Official Raw/Smackdown Aftermath, Ratings and Review Thread

Grade tonight's RAW.

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I actually liked last night's Raw. I liked the bikini contest, although i am getting sick of seeing Maria. The only thing i did not like is the fact that HBK has an injury to the eye, yet he was not bleeding last week when he hit the bloody TV. Then Cena came to help HHH when Cade got involved. HHH then starts to attack Cena. WTF! If I was attacked I would like help even if i am champ or not. As for Cade, I hope that they explain why he helped Jericho.
TheOneBigWill's 'take' on Monday Night Raw: June, 16th, 2008:

Opening Segment: John Cena is out first, just like old times. He quickly makes a couple remarks to attempt putting over the Million Dollar Hoax, then explains that you know where you were when big moments happen. Moments like Hogan bodyslamming Andre. Moments like Shawn Michaels' boyhood dream coming true. Moments like Stone Cold Steve Austin whipping some ass. But he says that won't be it. Because in two weeks, another transcending moment will happen again at Night of Champions, when he regains the W.W.E. Championship.. and finally can say.. The Champ.. is.. cutoff.. by the reigning W.W.E. Champion, Triple H.

Triple H. quickly agrees that Cena is correct, and in 2 weeks and Night of Champions, history will be made again and it will be a moment to remember. H.H.H. continues by explaining that he'd like to believe the issue is not personal, but after Cena cost Triple H. the match last week against Jeff Hardy, he has a hard time believing it anymore. He said that he warned him once, he won't do it again.

Cena quickly explains that he felt what comes around goes around, (more or less) and said that apparently it was okay that Triple H. tripped Cena, when Cena was on the announcer's table, but its not okay for Cena to return any type of favor. Triple H. explains that Cena is so uncoordinated that he likely would've fell anyways. Cena laughs, trying to overlook the comment, then throws the lone victory over Triple H. back at Wrestlemania 22 in his face. H.H.H. said it was two years ago, and things have changed. Cena doesn't think so. Triple H. said things HAVE changed, as he's now the Champion.

Cena quickly gets to the point of what this entire feud has come to.. and thats his selfish remark of how this is Monday Night Raw and until you defeat John Cena.. you haven't beaten anybody. So in other words, Triple H. will win.. so he can lay claim to finally being "the best." How funny that would happen, eh?

Things get into a shoving contest in the playground, and shirts get taken off because just like real life.. whenever a fight is about to go down, the big boys gotta show how big their chests are. Its nature of the beast like that. However, its quickly interrupted by Mr. McMahon (yay) who says he isn't giving that away for free, however he is giving this away.. (again, yay) here comes the money. (no, not Shane, the actual money) Oh yeah, he also announces Cena v. Umaga in a street fight.. right now.

The Matches:

1. Street Fight: John Cena v. Umaga: If I said the match couldn't touch their Royal Rumble (I Quit) match from a year ago, could I just stop there? The fact is, this match (like all the others) sucked due to the money issue being such a big storyline. (if you call it that) A mic and steel steps were about the biggest things used in this match to make it seem as if it was anything more than a regular single's match.

In the end, John Cena with the F-U wins the match. Again, it wasn't anything overly exciting but for Raw I suppose it was still a good match.

2. Jeff Hardy v. Carlito: Quite possibly the Match of the Night as it was a good contest, that had a obvious winner, yet still highly entertaining. Carlito & Hardy went back and forth, and after all the drama surrounding Carlito lately I'm kinda shocked he'd even get this match. I guess when the draft comes, he could be headed back to Smackdown where he'll disappear from matches like these and be replaced by Shelton Benjamin & Elijah Burke. Overall, Hardy picks up the victory in the end. (As I said before, obvious winner)

3. Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhodes v. Cryme Tyme: Okay, I'm going to rewrite this whole match. The bell rings as we get everything under way. J.T.G. and Hardcore Holly to start off, as both men stare each other down, until J.T.G. notices Ted DiBiase Jr. walking down the rampway.

J.T.G. turns his attention up the ramp, along with Shad, as Hardcore quickly rolls up J.T.G. The official gets down to make the count. 1......... 2.......... 3!!! Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhodes pick up the victory!! (YAY for the fucking Money shit taking up all the time to have any type of time to watch wrestling.)

4. Paul Burchill & Katie Lea v. Mr. Kennedy & Mickie James: Once again, they're single-handedly destroying what could be a great feud by not giving it any time to build through mic skills. Burchill & Lea are already out when we come back from break, as James then Kennedy come out.

Burchill & Kennedy pair off to start, as both men go back and forth until Kennedy begins to get the upper hand. This causes Katie to bring herself into the match, as she tags herself in then rushes up to Kennedy. Kennedy isn't backing down, but isn't making any motion to attempt hitting her. As she goes to slap Kennedy, Mickie rushes in, moves Kennedy and plows Katie first.

Both ladies roll around for a bit until Mickie gets the upper hand and looks to be in control. This prompts Burchill to attempt coming in, until Kennedy spears both of them to the ringside area. Back in the ring, with all the confusion Katie gets the upper hand and connects with a neckbreaker to the knee, and picks up the victory.


Summertime Beach Bikini Blow Out: For the second week in a row, Charlie Haas is doing something other than losing. I'm shocked. So we get our first diva contest for the summer. All the divas they want in the thing are out: Maria, Eve, Jillian, Layla, Lena, Maryse, and Melina.

As typical for W.W.E. and their divas, its a weird type of dance-off, with none of them likely actually knowing how to dance. Hmm, maybe I'm wrong, maybe it wasn't a dance type of thing. I mean, it was a bikini contest. Which I'm pretty sure thong-like bottoms are bikini's in today's world, yet all of these girls must of not understood. (minus Jillian who came to sing, bitch)

In the end, like always, the fans get to vote and even though some of the heelish divas, and lesser faced divas likely did a better job.. this year's Playmate for the W.W.E., Maria, picks up the win. (shocking, real shocking)

Chris Jericho/Ric Flair: Jericho is still getting mixed reactions, and I think that means he needs to do something else heelish to establish what he is now. He comes out and exclaims how hes noticed the fans react differently toward him. He said that its not his fault what happened to H.B.K. He said he couldn't believe that people would boo an honest man, and so what happened to H.B.K. was a result of the fans, thereby making it.. their fault. (that makes sense)

Hes explains that he returned to "save us" but he realizes now that people don't want to be saved, because they're fine with associating with back-stabbing hypocrites like Shawn Michaels. He said he hasn't changed, hes still one of the greatest performers around. But he doesn't want the fans cheering for him anymore, as they have changed. (well thats good, what with him being heel and all)

He continues to explain that its kinda ironic that Shawn Michaels' blood is on the fans hands, (especially since there wasn't blood involved?) and he finds it funny how H.B.K. said he'd do what he had to, to get ahead.. and they cheer him, yet when Jericho does the same, they boo him. The fans begin an H.B.K. chant, all wishing and hoping Shawn would come out. Jericho wants Shawn too.. (which means he won't be coming) Jericho goes into a name calling contest, until RIC FLAIR comes out!!!!! We also break for commercial (what an odd time to break)

We come back and get informed that Flair had been cheered the entire time we were away. (I believe that) Flair grabs the mic from Jericho and tells him to shut up. He then says even though hes retired, he wants a fight.. in the parking lot! Flair goes to the back, Jericho follows.

Triple H./Chris Jericho/Ric Flair/Mr. McMahon: (cont. from above) This leads Jericho into Triple H. who tells him he should think against it. Jericho says it isn't his business. H.H.H. replies with ever since Jericho returned, hes been looking for an opening in the business. H.H.H. wants to fight Jericho, Jericho declines. BREAK!

We come back as the longest segment in recent history continues. This time, Jericho is gone but Flair is hugging Triple H., expressing man-love for one another. Mr. McMahon comes up and explains how Flair looks good (it never ends) but because hes retired now, he can't have Flair interrupting his program anymore. Ric Flair is tossed out. This leads to McMahon & H.H.H. getting in each other's faces, and McMahon gets booed for more or less giving Triple H. what he wants. Jericho.. tonight. (Jericho's theory of the fans seems correct)

Triple H./John Cena: Before Triple H. heads to the ring, Cena does what H.H.H. did to him.. wishes him luck, and hopes he doesn't get hurt.

Mr. McMahon's Million Dollar Give-away: Once again, McMahon must have misdialed my number. So to me, the whole thing is still a hoax and a waste of time. Even if I'd won, it'd still be a waste of time, but what would I of cared, I'd of been semi-rich then.

One question I have. How much of this money do you have to pay to the I.R.S.? (No, not I.R.S. the wrestler) I mean, McMahon is giving away LARGE sums of money.. so naturally, you have to give a portion to the Government, thats how it works. Thats also why its only an American event. (Well, that and McMahon hates you if you don't live here. lol) So lets randomly say "I" won $75,000.. does that mean $25,000 is going to the government? Cause I'm assuming a chunk would be, but how much?

Anyways, the callers seem more "excited" this week. (hmm, interesting how that happens after a week full of forum talk on how the fans seemed to 'fake') I don't know what else to say, except this crap will continue next week as well.. I guess the third time is the charm for McMahon finally learning how to work a phone and call me. I doubt he will, because I'm not his relative, but it might happen.

Main Event: Triple H. v. Chris Jericho: Nice back and forth match, as most Main Events usually are. Jericho gets the Walls, but Triple H. gets out of it. All in all the match boils down to apparently the start of a new faction on Raw, as LANCE CADE (?!?!?!?!?!?) comes out to attack Triple H. and help Chris Jericho. This brings Cena out, only for Triple H. to attack Cena. (haha classic) In the end, Raw goes off the air with Cade & Jericho standing over the Champion & #1 contender.

Overall Thoughts: For the second straight week, we get a Raw deal (pun intended) on the Million Dollar crap taking over most of the storylines and airtime. While I still believe greatly they could switch it up and do the phone calls, live, during commercial. I also believe that changing the password during the show, might make for more interesting details, as I'm willing to bet the ratings have once again dropped this week since all you had to do.. was start Raw, get the code, then quit watching. Next week's Draft ratings should be fairly entertaining. I personally can't wait to see the W.W.E.'s biggest mid-year show BOMB!

The Kennedy/Burchill feud is apparently died out completely, as they had nothing other than a handicap match which is fine and all, except it had no story to it. It was just a way to continue their "feud" (if I can call it that) without doing anything interesting. I suppose it built Katie Lea v. Mickie James a bit more, but that was about it. I'm hoping Regal can return soon to get this thing restarted, or perhaps someone can come over off the draft to help Burchill and give Kennedy someone else to fight as well.

Anyone care to explain to me what happened to the Beth Phoenix/Melina feud? Would it of been so hard to have Beth attack Melina in the Bikini contest, taking her out of it.. that way Melina (Raw's newest face diva, and bigger than all the rest in that ring) didn't have to lose in a smut-show to Maria?!

The Jericho promo was LOOONNNGGG! I mean, maybe its just how I typed it, but it seemed even longer afterwards. Great promo, hopefully this will help him get back to what he forgot. I can't wait to see Shawn Michaels return next week (its his hometown, you know) and sign the match for Night of Champions. I'm sure it'll happen, but I wouldn't count out Hardy somehow getting involved. Not having Hardy on that p.p.v. will be shocking in its own right. And I'm sure H.B.K. wouldn't mind skipping a B-show p.p.v.

I think the W.W.E. needs to do something NOW with Ted DiBiase Jr, as this no-wrestling crap and only letting him say his tagline in promos is wearing very thin on me. I downright blew a load when DiBiase Jr. debuted. Since then, its been just like any other typical sexual encounter for the average female in the world.. over too soon, and it leaves you unsatisfied.

I honestly feel they should've held off on the Cena phrase of the night being "Until you beat me, you haven't beat anyone." Not only does that almost guarantee a Triple H. victory, just so he can then say hes "beaten everyone." But it also makes Cena (the face) look like a cocky jackass. (which he is) I do have to be honest though, I'm glad this match is now happening at Night of Champions, because if I had to put up with this crap on a major Pay Per View, like Summerslam or Survivor Series and deal with the even longer build.. I'd wanna kill McMahon.

In closing, the biggest (ending) shock of the night was Lance Cade jumping all the way from on-again/off-again tag team Champion, to Main Event contender?! :wtf: Seriously, did this just happen? Who in the W.W.E. seen this guy as being that good? If I tune into E.C.W. later, will I see Delaney get a shot against Kane for the Championship, inwhich Delaney for the first time actually looks like an opponent instead of a punching bag?

I get why Cade is suddenly Jericho's shadow though. And I also understand the haircut now. THEY LOOK ALIKE! Well, in W.W.E. form anyways. I can see this playing into storylines, because noone can forget the W.C.W. version of Lenny Lane & Chris Jericho. Which also makes me laugh, because in the end.. Lance Cade is a wannabe Lenny Lane.

Overall, I give Raw a 4 outta 10. And even then, I'm being overly nice. Bottomline, either "I" win some money next week.. or this shit needs to end. Actually, I need to win some money AND it needs to end. Because I'm sick and tired of spending 40 minutes of Raw, watching other randomly picked (my ass) people win my money. Lets get back to what Raw was originally suppose to be about. WRESTLING!
I think I was disappointed in that once again, HHH had to come out on top when cutting the promo with Cena. Now, I've never been a big Cena fan, since I really don't like the whole "superman" image he's been given. Although I will admit he has gotten better in the ring. But I digress.

It just really bothers me how it seems that the whole point of promos involving HHH are to put him over his opponent. It's like it's not enough that he almost always comes out looking better than his opponent in the matches, even when he loses. But he always has to get the last word and has better, more cutting dialogue in promos as well. Last night all the promo did was make Cena look like an immature child.

I guess I just don't personally understand: HHH is already in the top spot, given the role as unstoppable monster that no one can pin cleanly. So why waste more time putting him over verbally as well? I understand the point of promos as far as feud building, but every time HHH comes out just to talk, it's the same thing and he always ends up looking better than the other.

Ok, my rant is done. For now.
I thought last nights Raw was terrible. I consider myself a die hard fan but after last night Im considering finding something else to watch on my monday nights. If it werent for the draft next week Raw would be screwed.

The street fight was terrible. That wasnt a street fight at all. That was a stiff regular match with a mic being used as a weapon. BS. With a predictable winner too. Same for Hardy and Carlito ZZZ. Speaking of ZZZ how about that bikini contest. Hey Vince, everyone saw Maria naked a few months ago, who cares about her in a bathing suit? Not me. And for divas no Beth/Melina fued progress? Thats like the second best thing going behind y2j and hbk. Even that segment was boring this week! Flair didnt save anything his return was just wasted on him being chased around sweating. It took an hour and a half for a match that was unpredictable/entertaining. That was the mixed tag match. Listen I dont know about you but I watch Raw for wrestling. ONE HOUR AND A HALF FOR A DECENT WRESTLING MATCH, IN A 2 HOUR PROGRAM. Horrible. OMG dont even get me started on the main event...that didnt even start until 1058!

Please god let the draft save us.
It was a bad raw and that Money Mania is so damn annoying and boring and when ever something good is happening it comes up and destroys it.

First off It was just sooo irritating Seeing Trips Makes of Cena who prodbably was the greatest disser during his thuganomics days and seeing Cena just standing there making comeback how he beats him and shit instead of him doing what he's capable of. And still I think Cena went over in that Segment and my god what a pop Cena got. HUGE POP. A very good segment wich was very enertaining.

Wich lead to the stupidest Street fight Cena vs Umaga , if that was a normal match it would have been great but condiring it was a street fight. Come on a Mike and a Steel Steps ?

The other only good thing about the night was any scene that Jericho was invloved in. God he's awsome.
Not sure everything's in the right order, and I don't do this review lark as well as some, but anyway...

Opening segment
Curtain up with MVP's VIP lounge. He does his usual about how he's better than everyone else but shamefully ignored, could whup all of La Familia with one hand tied behind his back if given the chance, yada yada. Out come Vickie with Hawkins and Ryder. Enormous heat, she literally has to scream into the mic (ouch) to be heard. Tells MVP that he didn't do the job properly against Punk last week (how true), and if he feels he's got nothing to do, he can face Kane tonight. Good confirmation MVP's getting drafted, if nothing else.

Match the first
Matt Hardy beat Bam Neely via Twist of Fate, with Chavo at ringside until the ref kicked him out for pulling back Hardy as he went up to the top rope. Apparently this was Neely's singles debut, and while I wasn't exactly impressed, it wasn't a total disaster either. Decent match, with Neely largely dominating thanks to his bulk.

Backstage, Chavo's throwing a temper tantrum about the ref kicking him out. Awww, diddums. Edge has to listen: says Vickie will sort out Charles Robinson (the ref for the Neely/Chavo match) and he himself (Edge) will sort out Matt Hardy next week (gee, tell the world, why don't you. Why not just text Matt then and there with the good news). In return, Chavo has to take on Batista later tonight.

Match the second
Michelle McCool defeated Layla. Neither of these two can really wrestle. Stale, flat, and purposeless match, with Layla mostly dominating until McCool gets some momentum with a couple of dropkicks and then got the win via submission with the heel lock. Ok, maybe McCool's not quite so awful. She has no character or gimmick anyway, so why should I care?

At this stage, I think, we had another segment, with Vickie, Robinson, and Edge. Vicke does most of the talking: Robinson's a single father and needs this job, but his officiating at Wrestlemania in the Edge/Taker match smacked of bias, as did his activities at Judgement Day, as did his kicking Chavo out tonight. Therefore, he'll be in a match tonight as a wrestler, so he can learn how it feels from the superstar's perspective.

Match the third

Vladimir Kozlov defeated Jamie Noble. Another patented Kozlov squash. Kozlov took Noble out with a headbutt as Noble leapt from the top rope for the pinfall. Squash matches like this are as boring as fuck, and WWE need to stop doing them. And Jamie Noble is "tougher opposition" for Kozlov?

Now, here I think we had a crazy tiny segment where Chavo came up to Robinson, shook his hand, and said, sounding sincere, "Good luck in your match tonight". Then walked off. Part of Chavo turning face soonish?

Match the fourth
Kane defeated MVP via countout. This was not good. The more I see of MVP, the more I think he's really overhyped and overrated. Boring back-and-forth until Kane takes control, which is fun for a bit, until MVP winds up on the outside and chooses not to get back in. Well, I would do the same, but it doesn't make him look like a guy on the way up.

Match the fifth
Charles Robinson comes out to the ring. Waits for his opponent, Foley (I think), speculates that it might be Funaki or Nunzio until...out comes Khali. Oh dear. Robinson tries to run away, but Hawkins and Ryder put a stop to that idea, beat him up, and chuck him back in. Khali applies his full arsenal of moves (doesn't take long to run through those), until he finishes Robinson off with the vicegrip. Obviously not a great match, but in a rather sick and sadistic way, rather fun viewing.

Match the sixth
Jesse and Festus defeated Deuce and Domino. D&D started brawling even before they got into the ring, Deuce getting the upper hand over Domino and chucking him into the ring with Festus, who finished Domino off quick-smart. Afterwards, Deuce beat up Domino some more. Waste of time, this match. Sympathies for Jesse and Festus, the former of which didn't even have to make a fist in anger. A backstage segment would have worked just as well, and we could have watched something better than this crap.

Match the seventh
Finlay defeated the Miz. I didn't see much of this one, as I was cringing behind a pillow in sheer horror. That hideous dwarf-cum-hobbit creature has that effect on me, particularly since he's only there as part of WWE's crappy marketing at little kids (and ******ed ones at that: most of the little kids I know, who are quite smart, wouldn't find this shit funny). Ok, so, Finlay and Hornswoggle (name sounds like a laxative) are now credible contenders for NOC. They'll probably win, too, but I'll love seeing whoever takes the titles off them (hopefully the Edgeheads) do something vile to midget-creature.

Match the last
Thankfully. Chavo defeated Batista by count-out. Edge was special guest referee, due to Robinson's injuries, and he found a number of amusing ways to screw over Batista as the match went back and forth (tripping him up, tying his shoelaces while Batista had Chavo pinned, and so forth). Tista can't do anything about this because if he assaults Edge, he loses his title shot at NOC; he winds up on the outside, quick countout, in pile the rest of La Familia, who subdue Batista, Edge takes him down with a spear. Nothing we haven't seen before, now we've just got Tista instead of Taker. And yet, again, the sadist in me rather enjoyed this one.

Final thoughts
The Draft cannot come too soon. Much as watching La Familia screw over everyone who gets in their way is fun, everything else about SD is shit at the moment. Too many giants and bad freak-show comedy acts. Not to mention the crappy Divas. Match of the night? Either Khali-Robinson or Chavo/Tista. Yep, it was that bad.
Amy’s ‘take’ on Smackdown 06/20/08 edition:

V.I.P. Lounge: MVP opened the show with a reminder that the draft is mere days away. He said it’s a night where anything can happen as every superstar, diva, announcer, GM, and referee is eligible. He said a change of environment would be good for him; he’s open to going to whatever brand will properly utilize his talents unlike the Smackdown management (cough*Vicki*cough). MVP speculated the reasons he’s not being properly used are that management doesn’t have an eye for talent, is simply incompetent, is distracted by an upcoming wedding, and knows he’d outshine everyone on Smackdown including La Familia if given the chance he is due.:worship:

Hawkins and Ryder wheeled Vicki onto the stage. Over the boos, she managed to get out the famous ‘Excuse me. Who the hell do you think you are?”. She took offense to MVP trashing her and her family and publicly campaigning to go to Raw or ECW. MVP said it wasn’t his intention to insult her or her family and apologized. He reminded her of their agreement last week; he beat CM Punk yet she wasn’t available when his agent called. Vicki pointed out he barely won and MVP said all that mattered is he got his hand raised. He said he didn’t want to leave SD as he’s the face of the franchise, but she makes him feel unwanted. Vicki snapped that she didn't have time to negotiate his contract in public and since he feels so unappreciated, underutilized, and unchallenged she put him in a match against Kane later in the night.

I really enjoyed the opening segment. MVP’s always solid on the mic and Vicki continues to get mad heat. MVP’s look (jeans, glasses, beard) was toned down from his usual suit and tie. His manner of speaking and facial expressions deviated from his ‘I’m better than you’ attitude. So it looks like the face turn I hinted at a few reviews back has begun. I’d prefer they keep him heel awhile longer, but I guess SD is lacking strong face challengers to Edge at the moment.

Match #1 Matt Hardy vs. Bam Neely (w/Chavo Guerrero): Neely took control early with punches, forearms, and a chinlock, effectively grounding Hardy for the first few minutes. Matt fought back briefly but Neely countered the Side Effect with a big boot and then choked Hardy with the ropes. Neely landed a big clothesline and went back to the chinlock with a body scissors. Late in the match Hardy came back with a bulldog from the second rope and a swinging neckbreaker. Chavo grabbed Hardy’s foot as he went to the top rope and referee Charles Robinson ejected him from ringside. Matt capitalized on the distraction, hitting the Twist of Fate out of nowhere for the win. Post-match Hardy and Chavo stared each other down.

A somewhat boring 6-minute opening match. Neely dominated Hardy the majority of the match, but his offense was bland. I’m still waiting to see more than a punch, boot, chinlock from this guy. It’s been a few months since Bam participated in a match and he sure has packed on the pounds but not in a good way. He should go back to wrestling in a suit and tie. I think there’s a reason why we haven’t really seen a ‘wrestling’ Bam Neely and his performance in this match speaks for itself. And Hardy picked up another W, but he hasn’t exactly been made to look strong with so many Twist of Fate out of nowhere victories since he won the US title.

Backstage: Edge caught up to Chavo who was berating Bam for not taking care of Hardy. Chavo complained that Charles Robinson had no right to eject him and he has it out for La Familia. Edge assured Chavo that Vicki would deal with Robinson and that he would personally take care of Hardy for him next week. Edge told Chavo to trust him and said he needed Chavo to take care of Batista tonight. Chavo started to freak out but again Edge told Chavo to trust him.

Edge sure is going out of his way to gain Chavo's trust him lately. That’s a clear sign there’s dissention within the La Familia ranks. Maybe Chavo will uncover some dirt on Edge, expose him, and ruin the wedding in three weeks. And what wicked fun do Edge and Vicki have planned for later?

Match #2 Michelle McCool vs. Layla: Layla established control early on with a very aggressive style, knocking McCool to the floor and throwing her back-first into the ring apron. Back in the ring, Layla applied a chinlock, drove McCool’s head into the mat, and went for a cover after a leg drop. McCool fought back with a series of dropkicks and a belly-belly suplex. Moments later, McCool made Layla tap out to the heel hook while Natalya watched from the stage.

A decent 4-minute divas match. Layla’s becoming decent in the ring. They should really cease with those pointless dancing segments; they ruin any credibility she might have. Again they tease Natalya-McCool. Will Vicki hurry up and just make the Night of Champions Divas title match already.

Backstage: Like last week Edge interrupted Vicki and their wedding planner. Edge said Chavo was really worked up about Charles Robinson. Just then Robinson entered. Vicki said she expects the utmost objectivity from her officials and has been reviewing his past performance. She found bias in his work, pointing out he tried to help Taker at Mania, illegally awarded him the belt at Judgment Day, and tonight ejected Chavo for no reason. Vicki reminded Robinson that he’s a single father and needs his job. She said he needed to understand the superstars’ perspective so tonight he would compete as a wrestler.:wtf: She dismissed him to get ready for his match.

I’m not looking forward to Robinson’s match. I’m reminded of the famous line “This is all going to end badly”. I’m thinking he will be Kozlov’s next opponent. There isn’t really anyone left for him to squash.

Match #3 Jamie Noble vs. Vladimir Kozlov: Oh wait! I forgot about Noble…he’s rarely on TV these days. So there is somebody left for Kozlov to squash, unless Noble is pulling off the upset tonight. Nah!

Noble tried to take the big man off his feet with a single leg takedown twice. Kozlov overpowered Noble and grounded him with a side headlock, shoulder block, forearm, and kick. In the corner, Noble got his knees up and hit a missile dropkick then locked in a guillotine chokehold. Kozlov looked to be in trouble for the first time ever, however he picked up Noble and slammed him back-first into the turnbuckle. Kozlov did a nice belly to belly suplex and scored the pinfall via the headbutt on a flying Noble.

Kozlov’s most impressive and longest match to date at just under 4 minutes and yet I still can’t bring myself to care about this guy.

Match #4 MVP vs. Kane: At the bell, MVP got in Kane’s face jacking his jaws. Kane delivered two uppercuts, an elbow drop, and a side headlock. MVP took control when he sent Kane head-first into the turnbuckle with a drop toe-hold. He grounded Kane with a series of stomps, punches, a sweet corner kick to the head, and a chinlock. Kane fought back briefly but missed an elbow drop and MVP regained control. Late in the match, Kane came back and got in most of his signature moves (power slam, running low dropkick, big boot, flying clothesline, side slam). MVP got to the ropes to avoid the chokeslam. Kane clotheslined MVP to the floor. MVP walked around the ring while the ref counted. MVP told the ref ‘Hold on, I’m coming’ and genuinely seemed like he was going to reenter the ring. On the apron at nine, he blew the match off and was counted out. Mark Henry’s music hit and he attacked Kane at ringside then delivered the World’s Strongest Slam in the ring.

Good 7-minute match. In fact, it was the match of night despite the outcome. I miss MVP’s opening pyro and I strongly dislike his modified entrance. I really liked the intentional countout though…classic heel MVP right there. I so hope they keep him heel, but I know they’ll screw it up by turning him face.

Backstage: Charles Robinson was pacing in the locker room. Chavo walked up and wished him luck.
  • Video highlighting WWE’s work with the Make-A-Wish Foundation. It never fails, I tear up every time I see those kids.
Match #5 Charles Robinson vs. The Great Khali: As soon as Khali made it to the center of the ring, Robinson ran away and ran into Hawkins and Ryder. They roughed him up and put him back in the ring. Khali clotheslined Robinson and used the one foot cover, but picked him up after a one count. He delivered a headbutt and teased another one foot cover. He landed the big chop to the head then applied the vice grip. The ref called for the bell and the medics placed Robinson on a stretcher with a neck brace.

I have nothing to say about the ‘match’ other than it served its purpose to make Vicki more hated. It’s telling that SD’s roster is severely lacking at the moment when they resort to turning referees into wrestlers.

Match #6 Jesse & Festus vs. Deuce & Domino: The announcers hyped this as a re-match. I thought D&D broke up last week. They came out exchanging heated words, stares, and pointed fingers in each other’s faces. Festus went nuts at the bell and the ref restrained him while D&D fought at ringside. Finally Deuce tossed Domino into the ring for the ensuing beat down by Festus. Post-match Deuce hovered over Domino, kicked him in the face, and threw his jacket over his head. Another pointless 1-minute ‘match’ if you call it that.

So they're officially broke up now right? And just when I’d finally began to tell them apart. Let me get this straight. They played out the D&D-Cherry split in a backstage segment while the fans actually care about Cherry and they play out D&D’s break-up in the ring yet the fans could care less about either guy. And I still don’t understand why they would break up D&D so soon after their split from Cherry. WWE are seriously lacking tag teams at the moment. I don’t see how this move benefits anyone.

Match #7 Finlay (w/Hornswoggle) vs. The Miz (w/John Morrison): Horny went under the ring and Morrison sat in on commentary. Finlay controlled the first few minutes with a side headlock, shoulder block, uppercut, clothesline, and punches. Miz came back with the running corner clothesline, stomps, and chinlock. Late in the match, Finlay hit a series of clotheslines, a power slam, and an elbow drop. At ringside, Morrison pulled Horny from under the ring and got hit in the knee with the shillelagh. Finlay capitalized on the distraction, hitting the Celtic Cross for the win.

Finlay and Miz are both capable of good matches but this 5-minute one was barely decent. I just never got ‘into’ the match. Morrison’s commentary distracted from the in-ring action. While I enjoyed Morrison calling Horny a troll, I actually found him annoying on commentary for the first time. Enough about The Miz’s hats. And Foley enough with the abs already. We’re not blind. I’m more convinced than before that Finlay and Horny will defeat Miz and Morrison at NOC. That will be a travesty of a match.
  • McMahon’s Million Dollar Mania video recap.
Match #8 Batista vs. Chavo Guerrero (w/Bam Neely): Vicki interrupted Tista’s entrance. She said that since Charles Robinson was unable to fulfill his duties, she assigned a special guest referee. She warned Tista he’d lose his WHC shot at NOC if he laid a finger on the official who she introduced as Edge. Big surprise there…like no one saw that coming.

Early on, Edge bumped into Tista, trying to provoke him. Tista overpowered Chavo. Edge counted slow. Bam hit the apron and distracted Tista. Chavo got in a little offense before Tista hit a delayed vertical suplex. Edge was tying his shoe and late beginning the count. Bam tripped up Tista and Chavo got in more offense. While Edge pulled Chavo aside to warn him about choking, Bam choked Tista with the rope. Chavo went for a cross body but Tista caught him. Edge held onto Chavo’s foot and made another fast count. Chavo got in more offense and two more quick counts. Tista came back with a back drop, corner clotheslines, and power slam. Just as he was doing the warrior rope shake, Bam pulled him from the ring and Edge counted Tista out. Edge counted so fast if you blinked you missed it. Tista reentered the ring to spinebuster Chavo and grab Edge by the throat. I guess he’s not a referee after the match so Tista can now lay his hands on him and not be penalized.:headscratch: Hawkins, Ryder, and Bam hit the ring. It turned into a 5-on-1 beat down. Edge speared Tista and La Familia stood tall to close the show.

Another short, disappointing match and poor excuse for the main event. I felt like I’d seen that match or at least the post-match before. Oh wait, I have. La Familia did the same thing to Kane and Taker. Edge as the ref was a nice touch. At least they are trying to keep the La Familia storyline interesting and going until Taker’s return.

Overall Thoughts: I’m growing bored with Vicki, Edge, and the rest of La Familia. They dominate Smackdown like people complain about HHH and Cena dominating Raw. Chavo got more TV time than anyone all night.:rolleyes: Seriously Chavo Guerrero? He’s a member of the ECW roster but you wouldn’t know it. So again another disappointing show full of short matches and way too many squashes. The most entertaining moment was MVP’s Lounge to open the show. It all went downhill after that.
TheOneBigWill's 'take' on Monday Night Raw: June 23rd, 2008:

Opening Segment: Jim Ross & The King open the show as they explain that this year's Draft will be similar to last year's, in which we'll have inter-brand matches to determine who gets draft picks. They then announce that all the announcers are here as well. Mick Foley & Micheal Cole, Tazz and The Adamle. Each announcer decides to jump in on giving Adamle crap, as Adamle just sits quietly. (I feel sorry for the guy, that a group of 5 grown men can't get over immature shit)

The Matches:

1. Triple H. v. Mark Henry: Mark Henry uses his power to his advantage throughout the entire match, including reversing a pedigree into a World's Strongest Slam only for Triple H. to kick out just barely. Henry also connected with a Vader Bomb, and they were very clear in addressing that being what it was. In the end, it was Triple H. who connects with the worst pedigree I've seen, as Raw picks up their first Draft pick.

2. Santino Marella & Carlito v. Finlay & Hornswoggle: In what could've been the shortest match of the night. (seriously, no pun intended) Carlito didn't even get a tag, as Finlay & Hornswoggle worked over Santino until the Tad-pole Splash picks up the victory for the Father/Son duo, as well as a Draft pick for Smackdown.

3. Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhodes v. Chavo Guerrero & Bam Neely: While this match may have been so much better with Miz & Morrison replacing Guerrero & Neely, I suppose Tag Champ v. Tag Champ might be saved for later.

I found this match rather funny, as Hardcore & Rhodes haven't truly picked up many wins over anyone special, and yet they clearly defeated Chavo Guerrero (instead of Neely) who is getting a United States Championship match on Sunday. (way to kill his drive) Once again, Raw picks up another draft pick.

4. John Morrison & The Miz v. The Hardys: Originally this match was scheduled to be Hawkins & Ryder against the Tag Champions, but due to the fortune of the draft.. we're treated with a classic. The Hardys reunite against Morrison & Miz in what was definately Match of the Night!!

Both teams showing exactly how great they are, as they each display some high-powered high-flying moves. In the end, it was Matt who looked strong with a leg drop onto Morrison, however the ref. was distracted by The Miz, as Matt takes his focus off Morrison, who makes him pay with a role-up and just like that, E.C.W. is on the board with their first and what would come to be, their ONLY Draft pick.

5. Announcer's Only Draft: Mickie James & Melina v. Natalya & Victoria: As announced prior to the match beginning, this was a special Announcers Draft only. Each announcer looked extremely shocked at this announcement, as clearly they had no clue.

In the second shortest match on the card, it took an inprompto ending when Melina seemed to have seriously hurt her ankle. (Reports from Raw claimed it was a very bad sprain, but I've also heard torn ligaments.) Either way, as it was reported in the WZ review.. it played right into the ending which makes the injury questionable. In the end, both SD & Raw traded announcers.

6. Edge v. John Cena: If I do recall correctly, these two had a match on last year's draft show in which Edge won which brought over Khali. So in a return match, a year later, we get a reversal. The match was exactly like all the rest of their matches have ever been, excited to watch but overly the same.

In the end, both men were fighting on the outside of the ring, until Cena made it back in, while Edge went up the ramp. His back-pedaling was short lived however as Batista made a guest appearance to attack Edge, sending him back into the ring and continue the beatdown. As Edge escapes, Cena & Batista stand in the ring to reveal Batista being the one traded to Raw. Edge was highly joyed at that.

7. M.V.P. v. Tommy Dreamer: Colin Delaney comes down with Dreamer, which clearly meant he was not only losing.. but the person coming over on the draft was going to be someone who'd destroy Delaney.

In the end, it was M.V.P. connecting with his Boot to Dreamer's head, and picking up the victory for Smackdown. After the match, Delaney and Dreamer were left in the ring as Umaga is revealed as the pick for Smackdown and he destroys both faces.

8. J.B.L. v. Kofi Kingston: In what can only be described as a difference of styles, J.B.L. seemed almost perplexed with Kofi's stance at the beginning of the match. Kofi got a lot of his trademark kicks in, but in the end it was J.B.L. leveling him with a Clothesline from Hell that turned Kofi inside out. Once again, Raw wins another pick.

Backstage Segments/Promos:

Triple H./Mysterio/Cena: H.H.H. is in the back, welcoming Rey Mysterio to Raw and says that hes always wanted to face him, so hes truly happy that hes on Raw. This brings Cena in, as Rey leaves. Cena argues with Triple H. about how Cena came down to help H.H.H. last week, and in the end he got his ass beat.. by Triple H. Cena says that if Triple H. wants to be the man, he has to beat the man. Triple H. holds up the Championship and replies with.. Until you take this from me, you're nothing.

Ted Dibiase Jr.: Dibiase is on commentary during the Holly/Rhodes match. Hes mainly out to promote his Father's new book. And its official, what was once the greatest Tagline in recent memory is now being overblown and over used in a major way. Dibiase screwed up on the mic during this match, and was tripping over his words worse than Adamle. I sure hope his skills and mystery partner come through, otherwise this is going to be one of the biggest turn arounds ever.

Chris Jericho/Lance Cade/Shawn Michaels: Chris Jericho says that he no longer expects, nor does he want the fans to cheer for him. He said they're brainwashed by Shawn Michaels and his lies. Jericho then rolls some clips of Michaels betraying Marty Jannetty, Kevin Nash, John Cena, Hulk Hogan and then Batista.

Jericho then says he found one guy who is better than the fans, one guy who turned on H.B.K. before H.B.K. could turn on him. And thats Lance Cade. Its revealed that Cade was one of Shawn Michaels' best students during his training days, and Cade explains that he knew H.B.K. would turn on him and use him, to stay on top.

The fans start in with an H.B.K. chant, as Jericho explains he wishes he'd be able to face H.B.K. at Night of Champions, but he hasn't been cleared by the doctors. He also says he doesn't expect H.B.K. to show up for a while. This, of course, prompts H.B.K.'s music to interrupt.. and the chase insues.

Shawn Michaels chases Jericho to the outside of the ring, until Jericho sends him (hurt eye first) into the edge of the announcer's table. H.B.K. is down and hurt, as Jericho smirks and leaves the ringside area.

Edge/Vickie Guerrero/McMahon: Edge is thrilled that Batista is gone from Smackdown, until Mr. McMahon breaks up the couple's joyous occasion and explains that Batista will still get his Championship match on Sunday. And then teases the couple that one of them could end up drafted away from the other.

McMahon's Million Dollar Mania: McMahon dies. No, but seriously they've decided to repeat last year's storyline that had to be scrapped. However instead of McMahon dying, he was only "injured badly." In the end of the segment, you could hear McMahon claiming to not be able to feel his legs. So I assume they'll be broken on next Monday's Raw.

The best thing to come out of all of this, is the Money crap is finally "suspended." (no doubt until the ratings show whether or not its worth continuing)

Randy Orton, The Great Khali & Ric Flair were all special guests who gave away money. Well, Orton didn't.. he instead said when he returned, Cena & Triple H. had better hope either they get drafted, or he does.. because there will be hell to pay. Orton then explains he isn't in the money giving mood, and leaves. Khali screams at the person they called. And Flair.. well, hes retired yet still on in a weekly role.. go figure.

Main Event: 15 Man Tri-Branded Battle Royal: Triple H., John Cena, C.M. Punk, Kane & Batista v. Edge, M.V.P., Great Khali, Jeff Hardy & Big Show v. Chavo Guerrero, John Morrison, The Miz, Matt Hardy & Shelton Benjamin: Not too bad of a battle royal. Everyone ganged up on Khali to eliminate him, then tried to do the same to the Big Show until he fought them all off.

Batista and Edge went head to head when both men tried for a spear. It was a botch on someone's part, and the end result was Batista being busted open.. the hard way, and both men not knowing where they were. Batista seemed to take the extreme worst of it.

In the end, Cena & H.H.H. worked together to eliminate the Big Show, then Edge shoves Cena into H.H.H., who got eliminated because of it. Cena & H.H.H. argue, as Edge eliminates Cena to win Smackdown the final two draft picks.

The show ended with Mr. Kennedy & Triple H. being the final two draft picks, as H.H.H. and Cena neither one looked happy about it.

Overall Thoughts: E.C.W. got screwed in the biggest way possible, and outside of Kane and C.M. Punk going to Raw, or Matt Hardy and the United States Championship going to E.C.W., it was entirely pointless for that brand to even of been on the show.

If the announcers truly didn't know who was getting drafted, then that means Tazz was extremely (no pun) upset that they only got one guy, and ended up losing their World Champion. Speaking of which, since Kane is now Raw and Big Show was in the battle royal as a Smackdown guy.. regardless who wins the E.C.W. Championship, I'm going to highly enjoy seeing how they shit themselves outta that hole in explaining the title going back to E.C.W.

W.W.E. should've kept the Hardys together. Not only would it of gave Smackdown another great Tag Team, but it would've also gave them the chance to feud the brothers, as together both can put on great matches against the other. It was rather funny to see them reunite for one match, then get split as a result of losing though.

I don't quite know what to think of the Mr. McMahon angle, but I do know that this week's Raw proved once again the money give-away was fake or staged. I doubt seriously that the lady in the crowd was randomly drawn. If anything, they had everyone in the arena put their phone number in a hat.. then picked one and called it, to make it look like someone from the live crowd could finally win. Furthermore, it was horrible how they tried adding humor to the give-away, with Khali & McMahon berating one of the callers in saying she was a loser. Albeit I don't blame them, as the lady didn't sound like a winner. If they would've ran the McMahon-Death angle all over again, at least I would've been happy to know someone killed him over how horrible this crap was.

Overall, I don't have much to say as the entire show seemed to only boost Raw as the Heavyweight division show. Smackdown hit the jackpot with Jeff Hardy, Mr. Kennedy & Triple H. all going. Jim Ross didn't seem pleased at all about his switch to Smackdown, which I thought was hilarious just because he didn't even seem as if he was acting professional about the issue.

I'd give the show a 6 outta 10, merely because it had some good matches. The draft wasn't the greatest, and without an internet draft after the show, it leaves most of the Championships in weird positions without any idea on how they'll find their way back to a respectful show.
God, this is why I get so damn frustrated with the WWE. No this isn't Triple H comes out and dominates everyone on Smackdown, I honestly could give a crap less about that. No, what I'm talking about is the WWE and there ability to complete piss away good opportunities every chance they get.

Matt Hardy vs. Edge was probably the best free TV match I have seen in years. What an amazing match these two put on. Nothing like having the US Champion vs. the World Champion with no hype. Why the WWE pisses me off? They've had these two on the same brand, with so much chemistry and hatred for each other, yet the WWE did nothing at all with these two while they were both on Smackdown!

Instead, we get a one shot match that leaves me scratching my head, and bitching, why in the fuck didn't the WWE pull the trigger on this feud and do it. Instead, we're stuck with BATISTA in the Fucking title match again. You feel the anger at this point. What a bunch of shit. Isn't the WWE about pushing the boundaries and making new stars. Then why in the hell did the WWE sit on this feud and insist on pushing the same old regurgitated shit over and over again.
Amy’s ‘take’ on Smackdown 06/27/08 edition:

Show opened with a video recap of the WWE draft.

Backstage: On behalf of SD!, Vicki wished Mr. McMahon a speedy recovery and hoped he won’t be confined to a wheelchair for life like her. She seemed real choked up about the terrible accident that befell the WWE chairman Monday night but said he'd want us to focus on the positives like her upcoming wedding and SD! becoming the superior brand via the draft. She dropped the bitch GM character to welcome Good Ol’ JR.

Jim Ross made his way down to the ring, slapping the fans hands and was greeted by Mick Foley. JR said he was going to take SD! places it’s never been and Friday nights would never be the same.

Opening segment: HHH’s music hit and he made his ring entrance. Oh that’s right, how could I forget that it’s all about The Game.:rolleyes: He looked happy to be on SD! and noted what a difference a day can make. He must’ve realized SD! airs Friday night as he quickly corrected himself, saying just a few days ago Vince was a crazy guy giving away millions and he was Raw’s top dog. HHH said Vince is still crazy but his world literally crashed down on him so Million Dollar Mania is over. He hyped the importance of his draft move, saying it’s the first time he’s been a member of the SD! roster in 6 years but that he’s comforted by the friendly faces of Foley and JR. He really put over JR here, saying he’s the greatest announcer in the history of the business, then put over the fans, saying that he’s home as long as he has the WWE Universe behind him (cheap plug for WWE's latest marketing campaign). He said enough with the blatant sucking up and reminded us of his match with Cena at Night of Champions and until he takes the WWE Champion from him that Cena is nothing.

Edge’s music hit and he made his way to the ring. For a minute, Edge just stood there with the WHC at his wait and HHH’s WWE belt over his shoulder, letting us soak in the image of the two world champions in the same ring. Then he drove home the very special moment, saying they are the cream of the crop. Edge said that contrary to popular opinion he thinks they can co-exist on the same show. HHH pointed out the flaws in Edge’s theory: (1) They both have massive egos but his is much bigger :)lmao:straight from the horse's mouth) and (2) Unlike Edge, he’ll still be champion after Sunday. Edge gave HHH a history lesson, pointing out that Batista has never beaten him for the title but he tapped out in his one match with Cena. Edge said this was his house and his show and suggested HHH do like everyone else – respect him and stay out of his way.

Batista’s music hit and he started down the ramp. As Edge turned his attention to Tista, HHH tossed him over the tope rope. Tista delivered the spear and picked up his WHC belt. In the ring, Tista and pal HHH held up the belts while Edge backed up the ramp selling hurt ribs.

Normally long opening promos have a tendency to bore me, but given the draft this week and NOC only two nights away this one was deserving of the time invested and really well done. For the first time though, Edge looked a little nervous and out of his league. I have misgivings about HHH getting the better of Edge in their initial confrontation. Edge (with Vicki and La Familia’s assistance) has been built as the uber heel and dominant force on SD! for months and they just made him look really weak and insignificant.

The announcers hyped Batista versus Umaga, Edge versus Matt Hardy, and Rey Mysterio’s last SD! appearance for later.

Match #1 Kane & Big Show vs. MVP & Mark Henry: Kane controlled MVP early with an uppercut and low dropkick. He slapped Show’s hand hard for the tag. Show took over where Kane left off with kicks to the midsection, a headbutt, and a slam. MVP tagged to Henry who reluctantly entered the match. Show and Henry engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up then traded punches. Show delivered a headbutt and big chop then tagged in Kane. Henry slowed Kane down with a corner splash and MVP tagged himself back in to Henry’s surprise. He leveled Kane with the big kick to the face and wore him down with punches, kicks, and a side headlock. Kane rallied for a side slam, corner clotheslines, and a big boot. MVP slid out of the ring to avoid the chokeslam and shrugged off the match just like in last week. Henry deposited MVP back in the ring and Kane chokeslammed him for the win.

A surprisingly decent 5-minute opening match. It reminded us of Kane, Show, and Henry’s imminent Triple Threat ECW title match. I didn’t expect Kane and Show teaming and was disappointed we didn’t see any post-match fireworks between the trio. An even bigger disappointment was MVP’s role here. Much like Punk’s baffling treatment post-Mania, I’m growing more perplexed and concerned regarding what they are doing with MVP since he dropped the US title two months ago. They took away his pyro and modified his entrance, hinted at a face turn last week as he challenged Vicki’s authority yet he blows off matches in heel fashion, his entrance got no reaction tonight, and the crowd cheered when Henry threw him back in the ring. The silver lining was the announcers pointing out he’s still having contract issues. Maybe he’ll land on Raw afterall. I don’t think I can watch him being ‘punked’ out much longer.

Backstage: For the third week now, Edge interrupted Vicki and their wedding planner. He complained that Tista blindsided him and took his belt. Vicki calmed Edge by saying Tista is off the show and out of their lives after Sunday and boosted his ego by reminding him he’s the man who got rid of the Undertaker. She assured him he’d get his title back and instructed him to focus on taking care of Matt Hardy tonight. Edge said this is why he needs her and the two looked longingly into each other’s eyes.
  • The announcers hyped Umaga’s draft to SD! and video aired featuring the Samoan Bulldozer that was supposed to leave us wondering “Can anything stop Umaga?” Umm plenty of people have stopped Umaga, most recently Jeff Hardy at One Night Stand. It was a nice video package but not very believable. He hasn’t exactly been booked as an unstoppable force in quite some time.
Match #2 Finlay & Hornswoggle vs. Curt Hawkins & Zach Ryder: Finlay gained the upperhand on Hawkins with punches, an atomic drop, shoulder block, and elbow drop. He took a shot at Ryder on the apron and speared him with Horny. Ryder pulled Finlay outside and Hawkins hit a low dropkick. After a brief tag to Ryder, Hawkins tagged back in and Finlay hit the Celtic Cross. Horny got the tag and hit the Tadpole Splash for the win. Post-match Horny and Finlay danced and Miz and Morrison looked on from the ramp.

A blah 2½-minute squash with the predictable ending but without the usual antics that makes the comedy duo look strong heading into their tag title match on Sunday.

Match #3 Matt Hardy vs. Edge (Champion vs. Champion)
: Early on, Edge backed Hardy into the corner to break the hammerlock but didn’t break clean with an elbow to Hardy’s face. Matt sidestepped the spear and landed a bulldog. Edge escaped the Twist of Fate and cooled his heels in the corner. Back from commercial break, Hardy delivered an armdrag, an enziguiri to Edge on his knees, and a clothesline sending Edge to the floor. Back in the ring, Edge halted Hardy’s momentum, dropping him face-first onto the turnbuckle, choking him on the ropes, and working him over on the apron. Hardy made it back at the count of six. Edge stomped away and applied a neck vise. Hardy fought back and scored a nearfall. Edge countered the Side Effect into a backslide for a nearfall of his own. Hardy hit the Side Effect for a nearfall then a DDT for another close call. Edge avoided Hardy’s moonsault. Hardy avoided the spear and went for the Twist of Fate again, but Edge escaped again and scored another nearfall. Hardy rolled up Edge for yet another nearfall. Edge pushed Hardy away but he pulled up before colliding with the ref. Edge capitalized on the distraction and speared Hardy for the win.

Match of the night IMHO and one of the best TV matches I’ve seen in a while that was given PPV-quality time (13 minutes). The commercial break at 2 minutes in somewhat killed the match’s momentum, but after the break they picked up the pace and really delivered with lots of back-forth action and nearfalls. The crowd was into the match. These two worked well together and it’s just a shame we didn’t see more of these two during their time on SD! Sometimes I find Matt sluggish and awkward-looking in the ring, but he really shined here and it was nice to see him dust off the moonsault. Hopefully he can continue to give us good performances on ECW.
  • The announcers hyped Jeff Hardy’s arrival next week and the familiar ‘Rooftops’ video aired.
Match #4 Kelly Kelly, Michelle McCool, & Cherry vs. Victoria, Natalya, & Maryse: Maryse started for her team but quickly tagged to Victoria. McCool brought her in the hard way, delivered an armdrag takedown and dropkick. Kelly sunset flipped in and snapped off a hurricanrana. Cherry got her turn next, delivering a bulldog to Victoria. McCool and Natalya tagged in and this is when the match got good. Natalya dropped McCool throat-first across the ropes and applied the awesome surfboard move. Somehow McCool escaped and went for the heel hook. Natalya eagerly tagged in Victoria who executed the standing moonsault. Maryse tagged back in and delivered one of the worst powerslams I’ve ever seen. Cherry got the hot tag and delivered a neckbreaker then a series of punches in the corner. Natalya pushed Cherry down, McCool dropkicked Natalya to the floor, and Kelly speared Victoria. While the others were fighting on the outside, Maryse rolled up Cherry for the win.

A decent 6-minute divas match, but I’d have preferred a tag team match. The highlight was the Natalya-McCool exchange. Vickie half-ass watched the match backstage. Still no announcement as to Natalya’s NOC opponent for the new Divas title. I guess they’re going to make us wait until the PPV (just like we still don’t know who Jericho’s opponent is).
  • The announcers hyped Mr. Kennedy’s SD! return next week but he didn’t get a video package.:headscratch:
Match #5 Domino vs. Vladimir Kozlov: Domino talked smack before the bell and got in a fair amount of offense with a side headlock, knees to the midsection, punches, and a flying reverse elbow. Domino put Kozlov on his back for a one count, but Kozlov’s strength proved too much. He did a nice belly-to-belly suplex and picked up the win following the battering ram to Domino in mid-air (the same fate Noble met last week).

Other than his new beard (someone’s been hanging out with Mike Knox lol), Domino looked good in this 3-minute squash. JR called Kozlov the Moscow Mastodon…that might just catch on. Finally I’m starting to get interested in this guy and can’t wait to see who his ‘tougher’ competition is next week.

Backstage: Horny walked up to Rey on his way to the SD! ring for the last time. He gave him his hat the two did the heel click thing. Horny waved goodbye to his SD! friend. Now that’s the way I like my Swoggle – silent, minimal screen time, and not screwing anyone over.:thumbsup:

Rey Mysterio’s SD! Farewell: Rey said he came to SD! six years ago with dreams and expectations. He ran down his accomplishments: Cruiserweight Champion, Tag Team Champion, and World Heavyweight Champion. For a second, he pondered if this is the end of his journey. Rey said SD! and its fans will always have a place in his heart and invited them to accompany him as he heads to Raw. He closed the promo in Spanish. Batista came out and embraced his friend.

A good Rey promo designed to tug at the heartstrings. JR said Rey is SD! My only complaint is that Tista coming out took away from Rey’s moment and it was stupid considering they’re both going to the same show.

Match #6 Batista vs. Umaga (Main Event): Prior to the bell, the Raw Rewind aired featuring Edge and Tista’s head-on collision that left Tista with stitches. After an exchange of punches, Tista went for the Batista Bomb, which Umaga countered with a backdrop. Umaga went to work with an uppercut, corner splash, an impressive series of headbutts, and the nerve hold. Umaga missed a corner splash and Tista began his comeback. He delivered corner clotheslines and a spinebuster, did the warrior rope shake, and gave the thumbs down signal. Edge, Hawkins, Ryder, and Chavo hit the ring to give Tista the DQ victory. Umaga superkicked Tista, delivered the running butt splash in the corner, then set him up for the top-rope splash while Edge directed the attack. HHH pulled Umaga to the floor then cleaned house in the ring. He and Tista delivered their finishers to the Edgeheads as Edge retreated up the ramp with his belt.

A solid 7-minute match to close the show and I enjoyed this more than their Mania match. The DQ finish made perfect sense and served several purposes: (1) Edge got his belt back like Vicki promised and (2) asserted himself as the show’s #1 heel and force to be reckoned with as he directed the beatdown, (3) HHH looked strong by disposing of La Familia and saving his friend, and (4) Umaga made a successful SD! debut, looking like a dominant monster for the first time in a long time. The only one who didn’t benefit much is Tista, getting owned by Umaga, but to his credit it took five men to put him down.

Overall Thoughts: I’ve been down on SD! for the last six weeks, but they put forth a really good show. Wrestling wise, Edge-Hardy more than made up for the squashes and divas match. The HHH-Edge segment and Rey’s promo made the night feel really special and important. And they did a good job building towards the championship matches at NOC. I can’t help thinking if SD! was this good tonight, it’s only going to get better when Jeff Hardy, Mr. Kennedy, and Shelton Benjamin arrive.
TheOneBigWill's 'take' on Monday Night Raw: June 30th, 2008:

Opening Segment: Jim Ross is welcomed to Monday Night Raw, as he makes his farewell address. He said that hes loved being on Raw and has had some very rememberable moments. Hes also said hes had some awful moments at the hands of Mr. McMahon, but hes not the type to throw salt on a wound. (yet he still mentioned it?) He claimed McMahon could be a Texas Longhorns fan.

Jim Ross thanks Jerry Lawler, and claims Lawler was a world class friend, co-worker, partner, and he was even like an older brother. Ross has the biggest "uncomfortable" moment on Raw, when he expresses his undying passion for the King in true Goldust fashion, minus the rubbing of the chest.

J.R. continues to run on and on about Oklahoma and how hes had some very memorable moments from there on Raw, and he hopes to do the same on Smackdown. The crowd boos J.R. like crazy for mentioning his draft to Smackdown. He addresses the fans in hoping they'll give Smackdown a chance, and Michael Cole as well. Of course that didn't go over well, as Cole was booed out of the building. As Ross continued to go on and on, he was shockingly interrupted by Edge.

Edge said the reason he was there, was because when he heard about Jim Ross giving a farewell speech, he just had to be there. He said J.R.'s arrogance never ceased to amaze him. Edge completely goes off on Jim Ross asking why he feels the people in Oklahoma give a crap about him. He yells Hook'em Horns, as well as telling Jim Ross to put that in his blog, and calls him a BBQ Boy. (The intensity is outrageous) Edge lightens up saying that it won't be completely bad however, as now J.R. can continue his Hall of Fame career.. but instead of cheering "Stone Cold" he can cheer "Edge wins!"

This prompts Edge to demand that Hawkins and Ryder remove him from the building. As they escort Ross out of the ring to the back, Edge explains that hes actually not just on Raw to see Jim Ross, but to also address a couple things for Raw.

Like the fact that they have no General Manager. Unlike Smackdown, who has the love of his life, Vickie Guerrero. Like how they don't have the Undertaker. Then quickly explains noone in the W.W.E. has Taker, cause Edge ended his career. He then says they also don't have a World Champion.. and that they needed to take a picture, because this was the last time they would see one on Raw. Edge leaves up the ramp.

As it seems all but over, and headed for commercial we suddenly get Batista's music erupting over the speakers. Edge turns around to see a very pissed off Animal staring him down. As Edge attempts running for his life, Batista catches him and pummels him within an inch of his very life. Beating Edge up in violent fashion, without any concern, care or well being for the World Champion. Batista did the only thing he knew how to do, and that was attack a defenseless man.. from behind.. who could've been injured from the night before. (Could've been)

Batista destroys Edge with several power/impact moves, ramming his back into the ring apron, then guardrail. Tossing him hard into the steel steps, then finally taking him into the ring where he proceeded to once again attack Edge from what looked to be from behind, as he ends the violent (no good reason) attack on Edge with a Batista Bomb, leaving him lifeless and completely destroyed in the middle of the ring.

The Matches:

1. World Heavyweight Championship Match: Edge (c.) v. C.M. Punk: Punk spent all weekend watching Edge videos to get a clue on exactly how to use his Money in the Bank case, and unfortunately for Edge fans the little Punk bastard didn't fail. Punk gave his best Edge impression as he cashed in his MITB case, lifted a lifeless Edge, connected with the G.T.S. and stole the World Heavyweight Championship! :disappointed:

2. Mickie James v. Jillian Hall: Overall a squash by Mickie James, with Jillian getting a couple moves in on the injured shoulder that Katie Lea Burchill worked over from the night prior. The match came to an end when Jillian caught Mickie's knees, then got caught again by the Mick-Kick.

3. Ted Dibiase & Cody Rhodes v. Darren Wayne & Steve Anthony: Once again, this match was more Cody Rhodes than Ted Dibiase. I'm curious why they're afraid to let him wrestle. Cody more or less showed some heel tactics, as he ended the match with a more violent looking D.D.T. (I'm gonna start calling it the Cody T) Ted Dibiase only got in a form of his Father's signature fist drop, before tagging Cody back in to pick up the victory.

After the match, a promo was cut in which Cody Rhodes said that he tried doing what his Father raised him to do, and that was be patient. But Cody said he was anything but patient, and he got tired of carrying Hardcore Holly so he had to drop him. Cody then uses the best one liner of the night in saying "When you're as talented as I am.. you take what you want." I lost it.

Dibiase got on the mic and more or less said that unlike the rest of their Generation, they're taking advantage of their position. Dibiase goes on to explain that Cody and He took matters into their own hands, because they were Priceless.

4. Intercontinental Championship: Kofi Kingston (c.) v. Chris Jericho (w/ Lance Cade): Once again, in almost similar fashion to last night the match was straight down the middle with talent. Neither man getting a clear cut advantage, with the exception of one guy hitting a coupe signature moves here, and then the other hitting some later.

The ending was downright stupid, as the official Disqualifies Chris Jericho for hooking the tights of Kofi Kingston. I think this would go down in history as the first time a Wrestler has ever been completely disqualified for hooking the tights, instead of just told to release them. I hardly see how it warranted a DQ, but obviously Jericho wasn't meant to win his Championship back.

After the match Jericho tried helping Kofi be more like Shawn Michaels, as Jericho went for Kofi's eye, trying to cut and rake at it.


Shane McMahon: Shane McMahon technically started the show with an opening segment in which he said that his Father was a great person, and in respecting his Father's wishes to keep their health issues private he would do just that. He said that he hoped and wanted everyone within the W.W.E. to continue doing what they do, and don't stop because of Mr. McMahon because Mr. McMahon wouldn't want that.

Rey Mysterio/Santino Marella: Mysterio (still very apparent he isn't happy about being on Raw) expresses his congrats to Punk (bastard) and explains that his whole career has been on Smackdown. He got heavily booed for that. Raw fans really don't like people mentioning rival brands. :lmao: Mysterio said its a good thing though and that hes excited. (I love how the most he could remotely stumble out of his mouth was that he was really excited to be drafted to Raw.. I can just feel the excitement, Rey)

Santino interrupts him and explains that he wants to welcome Mysterio to Raw. Santino then explains he doesn't understand the big deal, because anyone who hides behind a mask is either ugly, stupid.. or BATMAN! Santino cuts Rey off, telling him to shut'a his face up. He then brings up the new cover of W.W.E. Magazine with Rey on it.. and explains that Rey must of been thinking "Look at me, look at me, I'm taller than Horn'a'swoggle. I like cookies? Booyaka, Booyaka!

Santino then shows the photo the magazine didn't use, as he continues to explain to Rey that Raw is where true stars (such as himself) rise and become something. Santino said if Mysterio doesn't watch himself, it could end up very bad for him. After all is said and done, Santino said he'll allow Rey to say what he has to say. Mysterio decides to attack Santino, dropping him on the ropes and connects with a 619.

C.M. Punk/J.B.L.: Punk is in the back, experiencing what its like to be a winner for the first time this year, as he stumbled his way through an interview thanking random people.. including Batista. (conspiracy at its finest, I think) J.B.L. walks up, unimpressed and asks if Punk is joking about being Champion.

J.B.L. explains what the world was likely thinking, in which Punk is proud of being a paper Champion, and loving becoming a Champion in a way that is so unfitting on winning a Championship. J.B.L. says Punk can do one of two things. The first is, he could go to his hotel tonight and remember that he'll always be a paper Champion, an asterisk in the history book.. or he can defend the Championship against someone who wasn't already beaten down. Punk accepts.

John Cena/J.B.L.: Cena comes to the ring almost directly after this and explains how his match with Triple H. would be remembered as a great moment, a classic moment. He said he won't make any excuses and he lost, but regardless it'll go down in history. He then connects the dots and explains that it'll go into the history books just like Punk's title victory tonight.

He gives congrats to Punk for using his brain and winning the Championship in a smart manner. (yet when Edge defeated Cena in roughly the same way, although without as much cheating, it was considered "cheap." :rolleyes:) Cena then says J.B.L. took advantage of the situation, and he felt Punk would've accepted anyone's challenge.. so since Punk is the Champion, and there isn't a GM on Raw. He feels Punk should decide who he wants to defend the title against.

J.B.L. comes out, with his own group of security guards and explains that since there isn't a GM, and since McMahon is gone, J.B.L. is running things. He says that he can't afford to risk Cena ruining his chance to become Champion, so hes brought his own group of security to escort Cena out of the building. After a short scuffle, Cena is promptly escorted out of the building.

Katie Lea & Paul Burchill/Jamie Noble/Kane: Katie Lea is in the back telling her Brother Paul that she had the Championship won, and knows if she can get a rematch she'll definately win the title. Paul agrees and tells Katie to stay out of trouble while he goes to see about getting her that match. As Paul leaves, Noble comes up to Katie.

Noble tries smooth talking Katie like he did with the ladies on Smackdown, as he explains that since hes new to Raw the best way for him to get respect, is to go up to the biggest guy in the locker room and take it. Katie notices a Superstar in the distance and says heres his chance. Noble turns to see.. Kane. As Noble goes up to Kane, he decides to run his mouth a little too much as Kane grabs him by the throat. Noble kicks Kane in the knee, releasing the chokehold, as Noble takes off toward the ring.

Kane comes out to ringside, following Noble and leaves him broken on the announcer's table after a Chokeslam.

Edge/Edgeheads: They show a recap of Edge as hes leaving the arena, irate after losing. Edge beats one of the Edgeheads' head against the car, asking where they were, then he turns to the other and completely bitch slaps him demanding that they just get in the car and drive.

Main Event: World Heavyweight Championship: C.M. Punk (c.) v. John Bradshaw Layfield: Somewhat of a back and forth match with Punk getting the early advantage with his speed, until J.B.L. realizes hes an actual Heavyweight wrestler and puts a stop to that shit. J.B.L. capitalizes on the match with his power, as he looks to gear toward a victory.

Punk regained the advantage and hit most of his signature moves. John Cena and Cryme Tyme appeared at the top of the ramp, as all three men rushed toward ringside and collided with J.B.L.'s security. J.B.L. regained the advantage by knocking Punk down, but was quickly distracted by Cena and company. As J.B.L. turned around he was lifted and caught with the G.T.S., as C.M. Punk picks up his second victory of the night and retains the World Heavyweight Championship.

After the match, Punk dove up and over the top rope, coming down onto everyone, as Raw ended with chaos everywhere.

Overall Thoughts: You'll have to excuse whether or not the review was half assed in a lot of spots after the Punk/Championship victory. I was slightly busy breaking anything I could find, and swearing rather violently at the television for how unbelievably stupid the W.W.E. has become.

Ratings must be absolute shit for them to go this low, and attempt bringing them back up. I mean, seriously. It was just a single night ago I was horrified by Mark Henry becoming a Heavyweight Champion, and now hes suddenly the second best Champion they have in the company.

Furthermore, it just leaves me dumbfounded to ever wonder why on earth W.W.E. would allow C.M. Punk to win the World Heavyweight Championship, and be the top guy, on their flagship show. Clearly Smackdown is becoming their flagship because Punk will take Raw to a whole new low. I mean, we're talking W.C.W. 2000 type of low.

C.M. Punk won more matches on tonight's episode of Raw, than hes won all fricken year. The guy contributes nothing to the program, other than making jobbers look like they might actually stand a chance at becoming something some day. I'm going to be rather honest.. J.B.L. NOT winning to end Raw left me speechless even more than Punk winning in the first place.

I can understand needing to give him a Championship in return for winning that case, to make the MITB match continue to mean something for the future.. however to allow Punk to KEEP the Championship, when you have a golden opportunity to place it on someone who has proven himself and could lead your brand.. its just a stupid decision. C.M. Punk couldn't even carry E.C.W., how on earth is he going to carry Raw?!

In other news.. I'm hoping Katie Lea Burchill gets the Women's Championship at the Great American Bash. Melina should be fully healed and ready to come back by Summerslam, setting up Katie Lea v. Melina.

Ted Dibiase needs to have a single's match against Hardcore Holly, or an actual wrestler that he won't squash with one or two moves. I need to see him wrestle. If it continues to go too much longer, I'm gonna start assuming he can't. Cody's first night as a heel was pretty good as well. No Hardcore though, and I don't see this storyline carrying on forever.. so they really need to get Hardcore in there if they're gonna build it for all its worth.

Chris Jericho challenged Shawn Michaels to a match at the Great American Bash. I'm almost sure this will happen and Jericho will get a half-assed victory as H.B.K.'s eye won't fully be healed. That will allow the storyline to either continue to Summerslam, or even beyond to Unforgiven.

Kofi Kingston's first night as Intercontinental Champion, and he didn't look like anymore of a deserving Champion than C.M. Punk did to start the show. Kofi won via a fluke DQ call.

While I could see John Bradshaw Layfield and John Cena involved against C.M. Punk for the Champion.. okay, literally I have to stop. I can't see it, and its fucking ******ed as shit to even try. Punk will either face Edge in a rematch, or he'll lose the Championship before the Bash. Punk won't, or better fucking not be carrying that Championship into Summerslam. Punk needs to be thankful he isn't jobbing in dark matches, and he sure as hell sucked someone into utopia for even GIVING him that Championship. It makes me sick, and I'm finished.

On a professional level.. Raw was fast paced, full of shocking developments and deserves at least a 7-8 outta 10 rating. On a personal level, Raw was completely fricken awful and gets a NEGATIVE 10 from me. I'm done.
After reading two reviews on RAW, and given the fact that there was apparently only 30-odd Minutes Wrestling in the whole World Wrestling Entertainment RAW Show, I wont be watching the recorded or repeat versions of this show.

Its an utter disgrace that a fighting show, which is what Wrestling is supposed to portray, has come to Promo after Promo after Promo.

Id have to disagree with Will, although I havent seen the show, on a Professional level, the guys at WWE should be ashamed of themselves for allowing such a mediocre Wrestling show be aired.

If this is a trend they want to continue to follow (I believe that this has been done before, except the RAW in mention then had 40-odd Mins. Wrestling involved) then they are going to have to change their name.

The reviews seem to suggest that there was no point even setting up a ring for Monday's show. I bet the fans feel ripped off, too, having to watch the Titantron for the majority of the show.

And even then, whose to say these Promo's were cut live? They might have further conned the viewers by taping the Promo's and sending them out at the appropriate times.

Negative 10 is very fair, especially given this guy watches RAW every week, and reviews it, which I do enjoy reading.

On the competitive side of things, I wonder if a name trade could be applied, as WWE doesnt want Wrestling on their show, and TNA doesnt contain the word "Wrestling" in the title.

In my own opinion, it seems that Monday Night RAW this week could have been named "Total Non-Stop Action RAW - LIVE!" with the only "Action" being the director shouting "Action" for the Promo's.

Of course, this 22 year Old Wrestling Fan knows nothing, so let the WWE Marks come in and tell us how this was "the Greatest RAW ever" and that "the Wrestling World will never be the same again."

If just one Wrestling Fan believes this to be an acceptable Wrestling Production, then they deserve to burn in hell.

Today, I am actually ashamed to call myself a Wrestling Fan. Thank you very much, WWE.
Amy's ‘take’ on Raw 06/30/08:

Seriously, they followed up Night of Champions with a night of long, boring, waste of time promos!?! JR gave almost the same speech on Friday night Smackdown. Towards the end, he just kept repeating himself; it was annoying. I know they were in his hometown and he’s arguably the best announcer in the biz today, but JR’s had more promo time in the span of three days than some guys have had or will get all year long.:disappointed:

Edge’s appearance and promo truly saved this pitiful excuse for a show. Not only did he shut JR up and get him off my TV, the “Instead of Stone Cold! Edge wins!” line was hilarious, classic stuff right there. Too bad his Raw appearance was all just one big setup and letdown.

Unlike Friday night, Rey's Raw promo came across flat and halfhearted. Thank you Santino, Mysterio was starting to put me to sleep. And in his Raw debut, Jamie Noble delivered more of the same comedy we’ve come to know on Smackdown. Other than the Larry the Cable Guy tapes line, his appearance wasn’t anything special though.

Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase’s promo lasted longer than their match. Maybe that's because WWE (a) truly could care less about the tag team division, (b) are trying to make us care about Rhodes when we all stopped about two months back (c) are hiding some in-ring inadequacies on DiBiase’s part, or (d) all the above. You decide.

With John Cena’s ringing endorsement in his promo, how can we all possibly NOT welcome and accept Punk as a legitimate champion?:lmao: Following his long, boring NOC promo, JBL spared us and kept it short. Throwing Cena, Raw’s top babyface, out of the arena is the most exciting thing he’s done in months.:thumbsup: How much longer is his lackluster, off-and-on feud with Cena going to last? I stopped caring about two months ago. So JBL is the first to get a world title shot. Someone please tell me exactly what has he done to merit another shot?
Clearly they’re pushing him as Raw’s top that I say, get well soon Randy!

delivered yet another promo where he put down the fans and their hero HBK. While I loved the 'Y2Jaded' moniker, does it seem like he's trying a little too hard? His heel turn just seems forced. He had an uneventful sham of an IC title run and so far Kofi’s reign isn’t getting off to the strongest start. Again, he was just a pawn in the Jericho-HBK ongoing saga. As for the match itself, they cheated us as it was already in progress when they returned from commercial break.:wtf: Jericho being DQ’d for pulling the tights is a first. Talk about your stupid finishes, especially in a championship rematch and considering Kofi did the same thing a moment earlier.

Of course, the shocker of the night was CM Punk, in his first night as a member of the Raw roster, cashing in the MITB briefcase, becoming the WHC, and giving Raw a world title again. I was wondering how they were going to get out of having both champions retain at NOC. Did they replay his win enough times or what? I think it would have made for a bigger impact to end, not open, the show with Punk cashing in. I absolutely loved the look on Tista’s face as he passed Punk on the ramp. Will this will be the beginning of his heel turn?

So with all the promos, there was little time left for any actual wrestling. In two hours, there were five matches with three of them being around the 2-minute mark or less. I’ve seen more and better quality wrestling in one hour on ECW. Last night’s Raw stands for ‘Rarely Any Wrestling’.
June 30, 2008

Ooooh! New entrance video. It was nice.

That opening segment was AMAZING. I don’t think I’ve watched one of those completely in a really long time. Usually I’ll be on my computer doing something while the opening segments occur. But tonight I was really wanting to see J.R.’s Farewell Address so I tuned in. I noticed something toward the end of his speech – he began to repeat himself. I was thinking “did he forget how he was going to end this speech or something?” Then Edge’s music hits! WOW. I did not see that one coming (By the way, that’s why he was repeating himself. He was waiting for them to play Edge’s music). And Edge was making his speech… and I was thinking “is he going to be a recurring person on RAW to try to keep the ratings up?” And it was evident why he was there… for CM PUNK! w00t! After a severe beating by Batista, Edge was lying motionless in the ring… and the CM Punk’s music hits and he comes out… I’m sure most people were thinking “Okay… why Punk?” And then when they saw Mike Chioda and the briefcase with him, the crowd erupted! Although it took a little while for the match to officially start, it was still amazing. Punk getting really eager was awesome. Then he hits the GTS and there is a new World Heavyweight Champion. Awesome. Anyone else notice that when Chioda held up Punk’s hand neither one seemed to want to let go of the belt…?

Back from commercial and we see a replay of the new World Heavyweight Champion.

Mickie James came out next looking good like always. Then Jillian comes out and everyone is like, “really? … really?” But it was totally worth it to know that she remembers the words to her entrance theme (I mean, I know she sang it but I probably would have forgotten the lyrics) and she sang the whole thing! Totally one of my favorite moments of the night. The match itself was short and kind of what you expected. High points though were Mickie James doing the hurricanrana to the outside of the ring after kicking Jillian with a modified baseball slide-like move and Jillian proving that she’s more than just a random jobber. I’m glad she didn’t get drafted back to Smackdown because I want her in the title picture eventually.

Rey Mysterio is out… anyone else get annoyed when Lillian talks with a Spanish accent? Rey Mysterio is happy to be on RAW! You know why? Because he doesn’t have to face Chavo anymore! Hooray! He talks about stuff and then Santino Marella comes out. “You are not the Batman! No, no, no, no – shut up, your face!” Hands down best line of the night. Rey Machio? Is that what he said? Awesome new feud in the making. And Mysterio will be making his return mid-July, so I wouldn’t be surprised to see a Great American Bash match with those two on July 20.

And we’re back with new World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk. He’s happy… and excited, something you’d expect from him. Uh-oh! JBL is back there too and he still looks fat… man I miss the APA… JBL tells CM Punk the usual heel stuff – you don’t deserve the title… I’m better than you… I’m fatter than you… and I’m from Texas… vote for McCain! CM Punk – screw you Fat Tits, I’m voting for Obama! I have no clue if JBL’s even a Republican… Oh by the way CM Punk is having a REAL match tonight against JBL.

We’re back from yet ANOTHER commercial break and we have a match! Oh just kidding… it’s Cena. I still think he should have won last night, but that’s because I really don’t like Triple H. Cena talks about how he lost… but he thinks that it means he and Triple H are the best in the business… Edge, you don’t matter! Hey Cena’s all ********* because JBL wants to have a championship match tonight. Cena asks the fans – because they’re the ones that make the matches … right? Nah, the only power the fans have is to decide which Diva is the hottest looking in a bikini… Cena says that’s CM Punk’s choice ultimately… but that the fans should help… dude Cena stop being a bitch… go have a different match. Man I do not want to see John Cena vs. CM Punk and the Great American Bash. JBL hits the ring? Hmm June was a bad month at the Stock Markets; I guess JBL lost his limo… Did JBL just indirectly say he was the new GM? Marshall Law = GM? Nice… I think that could work for JBL. Oh wait maybe he traded in his limo for those security people… see I’d call that a lateral move. Cena’s jumped… and JBL beats him up. Is JBL really taking the spot as top heel on RAW? God Batista needs to turn heel NOW.

New World Tag Team Champions out… with TERRIBLE entrance music… Cody still acts the same… except he has a cocky grin now… damn, that’s character. Darren Wade and Some other Local Jobber Guy get the honor of being the second team to be crushed by these two. You know, I get they want to build these two up as a heel tag team, but uh… shouldn’t you have them beat people we know? You don’t know who Darren Wade is… and if you do… you have no life… but either way you should have seen the ending coming before the bell rang…. That match ended way to quickly for my ears – that crappy music came back on. Cody has a microphone now. He’s good at speaking … it’s just kind of unfortunate that he has a lisp… it’s hard NOT to laugh. Holly’s a baby boomer – and uh, Cody unfortunately spoke the truth: Hardcore Holly’s career was surviving off of Cody Rhodes. Does Cody Rhodes dye his hair? I just realized his eyebrows were blonde. I know Dusty Rhodes is blonde but I just figured his mother had black hair. DiBiase does the normal heel thing… and OH MY GOD that music is back on. Thank God we went to commercial.

So far it’s been two matches, three if count the CM Punk vs. Edge a match… at least these segments are pretty entertaining… well the opening segment was…

Cole and King thank us for ordering Night of Champions… yeah…

It’s the latest edition of: The Burchills! Katie’s accent bugs me… too bad it’s not fake. But she’s a good wrestler so I like her overall. Did Paul tell her to stay right where she was? She’s in the middle of a hallway, that line would have made much more sense if they were in a dressing room. But that wouldn’t make room for Jamie Noble to hit on her. God I hate him… stay as the backstage producer dude, no one wants to see him on TV… Katie made some funny faces. And then Kane shows up… he’s pissed because he jobbed to a jobber. “Knock, knock. Who’s there? Kane. Kane who? Kane you please go away Noble? No one likes you.” Jamie Noble runs to THE RING to get away from Kane… why do they do that? Don’t people understand that the ring is like a one-way only street? Kane beats up Noble and we go to commercial. Please don’t let Kane be drafted to RAW just to lose his championship to Mark Henry and be put in a really bad feud with Jamie Noble… please God, please.

And now Y2J is out in the ring. Hell, I’d be pissed too if I lost the championship to someone who people in the audience last night said, “who’s that?” Sadly, from what I’ve read about HBK and Triple H backstage, I agree with what Jericho says. I am a diehard Jericho fan so I don’t view him as a heel… even though Lance Cade is there… and still has his fruity cape/robe. Y2J vs. HBK at the Great American Bash? Who didn’t see that one coming? He wants his title back. Dude, Y2J is still amazing on the mic.

And I really like Kofi Kingston’s music. Haha. It’s good that I find him incredibly entertaining too. The match has already started when we get back. It’s normal Kofi and normal Y2J stuff… There was an awesome spot when Kofi was going to get suplexed and like… spun around Jericho into a sunset flip. That was really cool. Short match but it was fun and gave more credit to Kofi as to why he can stay on RAW. Then Jericho gets pissed as you’d expect… and goes for the eyes of Kingston… wow…

Still to come: CM Punk vs. JBL

Once we’re back King does his best to indirectly inform us that the Vince McMahon angle will continue. We get a recap of the night right before the main event. By the way, did you guys all remember CM Punk was the champion?

Edge blames the Edge-Heads for his loss. I think he slapped one… and that one looked like he was going to cry… awesome. Oh, and La Familia can only own a white sedan… I figured they went around in a limo or something…

But you know who does come out in a limo? JBL! Apparently he did not lose his limo… Really? Did we really just go to ANOTHER friggin’ commercial break? I swear to God if that wasn’t the last one…. And then the match follows eventually, and unless it just became so seamless that I didn’t realize it, I don’t think there was another commercial break. But eventually JBL’s personal security guards come out and stand around the ring. I was thinking to myself, “really? Punk wins the championship and JBL gets it ninety minutes later?” Besides the fact that the World Heavyweight Championship is already devalued from last summer and having it change hands so often… But Punk wins after Cena and Cryme Tyme come out and beat up on the security guards… hmm… don’t know what they’re doing now. Maybe a “Chain Gang” stable with Cena and Cryme Tyme… I bet it was only a one time thing but I wouldn’t mind seeing those three team up in the future. And that concludes RAW, CM Punk wins again. It’s not bad to see RAW shifting gears and whatnot… but to me it kind of seems like a post-war period when the losing side has to adjust into their new settings… hopefully that made sense. And if you guys liked this review, maybe I’ll do another next week.
Amy’s ‘take’ on Smackdown 07/04/08 edition:

V.I.P. Lounge: MVP introduced his guest as a man of many names: a 12-time champion, the Cerebral Assassin, the King of Kings, and The Game. HHH made his ring entrance and took a seat. MVP congratulated him on his successful title defense at NOC and putting to rest his WM22 loss to Cena. MVP welcomed him to SD! for the first time in six years and noted that there are a lot of new faces and new management and the VIP Lounge is the highest-rated show on SD!

HHH said he’s a big MVP fan. He digs his custom suits, Italian shoes, bling, and power ranger ring outfit. MVP took offense and defended his ring attire as world class athletic apparel made of cutting-edge technology. HHH cracked it was a kind of performance enhancer and might cost him 30 days.:lmao: MVP pointed out that he makes way more money than HHH who said he’d rather be a 12-time champion than the biggest waste of money in SD! history.

MVP took offense again, but HHH said he didn’t come to argue and brought some special footage. They dickered over who’d give the order to roll the video. Finally MVP gave the call and the Raw video recap played. HHH and MVP exchanged Punk jokes at Edge’s expense. Vicki had heard enough and interrupted their good time to remind them she is the GM. HHH congratulated her on her upcoming wedding and said Edge is a genius as no one else has thought to marry the boss to get ahead in the business.:rolleyes: He said she and Edge should just elope to Vegas and he knew the perfect place that is cheap, has drive-thru service, and the best part you don’t even have to be conscious.

Vicki warned Edge would be arriving any minute. She said he’s accomplished things HHH never will like successfully defending the championship against Batista at every turn and banishing the Undertaker. HHH said looking at her he realizes there are a lot of things he’d never do that Edge would. Vicki took offense. HHH explained that compared to the other girls Edge’s dated she is a BIG step up. HHH and MVP snickered and Vicki advised them to change their tune. She informed HHH he’ll be defending the WWE Championship against Edge in two weeks at the Great American Bash.

Solid but long opening segment. HHH was his usual smug self but he was pretty funny. Vicki didn’t falter on the mic and continues to draw heat. It felt like MVP was just there, and his character’s ping-pong continues. He started strong as the heel, the face HHH got the better of him with his cracks, and he ended as HHH’s new buddy while cracking on the heel Edge. So he’s a tweener again now? I guess it can’t hurt being in the ring with HHH and at least gives him something to do.

Match #1 Michelle McCool vs. Victoria vs. Cherry vs. Maryse vs. Kelly Kelly: Golden Dreams Match Part II. At the start, Victoria tossed McCool to the floor. Kelly landed a nice dropkick on Victoria then went for the star. Victoria stopped her and was superplexed by Cherry. McCool made it back to the ring, but Maryse blocked her attempt at the star. Cherry and Kelly dropped Maryse with a double electric chair. McCool made it back again in time to stop Victoria. Cherry sent McCool to the floor again. Cherry and Kelly took turns going for the star. Victoria cleaned house, hitting a springboard legdrop on Cherry, knocking McCool to the floor once more, and tossing Kelly out. McCool got back and stopped Victoria again. The two exchanged blows on the top rope then Kelly pushed them to floor and they hit the apron hard on the way down. Maryse stopped Kelly, but McCool came back one last time. She disposed of Maryse and grabbed the star. McCool and Natalya exchanged glances at each other and the new Divas belt.

Decent 3½-minute match but not as fast-paced and exciting as the first Golden Dreams match. Victoria shined and Cherry wasn’t half-bad. Maryse and Kelly still leave a lot to be desired. McCool spent more time on the floor and apron than in the ring but prevailed in the end. Natalya was refreshing on commentary. She said she dyed her hair red in tribute to her father and to bring out her natural aggression. The new Divas title was on display at the announce table. It’s black, purple, pink, and silver with wings and is downright ugly, trashy looking.

Backstage: With her wedding planner in the background, Vicki blamed Hawkins and Ryder for what happened Monday. She was so disgusted with them she put them in a match against Jesse and Festus.

Edge was shown arriving backstage. He walked past crew members who turned their heads and presumably were talking about him behind his back.

So Hawkins and Ryder are scapegoats now. I wouldn’t be surprised if they turn face and drop Edge before GAB. Aligning with him hasn’t really boosted their careers as expected.
  • A video package on Kozlov, the Moscow Mauler, aired.
Match #2 Curt Hawkins & Zach Ryder vs. Jesse & Festus: Festus looked ridiculous dressed as Uncle Sam for the July 4th episode. At the start, Festus dominated Ryder but quickly tagged in Jesse. Ryder dropkicked him to floor then he and Hawkins took turns working over Jesse. Festus got the hot tag and made quick work of the Edgeheads. He hit the flapjack on Ryder and scored the pin. Post-match Edge came to the ring. Hawkins and Ryder attacked Jesse and made him watch as Edge pummeled, whipped, and delivered a chair shot to the catatonic Festus.

Your typical 3-minute Jesse and Festus match. I’d have preferred Hawkins and Ryder get the win here to show they can do something right, can take care of themselves, don’t need Edge, and are worthwhile to the fledgling tag division. And Jesse and Festus are over enough without adding another boring win. Edge came out with a crazed look and took his frustration out on Festus. What did Festus ever do to Edge? Talk about your cowardly attacks.

Backstage: Edge said he couldn’t calm down. Vicki pointed out she gave him a title match at the GAB. He said that doesn’t help him right now. Vicki said she didn’t give her permission for him to go to Raw. Edge flipped, saying he’s been in this business 16 years and doesn’t need anyone’s permission. Vicki stood and screamed at him to remember she’s still his boss. She said he has no one to blame for losing the title but himself. (I guess Hawkins and Ryder are off the hook then.) Edge looked like he wanted to spear her but walked away.

Strong segment. The power couple embroiled in their very own power struggle. Office romances never work out. Vicki takes round one.

Match #3 Jeff Hardy vs. John Morrison: At the start, Morrison took it to Hardy with a knee, forearm, and uppercut. Hardy took Morrison off his feet with a shoulder block. Morrison regrouped quickly and took Hardy down with a single leg, applied an armbar, a hammerlock, and overhand wristlock, which Hardy flipped out of. He tossed Morrison to the floor and landed a high crossbody. Back in the ring, Hardy delivered ten punches to Morrison in the corner. Morrison countered Hardy’s double leg drop and scored a nearfall. Morrison nailed Hardy with the running knee to the face for another nearfall then wore Hardy down with a series of stomps, kicks to the back, and a mean uppercut. Hardy moved and Morrison missed his springboard spin kick. Hardy went for his corner low dropkick but Morrison moved and dumped Hardy to the floor.

Back from commercial, Morrison had Hardy grounded with an armbar. Hardy fought back but missed the Whisper in the Wind. Morrison continued working on Hardy’s left arm and scored another nearfall. Again Hardy fought back but Morrison delivered a thumb to the eye and went to the top rope. Hardy caught Morrison in mid-air and powerbombed him. Hardy hit several offensive moves (clotheslines, Russian leg sweep, double leg drop, Whisper in the Wind) for a couple nearfalls. Morrison hit a sweet Pele kick to Hardy on the top rope. Hardy countered the Moonlight Drive into a facebuster and hit the Swanton Bomb for the win.

Although the commercial break at three minutes in somewhat killed the match’s momentum, this was the match of the night IMHO. It was given PPV time (13 minutes), the crowd was into it, and these two work well together. Interestingly neither JR or Foley mentioned their history. Despite the loss, Morrison looked strong and he shouldn’t be stuck in the tag division no one cares about.
  • Video aired and the announcers hyped Maria’s arrival next week.
Match #4 Umaga vs. Funaki: And with Funaki’s introduction we got our first squash of the night. All Umaga in this 2-minute squash. I hope his renewed push as an unstoppable monster is just beginning.

Backstage: Edge griped to Hawkins and Ryder about not needing Vicki’s permission to attend Raw. A woman interrupted and said Vicki wanted to see him. Edge went to Vicki’s office and said “you summoned me”. He pointed out she wouldn’t have an office and the GM position if it weren’t for him, that she was Teddy Long’s lapdog before he returned. He called himself the real SD! GM. Vicki said it was all about him, that he didn’t realize how she’s sacrificed her body for him and is confined to a wheelchair. She started muttering in Spanish. Edge told her to shut up. Vicki stood and screamed at him to get out in English. Edge stormed out, paused, and came back looking like he wanted to apologize. He yelled at Vicki to unlock the door, kicked it, and stormed off.

An intense, emotional segment. Edge and Vicki (despite her usual bad acting) were very believable. They said the kind of hurtful things that can’t be taken back. Round two is a draw. Their wedding planner is so out of a job now. Vicki standing up to Edge sets the stage for her face turn.

Match #5 US Championship Fatal Fourway: Mr. Kennedy vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Chavo Guerrero (w/Bam Neely) vs. Matt Hardy: Chavo and Hardy exchanged punches then Hardy suplexed Chavo. Kennedy slammed Benjamin. Hardy and Kennedy went at it. Kennedy landed a nice spinning kick to Hardy’s head then the running corner boot to Chavo’s face. Benjamin delivered a nice roundhouse kick to Kennedy then a backbreaker on Hardy. Chavo and Benjamin went at it. Chavo took Benjamin down with a flying head scissors. Benjamin gorilla press dropped Chavo. The two took turns covering each other. Hardy went for a sunset flip on Benjamin. Kennedy rolled Hardy up. Hardy hit the Side Effect on Chavo while Kennedy hit the Green Bay Plunge on Benjamin. Hardy and Kennedy collided with stereo clotheslines.

Back from commercial, Hardy was on the floor and Kennedy controlled the in-ring action. Hardy made it to the top rope. Kennedy superplexed Hardy while Benjamin powerbombed Kennedy. Chavo covered Hardy then Kennedy. Benjamin hit the T-bone suplex on Chavo but Bam put Chavo’s foot on the rope. Benjamin went after Neely on the outside. Chavo hit the three amigos on Hardy. He went to the top rope and pushed Kennedy off then landed the frog splash on Hardy. Kennedy broke up the cover. Chavo tossed Kennedy out. Hardy landed the Twist of Fate on Chavo. Benjamin interrupted the cover with a legdrop on Chavo. Hardy tossed Benjamin out and covered Chavo. Kennedy broke it up but Hardy tossed him to the floor onto Neely. Hardy hit the Twist of Fate on Benjamin who fell on the prone Chavo and pinned Chavo to retain the US title.

A fast-paced, better than I anticipated, 10-minute match worthy of being the night’s main-event and I found it more enjoyable than Hardy and Chavo’s NOC US title match. All four men looked like equals. Each man got in some offense, had a turn controlling the match, and scored nearfalls. I guess Mr. Kennedy’s trademark ring introduction before the match was consolation for the fact that like McCool earlier Kennedy seemingly spent more time on the floor and apron than in the ring. I can’t help feel they missed their chance to get the US title back on SD!:disappointed: and it could have been accomplished without Hardy having to be pinned.
  • Again video aired of Punk cashing in on Edge and winning the WHC.
Edge Promo: Sans music and pyro, Edge came to the ring to make his first and only public statement regarding what happened on Raw. He said he was the victim of two cowardly attacks, the first by Batista and the second by Punk which cost him HIS world title. His only solace is that he won’t be without gold long as he will beat HHH at the GAB and become a 3-time WWE Champion. Edge said he was having the worst week of his life both professionally and personally. He said since he arrived tonight he’s felt nothing but disrespect and lost all his support. He said he gave everything to Hawkins and Ryder, cultivated them nothing, and nothing is exactly what they’ve done for him. Edge said he’s an island and stands alone but will struggle and battle through this. He said the love of his life has completely shut him out, but he's got some dirty little secrets on her to share.

Vicki walked onto the ramp and screamed at him for publicly discussing their private life. She asked if he’d completely lost his mind since losing the championship. She said she didn’t understand what he was doing. Edge joined her on the ramp and said he had one last public announcement. Vicki looked vulnerable and grabbed his arm pleadingly as he screamed at her “the wedding is off.” Edge walked away and Vicki lost it, screaming “no” over an over, threw her ring, dropped to her knees, and pounded on the stage like a child having a tantrum because she didn’t get her way.

Wow, another really intense segment and dramatic way to end the show!;) Round three is a knockout by Edge.

Overall Thoughts: Another really good show this week. HHH got his time in at the start and wasn’t seen or heard again. Wrestling wise, Morrison-Hardy and the Fatal Fourway more than made up for the other three short matches. Interestingly, both Edge and Vicki didn’t once mention Chavo all night. I’m curious who he’ll side with. While I think the Edge-Vicki split is a hasty decision as we could’ve gotten a few more good weeks out of their relationship and La Familia, I’m genuinely excited to see what happens next.
Well herewe go again with another edition of Monday Night Raw in the books. This Raw was by far the best I've seen in a real long time. Apparently from what I hear they've been pretty good in recent weeks, but I haven't been able to watch. So how I score my review is on a 5 point basis. 5 being best, 0 being worst... I do not rate every promo and segment, just the ones I feel were major.

Opening segment: The opening segment started out with a surprise apperence by Vickie. Now as far as I could always tell, she gets more heat from her annoying voice than anything else. Anyway she calls out Punk who heads down to the ring. They bicker for a while till JBL comes out and tells Punk he wants a "fair" shot at the title. Enter John Cena. He decides for there to be a number 1 contenders match for the title between himself and JBL. JBL is okay with that. Enter Batista. The match turns into a triple threat much to JBL's displeasure..... Enter Kane...... He demands into the match and there we have it a fatal four way main event. Pretty good segment to set up the main event. Rating gets a 4 out of 5. Only issue I had was that it ran a tick too long for me.

Match 1 Rey Mysterio vs Santino: Welcome to Raw Rey. It was nice to see Rey back in action, but it was so weird to see him on Raw. I'm happy they didn't throw him right into the ME scene, as it appears that he'll play in the mid cards probably till he's absolutley sure he's 100%. The match was really not too long, but pretty good otherwise. Glad to see Rey back for his first match on Raw I give a solid 3 out of 5.

Match 2 Layla and Jillian Hall vs Kelly Kelly and Mickie James: Kinda surprised to see Kelly on Raw, I never really watched her on ECW/Smackdown so I don't know much about her... Same goes for Layla. Unless I missed it I don't think I saw Layla in the match at all. This match showed that Kelly can wrestle apparently as Cole would not stop talking about how much she's improved. Also like to see Jillian go for the handspring elbow... Shame it got countered... Overall good high paced Women's match which we need to see more of... Did miss Beth though...... Rating 3 out of 5.

Segment 2 JBL, Cena, Cryme Tyme: Probably the funniest segment I've seen since DX. Now I don't know what's going on with Cena, but latley he has started to grow on me as far as his comedy goes. Still can't stand him in ring that much, but I gotta give him credit on the mic. Watching that segment had me thinking I was watching DX, cause that was literally something that they would do. Cena's "we're trying to help you" attitude was really just priceless. Also really built for what looks to be a lenghty feud between Cena and JBL. Segment gets the first 5 out of 5 of the night.

Match 3 CM Punk vs Snitsky: Gah why this match... Defiinatly the downer of the night for me. I had no interest in this match and I figured Punk would win... No surprise... Dunno what was up with the falling camera during the promo earlier in the night, but it seems like a lot of things are falling latley. See I'm leaving the topic of the match cause I just don't care about it that much. I give it a 1 out of 5

Segment 3 HBK, Y2J: Intense segment here with HBK accepting Y2J's challenge for the GAB. Lots of back and fourth talking that got pretty intense. Y2J as a heel can sound so stadistic at times, and tonight was one of them. I give the segment a 5 out of 5. Really just an overall great, serious segment. At this point Y2J/HBK is probably one of if not the best feud in the WWE.

Match 4 Kofi Kingston vs Charlie Haas: Actually a pretty good match. Haas and Kofi each had they're own high spots during the match, and I was actually impressed by both guys. I figured this match would let us know who Kofi would be feuding with next. When I saw Haas I kinda laughed cause he just got through with Shelton. The Kofi/Burchill fued looks promising. Let's see if it amounts to anything. The match gets a 4 out of 5. I'm gettin pretty impressed with Kofi latley.

Prior to the main event a "fan?" mocked Batista's entrance during a shot of him warming up. Just felt like throwin that in there lol

Main Event JBL vs Cena vs Batista vs Kane: This match served so many purposes it was amazing. With what WWE obviously had in sore the whole time was to branch everyone into separate stories. JBL took Cena out of the match with steel steps as probable revenge for the limo earlier. JBL got knocked out of the match by Kane. So it looks as if the Cena and JBL feud will continue as I mentioned before. Batista pinned Kane so he faces Punk. Kane goes crazy once again and looks to have turned heel (YAY). He kept asking Cole if he's dead or alive. I'm thinking he 's talking about the Undertaker. Given Kane's history I would not doubt that at all. Since Cole came from Smackdown it wouldn't shock me as to Kane asking what's happened to his brother while he was on ECW. The match itself had a lot of high powered moves, everyone got at least one finisher in and overall looked good. The match gets a 5 out of 5

Overall Raw rating for me...... 3.75 out of 5. Damn solid show really If it had not been for that damned Punk/Snitsky thing the show would have been nearly flawless.
Okay, 6pm PST - I taped Raw - 2 hours. For some reason, on "The Score" in Canada, there was a 15 minute countdown. I wanted to tape American Gladiators at 8pm-9pm as I"m a fan of that show. I taped the replay of Raw - last 10 minutes as I knew there'd be an overrun during the live show.

Raw recaps: packages of Edge, lots of other stuff. FYI, I fast forwarded the ENTIRE show in 15 minutes because it was so long, tedious, boring, lame, cheesy, nothing interesting and full of boredom. Usually, I'd play the show if there was something I haven't seen before and see what happened. If there is interesting dramatic dialogue, I'll stay. If there isn't, I'll fast forward or change the channel. Keep in mind I haven't watched Raw in probably 2 years. and 2 years ago, I fast forwarded the show. I think the last full show I saw "most of" on tape was their first 3 hour show when Austin stunned all the McMahons - i think 2005.

Vickie Guerrero is in a wheelchair whining. I fast forwarded the dialogue. CM Punk comes out as champion to pretty much no reaction, gets on the mic, says something boring. So I fast forward it. I think all the other imbeciles come out too: meaning Cena, JBL, Batista. They talk about wrestling and their matches and after fast forwarding 20 minutes of boring footage, NO scuffles, no brawling, absolutely nothing.

Kelly Kelly comes out to no reaction in a women's match that has Mickie James. I dont even know who won because I fast forwarded it nor do I care.

They advertise a fatal-four way match with Cena (who is boring), Kane (who is lame), JBL (who is old, lame, cartoony, boring) and Batista (who can't cut a promo, looks like a dork, and is not interesting).

Kolt kingstin or Kohi (someone corrected me after i saw a clip of experience and got his name wrong) beat some jobber.

I fast forwarded more and found that Kane was facing some jobber.. AFter playing I found out that the jobber was CM Punk.. Fast forwarding I see that CM won after a move. Not sure if there was any interference or not but CM Punk won th ematch as he had the belt still

Rey Mysterio was facing this Santino guy. During the 15 minute countdown, they showed a clip. I have read a few posts on Santino being funny.. he was talking to Rey Mysterio. I stayed for a few minutes, got bored and fast forwarded the entire clip, and it ended up with them brawling. They wrestled. I dont know who won nor do I care.

JBL came out in his limo. Cena came out, grabbed the mic, saying the limo can't pass clearance or something. Boring. SO i fast forwarded it and some big black guy came out and the limo ended up having spray paint on it. I think there was some scuffling.

Shawn Michaels comes out, talks a bit. Jericho comes out. This "might" be exciting. Jericho talks about a match or something... or HBK being washed up (i didn't catch it). I fast forwarded it and they just stared each other down. No entertainment value, dramatic value for me.

Main event, cut off due to Gladiators. I decided to go on the net and vent what I just saw before spending 45 minutes getting pumped up from the well directed gladiators show (same director as Fear Factor, lol)

I'm probably not going to watch Raw ever again. It hasn't changed. It hasn't gotten drastically different or better and by reading the ratings, they have lost millions more since the last time I tuned in.

Pure piece of crap. TNA is a better written show (often) especially the times when Ru$so is writing
TheOneBigWill's 'take' on Monday Night Raw: July 7th, 2008:

Opening Segment: Raw opens with Stephanie McMahon issuing a statement about her Father. She said that last week, her brother Shane, explained that he'd hope everyone could work together in this time and pull through as a civil group. As a result, total chaos and martial law broke out as everyone fought with everyone else. She asks that everyone try again, and work together.

The video feed is cut, as the arena is pitch black. Suddenly an all too familiar voice is in the ring, asking to be excused. Its Vickie Guerrero!!! The lights come up, as Vickie says with all due respect to Stephanie McMahon, her name is Vickie Guerrero and she is the Smackdown General Manager. She said shes there tonight, because she is protesting that C.M. Punk release hold of the World Heavyweight Championship that he stole from Edge. She refuses to leave until he does so, and also gives her an apology. With that, Punk comes out.

Punk taunts Vickie by placing the Championship directly in front of her face. Vickie is outraged that Punk would have the nerve to celebrate such a tainted victory. She said he took advantage of a brutally beaten and broken man, in Edge, last week. She said Edge's life is so torn up because of this and its also caused him to call off their wedding.

Punk cuts Vickie off and explains that whether she realizes it or not he won the Money in the Bank match and didn't do anything to Edge, that Edge hadn't done to others. And Punk feels what goes around, comes around. He then mocks the relationship situation by explaining that there are other "fish in the sea." He uses Khali as an example. Vickie slowly (and apparently painfully) stands up from her wheelchair, only to haul off and slap the shit outta Punk. Punk tells her she just bought a one way ticket back to Smackdown, then wheels her off to the side.

This is cut-off by J.B.L. coming to the ring. Bradshaw explains that Punk just bought himself a one way ticket to a short title reign, and explains that had it not been for outside interference J.B.L. would be the new World Heavyweight Champion now. J.B.L. said he'll leave tonight as Champion, because McMahon would agree and make the match. Punk cuts him off and explains that McMahon isn't here, and J.B.L. had his chance and lost. Bradshaw starts in again, only to get cut off by John Cena.

Cena starts off by mocking J.B.L. in classic Cena-childlike fashion, by using middle school humor. He then says that since noone is technically in charge, he is issuing a challenge. J.B.L. against Cena, with the winner facing Punk at the Great American Bash. This gets interrupted by Batista.

Batista said the way he sees it, Punk wouldn't of had the opportunity to win the World Heavyweight Championship, had it not been for him taking out Edge in the first place. Batista then goes over and talks with Vickie for a bit. He says that she made his life hell on Smackdown, and dispite all of that he feels sorry for her and is upset for her that her life is falling apart. He pauses, then expresses how he was just kidding and then proceeds to tell her to wheel her ass back to Smackdown. (He even makes a wheelchair motion with his arms, very funny stuff.)

J.B.L. says that Batista doesn't just get in for saying he wants a shot. Batista says J.B.L. will meet his fist. Cena then says the match can be a Triple Threat as long as its okay with Punk. Before Punk gets a chance to respond, Kane's music erupts and the monster walks out, gets in the ring, says he wants in and with that.. its now a Fatal Four Way.

The Matches:

1. Rey Mysterio v. Santino Marella: Mysterios debut match on Raw, as its more or less a squash. Mysterio shows off his high flying skills, as Marella has no counter for them. Marella gets in a couple moves here and there, but mainly its all Mysterio. In the end, its a 619 followed by a torpedo splash to pick up his first official Raw victory.

2. Kelly Kelly & Mickie James v. Layla & Jillian Hall: Mickie James and Jillian begin the match-up. Not very good chemistry between the two, as a lot of botches seemed to happen. Mickie knocks Layla from the apron, then tags in Kelly.

This match honestly featured how good Kelly Kelly is getting. While I won't say shes suddenly Women's Champion material, the fact is I was very impressed. In the end, it was Kelly rolling up Jillian to pick up the victory for their team.

3. C.M. Punk v. Snitsky: Very sloppy back and forth match, as this is a strong sign of whats to come regarding Punk against Heavyweights, unfortunately. While Snitsky obviously isn't a seasoned vet like Cena, Batista, J.B.L. or even Kane.. the fact is the size difference just makes you shake your head and how pathetic it is.

Punk uses his speed to his advantage, as Snitsky is merely happy to be back on television. Punk hits all his normal moves, and ends the match with a very half-assed G.T.S. to pick up the victory.

4. Kofi Kingston v. Charlie Haas: What the hell is up with giving guys who aren't normally used all television time in the same night? Very physical match-up that at one point even saw Haas delivering a very stiff kick to Kofi's face that ended up closing his left eye. (Shawn Michaels should take notes on what a real eye injury is)

In the end, it was Kofi connecting with several of his signature moves and connecting with his spinning kick to Haas' face that allowed him to pick up the victory. After the match they showed Kofi's eye and it was very nasty. Also after the match, and right before they went to cut away Paul Burchill lays out Kingston and puts his mark on wanting to apparently become the next Intercontinental Champion.


C.M. Punk/Snitsky: In the back, Punk is interviewed about the Fatal Four Way and if he had any thoughts on who he'd like to face. Before Punk gets to answer a light fixture falls over with two crew members calling each other stupid and rushing to pick it up. The question is asked again, as Punk starts to say he does have a personal favorite.. however before he gets to express who, hes cut off by Snitsky.

Snitsky says that he was drafted to Raw last year and never received a World Heavyweight Championship match when he came over. Punk says if it angers him so much, then he can release that in the ring tonight against him.

John Cena/Mickie James/Kelly Kelly: :disappointed: Just when I thought this stupid angle was over, they bring it back. Mickie is talking to John, as Kelly walks up and tells Mickie their match is next. Cena takes a big drink of J.B.L.'s juice, as Mickie introduces Kelly to Cena and explains she came over to Raw. Cena asks if Kelly was let out of her contract, to which Kelly replied with not knowing they had contracts. Cena's happy to be an american because of the dumbass girls in the country apparently. (and hes suppose to be a role model?)

J.B.L./Cena/Cryme Tyme: In the second odd event of the night, J.B.L.'s limo pulls out as the driver gets out and runs to the back. A commercial break splits that from the next segment in which J.B.L. walks out to question why his limo came out. Cena gets out of the limo with a crowbar, and explains that last week J.B.L. had Cena thrown out of the building, for Cena's protection and now Cena is gonna return the favor, and protect J.B.L. from the law's on limo's in New Orleans.

Cryme Tyme get out from the otherside, as Cena and Cryme Tyme more or less completely destroy and work over J.B.L.'s limo with shattering the windshield and windows, then give it a new paint job complete with the phrase "J.B.L. is poopy." Also C.T.C. which I'm to understand would more or less mean "Cryme Tyme & Cena." (a new faction??)

Shawn Michaels/Chris Jericho: It should be noted before H.B.K. came to the ring, Michael Cole gave his best Adamle impression by explaining to the viewers watching that H.B.K. still had his "left" eye heavily covered.. dispite his injured eye actually being his right. :lmao:

Shawn instantly accepts the challenge for the Great American Bash, as its welcomed by the music of Chris Jericho, with Lance Cade. Jericho says he knew H.B.K. would accept because to Shawn its a win/win situation, even if he loses. He knows that to Shawn, if he wins he'll be seen as the injured hero overcoming the odds. And if he loses, he'll still win in the fans eyes as being the brave hero who tried his best. He also explains that he knows H.B.K. is worse than hes letting on, because H.B.K. hasn't tried to attack him yet.

Jericho says what he really wants to know is at what cost will this be to Shawn Michaels. Jericho & Cade understand that if H.B.K. gets hurt so badly that it ends his career, the fans won't be there to help him. Jericho goes on to explain that in time, he'll be swept away and forgotten. At that point H.B.K. smiles and cuts Jericho off explaining that he finally understands where Jericho is coming from.

Shawn said that he thought Jericho was just holding a grudge for H.B.K. lying to him, but in fact hes holding a grudge because he isn't H.B.K. himself. Shawn said the fact is, hes H.B.K. and if he left the business today he'd be remembered forever. And even though Jericho has done everything hes ever set out to do in his career, he'll never be H.B.K.

Batista warm-up: We see Batista warming up, as the 3rd weird event unfolds. A fan (apparently) out of nowhere comes into camera view and acts as if hes setting off Batista's pyro. Batista can't help but give a stupid look, as he was doing his best not to completely lose it with laughter.

Main Event: #1. Contender's Fatal Four Way Match: John Cena v. J.B.L. v. Batista v. Kane: Very solid, above average length match. (with too many commercial breaks) The match begins with J.B.L. and Cena pairing off, while Kane and Batista randomly tap each other awaiting to repair with the other two.

Several close calls and almost delivered finishers, but in the end its J.B.L. laying Cena out with the steel steps, then Kane sends J.B.L. into the crowd. Kane then goes to the top and leaps toward Batista, who moves out of the way and then connects with a spear to Kane to become the Number One Contender to Punk's Championship!

After the Main Event, Kane completely snaps as hes yelling at the announcers "Is he alive or dead?" He grabs Michael Cole as the fans explode with cheers, dispite it being a very heelish move. Cole is tossed in the ring and about to be killed, when Jerry Lawler out of nowhere jumps Kane to save Cole. As a result, Kane destroys Lawler as the fans give him the boos he was looking for, to end the show.

Overall Thoughts: Very high impactful show this week. A lot of action, for only 5 matches and most of them being matches that would be challenging to make even the old Sunday Night HeAT card. I'm very concerned with the fact that Raw picks up all this new talent in the draft, and delivered 3 very unimpressive squash-like matches. Haas, Snitsky and the Divas (short of it being Mickie & Katie) really had no place on this show.

Vickie's heat is just off the charts. I can not believe how much people truly dispise this Woman, and all because of Edge which just shows how much more incredible he is to not only make Punk anything of a World Champion.. but also making Vickie one of the most over heels next to him, in the entire business.

I'm starting to actually enjoy the anarchy and chaos that more or less remains uncontrolled. I think its fitting, and should only continue to get better.

Anyone who claims C.M. Punk had anything to do with the ratings of this week's show needs shot, in the nuts, then in several other body parts before finally being killed in the worst way possible for being a complete dumbshit. Punk had all about 10 minutes of television time, in which he was overshadowed by Cena, J.B.L., Batista, Kane & Vickie Guerrero. Then the guy has a match that he almost seemed even in, against a jobber who hasn't been used regularly in well over several monthes.

I popped incredibly hard to see Paul Burchill attack Kingston. While this means Cade won't be getting the midcard Championship push soon, it means Burchill could become an Intercontinental Champion and finally mean something to the brand. I'd love it more than anything, and just thinking about the type of match Kingston & Burchill could have is amazing.

Is Kelly Kelly really that stupid? I mean, I understand shes playing a ditzy blonde "character." But I don't think she should be made to look that incredibly stupid to realize she doesn't have a contract, or an agreement to any one brand.

What was up with the weird events? Either Raw was truly falling apart, of the W.W.E. creative team is trying to make us believe complete chaos is breaking out everywhere. Am I truly suppose to believe two seperate backstage promos were "ruined" because of a fallen light fixture and a fan interruption? Raw is on a 5 second, if not longer, delay. I'm not stupid enough to think they wouldn't of cut that stuff out, or simply wouldn't air the promo.

Jericho and Shawn Michaels could have such an amazing rivalry if H.B.K. wasn't playing the role of a cripple right now. Their match at the Bash could end up being completely pathetic if H.B.K. isn't acting at least over 70%. If Jericho taps his eye and he goes down instantly, I'm going to be pissed. Also, they really need to do something with Cade. When he came out with Jericho, he actually made me believe he could be something big one day.. but it'll never happen if all hes doing is becoming Jericho's shadow.

Batista seems to fit naturally on Raw. Don't ask me why, but I'm happy hes getting a Championship match. I also think its rather ironic that all the little Punk Bastards out there were raving over how the Championship picture has finally changed, when the fact is Batista is getting yet another World Championship match. In complete honesty though, I'd almost rather see Batista win this time around. Not because of my passion for disliking Punk, but instead because Batista since coming over to Raw is suddenly becoming enjoyable to watch. I think its got a lot to do with the fact that he has more Main Eventers to help work with him.

Finally, Kane. What is up with the Dead or Alive bit? Please tell me this isn't going to lead to Kane being the one who tried taking out Mr. McMahon. To be honest.. I have two theories on this. The first, T.N.A. just released James Mitchell. I'm begging them to sign him and allow him to manage Kane. That would be incredible! The second, Paul Bearer. Bearer's last appearance (to my knowledge) was in 2004, when the Undertaker more or less had him "killed".

While I don't know where exactly they're going with this, the one thing I do know is I'm loving heel monster Kane. This is the Kane that should've been E.C.W. Champion. It would've served them such a better feel for that miserable excuse for a brand.

All in all, Raw tonight gets a definate 9 outta 10. (1 off only because I still had to view Punk as a Champion, and that shit is already old and pathetic)
Amy’s ‘take’ on Raw 07/07/08:

Like her brother Shane last week, Stephanie McMahon implored every member of Raw to pull together in this uncertain time so the show doesn’t lapse into chaos again.

Opening Segment: The darkness of the arena (prelude to Regal’s imminent return perhaps?!?!) was interrupted by Smackdown GM! Vicki Guerrero repeatedly screaming ‘Excuse me’. Wow, Vicki's heat is just amazing. She said CM Punk stole the WHC, ruined her life, and demanded he surrender the belt to her.

Punk made his ring entrance, pointing to his name of the belt and saying ‘That’s my name’ to the fans.:rolleyes: Punk quipped she wouldn’t get any sympathy from him or the fans and he didn’t do anything Edge hasn’t done before. Punk joked she’d find another young, good-looking SD! guy like the Great Khali to pretend to fall in love with her just to be in a position of power. Vicki stood and slapped him. He was helping her take her leave when JBL’s music hit.

JBL said he'd be the world champion if it wasn’t for illegal interference and challenged Punk again. Punk said he had his chance and lost. JBL said he lost because of one man’s personal vendetta against him. Cena's music hit and he said JBL is medically sick, he’s got a bad case of the "wasn’t fors".:lmao: Cena said that since no one is in charge it’s up to them to figure things out for themselves and he proposed a 1-on-1 match with JBL where the winner becomes the #1 Contender to Punk’s title at the Great American Bash.

Batista came down to add his two cents. He said Punk deserves to be champion because he earned MITB, but it was his attack on Edge that made it possible for Punk to cash in. JBL said no one cares what Tista thinks. Tista warned JBL to not cut him off again.

Cena didn’t expect Tista but the more the merrier so he proposed a Triple Threat match. JBL said he wasn’t OK with it. Cena said they'd do this thing with or without him. Kane’s music hit and he wanted in too. Punk didn’t wait for anyone else to wander out and declared a Fatal Fourway for later in the night.

Are we absolutely sure there’s no one else in the back that wants in? Kane’s inclusion seemed a bit random at first, but it would be important later on. It was a decent opening segment, but it felt like it drug on forever. All were solid on the mic, but the attempts at humor fell flat. I could’ve done without the Cena poop image. Still he carried that opening segment.

Match #1 Mysterio vs. Santino: Santino got in some offense the first minute, including a nice face plant, standing diving headbutt, and camel clutch, grounding Mysterio. Rey fought back with a series of kicks, top-rope double foot stomp, the 619, and top-rope splash for the win.

Decent albeit short (3-minute) and predictable opening match. No one expected Rey to lose in his Raw debut and I can’t remember the last time Santino won a match (be it singles, tag, or inter-gender).

Backstage: Todd Grisham asked Punk who he wanted to face at GAB. A light fell and two crewmen rushed to right it. Snitsky walked up and said he didn’t get a world title shot when he was drafted to Raw last year and it angers him Punk became champion on his first night. Punk said he’d prove why he’s the WHC in a match against Snitsky.

Oh boy, Mr. No Personality and Mr. No Personality Junior in the ring together!?! I can hardly wait.

Backstage: Kelly Kelly interrupted Cena and Mickie James. Mickie told Cena that Kelly is Raw’s newest diva. Cena said it was good Teddy Long let her out of her ECW contract. Kelly didn’t know they had contracts. Mickie and Kelly left for their match. Cena downed his MamaJuana and said ‘God Bless America’.

Boring waste of time segment. I figured it was only a matter of time Kelly joined Raw. The show is lacking divas, especially faces, at the moment with Candice and Melina out with injury, Ashley wanting out, and Maria recently drafted. And I get she's playing the dumb blonde, but not knowing she had a contract is a bit much.

Match #2 Jillian & Layla vs. Mickie James & Kelly Kelly: Mickie and Jillian started off. Kelly got the tag and sunset flipped in. She took Jillian down a spinning headscissors and did a hurricanrana for a nearall. Jillian tossed Kelly over the top-rope but she held on only to be knocked off the apron by her old ECW nemesis Layla. Back in the ring, Jillian worked over Kelly who fought back to score the rollup win.

Another short (3½-minute) predictable match. Like Mysterio, no way Kelly was losing in her Raw debut. And it seems there’s still some unsettled business between Kelly and Layla, so I’m sure we’re in store for their 1,000th dance-off very soon.

CTC Segment: JBL looked on while the trio took great joy in vandalizing his prize limo in the name of protecting him from New Orleans' strict limo laws. Cryme Tyme smashed the windows and Cena spray painted ‘JBL is poopy’. I couldn't agree more.:thumbsup:

Another waste of time segment. It looks like the JBL-Cena feud is going to drag on (much like the JBL-Jericho feud went nowhere), so I don't see either man winning the Fatal Fourway.

Match #3 CM Punk vs. Snitsky: Early on, Snitsky overpowered Punk for a nearfall. Punk fought out of a bearhug. Snitsky missed a leg drop. Punk seized the moment, hiting an enziguiri, top-rope clothesline, corner high knee/bulldog combo. He managed to get Snitsky up and delivered an ugly GTS for the win.

Another ho-hum, short (3-minute), predictable match. No way was the new WHC losing to the guy that jobs to everybody.

Shawn Michaels-Chris Jericho Segment: Video highlighting their recent history aired. Michaels came to the ring and accepted Jericho’s challenge to a match at GAB. Jericho with Lance Cade came to the ring.

Jericho said that despite being more injured than he’s letting on, he knew Michaels would accept because of his need to please the fans. Jericho called Michaels a martyr, the injured legend who gives his all to give the fans one more classic match, but like all other martyrs in history soon he’ll be swept under the rug and forgotten.

Michaels said that no matter what he’s done the fans still accept him and he could leave today and be remembered forever. Jericho complained it wasn’t fair. Michaels said Jericho has held every major title and sold out arenas yet he’s not content because he’ll never be HBK.

Another solid, intense verbal exchange from these two. They have yet to fail on the mic or in the ring. Theirs is one of the best feuds so far this year. I’m curious to see how Cade will factor in.

Match #4 Charlie Haas vs. Kofi Kingston: Nice back and forth at the start. Haas gained control with a series of forearms, kicks, side headlock, and headbutt. Kofi came back with a high crossbody, dropkick, ‘boom boom’ leg drop, and the Trouble in Paradise kick for the win. Post-match Paul Burchill attacked Kofi and delivered the Curb Stomp.

Shock of the night: Charlie Haas has a match on TV. No, I'm serious. Another short (3-minute) match, but it was the most entertaining thus far. I’m genuinely excited to see a Burchill-Kingston feud.

Backstage: Tista was warming up when a fan ran in and did his gun blast entrance bit. He was chased off by security. Equal parts random, lame, funny.

Match #5 Batista vs. JBL vs. Kane vs. Cena (Fatal Fourway Main Event): JBL went after Cena as soon as he stepped in the ring. Tista and Cena interrupted the cover and we cut to commercial break. Back from break, JBL hit Cena with a big boot just as he had Kane in the FU position. Kane and JBL landed stereo big boots. Cena FU’d Tista. JBL disrupted the cover and we cut to commercial again. Kane interrupted the 5 Knuckle Shuffle on JBL with a big clothesline. Tista went on the offensive with corner clotheslines to JBL, punches and a drop toe-hold on Kane, and a spinebuster on Cena. JBL delivered the Clothesline from Hell to Tista. Kane broke up Cena’s STFU on JBL. Cena and JBL worked together to prevent the double chokeslam. JBL and Cena took the fight to the floor. Tista and Kane mixed it up in the ring. Kane countered the Batista Bomb and drove Tista shoulder-first into the ringpost. Kane went top-rope but Tista moved and nailed him with the spear for the win.

Given the other short, lackluster matches, this was the match of the night no contest. Finally a solid, exciting match that went longer than 3 minutes but they killed it with the commercial breaks.:disappointed:

Closing Segment: Post-match Kane snapped. He upended the steel steps, attacked two crewmembers at ringside, chased Lillian away, screamed at Michael Cole “Is he alive or dead” then dumped him in the ring. Lawler saved his announce partner, but Kane took his frustrations out on him instead.

The Kane heel turn, if that’s what this truly was, is unexpected and I hope they don’t half-ass this. I really thought he’d finish out his career as a face. And is who dead or alive? Is this about Vince, the strange happenings on Raw, or something else entirely?

Overall Thoughts: With the promos, backstage segments, and limo bashing, it was another light show wrestling-wise with four of the five matches being 3 minutes or less. The show’s saving grace was another strong, dramatic ending.
TheOneBigWill's 'take' on Friday Night Smackdown: July 11th, 2008:

Opening Segment: Edge comes out, still in quite a bit of a rage. He addresses that the wedding is still off, and he explains that Vickie Guerrero is more or less nothing without him. How he may not be World Heavyweight Champion any longer, but that doesn't give her the right to boss him around. He expresses how he'll prove to the world he deserves to be World Champion, when he defeats Triple H. at the Great American Bash.

Vickie Guerrero comes out and interrupts Edge. She beats around the bush at explaining how they may not be engaged any longer, but shes still his boss and tonight.. he'll have a "warm-up" match for the Bash.. in a No DQ match, against the Big Show!

Edge says that he isn't afraid of the Big Show, and he'll show the world that the Big Show will end up tonight just like Vickie Guerrero.. a LOSER! Vickie yells that that's enough, and has his mic turned off. Edge tries to talk, but can't with the mic no longer working. He tosses it down, as we break.

The Matches:

1. Non-Title: Matt Hardy v. Shelton Benjamin: For this being what could've been a prelude to their Championship encounter, possibly for the Pay Per View, I have to say I wasn't very impressed. It almost seemed as if they weren't on the same page.

In the end, it was Shelton Benjamin picking up the victory. Because of this I'd be lead to assume these two men will meet again, if not next week than definately at the Bash for the United States Championship. Its interesting, considering this could be the opportunity Smackdown needs with Benjamin to bring the United States Championship back to the blue brand, while they send Hardy on his way back to E.C.W. title-less.

2. Mr. Kennedy v. Domino: M.V.P. comes down to do commentary, as it seems the W.W.E. is building toward the two brightest stars of the future colliding very soon. Before the match, Kennedy explains how hes Smackdown's number one hottest Superstar, and most valuable. M.V.P. clearly didn't like that.

Kennedy more or less makes quick work of the former Greaser, as he hits the Mic-Check on Domino and picks up the victory. After the match however, Kennedy learns very quickly what its like to be on the recieving end of a squash, as Umaga comes from out of nowhere and levels Kennedy. M.V.P. taunts Kennedy, from the outside of the ring.

3. Non-Title: The Miz & John Morrison v. Finlay & Hornswoggle: Once again, they continue to push a meaningless Tag Team over several hot worthy ones. This match was a blatant disrespect of the Tag Team Champions, as they more or less showed how Miz & Morrison can't even contend with a handicap match as it were.

Meanwhile, when Hornswoggle was actually in the match, and the Champs were in control, the announcers decided to berate the Champs, as if they had no right putting their hands on the midget. As if they really forced Horny to take part in this circus act.

In the end, it was Finlay hitting the Celtic Cross on Miz, and Horny splashing him with his tap-pole as the Tag Champs drop to the Family Finlay. Clearly this is horrible, as it only sets Finlay & Son up for yet another meaningless rematch for the Tag Team Championships. Incase anyone questioned it.. think again, as after the match, Hornswoggle made motions with his hands that he wanted to disrespect yet another Championship.

4. Non-Title: Triple H. v. Chavo Guerrero (w/ Bam Neely): Does anyone remember when Chavo Guerrero was a Heavyweight Champion? Yeah, me neither. Triple H. picks up the victory after squashing Chavo, and taking out Bam Neely, for the easy victory.

During the match, the only involvement Neely even got in on was randomly finding himself on the apron, for no apparent good reason other than to receive a fist in the mouth from the Game. Meanwhile, Chavo takes one hell of a wicked Spine-Buster, and a lackluster Pedigree as the Game rolls.

5. Natalya & Maryse v. Michelle McCool & Cherry: A preview of what the Great American Bash is going to have in-store for all of us, as Natalya takes on McCool, along with sidekicks Maryse & Cherry, who's feud never seems to go away.. dispite neither of them having an active storyline anymore.

Maryse was randomly in this match for a bit longer than she should've been. She felt impressed with a cart-wheel, only to receive a very botched kick by McCool. In the end, it was Natalya making Cherry tap immediately from the Sharpshooter. After the match, Natalya attacked McCool from behind, targeting her lower back and obviously setting her up for the Sharpshooter come next Sunday.

6. Jesse & Festus v. Curt Hawkins & Zach Ryder: Ryder and Hawkins requested this contest, as they both seemed to have a plain. The match opened with Jesse and seemed to work well for the former Edgeheads, until Festus was brought in.

Both Hawkins and Ryder got out of the ring, yelling for Foley to pay attention. This lead to a count-out, which lead to the bell being rung, which lead to Festus going back to a ******ed state of mind. Hawkins and Ryder then showed the world the plan they had in mind, as winning the match wasn't nearly as important to them as beating the crap outta Festus.

Jesse finally got to the bell, as he rung it and allowed Festus to come back to us and destroy Hawkins and Ryder.

7. Vladimir Kozlov v. Stevie Richards: Kozlov picked up some theme music and a tron video. While I can't say this is new for this week, because I haven't been paying attention to the guy, I must say.. he.. still.. sucks.

Stevie Richards randomly makes his comeback, and its rather odd considering I don't recall him being moved from the E.C.W. roster to the Smackdown roster, yet here he is.. jobbing away. This was a very botch filled match, and ironically Stevie was the closest yet to defeating the Moscow Mauler as hes being called now. Kozlov picks up the victory after a very hard headbutt from behind.

Backstage Promos/Segments:

Hawkins & Ryder/Vickie Guerrero: Hawkins and Ryder go to Vickie and explain how just like her, they've been mistreated by Edge as well. They explain that he blamed them for him losing his Championship and they know exactly how Vickie feels. This leads to them asking her for a match against Jesse and Festus, to which she grants them, then begins to cry.

Maria Promo: Dispite a promo last week explaining that she'd be here, this week, this is all we get. A random music video to her theme music, explaining that Maria is on Smackdown. (no shit) I love last minute screw-ups.

Chavo Guerrero/Edge/Vickie Guerrero: Chavo & Bam Neely are first seen with Edge, as Chavo explains that hes with Edge and he understands exactly how Edge feels. He said that regardless of him marrying Vickie or not, Chavo feels Edge is like his own brother and he would've told Vickie off too, if he would've been in that position. Chavo then explains hes going to go tell Vickie off right then and there.

This leads to Chavo going into Vickie's office and demanding to speak with her. After he gets the opportunity to, he changes his tune and expresses how Chavo and Vickie are family, and Edge is nothing and had no right acting the way he did to Vickie. This lasts for only a few moments, as Vickie sees right through Chavo and rewards his loyalties with a match.. against the W.W.E. Champion, Triple H.

Edge/La Familia/Vickie Guerrero: After Hawkins, Ryder, Chavo & Neely are all beaten from their respective matches.. they all decide to come into Edge's locker room and argue. Edge settles everything down and explains that the perfect idea for all of them to show Vickie up, would be for them to unite as a team, and go out to destroy the Big Show as a unit. That is until Vickie wheels herself in and explains that if anyone comes out to help Edge, they'll be fired on the spot. And if Edge decides to run from the match, he'll be fired as well.

Main Event: No Disqualification: Edge v. The Big Show: Before the match starts, Vickie Guerrero is wheeled out to watch. Big Show controls the beginning of the match, more or less toying with Edge and tossing him around like hes nothing. Edge connects with a spear on the outside of the ring to even things back up.

When we come back from a break, Edge has a kendo stick, and attempts taking out Show with it, until Show catches the stick and picks him up. Later in the match, Edge regains control and brings a pair of steel chairs into the ring. As he rushes at the Big Show with one, hes met with a very nasty fist to the chair, to the face.

Somehow Edge gets Show down with his head against the laying chair. This leads to Edge grabbing the other chair and attempting a con-chair-to, until Show surprises Edge, Chokeslamming him, then realizing Edge has fallen with his head on the chair. At ths point, instead of going for the victory, Show attempts a con-chair-to of his own, until Vickie Guerrero demands the match simply be stopped. The official urges Show to drop the chair and leave the ring, as Vickie rushes to Edge, helping him up.

At this point, Edge realizes what she's done, as Vickie begins crying and explaining that shes sorry and loves him. Edge returns the favor, expressing the same emotions and you can even make out the words "Will you marry me?" (again) to which Vickie replies with "Yes!" (again) While the spoilers claim the wedding was announced for next week, nothing on tonight's show suggested that.

Overall Thoughts: EIGHT MATCHES! EIGHT, compared to Raw's FIVE! While a couple were easily squash matches, and a couple more were no contest finishes, the fact remains the show in itself produced a great two hours of wrestling action, mixed with mildly entertaining storylines.

I'm unsure how to react to the Benjamin/Hardy exchange. While people have been wanting this for a couple monthes now, this match-up didn't do them any favors. It seemed just bland and uninteresting. I really hope they decide to pull out a lot of House Shows together, and possibly work on making a better match for the next go-round.

Kennedy against M.V.P., could it possibly get any better? Oh wait, Umaga's suddenly and randomly interjected. Why? Why would you fuck up such a great storyline with M.V.P. and Kennedy, and add in a monster that doesn't fit the storyline? Umaga served no purpose in this attack, other than to delay the Kennedy/M.V.P. match-up until possibly Summerslam, where it'll be overshadowed and likely forgotten.

Meanwhile, is Domino on his way out the door? Rumors suggested that Deuce was in line for a single's push on Raw in some manner, and that Domino hasn't had the best rep. backstage, so hes one foot out already. To be honest, I've seen Domino as the greater of the two (much like NorCal) and have no idea why he wouldn't be the guy you'd wanna market, if you wanted to pick just one. I suppose with his squash tonight, its unfortunately safe to say hes a week or more away from getting a good luck notice.

Why bother advertising someone a week sooner, only to forget completely they were even suppose to be on the following week's show? I guarantee and promise you they said Maria would be on Smackdown the following week. Its the following week, and the only thing we got, was a music video. Now whats worse is I'm complaining about this, and I could give a shit less if Maria ever showed up again. Its the mere point of the matter that they advertise something, then forget they advertised it, when there wasn't any reason for such actions.

Meanwhile, Jeff Hardy doesn't have a wrestling match on the show, yet he has a 5 minute promo about being on the cover on the new August edition of W.W.E. Magazine, in which it hints at him becoming the next/new W.W.E. Champion. Yeah, thats how I'd build my next Champion.. by letting him miss a show, but making sure the world seen how great he photo-opted.

Would Morrison & Miz be better off in T.N.A.? I doubt it. The sad fact is, neither of them have the build to be World Champions in T.N.A., so why on earth do I continue to get my hopes up that one day Morrison will be in the W... wait, Punk is, so why the fuck not. Nevermind.

The truth of the matter is, for some blind reason, the W.W.E. is pushing a Midget and his "Father" into becoming Tag Team Champions. Meanwhile, they've split three very good Tag Teams (Londrick, DnD, Redneck's) up for no great reason other than Lance Cade is getting a midcard push. So three teams have to be destroyed, so one guy gets a push? Anyone else see that as a bit too much? I guess its okay though.. as long as are assumed next Tag Team Champions can bring Super-soakers to the ring to wet the fans at ringside, thats whats most important. Fuck the ratings and the audience that tune in to watch wrestling matches, we have circus acts for our viewers!

Are Hawkins and Ryder ever going to pick up a victory? Seriously, they mentioned how Edge helped make them.. but what exactly did he make them? "Named - Jobbers"? Seriously, have they even won a single match? And I get their plan to return Festus to a ****** state, but would it of been too much to ring the bell without being counted out, double spear him, take out Jesse and pick up a "fluke victory"? I would've at least gave them that much.

I really want to take the new Diva's Championship seriously. I do. I think that they're trying to build a mirror image of Raw's Women's Champion. However when I stop to think that, I also find myself asking.. why? Why not combine the two divisions and make it an interbrand Championship? It was once before, I don't see why it can't still be that way. Raw and Smackdown travel together enough as it is, that I'm quite sure the Women's Champion could easily travel with whichever show her feud might be with.

So in the end, the Diva's Championship is nothing more than a secondary Women's Championship, that'll more or less end up as nothing important other than a butterfly with pretty colors. Meant to mock female's wrestling even more than its already been.

In the house shows coming to Iowa, the Main Event being promoted is the Big Show against Triple H. for the W.W.E. Championship. The closest house show is August 19th. Am I to believe Edge loses? Am I to then believe somehow the Big Show goes from randomly being used, to suddenly being the Number One Contender?

Don't take this the wrong way, but Edge v. Big Show would be a much more suitable match-up for the Championship. Short of turning Big Show heel, which would be great, but also somewhat pointless since Edge is the top heel.

Triple H. and Edge have almost no build going into next Sunday's match. Edge's promo tonight made me honestly recall the times in which he was considered dangerous to win a World Heavyweight Championship. But at the same time, I can't help but believe there is no way Triple H. will drop a Championship, to a guy that hasn't even been built properly against him. What I'd most definately love to hear, is all the Triple H. haters explain to me how hes hogging the spotlight however.. since the entire storyline thus far has revolved around Edge and Vickie, with Triple H. picking up about 10 minutes worth of airtime, in a squash match.

Yet in the end, I just can't see Edge winning, when Triple H. hasn't been so much as mentioned in this feud yet.

Overall, this show is going to get an 8 outta 10. The reason it won't get a Raw 9 is because the storylines for this show basically sucked. Nothing really happened, apart from Edge & Vickie's love issues. While I'm the biggest Edge fan you'll find, even "I" am getting a bit bored with it. I'm still excited to see how it'll lead up, and if it'll bring Edge to yet another World Heavyweight Championship. (I blindfully hope) Outside of that, the female's had their storyline continue and Hardy/Benjamin and M.V.P./Kennedy/Umaga? storylines were started. Not the best show, but at least the squash matches are becoming a bit more enjoyable with the overstock of talent on Smackdown now.
There was nothing wrong with Benjamin vs Matt. It was the best match on the show and Matt had some off transistions. For a match without that much time, it served it's purpose and when it does get time, it will be a showstealer.

Don't care about the tag title deal.

Natayla should be the one to go over the overpuhed Michelle brat. The hype machine behind her is sickening right now. It's as horrid as the Maria shit leading to WM 24.

Vickie and Edge were both on their game as usual.

Chavo vs HHH was mundane.

Kozlov needs to have a real match for once.

Which is it? Umaga vs Kennedy or MVP vs Kennedy? Make a choice, bookers.
no disrespect to triple h but it still feels like edge is the tru champion on smackdown! he been the main star and cut some brialliants promos hes actually made this stuff with vickie work im glad the show is still centered around him always works better when its about the heel
Amy’s ‘take’ on Smackdown 07/11/08 edition:

Opening Segment
: Following a video recap of last week’s show, Edge still with that crazy look came to the ring. He said he’s had a week to reflect and stands by his decision. He said he really did love Vicki but their relationship ended when she tried to order him around. He said she wasn’t good enough for him anyway and he’s happier now than he’s standing on his own again. Edge vowed to prove all his critics who thought he was world champion only because of his relationship with Vicki wrong when he beats HHH at the Great American Bash.

Hawkins and Ryder wheeled a pissed off Vicki onto the ramp and you felt her wrath as she said “Excuse me baby.” She hadn’t forgotten Edge that called himself the real GM. As preparation for his GAB title match, she put him in a No DQ match against the Big Show and said "Good luck baby." Edge said she wasn’t going to get one over on him because he’s not afraid of Show and after tonight Show would be just like her – a loser. Vicki ordered his mic cut off to end the segment.

The saga continues. Nice opening and solid mic work by both, but I’m still not sure who’s turning face.
  • The same video hyping Maria’s SD! debut aired. She was supposed to debut tonight. I’m not sure what happened there.
Match #1 Matt Hardy vs. Shelton Benjamin (Non-title): Following a couple collar-and-elbow tie-ups, Hardy cinched in a side headlock then hit an elbow drop for a cover. Benjamin turned aggressor, slamming Hardy’s head to the canvas and hitting a neckbreaker for a cover. Shelton connected with a corner splash but missed the second attempt. He avoided the Twist of Fate but Hardy landed the bulldog for a nearfall. Hardy went to the top rope and Shelton leapt up to meet him. Hardy pushed him off and delivered the diving elbow for a cover. Benjamin countered the TOF with the T-Bone suplex for a nearfall. Shelton went to the top rope but met Hardy’s foot on the way down. He escaped the TOF by getting to the ropes. The ref pulled Hardy back and Benjamin used the distraction to hit Pay Dirt for the win.

A good 5-minute opening match. The announcers did a good job putting over how such a non-title win puts Benjamin in the US title hunt. He had a good showing in the Fatal Fourway last week and the win tonight gives him some much needed momentum following his feud with Kofi. I’m not going to get my hopes up for another Benjamin push just yet, but I’d like to see a feud between these two. Hardy hasn’t really been challenged in the ring or on the mic since he won the title 2 months ago.

Backstage: Hawkins with Ryder told Vicki they understood her desire for revenge, considering how Edge disrespected and abused all three of them. He said they wanted some revenge of their own and Vicki gave them a match against Jesse and Festus. Ryder said she deserved someone who’ll always care for her. Vicki broke down into tears and Ryder tried to comfort her saying they would always be there for her.

Aw, well isn’t that special?

Match #2 Mr. Kennedy vs. Domino: Mr. Kennedy teased the crowd doing his introduction and took a shot at MVP who was out for guest commentary. MVP responded that he’s the longest reigning US champ in SD! history whereas Kennedy’s run lasted as long as a cup of coffee.:lmao: Domino got in a couple shots at the start before Kennedy took him down with a drop toehold and clothesline. Domino rolled out of the ring to avoid the running kick to the face. Kennedy put Domino back in the ring and took a couple hard kicks getting back in himself. Domino hit a legdrop for a cover. Kennedy landed the roundhouse kick for a nearfall. Moments later he hit the Mic Check out of nowhere for the win. Post-match Kennedy and MVP exchanged stares and talked smack. Umaga attacked Kennedy from behind. MVP smiled as Umaga delivered a superkick and Samoan Spike.

More or less a 3-minute squash for Kennedy. Domino is now the Snitsky of SD! While MVP’s always a delight on commentary, I’m curious to see if this is leading to a Kennedy-MVP or Kennedy-Umaga feud. All three need something to do as they’ve just been floating around a couple weeks now.

Backstage: Chavo with Bam expressed outrage at Vicki’s treatment of Edge. He told Edge he was on his side and they’d always be family. Chavo said he was going to straighten things out and give Vicki a piece of his mind.

After the commercial break, Chavo barged into Vicki’s office and expressed outrage at what Edge did to her. He called Edge an arrogant jerk and liar and said he never really loved her. Chavo said they are Guerreros and must stick together in these tough times. Vicki told Chavo to cut the crap and said she’d show him some family love. She put him in a match with HHH.

Chavo was hilarious. He just can’t get a break lately finding himself in all these 1-on-1 matches with Taker, Tista, and now Trips. HHH versus Chavo Guerrero doesn’t exactly scream ‘must see TV’, now does it?

Match #3 John Morrison & The Miz vs. Finlay & Hornswoggle: Finlay and Morrison started, but Finlay pulled Miz in and pummeled both with a series of forearms and clotheslines. Finlay tagged and hurled Horny onto the tag champs. Horny delivered stunners to each man. Morrison and Miz landed stereo dropkicks and took turns working over the little guy. Morrison took delight in slapping Horny around and dropped to his knees to further mock him. Horny pulled off an OMG enziguiri then made the hot tag. Finlay exploded with offense, including the Celtic Cross on Morrison. Miz made the save then tagged in. The ref was distracted with getting Morrison out of the ring and didn’t see Finlay coldcock Miz with the shillelagh. Horny got the tag and hit the Tadpole Splash for the win.

Crap, crap, crap.:mad: It takes a LOT to truly piss me off but I’m sick and tired of Finlay and Horny winning matches via the shillelagh or their watergun antics. I had to restrain myself from hurtling the remote into the TV and walked away for a few seconds after that 3-minute waste of time match. WWE please don’t prolong this feud and the suffering. Just give them the damn tag belts already. And why are they continuing to stink up my Friday nights if they were drafted to ECW? Shouldn’t the talent exchange premise only work if it’s ECW guys versus SD! guys?
  • No Jeff Hardy on tonight's show, but we got a video of him shooting the August cover of the WWE Magazine.
Match #4 HHH vs. Chavo: Decent back and forth the first minute. Bam tripped up and took a shot at HHH behind the ref’s back. Chavo gained the upperhand and grounded HHH with a suplex and a side headlock. HHH came back and dominated the last minute with punches, high knee, and spinebuster. Bam hit the apron and Trips sent him to the floor. HHH hit the pedigree for the win.

Boring 4-minute match with the predictable ending. Chavo got in more offense that I expected. Trips can’t be happy with his lack of TV time since the draft. So far he’s just an afterthought, a footnote, in the Edge-Vicki angle. If they didn’t air those GAB commercials, one might just forget he’s the WWE champion and has a title defense in a week. Title matches without an established feud don’t make me want to fork over $40 bucks.

Match #5 Natalya & Maryse vs. Michelle McCool & Cherry
: McCool and Maryse started. McCool landed an uppercut and standing dropkick for a cover. Cherry tagged in and waddled her way around the ring; she did one of the slowest, ugliest snapmare takeovers ever on Maryse. Natalya got the tag and slammed Cherry, catching her knee on the bottom rope. Cherry sold the knee injury yet went for a knee drop.:headscratch: Natalya moved and locked in the Sharpshooter. Cherry tapped immediately. Post-match Natalya attacked McCool, knocking her to the floor where she pulled off a snap suplex. Natalya laughed at McCool and motioned that the new Divas belt on the announce table was hers.

Pretty meh 2-minute divas match. If I’m to buy into their feud, they should’ve at least let the two go at it in the ring, give us a little preview. Geez, as much as they’re making us wait for their PPV match, it better deliver.
  • Video of Edge attacking Festus last week was the SD! of the week.
Match #6 Jesse & Festus vs. Hawkins & Ryder: At the bell, Jesse restrained Festus and got the start. He landed a couple haymakers before Hawkins took over. He and Ryder worked over Jesse for a minute. Jesse countered Ryder’s suplex and Festus got the hot tag. He hit a side slam and big clothesline. Ryder and Hawkins backed out of the ring and let the ref count them out. After the bell, they threw Jesse to the outside and attacked the docile Festus. Jesse rang the bell at ringside and Festus went off, clearing the ring.

Your typical Jesse and Festus match albeit shorter than usual (2 minutes). It’s about time they used the bell to their advantage but it feels somewhat anti-climatic. They should’ve employed the tactic three months ago when I still cared. Expect to see more of these two teams in the coming weeks as they’re SD!’s only teams at the moment.

Match #7 Vladimir Kozlov vs. Stevie Richards: Richards took Kozlov off his feet with a dropkick for a cover. Kozlov overpowered Richards with a big boot, corner shoulder block, knees to the midsection, fireman’s carry takeover, and body scissors. Richards fought back with a series of punches, kicks to the legs, and a nice enziguiri for another cover. Richards missed a corner charge and Kozlov delivered an unimpressive headbutt to the back of Richard’s head for the win.

Welcome back Stevie Richards! Still no explanation where he’s been the last 3 months. While it was nice to see Richards get in some offense in this 2½ minute squash, what happened to the competition getting tougher for Kozlov in the coming weeks? And Kozlov still came out to a darkened arena but he has entrance music and video now!

Backstage: Edge argued with Chavo for throwing him under the bus with Vicki. Hawkins and Ryder entered. Everyone was yelling at each other. Edge said Vicki was screwing with them all and suggested they come to the ring for his no DQ match. Vicki wheeled in and said she’d fire anyone who helped Edge. She told Edge if he didn’t go through with the match she’d fire him too. She told him to go take his beating like a man if he was one.

I don’t understand why Hawkins and Ryder came to Edge’s locker room. Are they going to buddy up both Vicki and Edge now like Chavo?

Match #8 Big Show vs. Edge (No DQ): Hawkins and Ryder wheeled Vicki onto the ramp to watch the match. At the start, Show overpowered Edge with a headbutt and chop then tossed him to the floor. He delivered another chop and hurled Edge into the security wall. Show looked to dump Edge on the exposed announce table, but Edge hit the spear.

Back from commercial break, Edge retrieved a kendo stick from under the ring right in front of Vicki. Show blocked the shot and gorilla pressed Edge who jabbed Show in the throat. Show threw Edge into the steel steps and concern showed on Vicki’s face. Edge came back with a bulldog from atop the security wall. Back in the ring, Edge jumped on Show’s back and applied a sleeper. Show rallied with a side slam, headbutt, and corner back splash then signaled for the chokeslam. Vicki’s concern mounted. Edge countered with a DDT and brought in two chairs. Edge went for a headshot but Show punched his fist through the chair. Edge avoided the chokeslam with a low blow then went for the con-chair-to. Show caught Edge by the throat and chokeslammed him.

Just as Show was setting Edge up for the con-chair-to, Vicki screamed at the ref to stop the match. She threw herself on top of Edge, stroked his hair, and caressed his face as he sat up. Vicki mouthed “I love you” and “I’m sorry.” Edge seemed to regain his senses (from the match or the funk he’s been in since losing the world title) and mouthed “I love you too.” He asked her to marry him again. She said yes and bounced with joy. The two kissed passionately to close the show.

Despite the no contest ending and commercial break at less than 2 minutes in, Edge and Show put on a solid 11½-minute match with some exciting floor action. Rarely do we see Edge in singles action on SD! so the match was a refreshing reminder of what a good performer Edge is without La Familia’s interference. The wedding planner is back in business. While I was looking forward to a face turn for either Vicki or Edge, I’m pleased with their unexpected reconciliation and it looks like La Familia won’t be disbanding just yet.

Overall Thoughts: A good show that started and ended strong. The in-between stuff left a lot to be desired though. Wrestling wise, Hardy-Benjamin and the no DQ main event delivered but not enough to forgive the 2 squashes, 3 short matches, and divas match. Storyline wise, Vicki and Edge are the hottest thing about Friday night, but Creative seems to have forgotten they have an entire roster desperately in need of something to do.:disappointed: And the show didn’t do jack to build toward the PPV next week.
TheOneBigWill's 'take' on Monday Night Raw: July 14th, 2008:

Opening Segment: Shane and Stephanie McMahon begin the show in a taped promo, explaining how for the previous two weeks, each of them have urged and pleaded with the W.W.E. Universe to work together in this time of need, and co-exist while Mr. McMahon is out with an undetermined injury. Both McMahon's said they'll give it one more chance, and if things continue to be out of control, they'll be watching and actions will be taken.

Once the promo is done, they cut away to Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho outside the ring, brawling with each other. Both men are tearing into each other until Lance Cade comes down and attacks Shawn Michaels. This is followed by a group of officials who seperate all three men, and pull them apart. This is followed by Kane coming out, only to go around ringside to the announcers and somewhat violently yell hes sorry to them. Then he leaves.

The Matches:

1. Non-Title: Mickie James v. Katie Lea (w/ Paul Burchill): In a rematch of sorts from Night of Champions, this time with the Championship not being on the line. Both divas go back and forth, although this match wasn't as impressive as their first.

Katie didn't seem focused, and in the end it was Mickie James hitting a Thesz Press from the top rope, pinning Katie for the 3. After the match, Paul rushed in and grabbed ahold of Mickie, allowing Katie to paint-brush her time after time until Kofi Kingston rushed out from the back.

2. Intercontinental Championship: Kofi Kingston (c.) v. Paul Burchill: Instantly continuing from match one to match two, Kofi laid the Championship in the ring and offered to give Burchill a title shot if he came back to the ring. Burchill agreed and the match was started.

This was definately a contrast in styles, as Kofi's speed hit head on with Burchill's strength. Both men had moments in which they looked strong, but Kofi mainly stayed one step ahead the entire time. Burchill had one moment in general, when he reversed Kofi trying to spring up and behind Burchill, and instead received a stiff kick to the ribs that looked deadly.

In the end, it was Katie trying to get involved, but Mickie James pulled her off the apron, then bulldogged her to the ringside mat. Meanwhile, Kingston hit the "Trouble in Paradise" as he retains his Championship, and Burchill's last chance push (seemingly) got short sticked.

3. Santino Marella v. Beth Phoenix: Santino challenged anyone in the lockerroom, explaining that whomever it was, he'd make everyone forget all about his loss to Rey Mas-trio. The good thing is, Santino doesn't lie. The bad thing is, his opponent was Beth Phoenix and only gave people an even more embarassing moment to remember.

By far the best match of the night, as far as comedy is concerned. Santino rubbed Beth at one point, then proclaimed to be a man and whipped her to the corner at another. However in the end, it was Beth picking up the victory with a roll-up.

4. Non-Title: C.M. Punk v. Kane: Punk tries to show the world why he belongs wrestling Main Event talent, but still comes up just a little short. Punk tried keeping one step ahead with his speed and using his feet, however the only thing he did was enrage Kane further.

The match ended up on the outside of the ring, as Punk continued to struggle against his larger opponent. In the end, it was Punk beating the count, as he barely makes it back in the ring, while Kane couldn't.

That didn't stop the action however, as it only pissed Kane off further. Kane flips out similar to a week ago, and destroys Punk, placing a chair around his neck and going to the top rope. Suddenly, before Kane can make my wish come true, Batista rushes out to crush my dreams. Batista blasts Kane with the chair, then helps Punk up.

Punk showing how grateful he is extends his hand, and possibly even offered to suck Batista off. (It didn't come across, but I'm sure it happened) Batista told Punk he doesn't swing that way, and only wants Punk's title. Punk felt hurt because he was shot-down, so he shoves Batista because he doesn't know how to punch like a real man. Of course Batista is all about explaining how its done, and drops Punk with a Spinebuster.. leaving Punk laid out.

5. Chris Jericho v. Paul London: Squash of the night. (Since Snitsky/Noble wasn't a match) Jericho more or less was completely focused on Shawn Michaels, and won the match with the Liontamer-Walls of Jericho. (the extreme arch version)

After the match, Jericho explains that London has two options. He can do like Jericho has done, and take the loss only to learn from it and achive a greater career that could become legendary. Or he could follow in the path of Shawn Michaels, and lead himself nowhere. (London's on that path right now)

Shawn Michaels interrupts the proceedings and explains that Jericho was right in one thing, and that was this Sunday.. the worst is yet to come.


Santino/Matt Striker/Kane: Santino explains that hes issued a challenge to anyone on the roster because he felt embarassed in his loss to Rey Mas-trio last week. Striker finds it interesting, this is interrupted by Kane coming up to Santino. Santino quickly tells Kane he wasn't included in that, only for Kane to demand knowing where Punk is. Santino fires back with questioning if Kane's checked the Pepsi machine. (I lost it)

Kane/C.M. Punk: After finding Kane, he demands a match against Punk tonight. For whatever reason, he says he needs it. Punk says that he wants to prove he isn't a fluke Champion, and that he deserves to be where he is. So he accepts. (not before complaining that he has his biggest match of his career 6 days away) He asks Kane whats in the bag, only for Kane to clutch it, laugh and walk off.

John Cena: Has anyone truly sat back and really watched a Cena promo lately? I'm not even going to describe tonight's promo other than to say the Ultimate Warrior would be proud. Cena went in and out of storyline, often times rambling about being a pitbull and a couple other out of this world statements that had nothing to do with anything.

In the end, he accepted a match that had already been made. Then issued challenge for a 6 man tag team match tonight.

Ted DiBiase/Cody Rhodes/Hacksaw Jim Duggan: Kelly Kelly was meant to have a match, but thankfully the Tag Team Champions come out and put a stop to that shit. DiBiase explains that they don't care, and demand that she hit the breaks. Cody then explains that they've taken a lot of criticism from the fans, in people saying they've "turned bad." He said he knows they aren't bad people, but they aren't their Father's either. DiBiase then says the funny thing is, in 10 year's they'll only just then be hitting their prime.

Hacksaw interrupts only to say he knew them when they were little kids. He said he agrees they have talent, but as people they have a lot of growing up to do. Duggan explains that he worked with both of their Father's and all of them knew and showed respect for those that paved the way. Hacksaw gets cut off by Cody who makes a crack about Duggan still being in the business, wrestling in gym shorts.

DiBiase says he thinks of Steve Austin and thinking of Austin saying if you don't think you can win a title, then whats the point of being in the industry? They both them mock Duggan, and claim he doesn't have what it takes to win a title, and explain he desperately only comes out with the same old 2x4 and the same stupid chant, hoping to get any type of reaction. They leave Duggan with his head down.

Noble/Layla/Snitsky: Noble is in the back hitting on Layla, who shoots him down. Noble says he'll prove it to Layla, by challenging the first guy he sees. They then get interrupted by Snitsky who's upset they're being loud. Noble says sorry, only for Layla to ask if thats what he meant. Noble man's up and yells for Snitsky to come back over.

After berating Snitsky about his broken nose and calling him ugly, he enrages Snitsky and demands he follow him to the ring for a beating. Unfortunately Noble may have been slightly unsure who the beating was meant for.. as in the end, Snitsky left Noble laying, as Layla looked on at what she caused.

Main Event: 6 Man Tag Team War: Cryme Tyme Cena Nation v. Wall Street: Now Wall Street is a faction name I can love to see. Cody Rhodes begins the match against Cena, as this is yet another 5 star Main Event for Raw.

While this match might not look like a lot on paper, it was completely amazing. Most of the time it featured Cody Rhodes, Ted DiBiase, or Cryme Tyme. Which is exactly the point of Cena and J.B.L., to put over the younger talent. I'm happy to have finally seen Ted DiBiase get more time to show his skills, and my approval of him and Rhodes has once again increased. I'm also shocked and amazed to see Cryme Tyme in this fashion again.

In the end, it was Cena cleaning house and putting Rhodes in the S.T.F.U., only for J.B.L. to do what a Tag Team partner does and kick Cena off. This leads to a disqualification?!?!?!?

J.B.L. yells for Cena to follow him to the parking lot, as Cena blindfully does. This ends up allowing J.B.L. to attack Cena with a pipe, then prop him up against a car. J.B.L. gets into another car at this point and attempts driving full speed into a prone Cena. J.B.L. hits the car Cena was laid up against, then gets out and stares somewhat shockingly as if he actually hit Cena. Raw ends.

Overall Thoughts: Okay, the first thing I have to get off my chest instantly is the ending. Raw was amazing, once again.. so why end it with a stupid angle in which J.B.L. gets out actually thinking he hit Cena? So unless Cena shows up half dead and covered with a shit load of bruises, then J.B.L. getting out looking shocked is so stupid simply because he should've or could've clearly seen Cena getting out of the way before he hit.

Obviously he didn't hit Cena, even in storylines they couldn't play that off. He'd be dead, simple as. So why run such a stupid angle? Cena being IN the car that got hit would've been better. At least then I'd believe Cena would've survived, but been busted up pretty badly.

I'm happy they did what a few of us predicted they'd do, in allowing the Tag Team Champs join up with J.B.L., and Cryme Tyme joins again with Cena. This is how they should truly be building their younger talent, not blindfully handing them Championships they have no possible way of carrying without a build up.

Speaking of which, if C.M. Punk is the World Heavyweight Champion, and the supposed top guy in the company, or Raw at least.. why has the World Champion yet to be in a Main Event? (minus against J.B.L. the night he won the title) Furthermore, I love how even after hes a Champion, hes still not getting a proper push. First he defeats J.B.L. in fluke fashion due to Cena and Cryme Tyme. Then he defeats a jobber in Snitsky, busting his nose I might add, now he barely beats Kane by countout.. only to end up being flattened not just by Kane, but also by Batista.

This of course will all lead to Punk likely picking up a fluke fashioned victory over Batista, no doubt with Punk actually hitting the G.T.S., but only because he'll have likely caught Batista by surprise. Either that or Kane interrupts the match and its thrown out.

Now then, everything else. Santino has once again found himself on my good side as the guy is a comedy genius. His backstage segment is what I'll remember forever, not his loss to the (heel/face?) former Women's Champion, Beth Phoenix. Speaking of that.. is she face now, or just taking revenge for Santino's comments about females from

Both Paul and Katie Lea Burchill got jobbed out in a very bad way tonight. Mickie James and Kofi Kingston pick up victories, when it should've been a mixed Tag Team match, leading to two seperate title matches at the p.p.v. in which their victories should've came then. Now, the Burchill's just look bad and have lost all their momentum. This also hurts the Champions, and neither would likely have a match for the p.p.v. Of course a reversal of fortunes in having a mixed Tag Team match at the p.p.v. is still possible, and a victory for the Burchill's could put them back in line for rematches. Who knows.

Almost no understanding of who Kane's been ranting about was explained. And now hes carrying around a bag. While I still love the storyline, sometimes it helps to at least give slight clues. The only clue I could blindly put together is the bag could be similar to an urn. Kane said he felt the person was dead, and Paul Bearer (last time he was on t.v./p.p.v.) was technically "killed."

The Jericho/H.B.K. feud picked up and got hot at just the right time. Finally, H.B.K. comes out and doesn't do that whole "my eye hurts so much, one hit knocks me out" bullshit. I'm re-interested in their match Sunday, but I'm slightly worried the entire Pay Per View is going to be tossed out. I'm coming up with a lot of no contest matches, including the H.B.K./Jericho match, and the Punk/Batista match.

In the end, Raw gets a definate 10/10 from me. Great night, and dispite the Pay Per View not having a ton of matches that are worth seeing, it at least pushed all the right ones from Raw. Definate great night of action, and the chaos that Raw has become is finally becoming worth watching. Punk as World Champion is still pointless though. The chaos on Raw can be done without him holding a title. Unfortunately the funny thing is, if he wasn't holding that title.. he likely wouldn't even be used at all. So in the end, Punk technically NEEDS the title, if only to get a television spot. (For those curious, thats not me saying he deserves it, thats me saying hes so pathetic, the only way he can get on t.v. is by holding a title that allows him to be there.)
Random Raw Thoughts:

I turned on Raw in the middle of the Burchill vs The Jamacan-Nobody-Cares-About match. I'm saddened the the IC belt which has a great legacy is now used by the WWE as nothing more than a prop to try to get someone over... Not that it's working with Coffee... Kofi... Whatever his name is.

Vince: "I know. Maybe if we pair him up with one of our Divas people will give a crap."

Nope... Not gonna happen.

Santino is freakin' gold as usual.

"Have you seen Punk?"

"Have you checked by the Pepsi machine?"

It looks as if Y2J is forming a Raven-type stable. This should be interesting. His match with HBK at the GAB has been the best hyped in quite some time.

Solid main event to cap off a pretty solid show. Overall I'd give it a B+.

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