Championship match. Vickie couldn't deal with the stress, so since they were all upset, she decided to let them deal with their frustrations on each other. Booking Finlay & Show against M.V.P. and whomever he can find.

Batista: With H.B.K. revealing to the world on Monday Night that he was indeed faking, this brings Batista back into the picture as he promised Shawn Michaels would not like him, if he found out he was faking.

Batista didn't say much in this interview, after rewitnessing H.B.K. from Raw, but what he did say was pretty threatening none the less. And it ended with a strong indication that he'd be at Judgment Day, looking for payback.

Vickie Guerrero: Chavo gave her an idea earlier in the show, and she addressed the fans explaining that she felt she was making history, she felt she was standing up for Female's everywhere with being in a man controlled business, and she felt disrespected by the Board's orders. She said she can't cancel the match, but she can add to it.

So she did just that, making the Main Event a 6 on 1 handicap match, adding Chavo Guerrero, Bam Neely, Hawkins, Ryder and Edge.

Kofi Kingston/Matt Hardy/Benjamin: Kofi expresses to Matt that hes always been a big Hardy Boyz fan, and he congrats Matt on the DVD release. As Kofi exits, Benjamin enters. The segment roughly sets the stage for the Hardy/Benjamin match-up, after Matt eluded to the fact that it was funny how the guy with the nickname "Gold Standard" doesn't have any gold. Then mocks him, in claiming the hair-do doesn't count.

Main Event: 6 on 1 Handicap Match: The Undertaker v. La Familia: Before the Undertaker entered, let alone the match began Chavo Guerrero and Bam Neely dropped off and returned to the lockerroom. (Looks like the three earlier Chase for the Championship contenders aren't the only ones upset over Edge being handed the victory) This instantly goes from a 6 on 1, to a 4 on 1.

The match was roughly the Edgeheads against Taker for most of the match, with Edge getting the advantage anytime it looked like Taker was going to get remotely close to Vickie. Of course all "good things" must come to an end, and Taker ended up delivering a double chokeslam to Hawkins and Ryder, only to then grab Vickie by the throat and bring her to the center of the ring.

As it looked like Vickie was going to "get what she deserved," just as Taker lifted her, Edge delivers a spear that levels Taker. Instead of going for any type of victory, Edge just points to the wheelchair, for the Edgeheads to get, as Taker sits up in the ring. Whats left of La Familia retreats up the ramp, as once again the Undertaker remains dominate in the ring on the last stop before Judgment Day.

Overall Thoughts: Once again a very solid show with having 7 matches on the card. The only downside was two of the seven were diva contests without a legit Women's Wrestler. Hardy/Benjamin was (as I said earlier) the best match of the night, but that doesn't mean it was great by any means.

I'm still not completely sure if Shawn Michaels will win or lose Sunday. I'm almost positive he won't become the next Intercontinental Champion, and I'm just as positive that Batista v. Shawn Michaels two will likely happen in 2 weeks at One Night Stand, in a gimmick match.

I don't have a lot to say about this week's show. It was good, not great. And it didn't really have any type of tremendous hype for Judgment Day, for the Pay Per View being 2 days away.

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