Official Raw/Smackdown Aftermath, Ratings and Review Thread

Grade tonight's RAW.

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Other than the fact that you are far too free with the stars, the review was good.

I will answer your question about where the other Bella sister is....

She was under the ring. You see, they are twins, which means that no one in the WWE Universe can tell them apart.

The two hour ending main events were awesome. HHH allowed the Gold Standard to look like a real threat to his title. Creative told Shelton to step it up, and he responded. That was some great wrestling. I have no idea what Khali had to do with that match, as he lost and then lost to Jeff Hardy to be removed from the title picture. If he was out there to retaliate for the interference last week, that was stupid, because the interference last week was to get Khali out of the main event picture. Now he's back? Bad writing. It didn't ruin the show, but it defeated the purpose of having HHH interfere last week.

The Jaff Hardy MVP match was awesome as well. It was Jeff's second best match this year. The best was the Raw match vs. HBK. I had no idea who would win this match from beginning to end. These two guys always have good matches, no matter who they are wrestling, so it makes sense that match together would be sensational.

I say that, so I can say this. This was an excellent SD! Taker never promos anymore, so to see him tell someone they are going to burn brings back warm memories. I also like the way the divas are being used. As opposed to Khali, who loses, repeatedly, but still stays in the title picture like his name was John Cena, Nattie Neidhart lost and is moved back in rotation. We all know Maryse has no chance of beating Ms. Taker, but at least it's someone new. I just wish that every diva match didn't end with McCool looking over a knocked out Maria.

All the qualms I have with the show are tiny. This show had two **** TV matches, which is more than Raw had between February and August, maybe even two more.
Amy’s ‘take’ on Smackdown 08/29/08:

Undertaker Promo: Taker made his entrance while La Familia watched a monitor in Vicki’s office. Taker addressed Vicki Guerrero. He said he’s not the forgiving kind and is coming for her soul. Taker said she will burn in hell then did the classic drop to one knee and called forth the fire to the ringposts. Chavo and Bam ducked out followed closely by Hawkins and Ryder. Vicki realized she was all alone and tried the door but couldn’t get out.

Meh promo by Taker. All he did was repeat what he said to close last week’s show.
  • The R-Truth Vignette where he said he learned the truth the hard way and was once at the bottom but now is headed for the top aired again. R-Truth was introduced and made his dancing entrance.
Kenny Dykstra Promo: Dykstra talked his way down to the ring. He said he’s done everything he can to get this company to care about him to no avail. He’s a young 22-year-old hot prospect while R-Truth is nothing but a convict. Truth took offense and the ref held him back as Kenny said maybe if he’d been in jail he could’ve gotten some vignettes and interview time. In closing, Dykstra said the WWE needs to be building itself around him not people like Truth.

Another piece of solid mic work by Kenny. Crowd was pretty quiet throughout the entire show, so it was nice to see Dykstra get a little heat here. Maybe he can make it as heel on SD! afterall.

Match #1 R-Truth vs. Kenny Dykstra: Truth started with an uppercut then sent Dykstra’s head into two turnbuckles. Dykstra took control, delivering a clubbing clothesline, stomps, hard Irish Whip, forearms to the back, and knee to the back/arms stretch for a nearfall. Truth rallied, backing Dykstra into the corner. Kenny jumped on his back with a sleeper to which Truth countered with an armdrag followed by a couple clotheslines, corkscrew flying elbow, and a scissors head kick for the win.

Decent match but it was just too short (2-minute) to really get into. Nice to see Kenny look strong and get in so much offense. Truth’s in great shape and gets the predictable win. Decent debut but that dancing entrance needs to go.

Maryse/McCool Promo: Maryse told Michelle McCool to enjoy her last photo shoot as Divas Champion and the title will look so much better on her. McCool told Maryse she’s full of herself, such a diva, but will never be Divas Champion because she has no talent. Maryse told McCool jealousy is so ugly on her and that she’d never have this, pointing to her body, and soon she won’t have that, pointing to the belt.

McCool can’t act. She just stood there with the same blank expression. Her delivery was so flat and forced. Maryse kept that segment from being a total snore. She looked and sounded natural and true to her character. I guess they scraped the Maryse-Maria feud and I expect they’ll announce a Divas Title match between the two blondes for Unforgiven.

Match #2 Michelle McCool & Maria vs. Maryse & Natalya: McCool scored a nearfall off a Russian leg sweep on Natalya then tagged to Maria who landed a hard right and went for an inside cradle. Natalya hit a powerslam then tagged in Maryse who pulled Maria down by her hair and talked smack. Moments later, Maryse hit a DDT on Maria for the win. Post-match, Maryse reentered the ring and mixed it up with McCool. The brawl spilled to the floor where with Natalya’s aid Maryse got the final shot.

Typical short (2½ minutes) divas match. The post-match attack makes me more confident it’ll be Maryse vs. McCool at Unforgiven with McCool retaining.
  • The announcers plugged Hardy vs. MVP next and a video recap of their feud aired.
Jeff Hardy Promo: Jeff told Eve that MVP’s been trying to ruin his life and criticizing his way of life, personality, even the way he wrestles. Jeff said MVP was just another obstacle in his quest to become WWE Champion and tonight he’ll leave MVP and his ego lying in the ring.

Hardy must’ve really studied hard to memorize those lines because he didn’t mess up for a change. But whoa there, slow down Jeff. He rushed through that promo and never once looked at the camera. Nice intensity though. And he didn’t say dude once, lol.

Backstage: A shot of Vicki growing more frantic. She noticed a phone on an end table but there was no dial tone. She threw the phone against a photo of Taker’s cover of the September edition of the WWE Magazine.

Why does Vicki have Taker’s photo in her office? Why doesn’t she just suspend him or something for his threat? She is the GM, it’s her show.

Match #3 Jeff Hardy vs. MVP: MVP talked smack and the two shoved each other to start. Jeff hit a drop toe hold then grounded MVP with a side headlock for the first minute. MVP tossed Jeff through the ropes but couldn’t believe Hardy landed on his feet. Jeff dealt MVP a series of punches and a frustrated MVP rolled out for a timeout. When MVP reentered the ring, Jeff resumed control with a side headlock, chopblock, leg drop, wristlock, three armdrags, and armbar. MVP got the rope break but moments later Hardy pushed MVP shoulder-first into the ringpost then rung his arm up and delivered a slingshot kick to the injured arm. MVP rolled out for another timeout. Jeff took them both down with a somersault plancha.

Back from commercial, Jeff had MVP grounded with the armbar. MVP made it to his feet and used Jeff’s belt to pull him headfirst into the turnbuckle. MVP delivered several stomps to Hardy, hung him on the top rope, and dropped him face-first on the security wall. He scored a nearfall off a kick to the face and another nearfall off a kneedrop to the head. MVP locked in a seated abdominal stretch. Jeff made it to his feet and broke the hold with a side slam type move. Jeff hit the spinning mule kick, corner dropkick, and faceplant but the Swanton met MVP’s knees.

MVP sent Hardy back-first into the ringpost with a baseball slide then used the ringpost to stretch Hardy. MVP laid Hardy’s body across the top rope/turnbuckle and kicked him a la Kozlov style for another nearfall. MVP talked some smack to the prone Hardy and delivered a big punch to the face for another nearfall. MVP locked in the camel clutch to which Jeff made it to the ropes. MVP stayed on Hardy’s back with an elbow drop, powerslam, knee to the back/arms stretch, back suplex, belly-to-belly throw, all for three more nearfalls that saw MVP grow increasingly frustrated.

MVP whipped Jeff into the corner and Jeff climbed to the top rope, thinking Whisper in the Wind, but MVP took out Jeff’s legs. Hardy fell to the mat, landing awkwardly accordion-like on his neck, and ref Charles Robinson immediately rushed to check on him. An oh shit scary moment right there. After a few seconds, MVP covered Hardy for another nearfall. MVP put Hardy on the top rope and went for a back suplex but Jeff turned mid-air to land on MVP for his first nearfall.

Hardy hit a couple lariats. MVP sold the Whisper in the Wind although Hardy didn’t connect. Jeff hit the Swanton for the win. Post-match Shelton Benjamin hit his Pay Dirt finisher on the unsuspecting Hardy. MVP came over to gloat with Shelton and he too got laid out with Benjamin’s finisher.

Nice back and forth action the first five minutes. After the break, MVP controlled the match and there were lots of nearfalls. That was some really good storytelling. These two worked their butts off and put on a highly entertaining 20-minute match. PPV-worthy. Match of the night. One of the best matches this year.

So much for MVP’s momentum.:disappointed: This is one of those times I’d have preferred an unclean finish. I guess Hardy needed the win to even the score and prolong the feud. Benjamin’s post-match attack is probably leading up to a Triple Threat for the US Title for after Unforgiven and leads me to believe none of them are walking out of the Scramble with the WWE Title.

Match #4 Jesse & Festus vs. Zach Ryder & Curt Hawkins (non-title): At the bell, Festus went nuts on Ryder and Hawkins. The champs regrouped at ringside. Just as they reentered the ring, Show’s music hit and he came down. The ref called off the match as he laid out the champs then Jesse while catatonic Festus looked on at ringside.

Big Show Promo: Show said that GM Vicki Guerrero is under so much pressure she’s overlooking certain superstars but he will not be overlooked again. As far as what just happened in the ring, Show said my bad and let’s just call it an oversight.

Throwaway 1-minute match. Show delivered a short but solid, fun promo. Why is it whenever a giant is being poorly used they just have him kill the tag teams, particularly the tag champs? I didn’t like it when Khali did it a few months back to Miz/Morrison and I don’t agree with Show single-handedly squashing the only two teams SD! has at the moment.

Backstage: A shot of frightened Vicki still trapped in her office.

Why isn’t she banging on the door and screaming? Why hasn’t a single staff member tried to free her?:rolleyes:

Match #5 Victoria vs. Brie Bella: Victoria talked smack at the start and throughout this 2½-minute typical divas match. The two traded offense the first minute with Brie trying a schoolgirl and showing off a unique snapmare. Victoria took control, hitting a nice backbreaker, snap suplex, and standing moonsault for a nearfall. Vicki delivered a hard kick to the gut, sending Brie outside. She crawled under the ring but Victoria pulled her out and put her back in the ring. As Victoria entered the ring, Brie scored the win off a small package.

Victoria was solid in-ring and entertaining as always. She did her job, putting over the debuting brunette-Maria look alike.

Raw Rebound: A video package recapped John Cena’s injury, his doctor said surgery went well, and Adamle announced Rey Mysterio as his replacement in the WHC Scramble match.

The Brian Kendrick Promo: Kendrick and big Zeke were reading books backstage. Kendrick said last week he won the biggest match of his career so far. Tonight his opponents are preparing for war by fighting each other to prove their dominance and risking injury. Kendrick said he doesn’t need to stoop to their level, his spot is secured, and he’s preparing by reading The Art of Warfare. He said what matters is not who wins the little battles but the war, not who gets the first or most pins but the last in the Scramble match. In closing, Kendrick said there’s a fine line between genius and insanity but once you learn how to walk that line no one can stop you.

Awesome promo by Kendrick. It had such a dark seriousness in contrast to his earlier flamboyant braggadocios in-ring promos. His facial expressions when he delivered the genius/insanity line gave me goosebumps…now that right there was shades of Brian Pillman. I’m officially jumping on Will’s bandwagon that Kendrick is the dark horse to win the Scramble.:thumbsup: With the way things played out tonight, Kendrick looks to have the best chance to win the title, that is if they decide to take it off Trips.

Match #6 HHH vs. Shelton Benjamin (non-title Main Event): Benjamin surprised HHH with an armdrag at the start. Trips briefly applied a side headlock. Shelton hit two more armdrags and locked in an armbar. HHH countered with an armdrag of his own then took control with punches, wristlock, clothesline, armbar, kneedrop to the arm, and single-arm DDT. Shelton recovered and went for a 2nd rope move but met Trips’ foot to the gut. HHH went for the Pedigree but Benjamin escaped to the outside as we cut to commercial break.

During the break, Benjamin whipped Trips into the corner and he flipped over the top turnbuckle to the floor. Shelton hit a neckbreaker on Trips entering the ring for a nearfall. Shelton maintained control with a mean-looking neck vise, figure four headlock, another neckbreaker for a nearfall, and reverse chinlock. HHH briefly fought back but Shelton sent him headfirst into the turnbuckle and followed with a Stinger splash.

Trips avoided the second splash and went on an offensive run, landing big rights, the high knee, running powerslam, and DDT for a couple nearfalls. Shelton landed a sharp kick to the face for a nearfall. HHH avoided a bulldog attempt and hit the spinebuster. Shelton countered the Pedigree with a backbreaker. HHH hit the facebuster then Khali’s music hit and he walked to ringside. Shelton went for his finisher but HHH hit his finisher for the win. Post-match HHH was staring down Khali when Benjamin hit him in the back of the head with the US belt. Shelton left the ring and Khali entered. He delivered the Khali Bomb then celebrated up the ramp.

Good 19½-minute match. Nice back and forth action the first six minutes. Pleasantly surprised to see Benjamin get in so much offense, actually control a good chunk of the match, and look strong in defeat. Lame finish though. This is another match I’d have preferred an unclean finish. At least Trips didn’t squash the US champ in a minute like he did Dykstra.;) I think Khali should have took HHH out with the head vise again. A Trips not at 100% would’ve added more uncertainty to the Scramble match and made for a better story.

Final Backstage Segment: A shot of Vicki nervously pacing in her office. The lights went out and she screamed bloody murder as the show went off the air.

If they were going for a cheesy second-rate horror movie vibe, then well done. Predictable ending, but I'm actually curious to see how this plays out now.

Overall Thoughts: Wrestling-wise, the night was a mixed bag with the MVP-Hardy gem and strong main event sullied by two divas matches, 1-minute no contest tag match, and ho-hum opening match. Storyline-wise, the show succeeded in advancing the MVP-Hardy-Benjamin and Maryse-McCool feuds as well as the Taker-Vicki angle. Two respectable debuts. And Kendrick is coming on strong with each passing week. Just another all-around good show this week.
TheOneBigWill's 'take' on Monday Night Raw, September 1st, 2008:

Opening Segment: I don't know about anyone else, but Raw started off already in progress to me. Tennis was on, I think it was Tennis, and when it cut off, Raw just randomly cut in.. and Randy Orton was in the ring. I thought tonight's show was going to be in St. Louis, and sure enough the announcer's mentioned that it was. I also knew of Orton making an appearance tonight. At any rate..

Orton says he isn't 100% yet, and didn't expect to return until he was, but he had to get something off his chest. He said he's disgusted at the way Raw used to be the flagship show, and the strongest brand. Now he feels it's just a joke. He said the Champions are the worst part of it.

He begins with the Women's Champion, Beth Phoenix, saying this isn't 90210, it's Raw and she's running around like a love-sick puppy. He turns his attention to whom she's chasing, and that just happens to be the Intercontinental Champion. Orton said Santino was the weakest Intercontinental Champion in the history of the W.W.E., and even still injured Orton could beat him. He then turns his attention to the Tag Team Champions, saying he feels they're more "worthless" than "priceless". He said in his time, if some random thug or thugs took his Championship, he'd track them down, and get his title back. Orton then says but all of them aside, the real problem regarding the Champions, is the Heavyweight Champion, C.M. Punk.

Orton said that Punk is disgracing the title (amen!) and that a couple years ago when Orton first became Champion, Punk was running around wrestling no-names, in no-name towns, wrestling for a no-name organization. He goes on to say he'd love to challenge Punk tonight and reclaim his Championship, and bring Raw back to being strong, but he can't because he isn't medically cleared. This brings Punk out.

Punk starts off by saying that unlike Orton, he didn't have a Granddad and a Dad to user him into the business. He said he had to work extra hard to get where he is. Punk runs down the list of things he doesn't do, which is just about everything because he feels he's better than everyone else.. Then he says he doesn't take motorcycle rides to delay his return. (Likely because he can't ride a motorcycle, not because he wouldn't want to) Punk called Orton jealous, and said he would be too. Then they just randomly brought their talk-session to an end when Orton leaves the ring.

Before we cut away, J.B.L. comes out. He basically cuts your under-average promo about Punk's fairy-tale of being Champion will hit midnight come Sunday. J.B.L. says the beauty of the match is he can hit his Clothesline from Hell at any time and win. This leads to Kane coming out. Kane mocks J.B.L. in saying he's been to hell, and didn't see J.B.L.'s clothesline anywhere. (classic) He said he did see Mysterio though. That leads to Batista coming out and forgetting that the match is later and the promo time is now.. because he instantly jumped the gun on spearing Kane and J.B.L.. Finally, we cut away.

The Matches:

1. Charlie "Cena" Haas v. Kofi Kingston: Much like last week, this week the fans in St. Louis actually thought they were going to see Cena. Instead, they seen a guy that's arguably 10x better.. Charlie "Cena". In continuing from his copy-cat gimmick from a week ago, Haas comes out as Cena this week.

The match isn't really long, and it has Haas trying to his both the 5 Knuckle Shuffle and the F-U, but doesn't connect with either. In the end, it's Kingston picking up the meaningless victory, on his way to apparently doing nothing again.

2. E.C.W. Battle Royal: Mark Henry v. The Miz v. Finlay v. Chavo Guerrero v. Matt Hardy: For some reason, E.C.W. is holding a Battle Royal like Raw, on Raw. I didn't see the point of this match, because until it started I held out hope that it was to determine the order of entry for Sunday's "Scramble". My original thoughts were the winner would enter last, and depending on who's eliminated from first to last, would enter 1st-4th. But that wasn't the case, so we just got a randomly useless Battle Royal. Two, infact.

Everyone jumps Henry at the beginning, only for Henry to completely dominate this whole thing. Henry ends up eliminating The Miz & Chavo Guerrero at the same time, followed shortly by Finlay, and finally Matt Hardy. Mark Henry in short, ended up eliminating everyone to show off that he's a force to be dealt with come Sunday.

The sad thing is, Sunday isn't a battle royal, and anyone can pin anyone to win.. so Henry's unstoppable nature doesn't even play a factor. If he's distracted for 3 seconds, that's all it'll take for him to be unseated as E.C.W. Champion.

3. Jamie Noble v. William Regal: Noble brings Layla out and explains he's going to prove himself to her. *yawn* Go buy a sex doll, you don't have to prove anything to them.

Regal comes out, as Layla seems less then impressed when Regal starts beating the crap outta Noble. In the end, after Regal's beat on Noble from practically start to finish, Noble ends up winning with a small-package roll-up. Layla smiles and seems suddenly impressed. :lmao: ****e.

I love how Regal's return was made to job to Noble, while the nice little packaged tag team of Regal & Burchill is just begging to be formed. Oh well I guess.

4. 6-Diva Tag: Mickie James, Kelly Kelly & Candice Michelle v. Beth Phoenix, Jillian Hall & Katie Lea Burchill: Candice is back!! Should that be more exciting? Maybe a couple more "!!!!!" will do the trick. At any rate, this is your classic "the returning face wins the match" type event, so it doesn't even really matter.

Candice went up top at the end of the match, and I'm quite honestly surprised she didn't lose her balance and break her neck. She ended up hitting a cross-body, that Phoenix rolls through only for Candice to get out of and then roll Phoenix back up for the victory. :glare: So does this mean Candice will challenge Beth? If so, when?

5. Non-Title: Santino Marella v. D-Lo Brown: Santino comes out and cuts a small promo about running Orton down, then says he's going to become the greatest Intercontinental Champion ever. He introduces the "Honk-o-tonk meter" as it shows a picture of the Honkey Tonk Man being a Champion for 64 weeks. Santino then shows being one for 2 weeks. He calls Honkey the "Honk-a-tonk Man".

D-Lo in introduced as the opponent, who quickly takes control of the match and in no time is up going for his frog splash finisher, only to miss and Santino rolls him over for the quick pin. Santino wins! Santino wins! Santino wins! That's 3 weeks now. (maybe he should've went with beating 64 guys, instead of keeping the title 64 weeks)

6. John Morrison & The Miz v. Cryme Tyme: For some reason it's played off that The Miz was pulling double duty, as Cryme Tyme is introduced. Before the match even starts, Wall Street jumps the thugs from behind and leave them laying, taking back their Tag Team Championships.

The match never happened, and it was just a short segment to show the Champs regaining their titles, in what could be them only ending up losing them Sunday.

7. Raw Battle Royal: C.M. Punk v. Batista v. J.B.L. v. Rey Mysterio v. Kane: At least this Battle Royal was a bit better than the E.C.W. one, but 5 man Battle Royals aren't exactly what I'd call anything amazing to begin with. I guess I should say 4 man, because Mysterio didn't actually show up to wrestle IN the match. So, onto the highlights..

J.B.L. went for a clothesline from hell, only to be speared by Batista. Batista is eliminated first, by Punk of all people. This followed up with J.B.L. rushing at Punk, only for Punk to eliminate J.B.L. as well. (the eliminations were crappy, noone even tried to hold onto the ropes) The final two guys were Punk and Kane.

Kane and Punk fight for a while, until Kane catches Punk and dumps him over the top, as Punk holds on then randomly just let's go of the ropes. Punk falls at the feet of Randy Orton, who smirks. Punk tosses water in Orton's face, then backs off.

Kane ends up winning, well that is until Mysterio's music cues up and the 6-1-9 specialist returns from hell, apparently. Mysterio quickly slides into the ring and takes it to Kane, the two find themselves battling on the outside, where Mysterio hits a version of the 6-1-9 by using the ring post. Mysterio then hits a hurricanrana on Kane, sending him into the fans as Mysterio celebrates being back.


Wall Street/Orton: Wall Street complain about Orton's comments. This lead Orton to asking Cody if he recalls when they first met, and he slapped his Father. Cody said he relives the memory every day, then Orton slaps Cody. :lmao: I seen that coming but it still made me laugh. Ted held Cody back, then asked what Orton's problem was. Orton said they're the most talented guys in the company and they need to wake-up and get their titles back.

Adamle/Long/Kane: Long thanks Adamle for allowing E.C.W. to join Raw tonight, this is quickly interrupted by Kane questioning why Adamle would put Mysterio in the match at Unforgiven, when Kane is sure Mysterio isn't coming back. Adamle said he hopes Mysterio will be back, and Kane tells him to keep hoping.

Jericho/H.B.K. Pre-Game: Each man, H.B.K. & Jericho had two different segments showing them getting ready to sign a piece of paper. Apparently you need to train now to do that. I once heard that Batista was sidelined 2 monthes with a sprained writing hand, after he didn't stretch it out before a contract signing. True story, true story. :rolleyes:

Wall Street/Orton 2: Orton is shown again, this time with Wall Street showing off getting their titles back. Orton smirks almost approvingly and that's pretty much it.

Ending Segment: Both Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho come out. It's quickly announced that Adamle has stated if any type of contact is made between the "two of them" that their match will be called off. So all there is to do, is sign the paper. (wow, what a Main Event)

They both sign, and that's that. Well, until Jericho picks the mic up and asked why H.B.K. wanted the security to surround ringside. H.B.K. said it wasn't his, and if he had it his way, they'd be the only two out there. So that leads to everyone leaving, and a war of words being said once again.

Jericho said he told his Wife & Children what Shawn asked him to, kinda. He said he told them he would never be a lying, manipulative, ego-maniac, like Shawn Michaels. Jericho continues by saying he also told them not to watch, because he didn't want his Family to see what he does. He goes on by saying he won't go easy on H.B.K. just because he accidentally hit his Wife in the mouth, either. Finally, Jericho says just like H.B.K. did to Flair, Jericho is going to end his career and he won't say he's sorry when he does it.

H.B.K. says he takes comfort in knowing Jericho's Family won't be watching, because Shawn isn't going to be held responsible for what he does Sunday, either. H.B.K. said someday he'll tell his Family about this whole thing, about how sometimes it's stronger to turn the other cheek.. and sometimes you gotta face evil right in the eyes and spit in it's face. He finishes by saying he hopes God can forgive Jericho, because he never will.

This leads to Lance Cade finding himself on the wrong end of a ass-beat sandwich, as H.B.K. does a number on him. In an odd turn of events, H.B.K. went to 'swat' at Jericho and fell through the ropes, landing directly on his head. (ala Lita in 2004) He gets up, but instead of chasing Jericho, he turns back to Cade and kicks him directly in the face. That leads to a staredown as the show ends.

Overall Thoughts: I couldn't of been any less impressed with Raw. I don't know why, it's just I kinda felt let down mainly because they have three matches going into Sunday's card. The H.B.K./Jericho unsanctioned match, which you have built about as high as you possibly can.. the Tag Team Championship match, which I think it would've been better to see Wall Street hold off until then to reclaim their belts.. and the Scramble.

Instead of a battle royal involving 4 of the 5 men, wouldn't it of been better to possibly have a Tag Team contest? Punk & Batista against J.B.L. & Kane? Or even 2 above average single's matches with Kane against Punk, and Batista against J.B.L.? I'd of liked that better than a pointless battle royal.

I think it could be just me, but Mysterio looked different, slimmer I think. He looked like the Mysterio of old, from W.C.W., which I have to admit I loved seeing. The small meeting Kane and Mysterio had tonight doesn't impress me enough to think a single's match between those two could be overly enjoyable, but I'll hold off on believing that until I actually see it. I trust Mysterio to put on the best matches he can.

I don't really know the reason for Orton being on Raw. A stable of Orton and Wall Street could be a theory, but it's rather odd. If Orton were to have attacked Punk at the end of the battle royal, revealing that instead of Mysterio, it'll actually be Orton.. THAT would've been a great way to cap-off Raw. In the end, this could be one big set-up for Orton to return after the Scramble on Sunday, setting up Orton v. Punk for No Mercy.. but I still don't know.

I'm less than impressed with how they're using William Regal. I get that he should probably be punished by losing, if that's what they're doing, for his mistakes.. but they're only hurting themselves by not pairing him up with Burchill, to form another good (if not great) tag team. And Noble? Seriously, where will this lead? Another love story?? Please.

Kingston is apparently just waiting around until he can be seen as useful again, while Santino just started what looks to be a storyline that'll likely go at least a month or longer, in-route to trying to become the Greatest Intercontinental Champion, ever.

Candice being back, in my opinion both helps and hurts the division. It helps because obviously she knows how to wrestle a bit better than some, but it hurts because shes so injury prone, I don't think putting her instantly in a title match anytime soon is a great idea. And it's apparent that's the direction they've already begun taking.

Overall, Orton is right. Raw has become a joke anymore, and tonight's final stop before the Pay per view wasn't what I'd call "positive". In the end, I give it a 3 outta 10, only because it had semi-decent matches.
Hi this is Darkshot77 and I am not doing an "I approve this review" joke
OK lets get this show on the road

Darkshot77's review of RAW 9/1/08

I didnt see the begining, but from what I read I am ashamed at the St. Louis fans. Cheering for an admited Cubs fan over their home town boy...disgracefull.

John Hass vs. Kofi Kingston-I love Hass's new character he is the new Stevie Richards and mabey Stevie will pass on the torch of 'Most Underutilized, Underappciated Wrestler' to Mr. Hass. Kofi wins. Big deal.

ECW Battle royal-The only thing that left an impression on me was Ademle "Like the Jerry Lewis Telathon with out the sick kids":lmao:Awsome. Is it just me or has Mike Ademle gotten alot better, and who is Teddy's escort this week. Whoops almost forgot Mark Henry did something.

Divas Tag-Despite all my hopes the new Face Diva was not Gail Kim:disappointed:insted it is Candice. Small Package on Beth Candice gets the pin. BTW what were the announcers talking about that "effective move" that Candice used was a botch and yet they had a replay for it.....whatever. Candice will be womans champ...whoopdyfuckingdoo. I personally didnt think her wrestling ability was all that impressive and whats with her new outfit.

William Regal v. Jamie Noble-Jamie wants to impress Lalya. So he has a match with Regal where regal dominates and Jamie wins with the move of the night, The Small Package...WTF is Bryan Danielson wrestling. In the end everyone goes home happy eccept Regal who is waiting for that English stable to be formed but apeantly the WWE will only form and English stable with a black guy trying to be English. Burchill is left off TV two weeks in a row...

Raw Battle Royal-I dont know who said it but they were right Punk again takes a back seat to sombody elses feud. This ended so poorly that I can not begin to describe it. First if Mysterio is gonna come out after the battle royal and attack Kane, this means he is healthy enough to wrestle meaning...HE COULD HAVE BEEN IN THE BATTLE ROYAL!!! And thats just one mistake. Also this killed all suspicion that could have been held over to unforgiven anbd this confirms Punk retains because Orton waits in the wings. That might be a good feud. But here is how I would have ended it. Just as Kane goes to eliminate Punk, Mysterio's music hits and distracts Kane giving Punk the win. Punk stares down Orton. This keeps the suspicion up on whether or not Mysterio will be at Unforgiven or not, and Punk remains the focus not Kane. So simple yet could have worked so much better

If the show ends in a promo I won't watch it its not worth my time. But it was HBK v. Jericho so im guessing it was golden.

Raw was bland nothing good stuck out in my mind. If I left something out I didnt care about it. Lets just hope The Championship scrambles work because if they dont Unforgiven is Screwed. I give Raw 1.75 out of 5 stars
Where the hell is this thing really going with Taker and Vickie? I can only assume Edge will play the superhero in her life just before her deathwish. I mean, obvious right? Where else could this go? Edge and Taker is still on.
Just my two :twocents:…Yes, Edge and Taker is still on. Leading up to Summerslam, everyone said Hell in a Cell MUST end their feud. But I see the Taker-Edge feud as the Smackdown equivalent to Raw’s HBK-Jericho feud (face legend vs. brand’s top heel). So naturally they’re going to milk this thing for all its worth.

As far as the way SD! ended last week…well if I hadn’t read the spoilers for tomorrow’s show, I’d have said that both Edge and Vicki would be off TV for a couple weeks then return together. Still I have a feeling it’ll eventually be revealed it was Edge – not Taker – that locked Vicki in her office, either for her own protection or as a sick joke. Edge should return sometime after Unforgiven before No Mercy. Then I think we may get the match I’ve been saying for months HAS to happen.

And that match is ‘Loser Leaves Smackdown’ as I just don’t see Edge, Taker, and HHH all co-existing on the same show for very long. Plus as good as Taker-Edge has been, it can't go on that much longer and one of the two needs a fresh start on Raw. Personally I'd like to see Edge go to Raw and take his WHC title back from Punk.
Amy’s LATE Take on Raw 09/01/08:

Opening Segment: Randy Orton was a pleasant surprise. He looked and sounded intense, not his usual unenthusiastic monotone self. He said what we’ve all been thinking and saying for weeks now – that Raw sucks – then he ran down the current champions with special emphasis on CM Punk.

I like the Orton vs. Punk tease. Punk was solid on the mic. But is it just me or is he becoming as repetitive as JBL? The ‘it doesn’t matter how I won, I’m the champion’ bit is starting to get a little old. Speaking of JBL, he was his usual boring, repetitive self. Seriously, when is the last time he won a match with his clothesline?

Kane’s clothesline line was memorable and laugh-out-loud funny. Unfortunately, Kane’s sounding more like a joke every week. Kane saying Mysterio wouldn’t be there meant you could bank on him being there. Tista let his actions do his talking, as promos aren’t really his strong suit, and just speared the hell out of all three.

Overall, a good way to start Raw and build to the Raw Scramble match.

Charlie Haas Impersonates John Cena: Haas looked the part and did a really good job mimicking Cena’s mannerisms. I’m still in shock that Charlie Haas has been on TV for two straight weeks. It looks like they’re running with this copycat gimmick. I’m enjoying it so far but caution against making it a weekly thing. Also it only furthers the prevailing notion that ‘Raw is a joke’ right now with so much comedy on one show.

Match #1 Charlie Haas vs. Kofi Kingston: Early on, Haas went for the Five Knuckle Shuffle but Kofi kicked Haas in the head then took over the match. After his usual offense, Kofi countered an FU attempt with the Trouble in Paradise kick for the win. Fun 1½-minute match.

Backstage with Orton/Rhodes & DiBiase Part I: The tag champs confronted Orton about his earlier statements. Orton bitch slapped Cody just like he did to his dad then told the pair to grow a set.

Man, does Cody have it in his contract to get slapped like that bi-monthly or something?:lmao: Nice segment. Again more intensity from Orton who came across as a seasoned veteran.

Backstage with Adamle/Long/Tiffany/Kane: Kane interrupted Adamle and Long with Tiffany talking about making the ECW and Raw battle royals an annual thing. Kane wanted to know why Mike announced Rey’s return. Adamle wanted to send a message that Mysterio is wanted and needed on Raw. Kane went on about Mysterio being destroyed and that Mike could keep hoping.

Match #2 ECW Battle Royal: The four challengers ganged up on Henry at the start, but he quickly overpowered them. Miz and Hardy paired off and traded offense as did Finlay and Chavo. From behind, Henry eliminated Chavo and Miz then splashed Finlay. Hardy and Finlay worked together to try and get Henry over. Late in the match, Henry eliminated Finlay then Hardy as he was going for the Twist of Fate.

Good pace and action. My only complaint is the match was too short (3½ minutes). It came down to Hardy-Henry once again; that’s the real story there. The match made Henry look like the strong, dominant champ he’s been built as, however having him win so quickly, easily doesn’t really make me excited for the ECW Scramble match.:disappointed:

Match #3 Jamie Noble vs. William Regal: Before the match, Noble cut a promo saying he wanted just one more chance to prove himself to Layla. She was sitting ringside looking disinterested. Just like their first meeting, Regal manhandled Noble. His throws are very impressive. In the end, Noble impressed Layla with a small package for the surprise win.

Match #4 Divas 6-woman Tag Match: Beth cut a promo addressing Orton’s comments. Just as she said there’s no one who can match her power and beauty, Candice Michelle’s music hit. Kelly started off with a sloppy dropkick on Katie Lea then tagged in Mickie. She took the prolonged beatdown from the heels. Candice got the hot tag and made quick work of Beth. She hit a crossbody then rolled Beth up for the win.

Meh 4-minute match. Candice gets the predictable return win with some unimpressive in-ring work. At least she didn't injure herself this time.:thumbsup: That’s two losses for the Glamazon via roll-up now. I don’t think I like how/where her reign might be going.

Santino Promo: Santino said he was going to prove Orton wrong and become the greatest IC champ of all time. He unveiled a Honk-a-Meter, comparing the Honky Tonk Man’s record 64-week reign to his 2 weeks.

Funny stuff. The Honk-a-Meter is rather catchy. After a couple weeks of no mic work, this was a refreshing and welcome promo from Santino.

Match #5 Santino Marella vs. D-Lo Brown: Just like their first meeting, D-Lo was on his way to a 1-minute squash until Santino scored the surprise pinfall after D-Lo missed the Lo-Down splash.

Santino and D-Lo have faced each other three times now; one match was a throwaway due to Beth’s involvement and the other two they split. So is this a feud? I say not until D-Lo gets some mic time. It does look like Kofi’s out of the IC picture for the time being though.

Match #6 The Miz & John Morrison vs. Cryme Tyme: The match that didn’t happen. I was annoyed I didn’t get to see Morrison in action, but he did a hilarious imitation of JTG’s dance before the teams started brawling at ringside. Rhodes and DiBiase attacked Cryme Tyme from behind and took their belts back.

Backstage with Orton/Rhodes & DiBiase Part II: Rhodes and DiBiase proudly walked past Orton with the belts draped over their shoulders and got a look of approval.

I hadn’t given it much thought before, but I’d really love to see a stable with these three guys down the road. Also I'm feeling a little more confident about Team Priceless’ chances of retaining their titles at the PPV now.

Batista Interview: He told Todd Grisham his game plan for the night and Sunday was “destroy everyone”.

Sure Tista doesn’t have the greatest mic ability, but a two-word promo? At least it fits with his earlier actions. He’s a man on a mission.

Match #7 Raw Battle Royal: Orton watched the action from ringside. Tista dominated Kane, JBL, and Punk for the first minute. Punk eliminated Tista after a big boot assist from Kane. Moments later, Punk eliminated JBL. Kane and Punk traded offense for a minute. Punk got Kane up for the GTS but Kane fought it off. Punk then went for a springboard clothesline. Kane caught him by the throat and sent him to the floor to land in front of Orton who mockingly clapped for Punk. The two had another staredown that ended with Punk tossing water in Orton’s face.

Decent 4-minute match. I certainly didn’t expect Tista to be the first eliminated or Kane the last man standing. I’d say Punk looked strong, seeing as he did eliminate two men, but again he only did so after some help. I’m curious to see if his underdog fluky storyline is coming to an end Sunday.

Rey Mysterio’s Return: Immediately after the match, Mysterio came to the ring and attacked Kane. He hit the 619 off the ringpost and a hurricanrana that sent Kane into the crowd then celebrated in the ring.

Mysterio’s return may have excited the live audience, but it was a downer for me. Supposedly Kane put him through hell, yet he looks the same (actually in a little better shape than 2 months ago) and took care of Kane like he was nothing. Really stupid angle. I wonder if Cena didn’t get hurt, would Kane-Mysterio have played out like this?

Chris Jericho/Shawn Michaels Contract Signing: Jerry Lawler introduced both men. Michaels glared at Jericho who wouldn’t look at Shawn. Lawler said their unsanctioned match would be called off if there was any physicality between the two tonight. Each signed the contract absolving the WWE of any liability then they dismissed Lawler, their lawyers, and the security surrounding the ring.

Jericho said he forbade his wife/kids to watch the brutality he’s going to unleash Sunday. Jericho said he won’t say he's sorry either when he ends HBK’s career. He told Shawn to remember that he’s the one who asked for the match when he’s left a broken man. Shawn told Chris his kids won’t be watching either but someday he’ll tell them how he almost walked away, which is the noble thing to do, but how sometimes you have to look evil in the eye. Shawn said he’ll have no regrets for his actions at Unforgiven and hopes God will forgive him.

The two stood and had a staredown until Cade came up behind Michaels. Shawn assaulted Cade as Jericho made his exit. Shawn took a nasty spill swatting at Jericho through the ropes (the spot where the injury occurred I believe), but he covered it well by continuing to pummel Cade in the ring. The show closed with Jericho on the ramp and Shawn in the ring glaring at each other.

These two delivered another great, intense exchange. That said, this is a perfect example of why I dislike contract-signing segments so much. Not only is the beatdown predictable, it’s just unnecessary. A promo/staredown would’ve worked just as well. Cade getting his ass whooped didn’t really add much here. Still they got me ready for their Unforgiven match. I have confidence the match will still be good, just not what it could’ve been if Shawn were 100%.

Overall Thoughts: I thought Raw was a vast improvement over the last few weeks. The show opened and ended strong, progressed some lower/midcard storylines in between, and did a solid job building to the Raw Scramble and HBK-Jericho PPV matches. They didn’t really promote the Tag Team Title match though, but that's no shock considering the state of the tag division. The hits include Santino, the ECW Battle Royal, the Jericho/Michaels segment, and all segments involving Randy Orton. For me, Orton WAS Raw this week.;)
HOLY SHIT, THE Brian Kendrick beat Jeff Hardy? Jeff Hardy??

Damn, WWE are serious about pushing this kid. Quite right, too: that was an excellent match. Really enjoyed it. Ezekiel timed his intervention beautifully: just when I thought he was going to do nothing, Hardy turns his back - and then WHACK!

As you can tell, I marked out hard at this point. What else? Oh, yes, Maria and Maryse was an amazing match. Simply incredible. If you haven't seen this one yet, you have to. Easily a top candidate for worst match of the year. Maybe of the millennium. Neither of these two girls can wrestle at all...slow, laborious, dull, no moves, no charisma, no nothing. Get them out of the ring before they hurt one another. And no, I don't think Brie Bella can wrestle either. Maybe her twin can. Wonder if they swapped them round this week...oh, no, this is just too confusing to think about. Get Gail Kim on RAW, please, the SD women's division is definitely beyond redemption.

And WTF was going on with that last match? Triple H's ego is ridiculous, this man needs to go see a shrink. Why was Khali there at all? Just so Trips prove that he could beat the giant, MVP, Shelton, and Kendrick all at the same time with only Hardy to help a bit? Cuz that's how it looked like. I can well believe the rumours about Khali's knees: at times you could see they were hurting. And it was a shit match, with a worse Pedigree finish. Hopelessly botched, even with the cameras covering it from the back, not the side (they weren't going to repeat that mistake after Trip's botch in his match against Shelton).

But I marked out again when Hardy hit that Twist of Fate. Beautiful moment. Jeff, I love you. And he cut another boring Trips promo short, too - Jeff, you are a great man.
Anyone else seem to think that with this new girl, bella, or whatever has a twin hiding under the ring? She really has no reason to go under there, but it's happened twice now and last night the announcers made a point of stating that going under the ring seems to refresh her, yet they suspiciously seemed to not mention the possibility that there might be more than one. That more than anything makes me think that we're going to see some sort of identical twin storyline with her at some point.
Amy’s ‘take’ on Smackdown 09/05/08:

Opening Segment: HHH came to the ring to his King of Kings music. He said that while the WWE Championship Scramble sounds like something you order at Denny’s at 3 in the morning, this may be his toughest challenge ever and the odds aren’t in his favor.

Shelton Benjamin interrupted and said he plans to add more gold to his collection on Sunday. He said it’s going to take a little luck and a lot of talent which he has. Benjamin noted Trips’ smirk and reminded him who it was that dropped Jeff Hardy, MVP, and The Game last week. HHH said Shelton left out the part where he was beaten and called him a cheapshot artist. Trips invited him to the ring if he’s so good at dropping people.

Benjamin made it to ringside when MVP interrupted. He said the King of Bling is better than everyone else in the match. He got in Shelton’s face and said he looked more like fool’s good than the Gold Standard. MVP pointed out the cheapshot Benjamin took on him last week. Shelton said it was payback for the drive-by a few weeks ago. MVP said that was an accident but he’d intentionally drop him right now. The two were poised to go at it but HHH interrupted.

Trips said they’d been with the company awhile but apparently hadn’t learned how these things work. He proceeded to give them a lesson about how he as the champion cuts what’s called a “promo” the week before the PPV, they interrupt, talk some trash they can’t back up, hit the ring and get their asses handed to them then aren’t seen/heard the rest of the evening. Trips implied they were too dense to get it and he was going to be champion for the next century. MVP and Shelton just stood there.

The Brian Kendrick and Ezekiel Jackson entered the ring. While Trips’ attention was on Zeke, Kendrick kicked him in the back of the head. Zeke and Kendrick led the beatdown. MVP and Benjamin joined in. Jeff Hardy rushed out for the save. Zeke tripped up Hardy on the top rope. HHH delivered a chair shot to Zeke’s back that didn’t phase him. Kendrick persuaded Zeke to leave the ring. Hardy and HHH stood tall as we cut to commercial.

*Good way to start to the show and get all the Scramble participants involved to build to the PPV match. Nice to see Kendrick and Zeke made to look like big time players. Not pleased with the way MVP and Shelton were made to look like fools by HHH.:disappointed: Solid mic work by all the three guys. But just once could we get a serious Trips promo? How is anyone supposed to take his challengers and the match seriously if he doesn’t? Oh yeah and I can do without the insider references. So in the end it comes down to Jeff and HHH again. That’s shaping up to be the real story in this match.

Match #1 R-Truth vs. Bam Neely: R-Truth made his entrance through the crowd, rapped his entrance song, and did a little dancing before the match. Nice back and forth the first minute then Bam grounded Truth with a neck vice. Truth rallied and hit the corkscrew flying forearm, an awkward missile dropkick, and the scissors kick for the win.

*Choppy action. Timing and positioning were off. Thankfully it was a short (2-minute) match.
  • The announcers said that Vicki Guerrero would not be at the show, a good thing because the Undertaker is. They plugged Jeff Hardy vs. The Brian Kendrick and Shelton Benjamin vs. MVP for later in the night.
Undertaker Promo: We joined Taker already in the ring. He said the anticipation of death was worse than death itself. He told Vicki he’s coming for her soul at Unforgiven and wanted her to think about what he’s going to do to her: put his hand around her throat and squeeze until the strength leaves her body, put her body in a mahogany prison then set it ablaze, her lungs will fill with the stench of her own burning flesh, and she’ll descend to hell to join her accursed husband Edge. Taker promised endless agony and an eternity in hell. The lights went out and Taker was gone when they came back on.

*Isn’t this supposed to be a PG show now?!?!?!?

Match #2 MVP vs. Shelton Benjamin (non-title): Before the match, a pre-taped promo aired where Shelton said there’s no one more precious or with more pure talent than him. MVP went for a single leg takedown but Shelton turned him around and straddled MVP’s back then slapped him about the head. MVP got in Shelton’s face and bitch slapped him in return. The two exchanged punches before Shelton worked MVP over with kicks in the corner.

MVP ducked out of the ring and made like he was blowing off the match. Benjamin pursued but MVP took advantage on the outside. Back in the ring, he grounded Shelton with a neck vice then a modified camel clutch. Shelton powered MVP up on his shoulders then delivered a vicious backbreaker. Benjamin went top rope but MVP moved. He nailed the drive-by kick for a nearfall. Benjamin recovered quickly and out of nowhere hit Pay Dirt for the win. As he celebrated with his belt, Shelton was bleeding a little from the mouth.

*Good match albeit short (just under 4 minutes). So MVP’s momentum takes another hit whereas Shelton looks very strong heading into Sunday. They’re doing a nice job illustrating that he can strike Pay Dirt at any time. It’s interesting to note the crowd popped when MVP slapped Shelton. That’s bad news for MVP who's supposed to be a heel. Like it or not WWE, he’s a tweener. Deal with it. That’s good for Shelton though because it signifies he’s getting over pretty good as a heel.

Maryse/Maria Segment: Backstage Maryse approached Maria and insulted her ring attire. She said her outfit looked cheap and poorly made so she’d take it easy on her tonight as they didn’t want a wardrobe malfunction.

*That segment added nothing. Plus it was just boring and painful to listen to.

Match #3 Maryse vs. Maria: The two traded offense the first minute. Maryse showed off a backbreaker and nice camel clutch. Late in the match, Maria rallied but missed a crossbody. Maryse hit the DDT for the win. Post-match Michelle McCool walked up behind Maryse celebrating on the ramp. The two had a staredown, Maryse flipped her hair and walked off, and McCool stood there with a shit smelling grin.

*Decent 3-minutes divas match. Maryse is improving in the ring. Her character is an interesting contrast. In promos, she’s the pretty snob while in the ring she has this physical, nasty side. If only they could capture more of the latter in her promos because the cattiness isn’t really working for me.

Match #4 Jeff Hardy vs. The Brian Kendrick (w/Ezekiel): At the start, Hardy went on the offensive. He hit a big backdrop then seemed to injure his left knee when he missed a spinning mule kick. Kendrick seized the moment, delivered several kicks for a couple nearfalls, and grounded Hardy with a chinlock. Jeff got the rope break and regained control when Kendrick missed a corner charge. Hardy hit the low corner dropkick, lariat, faceplant, and a new reverse powerbomb type move that flipped Kendrick over for a nearfall. Kendrick ducked out of the ring to avoid the Twist of Fate. Jeff hit a low dropkick through the ropes then a somersault plancha to Kendrick on the outside. When Hardy tried to reenter the ring, Zeke grabbed and drove him back-first into the security wall. Kendrick hit his self-named finisher for the win.

*Good 5-minute match. Kendrick bumped and sold really well. Nice job building up Kendrick and Zeke as the unknown quantity in the Scramble.

Backstage: Vicki arrived in a limo and went off on a guy waiting for her with a wheelchair. She screamed she didn’t need it and stormed off.

*So much for Vicki not being there. No more wheelchair Vicki, yay! It’s about time.

Match #5 Ryan Braddock vs. Super Crazy: Braddock delivered a couple clubbing forearms to the back. Crazy hit two big kicks to the face for a nearfall. Crazy missed a corner charge and Braddock drove him back-first into the turnbuckle repeatedly. Braddock hit a sweet clothesline from behind for a nearfall. In the corner, Crazy got the feet up then hit the top rope moonsault for the win.

*Solid action but disappointing they were only given a minute. Braddock’s looking better with each match. I still don’t know why they’re using him as a jobber yet Crazy’s getting a mini-push of sorts all of a sudden. Crazy had wins on both ECW and SD! this week.

Vladimir Kozlov/Big Show/Vicki Guerrero Segment: At the conclusion of Crazy’s match, Kozlov’s music hit. He came to the ring, kicked Crazy in the gut, and told him he wasn’t competition. Kozlov stood on the 2nd rope and cut a promo in both Russian and English. He said “No more games. I demand a better challenge.”

After a few seconds, the Big Show’s music hit and he joined Kozlov in the ring. Show said he understands where Kozlov is coming from about feeling competitive and wanting a challenge. Show said it was another oversight by the General Manager. Show offered to face Kozlov then and there. The two dropped their mics and circled each other.

Vicki ordered them to stop and hauled ass to the ring. She got in Kozlov’s face and demanded he leave her ring. Kozlov finally did as told. Vicki told the smiling Show that he’d disrupted her show for the last time. She said if he thought she was unfair before, he hadn’t seen anything yet. Vicki ordered Show leave the ring or be fined and suspended indefinitely. Show retreated to the back in a huff.

*Another good promo by Show. Kozlov did a nice job on the mic too and with his facial expressions. But damn it. I wanted to see Kozlov and Show go at it. Nice tease though.;) That’s a feud I can’t wait to see.

Vicki screamed at the crowd to be quiet as she had a message for the Undertaker. She recapped the storyline of reinstating Taker, giving him Edge, apologizing for her sins, and begging forgiveness. Vicki said Taker’s threats will not be tolerated and reminded him she is the GM. She said she will no longer be intimidated and at Unforgiven he will apologize to her.

*The bitch is back! All I can say is HEAT. The crowd booed the hell out of Vicki from start to finish. So she’s going to get Taker to apologize to her now. Good luck with that.:lmao: I guess we aren’t getting an explanation for the way last week’s show ended. Maybe she shouldn’t have pissed off Kozlov and Show. She could’ve enlisted them as bodyguards.

Match #6 Victoria vs. Brie Bella: A 3-minute repeat of last week. Victoria talked smack and controlled the match early on. Brie hit a nice armdrag and snapmare before dropkicking Victoria to the outside. From the apron, Brie hit a flying clothesline. Victoria picked Brie up and slammed her back-first into the apron. She did a nice overhead backbreaker then tossed Brie to the floor. Just like last week, she crawled under the ring and emerged energized on the other side then rolled Victoria up for the win.
  • Video aired of Josh Matthews, Mr. Kennedy, and Mickie James at the Republican National Convention.
  • The announcers plugged the Lumberjack ME match.
  • The Raw Rebound recapped the Jericho-HBK feud.
HHH/Jeff Hardy Segment: Eve put over HHH’s lumberjack main event match against Khali and the Scramble match then asked what Trips greatest concern is. He said global warming or the economy. Trips said it was just another day at the office and you look each obstacle in the face one at a time. Jeff Hardy walked up. Trips asked whether anyone could finish a thought on the show. Hardy apologized for interrupting his little promo and said he was going to be a huge problem for HHH come Sunday. Trips told Jeff he knows a lot about problems and reminded him of the saying three strikes and you’re out of the game.

*Oh goody, more of the same unfunny but thinks he’s funny and let’s not miss a chance to mock an opponent HHH.:glare: Jeff looked focused and solidly delivered his short lines.

Match #7 The Great Khali vs. HHH (non-title Lumberjack Main Event): Khali established control early. A minute in, HHH landed on the floor and the heels took turns kicking him while he was down as Jeff looked on. Back from commercial, Khali continued to dominate. He used the nerve hold then delivered reverse elbows in the corner, big boot, and clothesline that sent Trips to the outside. Again the heels worked him over, but this time Jeff came over to help. MVP and Benjamin worked together to send Hardy into the security wall.

Zeke put HHH back in the ring and Khali hit the Khali Bomb for a nearfall. HHH rallied with a facebuster and 2nd rope shoulder block before the heels pulled him back out for more. Jeff took the heels down with a somersault plancha. HHH sent Kendrick into the steps then rung Khali’s arm up on the top rope. He pulled off the spinebuster but couldn’t get the Pedigree. Khali locked on the vice grip but HHH managed to break free and hit his finisher for the win. After the match, Jeff Hardy entered the ring and clapped for HHH who patted Hardy on the shoulder. Jeff surprised everyone by hitting the Twist of Fate on HHH and stood over him to close the show.

*The lumberjacks involvement was fun. Otherwise a meh 10-minute match. I don’t agree with how they used Khali to make HHH look strong. Just as JR was saying no one’s escaped the head vice, HHH does that very thing, Pedigrees Khali, and bam Khali is done after dominating the match. Ridiculous. I’m surprised the crowd was so quiet when Hardy dropped Trips. I guess they didn’t know whether to cheer or boo. For anyone wondering, no he’s not turning heel. He just showed that it will be every man for himself Sunday.

Overall Thoughts: The show started and ended strong. All the matches were solid even if they were short. MVP vs. Benjamin and Hardy vs. Kendrick tie for match of the night. There was very little I didn’t like (Trips making fun of his opponents, Taker’s promo, and backstage divas segment). Just an excellent show this week and great last sell for the WWE Championship Scramble match at Unforgiven.
man the crowd was HOT for the Miz/Morrison vs Bourne/Mysterio match, and for good reason, they put on a fuckin SHOW. Bourne is one of the most exciting young stars in the WWE man, I just hope he has a chance to build his charisma and be a major player some day because he is talented as hell.
Just had to say that Mysterio/Bourne vs Miz/Morrison was fucking awesome. Fast paced action, lots of cool spots, lots of cool moves. Kept me entertained. Bourne is one bloody good performer, the hurricarana off the ring to Morrison was amazing. Everything else he did was just brilliant, all timed to perfection and pulled off each move without botch.

i think Mysterio/Bourne would make a good tag team to try and help it out but it would be just like filling london/kendricks spots? also mysterio is in a feud with kane:(
but yep id say it was match of the night lots of cool flips a nice hurricarana on morrison which i didnt see happening and of course the shooting star press which is awesome

also CHL vs jbl was pretty funny but i never thought in a million years haas would go over jbl lol
That Bourne/Mysterio vs Miz/Morrison match was INCREDIBLE! Rey looked in fine form. Sensational stuff from Bourne, including THAT hurricanrana off the top rope, the knee drop onto the shoulders off the top rope, and another beautiful shooting star press. Rey too pulled off some amazing stuff. He and Bourne looked wonderfully coordinated after such limited experience with each other - but then Rey always was such a fine tag-team wrestler.

Gentlemen, if Creative have any brains, this is the future of the tag-team division. Miz and Morrison will be breaking up soon, which is a shame, but if WWE can get a few more talented teams together, perhaps the future of the tag-team division isn't as bleak as I'd thought.
All I have to say is CHL CHL CHL. I was laughing so hard during that segment. Mama Juana, stupid grin, Mama Juana, stupid grin. Awesome. The above tag match that the others mentioned was incredible. Overall not a bad RAW but nothing special either.
HK's Assessment Review Corner Blog Doohickey (SmackDown, September 12, 2008)

Well, we're back with the randomly appearing review thing that I got. Sometimes I feel like doing them, sometimes I don't. Last week, I basically forgot all about it. But not this week bay bay! Let's get on with it! Oh yeah, I have a crap memory so I might get the segments out of order. Sorry.

Opening Segment - Triple H & Jeff Hardy

The show starts out with an awesome opening segment. Triple H did the usual sarcastic post-match gloating, but with an energy that he's lacked for some time. Good stuff. Out comes Hardy to what could be described as an explosion, not a pop. Jeff Hardy has really improved on the mic. Hardy makes a lot of great points about Triple H and how he got to where he is, with the Kliq, DX and "the family connection." Wow, was this segment written by WWE? Talk about self-insight. Great promo, and Hardy really gave us his all. Loved it. It got me psyched up and ready for battle!


Match #1: Michelle McCool, Maria & Brie Bella vs. Maryse, Natalya & Victoria

...Okay, so starting off with a 6-Diva tag match may not exactly be what I wanted to start the show, but I'll take it. Impressive outing by Natalya, who took the beating for most of the match. Can't remember anything particularly cool about team Face. Anyway, after an alright Divas match of a proper length, they did the twins switching thing and Brie, or should I say Nicole, gets the win for her team. I don't really like it when veterans have to job, but Brie/Nicole are looking pretty good, both as wrestlers and otherwise.

** 1/2

Match #2: R-Truth vs. Chavo Guerrero w/Bam Neely

WASSUP?!? R-Truth makes his entrance through the crowd. Man, I hope he's not gonna do this regularly, it gets old fast. After some twitchy dancing, OOOH Chavo enters with Bam Neely. Pretty good match, but nothing particularly great about it. The ending was freakin' weird, with Bam trying to (first time I can recall he ever did anything!) help Chavo win, but failing. R-Truth wins the match by DQ. However, after the match Bam and Chavo have a spat. I guess Bam has some hidden frustrations buried inside...hey, I would too if I couldn't wrestle and was a bad bodyguard. Anyway, if this leads to a breakup, we can say goodbye to Bam as he would probably last less than Braden Walker did as a singles guy. Decent match.


Match #3: Kenny Dykstra vs. Festus

Out come Jesse and Festus dressed as movers? Huh? It didn't make much sense to me...I thought at once that it might be a cheeky reference to SmackDown "moving" to MyNetworkTV. Nobody explained anything. Either way, enter Dykstra with some good mic work. Dykstra makes a pre-emptive attack on a docile Festus, but Jesse rings the bell and causes Festus to go bonkers and kick Dykstra's ass, as he does. Sweet! However, somewhere in the middle of the match more nonsense would ensue. Jesse and Festus taped him up and shipped him out of the arena parcel post. Huh? It would be nice with some explanation on what the hell this was all about...Dykstra "moving" to Raw or ECW perchance? Let's see what happens next week. The match didn't get the proper time it needed to be a good match, and it really was just confusing. No contest.


Match #4: Vladimir Kozlov vs. Scotty Goldman & Funaki

Hooboy. A squash match. Yay. Either way, not much to say here, except that a great talent like Scotty Goldman having to job freakin' sucks. How the hell are you supposed to get a guy over if he doesn't even win a match? Kozlov pinned Funaki after his uber-crappy headbutt. Aren't we a bit over the squashing period now? This freakin' sucked. After the match, Kozlov gets on the mic and demands better "competishun." I'm with him on that one.

* 1/2

Match #5: Carlito & Primo Colón vs. Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder (non-title)

Our resident Super Major Bros. enter to no reaction. Boring entrance ensues. However, I marked out when I heard the music of none other than Carlito! He's back! And he's teaming with his bro...who just said a couple of weeks ago on Raw that he disliked his brother. I hate it when people retcon their stuff...but I'll forgive them because CARLITO IS BACK!!! And he's gotten his old hairdo back. Cool! And he's a face. Cool! I like this. Perhaps Carlito will get that push he's been wanting. However...why the hell did they change his attire? Now he looks like a smaller version of Ricky Ortiz...moreso than before!

Either way, the tag team match was the first good match of the night. The usual Super Major Bros. stuff, nothing special here. But Carlito looked really good and actually got the crowd on his side in the match! Wow, that is a rare sight (listen?) indeed! He took a beating for most of the match, with the Super Major Bros. doing the heel tag team stick. However, after a while he got a hot tag to his brother Primo who looked pretty good out there. After some fast-paced action, Carlito Backstabbed either Hawkins or Ryder and got the win for The Colóns! Great debut match for the tag team or Carlito & Primo and another fantastic *job* from Hawkins & Ryder. The match was good, and I am psyched to see Carlito back, I thought he'd be released for sure after his "attitude"...ah well, I'm all for this ending in tag team gold for the Colóns.

*** 1/2

Match #6: Jeff Hardy vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. MVP vs. The Brian Kendrick

It's time for the MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIN EVENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNT! MVP enters and skips the ballin' thing. Shelton does another completely bad promo on the big screen and during the real taping entered with the US CHAMPIONSHIP UPSIDE DOWN. Professional! He must have gotten the inspiration from Shelly Martinez' Godlike promo from earlier this week. The footage was replaced with entrance footage from another taping and you could easily see that heavy editing had taken place, as the fade to the entrance of THE Brian Kendrick was so unnatural. TBK did his freaky dance to the ring. I swear, I'd be afraid to fight a guy who dances randomly like that. Jeff enters finally to a HUGE reaction. And we get to the actual fight.

Hands down best match of the night, but that's not saying much as the undercard was less than stellar this week. Kendrick utilizes the no-count-out rule and stays outside the ring, stalking his opponents the whole match. MVP and Shelton do most of the grunt work inside the ring, and Jeff Hardy continually gets thrown to the outside of the ring...great mat wrestling from MVP and Shelton. Kendrick slithers into the ring and gets many close pins by channeling Edge's opportunistic spirit, straight from Hell.

Jeff eventually gets a FREAKIN' DOUBLE SWANTON and pins TBK for the win. Fantastic! I've got a good feeling about Jeff vs. Triple H at No Mercy. It's gonna be sweet. But wait! Out comes none other than VLADIMIR KOZLOV and crushes Hardy! So he's gonna be involved somehow? I like this, about time he gets a proper feud.


Wow, the quality of this week's show was very uneven, almost as uneven as I thought this blog turned out...some parts were downright bad, and there were really only two good matches. The quality slipped a little this that actually makes ECW none other than the show of the week! Wow! Anyway, Hardy vs. Triple H is gonna be a dandy!

Oh yeah, I forgot completely about the backstage segments, but none of them were pretty special. And I like the Big Show/Vickie team so far. Yeah, I realize that the blog sucked this week. About halfway my passion about doing it disappeared, but I finished it anywayz. I don't know...I'm just not in the mood. Please give me some feedback on the blog though, thanks for your time.

Ahhh...So many wrestling shows...So few good wrestling shows.

Lets get crackin'

Darkshot77's review of Smackdown! 9/12/08

Let me precursor this by saying that I didn't see the show the night of, so I caught up with good o'l Youtube this morning, and be cause I was spending the rest of my day doing nothing, I couldnt waste my time with promos, so this is a rundown of the matches, only.

Brie, McCool, and Maria v. Natalya, Mayrse, and Victora-What the hell did Natalya and Victoria do? They were demoted by coming out to Mayrse's music. Now granted individual entrances would have been to long, but why is Maryse being billed as the top heel? It's probibly because Natalya and Victoria avoid the Divas Title like the plague. It's either that or a bad attitude runs in the 3rd generation of the Hart Family...or the whole family for that matter. This was a good match nothing special, everybody got some offence...execpt mabey Victoria, beats me. Bella switch and we move on.

R-truth v. Chavo-Hey Killings, your a black Sandman who raps instead of drinking beer. It's not gonna work, come out like the rest of world, under the tron. Now, He was getting good pop, the crowd always responded with a good Wassup. Chavo hits the three amigos and I'm glad Cole wasnt comentating, or he would have said it was disrespectful of Eddie Guerrero...I'll leave that as it stands. Over all a good match. Ohhh Chavo and Bam break up tease. If Bam dose go solo, he will be for gotten just as fast as...uh...who was I talking about again?

Koslov v. Scotty Goldman and Funaki-To quote my friend "Nice tighty-whiteys there Mother Russia" Koslov dominates, the end. Here is my problem with the headbutt when he hit Funaki out of the air it was a push with the hands...Come on Koslov take a lesson from Zinedine Zidane, he knows how to headbutt people.

Festus v. Kenny Dykstra-This really wasnt a match, Festus dominates after Jessie rand the bell. apperantly when the bell is ring not only dose "socially handicapped" Festus become a one man wrecking crew he also has the intellagance to hog tie a man with ducktape. BTW what did they do when they got to the back ring another bell...oh well. And finally Kenny looked the part he had always been playing, Vince's Gimp.

Primo and Carlito Colon v. The Major Douchbags-Carlito's back and he is a face, horray. He needs to pick back up is lady's man gimmick, possibly with the Bella twins. We will see. I liked his ring attire, but the only reason he has them is because they were too big for little Rey Rey. Colon's Brought some good offence, and I was impressed. Here is for reviving an 50 ft under tag team division.

Fatal 4 way for the #1 contender spot against Triple H for the WWE Championship at No Mercy: "The Charasmatic Enigma" Jeff Hardy v. The Brian Kendrick w/ Ezekial Jackson v. "The King of Bling" Montel Vontavious Porter a.k.a. MVP v. The Current WWE United States Champion "The Gold Standard" Shelton Benjamin-This is the perfect example of taking a joke way to far, for way to long. Incedentally this is the second time Benjamin has held the title upsidedown, and they want MVP to be like him... Speaking of MVP he had alot more offence tonight, but in the end Kendrick takes the fall again and Jeff Hardy is the #1 contender after a double Swanton, that was cool. Mother Russia comes back out and dominates Hardy (probibly shouldnt use dominate in the same review I used the word gimp). Well the WWE is using one of their monsters right, grats creative, now only 6 more to go.

Final thoughts-The show was good top and bottom not or. The middle matches were very meh. A good SD! when you cut out the promos.
Amy’s LATE ‘take’ on Smackdown 09/12/08:

Opening Segment: HHH came to the ring and put over how awesome Unforgiven was and he was the only man to retain his title. Trips said when you see his name on the card, he’s a sure bet. He put over how difficult the match was but he found a way with one second left to win.

Jeff Hardy’s music hit and he came to the ring. He congratulated and said Hunter beat him fair and square. Jeff told HHH he’s a god, looked up to and respected by the entire locker room, he’s got it all. In classic HHH mocking fashion, he said he appreciated the praise and wanted to reciprocate the respect and admiration he has for Jeff for putting his body on the line like no other and over and over reaching for the brass ring but always coming up short. Trips said that was the story of Jeff’s life.

Jeff said maybe he just never had the right people to push him along. Hardy said if he’d had the Clique or DX or the family he’d have what HHH does. Trips brought up Jeff’s brother Matt and how he’s a champion today. HHH said the most successful time in Jeff’s career and life was when he was teaming with his brother because Matt kept him on the straight and narrow. Trips said Jeff’s extracurricular activities have gotten in his way of achieving what he wants most. In closing, Trips told Jeff he hopes he wins tonight but at No Mercy he’ll prove him right.

*Nice opening segment that picks up right where the Smackdown Scramble left off and hypes the night’s Fatal Fourway main event. But wait didn’t I hear all this before…like a month ago? Creative has just replaced MVP with HHH. Really how long are we going to rehash Hardy’s troubles? My other gripe as always is I want the serious, badass HHH, not this condescending funny guy. This was one of Jeff’s better promos; he continues to improve on the mic.

Match #1 Maryse, Natalya, & Victoria vs. Michelle McCool, Maria, & Brie Bella: As usual, McCool got the better of Natalya for a minute then in comes Maria who did nothing worth mentioning and quickly exited. The heels took turns working Brie over. Late in the match, Brie scampered under the ring, emerged invigorated, and rolled up Victoria for the win…for the third straight week now.

*Ahh, everyone’s favorite Smackdown 6-woman tag action. Creative’s answer to how to make you forget and care even less about the Divas title.;) Typical meh 4-minute opening divas match.

Match #2 R-Truth vs. Chavo Guerrero (w/Bam Neely): R-Truth made his entrance through the crowd, rapped his entrance song, and did a little dancing before the match. Chavo and Bam were having words on their way out. A minute and a half in, Chavo hit a hard kick to the face for the first nearfall then grounded Truth with a chinlock. Truth rallied with a couple clotheslines, powerslam, and jumping big boot. Chavo countered the scissors kick and hit the Three Amigos, but Truth got to the 2nd rope to prevent the frogsplash. Neely pulled Truth down to the mat for the DQ. Chavo and Bam argued, Chavo put his hand on Bam’s throat, Bam shoved Chavo across the ring. Truth delivered the scissors kick to Bam and the corkscrew forearm to Chavo.

*If the ECW/Raw talent exchange has begun, why are ECW guys Chavo and Bam still working Smackdown? Crowd was really into Truth this week. I LOL at the ‘You can’t handle the R-Truth’ sign. Decent 3½-minute match. It was much better than Truth vs. Bam last week because Chavo’s a solid worker and Bam needs a one-way ticket back to developmental or fat camp or both.

*Was that meant to the Chavo-Bam split or merely a prelude? Either way, who cares? Here’s how that recent Creative meeting went down…we have two guys that barely register on the fans radar who aren’t doing anything, never mind they’re both heels, so let’s break them up for no apparent reason and start a feud no one will care about. What’s wrong with having these two team up?:icon_idea: They could be used in either Smackdown or Raw’s meager tag divisions.

HHH/Shelton Benjamin Segment: Trips interrupted Shelton macking on Eve. He sucked up to Shelton, saying he didn’t understand why he even has to prove himself again and compete tonight seeing he’s the only one that didn’t get pinned. HHH mentioned how intent Jeff is. Shelton said HHH didn’t need to worry about Hardy and he’s not reaching for some brass ring, he’s reaching for Trips’ gold title. HHH said that was cool and walked off.

*Shelton’s definitely improving but still sounds robotic. Not cool.

Match #3 Festus (w/Jesse) vs. Kenny Dysktra: Jesse and Festus came out dressed as movers with a handtruck and cardboard box. Dykstra cut the same promo on his way to the ring, he’s a 22 year old stud with more potential than anyone who still doesn’t get the respect he’s due. He sucker punched Festus then Jesse ran the bell and Festus went nuts on Kenny. Jesse and Festus started duct taping Kenny. Umm where’s the DQ? The ref just stood by as they put Dykstra on the hand truck as we cut to commercial. Back from break, Dykstra was wrapped in bubble wrap. Jesse and Festus duct taped his mouth and wheeled him backstage.

*:wtf: was that all about? That match/segment/whatever was a completely pointless waste of time.

Vicki/Big Show Segment: After a few ‘excuse me’ screams, Vicki said the Undertaker made a lot of threats against her before Unforgiven but she literally spat in his face. She brought out the man who helped her. Show explained that Vicki asked for his help after Taker destroyed Edge at SummerSlam. Show said Taker thinks he’s above everyone and doesn’t have to play by the same rules. Show said he and Vicki are the true power couple, it’s strictly business, he’s going to help her get Smackdown where she wants it to be and she’s going to help him become the WWE Champion. Show said he’s going to make sure Vicki gets her apology from Taker.

*Vicki delivered another strong promo. I’d like a little more intensity from Show. I’m slowly coming around to this new alliance. I thought this was a last-minute Creative decision, maybe it was, but it all makes sense now. Vicki asked Show for his help after SS, he refused. So she overlooked him when it came to the Scramble then ordered him around a couple weeks. He wised up and joined forces with she who has the power.

Match #4 Vladimir Kozlov vs. Funaki & Scotty Goldman: Ahh, time for our first squash of the night. Kozlov manhandled both and pinned Funaki after the mid-air battering ram. Post-match Kozlov cut a promo in Russian and English. He said he demands a better challenge and if he has to he will find one himself.
*Meh 1-minute repetitive Kozlov squash and promo.:zzzz:

HHH/The Brian Kendrick/Zeke Segment: HHH interrupted Zeke reading the latest WWE Magazine. The two had a staredown then Kendrick walked up. HHH said he wanted to wish him luck. Kendrick noted he was the longest reigning champion in Scramble history. HHH said Kendrick delivered an unbelievable performance and of all the losers that night he was the biggest.

*Of the backstage segments, this was the best. What’s with Zeke always reading? He’s not your typical big dumb bodyguard. I’m loving The Brian Kendrick gimmick more every week. His facial hair is getting a little questionable though.

Match #5 Curt Hawkins & Zach Ryder vs. The Colons (non-title): A pre-taped promo aired where Primo said he’s been waiting his whole life for the opportunity to team with his brother and Smackdown’s never going to be the same. Carlito agreed but said they needed to do something about Primo’s hair. I guess we’re all supposed to forget Primo was dissing his brother just a few weeks ago on Raw. At least teaming together gets both on TV and adds another much needed team to Smackdown’s division. I wonder how long they’ll remain face or better yet how long until one turns on the other…someone should start a poll.

Carlito hit a nice neckbreaker on Ryder for the first over then tagged in Primo. He hit a springboard dropkick and powerslam for another cover. Carlito and Hawkins tagged in. Hawkins and Ryder made several tags and spent several minutes working over Carlito. Late in the match, Carlito moved out of the way of a Hawkins corner splash. Primo got the hot tag and unloaded with punches, flying reverse elbow, and high crossbody. Ryder broke up the pin. Carlito tagged back in, knocked Ryder from the ring, and hit the backstabber on Hawkins for the win.

*Solid 7-minute match. It felt more like a 2-on-1 handicap match though with Carlito taking the prolonged beatdown. A much better showing by Primo. Carlito sold well for his team and I’ve missed the backstabber. He just needs to loose the Ricky Ortiz workout pants.

HHH/MVP Segment: HHH approached MVP and questioned why he was even in the Fourway match. Trips said he can understand the others; Jeff Hardy came up a second short, Kendrick was the longest reigning interim champ, and Benjamin was never pinned. MVP said he was the highest paid star on Smackdown and was going to take HHH’s title. Hunter said he hopes MVP doesn’t choke again.

*No way MVP is winning, but maybe he’s been punished enough and actually gets to have some decent involvement.

Match #6 Fatal Fourway: MVP vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. The Brian Kendrick vs. Jeff Hardy (Main Event): A pre-taped Benjamin promo aired during his entrance where he said he shines brighter than anyone and after his match tonight we’d understand why he’s the Gold Standard. I don’t mind the pre-taped promos before his matches as Shelton’s getting better on the mic, but what’s the point if he never backs up what he says?

At the start, Kendrick ducked out of the ring. Benjamin and MVP double-teamed Hardy. Instead of going for the pin, the two started fighting and Kendrick snuck in for the cover. MVP caught Shelton with a facebuster then whipped Hardy into the corner. MVP caught Kendrick in the middle of his self-named finisher and used his body as a weapon against Shelton (cool spot). Hardy took MVP down with a lariat while Shelton hit the T-bone suplex on Kendrick. Jeff hit the Whisper in the Wind on Benjamin for a nearfall as we cut to commercial three minutes in.

During the break, Shelton dumped Hardy outside and Jeff hit the apron and steps on his way down. Back from break, MVP had Benjamin grounded with a chinlock. Benjamin fought back and delivered a nice spinning heel kick to MVP. Kendrick entered the ring and dropkicked Shelton a couple times for a nearfall then applied a camel clutch. Outside Zeke drove Hardy into the security wall. Shelton powered Kendrick up and backed him into the turnbuckle (nice spot). MVP dropkicked Shelton’s head then did a belly-to-belly throw for a nearfall.

Jeff made his way back into the ring but was quickly tossed back out by MVP. Benjamin hit a belly-to-belly suplex on MVP for a nearfall. Outside Kendrick delivered a kick to Hardy’s head. Benjamin and MVP continued to do battle. Kendrick snuck in for another quick cover then out again. Again Jeff entered the ring and Benjamin tossed him back to the floor. Jeff continued to sell an ankle injury. Benjamin suplexed MVP for a nearfall then applied a modified cross armbar.

Hardy again made it back into the match. He hit the low corner dropkick on Shelton for a nearfall but missed the Swanton Bomb as MVP pulled Shelton out of the way. MVP held Jeff so Kendrick could hit him, Jeff escaped, and MVP clotheslined Kendrick. Jeff hit the Whisper on MVP. Benjamin broke up the pin and tossed Hardy out again then out of nowhere hit Pay Dirt on MVP. Kendrick dropkicked Shelton’s head and hit The Kendrick. Back in the ring, Hardy dropkicked Zeke through the ropes, hit the Swanton on Kendrick covering Benjamin, and covered Kendrick for the win.

Post-match Kozlov’s music hit. He came to the ring and took Hardy out. On his way back up the ramp, Kozlov looked over his shoulder at the laid out Hardy.

*An exciting 15-minute main event with the crowd friendly finish. Kendrick and Hardy spent the majority of the time on the outside yet were the most fun to watch. I’m not a fan of the post-match Kozlov attack. Sure the guy needs something better to do than squash people every week, but I want to see HHH vs. Hardy at No Mercy both at 100% with any outside crap, but it looks like Kozlov’s going to be a factor in some capacity.

Overall Thoughts: The show started strong and gave us a great, entertaining main event. Everything in between was very forgettable though. It definitely wasn’t one of the best Smackdown’s in recent memory but still not a bad way to spend two hours.
TheOneBigWill's 'take' on Monday Night Raw, September 15th, 2008:

The Matches:

1. Steel Cage: World Heavyweight Championship: Chris Jericho (c) v. C.M. Punk: While I could easily make a smartass remark about how even as a challenger to the title, the only thing C.M. Punk is doing to the Heavyweight division is dragging it down to midcard status by opening the show.. the fact is, I understood and LIKED that they opened the show with this match.

It allowed both men plenty of time to show off a great match, which I also give Punk credit for, because for the most part it was just that. You know, on second thought it wasn't really 'great' persay, but it was a good match. Great would've involved using the Cage a bit more, perhaps a couple high(er) risk moves, as well as a better ending.

Speaking of which, it seems Punk's fluke-like nature of retaining has rubbed off on the new Champion, because the ending came after Punk (or Jericho?) headbutted their opponent which caused Jericho to stumble backwards and end up falling out of the cage to pick up the victory, and retain his Championship.

I think this easily marks the end of the test-run that was the "Punk-experience". I can't say I'm sorry or sad to see it go, but I can say it didn't come soon enough. Hopefully now Punk can go where he truly belongs, which is the Intercontinental division against guys like Kofi Kingston and Rey Mysterio. Now THOSE would be amazing matches worth watching.

2. Jillian Hall v. Candice Michelle: All I have to say is sometimes it isn't better to be a member of the live audience. From what I could tell, Jillian Hall spent the entire commercial break singing Elvis songs to the Memphis crowd until Plastic Barbie finally came out.

As much as I want to blame this match on Jillian, I simply can't. The fact is, if Candice is anything worth being good, or better than good, she should've been capable of carrying Jillian to a good match. In the end, Candice hit an unprettier in which she's renamed it "The Candy-Wrapper" to pick up the victory.

After the match Candice was so overwhelmed with not getting injured, she requested the official to reattach her bra because apparently her breasts wanted to bounce out and celebrate too. :rolleyes: Beth Phoenix was offered to come into the ring, as she'd been announcing that match, but as Beth attempted to get in, Plastic Barbie dropkicked her mid-stride and knocked Beth to the arena floor.

3. J.B.L. v. Tommy Dreamer: E.C.W.'s "gift" to Raw is seeing J.B.L. deliver a squash match against the last remaining E.C.W. 'Great', Tommy Dreamer. Such a shame that Dreamer is being used in this manner but I suppose the positive is (for him) at least he isn't in the unemployment line with the rest of the E.C.W. Originals. (yet) After the match, J.B.L. stages a "sitdown strike". (more on that in my promos section)

4. 6-Man Tag Team Action: Manu & Wall Street v. Kofi Kingston, Jerry 'The King' Lawler & Jim Haas: I was the slightest bit curious if they were about to have a rematch from last week, but then I was surprised to see Jerry Lawler. (not AS surprised once I remembered they were in Memphis though) Charlie Haas, this week playing the role of "Good Ol' Jim Haas" was once again somewhat on "Q".

The match wasn't really exciting or interesting. Manu is somewhat impressive, but I still can't really look beyond thinking he's Carlito and Umaga's bastard child. Anytime they use Jerry Lawler it just reminds me that they feel more confident in their past then they do their future or present as well.

Kingston really is amazing, and he's definately got a spot in the W.W.E. as long as he can hit the Benjamin/Hardy-like high spots, but I don't truly believe he'll ever be anything more than a meaningless Intercontinental Champion. That isn't to say he won't be fun to watch, it's just to say some wrestlers are never going to be anything in the sport, other than exciting to watch open or mid-way through a show. He'll never be a closer.

In the end, it was Ted DiBiase picking up the victory, defeating Haas with his finisher to help the Young Guns pick up another victory.

5. Jamie Noble v. Paul Burchill w/ Katie Lea Burchill: This match disgusted me. I'm not even going to say much about it other than the fact that apparently the William Regal/Paul Burchill connection is there, without any type of push what-so-ever.

Novble flat-out squashed Burchill, and ended up making him tap in almost record time with a mere armbar out of nowhere. After the match, Layla came out to apologize for not coming to her senses sooner. She said Noble would've never gave her the things she deserves (basically) and the only thing he could've done was taken her to low class restaurants in his truck.

William Regal then comes out and explains that it was never Noble that she wanted, it was Nobility. Layla and Regal walk off and the feud between Noble and Regal will likely and apparently rage on. What a shame.

6. (Main Event) Kane v. Rey Mysterio: I'd like to say I'm glad this wasn't a Pay per view match, but in the end it was Rey Mysterio picking up a Disqualification victory so it'll likely turn into an Inferno match or a "If Rey loses he must unmask" match at No Mercy.

I had a slight chance, a glimmer of hope even, that Kane could work greatly with Mysterio similar to how he did with Sean Waltman. That hope went out the window halfway through this disaster. I think Kane has just given up the effort of wanting to put on good matches anymore.

Kane repeatedly stomped Mysterio in the corner which drew the ending of the match, afterward it was Evan Bourne coming to Mysterio's aid, as both high-fliers took it to the Big Red Machine and left him laughing and smiling in the ring.


Kelly 2/Adamle/Diggler/Jericho: Some new Wrestler called "Dolph Diggler" interrupts Kelly and Adamle by introducing himself. Kelly seems impressed (which isn't to say much, as turning on a light usually has the same effect on her) and Adamle laughs because he signed the guy, so of course he knows him.

Jericho interrupts as Adamle wants to announce Batista as his No Mercy opponent, until Jericho plays the "injury" card again and demands that they talk in his office. They both walk off.

Kane: The back of Kane's head is shown, as he's wearing his old mask. Kane basically cuts a promo in which he said a few years ago people believe he was forced to unmask, but he informs everyone that noone can force him to do anything. Kane removes his mask and says he willingly took his mask off, because he was wanting everyone to accept him. (how many times is Kane going to crave acceptance? This guy is more needy than a prom date who's boyfriend was caught with the Prom Queen)

Evan Bourne interrupts Kane, (I laughed) to tell him it's because of Mysterio that Bourne made it in the sport and he hopes Mysterio destroys (I laughed again) Kane later.

J.B.L./Randy Orton/Glamerella/Batista: (cont. from J.B.L.'s match) J.B.L. basically said he wasn't leaving the ring until he was made number one contender for the W.W.E. title. This brings out Randy Orton.

Orton tells Bradshaw that the Champions on Raw aren't the only things that aren't impressive, as he then goes on to explain his shoulder injury brought the Age of Orton to a quick end, but it's only a matter of time before it resumes. He said when he regains the title, he'll bring credibility back to the Championships on Raw. This brings out the Intercontinental and Women's Champions, Glamerella.

Santino quickly makes the promo enjoyable by exclaiming how Orton's always injured, just like his Daddy. He then makes a remark about Bob's cast being on him for some odd 6 years. Santino said his Papa was always healthy, even though he had 'the herpes' but he managed it well. (must've had val-trax) Santino said that he and Beth represent a new age of Champions and demands an apology. Orton wants to know if Santino actually expects him to respond, but J.B.L. quickly demands Orton to apolgize..

But the thing is, J.B.L. doesn't want him to apologize to Glamerella, he wants Orton to apologize to him. Threats of reinjuring Orton's shoulder are brought into play, as this brings Batista out.

Batista basically runs his mouth about how it's pathetic that they're all trying to claim things that they can't back up, then he says he's about to beat all of their asses and become the Number One Contender. (what was that about pathetic, claiming things they can't back up?) He calls Beth a pig to which Santino tells the world that just because she squeals doesn't mean she's a pig. (I laughed hard, and got slightly turned on)

Batista basically says that he promises tonight to beat J.B.L. and go to No Mercy to face Jericho. (wow, looks like he's pathetic for not backing up what he promised.. hypocrite) He then goes on to say he'll continue beating up people until Orton returns and he'll beat him up too. This is all interrupted by Mike Adamle who says he'll make a statement about the Championship after the Mysterio/Kane match. Batista doesn't wanna wait that long and attacks J.B.L. Orton flees, as does J.B.L. once he gets free.

Batista delivers a spinebuster to Santino, and attempts to leave until Beth bitch slaps him twice, to which he says "ow!" to the second one. (haha, pussy) He then beats up an innocent girl, (bastard) and leaves Glamerella laying in the ring.

Jericho/J.B.L.: J.B.L. enters Jericho's locker room and attempts to butter Jericho up by talking about how great a team they were, but Jericho stops him. Jericho says he remembers how J.B.L. cost him the title almost a year ago, and about how like his friend's on Wall Street, the chances of him getting a shot are crashing.

Cade/Adamle/Batista: Lance Cade is trying to offer some "oral persuasion" to Adamle to get Jericho's "option" for No Mercy accepted. (I'm sure that's what he was doing) Batista interrupts and wants to know what the decision is. Cade interrupts, only for Batista to roid out on him and almost put him through the door. Then, without getting the answer, Batista just randomly leaves. Weird.

Closing Segment: Jericho comes out (w/ Cade) and announces that he brought forth the idea of Batista and J.B.L. fighting at No Mercy, and the winner facing Jericho immediately after. He said he feels that's only fair, since Jericho fought twice in the same night to become Champion. (I'm surprised he didn't bring up Rock/Austin again) Jericho goes on to say he's the best in the world, and says he hopes Adamle does the right thing.

Adamle comes out and says that Jericho's idea is a good one, so Batista v. J.B.L. will happen and be a #1 contender's match, the winner of that match will face "the Champion" at a later date.. Jericho gets somewhat upset when Adamle doesn't refer to him as "the" Champion, and Adamle says the problem is, he has a meeting w/ Shane and Stephanie and he also have to have the title defended at No Mercy.

Adamle says he doesn't want to get in the habit of having challengers compete twice in the same night, so Jericho will meet a different opponent, and the Champion will meet either Batista or J.B.L. at a later date. Adamle says his opponent was someone who also approached him and gave him a match idea that he couldn't pass up.

His opponent is none other than.. SHAWN MICHAELS! H.B.K. takes forever to come out, (likely because his arm and eye are still "hurting" him :rolleyes:) but when he finally does, he says that they've fought in single's matches and unsanctioned matches so he had to think up a new way to top themselves. He said he finally came to a match type that would allow him to disfigure Jericho, AND take his World title.

H.B.K. has trouble remembering what it is, so he asks for help. A couple tech guys bring a ladder out, as H.B.K. climbs the ladder then announces it'll be that type of match at No Mercy. The show ends with Jericho pissing himself. (piss didn't exactly come across on television, but you know he did)

Overall Thoughts: The first thoughts I have on this show are from the last segment that happened. The rumored H.B.K./Jericho match for the title are apparently true, obviously from the way it seems, but my only question is.. out of all the "injuries" that Shawn Michaels has.. are ANY of them real? Eyes, Arms, Backs, Legs.. what's next, he'll connect with a Superkick and manage to somehow break his 'heart' which'll cause him to leave for another month or two so he can spend Christmas at home instead of in Iraq?

I have to admit, I really thought H.B.K.'s arm injury was real, and if it is then how serious is it, because if it's what they originally claimed it was.. wouldn't that require surgery and to NOT wrestle with until it heals? H.B.K. looked really good at the p.p.v., but even "I" was fooled apparently at thinking he was truly hurt with that arm, and that has me both amazed that it got over and fooled everyone.. AND it has me a bit pissed off, because of all the people, it seems H.B.K. is the one guy who's always faking fricken injuries! Regardless, the ladder match everyone's been wishing for is finally a couple weeks away, and it couldn't be between two better Superstars, so well done.. I truly hope it'll be a classic to remember.

As far as everything else goes, but at the same time staying on the injury storyline(s).. is Orton fully recovered or not? He's appearing on a regular basis now, and obviously he's picking a bone with the Younger talent in the W.W.E., at the same time he's verbally attacking practically everyone making it hard to determine if he's trying to be a face or a heel. Obviously Orton isn't over well as a face, and if they even try I think it'll be a failed attempt, but he needs to return already, even "I" want him back now. lol

I said it earlier and I'll say it again, Kane against Mysterio at No Mercy in a possible Inferno match is likely going to happen. I would just rather it didn't. I only say inferno because of something Jake mentioned for the SD v. Raw video game that's coming out. This year's version will debut the "inferno" match on it, so I would be willing to bet Kane and Mysterio will have that match. Neither of them seemed to work well tonight though, so I just don't know what to think about that.

C.M. Punk seems to finally be OUT of the World Championship scene, and I can't wait to hear the excuses of all the Punk Bastards on why he was wrongfully done in. Face it, he had the opportunity to be a decent Champion, and he failed. While I won't discount that creative obviously had him losing all of those matches.. the question is WHY?!

You can't say upper management didn't feel he'd be a bad Champion, if they intentionally made him look stupid AS Champion, so obviously he was never designed for the spot. I think it was nothing more than a trial run for a "younger" Superstar to be in the spot, and to see how the fans took too it. Punk was the biggest new thing to hit the W.W.E. outside of M.V.P. or Kennedy, and he was the only one on Raw.. which is likely why he got it. Then again, "it" was always Hardy's anyways, so now I'm almost more convinced Hardy will be the new Champion come No Mercy too. (not completely, but a bit more than I was)

The Regal/Noble storyline is interesting and stupid. Layla acts the part of a snob, especially with her accent. But having Noble completely squash Paul Burchill is 100% bullshit. Where is this going to lead Noble? NO WHERE that's where. If anything, the ONLY person that benefits from this storyline, is Layla, and that's just because she'll get more airtime and won't have to shake her ass to do it.

I have next to nothing to say about Plastic Barbie except I swear if you put her next to any type of open flame, her face will melt. Is it just me, or did her Doctor play a joke on her face? Maybe it's the new haircut, I truly don't know, but crap GO BACK to the old look. I still admit I take my house robe and do her thrusting 'coat open' entrance moves when her music is playing though.. so that's a bonus.

Dolph Diggler.. I think he debuted a night too early, seems to me like he'd be good for Teddy Long's New Talent gimmick. I can't say much about him, looks kinda dorky in sparky tights but his ring name seems like it was taken from the movie "Boogie Nights". So who knows.

Batista and J.B.L. is going to be a smash IN THE mouth experience, all over again. I'm not looking forward to it, and hopefully it doesn't waste too much of my time. Why J.B.L. is continuing to get title shots is beyond me anyways, at least Batista has an overall "look" to be in the Main title picture. J.B.L. needs to be managing, or doing something else.

Overall, Raw was good, a nice mix of promos and matches. I loved the Cage match, the ending was kinda crap. Mysterio/Kane wasn't what I expected, but here's to hoping it was just an off night for them. I'm really becoming more and more impressed by Manu and Wall Street, but without opponents they won't get far. I'd rather see Santino and Beth, than Beth and Candice. And great job on the No Mercy Main Event.. I'm 100% excited now. Raw gets a 7 outta 10.
Tonight on Darkshot's Review, actress Chasingamy, comedian TheOneBigWill, and some dude with a fish.*

Hey! Ho! Lets go!

Darkshot77's Review of RAW 8/15/08

I welcome you to tonights edition of WTF RAW. Today we will try to discove what the creative team was thinking

Chris Jericho v. CM Punk: Steel Cage match for the WHC-It was a good match, but it was mainly used to gague Punks skill and crowd reaction. His skill was good and he was getting Cena Pop All in all a good opener, but it was a cage match in name only, very little use of the cage. Jericho falls out, Punk dissapears. Hopefully Punk can get some high profile feuds befor Cena passes him the torch.

We then go to back stage. Ademle is talking to Kelly Kelly. Jercho makes an appearance and tells Ademle he is being overworked. So they go back to his office.

Kane cuts himself a promo, The Bourne Interuption and we move on.

Jillan Hall v. Candice Michelle-Candice squash, wins with an Unprittier, tease Beth, that it. Yea really looking forward to this

JBL v. Tommy Dreamer-I blinked and missed it. JBL won.

We then have a very good in-ring segment, JBL wants to be #1 contender. What has he done, beat jobbers and lose on PPV's. With that resume I should be #1 contender. Randy Orton Makes an apperance, talks smack. Glammerella shows up and asks for Orton to apologize. JBL calles them Mr. and Mr. Pheonix, which was very funny. Then Batista cames out and claims he is gonna beat eveyone. Fight ensues Glammerella is Spinebustered. I was ok with Beth taking the bump, cause if anyone can take that bump and walk away ok, its Beth. Besides its wrestling. Ademle will announce the #1 contender at the end of the show.

Simply Boreing and Manu v. Kofi Kingston, Jerry Lawler, and Jim Hass- Nothing would have pleased me more than to see Haas hit the Oaklahoma Stampede...but alas it was not to be, DiBiasi wins with the Million Dollar Legsweep. Now this move is good, if and only if, he lockes the Cobra Clutch in first. Just the legsweep looks weak. So what did this do for anyone in the match....nothing. Priceless is no more of a dominate force than before. If there is a talent exchange, pit them against Miz and Morrison. Thats a good match where they could go over.

Jamie Noble v. Paul Burchill-......ugh! This was pathetic. I was so glad when I saw the Burchills back, but 250lb Burchill was squashed by 170lb Noble, there is something wrong with that. I looked at my screne and said..WTF was that? So Layla came out with her fake brittish accent then Regal came out said a sentance and they went to the back together.

** The Following may contain swearing, reader discretion is advised **

It is shit like this that makes me want Sunday Night Heat back. This feud, has Heat written all over it. It contains two unpopular wrestlers, and makes very little sense. Yet they want to waste my fucking time on RAW with this pathetic excuse for a storyline. Now granted, Noble and Regal can go hold for hold and it could be a good match, but it wont be, cause Layla is gonna get involved. So please bring Heat back, so I never have to sit through this shit again.

** We now return to your regular review **

Kane vs. Ray Mysterio-We finally got to see why this was such a bad idea, the match was lack luster. The only thing that will re-energize this feud is if Kane pulls a 619 on Mysterio. The ref stops the match dure to excessive stomping in the corner...look I'm used to this so whatever. Bourne comes out and attacks Kane, the faces get a way, Kane laughes.

So we get to the announce ment of the night. aJericho jibber jabbers and wants JBL v. Batista winner faces Jericho that night. He dosent get his with but we get ours. Michales v. Jericho in a Ladder Match for the Title. Hell yea.

Final Thoughts-After the cage the matches went doown hill, but the show ended on a good note which is important.

*I mean no offence to Will or Amy. I am quoting someone else with your names
one thing i wanted to point took place when rko interrupted jbl's promo and then glamarella. jbl told randy to keep an eye on his shoulder but he said it with a tone and looked at it oddly as if he knew something or suspected something.
is it possible rko will make an early return to trick his opponents that jbl saw through or is it just coincidence?
Amy’s take on Raw 09/15/08:

Match #1 CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho (Steel Cage): Punk was still selling the head injury and Jericho was selling being beaten up in general. Punk controlled, or at least that’s how it felt, the majority of the match. There were some nice spots: (1) Punk hurled Jericho into the cage; (2) Punk attempted the GTS from the top rope; (3) Jericho locked in the Walls of Jericho, Punk tried to escape by crawling outside hands first, and Jericho slammed the door into his head; (4) Punk delivered a 2nd rope Electric Chair; and (5) the finish with the door open, Punk in the ring headbutted Jericho on the apron, and his momentum toppled him out to the floor for the win.

The crowd got into the match, and Punk, the longer it went. It was a good 15-minute cage match. Punk and Jericho delivered a main-event/PPV caliber performance. While this was a great way to kickoff the show, the WWE advertised this steel cage WHC rematch a week in advance on all three shows, so why wasn’t this the ME? It beats the night’s actual ME match hands down. Call me old-school or maybe there’s a bit of sadist in me, but I like a little blood with my cage match.;) So this is the second quality, entertaining match Punk and Jericho have given us. I can’t help but think WWE is missing the boat by not giving us a feud between these two now, which also would give Orton and HBK time to heal up and then resume the respective Punk/Orton and Jericho/HBK feuds in a couple months.

Backstage with K2/Adamle/Dolph/Jericho: Since Candice’s return killed her push, Kelly Kelly’s reduced to pretending Adamle's interesting when a new guy Dolph Ziggler (sp?) introduced himself. Jericho entered the scene and told Mike he’s not a machine, he’s his biggest asset, and he needs to learn to protect his world champion. The two headed for Adamle’s office to discuss things further.

Ziggler is like a manufactured, blonde, tan male version of K2.

Kane Promo: After a close-up of Kane wearing his old mask, he removed it and said he wasn’t forced to remove it years ago. He unmasked for the fans, he wanted their acceptance yet they still ridicule him. Kane said Rey Mysterio is a coward like the fans, hiding who they really are behind masks. Evan Bourne walked up and said Rey is courageous and he can’t wait to see Kane get beat tonight.

Bourne comes across like such a schoolboy. But Kane’s not a very convincing bully. When this angle started, Kane had a renewed intensity and was interesting again. What he’s being given to say is lame and tame. I’m liking Kane’s new organ-laden music though. It gave the promo a nice eerie vibe at least.

Match #2 Jillian vs. Candice Michelle: I don’t know what was worse – Jillian singing Hound Dog or the match itself. A laborious (as NorCal would say) 4 minutes. The crowd wasn’t into it at all. Jillian was decent. Candice was atrocious, sloppy, ugly, botchy. After that performance, I’m even LESS enthused than I was about the Women’s Title match at No Mercy. I give Candice 3 months before she injures something.:disappointed:

Match #3 JBL vs. Tommy Dreamer: There is either so much new talent on ECW they have no use for Dreamer, they don’t want to job him out to the newbies just yet, or Raw is just that lacking in low-card talent to warrant Dreamer’s appearance. Basic boring 1-minute squash. I asked the question a couple weeks ago and now I get my answer. Tonight JBL actually won a match with the Clothesline from Hell, lol.

JBL/Orton/Glamarella/Batista/Adamle Segment: JBL stayed in the ring and demanded Adamle make him the #1 contender for the WHC. Randy Orton came down and implied JBL sucks. Orton went on to say the Age of Orton will resume once his shoulder's rehabbed, he will get his title back, and then Raw will finally have a credible champion again. Glamarella came down and Santino said Orton’s always injured like his daddy Cowboy Bob Orton who wore the arm cast for six years. His own papa was a healthy man except for ‘the herpes’ but he managed it well. Too much personal info. Santino said they were the new age of champions and ordered Orton to ‘pologize’. JBL wanted Orton to apologize to him, not Mr. And Mrs. Phoenix.

Tista joined the in-ring party. He said he was going to beat the hell out of them all and called them pathetic with their blah blah blah like politicians. Tista called Beth a pig with lipstick. Santino said just because she squeals sometimes doesn’t make her a pig.:lmao: Tista said after he beats JBL tonight, he will beat Jericho at No Mercy to become champion, beat Orton when he’s medically cleared, then just continue beating people. Santino said he was forgetting someone. Tista turned to Beth and said she could have a title shot too.

Adamle interrupted from the Tron. He said JBL and Tista merited consideration and he’d announce the #1 contender after the Kane/Mysterio match. Tista said he’d make his case now, Orton slithered away, JBL evaded Tista, and Glamarella got laid out with the spinebuster.

Odd yet surprisingly fun segment. JBL still gets WAY too much TV for my liking that he doesn’t deserve, but he wasn’t quite as boring as usual. Tista was solid although I feel he’s getting a little stale already. Orton delivered another good, albeit questionably tweener, promo. Unfortunately he got overshadowed because there were so many individuals in the segment and Santino’s comedy, which MADE this segment one of the night’s few high points.

Charlie Haas Impersonates Good Ol’ Jim Ross: It was a respectable effort by Haas, but I wasn’t feeling it. His weakest impersonation so far. They need to stick with wrestling characters. I liked the BBQ plug. But I have a bad feeling this gimmick could quickly turn into little more than a cheap marketing ploy to sell t-shirts, DVDs, and various other products.:rolleyes:

Backstage Orton/Priceless/Manu: On their way out for their match, Rhodes, DiBiase, and Manu exchanged stares with Orton…and tease us with a future stable. I just hope WWE doesn’t drop the ball on this like they did with Kane’s bag.

Match #4 Team Priceless & Manu vs. Kofi Kingston, Jerry Lawler, & Jim Haas: Kofi started with some nice offense on Manu and had control of the match. So he did the only logical thing and tag in Memphis’ own Jerry Lawler. King and Rhodes briefly mixed it up then Haas came in with a flurry of offense on DiBiase. Rhodes and Manu broke up the cover. Kofi sent Manu and himself over the top to the floor with a clothesline (nice spot). Moments later, DiBiase hit the Million Dollar Dream leg sweep finisher for the win.

Unimpressive match that was too short to get into. Nothing against Lawler and I get using him because they were in Memphis. But Raw has younger guys (Cryme Tyme, London, Palumbo, Snuka Jr., Cade) they aren’t using properly that I’d much rather see.

Backstage with Jericho/JBL: JBL espoused his delusional belief that he deserves the title shot just because they teamed well last week against Tista. Jericho said JBL’s championship chances are crashing quickly just like his Wall Street friends.

Match #5 Jamie Noble vs. William Regal (w/Katie Lea): If you blinked, you missed this one. Burchill tapped to an armbar in a minute’s time. Wow, one match won off a clothesline, another with an armbar. Post-match Layla walked onto the ramp and apologized for not ditching Jamie sooner. William Regal joined her side and said it was nobility, not Noble, that she wanted.

Decent little segment. I’m just not into this feud. It feels rushed. And I don’t buy Regal in this new role.

Backstage with Adamle/Cade/Tista: Tista barged into Adamle’s office and asked if he was the #1 contender. Cade asked why he deserved it. Tista pushed Cade around and said he didn’t ask for his two cents then left.

I’m not sure what the point of that was other than Tista is not a patient man.

Match #6 Kane vs. Rey Mysterio (Main Event): It was a story of power versus quickness. The commercial break a minute in killed the momentum for me. Ref called for the bell when Kane refused to break the five-count; he was stomping away on Rey in the corner. It was a decent 10-minute match. I’m not thrilled about the prospect of a rematch anytime soon though. The only thing noteworthy is that Bourne came out for the save post-match and continues his role as Mysterio’s buddy.

Chris Jericho/Adamle/Shawn Michaels Promo: Jericho with Cade came to the ring and put over the importance of the #1 contender selection. His idea is JBL and Tista face each other at No Mercy and immediately after the match he’ll come out and face the winner for the WHC. Jericho said he wrestled two matches in one night to become champion and they should have to do the same.

Adamle walked onto the stage and announced JBL and Tista would have a match at the PPV to determine the #1 contender, but the winner would face the champion on another night. Adamle said the title must be defended at No Mercy and someone else came to him with a great match idea. He asked that person to come out as he left.

After several seconds, HBK’s music hit and he came on the stage. He questioned what kind of match could they have to outdo themselves and hinted it’s a match he put on the map. He had two guys bring out a ladder, climbed the top, and said they’d have a ladder match.

More strong mic work by Jericho. As usual, Adamle sucked the life out of what could’ve been a HUGE announcement. Still I love the surprise ending and it sets up another great PPV match from these two. I just wished they’d have held off on the feud and prolonged HBK’s return a little. It’s only been two weeks since Unforgiven.

Overall Thoughts: The show opened strong with the cage match then went downhill. The others matches were a waste of time. The Orton/Santino/Tista segment mid-show kept me from dozing off or changing the channel. After two back-to-back good shows, I’m afraid Raw is sinking back to the suckish level it was at a month ago.
Hoo! Cha! Cheritiza! Hooritajuzu-duh-review!

Hmmm...gotta get better intros. Lets go!

Darkshot77's review of Smackdown! 9/19/08

This was one of the most up and down episodes of SD! in a while. Part of it was good the other part..not so much.

You know I'm having issues remember how the show started, other than a recap of last week....time to check the results page..........................ok I got it.

Michelle McCool v. Mayrese: Divas Title match-To be perfectly honest I didn't see the match but McCool won and retained.

*EDIT* I saw the match today and it was a divas match, not great but good. But I came to the realization that Candice NEEDS to step her game. Almost every other diva is better than her currently. She is down with Maria and Lalya. This would be ok...but she is in a championship match on a PPV. Her return was rushed and will probebly end to fast with injury. Another strike for creative.

Then they preceded to ruin The Undertaker Big Show feud. If it was such a defining moment. Why ruin it by showing the clip 6 thousand times, we were annoyed at Unforgiven with it, apperantly they wanted the rest of the world to feel our pain as well.

Festus v. Ryan Braddock-Braddock showed soem good offense at the begining, but then it was squash time. Braddock is wasted, taped up and shipped off. Apperantly Jessie and Festus are taking useless talent and selling them as slaves to Korean Sweatshops. Keep it up boys.

Back to Vicky and Show. Seeing them laughing together, made me think of Rule #34, I almost threw up (if you dont know what Rule #34 is look it up funny stuff).

Shelton Benjamin v. R-Truth-Solid match Truth won with a rollup. So here is the feud for the US title, pretty good if ya ask me, BTW can Shelton be any whiter, anyone...Can I get a witness?

Helms made some apperances tonight as a face calling himself Hurricane Helms, this means he will either come back as a face Helms or wrestle as The Hurricane, I'm hoping for the latter. I would mark out so bad.

So Big Show came in and said The Undertake was here cause he saw him. I knew it was BS when he said he saw him. Cause if you can see The Undertaker, your not seeing The Undertaker. If you cant see The Undertaker, you may be seconds away form death. So now we get this first person Undertaker veiw which was just weird. Didn't they try this with Heidenreich and it didnt work. Anyways we see Taker apologize and kiss Vicky's feet only to be fooled cause it was Chavo. Oh how original.

Jeff Hardy v. The Brian Kendrick-Jeff said something Spanky said something and then we get a match. Jeff won only to be layed out by Koslov at the top of the ramp. Finally a good booked monster.

Welcome back to the Cabana. This was a very funny segment with carlito and Primo. They acted like brothers. And they chalenged Hawkins and Ryder to a tag title match. The champs come out and try to promote their credentials. Carltio and Primo stil dont know who they are. So we get the Champs v. The Colons next week for the titles. Carlito asks for the set to bemoved so our resident movers Jessie and Festus make their way back out. Hawkins and Ryder jump the Colons. Jessie tries to make the save but its Primo who rings the bell and Fests clears the ring, and chases them off with a palm tree...aperantly you can make this shit up. I laughed hard.

Then we have a forgetable divas segment where Victoria and Natalya are gonna get to the bottom of the Bella mystery. $5 says they pull the twins out from oposite sides of the ring next week.

The Great Kalhi v. Scotty Goldman-Squash. But now we have to look foreward to Kalhi and Koslov next week. What fun.

Chavo wants to watch the Unforgiven footage but its stops half way through and we go back to the first person Taker, where he strangles Chavo. This would have been good if takes right hand didnt ome form the left side of the screen...way to ruin the illusion, that you ddint have to begin with.

HHH v. MVP-MVP looked like MVP again, and I am happy. Good match all around. HHH wins with a Pedigree. Koslov comes out and wants to pick a fight with HHH. MVP takes a cheap shot and Koslov has the advantage. He destroys HHH. Now I have to applaud HHH for selling that Push...I mean Headbutt form Koslov.

Final Thoughts: Good edition of SD! All in all it kept my intrest, and I left pleased.
Amy’s take on Smackdown 09/19/08:

Match #1 Maryse vs. Michelle McCool (Divas Championship): Early on, Maryse took control. Nice spot at two minutes with McCool flipping over Maryse then walking across her back and hitting the low dropkick to her seated opponent. Maryse went to the outside for a break while McCool mocked her. Maryse took McCool’s legs out and her back hit the apron hard. Maryse regained control and applied the modified camel clutch. Late in the match, McCool rallied with a springboard kick to the face, clothesline, and neckbreaker. She finished Maryse off with the Wings of Love finisher.

Surprisingly good 5½ minute divas match, much better than their PPV match. Nice to see the Divas title defended on Smackdown (finally) for the first time. Also nice to see McCool using the Wings of Love finisher again. Maryse continues to improve. But she’s back to doing a pretty pose after every move. That makes it hard to take her seriously as a legit challenger.

Vicki/Show Backstage Segment #1: Eve interrupted the new power couple. She wanted to know if Taker would be there and if he’d be seeking retribution. Vicki dismissed the questions. Then Eve told her she’d been training very hard for her wrestling debut. Show and Vicki laughed at her. Show told her to sit down and he’d show her why her first two questions were irrelevant. He played the Unforgiven video of him beating up Taker.

How funny and sad is it that the only thing that segment excited me about is Eve’s in-ring debut.

Match #2 Festus (w/Jesse) vs. Ryan Braddock: Jesse and Festus came out as the My Moving Company movers again. Festus went nuts on for a minute. Braddock avoided a shoulder block, tripped up the big man, and locked on a sleeper. Festus rallied and hit his flapjack finisher. Instead of going for the cover, Jesse came in with the duct tape. At least this week’s ref called for the bell. Jesse and Festus taped up and carted Braddock off just like Dykstra last week.

Typical short (under 3 minutes) Festus match. It’s a minor thing and probably no one else cares, but I see potential in Braddock so I’m glad he got in some offense here. I’m also glad the movers gimmick should be over in a couple weeks when the show moves to its new network. The gimmick isn’t doing anything for me and is a big waste of time IMHO.:disappointed:

Vicki/Show Backstage Segment #2: Vicki and Show discussed what they’d do to Taker if he showed up. She’d humble him by making him apologize and Show would break him again. He wanted to take a trip down memory lane and so the same Unforgiven footage aired for a second time.

Been there, heard that before. Show’s still coming across as the funny big man; he’s just not very convincing as a heel.

Match #3 Shelton Benjamin vs. R-Truth (non-title): Before Shelton’s ring intro, another pre-taped promo aired. He said he became the US Champion by making the right decisions and his opponent’s bad decisions landed him a 13-month prison term. Shelton said his opponent will never be in the same league as the Gold Standard. Great facial expressions by Shelton as R-Truth rapped his way through the crowd into the ring.

Shelton used a single leg takedown, but Truth got to the rope and caught Shelton with a big reverse elbow. Truth hit the corkscrew forearm and a jumping kick to the face for a nearfall. Benjamin took control of the match with the T-bone suplex, stomps, neckbreaker, hard Irish Whip, and reverse chinlock with his knee in Truth’s back. Truth’s rally attempt was cut short with a drop toehold and the chinlock/knee to the back combo. Truth rallied again and broke free with a jawbreaker. Shelton went for a German suplex, but Truth countered and rolled Benjamin over for the win. Post-match Gregory Helms appeared in a bubble on the screen and said the price of gold just went down.

Good 7-minute match. Truth’s best showing yet. Shelton seemed a little off, just not the same level of performance he’s been delivering lately.

Jeff Hardy Promo: Jeff said he’s been in the WWE off and on for 10 years and the journey hasn’t been easy. He said he’s known for being reckless, crazy, extreme but that’s what makes him our Charismatic Enigma. Jeff said he’s comfortable and confident in his own skin. At first, he was angered by HHH’s comments last week but realized he was only trying to motivate and make him better. Hardy congratulated the Game on firing him up and said he’s coming for Trips’ title.

Jeff then turned his attention to Kozlov, the one constantly craving competition, but The Brian Kendrick's music interrupted. Kendrick told Jeff he had bigger fish to fry in TBK. Jeff pointed out he beat TBK to become the #1 Contender. Kendrick said that was last week and the Fatal Fourway was a chaotic free for all, not the proper platform to showcase his talents. Kendrick said tonight they have a 1-on-1 match unless Hardy has some extracurricular activity he’d rather be doing.

Great promo by Hardy, his best effort ever. Like the guy or not, he’s really improving on the stick. He didn’t mess up once, his delivery was solid, and he had a lot of believable intensity. And while true, the ongoing references to Hardy's drug issues are getting old.

Match #4 Jeff Hardy vs. The Brian Kendrick (w/Zeke): Right away, Hardy dropped Kendrick with a punch to the face then followed with a hiptoss and some kicks in the corner. Kendrick hit a backdrop and clotheslined Hardy to floor then did a little in-ring dancing as we cut to commercial a minute in.

Back from break, Kendrick was in control. Jeff got to the rope to break the single leg crab. Kendrick delivered several stomps and a baseball slide to the face for a nearfall. TBK went back to the single leg crab. Again Jeff got the rope break. Kendrick looked to go back to the hold again but Jeff countered with the spinning mule kick. He hit the corner low dropkick and faceplant for a nearfall. Moments later, Jeff went up for the Whisper in the Wind but pulled up short when he noticed Zeke. Jeff turned Kendrick’s finisher around and scored the win off a backslide. Post-match Jeff mocked Kendrick’s dancing on his way up the ramp then Kozlov attacked from behind on the stage.

Good 7½-minute match. Match complaints are the commercial break a minute in and it was just too short to really get into. Other complaints…(1) the way they’re using Kendrick. No he’s not top-tier material right now, but I also don’t want to see him continually job to Hardy. (2) This match wasn’t the best way to make Hardy look strong heading into the PPV as Kendrick was in control right much and Jeff won off a backslide.

Vicki/Show/Chavo Backstage Segment: Show came into Vicki’s office and told her Taker was in the building. She told him to protect her. Some camera trickery and Vicki’s telling who we’re to believe is Taker to get down, kiss her feet, and apologize. The camera revealed it was Chavo Guerrero looking like a kid dressed in the Deadman’s habit. The trio had a good laugh and the Unforgiven footage aired for a third time.

At least Charlie Haas doesn’t have to worry about Chavo stealing his gimmick anytime soon.;) Enough with the replays already. They’re really killing any interest one might possibly have for a Show-Taker feud.

Carlito’s Cabana: Carlito introduced his guest, his baby brother Primo (who was already in the ring with him), and talked up teaming together last week. Primo mocked the ease with which they won and said it was cool to get his first Smackdown victory. Carlito told Primo to not steal his lines.

Hawkins and Ryder came down to defend themselves. Hawkins said the Colons just got lucky last week. Carlito asked who they were again and challenged them to a match for the tag titles. Hawkins said the people know who they are because they used to roll with the Rated R Superstar and La Famila. Primo couldn’t believe they weren’t Canadian and tried talking to them in Spanish. Carlito translated that the tag champs weren’t cool. Ryder said they were on for the match next week. Carlito said the show was over and asked for some help removing the set. Out come Smackdown’s movers as the tag champs attacked the Colons. Primo rang the bell and Festus chased Hawkins and Ryder up the ramp with a fake palm tree. Another Helms blurb, this time making fun of the tag champs.

Yeah a little cheesy but still a fun segment. Good mic work by the Colons. But where did Primo’s heavy Spanish accent come from? He didn’t sound like that on Raw.

Divas Backstage Segment: Brie walked up to Maria sketching. She asked Maria to make her two outfits exactly the same. The BFFs Natalya and Victoria barged in. They told Brie they think she’s having an affair with Hornswoggle under the ring, that’s why she comes out glowing. UGH. They said next week they’d get to the bottom of her secret.

I could’ve done without the Horny illusion. Predictable. And grown-ass women do not refer to themselves as BFFs. Lame. So I’ll call it now – the faces go over the heels next week and the Brie Bella mystery continues.

Match #5 Scotty Goldman vs. The Great Khali (w/Ranjin Singh): Before the match, a pre-taped Goldman bit aired. Admittedly I wasn’t paying close attention, but what I caught was Goldman making noises to a hand puppet. I have no clue what that about. Khali squashed Goldman.:zzzz: Next week it’s Khali vs. Kozlov…now that will be interesting.

La Familia Backstage Segment: Hawkins, Ryder, Chavo, and Bam were all cozy on Vicki’s couch. Chavo kicked the others out and watched the Unforgiven footage. We saw it too for the fourth time. The video went haywire, Taker appeared on the screen and rolled his eyes, the bells tolled. Chavo turned around and a hand (Taker’s) grabbed Chavo’s throat and choked him to the floor.

I thought La Familia faded away a month ago and Chavo and Bam are back together with no tension or any mention of what happened last week.:headscratch:

Match #6 HHH vs. MVP (non-title; Main Event): Off the collar and elbow tie-up, MVP backed HHH into the corner then posed. MVP hit a shoulder block and posed. He hit a hiptoss and posed again. Trips hit a short-arm clothesline then mocked MVP’s pose and did the DX crotch chop. HHH delivered a couple rights to MVP’s nose and grounded MVP with a side headlock as we cut to commercial.

Back from break, MVP was working HHH’s arm on the top rope that he landed on during a spill to the floor during the break. MVP hit a facebuster for the cover. He stayed on Trips’ arm with an armbar, stomps, keylock, kneedrop, hammerlock, and armbar takedown for a couple covers. MVP went for the Drive-By kick but met Trips’ high knee.

HHH went on an offensive run with punches, neckbreaker, facebuster, clothesline, and spinebuster for a nearfall. MVP headed ringside for a break. Hunter followed and MVP drove his face into the announce table. Back in the ring, MVP went tope but met HHH’s foot to the gut on the way down and was finished off by the Pedigree.

Post-match Kozlov’s music interrupted the Game’s celebration. Trips gestured for him to face him in the ring which Kozlov did. The two had a staredown then exchanged blows. MVP took a cheap shot at HHH from the apron, which allowed Kozlov the advantage. He took Trips down with the headbutt to the chest.

Good 14-minute match. I can’t believe it but a HHH match was my match of the night. I’ve gone back and forth on how to MVP’s loss to HHH. I don’t think he got buried. Despite the loss, he looked cocky and strong again, getting in a lot of offense, controlling the majority of the match. Weak, stupid ending though as MVP never goes top rope. And while I don’t mind Kozlov’s push, I don’t agree with the timing and the fact it’s taking away from Hardy/HHH.

Overall Thoughts: Minus the Khali squash and movers match, it was a night of solid wrestling action. The only thing I really didn’t care for was the Vicki/Show/Chavo backstage stuff. The hits are Jeff Hardy’s promo, the Main Event, and mocking that went on. A very entertaining show tonight, a big improvement from last week. I hope they can keep it up with two weeks to go to No Mercy.
Jpfizzle, WZ's resident British insomniac posts his thoughts on Monday Night RAW.

My overall view of the show before I break it down into abit more detail and add some thoughts is that it had a strong opening segment and a really good main event. I feel it kind of lost track though in the middle, there was alot of matches tonight but almost all of the outcomes where predictable, CM Punk Vs. Cody Rhodes and Kane Vs. Evan Bourne were little more than prolongued squash matches with Rhodes having his only decent offence during the comercial and Kane obviously getting built up for No Mercy.

I was a little dissapointed that Shane O'Mac overruled Mike Adamle in the opening segment as I felt it made Adamle look weak. He has been a relatively good general manager so far taking a new aproach of taking a step back and being impartial rather than siding with the heels or the faces. All of his decisions relate to the wrestling ring with the odd exception were he is bullied by Jericho into tweaking certain things but he takes his seat on the fence more often than not. It's always good to see Shane O'Mac though and in the future I predict he steps up to the plate to do a great job like his Daddy.

As I mentioned in my overview, Cody Rhodes Vs CM Punk was little more than a prolonged squash which is a shame as it makes one half of the tag team champions look weak, further driving home the argument that without a true tag division the gold means nothing. CM Punk on the other hand looked really good in this match particuly towards the end where he reminded me alot of Ken Shamrock, particuly with the ankle lock and the getting in the zone type jumping he did, he was not a great champion but still deserves a place in the mid-card, I want to see him feud with Manu and Lance Cade in the future. I really hope they don't keep the gold on Santino for the entire 60 plus weeks.

Santino Marella has not been funny lately, it seems he is trying to hard. He does not make a good champion. He is now 5 weeks into his reign and I for one am already tired of it. They should get some decent feuds going over the IC title they certainly have alot of good young talent they could use, Santino himself being one of them, this run is abit of a tired joke at the moment though. Why does he pick up the win each week yet not defend the title. It's not like it's the WHC, the Intercontinental title rarely gets defended at all at PPV's, in my opinion it should be a TV title. Some decent feuds on RAW could even lead to some IC title main events but right now the gold is as worthless as the tag titles and it shouldn't be. It's not like they couldn't easily assemble a group of around 6 or 7 reasonable singles wrestlers. As for his opponent/ jobber for tonight: Deuce; why leave him off TV for so long and not even repackage him in anyway? Same old ring music, attire and depthless gimmick.

Kane and Evan Bourne was like Rhodes/ Punk a prolongued squash and it should have been. It would have been ridiculous for Bourne to go over Kane as they are building him up to look like a legitimate threat to Mysterio who he will most likely job to at No Mercy. By making Kane look "good" on free TV when/if Mysterio goes over he will look like he has beaten one of the big dogs again. On Kane I think they should give him a one piece suit or a vest to cover his upper body. He is clearly out of shape and theres no shame in hiding away the tub. Jerry Lawler did it for his whole career.

In regards to a few of the Backstage segments at this time, what on earth is the point of Dolph Ziggler just introducing himself all the time. RAW doesn't really need another comedy gimmick with Santino, Hass and to an extent Jamie Noble. Hass doing Mr. Perfect was probably his least funny impersonation to date but at least it got the Mr. Perfect DVD plugged.

Kelly Kelly Vs. Beth Phoenix. Im suprised Kelly Kelly went over but the Glamazon has lost alot of apeal since teaming with Santino. I expect her to feud with him soon and perhaps be the one to take his Intercontinental title. Sad but true.

Morrison and Miz Vs Cryme Time was probably the most intriguing match of the Mid-Card because I didn't really know who was going to win. Cryme Time are predictable now with JTG getting pubbled for 2/3rds of the match before Shad gets the hot tag. I think it's ridiculous having the ECW talent go over though, what is the point in that? It's a RAW show you should expect the RAW talent to win so they will be built up as good enough for the tag titles. If Miz and Morrison are going to get a tag team title shot they should move over to RAW permanantly but if there only supposed to be on the show on occasions then they should be jobbed to make the RAW stars look good on "home soil" so to speak, likewise the odd RAW star should go to ECW and loose to some of the up and comers there to give them some credibility.

The Main-Event was good. Massive Pin for Lance Cade, I thought at the end he was over come with emotion and his eyes had welled with tears until I realised he had been busted open and his nose was bleeding. Even so that was pretty bold of Shawn Michaels letting him get the pin but I guess he wants one of his boys to go far.
Darkshot77's review of RAW 8/22/08

So we start the show with Jericho spouting off like he always does. Saying how he will win the match at No Mercy. Well then we have Orton come out. His appearances are getting rediculous. Way to make us beleive you are still injured, by thowing a 15ft ladder out of the ring. Just get back in action and get this overwith. Punk came out and hit Orton and then was suspended by Ademle cause Orton is untouchable. HERE COMES THE MONEY!! Shane came out reversed the dicision, and then made HBK and Batista v. Jericho and JBL.

CM Punk v. Cody Rhodes-Hey Rhodes, WHERE THE HELL WAS YOUR BACKUP!?! Come on guys your a tag team, let alone the Tag Champs, you come out together. This match went Punk kickes Rhoses 4-5 times and then Rhodes gets a punch in. That Ankle lock by Punk was cool. Punk wins with the GTS. Then the rest of the team showed up only to be chased off by Kofi.

Kane demands Mysterio at No Mercy so he gets it. While there he said hi to Shane and told Shane to tell his mother he said hi. Shane ran down the McMahon/Kane history and told Ademle that they were "tight"

Beth, Kelly, Santino, and Batista have a segment where Santino runs off to his match, so he's up next.

Santino v. Deuce-Holy Hell, Deuce is back....the same as before...:huh: No gimmick nothing. Looks like he pulled a Highlander, next week look for Chuck Palumbo to face Santino while Deuce gets his best wishes.

Kane vs. Evan Bourne-This was an Bourne highlight show till Kane made squash. Then Mysterio came out and got the hell beat out of him for his troubles. Kane can still beocme a monster if and only if he leaves Mysterio in a pool of his own blood...that or hangs him from the ring post. BTW where did Kane's ring pyro go...I miss that stuff, it was well gone before he went heel.

Kelly Kelly v. Beth Pheonix-The WWE finaly realized that this whole Candice/Beth thing wasn't working out, so they left Miss Go Daddy off the show for a week. Good move boys....or not. Candice rolls up Beth, pinned Jillian clean and now beth got rolled up by, a very game I might add, Kelly. This all looks very bad for the womans division

Cryme Tyme v. Miz and Morrison-MOTN and very good build up to it. "Today's word is 'Poser'" classic. WWE take notice...this is what can happen when you get good tag teams in the ring together. One problem I have is the booking of the Miz as the weaker member. It seems to be that Morrison is always hitting the final move. In fact I don't remember the last time the miz got a clean pin on some one.

OK its gotten old at this point...stop making Haas your pitch man. Please.

HBK and Batista v. Jericho, Cade, and JBL-Decent execpt it was more of the same for the last match, beat up on the small guy, bug guy gets the hot tag blah blah blah. It wasnt Cade getting the win as much as Jericho avoiding the loss. So cade pinned MIchales...where dose he go from here.

Final Thoughts-Raw was decent, Is it strange that the best match of the night had build up on the internet. Its a step in the right direction, but they will still have to get in gear to help the falling ratings.

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