Official Raw/Smackdown Aftermath, Ratings and Review Thread

Grade tonight's RAW.

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I think Raw this week also showed how thin and lacking in imagination the Tag Team divisions (throughout WWE) are.

It seems like they are setting up Rhodes/DiBiase vs Hacksaw and Lawler, either for TV or Summerslam, instead of having real tag teams that can be in the division longterm.
When I turned on Raw and saw the six-man tag with Cena and Cryme Tyme vs Rhodes, DiBiase and JBL I thought the were recapping something from last week. To me most of the show felt rerunish.

And since when do curtain-jerker nobodies get to hold and contend for the IC belt? This makes me sad because for as long as I can remember I've always loved that division and the feuds that came with it. Rock/Austin, Rock/HHH, HBK/Razor Ramon even back to Rick Rude/Ultimate Warrior. It's hard to watch as Vince and company takes what once was such a prized title and crap on it.

The main event was awsome and set up what could be a pretty good feud with Cena and Batista going into SummerSlam... Especially if they turn Cena and Cryme Tyme heel.

And how awsome was the return of D'Lo Brown!? Great to see him back!
Pretty good RAW again this week (7/21/08). Not really a boring moment in it. They balanced it good with matches and promos.

I liked the opening, how Batista went into the production area to make it look like he intimidated the crew and was in charge. It was good that they made CM Punk accept Batista's rematch to show his stand up character. Adding JBL to the mix and Cena, even Kane, is interesting to see how it all shapes up to Summerslam. The Dibiase/Rhodes vs Duggan/Lawler thing was pretty well done. It's pretty obvious this is leading to some match whether on PPV or RAW. I wonder if Hardcore Holly will be involved somehow he pretty much dissappeared after getting screwed. Jim is actually pretty good on his promos when his out of the Hacksaw character lol.

The woman's match was pretty good. Kelly suprised me. That was probably one of her best matches. The Beth Phoenix and Santino thing was weird and funny. With Santino anything is funny. D-Lo Brown returning was a good surprise. It seems he was somewhat forgotten by many in the crowd. WWE seem to redebut wrestlers at the Mohegan Sun all the time it seems. I remember Tatanka returned to face Kurt Angle in 2005 I think. Then Matt 'freakin' Hardy also officially returned their and Vince gave him a contract back heh..

Kofi was pulling off amazing moves again. Burchill was decent but I agree with Nick from WZ he needs a better finisher. I think he is also a better wrestler but they are holding him down on his style. Cade and London also had a decent match. I don't see where London is going but he's getting some air time so they must have some ideas for him. Jericho promo was excellent again, he comes off as very cold and evil..And yeah I think it is Kane's mask in the bag..
TheOneBigWill's 'take' on Friday Night Smackdown: July 25th, 2008:

Opening Segment: M.V.P.'s V.I.P. Lounge is set-up and kicks the show off.Tonight's guest is the Charismatic Enigma, Jeff Hardy. M.V.P. does his fair share of running Hardy down a lil' bit, until he gets to the point of mentioning the Main Event #1. Contender's Battle Royal tonight, and proclaims himself the odd's on favorite to win.

At that point, Jeff mocks M.V.P. in saying he has no clue how M.V.P. could be the odds on favorite, when he hasn't even seen him win a match since dropping the United States Championship to his brother, Matt Hardy. M.V.P. seems upset that he'd take the time to invite a guest on his show, only to be mocked so M.V.P. says Jeff hasn't had the best record either.

M.V.P. plugs the newest W.W.E. Magazine, then asks Jeff if he wants to explain to the fans what all it talks about, including his mistakes. Hardy says that it's time to move on (more or less) and that he made a mistake and it won't happen again. He said he got a 60 day suspension, and missed Wrestlemania because of it. M.V.P. rebuttals about something regarding Hardy making the mistake again, to which Hardy said he knows he won't be cause he won't get suspended again, he'll get released.

M.V.P. says that that's the type of attitude he was talking about, where Hardy doesn't seem to care and just goes by with life, without trying anymore. M.V.P. mentions the suspension not being the only bad moment in his life recently, and then mentions the home, or trailer, of Hardy's that caught on fire and the loss of the dog.

Hardy seems very upset and wants to know what exactly M.V.P. is getting at. At this point, I don't exactly know how dropped the script, but neither man seemed to know what to do next, so M.V.P. says calm down, and Hardy shoves M.V.P. outside the ring, then seems enraged all of the sudden.

The Matches:

1. Non-Title: Shelton Benjamin v. Jimmy Wang Yang: Before the match, Benjamin cuts a promo on becoming the New United States Champion. I'm sorry, but anyone who's high on him and the possibility that he could've changed from when he was last a Champion to now.. no, it's just not apparently happened. If anything, his mic skills seem to have gotten worse. The biggest part of his promo, was him using his tagline of "I told ya'll, ain't no stoppin' me NOW!"

The match itself was somewhat botch filed as well, which makes me truly wonder how much may have been edited, or rearranged by the camera. Benjamin is a great athlete and I'll never question that, ever. But the fact is, he's hit or miss on having a great match without mistakes, and lately it's been against him more than with him.

In the end, a great series of missed roundhouse kicks, only for Benjamin to hit the "Pay Dirt" finisher out of nowhere.

2. Festus (w/ Jesse) v. Curt Hawkins (w/ Zach Ryder): I'm going to wildly assume Jesse and Festus will be the first team (or rather only) to challenge Hawkins and Ryder at some point. This was a completely one-sided match, with Festus completely dominating one half of the Tag Team Champions.

It seems W.W.E.'s latest idea for their Champions is to push the idea that they can't show they're worth anything until their title's are on the line. This match was very short, and very one sided. Ryder attempted to (I only assume) go for the ring bell, only to be stopped by Jesse. In the ring, Festus hits his flapjack finisher and picks up the victory.

After the match, since the bell sounded and Festus went back to being helpless and unaware, Hawkins and Ryder took their revenge, laying their opponents out and leaving with a minor victory.

3. Vladimir Kozlov v. Stevie Richards: Apparently this is the hometown of Richards, afterall they are in E.C.W. country. Kozlov seems to have met his match, well at least up until this point, as Richards gets in more offense against Kozlov in this match then it's quite possible anyone else has done combined.

In the end, it's still a very one sided match, with Kozlov defeating Richards in the end. He (Kozlov) then argues with the announce crew, but since I don't speak Russian, I have no idea what about

4. (Unofficial Main Event) "The Biggest Block Party of the Summer" Battle Royal: The Big Show v. Jeff Hardy v. M.V.P. v. Umaga v. Mr. Kennedy v. The Great Khali: All 6 men begin the match, well kinda. Hardy rushes toward M.V.P., who jumps out of the ring and waits to pick his spot. Meanwhile, Umaga and the Big Show pair off, while Jeff Hardy and Mr. Kennedy work over the Great Khali.

In a match to determine who'll face Triple H. at Summerslam, it seems the odd's on favorite is Jeff Hardy, followed by Mr. Kennedy and the Big Show. The match itself is your typical finale of a battle royal/Royal Rumble type event. Hardy finally gets his hands on M.V.P., which leads to his elimination.

Umaga and Big Show continue their encounter, which leads to Umaga's elimination. Kennedy attempts his chances against the Big Show, but follows suit from Umaga and gets dumped as well. This leaves Big Show, Khali and Hardy. Only for Show to drop Khali, then get dropped by a returning Umaga.

Hardy goes to the top, Show slowly gets to his feet, Hardy leaps, Show catches, Hardy dumps Show over the top leaving it to be Khali and Hardy, with Khali still laid out. Hardy hits a Swanton but that isn't enough to stop the monster, as Khali returns with offense later, including a chop, and then an elimination of Jeff Hardy. Your winner, and Number One Contender.. The Great Khali!

After the match, Triple H. makes an appearance, stares down Khali and watches as Khali leaves the ring and backs away.

5. Non-Title: Michelle McCool v. Maryse: Yet another seemingly one-sided match, as this is McCool's first match since winning the Championship, yet the title isn't on the line. Maryse gets a couple average moves in, but in the end it's McCool making Maryse tap out to the crappy leg submission of her's.

6. The Brain Kendrick w/ Ezekiel v. Shannon Moore: Even though the Battle Royal was the apparent Main Event match, we still had two matches go on afterward. This was the last match of the night, which technically makes IT, the Main Event match. At any rate..

Kendrick cuts a promo (that eclipses anything Benjamin could do) in saying that what people are seeing is (more or less) a historical moment. They can later in life tell their Grand-kids that they were once able to see THE Brian Kendrick in action. He goes on to say how he believes he's the fastest, most athletic, and overall the most intelligent wrestler there. So what he did, was went out and got himself some protection.. Ezekiel. He goes on to say anyone stupid enough to try and mess with him, is going to have to get through Ezekiel first. This leads us to the entrance of Shannon Moore.

It's important that I mention this, before the match, the announcer's actually deemed Kendrick the newest version of Brain Pillman. I can not tell you how happy that made me.

We finish out the night with our final one sided and yet again under average short match. Kendrick controls the opening pace, until Moore gets a very slight bit of advantage until Ezekiel evens things back out and in the end, it's Kendrick hitting Sliced Bread, which has found itself with an apparent new name in "The Kendrick".


Edge/Edgeheads: Edge shows his congrats to the New Tag Team Champions, and even calls them his kids. Neither Hawkins or Ryder seem to care, as Edge says that he feels he should apologize to them. Both stop him, and say that he doesn't have to, as they slightly blow him off in saying they have a match. As they leave, Edge seems confused.

R-Truth Promo: Apparently Ron "The Truth" Killings has found himself a new home, and that's going to be Smackdown. A promo is aired on the Truth's home of North Carolina, apparently the slums of N. Carolina that is. He speaks on paying for his crimes, and learning a lesson. This really got me remembering Rikishi's old "Fatu" gimmick.

Maria Promo: Yet another Maria debuting next week video is shown, let's see if this time it actually happens. I'm willing to think yes, but I'm also willing to think it won't be nearly important enough to have played a debut video for it.

Chavo Guerrero/Vickie Guerrero/Bam Neely: As Chavo is talking with Vickie about getting better, Bam comes in from talking to Edge and ends up forgetting exactly what Edge said. He said Edge is going to the ring, and wants Vickie to come out. He said either he's going to apologize to Vickie, or he wants Vickie to apologize to him. Seems to me like Chavo, Neely and the Edgeheads are all trying to figure out which side to play, for a better push.

Ending Segment: Edge comes to the ring, as he has some things to get off his chest. Edge wants to apologize to his lovely Wife, Victoria?! :lmao: Looks like he's married another.. oh, no, no, wait, wait.. it's still Vickie. The amount of heat both of these individuals get is amazing, and it's hilarious because Vickie is suppose to be seen as the tweener/face right now, yet she's being wheeled to the ring by Chavo and Neely.

Edge explains that what the video that played a week ago didn't show, was how many times Edge tried to say no. Alicia apparently forced herself onto Edge. He explains that he didn't leave, because he wanted to make sure everything was going to be perfect for the wedding. (So he attempted to, or did, sleep with the Wedding Planner to achive that.) Edge can't go on without Vickie's love, as you can see him chipping away at getting to her.

Vickie replies with understanding, and she seems happy again. At this point, they embrace and it seems that all is well again.. until...

She suddenly realizes she's a female, and starts trying to control the situation again. Vickie says when she was extremely upset at Edge, she did something he likely won't like. Edge says he understands and wants to know what.. Vickie.. BROUGHT BACK THE UNDERTAKER!!!! Oh, the fans loved that one.. still hate her, but loved the decision. lol

Edge tries to understand, and says that the move was good business. Edge says that the Undertaker and Triple H. can destroy each other, while they go on their honeymoon and whoever wins he'll pick the bones and he'll take back his Championship. Vickie thinks it's a great idea, with one small issue.. the Undertaker already has an opponent for Summerslam.. Edge!!! Oh, again the fans go wild with loving the decision.. still hating her, loving the decision though.

Edge seems a bit upset, and asks if she means it. She does, and it'll be inside Hell in a Cell as Vickie gives the most fucked up "wicked laugh" possible. The show ends on that note, along with the fans chanting for the Undertaker.

Overall Thoughts: At what point did we return to having 5 squash matches, and a Main Event in the middle of the show? Benjamin & McCool both capitalize on their Championship success. Hawkins and Ryder fall short, but end with the last laugh. Kozlov is still defeating guys that are way lesser than he is and Kendrick has another great outting, but in a way that isn't pushing him greatly..

I knew the Great Khali was going to win the instant I noticed Ranjin Singh back with him. The last time we seen Singh was during the Elimination Chamber, and Khali hasn't truly done a lot since. Now that he's once again with a mouth piece, he's even more of a threat to the Heavyweight Championship.

I'm unsure what they're doing with the Big Show, Umaga, M.V.P. and Mr. Kennedy, as it seems all four individuals are just randomly wandering from show to show, without an overall purpose. Meanwhile, again, Khali gets a Championship push and takes a huge amount of criticism over it. While I understand people feel anyone like M.V.P., Kennedy, Jeff Hardy and even Umaga could've been a better choice.

The fact is with Triple H. likely taking time off for the new child being born, this leaves the door open for him to get laid out and "injured" by Khali, likely on next week's show, which will give Khali an instant one way ticket to being worthy of being in the Main Event, and Triple H. won't have to be on another Smackdown (barring promos) until the p.p.v.

So, Victoria and Natalya are held off the show, and the heel that gets the first chance at McCool, is Maryse? I'd rather have seen Maria return with the fricken kiss cam. At least then I'd see some action.

I hope Benjamin's path is revealed soon, because I'm definately going to start dropping in respect for the guy if he just goes from show to show defending against no one over and over. I'm hoping that at Summerslam, a possible Fatal 4 Way could happen, with Benjamin, Hardy, M.V.P. and Kennedy. That'd be the match of the night, on a card that's already taking a great shape with the edition of Edge v. Undertaker, Hell in a Cell.

I can't express how much I'm huge on THE Brian Kendrick aka the next Brian Pillman right now. This guy has a ton of charisma, and I'm still concerned with why he didn't get the nod that Lance Cade is wasting away on Raw. Kendrick with the role he has, tied into that storyline could've produced a lot better. And Kofi Kingston on Raw is the perfect opponent for Kendrick as well, whereas on Smackdown, he really doesn't have anyone short of Jeff Hardy, or Mr. Kennedy. And if either of them lose to Kendrick, especially soon.. it'll hurt them more than anything.

I'm unsure if Vickie and Edge made up, or if Vickie turned on Edge. Because if at the end of Hell in a Cell, Vickie brings out the rest of La' Familia' and we get yet another 5 on 1 beat-down of the Undertaker, then we're right back to where we were three monthes ago.. with the edition of Triple H., who I'm sure won't stay out of it for long.

In the end, the show gets a 4 outta 10 from me. Too many squash matches with no meaning. A Main Event in the middle of the show, and the ending segment being the reinstatement of someone who should've actually came out, or had his music sound, or something.. but rather didn't, and instead ended on the note of Vickie trying to laugh wickedly and only came off sounding very badly.
I was at the show, and all week they advertised HHH vs. Edge. I was disappointed because we did get the match, but I assume it was after the camera's went off the air judging how Will said it ended on tv. Vickie said it was street fight, but then updated it to a Philadelphia street fight, which means maybe cheese steak's or a wing eating contest should've been involved, but alas we got a 5-8 minute P.O.S. match that I could've done without. All in all I enjoyed the show except for Khali winning, that was the only match I saw on tv and I find it funny how they edited out the "You can't wrestle" chants whenever Khali was on the offensive. Seriously, I would've been happier with anyone else winning that except him and apparently philly felt the same way.
TheOneBigWill's 'take' on Monday Night Raw: July 28th, 2008:

Opening Segment: John Cena kicks things off by coming out and addressing the way Raw went off the air a week ago. He said that he understands there will likely be consequences for hitting Batista in the mouth, so he's ready to take them like a man.

Batista comes out and explains that he understands that during heated situations, sometimes accidents happen and he said he saw the reply and fully understands that John Cena had no intentions on hitting him, so things between them are cool. Batista goes on to explain that he not only likes Cena, but respects him as well.. which means, after Summerslam Batista will give Cena the first shot at the World title.

Cena replies with not wanting to offend the 'Animal' yet saying he just can't agree that Batista deserves another shot. He's had 2 already and hasn't been able to win the Championship. Batista fires back with saying Punk can't defeat him, and as far as that goes, neither can Cena. This causes a bit of sparks as Cena believes a match-up between Cena v. Batista is a Wrestlemania sized match.. so why not make it happen, tonight. Batista agrees, and it looks like we have our Main Event.. that is, until.. Shane McMahon interrupts.

Shane quickly says that Stephanie and he have selected the next General Manager, who'll come out later. However that G.M. has been hard at work, making matches for tonight's show already. One of which is C.M. Punk against, arguably, the best free agent on the market. (noone is named) Another match is the Main Event.. a match that will put Kane and J.B.L., against John Cena.. and his partner.. Batista.

The Matches:

1. Intergender Tag Team Match: D-Lo Brown & Kelly Kelly v. Santino Marella & Beth Phoenix: I'm still shocked and amazed at exactly how much air-time Kelly-squared has been getting. She hasn't missed a show, and the girl has wrestled on Raw more than H.B.K., Jericho, most of the other Main Eventers, and half of the rest of the roster, since the draft. What happened there?

Short match that saw Santino having a hard time lifting D-Lo, until Beth tags herself in and easily does it herself. This prompts D-Lo to tag out, at which point Santino is more than confident to take her on. In the end, it's Santino rolling up Kelly-squared and celebrating as if he's just won the World Heavyweight Championship.

After the match, Beth is happy for him that he won, as Santino is expecting perhaps another kiss. Each time Beth glares over toward Santino, he acts shy and turns away however. This leads Santino to attempt leaving the ring, until Beth grabs him, jerks him back to the center of the ring and lays one on him that leaves him, and the rest of the viewing audience, seemingly wanting more. :lmao:

2. Tag Team Championships: Ted DiBiase & Cody Rhodes (c) v. Jerry Lawler & Michael Cole: Originally it was meant to be Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Jerry Lawler, but the "mystery G.M." made a last minute change to the match that added Michael Cole. Why wasn't actually revealed until the ending of the program.

The match itself was rarely boring and horrible. Lawler had more offense combined than the Tag Team Champions, and all he did was deliver two slaps to each of them. In the end, it was Cody clotheslining Michael Cole and picking up the win, after Cole hugged Lawler and somehow "tagged" himself into the match. Cole seemed to be pretty badly shaken up, as he was helped to the back via the on-call medical unit.

I have no idea why I was expecting this to be Cryme Tyme, or even Hardcore Holly replacing Hacksaw. But I suppose with knowing who the G.M. is now.. it makes perfect sense why shit was just thrown randomly at the wall. Way to destroy the current Tag Team Champions.

3. Intercontinental Championship: Kofi Kingston (c) v. Jamie Noble w/ Layla: So, no signs of the Burchill Family thus far, and apparently Noble just randomly gets a Championship match?? Also apparently Layla and Noble are an on-again/off-again 'item'. Interesting. We also learned today that "Rednecks" can't pronounce jamaican names. Ko'fi, is pronounced by Noble as coffee.

Overall this wasn't anything more than a squash match, as Noble's "examples" are getting smaller and smaller, yet his offense isn't getting bigger and bigger. Kofi wins in the end with his spinning roundhouse kick.

4. Non-Title: C.M. Punk v. William Regal: In his returning match, William Regal makes a very nice example out of our current World Heavyweight Champion. Apparently Regal is a "Free Agent" which means he could actually end up on E.C.W. or Smackdown, if he so wishes.

This entire match was all William Regal, with Punk getting more or less under 5 moves in, all of which were some form of kick, and the final G.T.S. to win the match. But let's not look ahead just yet, instead let's reflect on the greatness that this match was. You see, in my books this was the Match of the Night. Why? Because William Regal completely smashed Punk's nose into pieces. Regal did exactly what he's known best for doing.. and that's being a very hard-edge brawler. Once the nose became an issue, he targeted and worked it over quite nicely.

To credit the World Champion, this has been only his second clean victory since defeating Snitsky in the second week of his Championship reign. This was actually a very impressive victory, over the 2008 King of the Ring, as well as someone that in my books is quite a step up from Snitsky. Unfortunately, Punk will still have to continue doing more to prove he's worth holding that title.. and that's still something I just don't believe he'll ever do.

After the match Punk is made to look exactly like he's been used lately.. and that's minor. J.B.L. and Punk have a staredown, until Kane comes out, delivers a boot to J.B.L., only for Punk to knock Kane backwards, only for J.B.L. to blast Punk, then stare Kane down.

5. Non-Title: Mickie James v. Jillian Hall: I know Jillian has always been a blonde, but did she do something different? She completely came out and looked unlike her normal self, and I swear it's something regarding the hair, but I don't quite know. Another interesting fact regarding this match is.. where ever Jillian went, I think more "divas" need to go, because she returned with even more wrestling ability it looks like.

This was a very evenly matched contest, that in the end saw Mickie James hitting her Mickie-T for the win, only to hug and kiss her Father and be blindsided by Katie Lea Burchill. We later find out that the Burchill's have sent this personal message to the new General Manager, in hopes of becoming the new Women's and Intercontinental Champions, respectively.


Santino/Beth: A segment is shown before the Tag Team contest begins, in which Santino explains that he's not a piece of meat, and their relationship is strictly professional. Beth agrees, as you can tell they have chemistry.

Shane McMahon/J.B.L.: J.B.L. admires a picture of Mr. McMahon, only to ask how he is, for Shane to elude from answering in asking what he wants. J.B.L. wants a Championship match, to which Shane believes that he needs to speak with the new G.M. (the one he later berates) J.B.L. gets slightly upset because he feels since Shane is a McMahon, he should be able to help him.

The conversation is interrupted by Shane's theme music, as a ringtone, as Shane is talking to the new G.M. and blows J.B.L. off completely, walking out of the scene.

Highlight Reel: Jericho/Cade: This was being booked as the final Highlight Reel, ever. Apparently the basis behind it, is Chris Jericho comes out and explains that he's tired of amusing and playing to all the fans. He said he's allowed them to sidetrack him long enough from what's truly the real goal of every Superstar, and that's to become World Champion.

Jericho throws his name into the hat regarding challenging C.M. Punk, and then says he has a tribute video to play, for someone the fans will never evah see again. No, not Shawn Michaels, not H.B.K., but instead.. Y2J. A video package of some great old-school Highlight Reel moments are aired, mixed with a couple new ones of his recent redebut. A lot of it is him mocking and making fun of Stephanie McMahon.

He says that noone will ever see that Jericho again, because that's the Jericho that would rather host a talk show, than try to win a World Championship. And that's the Jericho that was blind in trying to please all the fans. At this point, Cade interrupts and says that none of the fans will ever get it, but Cade does. Cade thanks Jericho for helping him re-energize his career. He said he used to be partners with a singing cowboy, but now thanks to Jericho, he's broken out onto his own! Something none of the fans would understand.

Jericho makes one final plea to Shawn Michaels, and that's to simply stay at home. To raise his children, to be with his Wife, to give up trying to come back for the individuals in the audience who could care less about his personal health. Jericho ends the segment by saying finally, he feels he should deserve the title shot at Summerslam, because he's been more dominant than anyone recently, and has proved it by ending H.B.K.'s career.

Todd Grisham/Shane McMahon: In the back, Todd Grisham is trying to figure out who the new G.M. is. Grisham is completely confident that it's a male, until Shane interrupts him and explains that the new G.M. could be a he, or a she.

Cryme Tyme/Cena/Batista: Cryme Tyme are seen in the back with Cena, asking if he'd like them to go to the ring with him. J.T.G. believes Cena can't trust Batista, but they have his back. This gets interrupted by Batista, who agrees and says that the best thing for Cena to do.. is stay out of his way. Cena agrees and claims Dave took the words right outta his mouth. They argue on who'll walk down the hallway first, as Cena finally does.

Main Event: John Cena & Batista v. J.B.L. & Kane: I think if this Main Event proved anything, it's that these four individuals should never be allowed to be in the same match again, especially against each other. J.B.L. looked even worse than normal, and is it that incredibly hard for Kane to take a D.D.T.? He constantly lands on his knees, but this time his head didn't even get anywhere near the mat.

On the flip side, I'm not so positive I wanna see a Cena/Batista match-up anymore, as they really don't look like they could have connecting styles to work well. The plus, if you wanna call it that, is that C.M. Punk added into the middle of these 5 individuals would get lost and forgotten, so thanks to the newly appointed G.M., and the newly made Summerslam match, at least that (regarding Punk) won't be happening at the up-coming p.p.v.

In the end, it's J.B.L. accidentally hitting Kane, as all hell broke loose. Cena somehow tagged himself in, and in the end it was an F-U to Kane, with Cena picking up the victory. This was very short lived, however, as Shane McMahon walks out and addresses the crowd, introducing the new.. Raw.. General Manager.. Mike Adamle!!!! (seriously)

Noone can believe it, Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler are in disbelief over it, and Cena along with Batista almost want to cry, because they're laughing so hard. Adamle explains that at Summerslam, Cena will take on Batista, and that's how Raw ends.

Overall Thoughts: If you're expecting some words of wisdom from Big Will over how Adamle is a great choice, then you're looking in the wrong direction. I could sit here and easily tell you Adamle could work as G.M. because he's literally hated by everyone, and will quickly gain Vickie type heat, but not because he's making out with Edge.. instead, because he just sucks that incredibly much. On the flip side, J.B.L. completely mocked Adamle, so in return, I doubt seriously Adamle will grant J.B.L. a title match. Which technically makes Adamle a "face" G.M., doesn't it?

All I know is, the Raw ratings have been higher than normal. The "Did you Know?" facts even claimed Raw was the most watched program last week. So, who was the idiot in the creative brain circle who brought Adamle's name into the picture for keeping the ratings up? I mean, because it's obvious he's really gaining people's attention on E.C.W., and he was doing wonders for that brand. :disappointed:

When is Raw going to start putting on decent wrestling matches? Kelly Kelly? Santino Marella? Jamie Noble? If Raw is really that low in trying to scrap the buckle for talent, I think they need to work out a "trade-program" to get some of the un-used talent that's rotting on Smackdown. Which is rather funny since originally half of the un-used talent, now rotting on Smackdown, was rotting on Raw. Nothing's changed except the colors from Red to Blue on what shirts those rotting stars will be wearing at next year's Mania battle royal during the 30 minute before show.

Regal returning was truly the high point of my night. Regal busting Punk's nose all over the place was by far the greatest moment of the month for me. It's also rather ironic that Regal has been the first guy to truly get a great match out of him, since becoming World Heavyweight Champion. And even at that, Punk still got owned (as it were) all over the ring.

I'm convinced completely Katie Lea Burchill will become the next Womens' Champion. Since Kelly Kelly is being built on a weekly basis, she's likely the next challenger while Mickie takes a break, then reclaims her belt back. Melina should be returning in a couple monthes as well, which she would likely take it if Kelly didn't. And I'm unsure if Beth is a face or heel right now, since she's with a heel but they both get cheered.

Paul Burchill, on the other hand, isn't doing himself any favors. Tonight, Kofi's shining moment was destroying Noble in a squash match that ended without any type of interference by Paul Burchill. Not exactly how you get yourself known better.

I understand Raw's "Tag Team division" really has only the Champions and Cryme Tyme, but does that mean you have to practically job them out to two announcers? They deserve better than this, and they actually have some amount of talent. I really hope Cryme Tyme against Wall Street isn't added to Summerslam, but at the same time I hope it happens soon, otherwise Rhodes and DiBiase will become better known for being never-was, than has-beens.

Kane definately needs to do something with that bag, other than carry it around. Chances are he won't even bother opening it until the show prior to Summerslam, and there's no guarantee it's even his old mask, or a new version of another mask. I think that's just everyone's wish in general.

So Adamle's first official Pay Per View match made is a blockbuster indeed, but what's the purpose of it? Cena against Batista, sure big time match and all that.. but why? What's the point, what purpose does it serve? And why didn't he bother addressing the real issue, and that's the Championship match that everyone wants to be apart of? I think it'll be hilarious when Punk is actually held off the card, but not even "I" can completely believe they'd be that stupid. Could they?

Tonight's show gets a whopping 2 outta 10. William Regal's return is it for me, nothing more. Adamle as the new General Manager is going to go over as well as the plague once did. Why I ever thought it was going to be the returning Eric Bischoff is beyond me.

Look on the bright side, W.W.E. wanted a child-like PG rating. No way Adamle is grown up enough to give them anything more.. so they got what they wanted after all. :disappointed:
Wow, Will, I gotta disagree. The wrestling was entertaining. I know it's cool to not like Cena and JBL and Batista, but they put on a compelling main event. I enjoyed the match thoroughly.

The CM Punk and Regal match was great too. And I hate CM Punk. The ending was sudden, to say the least. But Regal's heel psychology is superior. Regal should be coreographing matches for that company. I am going to verbally *****e William Regal in this forum, for-ev-er.

Kofi and Noble was a fun little match. It could have used three more minutes, but it got the point across.

The Shane segments were great. I love Shane McMahon on my TV.

I wish JBL would finally just break down and cry, "I wanna fight CM Punk instead of Batista for the title becuase he would be easier to beat." They made Punk look like a lucky bitch tonight.

Jericho delivered an all time great heel promo. The part about destroying the fans got him real heat.

And finally, I loved the idea of Adamle as GM. One, no one watches for the GM, but the more you make people despise him, the more pop the faces get, every time. Look at Batista on SD! Peope wanted so bad for Batista to kill Vickie. Plus, if they advance the idea that he has been playing dumb, and that all the abuse the announcers have given him will be dealt with, it could be great. The WWE did everything they could to get people to hate Adamle, and it worked. Now let's see what they have in store.

I love the direction of the show. There is so much intrigue leading up to SummerSlam. Undertaker coming back, Kane's bag, who's gonna face Punk, HBK/Y2J, the new GM's wrath/abuse of new power, how's Vince.......

How can you not be excited for SummerSlam?
I also disagree with some of your thoughts Will:

So, who was the idiot in the creative brain circle who brought Adamle's name into the picture for keeping the ratings up? I mean, because it's obvious he's really gaining people's attention on E.C.W., and he was doing wonders for that brand.

It's because it is something totally new and unexpected. What were the alternatives? Bring back Regal? Raw is clearly looking to move forward and create new stars and fresh tv, so I think this is a potentially exciting move. I for one am looking forward to seeing this explained next week and also how Adamle's character pans out. This imo was the type of unexpected move that made Raw so good years back, with the suspense being built over the course of the show and then a swerve at the end.

When is Raw going to start putting on decent wrestling matches? Kelly Kelly? Santino Marella? Jamie Noble?

The way I look at last night's matches, they all in the most part served a purpose of furthering storylines and/or characters. Raw is never going to be 2 hours of pure wrestling, so I am pleased that we are at least getting a definite improvement from pre-draft Raw.

Regal returning was truly the high point of my night. Regal busting Punk's nose all over the place was by far the greatest moment of the month for me. It's also rather ironic that Regal has been the first guy to truly get a great match out of him, since becoming World Heavyweight Champion. And even at that, Punk still got owned (as it were) all over the ring.

I've seen you in quite a few posts complaining about Punk getting 'squashed' during matches. I believe you're missing the subtlety here of Punk's development as a champion. He is supposed to be the underdog, as any good face champion in the past has been (Hogan against monster heels, Austin against the Corporation etc.). We as the viewer are supposed to believe that Punk doesn't stand a chance of winning against his opponent, only for him to somehow come away with the belt. If he continues to do this enough times, then we will believe that he is a worthy champion. Also, I think out of your dislike for Punk you are missing the fact that he is actually pretty good at selling, because he obviously has you believing that he is getting beaten down in his matches. With the bloody nose etc, he really looked like he had had the shit kicked out of him, only to pull a win out the bag...

I understand Raw's "Tag Team division" really has only the Champions and Cryme Tyme, but does that mean you have to practically job them out to two announcers?

Again you're missing the subtlety here...the champions didn't 'job out' to the announcers - they won the match in a cowardly manner by getting the easy target Cole tagged in and then destroying him. They took the easy way out - that's what heel tag team champs do! And that's why we are supposed to hate them! (look at Ted Dibiase snr. in his tag team champion days!)

They deserve better than this, and they actually have some amount of talent. I really hope Cryme Tyme against Wall Street isn't added to Summerslam, but at the same time I hope it happens soon, otherwise Rhodes and DiBiase will become better known for being never-was, than has-beens.

I agree here, what Dibiase and Rhodes now need is a high profile victory that shows them as smart, cowardly cheats, and worthy champs. They are being built slowly and surely so I'd give it time.

Kane definately needs to do something with that bag, other than carry it around. Chances are he won't even bother opening it until the show prior to Summerslam, and there's no guarantee it's even his old mask, or a new version of another mask. I think that's just everyone's wish in general.

Totally agree again - Kane imo is already once again going stale already.

So Adamle's first official Pay Per View match made is a blockbuster indeed, but what's the purpose of it? Cena against Batista, sure big time match and all that.. but why? What's the point, what purpose does it serve? And why didn't he bother addressing the real issue, and that's the Championship match that everyone wants to be apart of? I think it'll be hilarious when Punk is actually held off the card, but not even "I" can completely believe they'd be that stupid. Could they?

Maybe none of these questions were answered so we all wonder, and tune in next week to find out??

Tonight's show gets a whopping 2 outta 10. William Regal's return is it for me, nothing more. Adamle as the new General Manager is going to go over as well as the plague once did. Why I ever thought it was going to be the returning Eric Bischoff is beyond me.

Can't believe you gave this show a 2. Good storylines and character development throughout, the show-long suspense of the new GM, and a great lead into next week's show with a lot of unanswered questions.

I think this was a very good edition of Raw and I am delighted with the way the show is going at the moment. So much improvement from pre-draft, and so much better without HHH squashing and burying everyone in sight. Can't wait for next weeks show!
To be honest as much as people are saying c.m punk should not be world champion i think it makes it interesting because we honestly believe he could drop the belt anytime he defends the belt whereas we have a champion like Triple h who we expect to win ppv after ppv and continue his long predictable title reign till possibly wrestle mania 25 at least with c.m punk there is a feeling he could lose the next belt at summer slam or unforgiven or even next week e.t.c. while im not a big c.m punk fan at least its unpredictable when he defends the belt at p.p.v as he isn't certain to go over.
Just a couple of quick thoughts.

1. Someone else pointed out that the match with punk ended suddenly, and I agree. My guess though is that it was a call made during the match to end it quickly because of punk's busted nose. Punk was obviously slated to win this one regardless but when he had a legitimate injury and those involved weren't sure how bad it was, they made the decision to just skip to the end. At least that would be my guess.

2. While naming adamle seemed random, there is some logic to it. But so that I don't get redundant, I'll save my thoughts on it for the Mike adamle as GM thread.
Seriously underwhelming Raw. For example, I think you need to have more of an event between Cena and Batista to make a match between them, just an accidental crack on the jaw from Cena in the ring is a bit flimsy.

Shane McMahon billing William Regal as the 'hottest free agent' was a bit of a stretch no? The Adamle appointment is a bizarre one. I briefly thought it could have been HBK, but if it had been, he would have been introduced as Jericho did his final Highlight Reel.

Personally, I expect at least a few blunders by him during his first few live events, in terms of poor mic work etc. Also, what real reason was there to have JR out there? If you make Adamle the GM, he's already picked on the Raw announce team, surely if you bring JR out, you put him in a match, or have him attacked in some way.

Finally, what's with people all of a sudden calling Batista 'Dave'? I know it's his name, but did that happen on Smackdown a lot? CM Punk, Cena and Adamle have been calling him Dave since he joined Raw.
Amy’s late ‘take’ on Smackdown 07/25/08 edition:

After a recap video of last week’s closing segment featuring Edge, Vicki, the wedding planner, and HHH, Jim Ross and Mick Foley welcomed us and noted GM Vicki Guerrero had yet to arrive. They questioned her physical and psychological well-being following last week’s wedding celebration debacle and then being speared by Edge at the GAB.

V.I.P. Lounge: MVP welcomed us to the VIP Lounge, delivered his catchphrases, said don’t be hating on him, and introduced his “controversial” guest as a 4-time IC champion, 7-time tag team champion, the Charismatic Enigma. Jeff Hardy came down and took a mic. MVP got the pleasantries out of the way, welcoming Jeff to Smackdown and the VIP Lounge. MVP pointed out Jeff would be competing in the summer’s biggest blockbuster battle royale later in night for a chance to face HHH for the WWE title at SS. MVP listed his opponents: Mr. Kennedy, Umaga, Great Khali, and Big Show. MVP said the odds on favorite was the one participant he’d didn’t mention – himself. Jeff cracked that MVP hadn’t won a match since he lost the US title to his brother.;) Indeed.

MVP let that go and went on about how this is a great year for Jeff. He plugged Jeff’s cover of the latest WWE magazine. MVP explained that Jeff’s known for being a daredevil risk-taker and those risks have resulted in some big failures. Hardy admitted he made a mistake and paid for it with a 60-day suspension and missed WrestleMania. Jeff said the fans respect his openness and honesty.

MVP ran down Hardy’s other mistakes including dropping the IC belt to Jericho prior to his suspension, the loss of his trailer home, and his beloved dog Jack, all of which MVP attributed to Jeff’s reckless, risk-taking behavior. MVP pointed out he’s wrestling with guilt and called Hardy a detriment to himself and all those around him. MVP told Jeff he’ll never ever be the WWE Champion and doesn’t believe him when he says he’ll never be suspended again. Hardy corrected MVP, saying he’ll be released the next time. MVP told Jeff he needed to start acting like a professional and come to terms with the issues burning him up inside. Hardy said he was thankful for the second chance and that MVP of all people should know about second chances. Jeff’s emotions got the better of him and he weakly shoved MVP who retreated from the ring up the ramp.

The opening segment was solid and entertaining enough because of MVP’s mic work and while Jeff’s mic time was brief (thankfully), I just couldn't get it. While I credit Hardy for allowing all those personal things to be aired on TV, I just don’t find his personal struggles all that original or interesting. The opening segment was a little too reality-based for my liking. And for those keeping score at home, Hardy said man 4 times, dude 1, and cuz 1. At least the night’s main event, the battle royale, sounds promising.

Match #1 Shelton Bejamin vs. Jimmy Wang Yang: Prior to the start, Benjamin cut a decent promo about liberating the US title from Matt Hardy at the GAB to become the new US Champion. Then he delivered that annoying ‘Ain’t no stopping me now’ scream. Shelton looked really happy to be holding championship gold.

All Shelton the first minute then Yang rallied a little offense. Shelton hit his Paydirt finisher out of nowhere for the win in this glorified 2-minute squash.

Backstage Segment: Hawkins and Ryder met a concerned looking Edge. He congratulated his “kids” on winning the tag titles. He started to explain about last week. Hawkins and Ryder said they didn’t need an apology but Vicki might then rushed off to their match.

Nice segment. It seems as though Hawkins and Ryder are transitioning away from Edge to stand on their own.

Match #2 Kurt Hawkins (w/Zach Ryder) vs. Festus (w/Jesse): Instead of your typical Jesse and Festus tag match, this was a 2-minute Festus squash. On the outside, Jesse prevented Ryder from employing the ring bell. Post-match Ryder took out Jesse then he and Hawkins delivered a double DDT to Festus.

I can't help thinking this loss doesn’t bode well for the new tag team champions’ reign. And I could care less about this Jesse/Festus – Hawkins/Ryder feud.

Backstage Segment: Bam Neely snuck up and eavesdropped as Edge told the wedding planner she shouldn’t be there as Vicki was due to arrive any minute and he’d meet her back at the hotel.

Match #3 Stevie Richards vs. Vladimir Kozlov: Apparently Richards challenged Kozlov to a rematch. Stevie received a nice hometown pop and managed to get in a little offense. Kozlov used the battering ram finisher for the win in this 3-minute squash. Post-match Kozloz went to the announce table and shouted Russian at JR who interpreted it that Kozlov wants more and better competition.

This guy seriously needs a feud already. The weekly squashes have served their purpose. They’re repetitive and boring now.

Match #4 Mr. Kennedy vs. Great Khali vs. MVP vs. Umaga vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Big Show (6-man Battle Royale): At the start, Hardy went for MVP who slid out of the ring. Kennedy and Hardy briefly worked on Khali in one corner. Khali clotheslined both then delivered the brain chop to MVP. In the other corner, Show and Umaga went at it. Show sidewalk slammed Umaga (nice) then exchanged headbutts with Khali. Umaga dealt superkicks to Show and Khali.

Back from commercial break, Hardy hit the Whisper in the Wind on Umaga. Kennedy/Show and Umaga/Khali paired off. MVP and Hardy took turns trying to eliminate each other. Jeff successfully eliminated MVP at just under 7 minutes in. Umaga tossed Jeff over the top rope but he held on. Umaga and Show squared off next. Show clotheslined Umaga to the floor. Jeff and Kennedy took on Show who eliminated Kennedy via clothesline at the 8-minute mark.

Khali delivered the brain chop to Show who came back with a chokeslam on Khali. Umaga illegally reentered the ring and delivered the Samoan Spike to Show. Moments later, Hardy went top rope, Show caught him, Hardy reversed the powerbomb into a headscissors, Hardy held on as Show hit the floor. Hardy hit the Swanton Bomb on Khali who quickly recovered. He brain chopped and tossed Hardy over the top like a ragdoll. Post-match HHH came to the ring and stood toe-to-toe with Khali. His interpreter Ranjin Singh pulled Khali away and up the ramp while Trips posed in the ring.

Everybody looked strong and got in some offense in this exciting 10½-minute battle royal. They really kept me guessing as to whom would win. Khali? Say it ain’t so! He makes once or bi-monthly appearances and suddenly is the No. 1 contender? Of all the participants, he is the least interesting and entertaining challenger. I’m not excited for HHH-Khali at SS. At least Singh’s sudden reappearance makes sense though; Khali will need a mouthpiece leading up to the PPV.
  • The first vignette promoting Ron Killings' return aired!!!
Match #5 Michelle McCool vs. Maryse: The new Divas belt if as ugly as ever and McCool doesn’t wear it well.:disappointed: Nothing worth mentioning other than McCool made Maryse tap to the rolling heel hook in this typical 2-minute divas match. I’m disappointed Natalya didn’t make an appearance.

Backstage Segment: Bam ran up to Chavo wheeling Vicki into the arena through the back. Bam asked if Chavo had told her about what Edge said earlier. Chavo sent Bam a "shut up now" look and said they’d discuss things in her office.

· The same video hyping Maria’s debut aired. She’s set to arrive next week…that is, unless they delay it another week or three.:lmao:

Backstage Segment: Bam informed Edge that Vicki’s here. Edge said he needs to apologize but it has be in the ring. Bam left to relay the message to Vicki.

I’m genuinely intrigued by Bam’s new spy/messenger boy role in the Edge-Vicki saga.

Match #6 Brian Kendrick vs. Shannon Moore (Main Event): Before the start, Kendrick cut a solid promo about how privileged we are to be in the presence of the fastest, most well trained, and intelligent wrestler in all the WWE. He said one day we’d tell our kids and grankids about 'The Brian Kendrick' but cautioned if we try to touch his greatness we’ll have to deal with big, bad Zeke.

Kendrick was in control early and really abused Moore’s ribs with repeated kicks. Moore got in a little offense when Kendrick missed a top rope double knee drop. Kendrick shoulder block tackled Moore off the apron, drove his head into the turnbuckle, then hit The Kendrick (formerly Sliced Bread No. 2) for the win in this 2-minute glorified squash.

I’m still not completely sold on the new look, but Kendrick’s character is growing on me. I could do without the references to Brian Pillman though. Let’s see what the kid can do on his own without the added pressure.

Backstage Segment: Bam informed Vicki that Edge wants to see her in the ring to issue an apology then questioned whether it was Edge who expected her to apologize. Bam was confused.

Interesting, he didn’t tell Vicki he’d seen Edge with Alicia Fox earlier. Perhaps that will come into play later on. Until that segment, Bam showed promise tonight as being more than a wallflower. Then he acted like a big dumb muscle guy. Still he did more tonight that he has in the past six months.:thumbsup:

Ending Segment: Edge made his way to the ring and said he wanted to deliver a face-to-face public apology to his beloved wife Victoria. He asked she join him and Bam and Chavo wheeled her down. They helped her into the ring then hesitantly left her alone with Edge. She looked hurt and pissed and wouldn’t meet his eyes for the first minute or so.

Edge dropped to one knee and said what he did was horrible but hopes she can find it in her heart to forgive him. He blamed what happened on Alicia’s aggressiveness and his desire to perfect every detail of their wedding. Edge pointed out the video didn’t show the number of times he told the wedding planner no. He said nothing means more to him than Vicki’s happiness and he can’t live without her love. Vicki smiled, called him baby, and said she understood. The two embraced. Edge tried to kiss Vicki but she turned her head away.

Vicki said hell hath no fury “over” a woman scorned and that she did something when she was really mad at him that he won’t like. Edge started looking around, biting his nail, and generally chomping at the bit to know what she did. Vicki announced that she had reinstated the Undertaker. The crowd popped and Edge tried to maintain his composure. After a few moments, he said she was a business woman and it was a good business move. He brightened saying they could go on their honeymoon and he’d pick either Taker or Trips’ bones upon his return.

Unfortunately, Vicki had already booked Taker in a match at SS. Edge tremulously asked who Taker’s opponent will be and Vicki dropped the bomb that it was him. Edge started pacing and couldn’t believe his ears. Vicki told him it would be Hell in a Cell. She cackled, smiled, and stared down at Edge sitting in the middle of the ring looking absolutely floored.

Really strong segment to close the show. Edge was fantastic and despite flubbing one line Vicki was good. I loved her evil cackling laughter. So after Vicki’s news, will Edge still want Vicki back? I just hope this isn’t going to turn into another round of let’s see how we can screw Taker for the next two months.

Overall Thoughts: Unfortunately the ending segment wasn’t enough to save this show from being a total bore. Wrestling wise, it was a bust with too many squashes and divas match. The battle royale was solid but it should have been the main event. Storyline-wise, yet again the night was about Vicki and Edge. At least, they’ve managed to suck me back in. And while I continue to hope they start better utilizing their roster (Hardy, MVP, Kennedy, Umaga, Show, Benjamin, Kozlov to name a few...geez, I sound like MVP lol), I have a feeling everyone will have to wait awhile longer with Taker’s imminent return.
Amy’s late ‘take’ on Raw 07/28/08:

Opening Segment
: Wearing a new Cenation jersey, John Cena came to the ring. He stood there for a few seconds looking like his dog just died. He said judging from the mixed crowd reaction it’s obvious he is not perfect. He owned up to his mistake of socking Batista in the mouth last week. And in accordance with how he was raised, Cena asked Tista to come out and settle things. Wearing a Washington Bullets jersey, Tista came out to the nice hometown pop. He said things happen in the heat of the moment, the punch wasn’t intentional, and they’re cool. In fact, as a show of respect, Tista offered Cena the first title shot when he beats Punk at SS.

Cena said he didn’t mean any disrespect but Tista’s already had two chances and doesn’t think he deserves another. Tista pointed out he’d be the WHC if people would stop interfering in his matches. Tista said Punk can’t beat him and neither can Cena. John paused, let that comment go, and said Tista must be happy to be home. In accordance with the lawlessness that has been Raw for weeks, Cena proposed a WrestleMania-caliber match, Cena vs. Tista, to determine the No. 1 Contender later in the night. Tista was about to accept when Shane McMahon’s music hit.

Shane danced onto the stage and said a new GM had been appointed and would be announced later in the show. He said the new GM has been extremely busy making matches: (1) CM Punk will take on one of the most technically sound, hottest free agents in the biz, and (2) Cena and Tista would face the tag team of JBL and Kane.

All good things must come to an end. I’ll miss the chaotic Raw but can’t wait to find out who the new GM is. Please let it be Regal. I’m most pumped to know who this hot free agent is. Fingers crossed it’s MVP as they noted his contract issues on Smackdown a few weeks back. Up until Shane’s announcement, I found the opening segment a complete bore. Tista and Cena’s exchange lacked chemistry and came across forced. Maybe something is seriously wrong with me, but I could care less about Cena vs. Tista.

Match #1 Kelly Kelly & D-Lo Brown vs. Beth Phoenix & Santino Marella: Prior to the start, backstage footage aired of Santino telling Beth he can’t blame her for being attracted to him. He said his good looks are both a gift and a curse and made it known he is not a piece of meat. Beth scoffed and said their relationship was strictly professional. Let’s see how long that lasts.

Santino and D-Lo started off. Santino tried but couldn’t get D-Lo up, so Beth tagged herself in and lifted D-Lo onto her shoulders to Santino’s amazement. D-Lo tagged in Kelly. Once Beth had control of Kelly, Santino wanted back in. He knocked D-Lo off the apron and rolled up Kelly for the win. He celebrated like he just made the winning hit in the World Series.
  • Post-match, Santino tried to hug Beth who settled on a handshake. The stood there teasing another kiss. Finally Santino started to leave only to have Beth violently pull him back and deliver a kiss.
The 2-minute match served no other purpose than to continue the awkward yet surprisingly entertaining Santino-Beth storyline.

Backstage: JBL approached Shane looking at a picture of his father. Shane evaded JBL’s inquiry into his father’s condition and asked what he wanted. JBL said he, not Cena or Tista, deserved the next title shot and he didn’t agree with being partnered with the psychopathic bag-carrying Kane. Shane told him he’d have to take those matters up with the new GM. Shane’s phone rang with his entrance music as his ringtone. He said it was the new GM and rushed off to make some last-minute match changes.

It looks like the McMahon stage collapse storyline is officially dead. No one’s said anything more about it in weeks now. And JBL continues to get a lot of TV time. I still don’t get it.:headscratch:

Match #2 Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler & Michael Cole vs. Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase (Non-Title): Hacksaw Jim Duggan was King’s scheduled partner, but a ref came out with a last minute note replacing Duggan with Cole. It was a silent match with both Lawler and Cole in the match. At the start, King and DiBiase traded offense. Cody tagged in and hit a top rope bulldog that King stood and waited for (bad timing). Rhodes backdropped King who retreated to his corner. Cole checked on him and accidentally tagged himself into the match (um ok). Cody tossed King to the floor and brought in Cole who looked like he just dropped a load in his suit. Cole struck Rhodes who delivered a hard clothesline for the win. Post-match King and the officials checked on Cole.

This 4-minute match did nothing for me. I enjoy announcers in matches LESS than matches involving refs. Sure beating up old timers and Cole draws heat, but Rhodes and DiBiase have made their point and now it’s time they move on. I want to see competitive tag team wrestling damn it.
  • Back from commercial break, Mike Adamle (why God why!?!?) welcomed us then was joined by King. The Adamle said he got a call last week to be at the show so it seems Cole’s match was prearranged, which completely makes the supposed last-minute match change stupid. King said the new GM liked to play games.
Jamie Noble Promo: Noble said the new GM needs to know he is the rising star of Raw and has all the tools to make it to the top. Jamie brought his part-time girlfriend/business associate Layla to prove to her and the world he is the next ideal IC champion. Earlier in the day he challenged “Coffee” Kingston to an IC title match.

Nice promo. I’ve always liked Noble so I’m glad to see they’re continuing to use him.

Match #3 Jamie Noble vs. Kofi Kingston (IC Title Match): Right away, Noble took it to Kofi with forearms to the back and a powerslam for a cover. Off the Irish Whip, Kofi got his feet up and went on an offensive spree (uppercut, standing dropkick, Russian leg sweep, “boom boom’ leg drop, kick to the head). Noble used Kofi’s momentum off the blind crossbody for another cover. In the end, Kofi hit the Trouble in Paradise kick for the win. Layla’s ringside look screamed “You got knocked the f*ck out.”

Solid match but too short (1½ minutes) to really get into.

Backstage: A shot of CM Punk headed out for his match.

JBL joined the announce team. He told The Adamle he belonged on the home shopping network:lmao: and to shut up. (Well, that’s one thing JBL and I can agree on.) JBL said he was out to prove his point to the new GM. He stared down Punk during his entrance. Lillian effectively paused, as if saying “wait for it”, when she announced Punk’s opponent – the returning William Regal.

I’m psyched Regal’s back but bummed he’s the hot free agent facing Punk. So much for hoping MVP would jump ship to Raw.:disappointed:

Match #4 CM Punk vs. William Regal (Non-Title): Regal grounded Punk for the first minute with some mat wrestling then busted Punk’s nose when he kicked Punk’s head into the ring post. Back in the ring, Regal worked Punk’s head/neck with a full nelson for a couple nearfalls. Punk briefly rallied with punches, a backfist, and kick to the head for a nearfall. Regal hit a nice belly-to-back suplex, but Punk hit the Go To Sleep out of nowhere for the victory.

It was strange seeing Regal wrestle in a singlet, but he still looked sharp after 2 months off. This 5½-minute match was my match of the night. With the loss, I don’t see Regal being named the new GM though. Bummer. Punk needed a clean win but not another ‘fluky’ one. He didn’t look strong at all, being owned by Regal until the final seconds.
  • Post-match JBL entered the ring and instantly Kane’s music hit. Kane came down and delivered an uppercut to JBL. Punk kicked Kane in the head. JBL landed a big boot on Punk.
The SS World Heavyweight Championship match is shaping up to be a Triple Threat featuring Punk vs. JBL vs. Kane. Thanks but I’ll pass. And when JBL loses again (and he will), he’ll blame Kane and demand (and receive) yet another title shot. Tsk, tsk.

The Final Highlight Reel: Wearing a suit and tie and with Lance Cade in tow, Jericho came to the ring. He said he’s matured and moved on. For years, he played the part of the performer/party host/showman because it’s what the fans wanted from him. He called it a pathetic mistake to reach for fool’s gold instead of another world title.

Jericho announced this would be the last Highlight Reel and had prepared a special farewell to an icon, a man we’ll ever see again. He wasn’t talking about HBK though. After highlights of the wild, crazy Y2J of yesteryears aired, he said he was embarrassed of who he was back then. Jericho said he could’ve continued down that path but the fans still wouldn’t have respected and adored him like they do HBK. Jericho said that when he destroyed Shawn he was also destroying each and every fan.

Cade took the mic and said that although the fans don’t appreciate him he does. He thanked Jericho for recognizing his talent and rescuing his career from being saddled with a singing cowboy. Jericho thanked Cade.

Jericho pleaded with Shawn to move on, stay home, cherish his wife and kids, and just enjoy his life away from the wrestling business. He wrapped things up by saying he, more than Cena, Tista, JBL, or anyone else, deserves a title match.

Yet another really good Jericho promo even if it drug on a bit. I really like the progressive depth to Jericho’s character and can’t wait until he moves into WHC contention. I’m up for Punk vs. Jericho, but I’m sure he and Michaels will have a SS rematch.
  • Jim Ross joined King and The Adamle at the announce table. He too said he received a call to be here. Nice to have JR and King back together for the moment. Maybe now I’ll be able to tune The Adamle out like I do every Tuesday.
Match #5 Mickie James vs. Jillian (Non-Title): Jillian took control early on. Late in the match, Mickie rallied with a Thesz press, series of punches and lariats, and the tornado DDT for the win.
  • Post-match Katie Lea attacked Mickie as she celebrated with her father at ringside. Katie Lea met her brother on the ramp and said she hopes the new GM was watching. She called herself the next Women’s Champion and Paul the next IC champ.
The 2-minute divas match served no other purpose than to continue the Mickie-Katie Lea feud.

Backstage: Todd Grisham asked Shane for the inside scoop on the new GM. Shane pointed out it could be a he or a she but the individual was already at the show. Shane told Todd he’d find out when everyone else does.

For 2 months now, we’ve waited for a new GM and they’re going to make us wait until the end of the show. The reveal had better live up the anticipation and suspense.

Backstage: Cryme Tyme said Tista couldn’t be trusted and wanted to accompany Cena to the ring. Shad pointed out that if Tista pins Kane or JBL, the title shot will be his. Tista walked up and Cena excused Cryme Tyme. Cena told Tista they needed to focus on their match. Tista noted they didn’t trust each other and told Cena to stay out of his way. Cena agreed and cautiously backed away from Tista.

Match #6 JBL & Kane vs. John Cena & Batista: Cena and JBL (yes JBL) traded offense to start. (Unlike weeks past, I guess he’s no longer afraid to face Cena having beaten him at the GAB. Or maybe he just realizes he can’t rely on past accomplishments and his big mouth to get him a title shot; he needs to work for it). Tista tagged himself in and overpowered JBL for the first cover. Kane made the save and Cena clotheslined him to the floor. Cena and Tista stood in the ring and stared at each other as we cut to commercial only 1½ minutes into the match.

Back from break, JBL and Kane took turns working over Cena for several minutes. Late in the match, Cena rallied and hit a sloppy DDT. Tista got the hot tag and exploded on the heels. JBL Irish Whipped Tista into the ropes which Kane pulled down and sent Tista to the floor. Back in the ring, Kane worked Tista’s midsection and grounded him with a body scissors. JBL tagged in and took a shot at Cena on the apron. Tista speared JBL who recovered quickly with a big boot to Tista. JBL accidentally punched Kane on the apron. The ref called it a tag (again ok). Kane looked to chokeslam JBL when Cena tagged himself in and hit the FU on Kane for the win.

Decent but forgettable 12-minute match. WTF are they doing with Kane? They gave us the mysterious, crazed heel Kane and a few good weeks with him ranting about is “he” alive or dead and carrying that bag. The last two weeks he’s incurred two losses and had virtually no impact on the show. He’s just there. It seems they’ve dropped the ball on what has the makings of one of the best storylines going.:rolleyes:
  • Post-match Tista and Cena stared each other down. Shane’s music hit and he danced onto the stage for the second time. He joked we’re right back to where we started. Shane introduced the new GM, looked behind him for a few seconds, turned around and said it was Mike Adamle who was standing in the ring with Cena and Tista who had ‘What the f*ck’ looks on their faces. He announced they would meet each other at SS.
Downer segment to close the show. Revealing The Admale as the new GM was a surprise but it was anti-climatic because it was done in such a lackluster manner. I know it’s early, but I just don’t see how The Adamle is going to make a good GM. He sucked as an announcer and he’s been ripped on by everybody. He also calmly announced the Batista-Cena SS match that should have been put over as a big deal.

Overall Thoughts: Another disappointing show that didn’t live up to my expectations. The typical ‘blah blah blah’ start, followed by far too many short matches, topped off with the GM reveal letdown. Jericho, Santino/Beth, Regal, and Noble were the hits. Everything else was a miss.
TheOneBigWill's 'take' on Friday Night Smackdown: August 1st, 2008:

(Note)- I came in late on Smackdown, so I missed the first two matches and segments that happened during that time. I caught some on youtube, and will more or less give my take on what I read from the recap that whoever wrote on the main site.

The Matches:

1. M.V.P. v. Jimmy Wang Yang: From what I understand, this wasn't even a match and it was basically just a squash by M.V.P. In my opinion, this is the third week (I believe it's been 3 straight now) for Yang, to just get squashed in matches against Kendrick, Benjamin and now M.V.P.

Either the W.W.E. is making him pay for his abuse, even beyond the suspension, or they no longer want to push Yang and Moore as a team. Either way, I can't say I'm sorry I missed this match.

2. Non-Title: Shelton Benjamin v. Mr. Kennedy: On the flip side of things, I am rather disappointed I missed this one. From what I hear, this was the match of the night and it could be a taste of things to come. In the end, Kennedy picks up the non-title win in a match that went back and forth.

If that's the case, then I greatly anticipate a showdown/rematch of some sort to happen on p.p.v. in which Kennedy could just become the new United States Champion.

3. The Brian Kendrick w/ Ezekiel v. Stevie Richards: (ah, something I seen) I've already pushed The Brian Kendrick to the moon and back, but I must say the guy could take on a jobber that's completely unknown and I'd still eat every minute of the match up. Your typical squash for Kendrick, his third straight since the new Pillman-like look.

I must say, Bam Neely has NOTHING on Zek. Ever since debuting with Kendrick, in each match the guy has been the deciding factor in some way, to help Kendrick pull out the victory. And at the end of this match, we may have just seen his finisher, the Torture Rack! Meanwhile, Neely's running around backstage trying to figure out if he can make it in the fast paced career of spying.

4. Jeff Hardy v. The Great Khali: The squash matches continue, well kinda. Hardy actually controlled this match a bit more so than Khali. I'm not really sure what to say about that except that the deciding factor in this match was the run-in from M.V.P., that distracted Hardy.. then ended him up in the vice-grip from Khali. No Triple H. sighting, but they did manage to get in a King of Kings video.

5. Maria v. Victoria: I had to actually check twice to make sure I wasn't seeing things. Maria actually debuted, it wasn't fake, she was actually there. Unfortunately, at Victoria's expense. While I'd be lying if I said it was a good back and forth match, the fact is it served it's purpose.

The match pushed Maria in the right direction, by giving her the win with an impressive clothesline take down. Meanwhile, it reminded everyone that Victoria is a thing of the past. The announcers pushed the idea of McCool against Maria. All I have to say is, please not a Pay Per View.

6. Big Show v. Domino: I'm going to randomly assume this was the Main Event match of the evening. Somehow I think Hardy against Khali should've been. Big Show wins in a squash, plain and clear.

I'm actually a bit upset, this is the second (or possibly even third) time he's faced Domino, and both (or every) times he's clearly destroyed him. I was hoping Domino might actually get a decent push of some kind, I mean to break up a good Tag Team is only useful if you're pushing someone.. but Deuce hasn't even redebuted on Raw, and Domino is attempting to defeat the Big Show which from the looks of it, will never ever happen.

After the match we had a staredown between Umaga and the Big Show, but they cut away before anything happened.


Jeff Hardy/M.V.P.: (didn't see it) From what I understand, M.V.P. at the opening of the show replied much of what he spat out last week in refering to Hardy's failures, mistakes and real life losses. In return, Hardy said that if he ever mentions his real life again he'll pay. (more or less)

Chavo/Edge Heads/Vickie Guerrero: I didn't see the Chavo/Edgeheads spot, but apparently Neely and Chavo were going all over the backstage area trying to help Vickie in figuring out who his guest was. I did catch a segment with Vickie and Chavo, in which he was trying to calm her and told her that she shouldn't worry about who his guest would be.

Edge/Alicia Fox: Edge pulls Fox into a small cut-off from the halls and tells her that he wanted her to come tonight, but he bought her a ticket to sit in the crowd, not to be backstage. Seems to me that Edge is still playing with the Fox. (hehe get it? little play on words th.. nevermind) This makes me miss Lita more and more everyday.

R-Truth: This week we get a promo about R-Truth behind bars. I really didn't listen to much because my mind is already made up that he'll be used for about a month before he's forgotten about, again.

He basically claims that he's seen the error of his ways and where he was, he was told what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. (Anyone sure he's not talking about T.N.A. instead of Prison? :lmao:)

Closing Segment: The Cutting Edge: Edge/Mick Foley: Edge comes out to close out the show. He said that he's had a week to try and relax and get his mind right, but he can't. He said he tried studying up and getting ready for this match-up with the Undertaker, but that didn't help because he instead seen how violent and brutal the Undertaker has been inside Hell in a Cell.

Noone knew who his special guest was, but right before he revealed that person, he said that his guest was the one and only person, who could help Edge find the answer to the problem regarding the Undertaker and HIAC.. that guest, was Mick Foley!

Foley came in the ring and listened to Edge. Edge in turn played a video of the "attitude era" and the HIAC in which Foley was thrown off of, and through. Edge said that he seen Foley the day before that match, and he hasn't been the same since after it. Edge more or less (I think) wanted Foley to help him, to possibly get a bit of revenge for himself, for the past.

Foley agreed and said that he'd like to help Edge and it's true that he hasn't been the same, but he can't help Edge. He said the one thing Edge has done to him, is ruin his credibility because while it wasn't and isn't always popular to say, Foley has constantly insisted that Edge is the best Superstar in the W.W.E. today. However he isn't talking about the Edge that plays the numbers game, or the Edge that's so unbearable without Vickie.. he's talking about the Edge that he had the greatest hardcore match in Wrestlemania history with. The guy that made T.L.C. famous.

Foley said that if the Edge we see today shows up at Summerslam, the Undertaker is more or less going to destroy and kill him completely. Foley insisted and almost demanded that Edge return to the Edge of old, and asked if he understood. That prompted Edge to strike Foley with the microphone and pummel him to the outside of the ring.

Foley struck Edge back, but in the end, it was a spear to Foley, as his head hit the steps, then back in the ring Edge took a chair, climbed the ladder, and leaped off, smashing the chair onto Foley, sending him through the table he was laying on. The show ended on that note.

Overall Thoughts: You know it's funny, I believe overall maybe one match on tonight's card wasn't a squash, and that was the Kennedy/Benjamin match.. yet at the same time, Smackdown's talent level is so high, that every match even the clear-cut squash ones, are still mildly entertaining.. so much more than Raw.

I'm hoping that the feuds between Shelton Benjamin, Mr. Kennedy, M.V.P., Jeff Hardy, Umaga and the Big Show get shoved into one match for Summerslam. Hell, I wouldn't even mind it being a 6 man Tag Team contest. (Benjamin, M.V.P. & Umaga v. Show, Hardy & Kennedy) But I'd much rather it be a 6 man contest in which the United States Championship was on the line. That match alone, with all 6 individuals could shine as the best match on the card, and the card is already staked.

I sure as anything else, hope that they use The Brian Kendrick right. This guy is just flat-out amazing. The one thing I couldn't help but slightly laugh at, is the fact that one of the angles that caught him tonight made him look about as big built as me. (not a compliment) But his mic skills are already better than the current United States Champion. He's got a guaranteed Tag Team partner in that bodyguard of his, and he's got future Champion written all over his current gimmick.

I'm a bit curious how they're planning on using R-Truth. First, the name needs to go. If it was just "The Truth" it'd be workable, but R-Truth, sounds like some reject rapper. (which I suppose is what they were going for, and it's better than K-Kwik I suppose) But the fact is, who is he going to be working against? Shelton Benjamin is my first guest.. but outside of that, I have no clue.

Isn't Chavo Guerrero & Bam Neely E.C.W. talent? I haven't really noticed any Smackdown stars on E.C.W. recently, and vise versa for E.C.W. stars on SD.. so why are Chavo and Bam still on both shows? Furthermore, why is it that neither of them are really being used for anything, yet getting double the air-time of anyone else? Someone in creative may have forgotten so much about Chavo, that he's just randomly jumping into whatever he wants.. and Neely, well that fucktard is just a human stand-up. He doesn't nothing better than standing in place.

I fully expect Triple H. to return, and then get taken out until Summerslam, by the Great Khali, next week. That was the entire purpose of Khali, to be a good stand-in for a Championship match due to nothing more than how he looks.. and the Champion doesn't actually have to do anything with him, for the match-up to be serious. The only thing is, unless H.H.H. is returning to tapings from now until Summerslam, then he needs an "on-air" reason for being gone.. thus, Khali should take him out.

Mick Foley made me want to kiss him tonight. And I threw up a bit in my mouth because of it. But he made an amazing point tonight. Edge needs to return to the Edge of old. The guy from 2006, who was dominating every face around, with just his own mental and physical talents and possibly Lita.. but definately not a group, and definately not a G.M./Wife.

Edge needs to get away from Vickie, and now. I was fine with the entire thing, but it's officially old, even for me.. and the fact is, he needs to go back to being dominate again. The Hell in a Cell, even in a losing effort, would, could and should help him greatly to return to that. But this stupid storyline with Vickie and him wanting to be with her, yet sneaking Fox around too.. it's stupid. Dump Vickie, pick up Fox, drop the faction, bring back the live-sex celebrations.. :lmao:

Overall, Smackdown gets a 4 outta 10 for me. I didn't see the one match (Kennedy/Benjamin) that likely would've given the show more, but I'm by far the biggest Kendrick fan right now.. so he's carrying a solid 2 and Edge is carrying the entire show.
Amy’s ‘take’ on Smackdown 08/01/08 edition:

A recap video of Edge apologizing to Vicki only for her to announce Taker’s return at SS in a Hell in a Cell match against Edge aired. Following the opening video, Jim Ross welcomed us and plugged The Cutting Edge with a surprise guest.

Match #1 MVP vs. Jimmy Wang Yang: Before the match, Jeff Hardy made his way to ringside and watched the match from a chair in front of the announce table. MVP cut a brief promo saying he’s glad Jeff was there to watch how a real superstar gets it done in the ring. MVP pointed out Jeff blew his title shot last week and again told him he’d never be WWE champion because of his risky behavior.

Yang didn’t get entrance music or an introduction in this glorified 2½-minute squash. Expect to see more losses like this for awhile long as he has to atone for his slip-up. MVP dominated the first two minutes. Yang briefly rallied but MVP countered the high crossbody into a gutbuster then hit the running head kick for the win.

Post-match Hardy grabbed a mic and got in MVP’s face. Jeff told MVP he got real personal last week and he took the verbal lashing like a man but warned MVP if he ever mentioned his home, the fire, or dog again he’d prove what kind of man he is. MVP turned to leave then spun around for a cheap shot that Hardy countered with the Twist of Fate. Jeff screamed “You make me sick” at the prone MVP then exited up the ramp. JR plugged Jeff Hardy vs. The Great Khali for later in the night.

Unlike last week’s opening verbal exchange between these two that didn’t do it for me, these two grabbed my attention with this short, effective segment that progresses their feud. Nice intensity from Jeff on the mic. Both guys have been left off the last few PPVs, so I could see them having a match at SS.:icon_idea:

Backstage: Chavo wheeled Vicki into the arena. They saw the wedding planner talking with a crew member and Vicki looked like she wanted to come out of her chair and go after her. Bam appeared and told Vicki her office was ready. The three went into her office.

Match #2 Mr. Kennedy vs. Shelton Benjamin (Non-Title): Early on, Shelton got the first nearfall off a side headlock takedown. Kennedy went for the Mic Check but Benjamin held onto the rope and scurried out of the ring. Back in the ring, the two traded offense for a minute then Kennedy went to work on Benjamin’s left arm. Nice sequence where Kennedy maintained the armbar despite an armdrag and powerslam by Shelton. Kennedy went for the running kick to the face but Benjamin kicked his leg out then pulled Kennedy shoulder-first into the ringpost as we cut to commercial.

Back from break, Benjamin was working Kennedy’s injured arm. He hit a nice hammerlock shoulder breaker for a nearfall. Benjamin locked in a cross leg armbar for a couple minutes. Kennedy tried to break the hold and used his position to get Shelton’s shoulders down a time or two. Finally Kennedy turned Shelton over into a Boston Crab/Sharpshooter move of sorts. Benjamin got to the rope to break the hold. On the outside, he drove Kennedy arm-first into the side of the ring.

Late in the match, Benjamin hit a blind crossbody for a nearfall but Kennedy hit the Mic Check out of nowhere for the win. Post-match Eve asked Shelton about his match. He said he didn’t want to make excuses but he probably shouldn’t have wrestled as he’s suffering an acute case of bronchitis.

Wow a very good 14-minute non-title TV match. These two put on the match of the night in fact. Nice to see Kennedy finally get a win, and a clean win, since moving to Friday night, but I don’t like him screaming his name during the match (annoying). Both guys need a feud so it’ll be interesting to see if that’s where we’re headed in the coming weeks.

Backstage: Chavo interrupted Hawkins and Ryder playing with Hawkins’ cell phone. He asked why the wedding planner was there. They had no idea. Chavo wanted to know who Edge’s special guest was. They didn’t know. They aren’t close with Edge anymore. Chavo said to let him know the minute they see or hear from Edge. They agreed then went back to listening to their entrance music ringtone.
  • JR plugged Jeff Hardy vs. Khali again.
Match #3 The Brian Kendrick (w/Ezekiel) vs. Stevie Richards: Prior to the match, the WWE Rewind aired of Kendrick’s promo and win last week. Just like last week, he took the mic and cut a promo. He wanted to make it perfectly clear that there’s been no attitude change since coming to Smackdown. Kendrick said he’s always been this way. He partnered with London and put on a fake smile to get his foot in the door. Kendrick said he never has nor will care about the fans and if we don’t like that to take it up with Zeke.

All Kendrick the first two minutes or so. To start, he aggressively kicked Richards legs and midsection, applied a camel clutch of sorts, and hit a dropkick to the back for a nearfall. Kendrick locked in a Boston crab then delivered a kick to the head for another nearfall. Kendrick missed a corner charge that allowed Richards some momentary offense. He got in a couple kicks then a nice sitout powerbomb for a nearfall. Richards delivered a kick to the head that sent Kendrick into big Zeke’s arms at ringside. Back in the ring, Kendrick hung Richards’ throat up on the top rope then hit The Kendrick (formerly Sliced Bread No. 2) for the win. Post-match Zeke put Stevie in the Torture Rack as Kendrick strutted around the ring.

Another short but solid promo (Kendrick’s getting more comfortable on the mic) followed by a good 4-minute match. And Zeke’s one imposing dude. Bam should be taking notes because this guy has the bodyguard/muscle role down.:thumbsup: Nice to see Richards again. He’s still a member of the ECW roster I think yet he’s been on SD! three of the last four weeks. I wonder what’s up with that?
  • JR plugged Jeff Hardy vs. Khali again. Edge was shown entering the building.
Match #4 The Great Khali vs. Jeff Hardy: Early on, Khali dominated Hardy with a a big clothesline, numerous repeated reverse elbows in the corner, two powerslams, and a headbutt. Hardy started a comeback but Khali delivered a chop to the chest that knocked Hardy from the 2nd rope to the floor as we cut to commercial 4 minutes in.

They showed Hardy being sent shoulder-first into the steel steps during the break. Khali locked in the nerve hold to Hardy’s bloody shoulder. Jeff fought back and hit the Whisper in the Wind then the Swanton. MVP came down. Hardy dropkicked then dove onto him. The two exchanged punches ringside until Khali lifted Hardy by his hair and brought him back in the hard way. Khali applied the vice grip, Hardy’s face turned purple, and the ref called for the bell.

An extended (11½-minute) Khali squash. Khali’s challenging HHH for the title so he needed to look dominant. The loss won’t affect Hardy in the least. He was on the verge of taking control of the match until MVP’s distraction which furthers their feud.
  • The second R-Truth vignette set in a jail cell aired. He talked about losing his freedom and using his time in prison to decide how to turn his life around.
Match #5 Maria vs. Victoria: All Victoria the first 2½ minutes. At the bell, she started talking trash then backed it up with a waistlock takedown, a bridging reverse chinlock, and spinning sideslam for a nearfall. Then she locked in a full nelson for a good minute. Maria fought out, scored a nearfall off the sunset flip, hit a lariat then what looked like a 2nd rope clothesline for the win.

Victoria is amazing and should be used better than the debuting Maria’s first win.:disappointed: Victoria carried Maria to a good albeit short (3-minute) match. In fact, this was one of the better divas matches I’ve seen in recent memory. Is it just me or did Maria’s boobs get bigger? Maybe she had a little work done in the six weeks she’s been off TV.

Backstage: In a secluded corner, Edge asked Alicia what she was doing there. She said she thought he wanted her there. Not in the backstage area Edge said; that’s why he bought her a ticket.
  • The HHH ‘King of Kings’ video aired that put over the fact he lives to be WWE Champion. Hopefully Trips makes an appearance next week. They need to do more than have the announcers read off the match when they’re running down the SS card to hype HHH-Khali.
Match #6 The Big Show vs. Domino (Main Event): Show dominated and chokeslammed Domino (I’d totally forgotten he was still around) for the 1-minute squash victory. Show stood in the ring, smiling, laughing, and shrugging as if to say “Hey, what more do you expect, they haven’t properly used me in my return.”:lmao: Umaga’s music hit and he came to the ring. He and Show exchanged stares and circled each other. Show vs. Umaga could be quite good when it finally happens.

Backstage: Chavo with Bam told Vicki he’d asked around and couldn’t find out who Edge’s special guest is. He said they’d find out when everyone else did.

The Cutting Edge: Edge came to the ring that was set up with a table, ladder, and chair. Edge took a seat as the spotlight shined on him. He said he’s been searching for inner peace what with his marriage a mess and Hell in a Cell just two weeks away. Edge said he’d reviewed footage of the HIAC match history and now the only thing he sees when he closes his eyes is the Undertaker. Thus the reason for surrounding himself with his instruments of destruction that helped him banish Taker in the first place.

Edge said he’s found the one individual that can help him survive and thrive in the HIAC, someone who knows Taker better than anyone. Edge called out Mick Foley at the announce table. Mick joined Edge after he pleaded. Edge noted their checkered past but reassured Foley he’s a changed man. He rolled an Attitude Era video that put over Taker-Foley’s HIAC timeless match and elevated Foley to legendary status. Edge said the remarkable thing is that Mick walked away from that match but hasn’t quite walked right since that fall 10 years ago. Edge said that must eat away at the hardcore legend but said Foley could exorcise his demons by helping Edge.

Foley took a serious tone and said he can’t and won’t help Edge. Mick said Edge’s actions in recent months have made him go back on his word. Foley said he labeled Edge the best superstar in the WWE back when it wasn’t popular and now he’s the guy that uses his wife’s position and always takes the shortcut. Foley told Edge there’s only one person who can help him and that’s the old Edge. Foley implored Edge to look inside and find that guy because Taker will destroy the current Edge.

Fighting back emotion, Edge said he understood then sucker-punched Foley. The two fought on the outside with Edge kicking a chair into Foley’s face then spearing Mick who hit his head on the steels steps. Back in the ring, Edge placed Mick on the table, climbed the ladder, and drove the chair onto Foley sending him through the table. Edge looked down at Foley with a crazed expression and JR said this was the very Edge Foley was referencing.

A really strong ending segment ripe with an emotional, historical feel. Edge and Foley stole the show. Outstanding mic work by both. I can’t wait to see how Foley responds and I’m looking forward to the continued HIAC build next week.

Overall Thoughts: I’ve been down on the last three episodes so this show was unexpectedly wonderful. The show started strong and only got better. Outside the lackluster almost absent build to the WWE Championship match, no major complaints this week. Barring the main-event Show squash, all the other matches were solid. Storyline-wise, for the first time in a very long time the night wasn’t about Vicki and Edge as we’re finally getting some nice budding mid-card feuds.
Good review, I agree with pretty much everything you said. I think this feud between Jeff Hardy and MVP as the potential for both of them to shine in it and prove that both are ready for the push towards the main event.

Other thoughts:

I'd prefer the stiff kick MVP used to end the match against Jimmy Yang as his finishing move much more then his weak finishing move the Play Maker.

I'm enjoying Brian Kendrick's new role and I'm really looking forward to WWE getting past his build against lower talent and to when he'll actually get into some solid feuds where both he and his bodyguard can shine. I definitely like the direction they're going with Kendrick.

Kennedy vs. Benjamin was definitely the match of the night and I loved the psychology both men used during the match. I really do prefer Kennedy as a heel though he just seems fake, as if he's trying too hard, when he's a face.. while it comes so natural, especially for his character, as a heel.

The one thing I didn't like about Smackdown this week was the Diva match merely because Victoria is such a talented wrestler and a great personality too, its such a shame that she's so incredibly misused and is left to put others over. There's no way Maria should've beaten her and its disappointing that the reality is Victoria was the only Diva that could really make Maria look good so she had to do the job. If any Diva should be getting a push, especially over Michelle McCool, it should be Victoria.

The Edge/Foley segment was GOLD.
Amy’s ‘take’ on Raw 08/04/08:

Opening Segment: Mike Adamle stood on the stage and introduced himself as the new Raw GM. He used the analogy of Ronald Reagan starting out as a B-movie actor then becoming one of the greatest US Presidents to counter his pitiful performance as an interviewer and announcer. He mentioned there’s an internet petition asking for his resignation. He said that’s our right as Americans but he’s believes in the land of opportunity where little guys like him can make it in the NFL. (No one cares.) Up this point, he received his share of boos. He asked if the crowd liked championship matches to which they cheered. He said three were planned. He announced the first – Rhodes and DiBiase vs. Cena and Batista for the tag titles.

Before he could announce the other two title matches, JBL walked out. He wanted to be the first to congratulate Mike. He plugged the latest cover of Fortune magazine with his wife on the cover and a story about him inside. (No one cares.) JBL sucked up to Adamle, said first appearances can be deceptive, complimented the great match in Cena vs. Tista he made last week, and asked him to book another blockbuster tonight – JBL vs. Punk for the WHC title at SS.

Chris Jericho came out and stated why he deserves a title shot. He and JBL bickered until Adamle booked a 2-on-1 handicap match – JBL and Jericho vs. Punk for later in the night. If either of the heels pin Punk, that man gets the title shot at SS. If Punk wins, neither man gets an opportunity. Adamle left the stage as JBL and Jericho continued jacking their jaws.

I kept waiting for Kane to come out and demand a shot. It looks like he's out of the main-event picture. Decent opening segment. Adamle was dull yet solid on the mic. I didn’t detect any slip-ups. I think I missed it but he may have explained last week’s decision to book Michael Cole in a match. Punk’s predictable booking continues. The 2-on-1 handicap match is perfect for him; now he can get beatdown by two guys at once and pull off the fluky win to further his legacy as champion.

Match #1 Kofi Kingston vs. Paul Burchill (Intercontinental Championship Match): Early on, Kofi executed a nice cross rope leapfrog/flying reverse elbow sequence then an uppercut for a nearfall. Katie Lea jumped on the apron, Kofi attempted to kick her, and Paul used the distraction to take control of the match. He hit a neckbreaker for a nearfall then locked on an armbar. Kofi escaped with an armdrag takedown and went on an offensive run that saw a nearfall off the blind high crossbody then the clean win after the Trouble in Paradise kick.

Decent 4-minute match. I believe that makes three clean losses for Burchill now. I don’t see this feud continuing or Burchill getting any more title shots. So much for his IC push.
  • Post-match, Katie Lea got in Kofi’s face. Off the distraction, Paul tried to toss Kofi from the ring. Kofi kicked Paul to the outside then followed him up the ramp. Katie Lea looked on from the ring. Mickie James’ music hit and she rushed out for the women’s title match.
Match #2 Katie Lea Burchill vs. Mickie James (Women’s Championship Match): We joined the match in progress following the commercial break. Mickie was on control. She delivered several forearms to the face, a dropkick, and a Thesz press on Katie on the floor. Back in the ring, Katie hit a 2nd rope neckbreaker when Mickie missed a corner charge. Katie gloated and delayed the cover. Katie applied a surboard-type move that Mickie somehow flipped out of. Mickie scored a nearfall after the headscissors takedown and a neckbreaker of her own. Katie hit a jawbreaker then the Northern Lights Suplex for a nearfall. Truly out of nowhere, Mickie hit the tornado DDT for the clean win.

Good 4-minute women’s match. Like her brother, Katie’s suffered several clean losses to Mickie now. I don’t see their feud continuing or Katie getting any more title shots either. So much for her becoming women’s champion anytime soon.
  • After the match, Beth Phoenix attacked Mickie from behind, drove her back-first into the ring apron then laid her out in the ring with the faceplant. Santino came onto the stage and applauded. Beth met him at the top of the ramp and grabbed his ass. In return, Santino gave Beth a love tap as she did her invisible title above head pose.
Yay, it t looks like The Glamazon is back in the title hunt. The announcers did a good job reminding us Beth lost her title to Mickie a few months ago and now she wants it back. And the awkwardly entertaining Santino-Beth angle continues. These two look like they’re getting more comfortable with each other.;) Little to no hesitation in showing their affection this week.

Backstage: Adamle wrapped up a call with Stephanie McMahon, thanking her for the GM opportunity, as Santino and Beth entered his office. Santino proposed that he (a former IC champion) and Beth (a former women’s champion) have title matches at SS. Adamle said there was room for only one more title match and told them to decide. Santino said Beth wants to see him as the IC champ. She told Adamle to book the women’s match. Santino considered being women’s champion. Mike came up with another ‘Adamle Original’ booking Santino and Beth in a mixed tag match against Kofi and Mickie at SS where both the IC and Women’s titles will be on the line and the winning team takes all. Santino and Beth were pleased. Santino told Mike it’s nice to have a fellow Italian on board.

Nice segment. All three were solid but not as funny as expected. Since when is there room for only one more title match at SS? Prior to making the mixed tag match, there were only three championship matches yet there are nine titles in the WWE.:headscratch: SS is supposed to be one of the big four PPVs and four title matches isn’t exactly a stacked card. Still the mixed tag match is an interesting concept and I’m looking forward to the match.

Backstage: Following a video package highlighting John Cena, the master of ground and pound, Todd Grisham asked Batista for his thoughts on tonight’s match. Tista said he’s not thrilled about teaming with the guy he’s facing at SS and like last week advised Cena to stay out of his way.

Short decent promo by Batista. He didn’t really get me excited about he and Cena’s SS match though. Why exactly is Todd Grisham still on Raw? He’s the new ECW announcer. Is he going to pull double duty? They don’t have anyone they’re not using they can move into the interviewer role?

Layla/Noble/Regal Segment: We cut from Layla dancing in the ring to a exclusive earlier in the day. Noble told Layla he made reservations at the Waffle House, lol. She said this thing between them wasn’t working and all he did was open his mouth and insert someone else’s foot in his ass. Noble said he handles his business. Layla said he was a loser and dumped him. Back in the ring, Layla was interrupted by William Regal’s music. He came out and reminded us he’s our king by virtue of winning the 2008 KOTR tournament. Noble came down and attacked Regal. The two brawled and were separated by referees as Layla looked on from ringside.

I honestly have no idea what to make of this segment. It didn’t really do anything for me. It looks like Noble and Regal are going to feud now.

Match #3 JBL & Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk (2-on-1 Handicap): Before the bell, Adamle appeared on the Tron. He announced a 10-minute time limit and if no one wins there will be a Triple Threat WHC match at SS.

At the start, JBL and Jericho wasted precious seconds bickering. Punk decided to take them both on. He backdropped Jericho over the top rope. JBL hit a fall away slam for a nearfall then a neckbreaker for another nearfall. JBL decked Jericho trying to reenter the ring. Jericho sent JBL into the steel steps and hit Punk with a side slam for a nearfall then applied a sleeper. Punk briefly rallied. Jericho came back with a knee to the midsection, top rope fist drop, powerslam, and reverse flying elbow for a couple nearfalls. Punk escaped the abdominal stretch with a hiptoss and followed with knee strikes to the head. JBL reentered the ring and clotheslined Punk for a nearfall. Jericho hit an elbow drop for a nearfall.

Punk rolled out of the ring while JBL and Jericho duked it out. JBL went out for Punk, drove his head into the announce table, and sent him back in the ring in time for the Lionsault. JBL pulled Jericho outside and drove his head into the steps. Back in the ring, Punk hit the high knee/bulldog combo followed by the GTS on JBL. Jericho broke up the cover. Punk hurled Jericho into JBL then went for the GTS on Jericho who racked the eyes and locked in the Walls of Jericho with a minute to go. JBL broke it up just as Punk was going to tap out. On the apron, Jericho hung up JBL on the top rope who fell back onto Punk. JBL hooked the leg and scored the victory with one second left.

Surprisingly, this was a really good 10-minute match. I expected the clock to run out. A Triple Threat would be the more entertaining SS match just by virtue of Jericho’s involvement. Punk was dominated by JBL and Jericho but didn’t get the fluky win. That honor goes to JBL. I’m sure Punk will throw that in JBL’s face next week.

Shawn Michaels Interview: Following the GAB replay of Jericho injuring Michaels’ eye, via satellite from his home in San Antonio, TX Shawn said he’s been better. In addition to the severe damage to his eye, he said all his injuries over the years have caught up with him. He’ll be at the PPV to announce what his future holds following his next doctor’s appointment on the Friday before SS. Shawn said for the first time he’s going to heed the doctors' advice. He said he’s enjoyed performing for the WWE fans but loves his family even more, so he’s considering taking Jericho up on his advice last week. Lawler and Cole thanked Shawn for his time and told him to do what’s best for Shawn Michaels.

Short solid promo by Jericho. So no HBK-Jericho SS rematch but there will be a confrontation of sorts to prolong the feud to the next PPV.

Match #4 Matt Striker vs. Kane: Striker introduced himself as our teacher and thanked Adamle for finally allowing him to wrestle as a member of the Raw roster. He said he’s sure Adamle has selected the right challenger against which he can show off his great wrestling skills, lol. Kane’s music hit. He came out with the bag and squashed Striker in 1½ minutes. Post-match Kane approached the announce table then ran Lillian off as he grabbed a mic. Kane reentered the ring and said he’s been in a bad place lately but is better now because he knows he’s dead. He held up the bag and looked at it as we cut to commercial.

Kane’s supposed to be a heel yet he got cheered for squashing Striker. Um ok. And after weeks featuring Kane’s heel turn, crazy “he” talk about being dead or alive, and carrying that bag, that’s it? If so, then I’m going to be very pissed. They can’t just tease us then drop it. I still really NEED to know what’s in the bag.

Backstage: Following a video package highlighting the Animal Batista, Todd Grisham asked Cena for his thoughts. Cena said watching the video it’s clear why the fans adore him and he gained a perspective on what Tista is capable of. Cena said he couldn’t help think back to two years ago when he and Tista simultaneously won world titles and knew they’d one day face each other. He said that thought resurfaced when Tista was drafted to Raw. With the ‘Adamle Original’ match-up, Cena said that day will finally come at SS. As far as tonight goes, Cena said he will be ready for anything.

Good promo by Cena that did what Tista didn’t earlier – hype their SS match.

Backstage: Kelly Kelly told Adamle he’s doing a good job as GM, outdoing himself booking matches. She said Kane is scary. (Real smooth transition there.) Mike came up with another ‘Adamle Original’ – next week he’ll demand Kane reveal what’s inside the bag and if he won’t tell then he’ll just take the bag from him.

Sure Mike, you and what army? I’m satisfied for now they’re not ditching the Kane storyline. Adamle sure loves catchphrases…I’ll be hearing ‘Adamle Original’ in my sleep.:lmao:

Match #5 Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase vs. John Cena & Batista (Tag Team Championship Main-Event): Tista allowed Cena to start without any argument. He hit a hiptoss then Irish Whip/bulldog combo for the first nearfall. Cena gave Tista the tag to see what he can do and Cody got the tag at the same time. Tista shoved off Cody like he was nothing. Rhodes tried a sunset flip but Tista picked him up and drove him into the turnbuckle, delivered a side/gutbuster for a nearfall, then did a nice leapfrog/reverse elbow combo. Tista missed a corner charge, landing shoulder-first into the ringpost as we cut to commercial 3-minutes in.

Back from break, Rhodes was working on Tista’s arm. Tista powered out and Cena got the hot tag. Cena exploded on Rhodes and had him up for the FU when DiBiase blindly tagged himself in. He dropkicked Cena from behind and Cody snapped off a DDT before leaving the ring. DiBiase sent Cena into the steel steps and put him back in for the cover. Cody tagged in and they performed a double suplex for the nearfall. The two made several more tags working Cena over for the next few minutes. Cena powered up from Rhodes’ sleeper, but Tista wouldn’t make the tag.

DiBiase tagged in and continued Cody’s sleeper hold. Cena again fought out and slapped Tista in the face for the “tag.” Tista and Cena stared each other down until the ref made Cena leave. Tista exploded on DiBiase with a clothesline, backdrop, spinebuster, snake eyes, and spear. Rhodes hit the ring and Cena decked him. Tista delivered the Batista Bomb for the clean win. Post-match, Cena and Tista took turns holding up the tag belts and trying to out-pop each other.

Good 14-minute well-worked tag match, but I’m not happy with the outcome. I’m not surprised they put the tag straps on Cena and Tista. We’ve seen this sort of thing before. The belts will be used as part of their feud. Just when Rhodes and DiBiase were finally starting to gel in the ring, WWE proves once again how little they care about legitimate tag team wrestling.:disappointed:

Overall Thoughts: Wrestling-wise, there were only five matches tonight but all (except the Kane squash) were very good. No Adamle complaints. HBK, Cena, and Beth/Santino were solid and progressed their respective storylines. An all-around solid show yet dull at times. I sure hope they turn up the intensity next week for the final pre-SS Raw.
TheOneBigWill's 'take' on Monday Night Raw: August 4th, 2008:

Opening Segment: The show opens with the new Raw General Manager, Mike Adamle. Adamle opens with explaining how sometimes first impressions can be deceiving. He tries to compare himself with the likes of former President, Ronald Reagan. He said that originally, Reagan was a horrible actor, but turned into a great President. The crowd continues to boo Adamle, until he asks if they'd like to see a Championship match. Of course they in-turn cheer, so he says how about two? The cheers increase. Adamle says that tonight, there is going to be a total of 3 Championship matches.

Before anything else can be said, J.B.L. interrupts Adamle and expresses how he and Adamle have a lot in common. Originally, these people never felt J.B.L. was anything more than a beer drinking Texan, then they learned that he's a self-made millionaire. J.B.L. explains how they were both former Football players, and they're from the same cloth. He goes on to say he would like to get Punk at Summerslam for the World Heavyweight Championship, because he deserves it.

Chris Jericho rushes out before Adamle can announce anything, and Jericho explains that if anyone deserves a shot at Punk, it's Jericho. He said it last week and again this week, he feels he deserves the shot because he's moving forward with his career and at the Bash he ended H.B.K.'s. J.B.L. interrupts and says that he beat a guy with one good eye, whereas J.B.L. defeated Cena in a Parking Lot Brawl!

Adamle announces an "Adamle Original" and says it'll be Punk against both of them, and if either of them can get the pinfall, then they'll face Punk at Summerslam, however if Punk can defeat either of them, then neither get the shot.

The Matches:

1. Intercontinental Championship: Kofi Kingston (c) v. Paul Burchill w/ Katie Lea Burchill: I'm honestly confused at why they allow Paul Burchill to remain in this storyline, yet anytime a Championship match rolls around he doesn't even look strong.

Burchill and Kingston had a great opening match-up in my opinion, but once Kingston turned things to his favor, he never looked back and not even the interference by Katie Lea helped Paul enough to switch things back around.

In the end, Kingston wins with his spinning roundhouse kick, and after the match it's Burchill and Kingston continuing to get into it with each other, until Burchill gets sent to the outside of the ring and leaves to the back, still slightly brawling w/ Kingston. Katie Lea stays in the ring, only for Mickie Jame's music to cue up and the next match is on tap.

2. Women's Championship: Mickie James (c) v. Katie Lea Burchill: I think the best thing to say is see what I wrote above, and apply here. Katie Lea has a ton of talent and the ability to be a great Women's Champion. Mickie James is so over with the fans though, it's hard to not just let her keep the Championship "forever".

This was a decent back and forth match and honestly reminded me of what Women's Wrestling used to be about before all the "diva's" contests took over for the most part. In the end, Katie Lea missed what I assume would've been her finishing move, or a set-up to it, and Mickie delivered on her Mickie-T for the win.

After the match, it seems the next in line Women's Champion made herself known, as Beth Phoenix attacked Mickie James. Santino came out at the top of the ramp, as he cheered her on. She grabbed his butt, as he seemed surprised, only to return the favor (slightly) by giving her a quick pat.

3. Adamle Original: 2 on 1 Handicap Match: C.M. Punk v. J.B.L. & Chris Jericho: I can't help but love and hate C.M. Punk anymore. I obviously still think he's a worthless Champion that'll never amount to anything or be remembered long after he's finally dropped the title, but at the same time they're at least using him each week in a manner that fits him.. losing.. and getting his ass handed to him each time. Adamle comes across the screen and says he forgot to mention this is a 10 minute time-limit, and if noone wins in the end, it'll be a Triple Threat at Summerslam.

This was suppose to be a Tag Team contest, but no sooner than 2 minutes in, if even that, J.B.L. dumps Jericho to the outside. I love how the announcing crew later says that J.B.L. and Jericho have been working as a well functioning Tag Team, when they didn't do shit as a team except break-apart. In the end, J.B.L. gets jerked down neck first over the top ropes, which slingshot him backwards and he landed onto Punk, picking up the victory with 1 second to spare.

I can't say I'm shocked that Punk would likely (finally) pick up his first realistic Championship victory, over J.B.L. at Summerslam, but I'm also half-way believing that Kane will somehow have an interfering role in the match which will allow Punk's streak of being "unproven" to continue.

4. Matt Striker v. Kane: Speaking of which.. Kane wins. Not really sure how else to describe this match. :lmao: I doubt anyone had a doubt over whether he would or not. The real story is the before and after.

Before the match, Striker thanked Adamle for giving him a chance to wrestle as an active wrestler on Raw. After the destruction of Striker, Kane said he's better now and he's sure "he is dead".


Santino/Beth Phoenix/Adamle: Best segment of the night. Both, Santino and Beth apparently want Championship matches at Summerslam. Adamle says he'll agree to give them a title opportunity, but only one more title match can fit on the card.

Santino says he wants to make Beth happy, so he feels that Adamle should go ahead and make the Intercontinental Championship match, since that's what he feels would make her happy. Beth disagrees and says the Women's Championship match would make her happy, at which point Santino replied with something along the lines of "Silly Beth, I do'not'a wanna be Women's ChampION.. or do I? Santino Marella, ChampION of the Women! Oh, I like that."

Adamle announces another "Adamle Original" (even though it's somewhat been done before) in having Santino Marella & Beth Phoenix against Kofi Kingston & Mickie James, with whichever team winning, receiving (apparently) both Championships.

Batista/Cena Promos: Throughout the night, they played two promos, for each Batista and Cena. They then interviewed both guys. Batista said plain and simply, for Cena to stay out of his way. Cena on the other hand rambled on and on about "one day" they'll fight.. and that day is now known, being Summerslam.

Layla/William Regal/Noble: A pre-segment segment is shown, of Layla telling Noble that they aren't anything, and she says everytime he opens his mouth, he gets himself in trouble. She walks off, leaving him. This turns into a dancing segment with her during the break, and continuing when we come back.

Regal comes out and says that he wants to have a chat with Layla. Regal reminds everyone that he's the 2008 King of the Ring, and before he can say anything else, Noble comes out. As Noble gets in the ring, before he says a word, he just goes right after Regal. The two brawl back and forth, with neither one looking to have an advantage.

Shawn Michaels: H.B.K. more or less says that Jericho hasn't ended his career because this injury has been something he's apparently had for a while, and Jericho only helped push it along. He said that the Friday before Summerslam, he's going to have a talk with his doctor, about whether he should retire or not and he'll announce at Summerslam what his decision will be.

He more or less said if his doctor says he can even go, even just half way, then he will. But if there is any risk, or anything to which his doctor might suggest retiring, H.B.K. said he's fully willing to walk away and spend the rest of his life with his Family.

Kelly Kelly/Adamle: For only the second time since she's been drafted to Raw, Kelly Kelly is WITHOUT a match on the card. She more or less just popped in to bring up next week. She said Kane is scary. (wow, understatement of the year :rolleyes:) Adamle announces another "Adamle Original" and says if Kane doesn't reveal what's in the bag next week, then Adamle is going to take it from him and forcefully reveal what's in the bag.

Main Event: Tag Team Championships: Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase (c) v. John Cena & Batista: The instant I heard this match was made, I knew we'd have new Tag Team Champions. Why? Because Batista v. Cena at Summerslam is a great match-up on paper, but without a proper reason. So now, what we get is Cena against his Tag Team Championship partner, Batista. (anyone remember King of the Ring 1997 - Austin v. H.B.K., Tag Champ v. Tag Champ?)

The match itself actually, in my opinion, made the (now former) Tag Team Champions look very good. Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase both controlled the match and equally controlled Batista and Cena on a decent sized level, to which it wasn't a complete squash in the favor of the Main Eventers.

For a moment, I questioned if Batista was about to turn heel, since he short-armed Cena and almost seemed to walk away. Cena in turn slapped Batista to tag him in, and instead of causing a meltdown, Batista took his rage out on the Champs, and that lead to us crowning new Champions!

After the match, both men had a pose down to see who could get the louder pop from the crowd, and it sounded pretty even. That's how the show ended.

Overall Thoughts: I'm going to start off by saying Adamle as General Manager does work, and likely will continue to work. He's already reminding me of a very young and unexperienced Eric Bischoff. He's made both face and heel matches, and he's done both face and heel things, so he's borderline on where he really is. The fans boo him, which is to be expected, even though they cheered him moments after booing, merely because he gave them primetime Championship matches.

I was undetermined and didn't really like the decision to make him General Manager, and while I still feel Eric Bischoff himself would've been better, the fact is you must move forward with your company and make new stars, instead of constantly looking to lean on the already known ones. So Adamle should be a great G.M. and likely even better than Teddy Long or Paul Heyman were for Smackdown.

It was announced that William Regal was "resigned" to Monday Night Raw, as one of Adamle's first career decisions as G.M. (shocking) However I'm disappointed with how Raw has treated their U.K. connection. The trio of Paul & Katie Lea Burchill, along with William Regal need to definately be paired up. I can't tell you how excited I was to randomly (and foolishly) think Regal was going to attack Kofi Kingston and we'd get a Regal/Kofi match-up for Summerslam.. instead, no.. it's Regal and Jamie fricken Noble.. where'd that come from?!

Meanwhile, Katie Lea could've made history, but instead they go in the reverse route and head back toward Beth Phoenix apparently. Why? Beth's first reign sucked horribly, and there really isn't any big reason why her second will be any better, short of saying Santino Marella really IS that amazing with creating Champions.

Speaking of that, unless the announcers screwed up, Beth will be screwed out of winning the Women's Championship at Summerslam, because I doubt very seriously that Santino will become the Intercontinental Champion. If he does, then hell froze over as he isn't Championship material, other than perhaps the Women's Championship, which would be very damn hilarious!

I'm already hyped to the max about Kane remasking, so I will be very disappointed if/when it's revealed that whatever is in the bag, ISN'T a mask. I doubt Adamle would have the ability to forcefully remove whatever's in the bag, but I could see him signing a match with Kane against Batista, John Cena or some other randomly big powerhouse, so he could grab the bag, or have them attempt opening it. I'm convinced that will end Raw, regardless.. that way it'll set Kane up as being the unused talent that'll likely interrupt either the Cena/Batista match, or the World Heavyweight Championship match.

"Forced Retirement" angles don't work for Professional Wrestling anymore. The H.B.K. "retina" career-ending angle is just horrible. They should've focused on his back, at least them with the knowledge that Jericho's finisher is the Walls of Jericho (a painful back submission hold) and with the understanding that H.B.K. did once have a "career-ending" back injury.. it would be a lot more believeable. I doubt anyone is really thinking he'll "quit" at Summerslam.

The only sad thing is, Jericho killed the Highlight Reel. That could've been the segment used for Shawn to come out onto and either retire or Superkick Jericho (again) in the mouth. And you know Jericho will play a part in this segment, or Lance Cade one. (I'd rather it was Kendrick, personally)

Well, to end the show we crowned new Tag Team Champions.. and it wasn't an original Raw tag team. So, what's that tell you? A.) Raw's Tag Team division is horrible. B.) Raw's original Tag Champs weren't drawing a large enough attention span C.) They needed a reason to make a Main Event match seem important.

I honestly feel sorry for Cryme Tyme, Rhodes and DiBiase in this mess. I don't feel bad for assuming they were hurt in the issue. On the contrary Rhodes and DiBiase were made to look like a Main Event Tag Team, but Cryme Tyme has been lost in the mix and likely won't be a factor short of Adamle signing them to meet next week in a title shot opportunity, putting Cena against his faction.

In the end, I give Raw a 7 out of 10. Great show with a couple minor issues that I have personally. Mainly the way they disused the U.K. Connection of the Burchill's and Regal, but outside of that I loved the entire show as a whole. Very well put together and definately above last week's disaster.
Seeing these veterens on the mic should really be an example to a lot of the younger stars, and indeed many of the younger fans. I thought the Edge/Foley segment was absolutely superb with both characters showing some intensity we haven't seen in either of them for a while. For me it was also perfect timing with the HIAC coming up and actually sets the match up as more of a one-on-one intense contest. Plus much of what Foley said hit home with I'm sure what many fans have also been thinking lately.
So this will be I dunno. Mabey my first Smackdown review? So for those who haver never read my reviews before I score everything important on a 1-5 scale and the show I rate on an average of all the segments combined.... Let's begin.

1st Match Natayla, Victoria, Maryse vs Mischelle McCool, Maria, and Cherry: Honestly scared the crap out of me. The match I thought was pretty flat out bad until the end. What frightened me was that I thought it would set the tone for the show. The heels came out with the win with a pin I think on Maria... Shocking... I give the match a 1.5 out of 5.

Backstage Bam Neely is KO'ed with a black rose next to him. Thus the nights mystery begins. (I'll rank all of these little KO things together since there are a few of them)

Match 2 Ryder and Hawkins vs Jimmy Wang Yang and Shannon Moore: A pretty decent back and forth match. Still can't believe that WWE fired Moore earlier today. The kid clearly has some talent that he never really got to use... It's a shame. The tag champs pick up the win with a double team on Moore putting his lights in WWE out for good. Match gets a 3 out of 5.

Promo MVP: Pretty good promo with MVP talking more smack about Jeff Hardy insisting that Hardy asked to be attacked at SNME since he attacked MVP the night before. Promo gets a 4 out of 5

Match 3 Shelton Benjamin vs Jeff Hardy: By far the most intense match of the night. Crowd seemed really into it as well. Lots of fast paced action. I haven't seen Shelton in the ring since he was on Raw, so I kind of forgot how good that kid is. Jeff and Shelton both performed some sick high risk stuff and Jeff took what looked to be a pretty nasty fall. (what else is new?) Match gets a 5 out of 5 for the evening.

Match 4 Khali vs HHH Broken Glass Arm Wrestling: I'm calling this a promo, since there was more talking in it than anything else. Anyway blah blah blah HHH and Khali in a broken glass arm wrestling match. HHH with the early advantage. Khali fights back... HHH fights back. Khali headbutts HHH. They fight until Khali takes HHH out with the vicegrip. Yet as bad as it was, HHH saved the segment a bit with his stupid humor, which I take to very easily. Segment match thingy gets a nice little 2 out of 5

Backstage Hawkins is KO'ed with a black rose. Chavo thinks it's Edge responsible. Him and Vickie talk.

Match 5 Kozlov vs Jesse: Short promo from Kozlov then a squash in what felt like under a minute. Kozlov is one big dude that's all I have to say about that. The squash gets 1.5 out of 5

Backstage Chavo and Vickie are still talking. At some point I forgot to mention that Ryder was also KO'ed with a black rose next to him. Vickie crushes a black rose and Chavo looks for Edge.

Match 6 Brian Kendrick vs Super Crazy: Another decent match. Much like Shelton/Hardy both of these guys are pretty fast paced and are not afraid of high risk. Kendrick picked up the win. This was my first time seein him since he went to SD. Glad to see he's gettin a push, pissed that Londrick is over... Match gets a 3 out of 5

Backstage: Edge blames Undertaker for the attacks and asks Vickie and Chavo to go the ring with him. Overall backstage rating 5 out of 5 (very well played out with not giving it away that it was Edge, and leaving Taker as an open option)

Main Event SEGMENT????: No main event match tonight apparently unless Kendrick vs Super Crazy is the best SD can come up with. Anyway Edge calls out Taker. Edge gets chairs. Edge blindsides Chavo then Conchairtos him. Vickie is freaking out in the corner. Edge flips her out of her wheelchair. Then procedes to tell her that Foley was right last week and that he will need to bring the real Edge into Summerslam, and he will bring the whole family down to Hell with him. Intense ending gets a 5 out of 5.

Overall Match Rating: 2.6 out of 5 (Smackdown's roster should be able to produce higher than this in my mind. However a near 3 out of 5 is a major improvement over the last Smackdown I watched closely.)

Segment/promo rating: 4.6 out of 5 (Smackdown has really got it's promos down, even if the majority of the segments and what not involved La Familia. MVP's was also great)

Overall Show Rating: 3.3 (Great Promo's, but matches that for the most part left me wanting some more even the Hardy/Shelton match had a bad ending.)
Okay I didnt watch all of smackdown I was to busy watching the oylmpics ( Go get team USA!!!) Okay I was very suprised with what edge did to his famyila, honsetly to me it looked edge was turning face, honestly I think if edge did it would be great Edge vs taker, and vickie it would make for good quailty tv so is he turning face or is he staying heel?
Okay I didnt watch all of smackdown I was to busy watching the oylmpics ( Go get team USA!!!) Okay I was very suprised with what edge did to his famyila, honsetly to me it looked edge was turning face, honestly I think if edge did it would be great Edge vs taker, and vickie it would make for good quailty tv so is he turning face or is he staying heel?

Edge isn't turning face, he is going back to his psychotic role, which he never should have lost. Yeah, I understand the opportunistic thing is part of his gimmick, but there's better ways of pulling that off than to have this mob (for all intents and purposes that's what La Familia was, a mob) interfere in nearly every match you have. This turn was needed to make Edge look like a legitimate threat to Taker in the HIAC match. I still don't think Edge will win, but they needed a way to make you think there might be a possibility that Edge might walk away with it. So, they out him back into his psychotic role. Great use of storytelling, in my opinion, and way to build up most likely the best match on the card. (only other match that really holds any interest to me is the Hardy/MVP match, and even that only mildly interests me as we've seen it before)
This isn't going to be my normal review, I can't honestly sit long enough to write out anything that long without the fear of blacking out right now. SO I'm just gonna skim over some notes.

Kane's Bag: Going into this show, outside of the final stop before the 2nd largest Pay per view in the company's history, this was the outside storyline looking in and they had such a huge opportunity to return Kane to the mask, to the "Kane of old".

I think people are so wrapped up in wanting Kane to return to being underneath the mask, that they absolutely refuse to give the guy a chance to be the same type of character, without wearing one. Furthermore, I really believe that returning him to the mask isn't going to suddenly make millions of people forget who he was for so long without it.. which was basically a guy who sucked.

The Mysterio twist on this who situation is oddly enough very interesting. I have to admit, "I" too wanted the old school Kane in a mask to return.. but I got sucked in just as deeply by this issue with Mysterio being tortured as well. And to be honest, "I" just wanted the original dark and sinister Kane to return. If he's been torturing Mysterio within an "inch of his life" then that's what I got back, mask or not.

Unfortunately, I don't believe most everyone watching is going to buy into this and without giving them what they want.. Kane's gimmick and storyline of being dominating and evil will likely end with Mysterio beating him. Such a shame.

Summerslam Build-up: As far as the drinking contest goes, the instant I read J.B.L. had a "contest" that he knew for a fact Punk would never win.. I knew it was gonna involve some type of alcohol. I'm two faced with this situation. On one hand, I finally seen a glimpse of what could be a determined World Heavyweight Champion, in C.M. Punk.

It took bringing into play his "straightedge" gimmick, but none-the-less it seems to have slightly worked. The fans really backed him, and the whole point of Punk being in the top spot was to likely get that message out to people (children most likely) that you don't need to drink, to be someone important. Well done. (He's still a shit Champion though)

On the flip side, the funny thing about being a World Champion is the title isn't defended under drinking game rules. It's defended in the ring, which is the one place Punk has still yet to prove he can win any type of match, short of it being against other midcarders or less important individuals. I think he'll get his first "big-time" victory Sunday, but I wouldn't be shocked if even then he falls into it somehow.

The Shawn Michaels storyline.. to me.. is downright stupid. His career isn't going to end Sunday, and the lead-up to this is even more bogus than him not being able to see. He said if the Doctor's told him there's even a remote chance he could injure his eye-sight worse, he's ready to call it quits. Well, if his eye injury was or is suppose to be considered "real" then of course the Doctor's would tell him there is GREAT RISK of reinjuring it.. if it got injured once, it's got even more chance of getting injured again, even worse. So the only way this storyline has a "realistic" ending.. is if H.B.K. quits. And everyone and their blind, mute ******ed uncle knows he ain't quitting. What the hell is with Chris Jericho and the new tights as well? Guy looks like a fricken high school kid in underwear.

Would they really give Santino Marella the Intercontinental Championship? I could see Beth becoming Women's Champion, I could even see Santino pinning Mickie James.. but I just can't see Kofi losing his title, to Santino, which is what would happen if Beth & Santino win.

Now they could easily set-up a Santino v. Kofi rematch and bam, Kofi's a two time Champion then.. but all in all, I just don't think Kofi & Mickie lose this match.

Finally, Batista and Cena. I think having them win, then a week later lose the Tag Titles did nothing but hurt everyone involved. Sure, Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes defeating a team of that caliber is a great accomplishment.. until you look at how and why. Cena & Batista were really seconds from going blow for blow, when DiBiase got the roll-up.

Meanwhile, I have to admit I didn't even realize the Highlanders were still even on the damn roster, and Cryme Tyme is just slowly fading away again it seems. So what did this do for Cena and Batista? They weren't a team to begin with, so it's not like it added any extra amount of heat to their feud. What feud, exactly? Both men claim to have been watching the other.. wow.. that's got me excited to wanna see them go. I think this was poorly made and managed, simple as that.

Adamle as General Manager: Is there some unwritten rule that once you become G.M. you instantly age faster? Maybe it's just me, but Adamle looked like in the span of one week he went from looking in his mid 30's, to almost touching 50. I swear his hair even turned grey in the span of a week.

On a positive note, I think Adamle is definately filling in nicely, so I like him being there for now. He stood up to Kane, he was taking charge of the show, all in all he's doing a great tweener job. But in order to make him someone important, he's gonna have to pick a side sooner or later.

Overall: The show wasn't bad, but definately could've been a lot better leading into Summerslam.
Amy’s late ‘take’ on Smackdown 08/08/08:

Following a video recapping last week’s Cutting Edge, JR welcomed us and introduced Tazz, filling in for the severely injured Mick Foley. They hyped Shelton Benjamin vs. Jeff Hardy and an Indian Broken Glass Arm Wrestling Contest between Khali and HHH.

Match #1 Maryse, Victoria, & Natalya vs. Michelle McCool, Cherry, & Maria: It’s no secret SD! likes to give us 6-woman tag action. This time we were treated to a summer Olympics-inspired match. Maryse was a tennis player, Victoria a gymnast, Natalya an equestrian, McCool a volleyball player, and Cherry a boxer. Maria was the only one out of place as a skier.

Michelle quickly got the better of Natalya with a Russian leg sweep, wristlock, 2nd rope backflip/armdrag combo, and one-legged dropkick. Maria tagged in and grounded Natalya with a side headlock. Natalya tossed Maria through the ropes to the floor. Cherry hit the hammerlock DDT on one of the heels. Victoria delivered the Widow’s Peak to Cherry. Maryse tossed McCool out. Maria hit the bulldog on Maryse. Natalya back heel tripped Maria then locked in the Sharpshooter. Maria instantly tapped.

It was a “cute” typical 2½-minute divas match. At least I got a Widow’s Peak out of it and thankfully Maria didn’t go over Natalya.

Backstage: Hawkins and Ryder found Bam Neely laid out. Chavo wheeling Vicki happened upon the scene. He knelt beside Bam and held up a black rose for Vicki to see as we cut to commercial.

Short but effective segment. An omen of things to come...

Match #2 Hawkins & Ryder vs. Jimmy Wang Yang & Shannon Moore: After Hawkins and Yang traded offense, Moore got the tag and hit a springboard senton for the first cover. Yang tagged back in and hit a dropkick for another cover. Hawkins delivered a reverse elbow and clothesline. Ryder tagged in and hit a neckbreaker for a nearfall. He slowed things down stretching Yang’s head/neck. Off the tag, Hawkins hit a suplex for a nearfall. Yang rallied with a jawbreaker and Moore got the hot tag as did Ryder. Moore took a shot at Hawkins on the apron and hit a dropkick then a high crossbody on Ryder for a nearfall. Hawkins made the save. Yang came in to help. Behind the ref’s back, Hawkins and Ryder delivered the double Impaler DDT for the win.

Nice back-and-forth action in this 4-minute match. Yang and Moore’s matches always have an exciting, fast-paced feel to them. It was a little hard listening to JR talk up the team of Yang and Moore (he made them sound like a serious threat to the tag champs) knowing Moore had just been cut hours earlier.:disappointed:

MVP Interview: MVP told Eve that at SS it would be MVP, the highest paid superstar in SD! history, versus Jeff Hardy, the most reckless superstar in WWE. She noted things have gotten very personal recently. She said it was his actions that cost Hardy his match with Edge on Saturday Night’s Main Event and replayed MVP kicking Jeff in the head. MVP said that was a direct result of Hardy’s actions the night before but naturally she didn’t show that. He said he’s the only one who can see Hardy for what he truly is and that at SS he doesn’t have to beat Hardy because Jeff is his own worst enemy. All MVP has to do is be himself and that is better than Hardy.

Good promo by MVP. Glad to see them address what happened on SNME and progress the feud. The question is: How will Jeff respond?
  • JR plugged the arm wrestling event again.
Match #3 Jeff Hardy vs. Shelton Benjamin (non-title): Following a clean break in the corner after a collar and elbow tie-up, Hardy applied a wristlock then a side headlock and shoulder block for a quick cover. Benjamin grounded Hardy with a rear chinlock. Jeff fought back and hit a hiptoss and armdrag. He kept Benjamin on the mat with an armbar. Shelton managed to back Hardy into the corner but didn’t break clean, stomping away until the ref pulled him back. Benjamin went back to the rear chinlock. Hardy rallied with a mule kick that sent Shelton through the ropes to the floor then followed up with a dropkick through the ropes and a plancha. Back in the ring, Hardy was met by a leaping Benjamin on the top rope. Hardy pushed off Benjamin who moved out of the way of the Swanton.

Back from commercial, Shelton was in control with the rear chinlock. Using the hair, he slammed Jeff’s head to the mat for a nearfall. Jeff fought back and went for the Whisper in the Wind. Shelton took out Hardy’s leg and he fell to the canvas. Benjamin went to work on the leg with a chopblock and a couple of single-leg Boston Crabs. Jeff all but pulled himself out to the floor to catch a moment’s rest. Back in the ring, Jeff hit a lariat then the Whisper for a nearfall. Benjamin countered the corner low dropkick into a powerslam for a nearfall. Hardy reversed Pay Dirt into the Twist of Fate then hit the Swanton. Before Hardy could make the cover, MVP slithered into the ring and kicked Hardy in the head for the DQ.

Awesome well-worked 18-minute match. PPV-worthy. Match of the night. One of the best TV matches this year. While I’d liked to have seen a clean finish, the ending makes sense. They can’t have Benjamin or Hardy drop two in a row. Plus it furthers the MVP-Hardy storyline. I’m psyched to see MVP get some real heat again. For weeks, he’s just kinda-sorta been there and his character’s been in heel-tweener-face limbo. Welcome back MVP.:worship:

Backstage: Vicki was holding the black rose. Chavo said it was a symbol of death and she’s the one who reinstated him (Taker). Hawkins came in asking if they’d seen Zach. He’d looked everywhere.

First Bam. Next we’ll find Zach laid out with a black rose. The mystery continues...

Indian Broken Glass Arm Wrestling Contest: Before the contest, Ranjin Singh said Khali had something to say. Khali cut a promo in his language. HHH said he didn’t understand a word so Singh translated. He told HHH to get out while he can because Khali doesn’t care if he’s beaten some of the best, he’s never gone 1-on-1 with the Punjabi nightmare. HHH responded in joking fashion, calling Singh bunion, Funyun, and onion and saying he should rub a lamp and put the Jolly Genie back in for his protection. HHH said Khali has never been in the ring with the Game and at SS he’s going to break those excuses he calls legs and once he’s down to his size he’ll beat him. HHH closed by saying if Khali doesn’t like it then he’s got two words for him.

The ref secured their wrists and HHH jumped the start to gain control. Khali came back and turned the tide. At the last second, HHH made a comeback. Just when it looked like Khali’s arm was going down, he headbutted HHH and tossed the table aside. HHH got a thumb in the eye to stop the Khali bomb. He attempted the Pedigree. Khali delivered the brain chop then squeezed the life out of HHH with the vice grip. Singh told the unconscious HHH that Khali had two words for him “game over.”

How original, ugh. The entire segment was unoriginal, predictably boring, and a waste of time IMHO. HHH makes fun of his opponent who then shows why he should be taken seriously. I have feeling this is the only build we’re getting on SD! before SS. Meh, I don’t think anyone really cares. I know I don’t.

Backstage: A shot of Curt Hawkins laid out with a black rose across his chest.

R-Truth Vignette
: He was shown playing basketball with a group of guys. He said life is like the game. You need teamwork, skills, direction, and strategy.

: Chavo said they’d already found three black roses, the family was being wiped out, and they’re next. He told Vicki there was only one person who could help them – her husband. Vicki refused. Chavo pressed the issue and she consented. Vicki told Chavo to be careful as he left to talk to Edge.

Unless I missed it, they never showed Zach taken out with a black rose. We’re leading to another great ending segment I can tell. I just have this feeling it isn’t Taker behind the attacks though.
  • The WWE Rewind showcased Kozlov’s squash victories. Kozlov came to the ring and said he was undefeated and demanded better competition. Jesse and Festus’ music hit. Jesse was licking his lips as he led Festus to the ring.
Match #4 Vladimir Kozlov vs. Jesse: Pretty much all Kozlov in this 1½ -minute squash. He hit the battering ram on Jesse in mid-air for the win. Post-match Kozlov stared at the docile Festus.

Really disappointed when it was revealed it wasn’t Festus taking on the Moscow Mauler. Way past bored with the weekly squashes. You’ve seen one Kozlov match, you’ve seen them all.:zzzz:
  • The Raw Rebound highlighted Cena and Batista winning the tag titles.
Backstage: Chavo told Vicki that Edge had agreed to see her and implored her to be civil and nice. He said it’s not about their marriage right now, it’s about survival. She ripped the black rose to shreds and agreed.

Match #5 The Brian Kendrick vs. Super Crazy (Main Event): Before the match, Kendrick cut a very short promo. He said that if knowledge is power then his intellect makes him the most powerful superstar in the WWE and his advisor is Ezekiel Jackson. (Is that Mr. Jackson if you’re nasty? Sorry couldn’t resist, lol.)

Kendrick started with several viscious kicks, grounded Crazy with a camel clutch, then back to more kicks for a couple nearfalls. Crazy briefly rallied. He hit a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and standing moonsault. He was going top rope but Zeke took to the steps and Kendrick hit his self-named finisher for the win. Post-match, Zeke racked Crazy.

This 4-minute match was a repeat of Kendrick’s other singles matches thus far. It was an okay match, but I think to get Kendrick’s gimmick over they need to put him against someone the fans care about - not a jobber you see once every three months.

Backstage: There was a knock and Edge joined Vicki and Chavo in her office. He took a seat by Vicki and said he just knew they could get past everything. She said he’d made her miserable. Edge said they can’t let Taker do to them what he did to Bam, Zach, and Curt. As the head of the family, Edge said he had a plan but they must do it HIS way. Vicki agreed.

Final Segment: Edge, Vicki, and Chavo came to the ring. Edge brought in two chairs and called out the Undertaker. He pointed out Taker wouldn’t come out because they were ready for him. When Chavo turned his back, Edge hit him in the back with the chair. Vicki looked on and screamed as he delivered a con-chair-to. Edge then picked up the front of Vicki’s chair and shook her. He turned away then back around and tipped her over. Vicki screamed and cowered in the corner. Edge got in her face and asked if it was finally sinking in the person she needed to fear was not the Undertaker but him. He said she wanted to put him in a HIAC as a form of punishment, so he’s going to take the entire family, especially her, with him and Taker down to hell.

Well that ending blows my Vicki saves Edge SS theory. It looks like we’ll get a clean finish for a change. Another strong closing segment. As always, Edge was fantastic. He’s a total head case and I’m loving it.;) When all is said and done, it’ll be interesting to see who’s turning face.

Overall Thoughts: Wrestling-wise, the show was lacking with five total matches, four of which were under five minutes. Hardy-Benjamin was a gem and should have been the main event. MVP single-handedly advanced his feud with SD’s top face Hardy and they’ve got me excited about their SS match. Edge closed the show on a high note, but I think they could’ve done a better job with the backstage segments. Nice Taker tease. I’m curious to see if he makes an appearance next week on the go-home show. All in all, a solid SD! but I’ve just come to expect more post-draft and this show came up a little short.
Amy’s ‘take’ on Raw 08/11/08:

Cena/Batista Promo: Following a video recapping the events leading up to Cena and Batista’s tag titles victory last week, Cena came out to his usual mixed reaction. He said he’s never had a problem with Batista then poof he’s got a match with him at SS. He reminded us it’s the first time ever he and Tista will meet. Cena said GM Mike Adamle came to him earlier in the day to brainstorm ways to hype the match. Cena said they didn’t need any photo-op, weigh-in, or arm wrestling contest. All they needed was Cena and Tista in the same ring right here and now.

Out came Batista. Cena said last week they battled as allies and won and tonight must find a way to do it again in their rematch, then they can go back to being enemies in their match six years in the making on Sunday. Cena said he’d watched Tista, how he was mentored by two greats in Flair and HHH. Cena said he never had any mentoring but week in and out has turned critics into believers. He said their resumes are impressive, they’ve answered many questions, and Sunday we’ll get the answer to who is better. Cena said it would be him.

Tista said he’d been watching Cena as well. He said they’re different sides of the same coin and ran down their accomplishments. Tista told Cena he’s never changed and respects him for that but wouldn’t be caught doing some of the things he does. Tista said he understands why a lot of people over 15 want to see him beat Cena senseless and he will be the winner Sunday. They had a staredown and shook hands. JR and Cole plugged their rematch with Rhodes and DiBiase.

It was a decent opening segment, but I wanted intensity in their eyes and words – not the generic, cliché handshake. Again I didn’t sense any real chemistry there. Still a good promo by Cena. He drove home their first ever meeting. Maybe, just maybe, that should be enough.:headscratch:

Match #1 Kelly Kelly vs. Beth Phoenix (w/Santino Marella): Santino sat in on commentary for the match. He was a riot. He noted the media are referring to Beth and him as “Glamarella.” He said Beth couldn’t resist the delicious piece of man meat he is and she was going to take care of the ditsy blonde Barbie in the ring.

Kelly slapped Beth and jumped on her back. Beth snapped her down. Kelly botched a headscissors takedown then tried a roll-up. Beth dropped her face first then delivered a hard kick and utilized the 5-count with her knee across the throat for a nearfall. Santino said Beth was vicious but delicious. Beth military pressed Kelly but she wriggled out for another roll-up. Beth scored the win after a chicken wing/faceplant combo.

Post-match Santino congratulated Beth in the ring and asked her to deliver another move to send a message to their SS opponents. Mickie and Kofi rushed to the ring for the save. Santino said that for trying to embarrass them before their big match he wanted a match right now. Kofi accepted, but Santino said he was challenging Mickie so he could learn where he could and could not put his hands. In front of her hometown fans, Mickie accepted.

It was a decent 2-minute match overshadowed by Santino’s commentary. Nice post-match segment. Santino’s done a complete 180, denouncing Beth’s acceptance of his challenge the other week as he doesn’t fight people with fallopian tubes to now openly challenging a female.

Match #2 Santino Marella vs. Mickie James: Nice back and forth at the start. They exchanged side headlocks and leg sweeps for nearfalls. Mickie hit a drop toehold then mounted Santino and spanked him. He reversed an armbar into a powerslam but missed a double knee drop. He feigned a knee injury and threw his kneepad at Kofi who hit the apron. Behind the ref’s back, Beth hurled Mickie shoulder-first into the ringpost. Santino quickly recovered and rolled Mickie up for the win. He celebrated like he’d just won Olympic gold, lapping the ring and jumping into Beth’s arms. Their celebratory mood continued up the ramp as Mickie and Kofi looked on from the ring.

Some part of me says I should be offended by that match, but I loved every second of the 2 minutes. Pure FUN.:p I can’t believe how excited I am for this SS match.

Backstage: Adamle had a portrait of Ronald Reagan in his office. He told Todd Grisham (again why is he still on Raw?) he wants to run things Reagan-style, letting the superstars do their thing and interfering only when necessary. Kane walked in and asked why Adamle wanted to see him. Adamle said they already had a full SS card so he booked him in a match against Jericho tonight. Kane accepted as long as that was all he wanted. Adamle told Kane he would surrender the bag after his match. Kane warned him he didn’t want to do that. Adamle said they couldn’t have kids going back to school imitating him and scaring their classmates and teachers. He said tonight is the end of the burlap sack business. Again Kane told him he’s making a huge mistake.

What is Adamle’s deal with Reagan? And has PG-rated programming begun to rear its ugly head already? They couldn’t come up with a better reason to have Kane give up the contents? Regardless I’m pumped to finally know what’s in the bag.

Rhodes/DiBiase Promo: Following footage of Tito Santana and Ivan Putski defeating the Valiant Brothers to win the tag titles October 22, 1979, backstage Cody said they weren’t even born when that happened, but they respect and learn from history. He said they act and work together like a team is supposed to unlike Cena and Tista whose jealousy and egotism will be their downfall. Ted said they were invoking their rematch clause and will take back THEIR titles. DiBiase again noted they’re only in their 20s yet well on their way to Hall of Fame status. He said next year it could be Rhodes vs. DiBiase as the SS main event but tonight they would earn everyone’s respect.

The only thing that didn’t jive was Rhodes/DiBiase saying they respect and learn from history when they're the same brash guys dissing the old-timers Lawler and Duggan just a couple weeks ago. Still I really liked this promo, one of their best yet.

Match #3 Cryme Tyme vs. The Highlanders: Shad and JTG made quick work (2 minutes) of Robbie and Rorrie. Shad hit a nice inverted vertical suplex then a rock bottom for the win.
  • The announcers plugged JBL’s challenge to Punk.
JBL/Punk Promo: JBL came to the ring that was set up with a table covered with a black cloth and chairs. Punk joined him. JBL said he was going to end Punk’s pathetic WHC run at SS. Punk told him to shut up, he’s tired of hearing that same old played out argument. Punk said the WHC belt is around his waist because he earned it and doesn’t care if he doesn’t fit the typical champion mold. He said that when he defends the title at SS it will be his career’s crowning achievement and prove he’s the man on Raw.

JBL said he held the title on SD! longer than anyone and helped build this business into what it is today. He belittled Punk’s career thus far and called him Cinderella. JBL said his luck runs out Sunday and there won’t be any fairytale ending. He said he can beat Punk as he did last week. He unveiled a bottle of whiskey and shot glass and challenged Mr. Straightedge to take a drink. JBL said he wanted Punk to prove to him he’s willing to do anything to be champion.

Punk said he is willing to put his body on the line come Sunday but won’t compromise his beliefs that have gotten him this far. JBL offered a toast to Punk’s footnote WHC reign. Punk took the shot glass and said the champ should give the toast then tossed the whiskey into JBL’s face and delivered the high corner knee. Punk made his way up the ramp as JBL tried to wipe the sting from his eyes.

Surprisingly, I enjoyed the segment (much more than Cena/Tista earlier or Khali/HHH arm wrestling). Good promo by both, particularly Punk.;) For the first time, I find myself actually caring about his character. And they managed to peek my previous non-existent interest in their match.

Match #4 Chris Jericho vs. Kane: At the start, Kane took it to Jericho with punches, running low dropkick, and hiptoss. Kane sent Jericho to the floor and delivered a mean uppercut. Cade grabbed Kane’s foot as he was reentering the ring. Jericho landed the springboard kick then followed up with punches, stomp to the head, and rear chinlock. Jericho went top rope but Kane caught him with an uppercut on the way down and followed with a side slam and flying clothesline. Just as Kane was looking for the chokeslam, Adamle and a slew of security guys came down and surrounded the ring. Off the distraction, Jericho hit the code breaker for the win.

Good 4½-minute match with nice back and forth throughout. Despite another loss, Kane still looked strong and lost due to Adamle’s distraction.

Kane’s Mystery Bag Segment: Immediately after the match, Adamle entered the ring and told Kane he knows this must be difficult for him but we need a resolution and he’s there to help. Adamle said he knew that Kane’s old mask was in the bag and he’s been referring to the monster within himself. Adamle told Kane his life would be better if he gave him the bag. Kane said there was a mask in the bag and the man who wore it has been scarred, tortured, and damaged beyond human recognition. Kane said the mask wasn’t his and revealed it to be Rey Mysterio’s. He laughed as left the ring.

Weeks of intrigue and excitement for that? What a major letdown. I fail to see how Rey has been scarred, tortured, and damaged beyond comprehension. Oh Creative, you got some ‘splaining to do. I just hope they aren’t going to do a mask angle where Mysterio loses it.:disappointed:

Match #5 Jamie Noble vs. William Regal: If you blinked, you missed this match. Regal picked up the clean win in 1 minute 20 seconds following a nice scoop exploder suplex and kick to the head. There was little overrun tonight, so why couldn’t they give them three or four minutes?

Match #6 John Cena & Batista vs. Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase (World Tag Team Championship): Tista and Cena dickered over who’d start. Cena allowed Tista the honor but tagged himself in as soon as the bell rang. While the champs were staring each other down, Rhodes and DiBiase double-teamed Cena. Rhodes scored a nearfall after a Russian leg sweep. Cena came back with two flying shoulder blocks and a side slam on Rhodes. Cena got in Tista’s face and did the “You can’t see me” gesture and we cut to commercial less than two minutes in.

Back from break, DiBiase had Cena down with a reverse chinlock. Tista got the hot tag and exploded on DiBiase with a clothesline, corner shoulder blocks, and spinebuster. He did the rope shake thing right by Cena and setup Ted for the Tista bomb. Cena pulled DiBiase away and stood face to face with Tista. Rhodes got the tag and clipped Tista’s knee from behind then followed with a dropkick to the leg. Tista powered Rhodes down with a spinebuster and slapped Cena across the face for the tag, just as Cena did to him last week. Cena was staring down Tista when DiBiase rolled him up for the win.

Post-match Rhodes and DiBiase tried a sneak attack while Cena and Tista were having another staredown. The new champs were quickly disposed of. Adamle’s security came down and did their best to separate Cena and Tista who fought through the pack to get at one another.

It was a decent 8-minute tag match, but its only purpose was to build to Cena-Tista at SS. I’m all for putting the straps back on Rhodes and DiBiase but not happy with their weak roll-up win.

Overall Thoughts: While it wasn’t great, must-see TV, it was a solid two hours. Punk, Santino/Beth, and Cena were the hits. While I’d have liked to seen them do something with Jericho to hype HBK’s SS announcement, they gave us a pretty good last build to the brand’s three SS matches, particularly the WHC and IC/Women matches.

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