Official Raw/Smackdown Aftermath, Ratings and Review Thread

Grade tonight's RAW.

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Raw 3/17

Really liked the opening promo. Jericho is awesome on the mic, Big Show underrated. Very good, old school promo, with a challenge laid down, and accepted.

CM Punk Vs Carlito
Pretty solid, if not a tad sloppy, opening contest here.Very good closing sequence, with a good reversal to the GTS, in which the winner was in doubt. Carlito sold the successfull GTS about as well as anyone has. 7.5/10

Youmaynga Vs Londrick
Meh, monster heel squash at its finest. Weird segment towards the end with seemingly a heel turn for Kendrick. Not sure what they can do with a heel Kendrick, but we shall see. 5/10

Jericho Vs Show
Ended up being pretty shitty as compared to what I was expecting, but not bad in general. Pretty dumb, wealk ending though, as there is a semi turn/use of heel tactis from Jericho. Didnt really get that. I dont like it when HEELS use the belt to get disqualified and retain the belt, why in the world would u EVER have a face do it?? Let alone one who JUST won the belt???

Vince VS Flair, street fight
This was an abolishment, but very very fun at the same time. HORRIBLE "punching" from both guys, bad selling from both guys, and most absolutely slpa in the face obvious blade job ive ever seen. But it was pretty brutal with flair taking some pretty stiff chair/kendo stick (why the FUCK was that under the ring??)....and WHAT an ending...not for quality factor, but craziness factor...if upon waking today, if someone told you that you would see Ric Flair beating Vince by doing a top rope splash through a table, would you have belived it?? Fuck no. That definately goes on the list of "NOW youve seen it all" 8/10

Cena and Orton Vs everbody
er..well....all the heels, sans Kennedy. Which makes me wonder if they are trying to protect Kennedy from the jobfest, and save a little cred for MITB. Hmmmmm.

I personallly thought this was OK, but couldve been a lot better. If it were given more time, then it couldve made everything, and everyONE involved look stronger. Thought it was pretty entertaining for a 5 minute span, but much better than that can be done 8/10

Pretty decent RAW, although more, and better couldve been done with just about everything, however it wasnt a huge letdown botch like last week. Not Bad 8/10
I watched an entire episode of RAW for the first time in a long time. I refreshed my memory on why I don't do that anymore. much as everyone has stated, the "entire" RAW roster vs. Orton and Cena was craptacular. While it was a little interesting seeing the team work of Cena and Orton, but beating a slew of midcarders means nothing. This was the first time I saw D.H. Smith on tv. wasn't impressed. Had some people who had been on RAW past the first hour been on the RAW team, that may have been interesting. No Shawn Michaels, no Ric Flair, no Y2J, no Big Show.
Not really sure why they split London and whatever his partner's name is...but then again, I really didn't care. Seeing CM Punk on RAW was....well, not a big fan of his either.
I did wish the Jericho/Big Show match would have been better but how many clean finishes are you going to see two weeks before Wrestlemania?? Sadly, I think the match of the night was watching Vince McMahon beat the shit out of Flair. Nothing else really entertained me.
In my own opinion, what I watch on RAW is about the same, if not worse, than what I flush down the toilet.
Aside from the Y2J/Big Show promo...which was still questionable...a pretty horrid Raw. I forgot to spring forward the time on my VCR, so I only got the last hour. Not too pissed about that.

The whole Y2J/Big Show thing just befuddles me. They were BOTH playing heel roles.

A) In the promo, Big Show was heeling Y2J by calling him WWE's version of Mayweather, etc...then Y2J came back with a "junior" in classic face-Jericho fashion.

B) Then Y2J misses the pin on Show after the Lionsault and gets the belt and DQs himself. *Applauds* Way to make (IMO) the only legit contender for MITB look AWFUL. Why? So Show could give him a punch to the face. Cheesy. Stupid. At least put some jobber in that role. What a stupid filler storyline.

Street Fight: McMahon v. Flair.....why? What purpose does this match serve? Both looked terrible, and I was either waiting for Shawn to come down or Vince to win and have some prolonged loophole clause next week. Why not have a tag title match in here? Or heck...what about resurfacing the European Title? What about some GOOD WRESTLING. Crap. Such bollacks.

Match at the end was really stupid. Hacksaw Jim Duggan? That man looks like the stranded hermit from the old Monkey Island DOS game. He has no business in the ring (but meh, Flair is still in there). It was obvious from the beginning that the entire match was going to be finisher after finsher after finisher. Predictable and boring. And then, what was the point of HHH coming out to give the two Pedigrees? Stupid ending to a stupid RAW.

Boy, do I miss Jeff Hardy. How many more days? Blah.

2/10 (Only reason it gets a 2 is because it contained a Hardcore Holly appearance. Hardcore Holly = best RAW superstar. FACT.)
So I missed the 1st half of Raw, which after reading, I'm glad I did. I'll just pick up the show from where I started watching... SUBWAY AND JARED. Why why why why was Jared there, let alone given mic time. God I hate that guy... Anyway...

Maria and Candice vs Jillian and Victoria: The only saving race of this match were two things. Victoria on Raw which is always nice to see. and Santino stealing King's sandwitch. Santino is probably the most entertaining thing on Raw nowadays. FACT.

Big Show vs Y2J IC title: Come on who honestly didn't think this would end in DQ as it did. Right from the start it was either Mayweather was going to come out of nowhere, or Y2J would get himself DQ'ed stupid waste of time that did IMO nothing for Show or Y2J.

Cena and Orton vs Raw Roster: I actually was enjoying this match a little... That is until it ended in a retarted fashion. RKO was basically cleaning house RKOing everyone in sight. Best part was right before the match went to shit. Cena tosses a guy into the air into an RKO. Would've loved to see how the rest of the match shaked out. Umaga dominated Cena and Orton when he was in, and delivered spikes after the match was over. Then chased JBL out of the arena. HHH coming down to Pedigree both of them after the match was pointless... Besides the fact that both men were already killed by Umaga... I would have loved to seen Orton and Cena nearly win and then DX comes down and kills them... HBK was not in the match. SO I was really hoping for it. Oh well... Another BLAH Raw over.

Rating: 2.5 out of 5: It got that because of Santino and Umaga saving the show otherwise... for a half show that I watched it would have gotten a lot less.
where was kenndy ??? RAW was not a very good raw, maint event was dumb, spliting up one of the only legit tag teams in the wwe ... even dumber, jobbing the freaking crap out of dh smith who they could build up as the future of the business, hes bulldog/hart and he can wrestle and hes jobbing every where. RAW hasnt been hyping me up for wrestlemania and im pretty uninterested for this years wrestlemania.
Kennedy is taking a little break right now, that's also why they chose him to be beaten up by Finlay.

I actually liked the main event, what I didn't like is that so many talented wrestlers have been degraded to jobbers recently. Especially Kendrick and London, and now Kendrick even seems to be turning heel. I think he is charismatic and letting him have a bit more mic time wouldn't be a disaster, so I'm hoping this choice is not as bad as it seems to be and actually helps London and Kendrick get out of that jobber status.
Raw was good and I enjoyed Triple H as being the boss for the night, though I wanted to see more of him but I like the end like how he beat both of them and stood still with the gold.
1. Londrick are nothing but jobbers. Making them champs was stupid. Vince had to have been watching a 1-2-3 Kid highlight film high on acid to even sign them. They aren't believable, they look and act like jobbers. Rule 1- If the average viewer could kick his ass, don't sign him. I couldn't care less about a heel turn as now they can job to each other. MooreWang is what happens when Londrick's gimmick is done correctly.

2. Burying the midcard, the whole midcard, in one match is never a good idea. A couple of those guys won matches earlier in the night, how does that make them look? Weak? Irrelevant? You pick the phraseology.

3. Whoever asked if we'd ever think the words, "Ric Flair beat Vince McMahon with a splash through a table off the top." would ever come out of our mouths, that was funny. That match was pretty entertaining to me.

Edited to add:
4. Jericho is a tweener. He is such a badass heel that people like him, i.e. Stone Cold, Rock, HHH. The lines are still cartoony for everyone but the top guys. You know Hardy is a face, you know Kennedy isn't. Y2J and HHH can go either way depending on who is in the ring. That is a valuable asset to the company. Putting Triple Haitch (Regal) in the ring with U-Manga makes people cheer, with Hardy, the crowd is split. Cena is such a cartoonish face, that people boo.
TheOneBigWill's 'take' on Friday Night Smackdown: March 21st, 2008:

The Matches:

1. Handicap Match: Batista v. Deuce & Domino: The opening match of the show is surprisingly a highlight of the overview for the entire night. Batista cleanly dominates one of the few Tag Teams that are legit. in the W.W.E.

Why? How does this prove hes ready for Umaga? Because a Tag Team is compariable to a Samoan Bulldozer? How? I have tons of questions for what this explains. Deuce and Domino aren't the same they were last year. Batista could've fought Tommy Dreamer in a hardcore match and it would've been more of a warm-up for Mania against Umaga than this embarassment was. Batista wins with ease.

2. Handicap Match: Big Show v. Hawkz & the Naturals: Ladies and Gentlemen, W.W.E.'s answer to their lacking Tag Team division and piss poor teams? They add one of the great teams that were in T.N.A. Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas, the Naturals!

Opps. Someone forgot to explain to the creative staff on Smackdown that they were a former GREAT Tag Team, and accidentally filed them under Big Show meat. Seriously, is this ANY WAY to debut an actual Tag Team that could be very successful in this company? NO, its not.

And this crap with Big Show punching people to win matches is bullshit. Unless the match at Mania is going to be a boxing match, which we're about a week away from Mania and its STILL not been explained what the match type will be.

3. Edge v. Funaki: The first non-handicap match of the night, and its involving our World Heavyweight Champion. The announcers had the nerve to call this a warm-up for Edge and Wrestlemania as well. WOULD YOU EXPLAIN THAT TO ME. Undertaker = Funaki? :wtf:

The only thing about this that was anything important, was how Edge drilled another nail in his own coffin come Wrestlemania. He pins Funaki with the Tombstone. He addresses the crowd about never being beaten by the Undertaker, and he makes the threat to show everyone what he can do. (Apparently squashing a known jobber didn't send a clear enough message. Who knew)

4. Kane v. Chuck Palumbo: The first match that isn't a handicap or mismatch, and it ends in a no contest. Should I be shocked? I'd like to think yes, but unfortunately I say no.

So, The Great Khali gets rid of Kane. Proving he could win the battle royal, until Mark Henry (heel) comes out and proves that he can top Khali. (heel) Chuck Palumbo was also added to the battle royal.

5. Tag Team Championship Match: The Miz & John Morrison v. Jesse & Festus: Best match of the night. And that speaks a lot for how horrible the overall show was. Seriously, this was the best match of the night. It was evenly set, and I honestly felt Jesse and Festus could've (and should've) won the Tag Team Championships. Nothing stands out about this match to me.


Diva Contest: Victoria gets eliminated from the fan voting diva contest. Shocking. The final three are Cherry, Eve, and Michelle McCool. The winning diva wins a bike. Hmm, McCool used to be with Palumbo, Palumbo still has a bike. McCool is the biggest fan favorite out of the group.. Palumbo can destroy the bike she wins in the end.

Have I spoiled anything for anyone yet? And whats with them pushing Cherry as an ugly diva? That was hilarious.

M.V.P.'s V.I.P. Lounge: Guest Chris Jericho: Best segment of the night. Best moment of the night. Why this didn't turn into a match is beyond me. I can only hope these two face each other either on Raw, or next week on Smackdown.

Z.I.T., L.O.S.E.R., J.A.C.K.A.S.S. all of them.. Jericho needs people like M.V.P. to get back in the swing of things with his promos.

Overall, neither guy is going to win the Money In The Bank. Why? Because they typically don't let the winner brag week in and week out on how they're going to win. M.V.P. is most likely going to get screwed over by Matt Hardy, and Chris Jericho isn't likely to win it, because he returned to the Main Event picture and it didn't pan out for him.

Main Event: Undertaker v. Chavo Guerrero: Okay, so your Main Event is just like the rest of the show. A complete Squash. Furthermore, if they'd actually had Chavo even remotely show any amount of possibility for winning I'd want Undertaker fired on the spot.

I (unfortunately) knew this match would happen sooner or later. Edge gets his Edge Heads, then aligns himself with Chavo. So, whats he done in truth? Found several handicap/mismatches for the Undertaker to have.. all while Edge heels himself away in fear. :disappointed: Seriously, this is bullshit.

Oh, lets not forget about the ending to Smackdown though. Edge, Ryder, Hawkins and Chavo in a 4 on 1 beat down. Who feels next week before Mania, the Main Event will be 4 on 1.. yeah.

Overall Thoughts: Might as well change the name to Friday Night SquashDown. (Thanks Justin, for the heads up) I honestly feel sorry for the people who were there for this show. I mean, who would've thought the best part of the night was the E.C.W. taping? I'm disappointed completely with how they shit all over the road to Wrestlemania with this show.
Flawless recap above me what more is there to say. For the last few weeks I've dreaded watching Smackdown, it's getting to the point where I'm just going to stop and read recaps which are often exponentially more entertaining than sitting through the program itself. Here's hoping for a roster shuffle to bring some legitimacy back to the show.
Oh lord Raw is finally over tonight... Well... Lets say in my opinion it was one hell of a boring show... Let's review shall we...

Show opens with a rather long segment where Cena, Orton, HHH, JBL, Big Show, and Umaga all cut promos about how they're going to make history, and as a result we get the main event tag match of those 6 guys and Flair and HBK... Best part of the night happened right here during Umaga's promo. (Yes Umaga did a promo)..... Rating: 2 out of 5 okay

We come back from commercial to a tag match featuring Y2J and CM Punk vs MVP and Carlito. I was let down right off the bat, I was really hoping for a MVP/Kennedy team, but oh well...Match was ok I guess. However it was rather sloppy for the most part. MVP got the win. I actually would find a CM Punk/MVP feud kind of interesting. Completley opposite gimmicks if you think about it. Hardcore SXE and Ballin... Match Rating: 2 out of 5. okay Commercial time again.

Kennedy appears on screen as the show returns and cuts a rather dissapointing promo, but still one of the better of the night. Too short to give a rating.

Then we had the match of the night... The Great Khali vs Hardcore Holly... What the Hell was the point in this. Honestly and why bury 1/2 of the tag champs. Squash match cause they couldn't have had Khali go up against someone else on a different show, so they had him squash Holly??? Rating: 0 out of 5 Pathetic

I didn't mention this yet, but there was an unbelivable amount of promos for Floyd Mayweather vs Big Show throughout the show. All of which were terrible and said the same thing. Evidentally Big Show is bigger than Floyd? Wouldn't have guessed... All the promos for that match combined get a... Rating: 0 out of 5

Flair cut a promo that actually got pretty intense and ended with HBK sayin he was going to bring Flair to the back of the barn and beat him, or something along those lines, which caused Flair to go berserk, stomp his jacket and slap HBK in the face a few times to which HBK did not retaliate... Rating: 3 out of 5 Good

Melina, Beth, Santino vs King, Maria, Ashley was another terrible display of the divas. Ashley is now in the Playboy Bunny match at Wrestlemania, and showed oh so much skill tonight. I mean a forearm to Melina was about all she did. Santino got the pin on Maria as it seems that every week leading up to the match at Mania. Beth, Melina, and Santino get the last laugh and I hope they do on Sunday. This match though gets... Rating: 1 out of 5 Bad...

More Floyd Mayweather nonesence here...

Main Event of the 6 guys mentioned before really broke down. Finlay came out and he and JBL brawled to the back, Batista and Umaga did the same, then HHH and Cena did the same, but not before Big Show chokeslammed his partner Randy Orton. HBK punches Flair in the face, in which Ric followed with a low blow. Then Flair locked on the figure four for the win... Commercials completley killed this for me. Just as JBL and Finlay started brawling. Also... I understand that it could be Flair's last Raw, but why have him make Orton tap???... Rating: 2 out of 5 okay

The show in my opinion gets a bad rating of 1.4. The center part in which Khali and all the Mayweather BS occured really blew the show apart...

Funniest moment: None
Best Promo: Umaga
Most Intense Moment: Ric Flair Promo
Most boring segment: Anything involving Floyd Mayweather...
Best Match:Y2J and CM Punk vs Carlito and MVP
Worst Match: Khali vs Hardcore Holly
A pretty much utter crap RAW tonight, very weak in making any kind of build.

Opening segment
Eh, so-so stuff, nothin in comparison to the promos we have seen in earlier years, but decent and falls in line with the WWEs currently geared toward children tough guy talk. Umaga cut a promo which I think did nothing but set his character back, as the whole crowd was laughing at him. 5/10

CM Punk & Jericho Vs MVP...and...carlito???
Seriously, was shelton Benjamin busy??? Or Morrison??? fucking carlito is what we get?? Ugh. you could almost here the air come out of the arena when Carlitos music hit, and he wasnt Kennedy lol. Very sloppy match, pretty crap. MVP won. so that was cool. LOL 4/10

Kennedy cuts a weak ass promo. good times

Kahli Vs Holly
Completely useless pointless squash. seriously WWE did this serve ANY purpose?? so JR and King could say "HOW in the WORLD will anyone EVER be able to get Kahli over the top rope in the battle royal????" every other fucking Rumble that Kahli and all the other monsters who are so impossible to eliminate get eliminated from. Utter shit. 0/10

BTW, ill mention that all of this was in the midst of 948 Big Show Vs Mayweather promos. Apprently they are fighting this weekend, and from what I undertsand there is QUITE a size difference between them...AND ITS A RATHER HUGE FUCKING DEAL!!!!

Intergender tag match that I didnt pay attention to...But smashley is back, with seemingly even BIGGER tits (she is up to like 38 double F or some shit) and is subbing in for Candice on sunday. A scintilating contest it shall be.

Ric Flair and HBk cut a promo which I found to be EXCELLENT and even got me a little emotional over here sitting in the bean bag chair of doom. Very good, intense work here. The highlight of the night, by far and away.

some decent mark out moments during the 8 man main event, especially when Finlay emerged, and JBL looked like he was gonna shit himself LOL. Pretty much what you couldve expected, and they have Flair going out (of RAW at least) putting away Orton with the figure 4. RAW ends with Flair standing tall, which was good I guess. too bad it didnt happen about 5 years ago.

Besides the sick HBK flair promo, and the pretty cool Triple threat promo video, this RAW was absolute shit, and did nothing to build WM. The crown Jewel of the worst WM build EVER. D-
TheOneBigWill's 'take' on Monday Night Raw: March 24th, 2008:

Opening Segment: So the final stop for Raw before WrestleMania and you have to start big and finish big. What better way to do that, then with the guy who everyone hates yet he draws the most. John Cena! So, Cena cuts his typical promo about how hes fought and fought to get back to the top, and roughly put at Mania he'll reclaim what he never lost. Now, somewhere in between the lost promo that Cena was cutting, he gets interrupted by none other than.. .. .. The Big Show? :confused:

Big Show decides to explain to Cena that instead of the Triple Threat being the top highlight of Mania, him ending Floyd Mayweather's career will be the new highlight, that even replaces Hulk Hogan slamming Andre the Giant. (classic) Now, before anything else is really done.. we get our third entry for the night.. J.B.L.? (If noone else is lost yet, then you're better off than I am)

So, J.B.L. decides to put his name in the hat for best match of the night.. :lmao: and how it'll be the greatest Wrestlemania moment, for the greatest beating in Mania history, because his match has no rules. Cena & J.B.L. exchange some history, which gives us our 4th entry of the night.. Randy Orton! (finally, someone from the same storyline as someone else in the ring)

Orton runs down the possibilities for Wrestlemania, then explains that noone feels he'll win, and that drives him. He then exclaims he'll be the talk of the night, when he does the impossible and retains. So.. you'd logically assume the final member of the triple threat is next, right? Wrong.. Umaga! (I was completely waiting on a diva to be after him)

Umaga.. talks?! Well, he tried anyways. Thats the important thing. He showed better mic skills than Randy Orton in cutting a promo about Batista and Wrestlemania. It was all jibberish, but hes more understandable than half of what Orton says, and hes more believable then most of what Cena says. UMAGA FOR WORLD CHAMPION!!!

Triple H. now decides to enter, but not before instantly plugging his new t-shirt. (now available on for those who don't know.) Now, by this point in the cluster thats forming in the ring, I've just become lost. The basic point of what I got from Triple H. is that hes winning the match. (shocking, that he'd push for himself as the winner. You never see someone claiming they feel someone else is going to win, it'd be interesting to say the least)

William Regal! This segment has went on far too long, and we finally get the General Manager to come out and explain what tonight's Main Event is going to be. Yay!

The Matches:

Tag Team Match: Carlito & M.V.P. v. Chris Jericho & C.M. Punk: The best match of the night, how fitting its the first. A mini preview of the Money in the Bank match. Not to mention a mini preview of Chris Jericho v. M.V.P. for Smackdown! Overall, while this was the best match on the card, nothing overly exciting happened in it.

It was your typical back and forth Tag match, that ended on a great note when Jericho went for an enzuigiri to M.V.P., who ducks allowing Jericho to connect on his own partner. M.V.P. picks up the win, Carlito points toward him on the outside as the heels exchange words. Meanwhile, Jericho just stares blankly toward Punk, then glares at M.V.P.

The Great Khali v. Hardcore Holly: Another Mania preview, of the 24 man Battle Royal, as Hardcore Holly has been confirmed for being involved. More or less, this was a squash match in favor of Khali.. who learned a nerve pinch!!! Unfortunately, Holly doesn't understand how to direct his head under Khali's hand on the way down, so we got a botched chop to the shoulder, followed by a double handed chokeslam for the win. Go Khali, with luck you'll be the first guy eliminated at Mania!

Intergender 6 Man Tag Team Match: Santino Marella, Beth Phoenix & Melina v. Jerry Lawler, Ashley & Maria: Originally this started off as a single's match between Melina and Maria, until Ashley without music, or even the camera directed on her decides to randomly wonder down the ramp and into the ring. I'm downright shocked security didn't body tackle her. She looked lost.

During this screw-up, the match was changed to a 6 man Tag Team match. Also during this match, it was explained that Candice Michelle did infact reinjure herself, and Ashley will take her place.

Unfortunately nothing special about this match in the least, except for the fact that Santino got the biggest win of his career, with the pinfall victory over Maria!! Celebrating as if he'd just became a Champion again!!!

The Promos/Segments:

Mr. Kennedy/MITB: Mr. Kennedy's first time back on camera since the beat down he took in his hometown of Green Bay, via Finlay. So.. the promo was average at best, in all honesty it down right sucked. He predicted several things for Mania. Flair retiring. Taker's streak ending. And Kennedy (shockingly) winning MITB.

If anything, this only further proves to me that Mr. Kennedy will indeed.. NOT be winning the MITB match. If he does, I'll be downright amazed because this is the weakest push, not to mention promo ever for a man about to win a chance to become the next World Heavyweight Champion.

Ric Flair/Shawn Michaels: Best segment of the night. Hell, best moment of the night. Ric Flair calls out Shawn Michaels to complain (again) about how he feels he isn't getting the respect he wants. He feels unsure on whether he would've defeated Vince McMahon a week prior, due to H.B.K. interfering in the match after Flair repeatedly asked him not to.

Out comes H.B.K. who explains that throughout Ric Flair's entire career, Flair has always been the dirtiest player in the game. Flair has ALWAYS had someone there to watch his back, and to help him out of jams. H.B.K. was only doing what he thought Flair would've wanted done.

We get more history lessons from H.B.K. then Flair on what hes accomplished, before H.B.K. refers to Ric Flair in the greatest way possible. Old Yeller! H.B.K. exclaims that come WrestleMania, hes going to take Ric Flair out back and end him. Great segment, excellent promo. (Kennedy should take notes)

Triple H./John Cena: Boring pre-Main Event promo where Cena says the title's coming back to him at Mania. Triple H. disagrees. CODY RHODES BREAKS IT UP!!!!!! "Save it for Wrestlemania, guys!" GREATEST PROMO OF THE NIGHT! RHODES FOR CHAMPION!!!! WOOOOO.. okay, seriously, I just had to get it out. I'm done now.

Main Event: WrestleMania Showcase: Triple H., John Cena, Ric Flair & Shawn Michaels v. Randy Orton, J.B.L., Umaga & The Big Show: Nothing too exciting to be honest. Normal match that had Finlay's music erupt within the first 3 minutes I'd say. J.B.L. and Finlay fight to the back, leaving the heel side a man short. Batista interrupts next, gaining Umaga's attention, putting the heels in a very unusual place being at the disadvantage.

So, Randy Orton begins commanding the Big Show to do everything, which lasts long enough for Big Show to tag Orton in the hard way and leave him with a 4 on 1 major disadvantage. So, naturally we've had the heels break apart leaving the faces to figure out how to do the same. Triple H. and Cena quickly figure out they'll be against each other Sunday, and decide to tour the building violently. Leaving Flair to get slapped by H.B.K., only for Flair to low blow H.B.K., lock in the figure four and pick up the victory! Raw goes off the air with Ric Flair celebrating what could be his last match, or victory, in the W.W.E.

Overall: The final Raw before Wrestlemania was definately better than the previous 3.. unfortunately that doesn't say very much, and even more sadly, it doesn't mean tonight's Raw was anything great. It was good, don't get me wrong. However 4 total matches, one being a diva's match and another being a squash. The Main Event getting broken apart bit by bit within the first 5 minutes, and that leaves one great match on the night.

The only segment worth anything was Flair & H.B.K., which is all they've done within the previous few weeks, and I'm assuming that randomly placed Superkick from Shawn Michaels is just never going to shockingly find Flair's face, before Mania anyways.

All I can hope for is the Raw after Wrestlemania provides us with more matches, and a better storyline build for everything leading into Backlash.. or Mania Squared, whichever you'd prefer to call it.
TheOneBigWill's 'take' on Monday Night Raw: March 31th, 2008:

Opening Segment: John Cena's music jump starts the show, to more mixed reaction with mainly boos. No Cena? Triple H's music the kicks up, as the fans erupt, yet just like before, No H.H.H.? Finally, Randy Orton's music erupts over the speakers and the W.W.E. Champion walks out.

Orton opens with the classic "You were expecting someone else?" He continues with a great promo, in saying that no one expected him to walk out the winner & Champion. He demands respect for doing what hes done, and continues to address that people might not like to hear the list, but its growing. Chris Jericho, Shawn Michaels, Jeff Hardy, Triple H., John Cena, & the Wrestlemania Main Event winner. He then finishes out with telling people to forget about Hulkamania, forget about the Attitude era, because this is the Era of Orton!

John "Bradshaw" Layfield interrupts the proceedings, as he makes his way to the ring and agrees with Orton about how Triple H., & Cena neither one deserve another shot at the Championship.. but he, J.B.L., does. He goes on to talk about how Orton got lucky during Mania and walked out Champion due to nothing more than that luck. He says Orton's entire reign as Champion has been based off luck. Then mentions himself as the longest reigning Smackdown Heavyweight Champion, and how he was dominate during that period. He went on to mention beating the toughest guy in the W.W.E. at their own game.

J.B.L. finishes up with saying the fans may dislike Randy Orton as W.W.E. Champion, but they'll downright hate J.B.L. He sticks his name in as the unofficial Number One Contender for the W.W.E. Championship then takes his leave. As Orton demands to know who J.B.L. thinks he is, he isn't getting a reaction. However what he does get, is the shocking return of Matt Hardy to Monday Night Raw, completely destroying the W.W.E. Champion. Officials rush out and we go to commerical.

The Matches:

1. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch v. Cryme Tyme: First match of the night and we get the big return surprise after Wrestlemania! Cryme Tyme's back!! The match wasn't anything great, but its nice to see Raw has added an old Tag Team back into the mix. Who knows how long it'll last, and by the looks of the finish with Cade & Murdoch, it seems like we'll be losing another good Tag Team soon enough.

2. Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhodes v. Paul London & Brian Kendrick: London & Kendrick are reunited, as they face off against the Tag Team Champions. Quick note that J.R. pointed out. He claimed that Londrick reminded him of the Midnight Rockers. (I know its not THE Rockers, but I'm thinking that was a hint at where this storyline is going)

London didn't do too much, until he made the hot tag to Kendrick who cleaned house and picked up the victory over Cody "Wet Dream" Rhodes. Kendrick seems electric with his victory, and in my opinion I can see this turning into Kendrick turning on London, thinking he can do better without him. Sadly, I don't see Kendrick being the next Shawn Michaels.

3. Chris Jericho v. C.M. Punk: Match of the Night! It was definately a back and forth match, not the very best but definately the best of the night. Jericho seemed to bust his mouth on something, not sure if he lost teeth or not. A lot of nice counters, but in the end its Jericho picking up the victory with the Code-Breaker on Punk.

The only unknown I have with this, is if they're pushing C.M. Punk as the next possible Heavyweight Champion at some point within the next year, do you think its wise to let him come out on Raw first thing and job directly to the Intercontinental (midcard) Champion? Overall, I'm still not sold on Punk being the Money In The Bank guy.. and I think he'll end up losing it, or being challenged and lose it at possibly Backlash.

If they are, however, giving the nod to Punk.. then I suggest they start putting him over Main Event talent, such as Chris Jericho.

4. Matt Hardy v. Randy Orton: The grudge of the night, and its not in the Main Event spot for matches? Matt Hardy did everything Jeff did against Orton in this match. He controlled the entire thing, from beginning to end. Matt hit every one of his signature moves, and even connected with a Twist of Fate on the floor.

Unfortunately, the outcome was exactly the same as it was for Jeff. All In, No Win. After connecting which his finisher, Matt picks Orton up and slides him back in the ring. Upon sliding in himself, Orton catches him with an R.K.O. and picks up the victory.

5. No Disqualification: Santino Marella v. Maria: Unofficially Main Event match of the night. I'm so happy the night after Wrestlemania could have this as something to remember. :rolleyes: Apparently there was a stipulation that Jerry Lawler couldn't interfere.

Not that it mattered, after Santino pie-faced Maria to the ground, the entire diva lockerroom emptied and Santino found out the hard way why you don't piss off a female. The match ends with a falling headbutt to the crotch. Maria picks up the victory, and the divas celebrate.

The Segments:

Matt Hardy/William Regal: After the opening attack. Regal demands to know why Matt Hardy is attacking his Brand's Heavyweight Champion. Matt explains in anger that he hasn't forgotten about Orton's kick, and putting him out even longer. He (Hardy) demanded a match.. Regal said he'd have to think about it. (only for it to be confirmed two segments later)

Shawn Michaels: Shawn comes to the ring, looking a bit depressed for what happened the night before. He addresses the crowd in saying that he was asked to do a job. He was asked to give his best, his 'A' game, to be the Show-Stopper at Wrestlemania. He said he has too much respect for Ric Flair to give him anything less. He expresses that he isn't sure how to feel about that, but its what he did.

He goes on to say that one of the greatest careers in Professional Wrestling is now over and its because of him. He says that its just another burden he has to live with. He goes on to sarcastically say "Lucky Me." Then he just stops, doesn't continue anymore, hands the mic. off and walks out.

H.B.K./Regal/Batista: Regal confronts Shawn Michaels in the back, after his promo and says that H.B.K. did what he had to do, and its something that should've happened a long time ago. Regal then walks off, as we see Batista burning a hole through Shawn Michaels. H.B.K. glances over his shoulder, as he then walks off.

The Big Show/The Great Khali: Big Show enters the ring, and gives congrats to Mayweather... Mayweather, along with his manager, his 6 body guards, a steel chair and his brass knucks. Big Show mocks Mayweather one last time in saying "Mayweather, greatest fighter on the planet." Show then moves on to the Hall of Fame show & Ric Flair addressing him as the best big man in the business.

Big Show says hes going back to what he was, and that noone can match him one on one. This brings out The Great Khali! Khali enters the ring, as both men go eye to eye. Khali rambles in jibberish, as Show demands Khali step out of his face. Khali backs up a bit, before making it look like the two biggest guys in the sport are about to collide, only for Khali to take the backdoor out of the ring. Khali walks up the ramp, before turning around one last time getting the crowd pumped to see the head on car crash, before deciding otherwise and leaving.

Personally, I know this match will draw big, but its a disaster waiting to happen. Khali has less than no talent, and the guy barely knows anything more than basic chops, punches and kicks. Its likely that Big Show will go over and this will be Khali's exit, if hes taking one, from the company for a while. It'll likely happen at Backlash, but the question is.. outside of seeing the tallest two guys go head to head in a horrible match, is it Pay Per View quality? I suppose for Backlash.

Santino/Maria: Santino with an incredible 88 reps that most people would consider 5. Thats pure talent right there. Maria approaches Santino in expressing that she doesn't wish to fight him. That his girl's won at Wrestlemania, and she doesn't know what else Santino wants from her.

He replies first with asking how her date with Snoopy the Dogg went, and if they had a nice dinner, with some nice Kibbles n' Bits. :)lmao: classic) He then says hes been held back by the divas. He said he should've been in the Royal Battle, but was stuck with the divas instead. He then expressed that he felt the divas should be at home making pasta and babies. He says he needs to release some frustration and unless Maria knows another way.... .. which is followed by a very nice slap from Maria, and the agreement that the match is on. (Apparently Maria doesn't like pasta?)

Dusty Rhodes: There isn't a big secret that Rhodes and Flair aren't the best of friends, and thats likely why Rhodes wasn't one of the names who came to the ring personally. Rhodes cut a small promo expressing that the terms, the words "legend" & "icon" are tossed around loosely in this day, but when it comes to Ric Flair, they're national treasures.

J.B.L./Randy Orton: After Orton's match, J.B.L. enters his lockerroom, picks up the Championship, glares then tosses it back to Orton and leaves. I'm only randomly assuming Backlash will give us a Fatal Four Way with J.B.L. entered as the 2nd heel with the Wrestlemania Triple Threat contenders being the other 3.

Ending Segment/Main Event: Ric Flair's Farwell Speech: Ric Flair enters the arena and the ring one last time to address the world with his Farwell Speech from Professional Wrestling.

Flair says that he isn't sad and the fans shouldn't be sad either, because he feels he had a full, great, career. He said he lost to the best man last night and that he thanks everyone for all the memories. Enter.. Triple H.

Ric went through his entire (small) speech without crying, until the Game's music played in which I'm unsure if Ric actually need it was going to happen. Ric busted out the tears almost instantly with Motorhead, as the Game expresses that he loves Ric Flair for everything hes done in the business and he wanted to give him his thanks. H.H.H. bows to Flair, then says that things aren't done. There were a few guys in the back, who wanted to thank Ric for his entire career as well. Thus enters roughly everyone from Ric Flair's past...

The original Four Horsemen, Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat, Harley Race, Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine, & Dean Malenko. From here, things get a bit off-note, as Triple H. then introduces... Chris Jericho, John Cena, Ric Flair's Family, & Shawn Michaels.

Finally, Triple H. opens up and says anyone else not brought out who wants to come out and give thanks can do so now. The entire W.W.E. roster fills up the rampway, minus the McMahon Family & The Undertaker. Raw goes off the air as everyone is celebrating Ric Flair's tremendous career in Pro Wrestling.

Overall Thoughts: While we knew the night was going to mainly surround Ric Flair's exit (for now) from Professional Wrestling, I was a bit disappointed to not see anything big or shocking happen in the line of storylines.

Big Show & the Great Khali isn't exactly shocking to me. J.B.L. wanting a Championship match after picking up one of his first big wins since returning to wrestling wasn't something I'm too concerned with either. I was hoping for a possible Shawn Michaels or Batista heel turn that didn't come, and clearly something is stirring between the two of them, likely to head-up Backlash.

The Ric Flair tribute show that played throughout the night, followed by the ending segment of the life of Flair brought tears to my eyes the MOMENT the Four Horsemen entered the arena. I have always been a Horsemen fan, and I lost it at that moment. I was completely upset that Chris Jericho & John Cena decided to play a role in being two of the solo names brought out, when neither guy did shit for Ric Flair in his career.

Jericho had a feud with Flair, but clearly Cena was only there for the spotlight, as the f*cker did jack all for anything regarding Flair. You want Jericho & Cena to be apart of it? Play Cena's music, with him leading the lockerroom out. But don't play him into the damn ring, when the bastard doesn't deserve it. Big Show deserved to be in that ring more than him.

In the end, I question how long before Ric Flair returns for another match? Could we see him against someone else in a Hall of Fame match at next year's Wrestlemania? I wouldn't expect Flair to think he'll ever top last night's performance, but I know Flair likely isn't done with wrestling completely. If he is, I'll be shocked more than probably anyone.
Actually Jericho and Ric interacted alot back in the good ol' WCW days. . . they actually got into an argument backstage because both men wanted the other one to beat them in the fued.
The Ric Flair segment brought some tears to my eyes as well. It was then that I truly understood the impact that Ric Flair has had throughout the business and will continue to do so. Seeing the past, present, and future of the business praising and thanking Ric was truly a sight to see. I now have a newfound respect for The Nature Boy. Punk and Y2J definitely have chemistry and can put on a darn great match so I really hope this fued develops into an amazing rivalry. Those two were the best things that I think Raw offered last night. Big Show's promo was pretty good as well and he handled "You Can't Wrestle" Khali pretty well. I really thought that Big Show was gonna take him down right there, but we have to wait for it. Seriously, JBL getting in line for a title match. I knew it would happen. I just hope that it isn't one on one. Can you say sleeper? The show was a nice Wrestlemania wrap up and a new direction for the next wrestling year. "Have a nice dizzle!"
While it was nice to read that Undertaker and McMahon did come out after the cameras cut, it would have been more appropriate for both of them to come out while cameras were on to pay respect to The Man. I think by now people understand that Undertaker and Mr.McMahon are gimmicks and not the real men. Hopefully when they release the new Flair DVD, the retirement will be shown in its entire length.
Amy’s ‘take’ on Friday Night Smackdown April 05,2008:

Opening Segment: “La Familia” (Edge, Chavo, Edgeheads, and Vickie) and Teddy Long come to the ring. Edge is upset yet apologetic. He let himself, Vicki, everyone down but vows on his “love” that he will be World Heavyweight Champion again. Then it’s crybaby Chavo’s turn. He too let the family, the entire Guerrero family, down but is quick to claim that Kane cheated. He promises to become ECW Champion again. Vicki announces that Edge and Chavo will get rematches at Backlash. She also announces the night’s main event: Brother v. Brother, Champion v. Champion, Kane v. The Undertaker.

MVP v. Matt Hardy: Following Hardy’s run-in at Mania costing MVP MITB, I expected MVP to call Hardy out and the two run each down on the mic before they’re just thrown into a match that’s been almost 5 months in the making (or waiting rather). The two put on a good match – indeed match of the night IMO. Lots of back and forth action in and out of the ring. I believe Good Ol’ JR would have called this one a slobber-nocker. Hardy working over MVP’s knee was fitting since the last time the two were in the ring the scenario was reversed. A very driven looking Hardy gets the win via The Twist of Fate.

Zack Ryder v. Festus: I’m not sure why this one wasn’t a tag match. Nothing special here, just more of the same. Festus wins easily.

"Mixed Emotions" Segment: Shawn Michaels comes out to address the fans. Although he still has mixed emotions, he feels he gained some closure Monday night during Flair’s Farewell. Enter Batista with more of the staring Shawn down. Batista says he hasn’t found closure and is taking Shawn retiring Flair, his mentor and friend, personally. Batista on the verge of tears was funny. Dave needs to leave the “sentimental” promos to Flair and HBK; it just came across as too forced. Shawn says it wasn’t easy but he had a job to do and he did it. Batista says Shawn is selfish, let his ego get in the way, and made the wrong decision because he didn’t job to Flair. Batista quote: “That’s right Shawn Michaels, Mr. Showstopper, doesn’t do jobs.” WTF! Gimme a break Batista – as if Flair would have laid down even for his best friend. I don’t think so. They could have done better with this segment, but I think they’re setting up an HBK-Batista feud.

Vladimir Kozlov v. Matt Bentley: The debuting Kozlov defeated the debuting Bentley in a 1 minute squash match. If you blinked, you missed it. I’m not familiar with Kozlov other than he was the guy in the audience a year ago that just said “Double Double E” (WWE). Kozlov came across as mechanical to me. In a display of strength, Kozlov looks to become a force to be reckoned with on Friday nights. I wonder who they will put him in a feud with.

Morrison/Miz v. Wang Yang/Moore: These two teams have given us some good matches in the past, but that wasn’t the case tonight. Miz clipped Moore’s knee behind the ref’s back giving the tag champs the quick (less than 2 minutes here) victory.

*Khali comes down and takes out all four guys. Seriously WWE what purpose does it serve to feed your tag teams, come on your tag champs, to Khali? Big Show came down and got in Khali’s face, returning the favor from RAW. Khali walked away but not before stopping to give Show a look saying, “We’ll meet again soon.”

Divas Contest Segment: No surprise Michelle McDrool (lol as Victoria now refers to her) won the divas contest. Her happy moment was broken up by Victoria and a mystery woman (Nattie Neidhart). I’m sorry but RANDOM is the only word I can use to describe this segment.

Kane v. Undertaker: Sure it’s been done before, but I was still pretty into this one. It started off tentatively with a couple stalemates here and there. A good portion of the match was Undertaker working on Kane’s arm slowing the pace. Crowd seemed unsure whom to get behind but finally they at least got “into” the match at the point the two were exchanging punches. I wasn’t sure how they were going to end the match, whether they were going to have one champion/one brand essentially going “over” the other. A double boot laid both men out only to have both sit up at the same time – just classic – and then we got the run-in/beat down by Edge, Chavo, and the Edgeheads. Kane and Taker didn’t stay down for long though, again sitting up in sync and handing out double chokeslams and tombstone pile drivers. I can't wait to see what "La Familia" has in store for the Brothers of Destruction in the build to Backlash.

Overall: The opening segment, MVP-Hardy match, HBK segment, and Kane-Taker match were solid and kept this show from being a disappointment post-Mania. Although the middle was boring, my hope is they are finally beginning some new angles/feuds for the coming weeks.
TheOneBigWill's 'take' on Friday Night Smackdown: April 4th, 2008:

Opening Segment: Edge, Chavo Guerrero, the Edgeheads, Teddy Long & Vickie all make their way to the ring. Edge opens with expressing how upset he is at letting everyone down, but letting Vickie down the most. Edge devotes himself to Vickie in explaining that on their 'love' he'll regain the World Heavyweight Championship. (so, clearly this means he won't be regaining the Heavyweight title?) Edge passes the mic over to Chavo..

Chavo agrees with Edge that he too feels that he let the Family down, that he let the Guerrero name down, and then proceeds to address how he'll make it up to everyone, including the newest member of the Guerrero Family, Edge. (how much is Chavo making to sell this?) Chavo then goes on to express that Kane cheated, that he couldn't even face him man to man.

Vickie Guerrero addresses to both men that they'll have their respective rematches at Backlash, and in another (not so) surprising move by the Smackdown General Manager, she announces that it'll be brother v. brother, Champion v. Champion for the Main Event.

The Matches:

Matt Hardy v. M.V.P.: Matt Hardy's smackdown return, and its a non-title single's match against the guy he's had the second greatest feud against, M.V.P. The match is very solid and almost all Matt Hardy. Great opening contest between the two to start the show off, wrestling wise.

Matt Hardy picks up the victory, cleanly and as such I imagine that'll lock him in for a U.S. Championship match at Backlash. My only question is, will it be yet another regular match, or will it have a gimmick attached to it?

Festus v. Zach Ryder: Who books this crap? Why couldn't this of ended up being a Tag Team match between the Edgeheads against Jesse & Festus. Neither of these guys deserve to be in single's matches, but I suppose this is important (ONLY) if they're building these two teams up to feud.

Festus picks up the victory in almost squash fashion. So, the Edgeheads are jobbers in the biggest faction on the show. Does this make sense to anyone else?

Vladimir Kozlov v. Matt Bentley: The debut yet again for both men, as Kozlov (who's been unofficially with the company for what now, over a year in promos and dark matches?) goes against the debuting (former T.N.A. star) Matt Bentley.

The match is ALL Kozlov, and once again I think this is W.W.E.'s way of sticking it to T.N.A. as they sign anyone T.N.A. releases, only to have them job cleanly and clearly to debuting W.W.E. talent, or known Superstars. First the Naturals get destroyed by the Big Show.. now Bentley gets killed by Kozlov.

Kozlov has no music, no look, no special designs on his ring attire and looks rough in the ring. I bet he makes it 4 monthes before going back to dark matches then being released. Meanwhile Bentley (like the Naturals) deserve far better in this company. Why sign good talent when all you're gonna do is job them out to shit?

John Morrison & The Miz v. Jimmy Wang Yang & Shannon Moore: The unofficial cruiserweight division reformed into Tag Teams show off their skill in this match. Sadly, if Morrison is ever going to become anything great hes going to need to break away from The Miz.

Meanwhile, Jimmy Wang Yang & Shannon Moore have been the next in line Paul London/Brian Kendricks duo, yet still aren't nearly as over with the fans. How long before they just bring back the cruiserweight division? I'm begging them.

The match itself wasn't anything special, and after the victory by the reigning Tag Team Champs, the Great Khali makes an "unscheduled" appearance as Morrison & Miz both decide they should remain in the ring???

So after dumb and dumber think they can go up against Walking stupid, they both get destroyed, only for Khali to take the other two and give them a what-for as well.

Before Khali has a chance to talk (thankfully) or do whatever it was he came out for, unless destroying the half assed Tag Team division was randomly it.. The Big Show's music erupts and Show comes out. (more on this below in the segments portion of the review)

The Promos/Segments:

Shawn Michaels/Batista: Best promo of the night. I was personally shocked to see Batista not botch dropping the microphone when he sold being pissed and walked out. Meanwhile, is it just me or did he have a very gay pissed off biker look going for him?

Anyways.. the promo actually starts with Shawn Michaels coming out to address that on Raw he didn't have a very good way of explaining everything, but something happened later during Flair's farewell that gave him a bit of closure. It was at this point, the gay biker comes out.

Batista, still clearly pissed off, addresses Shawn in saying that hes outraged that Shawn ended Flair's career. H.B.K. fires back with how Ric Flair asked Shawn Michaels to give him his very best and do his job, which he said he did.. Batista quickly replies with saying the thing is Shawn Michaels doesn't job, and because of that reason thats why Ric Flair is no longer with us.

Batista goes on and on about how he'll never get to ride up and down the road with his mentor, his best friend ever again. Last time I checked, they'd been on different brands for over a year plus, when exactly did they ride together the last time to begin with? I think Batista's been hit in the head one too many times and think Evolution was just last month.

So the promo ends with Batista getting pissed off and making Shawn remember the 'Old Yeller' reference, then he ends up dropping the mic and walking off.

Big Show/The Great Khali II: So, the Big Show explains that on Raw Khali came out unscheduled and interrupted the Big Show.. and tonight, the Big Show is returning the favor. Once again, Khali takes a backdoor retreat and heads up the ramp before turning around and yelling.

So they've went back to back shows in having Khali look like a wuss? Yeah, that'll sell him. Big Show is already over as a dominate Giant, the only thing Khali ever did dominately was squash the Undertaker during his debut in 06. Since then, nothing. (including his pathetic Championship reign that should've never happened)

Diva/Beverly Hills Chopper Contest: This contest has went about a month longer than it ever should've, and :icon_rolleyes: shockingly Michelle ended up winning in the end. So before she can enjoy her new bike, Victoria cuts the promo short and attacks Michelle.

During this time, an "unknown Woman" (Nattie Neidhart) attacks Michelle McCool to which Cherry tries helping McCool only to get bitch slapped to hell for her trouble.

The only thing I'll say is this.. Nattie's chest is just about as pointy as her Father's beard. Its nice to see her finally debut, but sadly why is it on Smackdown? Wouldn't she of been better served to be a face, against Beth Phoenix on Raw?

Main Event: The Undertaker v. Kane: Great, solid contest between the 'brothers.' Dispite these two being over used in matches against each other its never gotten old to me. Well, okay slightly, but its been years since the last time so I enjoyed this match.

The fact that it was Champion v. Champion was also a great plus and its adding great build for the E.C.W. Championship for the holder to be matched evenly against the World Heavyweight Champion, so I liked that too.

In the end, the match was nothing more than what everyone knew it was going to be. A clear-cut set-up for Edge, Chavo & company to end up doing a run-in and destroying the brothers. (Can anyone see Edge & Chavo v. Taker & Kane the SD before Backlash.. oh yeah)

I'd love to say this was the first great step in building Edge as dominate against Taker, but in the end it was the brothers who fought off 4 against 2 numbers and left everyone laying in the ring. :disappointed:

Overall: The opening segment & match, the Shawn Michaels promo, and the Main Event were the only things great about this show. Smackdown either needs better talent, or somehow needs another way to fill the middle of their show with something entertaining.. because Yang & Moore, jobbers & debuters, and Tag Team wrestlers in single's matches just isn't cutting it for me.

Obviously to my knowledge they still have the E.C.W./Smackdown connection going on. Why not use Elijah Burke, Shelton Benjamin, or any of the others? Also, WHERE IS UMAGA?! The guy has been off for a complete week of shows.. no way hes selling anything from his Mania match, unless its embarassment.

Next week, Finlay & Hornswoggle return to Smackdown. So, I assume this means the J.B.L./McMahon - Finlay/Hornswoggle gimmick is done, and Finlay will likely pick up a feud against Kozlov.
Meh, RAW was cool, but it wasnt real strong at all for a post WM RAW. I was expectinf better. And were the fuck was Kennedy?? The de-push continues. Nothing enticing in the way of matches, but the beginnings of a Batista-HBK feud, with Batista looking to be a heel. Which is awesome, becuase with Batista's look, he makes a better, beast lookin heel. I like him in that role. And HBK sells power offense very well. I wish they wouldve ditched the Santino-Maria segment to give more time to Flair, and I thought we might see some kind of badass return to save Maria, but that was a no. Big Show Vs Kahli is intriguing, but I dont like how they are making Kahli look pussy. Besides a pretty decent match between Punk and Jericho, and the return of Cryme Tyme, a rather uneventfull follow up to WM. Somewhat understandable though, given the occasion. Hopefully things resume this week.
SD! was rather lackluster coming fresh off of WM. And were in the fuckin WORLD is Umaga??? Did he live?? Is he dead?? did the Botchtista Bump fuck him up??

Matt Hardy and MVP resumed their festivities in what seemed like a fucking 40 minute match. I dont care how "sound" Hardy is in the ring, he is rather bland and boring as well. Not real entertaining, and MVP's selling of the twist of fate was absolutely horrible. hopefully this thing comes to a head at Backlash, so MVP can move on to bigger and better things soon.

They should really think about changing the name of this show to "SquashDown" becuase they sure love having multiple squashes on the program. This Kozlov fucker comes out WITH NO MUSIC (WTF??!?!?!) and just totally whips the shit outta some local guy. Rather useless waste of time. As was Festus, for whatever reason in singles competiton, squashing someone, who's name escapes me at the moment. Was I the only one pining for Umaga to appear out of nowere and destroy this guy??? BIZCUITS AND GRAAYYYVAAAYYY

Morrison and Miz faced off against Moore and Yang for 3763763rd time, and it wasnt particularly great. Kahli comes to the ring, decimates everyone (way to push Morrison guys) and then backs down to Big Show. again. like, you know, exactly what they did on RAW. Once again, a fine waste of air time.

I fell asleep during the scintilating Main event. I have been told it ended with BOD whipping ass on the familia. Meh.

I am becoming rather interested in the growing HBK-Batista issue. I like Batista in a heel role, and HBK sells power offense with the best of em. i think these two could put on a good one, and Im excited I might get to see it live. So that was the most positive part of SquashDown for me this week.
The Raw preview for tonight (on is headlined by the caption - "Title Tormoil" and they also go on to explain how Randy Orton has defeated everyone, however guys like Triple H. & John Cena will still be looking to get their rematch. (just curious, when did people who were cleanly defeated randomly earn rematches?)

Then you got the likes of Matt Hardy & J.B.L. being discussed in the mix for wanting Championship title matches or unsettled business with Randy. I'm going out on a limb in saying tonight they'll announce a sorta 6-pack challenge match (remember 1999, when Triple H. had everyone gunning for him, then the Championship ended up being won by McMahon then held up in that match??)

I bet they'll announce something along the lines of.. Randy Orton v. John Cena, Triple H., J.B.L., Umaga & Chris Jericho. They're building it up in the lines of Orton v. everyone, and overcoming in the end.. what better way to have him look dominate than take the path Triple H. took in 1999? Outside of Umaga & J.B.L. hes defeated the other 3 in single's matches. (one way or another)

I'd love for Backlash to host a 6 pack challenge, especially instead of the assumed Fatal Four Way with J.B.L. added on top of the Mania 3-way.

Outside of that, I predict more H.B.K./Batista fireworks. Santino Marella likely challenges Beth Phoenix for the Women's Championship. (you KNOW its coming) C.M. Punk jobs to Mr. Kennedy. :)lmao: It fits) And I can ONLY hope to see more squash matches with Cody "Wet Dream" Rhodes & Softcore Holly going over!!! CODY FTW!!!!!!!
TheOneBigWill's 'take' on Monday Night Raw: April 7th, 2008:

Opening Segment: Raw kicks off with William Regal in the ring to announce the Main Event for Backlash, first, the W.W.E. Champion Randy Orton.. then his opponent, John 'Bradshaw' Layfield. J.B.L. extends his hand to Orton, who shakes his head no. Regal explains how the match is going to be outstanding & should be a classic. At this point the assumed music kicks in.. and so enters.. Triple H.

Trips exclaims to Regal how he understands with being busy regarding Flair's farewell that he may of missed a couple things, but he was confused on whether Regal was out of his mind with announcing Orton v. J.B.L. as the Main Event for the p.p.v.

He continues to explain while Orton may have won at Wrestlemania, he didn't really beat anyone so much as took an open advantage. Then he questions how a guy who spent the passed two years as a Smackdown announcer, who's biggest claim to fame was beating around a midget, could suddenly lay claim to being a Number One Contender to the W.W.E. Championship.

Triple H. wants in on the Championship match, as a Triple Threat. Regals agrees that it could happen.. if H.H.H. wins his handicap match tonight.. against Orton & J.B.L.

The Matches:

Val Venis v. Umaga: Okay, who's bright idea was it to give Val Venis his entrance back?! Much less AFTER Umaga? The guy's been off Raw as a main stream player since 2003. His only purpose is to job, so lets give him the last entry spot complete with music and full out gimmick? He couldn't of done all that during commercial? Eh, anyways.. Umaga, squash, victory. So much for that 2 minutes of entrance time wasted. I literally thought I was about to see an upset with Venis magically getting a push from yesteryear.

And what the hell are they doing with Umaga? I'm almost completely convinced now that he'll be on Smackdown by Backlash, or shortly after since its clear he has NO storyline on Raw right now except for to give past-their-prime former stars entrance time on Raw.

Jillian Hall & Melina v. Ashley & Mickie James: First diva match of the night, and I must say I was impressed. Ashley is a screw-up like usual, she can't even fall off the second turnbuckle properly, but Melina is tremendously coming along as the next top diva turned wrestler.

Mickie gets another random television spot with no purpose, but picks up the victory in the end over Melina. Will this go anywhere? I doubt it. Was the match better than the average diva match, absolutely.

Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch v. Paul London & Brian Kendrick: Week Two of Kendrick steals the match & the victory. Seriously, anyone who can't see that this is building to Kendrick turning on London because he'll claim London is the weaker link, well.. its just obvious.

The match was average at best, nothing too special. Kendrick botched the finish at the end when he dropped instead of jumped with Cade, so how to you fix any botch? DO IT AGAIN! Cade picks the cruiser up and slams his ass down for the second time! That'll teach him! Then Murdoch walks over to get rolled up and loses the match.. wait, what? Hmm, someone forgot to mention to Cade that his finisher apparently wasn't very affective anymore.

After the match, seems like theres a bit of trouble between Cade & Murdoch. This will build to Backlash in a Tag Team Tormoil I'm sure, where Cade & Murdoch will likely finally implode then split, only to either both end up on E.C.W. or fired one.

Handicap Match: Triple H. v. J.B.L. & Randy Orton: Nice solid Hour One Main Event. Even playing time for Orton & J.B.L. taking turns on Triple H. before Trip's fights back for the victory. In the end, H.H.H., Orton gets cocky tagging himself in when J.B.L. seemed to have everything in order.. goes for an R.K.O. that gets reversed as Trip's shoves Orton into J.B.L., then connects with a Pedigree on Orton for the Backlash spot!

The only thing I can say, is at this point during the show I was extremely pissed off simply because I had read the spoiler of a 3-way between these three and that was such a disappointing match. Unfortunately, I really shouldn't feel sad, because even worse comes out afterwards... (more in the promos section)

Softcore Holly & Cody "Wet Dream" Rhodes v. Carlito & Santino Marella: This was a sad night indeed. Not only did Wet Dream lose, but he lost to the guy who suddenly discovered a new finisher? Santino connects with a saluting headbutt (looked more like a botched elbow drop) for the victory.

The question begs to be asked. What the hell is up with Santino's wrestling tights? Each week those things get smaller and smaller, or hes getting fatter. By Backlash he'll be wearing a damn G-String.

Did anyone else notice the screw-up with the official? He must of forgot that heels don't need to be seen to Tag in and out of the match.. but the hilarious part was when he complains Carlito WASN'T legal, yet demands Santino tag IN to the match to come back in. :lmao: So what would've happened had Santino NOT tagged back in, yet the official continued to complain about never seeing Carlito tag in.. would noone be legal? No way this official keeps his job with another screw-up like tonight. Classic, but awful.

I'm calling it now (for the second time) at Backlash this is all building into a 5 man Tag Team tormoil match. Rhodes/Holly v. Marella/Carlito v. Cade/Murdoch v. Kendrick/London v. Cryme Tyme. (I'll update even more in the Backlash section about this. :lmao: Shameless forum plugging at its best)

Maria v. Beth Phoenix: Its official, Beth Phoenix is the WORST Women's Champion in the history of the W.W.E. :disappointed: Seriously, she almost lost to Maria.

Now while Maria has no business being in the ring against the Women's Champion, the one thing I will say is Maria greatly impressed me tonight with showing off some new skills. Shes officially better than Batista in the ring.

In the end, the Women's Champion picks up the victory only barely. I think at the Pay Per View we'll either see a rematch of these two, or a multi-woman match of sorts. I'm thinking Phoenix drops the title at Backlash if thats the case, since they really haven't done anything with her.

And it'd be pointless to have her hold it & attempt dropping to Candice, only for Candice to break her shoulder dancing to the ring for a 3rd time.


J.B.L./Randy Orton: Very little drama between the two opponents for the Championship at the Pay Per View. J.B.L. begins to explain how teamwork should be key, when Orton simply explains for J.B.L. to stay out of his way while he defeats Triple H.. again.

After 1st Handicap Match: Regal enters the ring, announces the Triple Threat match for Backlash.. thus, enters John Cena!!

Cena exclaims that he has a proposition. Cena explains that hes defeated Triple H. at the Royal Rumble, and Wrestlemania 22.. continues to explain he defeated J.B.L. at Mania 21 for his first Championship.. then explains about defeating Orton a year ago at Backlash. (do you think W.W.E. truly circles this, or just gets extremely lucky?) This is all followed by some beat-off jokes aimed at Orton.. which leads us to... Cena wants a Fatal Four Way.

Regal loves having braindead ideas, so hes been hit with yet another. Cena v. J.B.L. &.. Triple H.??? In yet another handicap match, as the Main Event. You know, personally I figured it was gonna be Cena v. all three of them, but the way it panned out was far more stupid, so I understand why they went with it.

Cryme Tyme: Once again back with some more special sales for the W.W.E. Fans. Wrestlemania Clearance sale. First, some soul gel from Rocky Johnson. (apparently the reason for why we have The Rock, Ladies and Gentlemen) Maria's playboy.. which then gets taken off the market. (well, at least someone bought one) And finally.. Kim Kardashian's Hall of Fame underwear. :confused: Well.. that is until Jay's reminded by Shad that Kim wasn't the female that was inducted.. and those panties are the former undies of now Hall of Fame legend... Mae Young!

Horrible, horrible set-up. I thought these two were a Team? How could you let your partner take that bombshell?

Highlight Reel: Batista/Shawn Michaels: Best segment of the night. Botchista might suck inside a ring, but he works as a heel. Meanwhile, Shawn is tired of the shit. H.B.K. informs Batista that the reason Ric Flair picked him over Batista, is because he knew Shawn would be the only one that could deliver. (So basically Flair knows what the rest of us do, and he was afraid if Dave would've been his final match, it would've REALLY been his final match after a botch-bomb killed Flair accidentally.)

Bottomline, Chris Jericho is a f*cking instigator. Whenever dramas brewing, hes the first one to cause more chaos to it by hosting both parties on the show. Way to draw shameless ratings. Anyways.. H.B.K. tells Batista do something about it, if he wants. Batista smirks (heelishly?) and replies with.. "I already have." Then leaves.

William Regal/Randy Orton: We find out what Batista was refering to, as its official. H.B.K. v. Batista, Backlash. (didn't see that coming) Orton storms in, demanding respect. Regal explains he'll show everyone respect when Raw heads to England next week.. when Orton will face.. William Regal? WTF?!

By this time next week, Regal will have fully abused his authority and turned the match into a Championship match. In which Orton will add another "Legend" to the list, by killing Regal in his home country.

Main Event: Handicap Match: John Cena v. J.B.L. & Triple H.: John Cena v. J.B.L. to start, and continue, and finish.. because J.B.L. refused to tag until Cena started getting the advantage, at which point Triple H. allowed Bradshaw to continue with what he felt he wanted, which was the spotlight.

J.B.L. attempts jacking his partner, who blocks it and replies with a fist of his own. Triple H. and J.B.L. brawl outside the ring, which brings Orton to grab H.H.H., only to receive a misplaced fist by Bradshaw. Triple H. slides into the ring, J.B.L. follows, as does Orton.. Bradshaw turns and gets an R.K.O. in return, Cena tosses Orton out and picks up the victory.

Backlash, Fatal Four Way! Woooo, I predicted this all along, hopefully it won't backfire with Cena winning the Championship.

Overall Thoughts: Where was this type of action during the entire build-up to Wrestlemania? Where was this last week when the show needed some post-Wrestlemania action? All in all, we got 7 matches! 2 Diva matches, 2 Tag Team matches, a Squash & Two Main Event handicap matches. Not great, but definately above par for their average.

I hope next week's overseas show will prove to be like usual. Typically each out of country show has a lot of classic matches. Regal v. Orton proves to be technical, if it happens, but outside of that I hope something else is planned. Triple H. v. J.B.L., perhaps? Cena v. Umaga?

I'm not sold on giving the diva's two spots on a show, but W.W.E. is pushing the shit outta their Women's Division suddenly. I suppose you can thank T.N.A. for that. I have no clue whats going on with the Tag Team division either, but they're wanting to showcase the only 5 teams they have.. so while half of them suck, at least it provides action.

I doubt H.B.K. will be in action from now until Backlash, to play off the "broken ribs" Jericho mentioned on the Highlight Reel. Unfortunate, as he really kicks into another gear during overseas shows.

All in all, good show tonight. Not the typical shit I've been used to. Hopefully this streak continues into Backlash, its doubtful, but who knows.
NorCals NightCap (ooooohhh schnazzy eh)

RAW wasnt bad tonight, and we got SEVEN matches out of it LOL. And a very good promo from Batista and HBK. HBK was prestine in his promo tonight, and the battle is on for Backlash.

Val Venis got obliterated by Umaga. it was a decently done squash tho. So I guess this is their basic plan for Umaga forever. Have him squash folks for a few months, then job to some huge baby face super hero. Eh. Venis sold the Spike damn well.

Jillian and Melina had a half decent tag match with Mickie and Smashley. Smashley just looks more and more washed out and smacked up every week. she is repugnant, and even worse in the ring. Melina and Mickie did well, and Mickie picks up the clean win. Match had no point really, but I personally feel that every last match doesnt have to be wrapped up in soap opera, u can just have a match to have a match, especially in the undercard.

The rednecks had a decent match with Londrick, although its tough to have a shitty match with londrick. Good preformance by everyone, besides the botched finish. They are tag teamin it up on RAW....THREE tag matches this week. ridiculous.

Triple H overcomes Orton and JBL to get into the triple threat, to an extremely hot crowd. Trips was way over in this arena, and it made this battle a lot of fun. Regal then enters, and announces the three way. and Cenas music hits, and he cuts a promo that makes no sense really, as he uses victories that are years old as a reason for him to be a number 1 contender. whatever. he has his own handi cap match to win and qualify in.

Holly Nd Rhodes have a run of the mill tag match with Lito, and Santino, without anything great to speak of. for being the tag chamos, Rhodes and Holly sure as fuck dont ever win lol. SANTINO picks up the pinfall win

Cryme Tyme cuts a stupid promo. It wasnt funny.

BETH goes against Maria in what was an embarassment. Maria might very well be the worst wrestler ive ever seen in my life. she blatantly botched out almost EVERY last move that was done in this short match. Beth did her best, and was hot while she did it. Still though. fucking heinous.

Cena overcomes Trips and JBL in what generated down into a 4 way brawl, to get him into Backlash, and make it a fatal 4 way. Pretty heatless match, that was fairly boring, which wasnt suprising since the vast majority of the match took place between JBL and Cena.

Not the greatest most exciting RAW, but much better than last weeks. Did a decent job of building BackLash. Speaking of which, what is Jericho doing?? They had better start a build for a backlash match for him real soon.
Undertaker/Festus match was worth the show. I see them pushing Festus, but I think he can't do anything without Jesse right now. However, I'd like to see them get the tag team belts.

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